Пример #1
Файл: CFG.py Проект: sposs/DIRAC
    def renameKey(self, oldName, newName):
    Rename a option/section

    @type oldName: string
    @param oldName: Name of the option/section to change
    @type newName: string
    @param newName: New name of the option/section
    @return: Boolean with the result of the rename
        if oldName == newName:
            return True
        result = self.getRecursive(oldName, -1)
        if not result:
            raise KeyError("%s does not exist" % "/".join(List.fromChar(oldName, "/")[:-1]))
        oldCfg = result["value"]
        oldEnd = result["levelsBelow"]
        if oldEnd in oldCfg.__dataDict:
            result = self.getRecursive(newName, -1)
            if not result:
                raise KeyError("%s does not exist" % "/".join(List.fromChar(newName, "/")[:-1]))
            newCfg = result["value"]
            newEnd = result["levelsBelow"]

            newCfg.__dataDict[newEnd] = oldCfg.__dataDict[oldEnd]
            newCfg.__commentDict[newEnd] = oldCfg.__commentDict[oldEnd]
            refKeyPos = oldCfg.__orderedList.index(oldEnd)
            newCfg.__orderedList.insert(refKeyPos, newEnd)

            del (oldCfg.__dataDict[oldEnd])
            del (oldCfg.__commentDict[oldEnd])
            return True
            return False
Пример #2
  def __executeVOPlugin(self, voPlugin, jobState):
    if voPlugin not in self.__voPlugins:
      modName = List.fromChar(voPlugin, ".")[-1]
        module = __import__(voPlugin, globals(), locals(), [modName])
      except ImportError as excp:
        self.jobLog.exception("Could not import VO plugin %s" % voPlugin)
        return S_ERROR("Could not import VO plugin %s: %s" % (voPlugin, excp))

        self.__voPlugins[voPlugin] = getattr(module, modName)
      except AttributeError as excp:
        return S_ERROR("Could not get plugin %s from module %s: %s" % (modName, voPlugin, str(excp)))

    argsDict = {'JobID': jobState.jid,
                'JobState': jobState,
                'ConfigPath': self.ex_getProperty("section")}
      modInstance = self.__voPlugins[voPlugin](argsDict)
      result = modInstance.execute()
    except Exception as excp:
      self.jobLog.exception("Excp while executing %s" % voPlugin)
      return S_ERROR("Could not execute VO plugin %s: %s" % (voPlugin, excp))

    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    extraPath = result['Value']
    if isinstance(extraPath, basestring):
      extraPath = List.fromChar(result['Value'])
    return S_OK(extraPath)
Пример #3
Файл: CFG.py Проект: sposs/DIRAC
    def serialize(self, tabLevelString=""):
    Generate a human readable serialization of a CFG

    @type tabLevelString: string
    @param tabLevelString: Tab string to apply to entries before representing them
    @return: String with the contents of the CFG
        indentation = "  "
        cfgString = ""
        for entryName in self.__orderedList:
            if entryName in self.__commentDict:
                for commentLine in List.fromChar(self.__commentDict[entryName], "\n"):
                    cfgString += "%s#%s\n" % (tabLevelString, commentLine)
            if entryName in self.listSections():
                cfgString += "%s%s\n%s{\n" % (tabLevelString, entryName, tabLevelString)
                cfgString += self.__dataDict[entryName].serialize("%s%s" % (tabLevelString, indentation))
                cfgString += "%s}\n" % tabLevelString
            elif entryName in self.listOptions():
                valueList = List.fromChar(self.__dataDict[entryName])
                if len(valueList) == 0:
                    cfgString += "%s%s = \n" % (tabLevelString, entryName)
                    cfgString += "%s%s = %s\n" % (tabLevelString, entryName, valueList[0])
                    for value in valueList[1:]:
                        cfgString += "%s%s += %s\n" % (tabLevelString, entryName, value)
                raise ValueError("Oops. There is an entry in the order which is not a section nor an option")
        return cfgString
Пример #4
  def copyKey( self, oldName, newName ):
    Copy an option/section

    @type oldName: string
    @param oldName: Name of the option / section to copy
    @type newName: string
    @param newName: Destination name
    @return: Boolean with the result
    if oldName == newName:
      return True
    result = self.getRecursive( oldName, -1 )
    if not result:
      raise KeyError( "%s does not exist" % "/".join( List.fromChar( oldName, "/" )[:-1] ) )
    oldCfg = result[ 'value' ]
    oldEnd = result[ 'levelsBelow' ]
    if oldEnd in oldCfg.__dataDict:
      result = self.getRecursive( newName, -1 )
      if not result:
        raise KeyError( "%s does not exist" % "/".join( List.fromChar( newName, "/" )[:-1] ) )
      newCfg = result[ 'value' ]
      newEnd = result[ 'levelsBelow' ]

      newCfg.__dataDict[ newEnd ] = oldCfg.__dataDict[ oldEnd ]
      newCfg.__commentDict[ newEnd ] = oldCfg.__commentDict[ oldEnd ]
      refKeyPos = oldCfg.__orderedList.index( oldEnd )
      newCfg.__orderedList.insert( refKeyPos + 1, newEnd )

      return True
      return False
Пример #5
  def checkJob( self, job, classAdJob ):
    """This method controls the checking of the job.
    jobDesc = JobDescription()
    result = jobDesc.loadDescription( classAdJob.asJDL() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.setFailedJob( job, result['Message'], classAdJob )
      return result
    self.__syncJobDesc( job, jobDesc, classAdJob )

    #Check if job defines a path itself
    # FIXME: only some group might be able to overwrite the jobPath
    jobPath = classAdJob.get_expression( 'JobPath' ).replace( '"', '' ).replace( 'Unknown', '' )
    #jobPath = jobDesc.getVarWithDefault( 'JobPath' ).replace( 'Unknown', '' )
    if jobPath:
      # HACK: Remove the { and } to ensure we have a simple string
      jobPath = jobPath.replace( "{", "" ).replace( "}", "" )
      self.log.info( 'Job %s defines its own optimizer chain %s' % ( job, jobPath ) )
      return self.processJob( job, List.fromChar( jobPath ) )

    #If no path, construct based on JDL and VO path module if present
    path = list( self.basePath )
    if self.voPlugin:
      argumentsDict = {'JobID':job, 'ClassAd':classAdJob, 'ConfigPath':self.am_getModuleParam( "section" )}
      moduleFactory = ModuleFactory()
      moduleInstance = moduleFactory.getModule( self.voPlugin, argumentsDict )
      if not moduleInstance['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Could not instantiate module:', '%s' % ( self.voPlugin ) )
        self.setFailedJob( job, 'Could not instantiate module: %s' % ( self.voPlugin ), classAdJob )
        return S_ERROR( 'Holding pending jobs' )

      module = moduleInstance['Value']
      result = module.execute()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.warn( 'Execution of %s failed' % ( self.voPlugin ) )
        return result
      extraPath = List.fromChar( result['Value'] )
      if extraPath:
        path.extend( extraPath )
        self.log.verbose( 'Adding extra VO specific optimizers to path: %s' % ( extraPath ) )
      self.log.verbose( 'No VO specific plugin module specified' )
      #Should only rely on an input data setting in absence of VO plugin
      result = self.jobDB.getInputData( job )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get input data from JobDB', job )
        self.log.warn( result['Message'] )
        return result

      if result['Value']:
        # if the returned tuple is not empty it will evaluate true
        self.log.info( 'Job %s has an input data requirement' % ( job ) )
        path.extend( self.inputData )
        self.log.info( 'Job %s has no input data requirement' % ( job ) )

    path.extend( self.endPath )
    self.log.info( 'Constructed path for job %s is: %s' % ( job, path ) )
    return self.processJob( job, path )
Пример #6
Файл: CFG.py Проект: sposs/DIRAC
    def getOption(self, opName, defaultValue=None):
    Get option value with default applied

