Пример #1
    def getJobsSites(self, jobIDs):
        res = self._getRPC().getJobsSites(jobIDs)

        # Cast the str keys to int
        if res["OK"]:
            res["Value"] = strToIntDict(res["Value"])
        return res
Пример #2
    def doCommand(self):
        Return getQuality from DIRAC's accounting ReportsClient

        `args`: a tuple
          - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement

          - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

          - args[2]: optional dateTime object: a "from" date

          - args[3]: optional dateTime object: a "to" date

          {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}

        if "fromDate" not in self.args:
            fromDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=2)
            fromDate = self.args["fromDate"]

        if "toDate" not in self.args:
            toDate = datetime.utcnow()
            toDate = self.args["toDate"]

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("name not specified")
        name = self.args["name"]

        results = self.rClient.getReport(
            {"OperationType": "putAndRegister", "Destination": [name]},

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results

        pr_q_d = {channel: strToIntDict(value) for channel, value in results["Value"]["data"].items()}

        # FIXME: WHAT the hell is this doing ?
        values = []
        if len(pr_q_d) == 1:

            for k in pr_q_d:
                for n in pr_q_d[k].values():
            res = sum(values) / len(values)  # FIXME: should convert to int?

            for n in pr_q_d["Total"].values():
            res = sum(values) / len(values)  # FIXME: should convert to int?

        return S_OK(res)
Пример #3
    def getJobParameters(self, jobIDs, parName=None):
        res = self._getRPC().getJobParameters(jobIDs, parName)

        # Cast the str keys to int
        if res["OK"]:
            res["Value"] = strToIntDict(res["Value"])
        return res
Пример #4
    def getJobsApplicationStatus(self, jobIDs):
        res = self._getRPC().getJobsApplicationStatus(jobIDs)

        # Cast the str keys to int
        if res['OK']:
            res['Value'] = strToIntDict(res['Value'])
        return res
Пример #5
 def getAttributesForJobList(cls, *args, **kwargs):
   """ Utility function for unpacking
   res = cls.gJobDB.getAttributesForJobList(*args, **kwargs)
   if not res['OK']:
     return res
   return S_OK(strToIntDict(res['Value']))
Пример #6
    def getJobsPrimarySummary(self, jobIDs):
        res = self._getRPC().getJobsPrimarySummary(jobIDs)

        # Cast the str keys to int
        if res['OK']:
            res['Value'] = strToIntDict(res['Value'])
        return res
Пример #7
    def getJobsParameters(self, jobIDs, parameters):
        res = self._getRPC().getJobsParameters(jobIDs, parameters)

        # Cast the str keys to int
        if res['OK']:
            res['Value'] = strToIntDict(res['Value'])
        return res
Пример #8
    def getBulkRequests(self, numberOfRequest=10, assigned=True):
        """get bulk requests from RequestDB

        :param self: self reference
        :param str numberOfRequest: size of the bulk (default 10)

        :return: S_OK( Successful : { requestID, RequestInstance }, Failed : message  ) or S_ERROR
        self.log.debug("getRequests: attempting to get request.")
        getRequests = self._getRPC().getBulkRequests(numberOfRequest, assigned)
        if not getRequests["OK"]:
            self.log.error("getRequests: unable to get '%s' requests: %s" %
                           (numberOfRequest, getRequests["Message"]))
            return getRequests
        # No Request returned
        if not getRequests["Value"]:
            return getRequests
        # No successful Request
        if not getRequests["Value"]["Successful"]:
            return getRequests

        jsonReq = getRequests["Value"]["Successful"]
        # Do not forget to cast back str keys to int
        reqInstances = {int(rId): Request(jsonReq[rId]) for rId in jsonReq}
        failed = strToIntDict(getRequests["Value"]["Failed"])
        return S_OK({"Successful": reqInstances, "Failed": failed})
Пример #9
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns successfull jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        sites = None
        if 'sites' in self.args:
            sites = self.args['sites']
        if sites is None:
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites['OK']:
                return sites
            sites = sites['Value']

