Пример #1
def main():
  args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
  if len(args) < 2:

  from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit, gLogger

  lfn = args[0]
  se = args[1]

  from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient
  client = StorageManagerClient()
  res = client.getCacheReplicas({'LFN': lfn, 'SE': se})
  if not res['OK']:
  cacheReplicaInfo = res['Value']
  if cacheReplicaInfo:
    replicaID = list(cacheReplicaInfo)[0]
    outStr = "\n--------------------"
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('LFN'.ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['LFN'].ljust(100))
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SE'.ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['SE'].ljust(100))
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('PFN'.ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['PFN'].ljust(100))
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('Status'.ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['Status'].ljust(100))
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('LastUpdate'.ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['LastUpdate']).ljust(100))
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('Reason'.ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['Reason']).ljust(100))

    resTasks = client.getTasks({'ReplicaID': replicaID})

    if resTasks['OK']:
      # print resTasks['Message']
      outStr += '\nJob IDs requesting this file to be staged:'.ljust(8)
      tasks = resTasks['Value']
      for tid in tasks.keys():
        outStr += ' %s ' % (tasks[tid]['SourceTaskID'])

    resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({'ReplicaID': replicaID})

    if not resStageRequests['OK']:

    if resStageRequests['Records']:
      stageRequests = resStageRequests['Value']
      outStr += "\n------SRM staging request info--------------"
      for info in stageRequests.values():
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SRM RequestID'.ljust(8), info['RequestID'].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SRM StageStatus'.ljust(8), info['StageStatus'].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SRM StageRequestSubmitTime'.ljust(8), str(info['StageRequestSubmitTime']).ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SRM StageRequestCompletedTime'.ljust(8),
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SRM PinExpiryTime'.ljust(8), str(info['PinExpiryTime']).ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s sec" % ('SRM PinLength'.ljust(8), str(info['PinLength']).ljust(100))
      outStr += '\nThere are no staging requests submitted to the site yet.'.ljust(8)
    outStr = "\nThere is no such file requested for staging. Check for typo's!"
    # Script.showHelp()

class RequestPreparationAgent( AgentModule ):

  def initialize( self ):
    self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    """ This is the first logical task to be executed and manages the New->Waiting transition of the Replicas
    res = self.__getNewReplicas()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.fatal( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas from StagerDB.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "There were no New replicas found" )
      return res
    replicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
    replicaIDs = res['Value']['ReplicaIDs']
    gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas for preparation." % len( replicaIDs ) )

    # Check if the files exist in the FileCatalog
    res = self.__getExistingFiles( replicas )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    exist = res['Value']['Exist']
    terminal = res['Value']['Missing']
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    if not exist:
      gLogger.error( 'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to determine the existence of any file' )
      return S_OK()
    terminalReplicaIDs = {}
    for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
      for replicaID in replicas[lfn].values():
        terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
      replicas.pop( lfn )
    gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files exist in the FileCatalog." % len( exist ) )
    if terminal:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files do not exist in the FileCatalog." % len( terminal ) )

    # Obtain the file sizes from the FileCatalog
    res = self.__getFileSize( exist )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    failed.update( res['Value']['Failed'] )
    terminal = res['Value']['ZeroSize']
    fileSizes = res['Value']['FileSizes']
    if not fileSizes:
      gLogger.error( 'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine sizes of any files' )
      return S_OK()
    for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
      for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
        terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
      replicas.pop( lfn )
    gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s file sizes from the FileCatalog." % len( fileSizes ) )
    if terminal:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero size in the FileCatalog." % len( terminal ) )

    # Obtain the replicas from the FileCatalog
    res = self.__getFileReplicas( fileSizes.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    failed.update( res['Value']['Failed'] )
    terminal = res['Value']['ZeroReplicas']
    fileReplicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
    if not fileReplicas:
      gLogger.error( 'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine replicas for any files' )
      return S_OK()
    for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
      for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
        terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
      replicas.pop( lfn )
    gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained replica information for %s file from the FileCatalog." % len( fileReplicas ) )
    if terminal:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog." % len( terminal ) )

    # Check the replicas exist at the requested site
    replicaMetadata = []
    for lfn, requestedSEs in replicas.items():
      lfnReplicas = fileReplicas.get( lfn )

      # This should not happen in principle, but it was seen
      # after a corrupted staging request has entered the DB
      if not lfnReplicas:
        gLogger.error( "Missing replicas information", "%s %s" % ( lfn, requestedSEs ) )

      for requestedSE, replicaID in requestedSEs.items():
        if not requestedSE in lfnReplicas.keys():
          terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = "LFN not registered at requested SE"
          replicas[lfn].pop( requestedSE )
          replicaMetadata.append( ( replicaID, lfnReplicas[requestedSE], fileSizes[lfn] ) )