    @type opName: string
    @param opName: Path to the option to retrieve
    @type defaultValue: optional (any python type)
    @param defaultValue: Default value for the option if the option is not defined.
                         If the option is defined, the value will be returned casted to
                         the type of defaultValue if it is defined.
    @return: Value of the option casted to defaultValue type, or defaultValue
        levels = List.fromChar(opName, "/")
        dataD = self.__dataDict
        while len(levels) > 0:
                dataV = dataD[levels.pop(0)]
            except KeyError:
                return defaultValue
            dataD = dataV

        if type(dataV) != types.StringType:
            optionValue = defaultValue
            optionValue = dataV

        # Return value if existing, defaultValue if not
        if optionValue == defaultValue:
            if defaultValue == None or type(defaultValue) == types.TypeType:
                return defaultValue
            return optionValue

        # Value has been returned from the configuration
        if defaultValue == None:
            return optionValue

        # Casting to defaultValue's type
        defaultType = defaultValue
        if not type(defaultValue) == types.TypeType:
            defaultType = type(defaultValue)

        if defaultType == types.ListType:
                return List.fromChar(optionValue, ",")
            except Exception:
                return defaultValue
        elif defaultType == types.BooleanType:
                return optionValue.lower() in ("y", "yes", "true", "1")
            except Exception:
                return defaultValue
                return defaultType(optionValue)
            except Exception:
                return defaultValue
Пример #7
 def __checkMaxInputData(self, maxNumber):
 Check Maximum Number of Input Data files allowed
     varName = "InputData"
     if varName not in self.__manifest:
         return S_OK()
     varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
     if len(List.fromChar(varValue)) > maxNumber:
         return S_ERROR(
             "Number of Input Data Files (%s) greater than current limit: %s"
             % (len(List.fromChar(varValue)), maxNumber)
     return S_OK()
Пример #8
 def __recurseImport(self, modName, parentModule=None, hideExceptions=False, fullName=False):
   """ Internal function to load modules
   if isinstance(modName, basestring):
     modName = List.fromChar(modName, ".")
   if not fullName:
     fullName = ".".join(modName)
   if fullName in self.__objs:
     return S_OK(self.__objs[fullName])
     if parentModule:
       impData = imp.find_module(modName[0], parentModule.__path__)
       impData = imp.find_module(modName[0])
     impModule = imp.load_module(modName[0], *impData)
     if impData[0]:
   except ImportError as excp:
     if str(excp).find("No module named %s" % modName[0]) == 0:
       return S_OK(None)
     errMsg = "Can't load %s in %s" % (".".join(modName), parentModule.__path__[0])
     if not hideExceptions:
     return S_ERROR(DErrno.EIMPERR, errMsg)
   if len(modName) == 1:
     self.__objs[fullName] = impModule
     return S_OK(impModule)
   return self.__recurseImport(modName[1:], impModule,
                               hideExceptions=hideExceptions, fullName=fullName)
Пример #9
def dumpCFGAsJDL(cfg, level=1, tab="  "):
    indent = tab * level
    contents = ["%s[" % (tab * (level - 1))]
    sections = cfg.listSections()

    for key in cfg:
        if key in sections:
            contents.append("%s%s =" % (indent, key))
            contents.append("%s;" % dumpCFGAsJDL(cfg[key], level + 1, tab))
            val = List.fromChar(cfg[key])
            if len(val) < 2:
                value = cfg[key]
                    try_value = float(value)
                    contents.append("%s%s = %s;" % (tab * level, key, value))
                except Exception:
                    contents.append('%s%s = "%s";' % (tab * level, key, value))
                contents.append("%s%s =" % (indent, key))
                contents.append("%s{" % indent)
                for iPos in range(len(val)):
                        value = float(val[iPos])
                    except Exception:
                        val[iPos] = '"%s"' % val[iPos]
                contents.append(",\n".join(["%s%s" % (tab * (level + 1), value) for value in val]))
                contents.append("%s};" % indent)
    contents.append("%s]" % (tab * (level - 1)))
    return "\n".join(contents)
Пример #10
def dumpCFGAsJDL( cfg, level = 1, tab = "  " ):
  indent = tab * level
  contents = [ "%s[" % ( tab * ( level - 1 ) ) ]
  sections = cfg.listSections()

  for key in cfg:
    if key in sections:
      contents.append( "%s%s =" % ( indent, key ) )
      contents.append( "%s;" % dumpCFGAsJDL( cfg[ key ], level + 1, tab ) )
      val = List.fromChar( cfg[ key ] )
      # Some attributes are never lists
      if len( val ) < 2 or key in ['Arguments','Executable','StdOutput','StdError']:
        value = cfg[ key ]
          try_value = float( value )
          contents.append( '%s%s = %s;' % ( tab * level, key, value ) )
        except Exception:
          contents.append( '%s%s = "%s";' % ( tab * level, key, value ) )
        contents.append( "%s%s =" % ( indent, key ) )
        contents.append( "%s{" % indent )
        for iPos in range( len( val ) ):
            value = float( val[iPos] )
          except Exception:
            val[ iPos ] = '"%s"' % val[ iPos ]
        contents.append( ",\n".join( [ '%s%s' % ( tab * ( level + 1 ), value ) for value in val ] ) )
        contents.append( "%s};" % indent )
  contents.append( "%s]" % ( tab * ( level - 1 ) ) )
  return "\n".join( contents )
 def do_getSummary( self, args ):
   Gets a summary
     Usage : getSummary <Summary name> <startdate YYYYMMDDHHMM> <enddate YYYYMMDDHHMM> (<field name> <field value>)*
     argList = List.fromChar( args, " " )
     if len( argList ) < 3:
       gLogger.error( "Missing arguments!" )
     startDT = self.__getDatetimeFromArg( argList[1] )
     if not startDT:
       gLogger.error( "Start time has invalid format" )
     endDT = self.__getDatetimeFromArg( argList[2] )
     if not endDT:
       gLogger.error( "End time has invalid format" )
     gLogger.info( "Start time is %s" % startDT )
     gLogger.info( "End time is %s" % endDT )
     sumArgs = {}
     for iP in range( 3, len( argList ), 2 ):
       key = argList[ iP ]
       if key in sumArgs:
         sumArgs[ key ].append( argList[ iP + 1 ] )
         sumArgs[ key ] = [ argList[ iP + 1 ] ]
     retVal = ReportsClient().generateSummary( argList[ 0 ], startDT, endDT, sumArgs )
     if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
       gLogger.error( "Error: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
     printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
     printer.pprint( retVal[ 'Value' ][0] )
     for data in retVal[ 'Value' ][1]:
       printer.pprint( data )
Пример #12
  def do_set( self, args ):
        Set options


          set host <hostname>     - Set the hostname to work with
          set project <project>   - Set the project to install/upgrade in the host
    cmds = { 'host' : ( 1, self.__do_set_host ),
             'project' : ( 1, self.__do_set_project ) }

    args = List.fromChar( args, " " )

    found = False
    for cmd in cmds:
      if cmd == args[0]:
        if len( args ) != 1 + cmds[ cmd ][0]:
          self.__errMsg( "Missing arguments" )
          print self.do_set.__doc__
        return cmds[ cmd ][1]( args[1:] )
    self.__errMsg( "Invalid command" )
    print self.do_set.__doc__
Пример #13
  def getOption( self, optionPath, typeValue = None ):
    optionValue = gConfigurationData.extractOptionFromCFG( optionPath )

    if optionValue == None:
      return S_ERROR( "Path %s does not exist or it's not an option" % optionPath )

    #Value has been returned from the configuration
    if typeValue == None:
      return S_OK( optionValue )