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        successfulJobs = self.rClient.getReport('Job', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD,
                                                toD, {
                                                    'FinalStatus': ['Done'],
                                                    'Site': sites
                                                }, 'Site')
        if not successfulJobs['OK']:
            return successfulJobs
        successfulJobs = successfulJobs['Value']

        if 'data' not in successfulJobs:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if 'granularity' not in successfulJobs:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        singlePlots = {}

        successfulJobs['data'] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in successfulJobs['data'].items()

        for site, value in successfulJobs['data'].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {site: value}
                plot['granularity'] = successfulJobs['granularity']
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #10
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns failed pilots using the DIRAC accounting system for every CE
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`CEs`: list of CEs (when not given, take every CE)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        ces = None
        if 'ces' in self.args:
            ces = self.args['ces']
        if ces is None:
            res = getCESiteMapping()
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            ces = list(res['Value'])

        if not ces:
            return S_ERROR('CEs is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport('Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  'GridStatus': ['Aborted'],
                                                  'GridCE': ces
                                              }, 'GridCE')
        if not failedPilots['OK']:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots['Value']

        if 'data' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if 'granularity' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        failedPilots['data'] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in failedPilots['data'].items()

        singlePlots = {}

        for ce, value in failedPilots['data'].items():
            if ce in ces:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {ce: value}
                plot['granularity'] = failedPilots['granularity']
                singlePlots[ce] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #11
    def doCommand(self):
        Returns failed pilots using the DIRAC accounting system for every CE
        for the last self.args[0] hours

          :attr:`CEs`: list of CEs (when not given, take every CE)



        if "hours" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Number of hours not specified")
        hours = self.args["hours"]

        ces = None
        if "ces" in self.args:
            ces = self.args["ces"]
        if ces is None:
            res = getCESiteMapping()
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            ces = list(res["Value"])

        if not ces:
            return S_ERROR("CEs is empty")

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport("Pilot", "NumberOfPilots", fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  "GridStatus": ["Aborted"],
                                                  "GridCE": ces
                                              }, "GridCE")
        if not failedPilots["OK"]:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots["Value"]

        if "data" not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")
        if "granularity" not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR("Missing granularity key")

        failedPilots["data"] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in failedPilots["data"].items()

        singlePlots = {}

        for ce, value in failedPilots["data"].items():
            if ce in ces:
                plot = {}
                plot["data"] = {ce: value}
                plot["granularity"] = failedPilots["granularity"]
                singlePlots[ce] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #12
    def doCommand(self):
        Returns successfull jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
        for the last self.args[0] hours

          :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if "hours" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Number of hours not specified")
        hours = self.args["hours"]

        sites = None
        if "sites" in self.args:
            sites = self.args["sites"]
        if sites is None:
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites["OK"]:
                return sites
            sites = sites["Value"]

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR("Sites is empty")

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        successfulJobs = self.rClient.getReport("Job", "NumberOfJobs", fromD,
                                                toD, {
                                                    "FinalStatus": ["Done"],
                                                    "Site": sites
                                                }, "Site")
        if not successfulJobs["OK"]:
            return successfulJobs
        successfulJobs = successfulJobs["Value"]

        if "data" not in successfulJobs:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")
        if "granularity" not in successfulJobs:
            return S_ERROR("Missing granularity key")

        singlePlots = {}

        successfulJobs["data"] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in successfulJobs["data"].items()

        for site, value in successfulJobs["data"].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot["data"] = {site: value}
                plot["granularity"] = successfulJobs["granularity"]
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #13
    def export_updateJobStatus(cls, jobStatusDict):
        """Update the job Status and error

        :param jobStatusDict: { jobID : { status , error } }
        jobStatusDict = strToIntDict(jobStatusDict)
        return cls.fts3db.updateJobStatus(jobStatusDict)
Пример #14
    def doCommand(self):
    Return getQuality from DIRAC's accounting ReportsClient

    `args`: a tuple
      - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement

      - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

      - args[2]: optional dateTime object: a "from" date

      - args[3]: optional dateTime object: a "to" date

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}

        if 'fromDate' not in self.args:
            fromDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=2)
            fromDate = self.args['fromDate']

        if 'toDate' not in self.args:
            toDate = datetime.utcnow()
            toDate = self.args['toDate']

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('name not specified')
        name = self.args['name']

        results = self.rClient.getReport('DataOperation', 'Quality', fromDate,
                                         toDate, {
                                             'OperationType': 'putAndRegister',
                                             'Destination': [name]
                                         }, 'Channel')

        if not results['OK']:
            return results

        pr_q_d = {
            channel: strToIntDict(value)
            for channel, value in results['Value']['data'].items()

