Пример #1
class CacheCleanerAgent( AgentModule ):
  The CacheCleanerAgent tidies up the ResourceStatusDB, namely:
    o SiteHistory
    o ServiceHistory
    o ResourceHistory
    o StorageElementHistory
  older than 6 months.
  It also takes care of the ResourceManagementDB, more specifically:
    o ClientCache
    o AccountingCache
  older than 24 hours for the first one, and 30 minutes for the second one.
  If you want to know more about the CacheCleanerAgent, scroll down to the end of the 
  # Too many public methods
  # pylint: disable-msg=R0904

  def initialize( self ):
    # Attribute defined outside __init__  
    # pylint: disable-msg=W0201
      self.rsClient      = ResourceStatusClient()
      self.rmClient      = ResourceManagementClient()  
      validElements      = RssConfiguration.getValidElements() 
      self.historyTables = [ '%sHistory' % x for x in validElements ]

      return S_OK()
    except Exception:
      errorStr = "CacheCleanerAgent initialization"
      self.log.exception( errorStr )
      return S_ERROR( errorStr )
  def execute( self ):
#    try:
    # Cleans history tables from entries older than 6 months.
    now          = datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0, second = 0 )
    sixMonthsAgo = now - timedelta( days = 180 )
    validElements = RssConfiguration.getValidElements()
    for granularity in validElements:
      #deleter = getattr( self.rsClient, 'delete%sHistory' % g )

      kwargs = { 'meta' : { 'minor' : { 'DateEnd' : sixMonthsAgo } } }
      self.log.info( 'Deleting %sHistory older than %s' % ( granularity, sixMonthsAgo ) )
      res = self.rsClient.deleteElementHistory( granularity, **kwargs )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( res[ 'Message' ] )            

    # Cleans ClientsCache table from DownTimes older than a day.
    aDayAgo = now - timedelta( days = 1 )
    kwargs = { 'meta' : {
                 'value'  : 'EndDate',
                 'columns': 'Opt_ID',
                 'minor'  : { 'Result' : str( aDayAgo ) }
    opt_IDs = self.rmClient.getClientCache( **kwargs )              
    opt_IDs = [ ID[ 0 ] for ID in opt_IDs[ 'Value' ] ]
    if opt_IDs:
      self.log.info( 'Found %s ClientCache items to be deleted' % len( opt_IDs) )
      self.log.debug( opt_IDs )
    res = self.rmClient.deleteClientCache( opt_ID = opt_IDs )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
    # Cleans AccountingCache table from plots not updated nor checked in the last 30 mins      
    anHourAgo = now - timedelta( minutes = 30 )
    self.log.info( 'Deleting AccountingCache older than %s' % ( anHourAgo ) )
    res = self.rmClient.deleteAccountingCache( meta = {'minor': { 'LastCheckTime' : anHourAgo }} )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( res[ 'Message' ] )

    # Cleans PolicyResultLog
    twoWeeksAgo = now - timedelta( days = 10 )
    self.log.info( 'Deleting PolicyResultLog older than %s' % ( twoWeeksAgo ) )
    res = self.rmClient.deletePolicyResultLog( meta = {'minor': { 'LastCheckTime' : twoWeeksAgo }} )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( res[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK()
Пример #2
class CacheCleanerAgent(AgentModule):
  The CacheCleanerAgent tidies up the ResourceStatusDB, namely:
    o SiteHistory
    o ServiceHistory
    o ResourceHistory
    o StorageElementHistory
  older than 6 months.
  It also takes care of the ResourceManagementDB, more specifically:
    o ClientCache
    o AccountingCache
  older than 24 hours for the first one, and 30 minutes for the second one.
  If you want to know more about the CacheCleanerAgent, scroll down to the end of the 

    # Too many public methods
    # pylint: disable-msg=R0904

    def initialize(self):

        # Attribute defined outside __init__
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0201


            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

            validElements = RssConfiguration.getValidElements()

            self.historyTables = ['%sHistory' % x for x in validElements]

            return S_OK()

        except Exception:
            errorStr = "CacheCleanerAgent initialization"
            return S_ERROR(errorStr)


    def execute(self):

        #    try:

        # Cleans history tables from entries older than 6 months.
        now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0, second=0)
        sixMonthsAgo = now - timedelta(days=180)

        validElements = RssConfiguration.getValidElements()

        for granularity in validElements:
            #deleter = getattr( self.rsClient, 'delete%sHistory' % g )

            kwargs = {'meta': {'minor': {'DateEnd': sixMonthsAgo}}}
            self.log.info('Deleting %sHistory older than %s' %
                          (granularity, sixMonthsAgo))
            res = self.rsClient.deleteElementHistory(granularity, **kwargs)
            if not res['OK']:

        # Cleans ClientsCache table from DownTimes older than a day.
        aDayAgo = now - timedelta(days=1)

        kwargs = {
            'meta': {
                'value': 'EndDate',
                'columns': 'Opt_ID',
                'minor': {
                    'Result': str(aDayAgo)
        opt_IDs = self.rmClient.getClientCache(**kwargs)
        opt_IDs = [ID[0] for ID in opt_IDs['Value']]

        if opt_IDs:
            self.log.info('Found %s ClientCache items to be deleted' %

        res = self.rmClient.deleteClientCache(opt_ID=opt_IDs)
        if not res['OK']:

        # Cleans AccountingCache table from plots not updated nor checked in the last 30 mins
        anHourAgo = now - timedelta(minutes=30)
        self.log.info('Deleting AccountingCache older than %s' % (anHourAgo))
        res = self.rmClient.deleteAccountingCache(
            meta={'minor': {
                'LastCheckTime': anHourAgo
        if not res['OK']:

        # Cleans PolicyResultLog
        twoWeeksAgo = now - timedelta(days=10)
        self.log.info('Deleting PolicyResultLog older than %s' % (twoWeeksAgo))
        res = self.rmClient.deletePolicyResultLog(
            meta={'minor': {
                'LastCheckTime': twoWeeksAgo
        if not res['OK']:

        return S_OK()