    #Casting to typeValue's type
    requestedType = typeValue
    if not type( typeValue ) == types.TypeType:
      requestedType = type( typeValue )

    if requestedType == types.ListType:
        return S_OK( List.fromChar( optionValue, ',' ) )
      except Exception:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't convert value (%s) to comma separated list" % str( optionValue ) )
    elif requestedType == types.BooleanType:
        return S_OK( optionValue.lower() in ( "y", "yes", "true", "1" ) )
      except Exception:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't convert value (%s) to Boolean" % str( optionValue ) )
        return S_OK( requestedType( optionValue ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Type mismatch between default (%s) and configured value (%s) " % ( str( typeValue ), optionValue ) )
Пример #14
 def getComponentsStatus( self, conditionDict = {} ):
   Get the status of the defined components in the CS compared to the ones that are known in the DB
   result = self.__getComponents( conditionDict )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   statusSet = result[ 'Value' ]
   requiredComponents = {}
   result = gConfig.getSections( "/DIRAC/Setups" )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   for setup in result[ 'Value' ]:
     if not self.__checkCondition( conditionDict, "Setup", setup ):
     #Iterate through systems
     result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/DIRAC/Setups/%s" % setup )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     systems = result[ 'Value' ]
     for system in systems:
       instance = systems[ system ]
       #Check defined agents and serviecs
       for type in ( 'agent' , 'service' ):
         #Get entries for the instance of a system
         result = gConfig.getSections( "/Systems/%s/%s/%s" % ( system, instance, "%ss" % type.capitalize() ) )
         if not result[ 'OK' ]:
           self.log.warn( "Opps, sytem seems to be defined wrong\n", "System %s at %s: %s" % ( system, instance, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
         components = result[ 'Value' ]
         for component in components:
           componentName = "%s/%s" % ( system, component )
           compDict = self.__getComponentDefinitionFromCS( system, setup, instance, type, component )
           if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
             statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
       #Walk the URLs
       result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "/Systems/%s/%s/URLs" % ( system, instance ) )
       if not result[ 'OK' ]:
         self.log.warn ( "There doesn't to be defined the URLs section for %s in %s instance" % ( system, instance ) )
         serviceURLs = result[ 'Value' ]
         for service in serviceURLs:
           for url in List.fromChar( serviceURLs[ service ] ):
             loc = url[ url.find( "://" ) + 3: ]
             iS = loc.find( "/" )
             componentName = loc[ iS + 1: ]
             loc = loc[ :iS ]
             hostname, port = loc.split( ":" )
             compDict = { 'ComponentName' : componentName,
                          'Type' : 'service',
                          'Setup' : setup,
                          'Host' : hostname,
                          'Port' : int( port )
             if self.__componentMatchesCondition( compDict, requiredComponents, conditionDict ):
               statusSet.addUniqueToSet( requiredComponents, compDict )
   statusSet.setComponentsAsRequired( requiredComponents )
   return S_OK( ( statusSet.getRequiredComponents(),
                  self.__mainFields[1:] + self.__versionFields + ( 'Status', 'Message' ) ) )
Пример #15
 def setComment( self, entryPath, value ):
   cfg = self.__getParentCFG( entryPath )
   entry = List.fromChar( entryPath, "/" )[-1]
   if cfg.setComment( entry, value ):
     self.__setCommiter( entryPath )
     return True
   return False
Пример #16
 def getCSTreeAsDict( treePath ):
     Function to recursively iterate over a CS tree
   csTreeDict = {}
   opts = opHelper.getOptionsDict( treePath )
   if opts[ 'OK' ]:
     opts = opts[ 'Value' ]
     for optKey, optValue in opts.items():
       if optValue.find( ',' ) > -1:
         optValue = List.fromChar( optValue )
         optValue = [ optValue ]
       csTreeDict[ optKey ] = optValue    
   secs = opHelper.getSections( treePath )
   if secs[ 'OK' ]:
     secs = secs[ 'Value' ]
     for sec in secs:
       secTree = getCSTreeAsDict( '%s/%s' % ( treePath, sec ) )
       if not secTree[ 'OK' ]:
         return secTree
       csTreeDict[ sec ] = secTree[ 'Value' ]  
   return S_OK( csTreeDict )
Пример #17
Файл: CFG.py Проект: sposs/DIRAC
    def addKey(self, key, value, comment, beforeKey=""):
    Add a new entry (option or section)

    @type key: string
    @param key: Name of the option/section to add
    @type value: string/CFG
    @param value: Contents of the new option/section
    @type comment: string
    @param comment: Comment for the option/section
    @type beforeKey: string
    @param beforeKey: Name of the option/section to add the entry above. By default
                        the new entry will be added at the end.
        result = self.getRecursive(key, -1)
        if not result:
            raise KeyError("%s does not exist" % "/".join(List.fromChar(key, "/")[:-1]))
        cfg = result["value"]
        end = result["levelsBelow"]
        if end in cfg.__dataDict:
            raise KeyError("%s already exists" % key)
        cfg.__dataDict[end] = value
        cfg.__commentDict[end] = comment
        if beforeKey == "":
            refKeyPos = cfg.__orderedList.index(beforeKey)
            cfg.__orderedList.insert(refKeyPos, end)
Пример #18
def getValue(v):
  """Wrapper around gConfig.getValue. Returns typed values instead of
  a string value"""
  res = gConfig.getValue(v)
  if res.find(",") > -1: # res is a list of values
    return [Utils.typedobj_of_string(e) for e in List.fromChar(res)]
  else: return Utils.typedobj_of_string(res)
Пример #19
  def __findServiceURL( self ):
    if not self.__initStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.__initStatus
    gatewayURL = False
    if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[ self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS ]:
      dRetVal = gConfig.getOption( "/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName() )
      if dRetVal[ 'OK' ]:
        rawGatewayURL = List.randomize( List.fromChar( dRetVal[ 'Value'], "," ) )[0]
        gatewayURL = "/".join( rawGatewayURL.split( "/" )[:3] )

    for protocol in gProtocolDict.keys():
      if self._destinationSrv.find( "%s://" % protocol ) == 0:
        gLogger.debug( "Already given a valid url", self._destinationSrv )
        if not gatewayURL:
          return S_OK( self._destinationSrv )
        gLogger.debug( "Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway" )
        path = "/".join( self._destinationSrv.split( "/" )[3:] )
        finalURL = "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, path )
        gLogger.debug( "Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, finalURL ) )
        return S_OK( finalURL )

    if gatewayURL:
      gLogger.debug( "Using gateway", gatewayURL )
      return S_OK( "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv ) )

      urls = getServiceURL( self._destinationSrv, setup = self.setup )
    except Exception, e:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, self.setup, str( e ) ) )
Пример #20
  def initialize(self):
    self.SystemLoggingDB = SystemLoggingDB()

    userString = self.am_getOption( "Reviewer", 'mseco' )
    self.log.debug( "Users to be notified", ": " + userString )
    userList = List.fromChar( userString, ",")
    mailList = []
    for user in userList:
      retval = gConfig.getOption( "/Registry/Users/" + user + "/Email" )
      if not retval['OK']:
        self.log.warn( "Could not get user's mail", retval['Message'] )
        mailList.append( retval['Value'] )
    if not mailList:
      mailList = gConfig.getValue( '/Operations/EMail/Logging', [] )