        # FIXME: WHAT the hell is this doing ?
        values = []
        if len(pr_q_d) == 1:

            for k in pr_q_d:
                for n in pr_q_d[k].values():
            res = sum(values) / len(values)  # FIXME: should convert to int?

            for n in pr_q_d['Total'].values():
            res = sum(values) / len(values)  # FIXME: should convert to int?

        return S_OK(res)
Пример #15
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns running and runned jobs, querying the WMSHistory
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every sites)



    if 'hours' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
    hours = self.args['hours']

    sites = None
    if 'sites' in self.args:
      sites = self.args['sites']
    if sites is None:
      # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
      #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
      #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
      #        return sources
      #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
      sites = getSites()
      if not sites['OK']:
        return sites
      sites = sites['Value']

    if not sites:
      return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

    fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
    toD = datetime.utcnow()

    runJobs = self.rClient.getReport('WMSHistory', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD, toD,
                                     {}, 'Site')
    if not runJobs['OK']:
      return runJobs
    runJobs = runJobs['Value']

    if 'data' not in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
    if 'granularity' not in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

    runJobs['data'] = {site: strToIntDict(value) for site, value in runJobs['data'].iteritems()}

    singlePlots = {}

    for site, value in runJobs['data'].iteritems():
      if site in sites:
        plot = {}
        plot['data'] = {site: value}
        plot['granularity'] = runJobs['granularity']
        singlePlots[site] = plot

    return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #16
    def getActiveTaskQueues(self):
        """Return all active task queues"""
        res = self._getRPC().getActiveTaskQueues()

        if res["OK"]:
            # Cast the string back to int
            res["Value"] = strToIntDict(res["Value"])
        return res
Пример #17
    def export_updateFileStatus(cls, fileStatusDict, ftsGUID):
        """Update the file ftsStatus and error

        :param fileStatusDict: { fileID : { status , error } }
        :param ftsGUID: (not mandatory) If specified, only update the rows where the ftsGUID matches this value.
        fileStatusDict = strToIntDict(fileStatusDict)
        return cls.fts3db.updateFileStatus(fileStatusDict, ftsGUID)
Пример #18
    def getMatchingTaskQueues(self, resourceDict):
        """Return all task queues that match the resourceDict"""
        res = self._getRPC().getMatchingTaskQueues(resourceDict)

        if res["OK"]:
            # Cast the string back to int
            res["Value"] = strToIntDict(res["Value"])
        return res
Пример #19
    def export_confirmBulkSubmission(self, jobIDs):
        """ Confirm the possibility to proceed with processing of the jobs specified
        by the jobIDList

        :param list jobIDs: list of job IDs

        :return: S_OK(list)/S_ERROR() -- confirmed job IDs
        jobList = self.__getJobList(jobIDs)
        if not jobList:
            self.log.error("Issue with __getJobList",
                           ": invalid job specification %s" % str(jobIDs))
            return S_ERROR(EWMSSUBM,
                           'Invalid job specification: ' + str(jobIDs))

        validJobList, _invalidJobList, _nonauthJobList, _ownerJobList = self.jobPolicy.evaluateJobRights(
            jobList, RIGHT_SUBMIT)

        # Check that all the requested jobs are eligible
        if set(jobList) != set(validJobList):
            return S_ERROR(
                EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

        result = self.jobDB.getAttributesForJobList(jobList,
                                                    ['Status', 'MinorStatus'])
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')
        js_dict = strToIntDict(result['Value'])

        # Check if the jobs are already activated
        jobEnabledList = [
            jobID for jobID in jobList if js_dict[jobID]['Status'] in [
                JobStatus.RECEIVED, JobStatus.CHECKING, JobStatus.WAITING,
                JobStatus.MATCHED, JobStatus.RUNNING
        if set(jobEnabledList) == set(jobList):
            return S_OK(jobList)

        # Check that requested job are in Submitting status
        jobUpdateStatusList = list(
            jobID for jobID in jobList
            if js_dict[jobID]['Status'] == JobStatus.SUBMITTING)
        if set(jobUpdateStatusList) != set(jobList):
            return S_ERROR(
                EWMSSUBM, 'Requested jobs for bulk transaction are not valid')

        # Update status of all the requested jobs in one transaction
        result = self.jobDB.setJobAttributes(
            jobUpdateStatusList, ['Status', 'MinorStatus'],
            [JobStatus.RECEIVED, 'Job accepted'])

        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        return S_OK(jobUpdateStatusList)
Пример #20
    def getRequestIDsForJobs(self, jobIDs):
        """get the request ids for the supplied jobIDs.

