Пример #1
 def export_setupComponent( self, componentType, system, component, componentModule='' ):
   """ Setup the specified component for running with the runsvdir daemon
       It implies installComponent
   result = InstallTools.setupComponent( componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions(), componentModule )
   return result
Пример #2
 def export_setupComponent( self, componentType, system, component, componentModule = '' ):
   """ Setup the specified component for running with the runsvdir daemon
       It implies installComponent
   result = gComponentInstaller.setupComponent( componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions(), componentModule )
   return result
Пример #3
def getStepDefinition(stepName,
    """ Given a name, a list of modules name, and a list of parameters, returns a step definition.
      Remember that Step definition = Parameters + Module Instances

    if modulesNameList is None:
        modulesNameList = []

    if parametersList is None:
        parametersList = []

    # In case the importLine is not set, this is looking for a DIRAC extension, if any.
    # The extension is supposed to be called ExtDIRAC.
    if not importLine:
        importLine = "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"
        for ext in getCSExtensions():
            if ext.lower() == getVO():
                importLine = ext + "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"

    stepDef = StepDefinition(stepName)

    for moduleName in modulesNameList:

        # create the module definition
        moduleDef = ModuleDefinition(moduleName)
            # Look in the importLine given, or the DIRAC if the given location can't be imported
                    __import__("%s.%s" % (importLine, moduleName), globals(),
                               locals(), ['__doc__']), "__doc__"))
            moduleDef.setBody("""\nfrom %s.%s import %s\n""" %
                              (importLine, moduleName, moduleName))
        except ImportError:
            alternativeImportLine = "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"
                    __import__("%s.%s" % (alternativeImportLine, moduleName),
                               globals(), locals(), ['__doc__']), "__doc__"))
            moduleDef.setBody("""\nfrom %s.%s import %s\n""" %
                              (alternativeImportLine, moduleName, moduleName))

        # add the module to the step, and instance it
        stepDef.createModuleInstance(module_type=moduleName, name=moduleName)

    # add parameters to the module definition
    for pName, pType, pValue, pDesc in parametersList:
        p = Parameter(pName, pValue, pType, "", "", True, False, pDesc)

    return stepDef
Пример #4
 def export_installComponent(self,
     """ Install runit directory for the specified component
     return InstallTools.installComponent(componentType, system, component,
Пример #5
 def export_addDefaultOptionsToCS(self,
     """ Add default component options to the global CS or to the local options
     return gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToCS(gConfig,
Пример #6
 def export_getOverallStatus( self ):
   """  Get the complete status information for the components in the
        given list
   result = gComponentInstaller.getOverallStatus( getCSExtensions() )
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   statusDict = result['Value']
   for compType in statusDict:
     for system in statusDict[compType]:
       for component in statusDict[compType][system]:
         result = gComponentInstaller.getComponentModule( gConfig, system, component, compType )
         if not result['OK']:
           statusDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] = "Unknown"
           statusDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] = result['Value']
   return S_OK( statusDict )
Пример #7
 def export_getOverallStatus( self ):
   """  Get the complete status information for the components in the
        given list
   result = InstallTools.getOverallStatus( getCSExtensions() )
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   statusDict = result['Value']
   for compType in statusDict:
     for system in statusDict[compType]:
       for component in statusDict[compType][system]:
         result = InstallTools.getComponentModule( gConfig,system,component,compType )
         if not result['OK']:
           statusDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] = "Unknown"
           statusDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] = result['Value']
   return S_OK(statusDict)   
Пример #8
def getStepDefinition( stepName, modulesNameList = [], importLine = """""", parametersList = [] ):
  """ Given a name, a list of modules name, and a list of parameters, returns a step definition.
      Remember that Step definition = Parameters + Module Instances

  # In case the importLine is not set, this is looking for a DIRAC extension, if any.
  # The extension is supposed to be called ExtDIRAC.
  if not importLine:
    importLine = "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"
    for ext in getCSExtensions():
      if ext.lower() == getVO():
        importLine = ext + "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"

  stepDef = StepDefinition( stepName )

  for moduleName in modulesNameList:

    # create the module definition
    moduleDef = ModuleDefinition( moduleName )
      # Look in the importLine given, or the DIRAC if the given location can't be imported
      moduleDef.setDescription( getattr( __import__( "%s.%s" % ( importLine, moduleName ),
                                                     globals(), locals(), ['__doc__'] ),
                                        "__doc__" ) )
      moduleDef.setBody( """\nfrom %s.%s import %s\n""" % ( importLine, moduleName, moduleName ) )
    except ImportError:
      alternativeImportLine = "DIRAC.Workflow.Modules"
      moduleDef.setDescription( getattr( __import__( "%s.%s" % ( alternativeImportLine, moduleName ),
                                                     globals(), locals(), ['__doc__'] ),
                                        "__doc__" ) )
      moduleDef.setBody( """\nfrom %s.%s import %s\n""" % ( alternativeImportLine, moduleName, moduleName ) )

    # add the module to the step, and instance it
    stepDef.addModule( moduleDef )
    stepDef.createModuleInstance( module_type = moduleName, name = moduleName )

  # add parameters to the module definition
  for pName, pType, pValue, pDesc in parametersList:
    p = Parameter( pName, pValue, pType, "", "", True, False, pDesc )
    stepDef.addParameter( Parameter( parameter = p ) )

  return stepDef
Пример #9
def getVersion():
  result = InstallTools.getInfo( getCSExtensions() )
  if not result[ "OK" ]:
    return ""

  dirac = ""
  values = result[ "Value" ]
  if "DIRAC" in values:
    dirac = "DIRAC: %s" % str( values[ "DIRAC" ] )

  if "Extensions" in values:
    ext = values[ "Extensions" ]
    if not len( ext ) > 0:
      return dirac
    extResult = list()
    for i in ext:
      extResult.append( "%s: %s" % ( i , ext[ i ] ) )
    ext = ", ".join( extResult )
    version = "%s, %s" % ( dirac , ext )
  return version
Пример #10
  def export_getHostInfo(self):
    """ Get host current loads, memory, etc

    result = dict()
    # Memory info
    re_parser = re.compile(r'^(?P<key>\S*):\s*(?P<value>\d*)\s*kB' )
    for line in open('/proc/meminfo'):
      match = re_parser.match(line)
      if not match:
      key, value = match.groups(['key', 'value'])
      result[key] = int(value)

    for mtype in ['Mem','Swap']:
      memory = int(result.get(mtype+'Total'))
      mfree = int(result.get(mtype+'Free'))
      if memory > 0:
        percentage = float(memory-mfree)/float(memory)*100.
        percentage = 0
      name = 'Memory'
      if mtype == "Swap":
        name = 'Swap'
      result[name] = '%.1f%%/%.1fMB' % (percentage,memory/1024.)

    # Loads
    line = open('/proc/loadavg').read()
    l1,l5,l15,d1,d2 = line.split()
    result['Load1'] = l1
    result['Load5'] = l5
    result['Load15'] = l15
    result['Load'] = '/'.join([l1,l5,l15])
    # CPU info
    lines = open( '/proc/cpuinfo', 'r' ).readlines()
    processors = 0
    physCores = {}
    for line in lines:
      if line.strip():
        parameter, value = line.split(':')
        parameter = parameter.strip()
        value = value.strip()
        if parameter.startswith('processor'):
          processors += 1
        if parameter.startswith('physical id'):
          physCores[value] = parameter
        if parameter.startswith('model name'):
          result['CPUModel'] = value
        if parameter.startswith('cpu MHz'):     
          result['CPUClock'] = value
    result['Cores'] = processors
    result['PhysicalCores'] = len(physCores)      

