Пример #1
  def do_show( self, args ):
        Show list of components with various related information


          show software      - show components for which software is available
          show installed     - show components installed in the host with runit system
          show setup         - show components set up for automatic running in the host
          show project       - show project to install or upgrade
          show status        - show status of the installed components
          show database      - show status of the databases
          show mysql         - show status of the MySQL server
          show log  <system> <service|agent> [nlines]
                             - show last <nlines> lines in the component log file
          show info          - show version of software and setup
          show doc <type> <system> <name>
                             - show documentation for a given service or agent
          show host          - show host related parameters
          show hosts         - show all available hosts
          show installations [ list | current | -n <Name> | -h <Host> | -s <System> | -m <Module> | -t <Type> | -itb <InstallationTime before>
                              | -ita <InstallationTime after> | -utb <UnInstallationTime before> | -uta <UnInstallationTime after> ]*
                             - show all the installations of components that match the given parameters
          show errors [*|<system> <service|agent>]
                             - show error count for the given component or all the components
                               in the last hour and day

    argss = args.split()
    if not argss:
      gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )

    option = argss[0]
    del argss[0]

    if option == 'software':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getSoftwareComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'installed':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getInstalledComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'setup':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getSetupComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'project':
      result = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port ).getProject()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Current project is %s" % result[ 'Value' ] )
    elif option == 'status':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getOverallStatus()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        fields = ["System",'Name','Module','Type','Setup','Installed','Runit','Uptime','PID']
        records = []
        rDict = result['Value']
        for compType in rDict:
          for system in rDict[compType]:
            components = rDict[compType][system].keys()
            for component in components:
              record = []
              if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']:
                module = str( rDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] )
                record += [ system,component,module,compType.lower()[:-1]]
                if rDict[compType][system][component]['Setup']:
                  record += ['Setup']
                  record += ['NotSetup']
                if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']:
                  record += ['Installed']
                  record += ['NotInstalled']
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['RunitStatus'] )]
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['Timeup'] )]
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['PID'] )]
    elif option == 'database' or option == 'databases':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      if not InstallTools.mysqlPassword:
        InstallTools.mysqlPassword = "******"
      result = client.getDatabases( InstallTools.mysqlRootPwd )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
      resultSW = client.getAvailableDatabases()
      if not resultSW['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( resultSW['Message'] )

      sw = resultSW['Value']
      installed = result['Value']
      gLogger.notice( '' )
      for db in sw:
        if db in installed:
          gLogger.notice( db.rjust( 25 ), ': Installed' )
          gLogger.notice( db.rjust( 25 ), ': Not installed' )
      if not sw:
        gLogger.notice( "No database found" )
    elif option == 'mysql':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getMySQLStatus()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
      elif result['Value']:
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        for par, value in result['Value'].items():
          gLogger.notice( ( par.rjust( 28 ), ':', value ) )
        gLogger.notice( "No MySQL database found" )
    elif option == "log":
      self.getLog( argss )
    elif option == "info":
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getInfo()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( "Setup:", result['Value']['Setup'] )
        gLogger.notice( "DIRAC version:", result['Value']['DIRAC'] )
        if result['Value']['Extensions']:
          for e, v in result['Value']['Extensions'].items():
            gLogger.notice( "%s version" % e, v )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
    elif option == "host":
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getHostInfo()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.__errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( "Host info:" )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        fields = ['Parameter','Value']
        records = []
        for key, value in result['Value'].items():
          records.append( [key, str( value ) ] )
        printTable( fields, records )  
    elif option == "hosts":
      client = ComponentMonitoringClient()
      result = client.getHosts( {}, False, False )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.__errMsg( 'Error retrieving the list of hosts: %s' % ( result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        hostList = result[ 'Value' ]
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( ' ' + 'Host'.center( 32 ) + ' ' + 'CPU'.center( 34 ) + ' ' )
        gLogger.notice( ( '-' * 69 ) )
        for element in hostList:
          gLogger.notice( '|' + element[ 'HostName' ].center( 32 ) + '|' + element[ 'CPU' ].center( 34 ) + '|' )
        gLogger.notice( ( '-' * 69 ) )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
    elif option == "errors":
      self.getErrors( argss )
    elif option == "installations":
      self.getInstallations( argss )
    elif option == "doc":
      if len( argss ) > 2:
        if argss[0] in [ 'service', 'agent' ]:
          compType = argss[0]
          compSystem = argss[1]
          compModule = argss[2]
          client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
          result = client.getComponentDocumentation( compType, compSystem, compModule )
          if result[ 'OK' ]:
            gLogger.notice( result[ 'Value' ] )
            self.__errMsg( result[ 'Message' ] )
          gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )
        gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )
      gLogger.notice( "Unknown option:", option )
Пример #2
  def do_show( self, args ):
        Show list of components with various related information