        :param self: self reference
        :param list jobIDs: list of job IDs (integers)
        :return: S_ERROR or S_OK( "Successful": { jobID1: reqID1, jobID2: requID2, ... },
                                  "Failed" : { jobIDn: errMsg, jobIDm: errMsg, ...}  )
        self.log.verbose("getRequestIDsForJobs: attempt to get request(s) for jobs", "(n=%d)" % len(jobIDs))
        res = self._getRPC().getRequestIDsForJobs(jobIDs)
        if not res["OK"]:
                "getRequestIDsForJobs: unable to get request(s) for jobs", "%s: %s" % (jobIDs, res["Message"])
            return res

        # Cast the JobIDs back to int
        successful = strToIntDict(res["Value"]["Successful"])
        failed = strToIntDict(res["Value"]["Failed"])

        return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed})
Пример #21
    def export_commitMarks(self,
    Adds marks for activities

    :param int sourceId: component id
    :param dict activitiesDict: the key is the metrice, the value is a dictionary with timestamp and value
                                for example::

                                             {u'CPU': {1583244000: 10.6055594906},
                                              u'Iteration': {1583244420: 1,
                                                             1583244480: 1,
                                                             1583244540: 1,
                                                             1583244600: 1,
                                                             1583244660: 1},
                                              u'MEM': {1583244000: 49.03515625},
                                              u'Processed': {1583244420: 5,
                                                             1583244480: 5,
                                                             1583244540: 5,
                                                             1583244600: 5,
                                                             1583244660: 6}}

    :param dict componentExtraInfo: extra information

        # we have to cast the dictionary keys, because they are timestamps
        activitiesDict = {
            metric: strToIntDict(value)
            for metric, value in activitiesDict.iteritems()
        nowEpoch = Time.toEpoch()
        maxEpoch = nowEpoch + 7200
        minEpoch = nowEpoch - 86400
        invalidActivities = []
        for acName in activitiesDict:
            for time in activitiesDict[acName]:
                if time > maxEpoch or time < minEpoch:
                        "Time %s  ( [%s,%s] ) is invalid for activity %s" %
                        (time, minEpoch, maxEpoch, acName))
        for acName in invalidActivities:
            gLogger.info("Not commiting activity %s" % acName)
            del activitiesDict[acName]
        return gServiceInterface.commitMarks(sourceId, activitiesDict,
Пример #22
    def readRequestsForJobs(self, jobIDs):
        """read requests for jobs

        :param jobIDs: list with jobIDs
        :type jobIDs: python:list
        :return: S_OK( { "Successful" : { jobID1 : Request, ... },
                         "Failed" : { jobIDn : "Fail reason" } } )
        readReqsForJobs = self._getRPC().readRequestsForJobs(jobIDs)
        if not readReqsForJobs["OK"]:
            return readReqsForJobs
        ret = readReqsForJobs["Value"]
        # # create Requests out of JSONs for successful reads
        # Do not forget to cast back str keys to int
        successful = {int(jobID): Request(jsonReq) for jobID, jsonReq in ret["Successful"].items()}
        failed = strToIntDict(ret["Failed"])

        return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed})
Пример #23
    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the
      accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }

      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params['OK']:
                return params
            hours, name, direction, metric = params['Value']

        toD = datetime.utcnow()
        fromD = toD - timedelta(hours=hours)

        # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
        transferDict = {'OperationType': 'putAndRegister', direction: name}

        if metric == 'FailedTransfers':
            transferDict['FinalStatus'] = ['Failed']

        transferResults = self.rClient.getReport('DataOperation', metric,
                                                 fromD, toD, transferDict,

        if not transferResults['OK']:
            return transferResults
        transferResults = transferResults['Value']

        if 'data' not in transferResults:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')

        transferResults = {
            channel: strToIntDict(value)
            for channel, value in transferResults['data'].iteritems()

        uniformResult = []

        for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():

                source, destination = channel.split(' -> ')
            except ValueError:

            channelDict = {}
            channelDict['SourceName'] = source
            channelDict['DestinationName'] = destination
            channelDict['Metric'] = metric
            channelDict['Value'] = sum(elementDict.values()) / len(