    if not len(mailList):
      errString = "There are no valid users in the list"
      varString = "[" + ','.join( userList ) + "]"
      self.log.error( errString, varString )
      return S_ERROR( errString + varString )
    self.log.info( "List of mails to be notified", ','.join( mailList ) )
    self._mailAddress = mailList
    self._subject = 'New error messages were entered in the SystemLoggingDB'
    return S_OK()
Пример #21
def getJobs():
  result = gOAManager.authorize()
  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    bottle.abort( 401, result[ 'Message' ] )
  selDict = {}
  startJob = 0
  maxJobs = 100
  for convList in ( attrConv, flagConv ):
    for attrPair in convList:
      jAtt = attrPair[0]
      if jAtt in bottle.request.params:
        selDict[ attrPair[1] ] = List.fromChar( bottle.request.params[ attrPair[0] ] )
  if 'allOwners' not in bottle.request.params:
    selDict[ 'Owner' ] = gOAData.userName
  if 'startJob'  in bottle.request.params:
      startJob = max( 0, int( bottle.request.params[ 'startJob' ] ) )
      bottle.abort( 400, "startJob has to be a positive integer!" )
  if 'maxJobs' in bottle.request.params:
      maxJobs = min( 1000, int( bottle.request.params[ 'maxJobs' ] ) )
      bottle.abort( 400, "maxJobs has to be a positive integer no greater than 1000!" )
  return __getJobs( selDict, startJob, maxJobs )
Пример #22
 def assignValue(key, value, cfg):
     key = key.strip()
     if len(key) == 0:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid key name")
     value = value.strip()
     if not value:
         return S_ERROR("No value for key %s" % key)
     if value[0] == "{":
         if value[-1] != "}":
             return S_ERROR("Value '%s' seems a list but does not end in '}'" % (value))
         valList = List.fromChar(value[1:-1])
         for i in range(len(valList)):
             result = cleanValue(valList[i])
             if not result["OK"]:
                 return S_ERROR("Var %s : %s" % (key, result["Message"]))
             valList[i] = result["Value"]
             if valList[i] == None:
                 return S_ERROR("List value '%s' seems invalid for item %s" % (value, i))
         value = ", ".join(valList)
         result = cleanValue(value)
         if not result["OK"]:
             return S_ERROR("Var %s : %s" % (key, result["Message"]))
         nV = result["Value"]
         if nV == None:
             return S_ERROR("Value '%s seems invalid" % (value))
         value = nV
     cfg.setOption(key, value)
     return S_OK()
Пример #23
 def export_assignSandboxesToEntities( self, enDict, ownerName = "", ownerGroup = "", entitySetup = False ):
   Assign sandboxes to jobs.
   Expects a dict of { entityId : [ ( SB, SBType ), ... ] }
   if not entitySetup:
     entitySetup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ]
   assignList = []
   for entityId in enDict:
     for sbTuple in enDict[ entityId ]:
       if type( sbTuple ) not in ( types.TupleType, types.ListType ):
         return S_ERROR( "Entry for entity %s is not a itterable of tuples/lists" % entityId )
       if len( sbTuple ) != 2:
         return S_ERROR( "SB definition is not ( SBLocation, Type )! It's '%s'" % str( sbTuple ) )
       SBLocation = sbTuple[0]
       if SBLocation.find( "SB:" ) != 0:
         return S_ERROR( "%s doesn't seem to be a sandbox" % SBLocation )
       SBLocation = SBLocation[3:]
       splitted = List.fromChar( SBLocation, "|" )
       if len( splitted ) < 2:
         return S_ERROR( "SB Location has to have SEName|SEPFN form" )
       SEName = splitted[0]
       SEPFN = ":".join( splitted[1:] )
       assignList.append( ( entityId, entitySetup, sbTuple[1], SEName, SEPFN ) )
   if not assignList:
     return S_OK()
   credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
   return sandboxDB.assignSandboxesToEntities( assignList, credDict[ 'username' ], credDict[ 'group' ],
                                               ownerName, ownerGroup )
Пример #24
 def __loadOptimizer(self):
     # Need to load an optimizer
     gLogger.info("Loading optimizer %s" % self.optimizerName)
     optList = List.fromChar(self.optimizerName, "/")
     optList[1] = "/".join(optList[1:])
     systemName = optList[0]
     agentName = "%sAgent" % optList[1]
     rootModulesToLook = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Extensions", []) + ["DIRAC"]
     for rootModule in rootModulesToLook:
             gLogger.info("Trying to load from root module %s" % rootModule)
             opPyPath = "%s.%sSystem.Agent.%s" % (rootModule, systemName, agentName)
             optimizerModule = __import__(opPyPath, globals(), locals(), agentName)
         except ImportError, e:
             gLogger.info("Can't load %s: %s" % (opPyPath, str(e)))
             optimizerClass = getattr(optimizerModule, agentName)
             optimizer = optimizerClass("%sAgent" % self.optimizerName, self.containerName)
             result = optimizer.am_initialize(self.jobDB, self.jobLoggingDB)
             if not result["OK"]:
                 return S_ERROR("Can't initialize optimizer %s: %s" % (self.optimizerName, result["Message"]))
             return S_OK(optimizer)
         except Exception, e:
             gLogger.exception("Can't load optimizer %s with root module %s" % (self.optimizerName, rootModule))
Пример #25
 def sync( self ):
   gLogger.debug( "Updating configuration internals" )
   self.mergedCFG = self.remoteCFG.mergeWith( self.localCFG )
   self.remoteServerList = []
   localServers = self.extractOptionFromCFG( "%s/Servers" % self.configurationPath,
                                       disableDangerZones = True )
   if localServers:
     self.remoteServerList.extend( List.fromChar( localServers, "," ) )
   remoteServers = self.extractOptionFromCFG( "%s/Servers" % self.configurationPath,
                                       disableDangerZones = True )
   if remoteServers:
     self.remoteServerList.extend( List.fromChar( remoteServers, "," ) )
   self.remoteServerList = List.uniqueElements( self.remoteServerList )
   self.compressedConfigurationData = zlib.compress( str( self.remoteCFG ), 9 )
Пример #26
 def getLFCRegisteredDNs( self ):
   #Request a proxy
   if gConfig.useServerCertificate():
     if not self.__generateProxy():
       return False
   #Execute the call
   cmdEnv = dict( os.environ )
   cmdEnv['LFC_HOST'] = 'lfc-egee.in2p3.fr'
   if os.path.isfile( self.proxyLocation ):
     cmdEnv[ 'X509_USER_PROXY' ] = self.proxyLocation
   lfcDNs = []
     retlfc = Subprocess.systemCall( 30, ( 'lfc-listusrmap', ), env = cmdEnv )
     if not retlfc['OK']:
       self.log.fatal( 'Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Message'] )
       return retlfc
     if retlfc['Value'][0]:
       self.log.fatal( 'Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Value'][2] )
       return S_ERROR( "lfc-listusrmap failed" )
       for item in List.fromChar( retlfc['Value'][1], '\n' ):
         dn = item.split( ' ', 1 )[1]
         lfcDNs.append( dn )
     return S_OK( lfcDNs )
     if os.path.isfile( self.proxyLocation ):
       self.log.info( "Destroying proxy..." )
       os.unlink( self.proxyLocation )
Пример #27
  def setNextOptimizer(self, jobState=None):
    if not jobState:
      jobState = self.__jobData.jobState
    result = jobState.getOptParameter('OptimizerChain')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    opChain = List.fromChar(result['Value'], ",")
    opName = self.__optimizerName
      opIndex = opChain.index(opName)
    except ValueError:
      return S_ERROR("Optimizer %s is not in the chain!" % opName)
    chainLength = len(opChain)
    if chainLength - 1 == opIndex:
      # This is the last optimizer in the chain!
      result = jobState.setStatus(self.ex_getOption('WaitingStatus', 'Waiting'),
                                  minorStatus=self.ex_getOption('WaitingMinorStatus', 'Pilot Agent Submission'),
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      result = jobState.insertIntoTQ()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      return S_OK()
    # Keep optimizing!
    nextOp = opChain[opIndex + 1]
    self.jobLog.info("Set to Checking/%s" % nextOp)
    return jobState.setStatus("Checking", nextOp, source=opName)
Пример #28
 def __setCommiter( self, entryPath, cfg = False ):
   if not cfg:
     cfg = self.__getParentCFG( entryPath )
   entry = List.fromChar( entryPath, "/" )[-1]
   comment = cfg.getComment( entry )
   filteredComment = [ line.strip() for line in comment.split( "\n" ) if line.find( self.commiterTag ) != 0 ]
   filteredComment.append( "%s%s" % ( self.commiterTag, self.commiterId ) )
   cfg.setComment( entry, "\n".join( filteredComment ) )
Пример #29
 def testFromChar(self):
     """ fromChar tests """
     # empty string
     aStr = ""
     self.assertEqual(List.fromChar(aStr, "-"), [])
     # wrong sep (should it raise an exception???)
     aStr = "a:b:c"
     self.assertEqual(List.fromChar(aStr, "-"), ["a:b:c"])
     # norman behavior
     aStr = "a:b:c"
     self.assertEqual(List.fromChar(aStr, ":"), ["a", "b", "c"])
     # only sep
     aStr = ","
     self.assertEqual(List.fromChar(aStr, ","), [])
     # too many separators
     aStr = "a,,b,,c,,,"
     self.assertEqual(List.fromChar(aStr, ","), ["a", "b", "c"])
    def __parseFormParams(self):
        params = self.request.arguments