          show software      - show components for which software is available
          show installed     - show components installed in the host with runit system
          show setup         - show components set up for automatic running in the host
          show project       - show project to install or upgrade
          show status        - show status of the installed components
          show database      - show status of the databases
          show mysql         - show status of the MySQL server
          show log  <system> <service|agent> [nlines]
                             - show last <nlines> lines in the component log file
          show info          - show version of software and setup
          show doc <type> <system> <name>
                             - show documentation for a given service or agent
          show host          - show host related parameters
          show hosts         - show all available hosts
          show ports [host]  - show all ports used by a host. If no host is given, the host currently connected to is used
          show installations [ list | current | -n <Name> | -h <Host> | -s <System> | -m <Module> | -t <Type> | -itb <InstallationTime before>
                              | -ita <InstallationTime after> | -utb <UnInstallationTime before> | -uta <UnInstallationTime after> ]*
                             - show all the installations of components that match the given parameters
          show profile <system> <component> [ -s <size> | -h <host> | -id <initial date DD/MM/YYYY> | -it <initial time hh:mm>
                              | -ed <end date DD/MM/YYYY | -et <end time hh:mm> ]*
                             - show <size> log lines of profiling information for a component in the machine <host>
          show errors [*|<system> <service|agent>]
                             - show error count for the given component or all the components
                               in the last hour and day

    argss = args.split()
    if not argss:
      gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )

    option = argss[0]
    del argss[0]

    if option == 'software':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getSoftwareComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'installed':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getInstalledComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'setup':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getSetupComponents()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        pprint.pprint( result['Value'] )
    elif option == 'project':
      result = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port ).getProject()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Current project is %s" % result[ 'Value' ] )
    elif option == 'status':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getOverallStatus()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        fields = ["System",'Name','Module','Type','Setup','Installed','Runit','Uptime','PID']
        records = []
        rDict = result['Value']
        for compType in rDict:
          for system in rDict[compType]:
            components = rDict[compType][system].keys()
            for component in components:
              record = []
              if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']:
                module = str( rDict[compType][system][component]['Module'] )
                record += [ system,component,module,compType.lower()[:-1]]
                if rDict[compType][system][component]['Setup']:
                  record += ['Setup']
                  record += ['NotSetup']
                if rDict[compType][system][component]['Installed']:
                  record += ['Installed']
                  record += ['NotInstalled']
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['RunitStatus'] )]
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['Timeup'] )]
                record += [str( rDict[compType][system][component]['PID'] )]
    elif option == 'database' or option == 'databases':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      if not gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword:
        gComponentInstaller.mysqlPassword = "******"
      result = client.getDatabases( gComponentInstaller.mysqlRootPwd )
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
      resultSW = client.getAvailableDatabases()
      if not resultSW['OK']:
        self._errMsg( resultSW['Message'] )

      sw = resultSW['Value']
      installed = result['Value']
      gLogger.notice( '' )
      for db in sw:
        if db in installed:
          gLogger.notice( db.rjust( 25 ), ': Installed' )
          gLogger.notice( db.rjust( 25 ), ': Not installed' )
      if not sw:
        gLogger.notice( "No database found" )
    elif option == 'mysql':
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getMySQLStatus()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
      elif result['Value']:
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        for par, value in result['Value'].items():
          gLogger.notice( ( par.rjust( 28 ), ':', value ) )
        gLogger.notice( "No MySQL database found" )
    elif option == "log":
      self.getLog( argss )
    elif option == "info":
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getInfo()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( "Setup:", result['Value']['Setup'] )
        gLogger.notice( "DIRAC version:", result['Value']['DIRAC'] )
        if result['Value']['Extensions']:
          for e, v in result['Value']['Extensions'].items():
            gLogger.notice( "%s version" % e, v )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
    elif option == "host":
      client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
      result = client.getHostInfo()
      if not result['OK']:
        self._errMsg( result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( "Host info:" )
        gLogger.notice( '' )