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in uniformResult:
            value += channelDict['Value']

        if uniformResult:
            value = float(value) / len(uniformResult)
            value = None

        return S_OK({'Mean': value, 'Name': name})
Пример #24
    def doCommand(self):
        Returns failed jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
        for the last self.args[0] hours

          :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if "hours" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Number of hours not specified")
        hours = self.args["hours"]

        sites = None
        if "sites" in self.args:
            sites = self.args["sites"]
        if sites is None:
            # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites["OK"]:
                return sites
            sites = sites["Value"]

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR("Sites is empty")

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport("Pilot", "NumberOfPilots", fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  "GridStatus": ["Aborted"],
                                                  "Site": sites
                                              }, "Site")
        if not failedPilots["OK"]:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots["Value"]

        if "data" not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")
        if "granularity" not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR("Missing granularity key")

        failedPilots["data"] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in failedPilots["data"].items()

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in failedPilots["data"].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot["data"] = {site: value}
                plot["granularity"] = failedPilots["granularity"]
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #25
    def doCommand(self):
        Returns running and runned jobs, querying the WMSHistory
        for the last self.args[0] hours

          :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every sites)



        if "hours" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Number of hours not specified")
        hours = self.args["hours"]

        sites = None
        if "sites" in self.args:
            sites = self.args["sites"]
        if sites is None:
            # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites["OK"]:
                return sites
            sites = sites["Value"]

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR("Sites is empty")

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        runJobs = self.rClient.getReport("WMSHistory", "NumberOfJobs", fromD,
                                         toD, {}, "Site")
        if not runJobs["OK"]:
            return runJobs
        runJobs = runJobs["Value"]

        if "data" not in runJobs:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")
        if "granularity" not in runJobs:
            return S_ERROR("Missing granularity key")

        runJobs["data"] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in runJobs["data"].items()

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in runJobs["data"].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot["data"] = {site: value}
                plot["granularity"] = runJobs["granularity"]
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #26
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns failed pilots using the DIRAC accounting system for every CE
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`CEs`: list of CEs (when not given, take every CE)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        ces = None
        if 'ces' in self.args:
            ces = self.args['ces']
        if ces is None:
            # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      meta = {'columns':'ResourceName'}
            #      CEs = self.rsClient.getResource( resourceType = [ 'CE','CREAMCE' ], meta = meta )
            #      if not CEs['OK']:
            #        return CEs
            #      CEs = [ ce[0] for ce in CEs['Value'] ]

            ces = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
            if not ces['OK']:
                return ces
            ces = ces['Value']

        if not ces:
            return S_ERROR('CEs is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport('Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  'GridStatus': ['Aborted'],
                                                  'GridCE': ces
                                              }, 'GridCE')
        if not failedPilots['OK']:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots['Value']

        if 'data' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if 'granularity' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        failedPilots['data'] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in failedPilots['data'].iteritems()

        singlePlots = {}

        for ce, value in failedPilots['data'].iteritems():
            if ce in ces:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {ce: value}
                plot['granularity'] = failedPilots['granularity']
                singlePlots[ce] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #27
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns failed jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        sites = None
        if 'sites' in self.args:
            sites = self.args['sites']
        if sites is None:
            # FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = getSites()
            if not sites['OK']:
                return sites
            sites = sites['Value']

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport('Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  'GridStatus': ['Aborted'],
                                                  'Site': sites
                                              }, 'Site')
        if not failedPilots['OK']:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots['Value']

        if 'data' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if 'granularity' not in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        failedPilots['data'] = {
            site: strToIntDict(value)
            for site, value in failedPilots['data'].iteritems()