        pD = {}
        extraParams = {}
        for name in params:
            if name =='_Source':
                value = ",".join(params['_Source'])
                pD['Source']=str( value )
            if name =='_Destination':
                value = ",".join(params['_Destination'])
                pD['Destination']=str( value )
            if name =='_User':
                value = ",".join(params['_User'])
                pD['User']=str( value )
        if('_Source' in  params.keys()):
        if('_Destination' in  params.keys()):
        if('_User' in  params.keys()):

        for name in params:
            if name.find( "_" ) != 0:
            value = params[ name ][0]
            name = name[1:]
            pD[ name ] = str( value )

        # Get plotname
        if not 'grouping' in pD:
           return S_ERROR( "Missing grouping!" )
        grouping = pD[ 'grouping' ]
        # Get plotname
        if not 'typeName' in pD:
           return S_ERROR( "Missing type name!" )
        typeName = pD[ 'typeName' ]
        del( pD[ 'typeName' ] )
        # Get plotname
        if not 'plotName' in pD:
           return S_ERROR( "Missing plot name!" )
        reportName = pD[ 'plotName' ]
        del( pD[ 'plotName' ] )
        # Get times
        start =datetime.datetime.strptime(pD[ 'startTime' ],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        end = datetime.datetime.strptime(pD[ 'endTime' ],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        del( pD[ 'startTime' ] )
        del( pD[ 'endTime' ] )
        # Get extraParams

        # Listify the rest
        for selName in pD:
          pD[ selName ] = List.fromChar( pD[ selName ], "," )
          self.log.always(pD[ selName ])
        return S_OK( ( typeName, reportName, start, end, pD, grouping, extraParams ) )
Пример #31
 def __checkMultiChoice(self, varName, choices):
   Check a multi choice var
   initialVal = False
   if varName not in self.__manifest:
     return S_OK()
     varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
     initialVal = varValue
   choices = self.__getCSValue("Choices%s" % varName, choices)
   for v in List.fromChar(varValue):
     if v not in choices:
       return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid value for %s" % (v, varName))
   if initialVal != varValue:
     self.__manifest.setOption(varName, varValue)
   return S_OK(varValue)
Пример #32
Файл: CFG.py Проект: sposs/DIRAC
    def appendToOption(self, optionName, value):
    Append a value to an option prepending a comma

    @type optionName: string
    @param optionName: Name of the option to append the value
    @type value: string
    @param value: Value to append to the option
        result = self.getRecursive(optionName, -1)
        if not result:
            raise KeyError("%s does not exist" %
                           "/".join(List.fromChar(optionName, "/")[:-1]))
        cfg = result['value']
        end = result['levelsBelow']
        if end not in cfg.__dataDict:
            raise KeyError("Option %s has not been declared" % end)
        cfg.__dataDict[end] += str(value)
Пример #33
 def __checkMultiChoiceInDescription(self, varName, choices):
 Check a multi choice var
     initialVal = False
     if varName not in self.__description:
         return S_OK()
         varValue = self.__description[varName]
         initialVal = varValue
     choices = Operations().getValue("JobDescription/Choices%s" % varName,
     for v in List.fromChar(varValue):
         if v not in choices:
             return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid value for %s" % (v, varName))
     if initialVal != varValue:
         self.__description.setOption(varName, varValue)
     return S_OK(varValue)
Пример #34
 def __getDirsToBundle(self):
   dirsToBundle = {}
   result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("%s/DirsToBundle" % self.__csPath)
   if result['OK']:
     dB = result['Value']
     for bId in dB:
       dirsToBundle[bId] = List.fromChar(dB[bId])
   if gConfig.getValue("%s/BundleCAs" % self.__csPath, True):
     dirsToBundle['CAs'] = [
         "%s/*.0" %
         "%s/*.signing_policy" %
         "%s/*.pem" %
   if gConfig.getValue("%s/BundleCRLs" % self.__csPath, True):
     dirsToBundle['CRLs'] = ["%s/*.r0" % Locations.getCAsLocation()]
   return dirsToBundle
Пример #35
  def loadObject(self, importString, objName=False, hideExceptions=False):
    """ Load an object from inside a module
    result = self.loadModule(importString, hideExceptions=hideExceptions)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    modObj = result['Value']
    modFile = modObj.__file__

    if not objName:
      objName = List.fromChar(importString, ".")[-1]

      result = S_OK(getattr(modObj, objName))
      result['ModuleFile'] = modFile
      return result
    except AttributeError:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EIMPERR, "%s does not contain a %s object" % (importString, objName))
Пример #36
def getGatewayURLs(system="", service=None):
    """Get gateway URLs for service

    :param str system: system name or full name, like 'Framework/Service'.
    :param str service: service name, like 'ProxyManager'.

    :return: list or False
    if system:
        system, service = divideFullName(system, service)
    siteName = gConfigurationData.extractOptionFromCFG("/LocalSite/Site")
    if not siteName:
        return False
    gateways = gConfigurationData.extractOptionFromCFG("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % siteName)
    if not gateways:
        return False
    gateways = List.randomize(List.fromChar(gateways, ","))
    return [checkComponentURL(u, system, service) for u in gateways if u] if system and service else gateways
Пример #37
    def parseListMatchStdout(self, proxy, cmd, taskQueueID, rb):
      Parse List Match stdout to return list of matched CE's
        self.log.verbose('Executing List Match for TaskQueue', taskQueueID)

        start = time.time()
        ret = executeGridCommand(proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv)

        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to execute List Match:', ret['Message'])
            self.__sendErrorMail(rb, 'List Match', cmd, ret, proxy)
            return False
        if ret['Value'][0] != 0:
            self.log.error('Error executing List Match:',
                           str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3]))
            self.__sendErrorMail(rb, 'List Match', cmd, ret, proxy)
            return False
        self.log.info('List Match Execution Time: %.2f for TaskQueue %d' %
                      ((time.time() - start), taskQueueID))

        stdout = ret['Value'][1]
        stderr = ret['Value'][2]
        availableCEs = []
        # Parse std.out
        for line in List.fromChar(stdout, '\n'):
            if re.search('/jobmanager-', line) or re.search('/cream-', line):
                # TODO: the line has to be stripped from extra info

        if not availableCEs:
            self.log.info('List-Match failed to find CEs for TaskQueue',
            self.log.debug('List-Match returns:',
                           str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3]))
                'List-Match found %s CEs for TaskQueue' % len(availableCEs),
            self.log.verbose(', '.join(availableCEs))

        return availableCEs
Пример #38
def loadObjects( path, reFilter = None, parentClass = None ):
  if not reFilter:
    reFilter = re.compile( r".*[a-z1-9]\.py$" )
  pathList = List.fromChar( path, "/" )

  parentModuleList = [ "%sDIRAC" % ext for ext in CSGlobals.getCSExtensions() ] + [ 'DIRAC' ]
  objectsToLoad = {}
  #Find which object files match
  for parentModule in parentModuleList:
    objDir = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, parentModule, *pathList )
    if not os.path.isdir( objDir ):
    for objFile in os.listdir( objDir ):
      if reFilter.match( objFile ):
        pythonClassName = objFile[:-3]
        if pythonClassName not in objectsToLoad:
          gLogger.info( "Adding to message load queue %s/%s/%s" % ( parentModule, path, pythonClassName ) )
          objectsToLoad[ pythonClassName ] = parentModule

