Пример #1
def postJobs():
  result = gOAManager.authorize()
  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    bottle.abort( 401, result[ 'Message' ] )
  request = bottle.request
  if len( request.files ):
    result = uploadSandbox( request.files )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      bottle.abort( 500, result[ 'Message' ] )
    isb = result[ 'Value' ]
    isb = False
  jobs = []
  wms = getWMSClient()
  for k in request.forms:
    origData = bottle.json_lds( request.forms[ k ] )
    jobData = origData
    if isb:
      if 'InputSandbox' not in jobData:
        jobData[ 'InputSandbox' ] = []
      jobData[ 'InputSandbox' ].append( isb )
    cfg = CFG.CFG().loadFromDict( jobData )
    jdl = dumpCFGAsJDL( cfg )
    result = wms.submitJob( jdl )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      bottle.abort( 500, result[ 'Message' ] )
    jobs.append( result[ 'Value' ] )
  return { 'sandbox' : isb, 'jobs' : jobs }
Пример #2
  def post( self, jid ):
    if jid:
      self.send_error( 404 )
    args = self.request.arguments
    if 'manifest' not in args:
      raise WErr( 400, "No manifest" )
    manifests = []
    for manifest in args[ 'manifest' ]:
        manifest = json.loads( manifest )
      except ValueError:
        raise WErr( 400, "Manifest is not JSON" )
      if type( manifest ) != types.DictType:
        raise WErr( 400, "Manifest is not an associative array" )
      manifests.append( manifest )

    #Upload sandbox
    files = self.request.files
    if files:
      result = yield self.threadTask( self.uploadSandbox, files )
      if not result.ok:
        self.log.error( "Cannot upload sandbox: %s" % result.msg )
        raise result
      sb = result.data
      self.log.info( "Uploaded to %s" % sb )
      for manifest in manifests:
        isb = manifest.get( 'InputSandbox', [] )
        if type( isb ) != types.ListType:
          isb = [ isd ]
        isb.append( sb )
        manifest[ 'InputSandbox' ] = isb

    #Send jobs
    jids = []
    rpc = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/JobManager' )
    for manifest in manifests:
      jdl = dumpCFGAsJDL( CFG.CFG().loadFromDict( manifest ) )
      result = yield self.threadTask( rpc.submitJob, str( jdl ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( "Could not submit job: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] )
        raise WErr( 500, result[ 'Message' ] )
      data = result[ 'Value' ]
      if type( data ) == types.ListType:
        jids.extend( data )
        jids.append( data )
    self.log.info( "Got jids %s" % jids )

    self.finish( { 'jids' : jids } )
Пример #3
 def dumpAsJDL(self):
     return dumpCFGAsJDL(self.__manifest)
Пример #4
def JSON2JDL( jobData ):
  cfg = CFG.CFG().loadFromDicT( jobData )
  jdl = dumpCFGAsJDL( cfg )
  return jdl
Пример #5
 def dumpAsJDL(self):
     return dumpCFGAsJDL(self.__manifest)
Пример #6
 def dumpDescriptionAsJDL( self ):
   return dumpCFGAsJDL( self.__description )
Пример #7
 def dumpDescriptionAsJDL(self):
     return dumpCFGAsJDL(self.__description)
Пример #8
  def web_jobs(self):
    """ Retrieve a list of jobs matching the requirements, use:
        GET /jobs?<options> -- retrieve a list of jobs matching the requirements.
          * options:
            Any job attribute can also be defined as a restriction in a HTTP list form. For instance:
            * allOwners - show jobs from all owners instead of just the current user. By default is set to false.
            * maxJobs - maximum number of jobs to retrieve. By default is set to 100.
            * startJob - starting job for the query. By default is set to 0.
        GET /jobs/<jid> -- retrieve info about job with id=*jid*
        GET /jobs/<jid>/manifest -- retrieve the job manifest
        GET /jobs/<jid>/inputsandbox -- retrieve the job input sandbox
        GET /jobs/<jid>/outputsandbox -- retrieve the job output sandbox
          * jid - job identity number
        POST /jobs -- submit a job. The API expects a manifest to be sent as a JSON object.
             Files can also be sent as a multipart request. If files are sent,
             they will be added to the input sandbox and the manifest will be modified accordingly.
             An example of manifest can be:
              {Executable: "/bin/echo",
               Arguments: "Hello World",
               Sites: ["DIRAC.Site.com", "DIRAC.Site2.com"]}

        DELETE /jobs/<jid> -- kill a job. The user has to have privileges over a job.
          * jid - job identity number
    optns = self.overpath.strip('/').split('/')
    if len(optns) > 2:
      raise WErr(404, "Wrone way")
    __jid = re.match("([0-9]+)?", optns[0]).group()
    __obj = re.match("([a-z]+)?", optns[1]).group() if len(optns) > 1 else None
    self.loggin.info(__jid, '<<<')
    self.loggin.info(__obj, '<<<')

    # GET
    if self.request.method == 'GET':

      # manifest
      if __obj == "manifest":
        result = yield self.threadTask(self._getJobManifest, __jid)
        if not result.ok:
          raise result