    # Disk occupancy
    summary = ''
    status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('df')
    lines = output.split('\n')
    for i in range( len( lines ) ):
      if lines[i].startswith('/dev'):
        fields = lines[i].split()
        if len( fields ) == 1:
          fields += lines[i+1].split()
        disk = fields[0].replace('/dev/sd','')
        partition = fields[5]
        occupancy = fields[4]
        summary += ",%s:%s" % (partition,occupancy)
    result['DiskOccupancy'] = summary[1:]
    result['RootDiskSpace'] = Os.getDiskSpace( DIRAC.rootPath )
    # Open files
    puser= getpass.getuser()
    status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('lsof')
    pipes = 0
    files = 0
    sockets = 0
    lines = output.split('\n')
    for line in lines:
      fType = line.split()[4]
      user = line.split()[2]
      if user == puser:
        if fType in ['REG']:
          files += 1
        elif fType in ['unix','IPv4']:
          sockets += 1
        elif fType in ['FIFO']:
          pipes += 1
    result['OpenSockets'] = sockets
    result['OpenFiles'] = files
    result['OpenPipes'] = pipes
    infoResult = InstallTools.getInfo( getCSExtensions() )
    if infoResult['OK']:
      result.update( infoResult['Value'] )

    # Host certificate properties
    certFile,keyFile = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    chain = X509Chain()
    chain.loadChainFromFile( certFile )
    resultCert = chain.getCredentials()
    if resultCert['OK']:
      result['SecondsLeft'] = resultCert['Value']['secondsLeft']
      result['CertificateValidity'] = str( timedelta( seconds = resultCert['Value']['secondsLeft'] ) )
      result['CertificateDN'] = resultCert['Value']['subject']
      result['HostProperties'] = ','.join( resultCert['Value']['groupProperties'] )
      result['CertificateIssuer'] = resultCert['Value']['issuer']

    # Host uptime
      upFile = open('/proc/uptime', 'r')
      uptime_seconds = float(upFile.readline().split()[0])
      result['Uptime'] = str(timedelta(seconds = uptime_seconds))

    return S_OK(result)
Пример #11
    def export_getHostInfo(self):
        """ Get host current loads, memory, etc

        result = dict()
        # Memory info
        re_parser = re.compile(r"^(?P<key>\S*):\s*(?P<value>\d*)\s*kB")
        for line in open("/proc/meminfo"):
            match = re_parser.match(line)
            if not match:
            key, value = match.groups(["key", "value"])
            result[key] = int(value)

        for mtype in ["Mem", "Swap"]:
            memory = int(result.get(mtype + "Total"))
            mfree = int(result.get(mtype + "Free"))
            if memory > 0:
                percentage = float(memory - mfree) / float(memory) * 100.0
                percentage = 0
            name = "Memory"
            if mtype == "Swap":
                name = "Swap"
            result[name] = "%.1f%%/%.1fMB" % (percentage, memory / 1024.0)

        # Loads
        line = open("/proc/loadavg").read()
        l1, l5, l15, d1, d2 = line.split()
        result["Load1"] = l1
        result["Load5"] = l5
        result["Load15"] = l15
        result["Load"] = "/".join([l1, l5, l15])

        # CPU info
        lines = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r").readlines()
        processors = 0
        physCores = {}
        for line in lines:
            if line.strip():
                parameter, value = line.split(":")
                parameter = parameter.strip()
                value = value.strip()
                if parameter.startswith("processor"):
                    processors += 1
                if parameter.startswith("physical id"):
                    physCores[value] = parameter
                if parameter.startswith("model name"):
                    result["CPUModel"] = value
                if parameter.startswith("cpu MHz"):
                    result["CPUClock"] = value
        result["Cores"] = processors
        result["PhysicalCores"] = len(physCores)

        # Disk occupancy
        summary = ""
        status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("df")
        lines = output.split("\n")
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if lines[i].startswith("/dev"):
                fields = lines[i].split()
                if len(fields) == 1:
                    fields += lines[i + 1].split()
                disk = fields[0].replace("/dev/sd", "")
                partition = fields[5]
                occupancy = fields[4]
                summary += ",%s:%s" % (partition, occupancy)
        result["DiskOccupancy"] = summary[1:]
        result["RootDiskSpace"] = Os.getDiskSpace(DIRAC.rootPath)

        # Open files
        puser = getpass.getuser()
        status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("lsof")
        pipes = 0
        files = 0
        sockets = 0
        lines = output.split("\n")
        for line in lines:
            fType = line.split()[4]
            user = line.split()[2]
            if user == puser:
                if fType in ["REG"]:
                    files += 1
                elif fType in ["unix", "IPv4"]:
                    sockets += 1
                elif fType in ["FIFO"]:
                    pipes += 1
        result["OpenSockets"] = sockets
        result["OpenFiles"] = files
        result["OpenPipes"] = pipes

        infoResult = InstallTools.getInfo(getCSExtensions())
        if infoResult["OK"]:

        # Host certificate properties
        certFile, keyFile = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        chain = X509Chain()
        resultCert = chain.getCredentials()
        if resultCert["OK"]:
            result["SecondsLeft"] = resultCert["Value"]["secondsLeft"]
            result["CertificateValidity"] = str(timedelta(seconds=resultCert["Value"]["secondsLeft"]))
            result["CertificateDN"] = resultCert["Value"]["subject"]
            result["HostProperties"] = ",".join(resultCert["Value"]["groupProperties"])
            result["CertificateIssuer"] = resultCert["Value"]["issuer"]

        # Host uptime
            upFile = open("/proc/uptime", "r")
            uptime_seconds = float(upFile.readline().split()[0])
            result["Uptime"] = str(timedelta(seconds=uptime_seconds))

        return S_OK(result)
Пример #12
 def export_getInfo( self ):
   """  Get versions of the installed DIRAC software and extensions, setup of the
        local installation
   return InstallTools.getInfo( getCSExtensions() )
Пример #13
 def export_getSoftwareComponents( self ):
   """  Get the list of all the components ( services and agents ) for which the software
        is installed on the system
   return InstallTools.getSoftwareComponents( getCSExtensions() )
Пример #14
  def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
    """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

    # Check that we have a sane local configuration
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/LocalInstallation')
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration')
    elif not result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR('Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration')

    if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
      return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)

    cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
    if rootPath:
      cmdList.extend(['-P', rootPath])

    # Check if there are extensions
    extensionList = getCSExtensions()
    if extensionList:
      # by default we do not install WebApp
      if "WebApp" in extensionList:

    webPortal = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/WebApp', False)
    if webPortal:
      if "WebAppDIRAC" not in extensionList:

    cmdList += ['-e', ','.join(extensionList)]

    project = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/Project')
    if project:
      cmdList += ['-l', project]

    # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
    if gridVersion:
      cmdList.extend(['-g', gridVersion])

    targetPath = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/TargetPath',
                                  gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/RootPath', ''))
    if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg'):
      cmdList.append(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg')
      return S_ERROR('Local configuration not found')

    result = systemCall(240, cmdList)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    status = result['Value'][0]
    if status != 0:
      # Get error messages
      error = []
      output = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
      for line in output:
        line = line.strip()
        if 'error' in line.lower():
      if error:
        message = '\n'.join(error)
        message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
      return S_ERROR(message)

    return S_OK()
Пример #15
    def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/LocalInstallation")
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration")
        elif not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration")

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient", "unknown")
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(30, ["python", "-c", "import cx_Oracle"])
            if result["OK"] and result["Value"][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ["dirac-install", "-r", version, "-t", "server"]
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(["-P", rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        webFlag = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/WebPortal", False)
        if webFlag:
        if extensionList:
            cmdList += ["-e", ",".join(extensionList)]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(["-g", gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            "/LocalInstallation/TargetPath", gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/RootPath", "")
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg"):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg")
            return S_ERROR("Local configuration not found")

        result = systemCall(240, cmdList)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        status = result["Value"][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result["Value"][1].split("\n")
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if "error" in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = "\n".join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
        if os.path.exists(InstallTools.mysqlDir):
            startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, "mysql", "share", "mysql", "mysql.server")
            if not os.path.exists(startupScript):
                startupScript = os.path.join(
                    InstallTools.instancePath, "pro", "mysql", "share", "mysql", "mysql.server"
            if os.path.exists(startupScript):