  #Load them!
  loadedObjects = {}

  for pythonClassName in objectsToLoad:
    parentModule = objectsToLoad[ pythonClassName ]
      #Where parentModule can be DIRAC, pathList is something like [ "AccountingSystem", "Client", "Types" ]
      #And the python class name is.. well, the python class name
      objPythonPath = "%s.%s.%s" % ( parentModule, ".".join( pathList ), pythonClassName )
      objModule = __import__( objPythonPath,
                               locals(), pythonClassName )
      objClass = getattr( objModule, pythonClassName )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception( "Can't load type %s/%s: %s" % ( parentModule, pythonClassName, str( e ) ) )
    if parentClass == objClass:
    if parentClass and not issubclass( objClass, parentClass ):
      gLogger.warn( "%s is not a subclass of %s. Skipping" % ( objClass, parentClass ) )
    gLogger.info( "Loaded %s" % objPythonPath )
    loadedObjects[ pythonClassName ] = objClass

  return loadedObjects
Пример #39
    def __removeEmptyDir(self, dirPath, useOwnerProxy=True):
        ''' unlink empty folder :dirPath: '''
        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.ConfigurationData import gConfigurationData
        if len(List.fromChar(dirPath, "/")) < self.__keepDirLevels:
            return S_OK()

        if useOwnerProxy:
            result = self.__getOwnerProxy(dirPath)
            if not result['OK']:
                if 'Proxy not available' not in result['Message']:
                return result

            upFile = result['Value']
            prevProxyEnv = os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY']
            os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = upFile
                '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'false')
            # res = self.catalog.removeDirectory( dirPath )
            res = self.catalog.writeCatalogs[0][1].removeDirectory(dirPath)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "Error removing empty directory from File Catalog.",
                return res
            elif dirPath in res['Value']['Failed']:
                    "Failed to remove empty directory from File Catalog.",
                return S_ERROR(res['Value']['Failed'][dirPath])
            res = self.storageUsage.removeDirectory(dirPath)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "Failed to remove empty directory from Storage Usage database.",
                return res
            return S_OK()
                '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'true')
            if useOwnerProxy:
                os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = prevProxyEnv
Пример #40
def retrieveReleaseNotes( packages ):
  if type( packages ) in ( types.StringType, types.UnicodeType ):
    packages = [ str( packages ) ]
  packageCFGDict = {}
  #Get the versions.cfg
  for package in packages:
    packageCFGDict[ package ] = Distribution( package ).getVersionsCFG()
  #Parse the release notes
  pkgNotesDict = {}
  for package in packageCFGDict:
    versionsCFG = packageCFGDict[ package ][ 'Versions' ]
    pkgNotesDict[ package ] = []
    for mainVersion in versionsCFG.listSections( ordered = True ):
      vCFG = versionsCFG[ mainVersion ]
      versionNotes = {}
      for subsys in vCFG.listOptions():
        comment = vCFG.getComment( subsys )
        if not comment:
        versionNotes[ subsys ] = {}
        lines = List.fromChar( comment, "\n" )
        lastCommentType = False
        for line in lines:
          processedLine = False
          for typeComment in gAllowedNoteTypes:
            if line.find( "%s:" % typeComment ) == 0:
              if typeComment in gNoteTypeAlias:
                effectiveType = gNoteTypeAlias[ typeComment ]
                effectiveType = typeComment
              if effectiveType not in versionNotes[ subsys ]:
                versionNotes[ subsys ][ effectiveType ] = []
              versionNotes[ subsys ][ effectiveType ].append( line[ len( typeComment ) + 1: ].strip() )
              lastCommentType = effectiveType
              processedLine = True
          if not processedLine and lastCommentType:
            versionNotes[ subsys ][ effectiveType ][-1] += " %s" % line.strip()
      if versionNotes:
        pkgNotesDict[ package ].append( { 'version' : mainVersion, 'notes' : versionNotes } )
      versionComment = versionsCFG.getComment( mainVersion )
      if versionComment:
        pkgNotesDict[ package ][-1][ 'comment' ] = "\n".join( [ l.strip() for l in versionComment.split( "\n" ) ] )
  return pkgNotesDict
Пример #41
 def syncUsersWithCFG(self, usersCFG):
 Sync users with the cfg contents. Usernames have to be sections containing
 DN, Groups, and extra properties as parameters
     if not self.__initialized['OK']:
         return self.__initialized
     done = True
     for user in usersCFG.listSections():
         properties = {}
         propList = usersCFG[user].listOptions()
         for prop in propList:
             if prop == "Groups":
                 properties[prop] = List.fromChar(usersCFG[user][prop])
                 properties[prop] = usersCFG[user][prop]
         if not self.modifyUser(user, properties, createIfNonExistant=True):
             done = False
     return S_OK(done)
Пример #42
 def __recurseImport( self, modName, parentModule = False, hideExceptions = False ):
   if type( modName ) in types.StringTypes:
     modName = List.fromChar( modName, "." )
     if parentModule:
       impData = imp.find_module( modName[0], parentModule.__path__ )
       impData = imp.find_module( modName[0] )
     impModule = imp.load_module( modName[0], *impData )
     if impData[0]:
   except ImportError, excp:
     strExcp = str( excp )
     if strExcp.find( "No module named" ) == 0 and strExcp.find( modName[0] ) == len( strExcp ) - len( modName[0] ):
       return S_OK()
     errMsg = "Can't load %s" % ".".join( modName )
     if not hideExceptions:
       gLogger.exception( errMsg )
     return S_ERROR( errMsg )
Пример #43
def getServiceFailoverURL(system, service=None, setup=False):
    """Get failover URLs for service

    :param str system: system name or full name, like 'Framework/Service'.
    :param str service: service name, like 'ProxyManager'.
    :param str setup: DIRAC setup name, can be defined in dirac.cfg

    :return: str -- complete list of urls
    system, service = divideFullName(system, service)
    systemSection = getSystemSection(system, setup=setup)
    failovers = gConfigurationData.extractOptionFromCFG(
        "%s/FailoverURLs/%s" % (systemSection, service))
    if not failovers:
        return ""
    return ",".join([
        checkComponentURL(u, system, service)
        for u in List.fromChar(failovers, ",") if u
 def __getLoadAvg(self):
     result = self.__getCSConfig()
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     with open("/proc/loadavg", "r") as fd:
         data = [float(v) for v in List.fromChar(fd.read(), " ")[:3]]
     numRequiredSamples = max(
         self.vmLoadAvgTimespan / self.am_getPollingTime(), 1)
     while len(self.__loadHistory) > numRequiredSamples:
     self.log.info("Load averaged over %d seconds" % self.vmLoadAvgTimespan)
     self.log.info(" %d/%s required samples to average load" %
                   (len(self.__loadHistory), numRequiredSamples))
     avgLoad = 0
     for f in self.__loadHistory:
         avgLoad += f[0]
     return avgLoad / len(self.__loadHistory), len(
         self.__loadHistory) == numRequiredSamples
Пример #45
    def getOption(self, optionPath, defaultValue=None):
        optionValue = gConfigurationData.extractOptionFromCFG(optionPath)
        if not optionValue:
            optionValue = defaultValue

