Пример #1
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns failed jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        sites = None
        if 'sites' in self.args:
            sites = self.args['sites']
        if sites is None:
            #FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
            if not sites['OK']:
                return sites
            sites = sites['Value']

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport('Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD,
                                              toD, {
                                                  'GridStatus': ['Aborted'],
                                                  'Site': sites
                                              }, 'Site')
        if not failedPilots['OK']:
            return failedPilots
        failedPilots = failedPilots['Value']

        if not 'data' in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if not 'granularity' in failedPilots:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in failedPilots['data'].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {site: value}
                plot['granularity'] = failedPilots['granularity']
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
  def doCommand( self ):
    Returns running and runned jobs, querying the WMSHistory  
    for the last self.args[0] hours 
      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every sites)


    if not 'hours' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'Number of hours not specified' )
    hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    sites = None
    if 'sites' in self.args:
      sites = self.args[ 'sites' ] 
    if sites is None:      
#FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead     
#      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
#      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
#        return sources 
#      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
      sites = CSHelpers.getSites()      
      if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
        return sites
      sites = sites[ 'Value' ]
    if not sites:
      return S_ERROR( 'Sites is empty' )   

    fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( hours = hours )
    toD   = datetime.utcnow()

    runJobs = self.rClient.getReport( 'WMSHistory', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD, toD, 
                                       {}, 'Site')
    if not runJobs[ 'OK' ]:
      return runJobs 
    runJobs    = runJobs[ 'Value' ]
    if not 'data' in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing data key' )
    if not 'granularity' in runJobs:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing granularity key' )
    singlePlots = {}
    for site, value in runJobs[ 'data' ].items():
      if site in sites:
        plot                  = {}
        plot[ 'data' ]        = { site: value }
        plot[ 'granularity' ] = runJobs[ 'granularity' ]
        singlePlots[ site ]   = plot
    return S_OK( singlePlots )

  def doCommand( self ):
    Returns failed jobs using the DIRAC accounting system for every site
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every site)



    if 'hours' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'Number of hours not specified' )
    hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    sites = None
    if 'sites' in self.args:
      sites = self.args[ 'sites' ]
    if sites is None:
#FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
#      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
#      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
#        return sources
#      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
      sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
      if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
        return sites
      sites = sites[ 'Value' ]

    if not sites:
      return S_ERROR( 'Sites is empty' )

    fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( hours = hours )
    toD   = datetime.utcnow()

    failedPilots = self.rClient.getReport( 'Pilot', 'NumberOfPilots', fromD, toD,
                                           { 'GridStatus' : [ 'Aborted' ],
                                              'Site'       : sites
                                           }, 'Site' )
    if not failedPilots[ 'OK' ]:
      return failedPilots
    failedPilots = failedPilots[ 'Value' ]

    if not 'data' in failedPilots:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing data key' )
    if not 'granularity' in failedPilots:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing granularity key' )

    singlePlots = {}

    for site, value in failedPilots[ 'data' ].items():
      if site in sites:
        plot                  = {}
        plot[ 'data' ]        = { site: value }
        plot[ 'granularity' ] = failedPilots[ 'granularity' ]
        singlePlots[ site ]   = plot

    return S_OK( singlePlots )
Пример #4
  def export_getSites(self):
    Returns list of all sites considered by RSS

    :return: S_OK( [ sites ] ) | S_ERROR

    return CSHelpers.getSites()
Пример #5
    def export_getSites(self):
    Returns list of all sites considered by RSS

    :return: S_OK( [ sites ] ) | S_ERROR

        return CSHelpers.getSites()
Пример #6
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns running and runned jobs, querying the WMSHistory
    for the last self.args[0] hours