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(30, "install_oracle-client.sh")
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            status = result["Value"][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result["Value"][1].split("\n")
                error.append("Failed to install Oracle client module")
                return S_ERROR("\n".join(error))
        return S_OK()
Пример #16
 def export_addDefaultOptionsToComponentCfg( self, componentType, system, component ):
   """ Add default component options local component cfg
   return InstallTools.addDefaultOptionsToComponentCfg( componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions() )
 def export_getOverallStatus(self):
     """  Get the complete status information for the components in the
      given list
     return InstallTools.getOverallStatus(getCSExtensions())
Пример #18
  def __readHostInfo():
    """ Get host current loads, memory, etc

    result = dict()
    # Memory info
    re_parser = re.compile( r'^(?P<key>\S*):\s*(?P<value>\d*)\s*kB' )
    for line in open( '/proc/meminfo' ):
      match = re_parser.match( line )
      if not match:
      key, value = match.groups( ['key', 'value'] )
      result[key] = int( value )

    for mtype in ['Mem', 'Swap']:
      memory = int( result.get( mtype + 'Total' ) )
      mfree = int( result.get( mtype + 'Free' ) )
      if memory > 0:
        percentage = float( memory - mfree ) / float( memory ) * 100.
        percentage = 0
      name = 'Memory'
      if mtype == "Swap":
        name = 'Swap'
      result[name] = '%.1f%%/%.1fMB' % ( percentage, memory / 1024. )

    # Loads
    with open( '/proc/loadavg' ) as fd:
      line = fd.read()
      l1, l5, l15, _d1, _d2 = line.split()
    result['Load1'] = l1
    result['Load5'] = l5
    result['Load15'] = l15
    result['Load'] = '/'.join( [l1, l5, l15] )

    # CPU info
    with open( '/proc/cpuinfo', 'r' ) as fd:
      lines = fd.readlines()
      processors = 0
      physCores = {}
      for line in lines:
        if line.strip():
          parameter, value = line.split( ':' )
          parameter = parameter.strip()
          value = value.strip()
          if parameter.startswith( 'processor' ):
            processors += 1
          if parameter.startswith( 'physical id' ):
            physCores[value] = parameter
          if parameter.startswith( 'model name' ):
            result['CPUModel'] = value
          if parameter.startswith( 'cpu MHz' ):
            result['CPUClock'] = value
      result['Cores'] = processors
      result['PhysicalCores'] = len( physCores )

    # Disk occupancy
    summary = ''
    _status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( 'df' )
    lines = output.split( '\n' )
    for i in range( len( lines ) ):
      if lines[i].startswith( '/dev' ):
        fields = lines[i].split()
        if len( fields ) == 1:
          fields += lines[i + 1].split()
        _disk = fields[0].replace( '/dev/sd', '' )
        partition = fields[5]
        occupancy = fields[4]
        summary += ",%s:%s" % ( partition, occupancy )
    result['DiskOccupancy'] = summary[1:]
    result['RootDiskSpace'] = Os.getDiskSpace( DIRAC.rootPath )

    # Open files
    puser = getpass.getuser()
    _status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( 'lsof' )
    pipes = 0
    files = 0
    sockets = 0
    lines = output.split( '\n' )
    for line in lines:
      fType = line.split()[4]
      user = line.split()[2]
      if user == puser:
        if fType in ['REG']:
          files += 1
        elif fType in ['unix', 'IPv4']:
          sockets += 1
        elif fType in ['FIFO']:
          pipes += 1
    result['OpenSockets'] = sockets
    result['OpenFiles'] = files
    result['OpenPipes'] = pipes

    infoResult = gComponentInstaller.getInfo( getCSExtensions() )
    if infoResult['OK']:
      result.update( infoResult['Value'] )
      # the infoResult value is {"Extensions":{'a1':'v1',a2:'v2'}; we convert to a string
      result.update( {"Extensions":";".join( ["%s:%s" % ( key, value ) for ( key, value ) in infoResult["Value"].get( 'Extensions' ).iteritems()] )} )

    # Host certificate properties
    certFile, _keyFile = getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    chain = X509Chain()
    chain.loadChainFromFile( certFile )
    resultCert = chain.getCredentials()
    if resultCert['OK']:
      result['SecondsLeft'] = resultCert['Value']['secondsLeft']
      result['CertificateValidity'] = str( timedelta( seconds = resultCert['Value']['secondsLeft'] ) )
      result['CertificateDN'] = resultCert['Value']['subject']
      result['HostProperties'] = resultCert['Value']['groupProperties']
      result['CertificateIssuer'] = resultCert['Value']['issuer']