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in failedPilots['data'].iteritems():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {site: value}
                plot['granularity'] = failedPilots['granularity']
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #28
def test_getReport(putAndDelete):

    params = (
        datetime(2016, 3, 16, 12, 30, 0, 0),
        datetime(2016, 3, 17, 19, 29, 0, 0),
            "grouping": ["Site"]
    result = client.getReport(*params)
    assert result["OK"], result["Message"]
    result["Value"]["data"] = {
        site: strToIntDict(value)
        for site, value in result["Value"]["data"].items()
    assert result["Value"] == {
        "data": {
            u"Multiple": {
                1458198000: 227.0
            u"LCG.RRCKI.ru": {
                1458225000: 3.0
            u"LCG.IHEP.su": {
                1458217800: 18.0
            u"LCG.CNAF.it": {
                1458144000: None,
                1458172800: None,
                1458194400: None,
                1458145800: None,
                1458189000: None,
                1458147600: None,
                1458178200: None,
                1458183600: None,
                1458212400: None,
                1458149400: None,
                1458207000: None,
                1458151200: None,
                1458169200: None,
                1458201600: None,
                1458153000: None,
                1458196200: None,
                1458154800: None,
                1458174600: None,
                1458190800: None,
                1458156600: None,
                1458185400: None,
                1458214200: None,
                1458158400: None,
                1458180000: None,
                1458216000: None,
                1458208800: None,
                1458160200: None,
                1458203400: None,
                1458162000: None,
                1458142200: None,
                1458198000: None,
                1458163800: None,
                1458192600: None,
                1458165600: None,
                1458176400: None,
                1458187200: None,
                1458167400: None,
                1458210600: None,
                1458140400: 4.0,
                1458181800: None,
                1458205200: None,
                1458171000: None,
                1458217800: 22.0,
                1458199800: None,
            u"LCG.NIKHEF.nl": {
                1458217800: 27.0
            u"LCG.Bari.it": {
                1458221400: 34.0
            u"Group.RAL.uk": {
                1458140400: 34.0
            u"LCG.DESYZN.de": {
                1458225000: 43.0
            u"LCG.RAL.uk": {
                1458144000: None,
                1458158400: None,
                1458194400: None,
                1458145800: None,
                1458223200: None,
                1458189000: None,
                1458221400: None,
                1458225000: 5.0,
                1458147600: None,
                1458135000: None,
                1458183600: None,
                1458212400: None,
                1458149400: None,
                1458178200: None,
                1458207000: None,
                1458151200: None,
                1458169200: None,
                1458172800: None,
                1458219600: None,
                1458201600: None,
                1458153000: None,
                1458196200: None,
                1458154800: None,
                1458160200: None,
                1458190800: None,
                1458156600: None,
                1458185400: None,
                1458214200: None,
                1458129600: 2.0,
                1458165600: None,
                1458180000: None,
                1458216000: None,
                1458208800: None,
                1458131400: None,
                1458174600: None,
                1458203400: None,
                1458162000: None,
                1458171000: None,
                1458198000: None,
                1458163800: None,
                1458192600: None,
                1458136800: None,
                1458133200: None,
                1458187200: None,
                1458167400: None,
                1458181800: None,
                1458210600: None,
                1458140400: None,
                1458138600: None,
                1458176400: None,
                1458205200: None,
                1458142200: None,
                1458217800: None,
                1458199800: None,
            u"LCG.PIC.es": {
                1458129600: 1.0
            u"LCG.GRIDKA.de": {
                1458129600: 2.0
            u"LCG.Bristol.uk": {
                1458221400: 9.0
            u"LCG.CERN.ch": {
                1458140400: 120.0
            u"LCG.Bologna.it": {
                1458221400: 1.0
        "granularity": 1800,
Пример #29
 def test_getReport(self):
     params = ('WMSHistory', 'NumberOfJobs',
               datetime(2016, 3, 16, 12, 30, 0,
                        0), datetime(2016, 3, 17, 19, 29, 0, 0), {
                            'grouping': ['Site']
                        }, 'Site', {})
     result = self.client.getReport(*params)
     self.assertTrue(result['OK'], result.get('Message'))
     result['Value']['data'] = {
         site: strToIntDict(value)
         for site, value in result['Value']['data'].iteritems()
         result['Value'], {
             'data': {
                 u'Multiple': {
                     1458198000: 227.0
                 u'LCG.RRCKI.ru': {
                     1458225000: 3.0
                 u'LCG.IHEP.su': {
                     1458217800: 18.0
                 u'LCG.CNAF.it': {
                     1458144000: None,
                     1458172800: None,
                     1458194400: None,
                     1458145800: None,
                     1458189000: None,
                     1458147600: None,
                     1458178200: None,
                     1458183600: None,
                     1458212400: None,
                     1458149400: None,