      :attr:`sites`: list of sites (when not given, take every sites)



        if 'hours' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        sites = None
        if 'sites' in self.args:
            sites = self.args['sites']
        if sites is None:
            #FIXME: pointing to the CSHelper instead
            #      sources = self.rsClient.getSite( meta = {'columns': 'SiteName'} )
            #      if not sources[ 'OK' ]:
            #        return sources
            #      sources = [ si[0] for si in sources[ 'Value' ] ]
            sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
            if not sites['OK']:
                return sites
            sites = sites['Value']

        if not sites:
            return S_ERROR('Sites is empty')

        fromD = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=hours)
        toD = datetime.utcnow()

        runJobs = self.rClient.getReport('WMSHistory', 'NumberOfJobs', fromD,
                                         toD, {}, 'Site')
        if not runJobs['OK']:
            return runJobs
        runJobs = runJobs['Value']

        if not 'data' in runJobs:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        if not 'granularity' in runJobs:
            return S_ERROR('Missing granularity key')

        singlePlots = {}

        for site, value in runJobs['data'].items():
            if site in sites:
                plot = {}
                plot['data'] = {site: value}
                plot['granularity'] = runJobs['granularity']
                singlePlots[site] = plot

        return S_OK(singlePlots)
Пример #7
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns simple jobs efficiency

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'

        if not 'siteName' in self.args:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('siteName is missing'))
        siteName = self.args['siteName']

        # If siteName is None, we take all sites
        if siteName is None:
            siteName = CSHelpers.getSites()
            if not siteName['OK']:
                return self.returnERROR(siteName)
            siteName = siteName['Value']

        results = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteSummaryWeb({'Site': siteName}, [], 0,

        if not results['OK']:
            return self.returnERROR(results)
        results = results['Value']

        if not 'ParameterNames' in results:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
        params = results['ParameterNames']

        if not 'Records' in results:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
        records = results['Records']

        jobResults = []

        for record in records:

            jobDict = dict(zip(params, record))
                jobDict['Efficiency'] = float(jobDict['Efficiency'])
            except KeyError, e:
                return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))
            except ValueError, e:
                return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))
Пример #8
  def doCommand( self ):
    Returns simple jobs efficiency

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'
    if not 'siteName' in self.args:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'siteName is missing' ) )
    siteName = self.args[ 'siteName' ]
    # If siteName is None, we take all sites
    if siteName is None:
      siteName = CSHelpers.getSites()      
      if not siteName[ 'OK' ]:
        return self.returnERROR( siteName )
      siteName = siteName[ 'Value' ]
    results = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteSummaryWeb( { 'Site' : siteName }, [], 0, 500 )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.returnERROR( results )
    results = results[ 'Value' ]
    if not 'ParameterNames' in results:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'Malformed result dictionary' ) )
    params = results[ 'ParameterNames' ]
    if not 'Records' in results:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'Malformed result dictionary' ) )
    records = results[ 'Records' ]
    jobResults = [] 
    for record in records:
      jobDict = dict( zip( params , record ))
        jobDict[ 'Efficiency' ] = float( jobDict[ 'Efficiency' ] )
      except KeyError, e:
        return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( e ) )
      except ValueError, e:
        return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( e ) )  
Пример #9
    def _syncSites(self):
          Sync sites: compares CS with DB and does the necessary modifications.

        gLogger.info('-- Synchronizing sites --')

        # sites in CS
        res = CSHelpers.getSites()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        sitesCS = res['Value']

        gLogger.verbose('%s sites found in CS' % len(sitesCS))

        # sites in RSS
        result = self.rStatus.selectStatusElement('Site', 'Status',
                                                  meta={'columns': ['Name']})
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sitesDB = [siteDB[0] for siteDB in result['Value']]

        # Sites that are in DB but not (anymore) in CS
        toBeDeleted = list(set(sitesDB).difference(set(sitesCS)))
        gLogger.verbose('%s sites to be deleted' % len(toBeDeleted))

        # Delete sites
        for siteName in toBeDeleted:
            deleteQuery = self.rStatus._extermineStatusElement(
                'Site', siteName)
            gLogger.verbose('Deleting site %s' % siteName)
            if not deleteQuery['OK']:
                return deleteQuery

        # Sites that are in CS but not (anymore) in DB
        toBeAdded = list(set(sitesCS).difference(set(sitesDB)))
        gLogger.verbose('%s site entries to be added' % len(toBeAdded))

        for site in toBeAdded:
            query = self.rStatus.addIfNotThereStatusElement('Site', 'Status',
            if not query['OK']:
                return query

        return S_OK()
Пример #10
    def doMaster(self):
      Master method.

