def resume_logging(log_dir: str = ''): """Resumes logging in the current thread with the given log-dir.""" if not 'log_dir': access_presets() log_dir = get_preset_value('log_dir') finalize_presets() set_config_value('log_dir', log_dir)
def evaluate_presets(flag): access_presets() if get_preset_value('test', 'failure') != 'failure' and \ get_preset_value('test2', 'failure') != 'failure': flag.value = 1 else: flag.value = 0 finalize_presets()
def is_logging(thread_local_query: bool = True) -> bool: """-> True, if logging is turned on.""" if thread_local_query: return bool(get_config_value('log_dir')) else: access_presets() result = bool(get_preset_value('log_dir')) finalize_presets() return result
def start_logging(dirname: str = "LOGS"): """Turns logging on an sets the log-directory to `dirname`. The log-directory, if it does not already exist, will be created lazily, i.e. only when logging actually starts.""" access_presets() log_dir = os.path.abspath(dirname) if dirname else '' if log_dir != get_preset_value('log_dir'): set_preset_value('log_dir', log_dir) set_config_value('log_dir', log_dir) finalize_presets()
def test_presets(self): """Checks whether changes to CONFIG_PRESET before spawning / forking new processes will be present in spawned or forked processes afterwards.""" access_presets() set_preset_value('test', 'multiprocessing presets test', allow_new_key=True) finalize_presets() access_presets() set_preset_value('test2', 'multiprocessing presets test2', allow_new_key=True) finalize_presets() flag = multiprocessing.Value('b', 0) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=evaluate_presets, args=(flag, )) p.start() p.join() assert flag.value == 1
def main(): """Creates a project (if a project name has been passed as command line parameter) or runs a quick self-test. """ access_presets() set_preset_value('syntax_variant', 'heuristic') finalize_presets() if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1].lower() == "--selftest": if not selftest(): print("Selftest FAILED :-(\n") sys.exit(1) print("Selftest SUCCEEDED :-)\n") else: if sys.argv[1].lower() in ('-ast', '--ast'): try: with open(sys.argv[2], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: ebnf = syntax_tree = get_ebnf_grammar()(ebnf) if is_error(syntax_tree.error_flag): print('\n\n'.join( str(err) for err in syntax_tree.errors_sorted)) sys.exit(1) get_ebnf_transformer()(syntax_tree) if is_error(syntax_tree.error_flag): print('\n\n'.join( str(err) for err in syntax_tree.errors_sorted)) sys.exit(1) print(syntax_tree.as_sxpr(compact=True)) except IndexError: print("Usage: -ast FILENAME.ebnf") sys.exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: print('File "%s" not found!' % sys.arg[2]) sys.exit(1) except IOError as e: print('Could not read file "%s": %s' % (sys.argv[2], str(e))) elif sys.argv[1].lower() in ('-cpu', '--cpu', '-mem', '--mem'): try: func = partial(compile_on_disk, source_file=sys.argv[2]) if sys.argv[1].lower() in ('-cpu', '--cpu'): _errors = cpu_profile(func, 1) else: _errors = mem_profile(func) if _errors: print('\n'.join(str(err) for err in _errors)) sys.exit(1) except IndexError: print("Usage: -cpu/mem FILENAME.ebnf") sys.exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: print('File "%s" not found!' % sys.arg[2]) sys.exit(1) except IOError as e: print('Could not read file "%s": %s' % (sys.argv[2], str(e))) elif os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) and os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): _errors = compile_on_disk(sys.argv[1]) if _errors: print('\n'.join(str(err) for err in _errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print('%s successfully compiled to %s' % (sys.argv[1], os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + '')) else: create_project(sys.argv[1]) else: print( 'Usage: \n' ' PROJECTNAME - to create a new project\n' ' FILENAME.ebnf - to produce a python-parser from an EBNF-grammar\n' ' --selftest - to run a self-test\n') choice = input('\nWould you now like to ...\n' ' [1] create a new project\n' ' [2] compile an ebnf-grammar\n' ' [3] run a self-test\n' ' [q] to quit\n' 'Please chose 1, 2 or 3> ') if choice.strip() == '1': project_name = input('Please project name or path > ') create_project(project_name) elif choice.strip() == '2': file_path = input('Please enter a file path for compilation > ') if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path): _errors = compile_on_disk(file_path) if _errors: print('\n\n'.join(str(err) for err in _errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print('File %s not found! Aborting.' % file_path) sys.exit(1) elif choice.strip() == '3': if LOGGING: start_logging(LOGGING) if not cpu_profile(selftest, 1): print("Selftest FAILED :-(\n") sys.exit(1) print("Selftest SUCCEEDED :-)\n") elif choice.strip().lower() not in {'q', 'quit', 'exit'}: print('No valid choice. Goodbye!')
DHParser.log.start_logging(LOGGING) error_report = testing.grammar_suite( os.path.join(scriptpath, 'test_grammar'), get_grammar, get_transformer, fn_patterns=[glob_pattern], report='REPORT', verbose=True) return error_report if __name__ == '__main__': argv = sys.argv[:] if len(argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--debug": LOGGING = 'LOGS' del argv[1] access_presets() set_preset_value('history_tracking', True) finalize_presets() DHParser.log.start_logging(LOGGING) if (len(argv) >= 2 and (argv[1].endswith('.ebnf') or os.path.splitext(argv[1])[1].lower() in testing.TEST_READERS.keys())): # if called with a single filename that is either an EBNF file or a known # test file type then use the given argument arg = argv[1] else: # otherwise run all tests in the test directory arg = '*_test_*.ini' if arg.endswith('.ebnf'): recompile_grammar(arg, force=True) else: recompile_grammar(os.path.join(scriptpath, 'json.ebnf'), force=False) sys.path.append('.')
if fullpath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(fullpath) try: from DHParser import configuration import DHParser.dsl from DHParser import testing except ModuleNotFoundError: print('Could not import DHParser. Please adjust sys.path in file ' '"%s" manually' % __file__) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": configuration.access_presets() configuration.set_preset_value('test_parallelization', True) configuration.finalize_presets() if not DHParser.dsl.recompile_grammar( 'BibTeX.ebnf', force=False): # recompiles Grammar only if it has changed print( '\nErrors while recompiling "BibTeX.ebnf":\n--------------------------------------\n\n' ) with open('BibTeX_ebnf_ERRORS.txt') as f: print( sys.exit(1) sys.path.append('.') # must be appended after module creation, because otherwise an ImportError is raised under Windows from BibTeXParser import get_grammar, get_transformer