    # Host uptime
      with open( '/proc/uptime', 'r' ) as upFile:
        uptime_seconds = float( upFile.readline().split()[0] )
      result['Uptime'] = str( timedelta( seconds = uptime_seconds ) )

    return S_OK(result)
Пример #19
 def export_getInfo( self ):
   """  Get versions of the installed DIRAC software and extensions, setup of the
        local installation
   return gComponentInstaller.getInfo( getCSExtensions() )
Пример #20
 def export_getOverallStatus( self ):
   """  Get the complete status information for the components in the
        given list
   return InstallTools.getOverallStatus( getCSExtensions() )
Пример #21
    def _updateSoftwarePy2(self, version, rootPath, diracOSVersion):
        """Update the local DIRAC software installation to version"""
        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/LocalInstallation")
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration"
        elif not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration"

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)

        installer = None
        if not find_executable("dirac-install"):
            installer = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".py", mode="wb")
            with requests.get(
                    stream=True) as r:
                if not r.ok:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Failed to download dirac-install from management repo"
                for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024**2):
            self.log.info("Downloaded dirac-install.py py2 installer to",
            cmdList = ["python", installer.name, "-r", version, "-t", "server"]
            cmdList = ["dirac-install", "-r", version, "-t", "server"]

        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(["-P", rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        # By default we do not install WebApp
        if "WebApp" in extensionList or []:

        webPortal = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/WebApp", False)
        if webPortal and "WebAppDIRAC" not in extensionList:

        cmdList += ["-e", ",".join(extensionList)]

        project = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/Project")
        if project:
            cmdList += ["-l", project]

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/RootPath", ""))
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg"):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg")
            return S_ERROR("Local configuration not found")

        result = systemCall(240, cmdList)
        if installer:
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        status = result["Value"][0]
        if status == 0:
            return S_OK()
        # Get error messages
        error = [
            line.strip() for line in result["Value"][1].split("\n")
            if "error" in line.lower()
        return S_ERROR("\n".join(
            error or "Failed to update software to %s" % version))
 def export_setupComponent(self, componentType, system, component):
     """ Setup the specified component for running with the runsvdir daemon
     It implies installComponent
     return InstallTools.setupComponent(componentType, system, component,
Пример #23
 def export_installComponent( self, componentType, system, component, componentModule='' ):
   """ Install runit directory for the specified component
   return InstallTools.installComponent( componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions(), componentModule )
Пример #24
 def export_addDefaultOptionsToComponentCfg(self, componentType, system,
     """ Add default component options local component cfg
     return gComponentInstaller.addDefaultOptionsToComponentCfg(
         componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions())
Пример #25
 def export_getAvailableDatabases( self ):
   """ Get the list of databases which software is installed in the system
   return InstallTools.getAvailableDatabases( getCSExtensions() )
    def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/LocalInstallation')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'
        elif not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient',
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(0, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'])
            if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(['-P', rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        webFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/WebPortal', False)
        if webFlag:
        if extensionList:
            cmdList += ['-e', ','.join(extensionList)]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(['-g', gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/RootPath', ''))
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg'):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg')
            return S_ERROR('Local configuration not found')

        result = systemCall(0, cmdList)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        status = result['Value'][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if 'error' in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = '\n'.join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
        if os.path.exists(InstallTools.mysqlDir):
            startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'mysql',
                                         'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server')
            if not os.path.exists(startupScript):
                startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'pro',
                                             'mysql', 'share', 'mysql',
            if os.path.exists(startupScript):

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(0, 'install_oracle-client.sh')
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            status = result['Value'][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
                error.append('Failed to install Oracle client module')
                return S_ERROR('\n'.join(error))
        return S_OK()
Пример #27
 def export_getSoftwareComponents(self):
     """  Get the list of all the components ( services and agents ) for which the software
      is installed on the system
     return gComponentInstaller.getSoftwareComponents(getCSExtensions())
Пример #28
 def export_addDefaultOptionsToCS( self, componentType, system, component, overwrite = False ):
   """ Add default component options to the global CS or to the local options
   return InstallTools.addDefaultOptionsToCS( gConfig, componentType, system, component,
                                              overwrite = overwrite )
Пример #29
 def export_getAvailableDatabases(self):
     """ Get the list of databases which software is installed in the system
     return gComponentInstaller.getAvailableDatabases(getCSExtensions())
Пример #30
  def export_updateSoftware( self, version, rootPath = "", gridVersion = "" ):
    """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