      Gets all sites and calls doNew method.

        siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
        if not siteNames['OK']:
            return siteNames
        siteNames = siteNames['Value']

        jobsResults = self.doNew(siteNames)
        if not jobsResults['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Пример #11
  def doMaster( self ):
      Master method.

      Gets all sites and calls doNew method.

    siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
    if not siteNames[ 'OK' ]:
      return siteNames
    siteNames = siteNames[ 'Value' ]

    jobsResults = self.doNew( siteNames )
    if not jobsResults[ 'OK' ]:
      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( jobsResults[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK( self.metrics )
Пример #12
    def doMaster(self):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements
      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

        sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
        if not sites['OK']:
            return sites
        sites = sites['Value']

        ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
        if not ses['OK']:
            return ses
        ses = ses['Value']

        elementNames = sites + ses

        #    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
        #    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        #      return sourceQuery
        #    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
        #    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
        gLogger.info('Processing %s' % ', '.join(elementNames))

        for metric in ['Quality', 'FailedTransfers']:
            for direction in ['Source', 'Destination']:
                # 2 hours of window
                result = self.doNew((2, elementNames, direction, metric))
                if not result['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)

Пример #13
  def doMaster( self ):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements
      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

    sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
    if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
      return sites
    sites = sites[ 'Value' ]
    ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
    if not ses[ 'OK' ]:
      return ses
    ses = ses[ 'Value' ]
    elementNames = sites + ses   

#    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
#    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
#      return sourceQuery
#    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
#    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
    gLogger.info( 'Processing %s' % ', '.join( elementNames ) )
    for metric in [ 'Quality', 'FailedTransfers' ]:
      for direction in [ 'Source', 'Destination' ]: 
        # 2 hours of window
        result = self.doNew( ( 2, elementNames, direction, metric )  ) 
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( result )
    return S_OK( self.metrics )
Пример #14
    def doMaster(self):

        siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
        if not siteNames['OK']:
            return siteNames
        siteNames = siteNames['Value']

        ces = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
        if not ces['OK']:
            return ces
        ces = ces['Value']

        pilotResults = self.doNew(('Site', siteNames))
        if not pilotResults['OK']:

        pilotResults = self.doNew(('Resource', ces))
        if not pilotResults['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Пример #15
 def doMaster( self ):
   siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
   if not siteNames[ 'OK' ]:
     return siteNames
   siteNames = siteNames[ 'Value' ]
   ces = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
   if not ces[ 'OK' ]:
     return ces
   ces = ces[ 'Value' ]
   pilotResults = self.doNew( ( 'Site', siteNames ) )
   if not pilotResults[ 'OK' ]:
     self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( pilotResults[ 'Message' ] )
   pilotResults = self.doNew( ( 'Resource', ces ) )
   if not pilotResults[ 'OK' ]:
     self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( pilotResults[ 'Message' ] )    
   return S_OK( self.metrics )    
Пример #16
    def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
    Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
    None, all sites are taken into account.

    :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR


        if siteNames is None:
            siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
            if not siteNames['OK']:
                return siteNames
            siteNames = siteNames['Value']

        if isinstance(siteNames, basestring):
            siteNames = [siteNames]

        sitesRes = {}

        for siteName in siteNames:

            res = {}
            res['ces'] = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
            # Convert StorageElements to host names
            ses = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements(siteName)
            sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
            if not sesHosts['OK']:
                return sesHosts
            # Remove duplicates
            res['ses'] = list(set(sesHosts['Value']))

            sitesRes[siteName] = res

        return S_OK(sitesRes)
Пример #17
  def export_getSitesResources(self, siteNames):
    Returns dictionary with SEs and CEs for the given site(s). If siteNames is
    None, all sites are taken into account.