                     1458207000: None,
                     1458151200: None,
                     1458169200: None,
                     1458201600: None,
                     1458153000: None,
                     1458196200: None,
                     1458154800: None,
                     1458174600: None,
                     1458190800: None,
                     1458156600: None,
                     1458185400: None,
                     1458214200: None,
                     1458158400: None,
                     1458180000: None,
                     1458216000: None,
                     1458208800: None,
                     1458160200: None,
                     1458203400: None,
                     1458162000: None,
                     1458142200: None,
                     1458198000: None,
                     1458163800: None,
                     1458192600: None,
                     1458165600: None,
                     1458176400: None,
                     1458187200: None,
                     1458167400: None,
                     1458210600: None,
                     1458140400: 4.0,
                     1458181800: None,
                     1458205200: None,
                     1458171000: None,
                     1458217800: 22.0,
                     1458199800: None
                 u'LCG.NIKHEF.nl': {
                     1458217800: 27.0
                 u'LCG.Bari.it': {
                     1458221400: 34.0
                 u'Group.RAL.uk': {
                     1458140400: 34.0
                 u'LCG.DESYZN.de': {
                     1458225000: 43.0
                 u'LCG.RAL.uk': {
                     1458144000: None,
                     1458158400: None,
                     1458194400: None,
                     1458145800: None,
                     1458223200: None,
                     1458189000: None,
                     1458221400: None,
                     1458225000: 5.0,
                     1458147600: None,
                     1458135000: None,
                     1458183600: None,
                     1458212400: None,
                     1458149400: None,
                     1458178200: None,
                     1458207000: None,
                     1458151200: None,
                     1458169200: None,
                     1458172800: None,
                     1458219600: None,
                     1458201600: None,
                     1458153000: None,
                     1458196200: None,
                     1458154800: None,
                     1458160200: None,
                     1458190800: None,
                     1458156600: None,
                     1458185400: None,
                     1458214200: None,
                     1458129600: 2.0,
                     1458165600: None,
                     1458180000: None,
                     1458216000: None,
                     1458208800: None,
                     1458131400: None,
                     1458174600: None,
                     1458203400: None,
                     1458162000: None,
                     1458171000: None,
                     1458198000: None,
                     1458163800: None,
                     1458192600: None,
                     1458136800: None,
                     1458133200: None,
                     1458187200: None,
                     1458167400: None,
                     1458181800: None,
                     1458210600: None,
                     1458140400: None,
                     1458138600: None,
                     1458176400: None,
                     1458205200: None,
                     1458142200: None,
                     1458217800: None,
                     1458199800: None
                 u'LCG.PIC.es': {
                     1458129600: 1.0
                 u'LCG.GRIDKA.de': {
                     1458129600: 2.0
                 u'LCG.Bristol.uk': {
                     1458221400: 9.0
                 u'LCG.CERN.ch': {
                     1458140400: 120.0
                 u'LCG.Bologna.it': {
                     1458221400: 1.0
             'granularity': 1800
Пример #30
    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
        Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
        own arguments.

        For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the
        accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }

        If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params["OK"]:
                return params
            hours, name, direction, metric = params["Value"]

        toD = datetime.utcnow()
        fromD = toD - timedelta(hours=hours)

        # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
        transferDict = {"OperationType": "putAndRegister", direction: name}

        if metric == "FailedTransfers":
            transferDict["FinalStatus"] = ["Failed"]

        transferResults = self.rClient.getReport("DataOperation", metric, fromD, toD, transferDict, "Channel")

        if not transferResults["OK"]:
            return transferResults
        transferResults = transferResults["Value"]

        if "data" not in transferResults:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")

        transferResults = {channel: strToIntDict(value) for channel, value in transferResults["data"].items()}

        uniformResult = []

        for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():

                source, destination = channel.split(" -> ")
            except ValueError:

            channelDict = {}
            channelDict["SourceName"] = source
            channelDict["DestinationName"] = destination
            channelDict["Metric"] = metric
            channelDict["Value"] = int(sum(elementDict.values()) / len(elementDict.values()))


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in uniformResult:
            value += channelDict["Value"]

        if uniformResult:
            value = float(value) / len(uniformResult)
            value = None

        return S_OK({"Mean": value, "Name": name})