    # Check that we have a sane local configuration
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/LocalInstallation' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration' )
    elif not result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration' )

    if rootPath and not os.path.exists( rootPath ):
      return S_ERROR( 'Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath )
    # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
    installOracleClient = False
    oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient', 'unknown' )
    if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
      installOracleClient = True
    elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
      result = systemCall( 30, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'] )
      if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
        installOracleClient = True

    cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
    if rootPath:
      cmdList.extend( ['-P', rootPath] )

    # Check if there are extensions
    extensionList = getCSExtensions()
    webFlag = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/WebPortal', False )
    if webFlag:
      extensionList.append( 'Web' )
    if extensionList:
      cmdList += ['-e', ','.join( extensionList )]

    # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
    if gridVersion:
      cmdList.extend( ['-g', gridVersion] )

    targetPath = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/TargetPath',
                                  gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/RootPath', '' ) )
    if targetPath and os.path.exists( targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg' ):
      cmdList.append( targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg' )
      return S_ERROR( 'Local configuration not found' )

    result = systemCall( 240, cmdList )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    status = result['Value'][0]
    if status != 0:
      # Get error messages
      error = []
      output = result['Value'][1].split( '\n' )
      for line in output:
        line = line.strip()
        if 'error' in line.lower():
          error.append( line )
      if error:
        message = '\n'.join( error )
        message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
      return S_ERROR( message )

    # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
    if os.path.exists( InstallTools.mysqlDir ):
      startupScript = os.path.join( InstallTools.instancePath,
                                    'mysql', 'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server' )
      if not os.path.exists( startupScript ):
        startupScript = os.path.join( InstallTools.instancePath, 'pro',
                                     'mysql', 'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server' )
      if os.path.exists( startupScript ):
        InstallTools.fixMySQLScripts( startupScript )

    # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
    if installOracleClient:
      result = systemCall( 30, 'install_oracle-client.sh' )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      status = result['Value'][0]
      if status != 0:
        # Get error messages
        error = result['Value'][1].split( '\n' )
        error.extend( result['Value'][2].split( '\n' ) )
        error.append( 'Failed to install Oracle client module' )
        return S_ERROR( '\n'.join( error ) )
    return S_OK()
Пример #31
    def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/LocalInstallation')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'
        elif not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient',
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(30, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'])
            if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(['-P', rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        if extensionList:
            # by default we do not install WebApp
            if "WebApp" in extensionList:

        webPortal = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/WebApp',
                                     False)  # this is the new portal
        if webPortal:
            if "WebAppDIRAC" not in extensionList:

        cmdList += ['-e', ','.join(extensionList)]

        project = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/Project')
        if project:
            cmdList += ['-l', project]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(['-g', gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/RootPath', ''))
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg'):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg')
            return S_ERROR('Local configuration not found')

        result = systemCall(240, cmdList)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        status = result['Value'][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if 'error' in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = '\n'.join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(30, 'install_oracle-client.sh')
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            status = result['Value'][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
                error.append('Failed to install Oracle client module')
                return S_ERROR('\n'.join(error))

        if webPortal:
            # we have a to compile the new web portal...
            webappCompileScript = os.path.join(
                gComponentInstaller.instancePath, 'pro', "WebAppDIRAC/scripts",
            outfile = "%s.out" % webappCompileScript
            err = "%s.err" % webappCompileScript
            result = systemCall(
                False, ['dirac-webapp-compile', ' > ', outfile, ' 2> ', err])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            if result['Value'][0] != 0:
                error = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
                error.append('Failed to compile the java script!')
                return S_ERROR('\n'.join(error))

        return S_OK()
Пример #32
 def export_setupComponent( self, componentType, system, component ):
   """ Setup the specified component for running with the runsvdir daemon
       It implies installComponent
   return InstallTools.setupComponent( componentType, system, component, getCSExtensions() )