    :return: S_OK( { site1 : { ces : [ ces ], 'ses' : [ ses  ] },... } ) | S_ERROR


    if siteNames is None:
      siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()
      if not siteNames['OK']:
        return siteNames
      siteNames = siteNames['Value']

    if isinstance(siteNames, basestring):
      siteNames = [siteNames]

    sitesRes = {}

    for siteName in siteNames:

      res = {}
      res['ces'] = CSHelpers.getSiteComputingElements(siteName)
      # Convert StorageElements to host names
      ses = CSHelpers.getSiteStorageElements(siteName)
      sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts(ses)
      if not sesHosts['OK']:
        return sesHosts
      # Remove duplicates
      res['ses'] = list(set(sesHosts['Value']))

      sitesRes[siteName] = res

    return S_OK(sitesRes)
Пример #18
    def doCommand(self):
#    Returns simple pilots efficiency
#    :attr:`args`:
#        - args[0]: string - should be a ValidElement
#        - args[1]: string - should be the name of the ValidElement
#    returns:
#      {
#        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'
#      }

        if not 'element' in self.args:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('element is missing'))
        element = self.args['element']

        if not 'siteName' in self.args:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('siteName is missing'))
        siteName = self.args['siteName']

        # If siteName is None, we take all sites
        if siteName is None:
            siteName = CSHelpers.getSites()
            if not siteName['OK']:
                return self.returnERROR(siteName)
            siteName = siteName['Value']

        if element == 'Site':
            results = self.wmsAdmin.getPilotSummaryWeb({'GridSite': siteName},
                                                       [], 0, 300)
        elif element == 'Resource':
            results = self.wmsAdmin.getPilotSummaryWeb(
                {'ExpandSite': siteName}, [], 0, 300)
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('%s is a wrong element' % element))

        if not results['OK']:
            return self.returnERROR(results)
        results = results['Value']

        if not 'ParameterNames' in results:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
        params = results['ParameterNames']

        if not 'Records' in results:
            return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR('Malformed result dictionary'))
        records = results['Records']

        pilotResults = []

        for record in records:

            pilotDict = dict(zip(params, record))
                pilotDict['PilotsPerJob'] = float(pilotDict['PilotsPerJob'])
                pilotDict['PilotsJobEff'] = float(pilotDict['PilotsJobEff'])
            except KeyError, e:
                return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))
            except ValueError, e:
                return self.returnERROR(S_ERROR(e))
Пример #19
  def doCommand( self ):
#    Returns simple pilots efficiency
#    :attr:`args`:
#        - args[0]: string - should be a ValidElement
#        - args[1]: string - should be the name of the ValidElement
#    returns:
#      {
#        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'
#      }

    if not 'element' in self.args:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'element is missing' ) )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]    
    if not 'siteName' in self.args:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'siteName is missing' ) )
    siteName = self.args[ 'siteName' ]  
    # If siteName is None, we take all sites
    if siteName is None:
      siteName = CSHelpers.getSites()      
      if not siteName[ 'OK' ]:
        return self.returnERROR( siteName )
      siteName = siteName[ 'Value' ]

    if element == 'Site':
      results = self.wmsAdmin.getPilotSummaryWeb( { 'GridSite' : siteName }, [], 0, 300 )
    elif element == 'Resource':
      results = self.wmsAdmin.getPilotSummaryWeb( { 'ExpandSite' : siteName }, [], 0, 300 )      
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( '%s is a wrong element' % element ) )  
    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.returnERROR( results )
    results = results[ 'Value' ]
    if not 'ParameterNames' in results:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'Malformed result dictionary' ) )
    params = results[ 'ParameterNames' ]
    if not 'Records' in results:
      return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( 'Malformed result dictionary' ) )
    records = results[ 'Records' ]
    pilotResults = [] 
    for record in records:
      pilotDict = dict( zip( params , record ))
        pilotDict[ 'PilotsPerJob' ] = float( pilotDict[ 'PilotsPerJob' ] )
        pilotDict[ 'PilotsJobEff' ] = float( pilotDict[ 'PilotsJobEff' ] )
      except KeyError, e:
        return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( e ) ) 
      except ValueError, e:
        return self.returnERROR( S_ERROR( e ) )