    # Update the states of the files in the database
    if terminalReplicaIDs:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replicas are terminally failed." % len( terminalReplicaIDs ) )
      # res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs )
      res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica failures.", res['Message'] )
    if replicaMetadata:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replica metadata to be updated." % len( replicaMetadata ) )
      # Sets the Status='Waiting' of CacheReplicas records that are OK with catalogue checks
      res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaInformation( replicaMetadata )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica metadata.", res['Message'] )
    return S_OK()

  def __getNewReplicas( self ):
    """ This obtains the New replicas from the Replicas table and for each LFN the requested storage element """
    # First obtain the New replicas from the CacheReplicas table
    res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas( {'Status':'New'} )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas with New status.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.debug( "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: No New replicas found to process." )
      return S_OK()
      gLogger.debug( "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas(s) to process." % len( res['Value'] ) )
    replicas = {}
    replicaIDs = {}
    for replicaID, info in res['Value'].items():
      lfn = info['LFN']
      storageElement = info['SE']
      replicas.setdefault( lfn, {} )[storageElement] = replicaID
      replicaIDs[replicaID] = ( lfn, storageElement )
    return S_OK( {'Replicas':replicas, 'ReplicaIDs':replicaIDs} )

  def __getExistingFiles( self, lfns ):
    """ This checks that the files exist in the FileCatalog. """
    res = self.fileCatalog.exists( list( set( lfns ) ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: Failed to determine whether files exist.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    success = res['Value']['Successful']
    exist = [lfn for lfn, exists in success.items() if exists]
    missing = list( set( success ) - set( exist ) )
    if missing:
      reason = 'LFN not registered in the FC'
      gLogger.warn( "RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: %s" % reason, '\n'.join( [''] + missing ) )
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( missing, 'LFN-LFC-DoesntExist' )
      missing = dict.fromkeys( missing, reason )
      missing = {}
    return S_OK( {'Exist':exist, 'Missing':missing, 'Failed':failed} )

  def __getFileSize( self, lfns ):
    """ This obtains the file size from the FileCatalog. """
    fileSizes = {}
    zeroSize = {}
    res = self.fileCatalog.getFileSize( lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: Failed to get sizes for files.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    for lfn, size in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      if size == 0:
        zeroSize[lfn] = "LFN registered with zero size in the FileCatalog"
        fileSizes[lfn] = size
    if zeroSize:
      for lfn, reason in zeroSize.items():
        gLogger.warn( "RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: %s" % reason, lfn )
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( zeroSize.keys(), 'LFN-LFC-ZeroSize' )
    return S_OK( {'FileSizes':fileSizes, 'ZeroSize':zeroSize, 'Failed':failed} )

  def __getFileReplicas( self, lfns ):
    """ This obtains the replicas from the FileCatalog. """
    replicas = {}
    noReplicas = {}
    res = self.dm.getActiveReplicas( lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: Failed to obtain file replicas.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    failed = res['Value']['Failed']
    for lfn, lfnReplicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      if len( lfnReplicas.keys() ) == 0:
        noReplicas[lfn] = "LFN registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog"
        replicas[lfn] = lfnReplicas
    if noReplicas:
      for lfn, reason in noReplicas.items():
        gLogger.warn( "RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: %s" % reason, lfn )
      self.__reportProblematicFiles( noReplicas.keys(), 'LFN-LFC-NoReplicas' )
    return S_OK( {'Replicas':replicas, 'ZeroReplicas':noReplicas, 'Failed':failed} )

  def __reportProblematicFiles( self, lfns, reason ):
    return S_OK()
    res = self.dataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic( lfns, reason, sourceComponent = 'RequestPreparationAgent' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report missing files.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if res['Value']['Successful']:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Successfully reported %s missing files." % len( res['Value']['Successful'] ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      gLogger.info( "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report %s problematic files." % len( res['Value']['Failed'] ) )
    return res
Пример #3
class StageMonitorAgent(AgentModule):
    def initialize(self):
        self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataManager')

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):

        res = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        self.proxyInfoDict = res['Value']

        res = self.monitorStageRequests()

        return res

    def monitorStageRequests(self):
        """ This is the third logical task manages the StageSubmitted->Staged transition of the Replicas
        res = self.__getStageSubmittedReplicas()
        if not res['OK']:
                "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Failed to get replicas from StorageManagementDB.",
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
                "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: There were no StageSubmitted replicas found"
            return res
        seReplicas = res['Value']['SEReplicas']
        replicaIDs = res['Value']['ReplicaIDs']
            "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas for monitoring."
            % len(replicaIDs))
        for storageElement, seReplicaIDs in seReplicas.items():
                                                      seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs)


        return S_OK()

    def __monitorStorageElementStageRequests(self, storageElement,
                                             seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs):
        terminalReplicaIDs = {}
        oldRequests = []
        stagedReplicas = []

        # Since we are in a given SE, the LFN is a unique key
        lfnRepIDs = {}
        lfnReqIDs = {}
        for replicaID in seReplicaIDs:
            lfn = replicaIDs[replicaID]['LFN']
            lfnRepIDs[lfn] = replicaID
            requestID = replicaIDs[replicaID].get('RequestID', None)
            if requestID:
                lfnReqIDs[lfn] = replicaIDs[replicaID]['RequestID']