        #Return value if existing, defaultValue if not
        if optionValue == defaultValue:
            if defaultValue == None or type(defaultValue) == types.TypeType:
                return S_ERROR("Path %s does not exist or it's not an option" %
            return S_OK(optionValue)

        #Value has been returned from the configuration
        if defaultValue == None:
            return S_OK(optionValue)

        #Casting to defaultValue's type
        defaultType = defaultValue
        if not type(defaultValue) == types.TypeType:
            defaultType = type(defaultValue)

        if defaultType == types.ListType:
                return S_OK(List.fromChar(optionValue, ','))
            except Exception:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Can't convert value (%s) to comma separated list" %
        elif defaultType == types.BooleanType:
                return S_OK(optionValue.lower() in ("y", "yes", "true", "1"))
            except Exception:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Can't convert value (%s) to comma separated list" %
                return S_OK(defaultType(optionValue))
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Type mismatch between default (%s) and configured value (%s) "
                    % (str(defaultValue), optionValue))
Пример #46
    def parseJobSubmitStdout(self, proxy, cmd, taskQueueID, rb):
      Parse Job Submit stdout to return pilot reference
        start = time.time()
        self.log.verbose('Executing Job Submit for TaskQueue', taskQueueID)

        ret = executeGridCommand(proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv)

        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to execute Job Submit:', ret['Message'])
            self.__sendErrorMail(rb, 'Job Submit', cmd, ret, proxy)
            return False
        if ret['Value'][0] != 0:
            self.log.error('Error executing Job Submit:',
                           str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3]))
            self.__sendErrorMail(rb, 'Job Submit', cmd, ret, proxy)
            return False
        self.log.info('Job Submit Execution Time: %.2f for TaskQueue %d' %
                      ((time.time() - start), taskQueueID))

        stdout = ret['Value'][1]

        failed = 1
        rb = ''
        for line in List.fromChar(stdout, '\n'):
            m = re.search("(https:\S+)", line)
            if (m):
                glite_id = m.group(1)
                if not rb:
                    m = re.search("https://(.+):.+", glite_id)
                    rb = m.group(1)
                failed = 0
        if failed:
            self.log.error('Job Submit returns no Reference:',
                           str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3]))
            return False

        self.log.info('Reference %s for TaskQueue %s' %
                      (glite_id, taskQueueID))

        return glite_id, rb
Пример #47
    def __decodeMetadataQuery(self):
        """ Decode metadata query

        :return: dict
        cond = {}
        for k in self.request.arguments:
            for val in self.request.arguments[k]:
                if val.find("|") == -1:
                val = val.split("|")
                op = val[0]
                val = "|".join(val[1:])
                if 'in' == op:
                    val = List.fromChar(val, ",")
                if k not in cond:
                    cond[k] = {}
                cond[k][op] = val
        self.log.info("Metadata condition is %s" % cond)
        return cond
Пример #48
  def deleteKey( self, key ):
    Delete an option/section

    :type key: string
    :param key: Name of the option/section to delete
    :return: Boolean with the result
    result = self.getRecursive( key, -1 )
    if not result:
      raise KeyError( "%s does not exist" % "/".join( List.fromChar( key, "/" )[:-1] ) )
    cfg = result[ 'value' ]
    end = result[ 'levelsBelow' ]

    if end in cfg.__orderedList:
      del( cfg.__commentDict[ end ] )
      del( cfg.__dataDict[ end ] )
      cfg.__orderedList.remove( end )
      return True
    return False
Пример #49
 def export_assignSandboxesToEntities(self,
 Assign sandboxes to jobs.
 Expects a dict of { entityId : [ ( SB, SBType ), ... ] }
     if not entitySetup:
         entitySetup = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']
     assignList = []
     for entityId in enDict:
         for sbTuple in enDict[entityId]:
             if type(sbTuple) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
                 return S_ERROR(
                     "Entry for entity %s is not a itterable of tuples/lists"
                     % entityId)
             if len(sbTuple) != 2:
                 return S_ERROR(
                     "SB definition is not ( SBLocation, Type )! It's '%s'"
                     % str(sbTuple))
             SBLocation = sbTuple[0]
             if SBLocation.find("SB:") != 0:
                 return S_ERROR("%s doesn't seem to be a sandbox" %
             SBLocation = SBLocation[3:]
             splitted = List.fromChar(SBLocation, "|")
             if len(splitted) < 2:
                 return S_ERROR("SB Location has to have SEName|SEPFN form")
             SEName = splitted[0]
             SEPFN = ":".join(splitted[1:])
                 (entityId, entitySetup, sbTuple[1], SEName, SEPFN))
     if not assignList:
         return S_OK()
     credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
     return sandboxDB.assignSandboxesToEntities(assignList,
                                                ownerName, ownerGroup)
Пример #50
 def _getJobManifest( self, jid ):
   result = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring" ).getJobJDL( int( jid  ) )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return WErr( 500, result[ 'Message' ] )
   result = loadJDLAsCFG( result[ 'Value' ] )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return WErr( 500, result[ 'Message' ] )
   cfg = result[ 'Value' ][0]
   jobData = {}
   stack = [ ( cfg, jobData ) ]
   while stack:
     cfg, level = stack.pop( 0 )
     for op in cfg.listOptions():
       val = List.fromChar( cfg[ op ] )
       if len( val ) == 1:
         val = val[0]
       level[ op ] = val
     for sec in cfg.listSections():
       level[ sec ] = {}
       stack.append( ( cfg[ sec ], level[ sec ] ) )
   return WOK( jobData )
Пример #51
 def describeGroups(self, mask=None):
   List all groups that are in the mask (or all if no mask) with their properties
   if mask is None:
     mask = []
   if not self.__initialized['OK']:
     return self.__initialized
   groups = [
       group for group in self.__csMod.getSections(
           "%s/Groups" %
           self.__baseSecurity) if not mask or (
           mask and group in mask)]
   groupsDict = {}
   for group in groups:
     groupsDict[group] = {}
     for option in self.__csMod.getOptions("%s/Groups/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, group)):
       groupsDict[group][option] = self.__csMod.getValue("%s/Groups/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, group, option))
       if option in ("Users", "Properties"):
         groupsDict[group][option] = List.fromChar(groupsDict[group][option])
   return S_OK(groupsDict)
Пример #52
    def initialize(self):

        self.SystemLoggingDB = SystemLoggingDB()

        self.agentName = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName')

        self.notification = NotificationClient()

        mailList = self.am_getOption("MailList", [])

        userString = self.am_getOption("Reviewer", 'mseco')
        userList = List.fromChar(userString, ",")
        self.log.debug("Users to be notified", ": " + userString)
        for user in userList:
            retval = gConfig.getOption("/Registry/Users/" + user + "/email")
            if not retval['OK']:
                self.log.warn("Could not get user's mail", retval['Message'])

        if not mailList:
            mailList = gConfig.getValue('/Operations/EMail/Logging', [])

        if not len(mailList):
            errString = "There are no valid users in the list"
            varString = "[" + ','.join(userList) + "]"
            self.log.error(errString, varString)
            return S_ERROR(errString + varString)

        self.log.info("List of mails to be notified", ','.join(mailList))
        self._mailAddress = mailList
        self._threshold = int(self.am_getOption('Threshold', 10))

        self.__days = self.am_getOption('QueryPeriod', 7)
        self._period = int(self.__days) * day
        self._limit = int(self.am_getOption('NumberOfErrors', 10))

        string = "The %i most common errors in the SystemLoggingDB" % self._limit
        self._subject = string + " for the last %s days" % self.__days
        return S_OK()
Пример #53
    def _getChildrenReferences(self, proxy, parentReference, taskQueueID):
     Get reference for all Children
        cmd = ['glite-wms-job-status', parentReference]

        start = time.time()
        self.log.verbose('Executing Job Status for TaskQueue', taskQueueID)

        ret = executeGridCommand(proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv)