      # outputsandbox, inputsandbox
      elif __obj in ("outputsandbox", "inputsandbox"):
        result = yield self.threadTask(self._getJobSB, __jid, __obj)
        if not result.ok:
          raise result
        data = result.data
        self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-tar")
        cacheTime = 86400
        self.set_header("Expires", datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cacheTime))
        self.set_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=%d" % cacheTime)
        self.set_header("ETag", '"%s"' % hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest)
        self.set_header("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s-%s.tar.gz"' % (__jid, __obj))

      # summary
      elif __obj == 'summary':
        selDict = {}
        if 'allOwners' not in self.request.arguments:
          selDict[ 'Owner' ] = self.getUserName()
        rpc = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring" )
        if 'group' not in self.request.arguments:
          group = [ 'Status' ]
          group = self.request.arguments[ 'group' ]
        result = yield self.threadTask( rpc.getCounters, group, selDict )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          self.log.error( "Could not retrieve job counters", result[ 'Message' ] )
          raise WErr( 500 )
        data = {}
        for cDict, count in result[ 'Value' ]:
          cKey = "|".join( [ cDict[ k ] for k in group ] )
          data[ cKey ] = count
        self.finish( data )
      # history
      elif __obj == 'history':
        condDict = {}
        if 'allOwners' not in self.request.arguments:
          condDict['Owner'] = self.getUserName()
        timespan = 86400
        if 'timeSpan' in self.request.arguments:
            timespan = int(self.request.arguments['timeSpan'][-1])
          except ValueError:
            raise WErr(400, reason="timeSpan has to be an integer!")
        rpc = ReportsClient()
        end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        start = end - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timespan)
        result = yield self.threadTask(rpc.getReport, "WMSHistory", "NumberOfJobs", start, end, condDict, "Status")
        if not result['OK']:
          raise WErr(500)
        data = result['Value']
      # invalid
      elif __obj:
        raise WErr(404, "Invalid job object")

      # With/without job ID
      startJob = 0
      maxJobs = 100
      if __jid:
        selDict = {'JobID': int(__jid)}
        selDict = {}
        for convList in (self.ATTRIBUTES, self.FLAGS):
          for attrPair in convList:
            jAtt = attrPair[0]
            if jAtt in self.request.arguments:
              selDict[attrPair[1]] = self.request.arguments[jAtt]
        if 'allOwners' not in self.request.arguments:
          selDict['Owner'] = self.getUserName()
        if 'startJob' in self.request.arguments:
            startJob = max(startJob, int(self.request.arguments['startJob'][-1]))
          except ValueError:
            raise WErr(400, reason="startJob has to be an integer")
        if 'maxJobs' in self.request.arguments:
            maxJobs = max(maxJobs, int(self.request.arguments['maxJobs'][-1]))
          except ValueError:
            raise WErr(400, reason="maxJobs has to be an integer")
      result = yield self.threadTask(self._getJobs, selDict, startJob, maxJobs)
      if not result.ok:
        raise result
      data = result.data
      if not __jid:
      if data['entries'] == 0:
        raise WErr(404, "Unknown jid")
    # POST
    elif self.request.method == 'POST':
      if __jid:
      if 'manifest' not in self.request.arguments:
        raise WErr(400, "No manifest")
      manifests = []
      for manifest in self.request.arguments['manifest']:
          manifest = json.loads(manifest)
        except ValueError:
          raise WErr(400, "Manifest is not JSON")
        if type(manifest) != types.DictType:
          raise WErr(400, "Manifest is not an associative array")

      # Upload sandbox
      files = self.request.files
      if files:
        result = yield self.threadTask(self.uploadSandbox, files)
        if not result.ok:
          self.log.error("Cannot upload sandbox: %s" % result.msg)
          raise result
        sb = result.data
        self.log.info("Uploaded to %s" % sb)
        for manifest in manifests:
          isb = manifest.get('InputSandbox', [])
          if type(isb) != types.ListType:
            isb = [isd]
          manifest['InputSandbox'] = isb

      # Send jobs
      jids = []
      rpc = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/JobManager')
      for manifest in manifests:
        jdl = dumpCFGAsJDL(CFG.CFG().loadFromDict(manifest))
        result = yield self.threadTask(rpc.submitJob, str(jdl))
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error("Could not submit job: %s" % result['Message'])
          raise WErr(500, result['Message'])
        data = result['Value']
        if type(data) == types.ListType:
      self.log.info("Got jids %s" % jids)
      self.finish({'jids': jids})

    # DELETE
    elif self.request.method == 'DELETE':
      if not __jid:
        __jid = int(__jid)
      except ValueError:
        raise WErr(400, "Invalid jid")
      rpc = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/JobManager')
      if 'killonly' in self.request.arguments and self.request.arguments['killonly']:
        result = yield self.threadTask(rpc.killJob, [__jid])
        result = yield self.threadTask(rpc.deleteJob, [__jid])
      if not result['OK']:
        if 'NonauthorizedJobIDs' in result:
          # Not authorized
          raise WErr(401, "Not authorized")
        if 'InvalidJobIDs' in result:
          # Invalid jid
          raise WErr(400, "Invalid jid")
        if 'FailedJobIDs' in result:
          # "Could not delete JID"
          raise WErr(500, "Could not delete")
      self.finish({'jid': __jid})