        fields = ['Parameter','Value']
        records = []
        for parameter in result['Value'].iteritems():
          if parameter[0] == 'Extension':
            extensions = parameter[1].split( ',' )
            for extension in extensions:
              extensionName, extensionVersion = extension.split( ':' )
              records.append( [ '%sVersion' % extensionName, str( extensionVersion ) ] )
            records.append( [ parameter[0], str( parameter[1] ) ] )

        printTable( fields, records )
    elif option == "hosts":
      client = ComponentMonitoringClient()
      result = client.getHosts( {}, False, False )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self._errMsg( 'Error retrieving the list of hosts: %s' % ( result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        hostList = result[ 'Value' ]
        gLogger.notice( '' )
        gLogger.notice( ' ' + 'Host'.center( 32 ) + ' ' + 'CPU'.center( 34 ) + ' ' )
        gLogger.notice( ( '-' * 69 ) )
        for element in hostList:
          gLogger.notice( '|' + element[ 'HostName' ].center( 32 ) + '|' + element[ 'CPU' ].center( 34 ) + '|' )
        gLogger.notice( ( '-' * 69 ) )
        gLogger.notice( '' )
    elif option == "ports":
      if not argss:
        client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host )
        hostname = argss[0]
        del argss[0]

        client = ComponentMonitoringClient()
        result = client.hostExists( { 'HostName': hostname } )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          self._errMsg( result[ 'Message' ] )
          if not result[ 'Value' ]:
            self._errMsg( 'Given host does not exist' )

        client = SystemAdministratorClient( hostname )

      result = client.getUsedPorts()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self._errMsg( result[ 'Message' ] )
      pprint.pprint( result[ 'Value' ] )
    elif option == "errors":
      self.getErrors( argss )
    elif option == "installations":
      self.getInstallations( argss )
    elif option == "doc":
      if len( argss ) > 2:
        if argss[0] in [ 'service', 'agent' ]:
          compType = argss[0]
          compSystem = argss[1]
          compModule = argss[2]
          client = SystemAdministratorClient( self.host, self.port )
          result = client.getComponentDocumentation( compType, compSystem, compModule )
          if result[ 'OK' ]:
            gLogger.notice( result[ 'Value' ] )
            self._errMsg( result[ 'Message' ] )
          gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )
        gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )
    elif option == "profile":
      if len( argss ) > 1:
        system = argss[0]
        del argss[0]
        component = argss[0]
        del argss[0]

        component = '%s_%s' % ( system, component )

        argDict = { '-s': None, '-h': self.host, '-id': None, '-it': '00:00', '-ed': None, '-et': '00:00' }
        key = None
        for arg in argss:
          if not key:
            key = arg
            argDict[ key ] = arg
            key = None

        size = None
          if argDict[ '-s' ]:
            size = int( argDict[ '-s' ] )
        except ValueError as _ve:
          self._errMsg( 'Argument \'size\' must be an integer' )
        host = argDict[ '-h' ]
        initialDate = argDict[ '-id' ]
        initialTime = argDict[ '-it' ]
        endingDate = argDict[ '-ed' ]
        endingTime = argDict[ '-et' ]

        if initialDate:
          initialDate = '%s %s' % ( initialDate, initialTime )
          initialDate = ''
        if endingDate:
          endingDate = '%s %s' % ( endingDate, endingTime )
          endingDate = ''

        client = MonitoringClient()
        if size:
          result = client.getLimitedData( host, component, size )
          result = client.getDataForAGivenPeriod( host, component, initialDate, endingDate )

        if result[ 'OK' ]:
          text = ''
          headers = [result['Value'][0].keys()]
          for header in headers:
            text += str( header ).ljust( 15 )
          gLogger.notice( text )
          for record in result[ 'Value' ]:
            for metric in record.itervalues():
              text += str( metric ).ljust( 15 )
            gLogger.notice( text )
          self._errMsg( result[ 'Message' ] )
        gLogger.notice( self.do_show.__doc__ )
      gLogger.notice( "Unknown option:", option )