        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to execute Job Status', ret['Message'])
            return []
        if ret['Value'][0] != 0:
            self.log.error('Error executing Job Status:',
                           str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3]))
            return []
        self.log.info('Job Status Execution Time: %.2f' %
                      (time.time() - start))

        stdout = ret['Value'][1]
        # stderr = ret['Value'][2]

        references = []

        failed = 1
        for line in List.fromChar(stdout, '\n'):
            match = re.search("Status info for the Job : (https:\S+)", line)
            if (match):
                glite_id = match.group(1)
                if glite_id not in references and glite_id != parentReference:
                failed = 0
        if failed:
            error = str(ret['Value'][0]) + '\n'.join(ret['Value'][1:3])
            self.log.error('Job Status returns no Child Reference:', error)
            return [parentReference]

        return references
Пример #54
 def do_plotView( self, args ):
   Gets a summary
     Usage : getSummary <Summary name> <startdate YYYYMMDDHHMM> <enddate YYYYMMDDHHMM> <destLocation> (<field name> <field value>)*
     argList = List.fromChar( args, " " )
     if len( argList ) < 4:
       gLogger.error( "Missing arguments!" )
     startDT = self.__getDatetimeFromArg( argList[1] )
     if not startDT:
       gLogger.error( "Start time has invalid format" )
     endDT = self.__getDatetimeFromArg( argList[2] )
     if not endDT:
       gLogger.error( "End time has invalid format" )
     gLogger.info( "Start time is %s" % startDT )
     gLogger.info( "End time is %s" % endDT )
     sumArgs = {}
     for iP in range( 4, len( argList ), 2 ):
       key = argList[ iP ]
       if key in sumArgs:
         sumArgs[ key ].append( argList[ iP + 1 ] )
         sumArgs[ key ] = [ argList[ iP + 1 ] ]
     repClient = ReportsClient()
     retVal = repClient.plotView( argList[ 0 ], startDT, endDT, sumArgs )
     if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
       gLogger.error( "Error: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
     destDir = argList[3]
     plotImg = retVal[ 'Value' ]
     print "Downloading %s plot to %s.." % ( plotImg, destDir )
     retVal = repClient.getPlotToDirectory( plotImg, destDir )
     if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
       print " Error: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ]
       print " done (%s/%s)!" % ( destDir, plotImg )
Пример #55
    def __isGroupAuthApp(self, appLoc):
    The method checks if the application is authorized for a certain user group
    :param str appLoc It is the application name for example: DIRAC.JobMonitor
    :return bool if the handler is authorized to the user returns True otherwise False 

        handlerLoc = "/".join(List.fromChar(appLoc, ".")[1:])
        if not handlerLoc:
            gLogger.error("Application handler does not exists:", appLoc)
            return False
        if handlerLoc not in self.__handlers:
            gLogger.error("Handler %s required by %s does not exist!" %
                          (handlerLoc, appLoc))
            return False
        handler = self.__handlers[handlerLoc]
        auth = AuthManager(Conf.getAuthSectionForHandler(handlerLoc))
        gLogger.info("Authorization: %s -> %s" %
                     (dict(self.__credDict), handler.AUTH_PROPS))
        return auth.authQuery("", dict(self.__credDict), handler.AUTH_PROPS)
Пример #56
def getCEsFromCS():
  """ Get all the CEs defined in the CS
  knownCEs = []
  result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites' )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  grids = result['Value']

  for grid in grids:
    result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    sites = result['Value']

    for site in sites:
      opt = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s' % ( grid, site ) )['Value']
      ces = List.fromChar( opt.get( 'CE', '' ) )
      knownCEs += ces
  return S_OK( knownCEs )
Пример #57
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ''' c'tor
        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.__baseDir = '/lhcb'
        self.__baseDirLabel = "_".join(List.fromChar(self.__baseDir, "/"))
        self.__ignoreDirsList = []
        self.__keepDirLevels = 4

        self.__startExecutionTime = long(time.time())
        self.__dirExplorer = DirectoryExplorer(reverse=True)
        self.__processedDirs = 0
        self.__directoryOwners = {}
        self.catalog = FileCatalog()
        self.__maxToPublish = self.am_getOption('MaxDirectories', 5000)
        if self.am_getOption('DirectDB', False):
            self.storageUsage = StorageUsageDB()
            # Set a timeout of 0.1 seconds per directory (factor 5 margin)
            self.storageUsage = RPCClient('DataManagement/StorageUsage',
                                              int(self.__maxToPublish * 0.1)))
        self.activePeriod = self.am_getOption('ActivePeriod',
        self.dataLock = threading.Lock()
        self.replicaListLock = threading.Lock()
        self.proxyCache = DictCache(removeProxy)
        self.__noProxy = set()
        self.__catalogType = None
        self.__recalculateUsage = Operations().getValue(
            'DataManagement/RecalculateDirSize', False)
        self.enableStartupSleep = self.am_getOption('EnableStartupSleep',
        self.__publishDirQueue = {}
        self.__dirsToPublish = {}
        self.__replicaFilesUsed = set()
        self.__replicaListFilesDir = ""
Пример #58
  def getValidPropertiesForMethod( self, method, defaultProperties = False ):
    Get all authorized groups for calling a method

    :type  method: string
    :param method: Method to test
    :return: List containing the allowed groups
    authProps = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.authSection, method ), [] )
    if authProps:
      return authProps
    if defaultProperties:
      self.__authLogger.verbose( "Using hardcoded properties for method %s : %s" % ( method, defaultProperties ) )
      if type( defaultProperties ) not in ( types.ListType, types.TupleType ):
        return List.fromChar( defaultProperties )
      return defaultProperties
    defaultPath = "%s/Default" % "/".join( method.split( "/" )[:-1] )
    authProps = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.authSection, defaultPath ), [] )
    if authProps:
      self.__authLogger.verbose( "Method %s has no properties defined using %s" % ( method, defaultPath ) )
      return authProps
    self.__authLogger.verbose( "Method %s has no authorization rules defined. Allowing no properties" % method )
    return []
Пример #59
    def __findServiceURL(self):
        if not self.__initStatus['OK']:
            return self.__initStatus
        gatewayURL = False
        if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[
            dRetVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" %
            if dRetVal['OK']:
                rawGatewayURL = List.randomize(
                    List.fromChar(dRetVal['Value'], ","))[0]
                gatewayURL = "/".join(rawGatewayURL.split("/")[:3])

        for protocol in gProtocolDict.keys():
            if self._destinationSrv.find("%s://" % protocol) == 0:
                gLogger.debug("Already given a valid url",
                if not gatewayURL:
                    return S_OK(self._destinationSrv)
                    "Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway")
                path = "/".join(self._destinationSrv.split("/")[3:])
                finalURL = "%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, path)
                gLogger.debug("Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" %
                              (self._destinationSrv, finalURL))
                return S_OK(finalURL)

        if gatewayURL:
            gLogger.debug("Using gateway", gatewayURL)
            return S_OK("%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv))

            urls = getServiceURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
        except Exception, e:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" %
                           (self._destinationSrv, self.setup, str(e)))
Пример #60
    def getTypedDictRootedAt(path):
        retval = {}

        opts = gConfig.getOptionsDict(path)
        secs = gConfig.getSections(path)

        if not opts['OK']:
            raise CSError, opts['Message']
        if not secs['OK']:
            raise CSError, secs['Message']

        opts = opts['Value']
        secs = secs['Value']

        for k in opts:
            if opts[k].find(",") > -1:
                retval[k] = [
                    Utils.typedobj_of_string(e) for e in List.fromChar(opts[k])
                retval[k] = Utils.typedobj_of_string(opts[k])
        for i in secs:
            retval[i] = getTypedDictRootedAt(path + "/" + i)
        return retval