            "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Monitoring %s stage requests for %s."
            % (len(lfnRepIDs), storageElement))
        oAccounting = DataOperation()

        res = StorageElement(storageElement).getFileMetadata(lfnReqIDs)
        if not res['OK']:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Completely failed to monitor stage requests for replicas.",
        prestageStatus = res['Value']

        accountingDict = self.__newAccountingDict(storageElement)

        for lfn, reason in prestageStatus['Failed'].items():
            accountingDict['TransferTotal'] += 1
            if re.search('File does not exist', reason):
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: LFN did not exist in the StorageElement",
                    lfnRepIDs[lfn]] = 'LFN did not exist in the StorageElement'
        for lfn, staged in prestageStatus['Successful'].items():
            if staged and 'Cached' in staged and staged['Cached']:
                accountingDict['TransferTotal'] += 1
                accountingDict['TransferOK'] += 1
                accountingDict['TransferSize'] += staged['Size']
            if staged and 'Cached' in staged and not staged['Cached']:
                # only ReplicaIDs


        # Update the states of the replicas in the database
        if terminalReplicaIDs:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s replicas are terminally failed."
                % len(terminalReplicaIDs))
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure(terminalReplicaIDs)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to update replica failures.",
        if stagedReplicas:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s staged replicas to be updated."
                % len(stagedReplicas))
            res = self.stagerClient.setStageComplete(stagedReplicas)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to updated staged replicas.",
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaStatus(
                stagedReplicas, 'Staged')
            if not res['OK']:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to insert replica status.",
        if oldRequests:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s old requests will be retried."
                % len(oldRequests))
            res = self.__wakeupOldRequests(oldRequests)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to wakeup old requests.",

    def __newAccountingDict(self, storageElement):
        """ Generate a new accounting Dict """

        accountingDict = {}
        accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'Stage'
        accountingDict['User'] = self.proxyInfoDict['username']
        accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'Stager'
        accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = 0.0
        accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = 0
        accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = 0
        accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = 'Successful'
        accountingDict['Source'] = storageElement
        accountingDict['Destination'] = storageElement
        accountingDict['ExecutionSite'] = siteName()
        accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = 0
        accountingDict['TransferOK'] = 0
        accountingDict['TransferSize'] = 0
        accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.am_getPollingTime()

        return accountingDict

    def __getStageSubmittedReplicas(self):
        """ This obtains the StageSubmitted replicas from the Replicas table and the RequestID from the StageRequests table """
        res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas({'Status': 'StageSubmitted'})
        if not res['OK']:
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Failed to get replicas with StageSubmitted status.",
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: No StageSubmitted replicas found to process."
            return S_OK()
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas(s) to process."
                % len(res['Value']))

        seReplicas = {}
        replicaIDs = res['Value']
        for replicaID, info in replicaIDs.items():
            storageElement = info['SE']
            if not seReplicas.has_key(storageElement):
                seReplicas[storageElement] = []

        # RequestID was missing from replicaIDs dictionary BUGGY?
        res = self.stagerClient.getStageRequests(
            {'ReplicaID': replicaIDs.keys()})
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Could not obtain request IDs for replicas %s from StageRequests table'
                % (replicaIDs.keys()))

        for replicaID, info in res['Value'].items():
            reqID = info['RequestID']
            replicaIDs[replicaID]['RequestID'] = reqID

        return S_OK({'SEReplicas': seReplicas, 'ReplicaIDs': replicaIDs})

    def __wakeupOldRequests(self, oldRequests):
        gLogger.info("StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Attempting...")
        retryInterval = self.am_getOption('RetryIntervalHour', 2)
        res = self.stagerClient.wakeupOldRequests(oldRequests, retryInterval)
        if not res['OK']:
                "StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Failed to resubmit old requests.",
            return res
        return S_OK()
Пример #4
    '  LFN: LFN of the staging file',
    '  SE: Storage Element for the staging file'
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
if len(args) < 2:

from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit, gLogger

lfn = args[0]
se = args[1]

from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient
client = StorageManagerClient()
res = client.getCacheReplicas({'LFN': lfn, 'SE': se})
if not res['OK']:
cacheReplicaInfo = res['Value']
if cacheReplicaInfo:
    replicaID = cacheReplicaInfo.keys()[0]
    outStr = "\n--------------------"
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('LFN'.ljust(8),
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('SE'.ljust(8),
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('PFN'.ljust(8),
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('Status'.ljust(8),
    outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ('LastUpdate'.ljust(
Пример #5
def run():

    from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient
    client = StorageManagerClient()
    queryDict = {}

    if 'status' in switchDict:
        queryDict['Status'] = str(switchDict['status'])

    if 'se' in switchDict:
        queryDict['SE'] = str(switchDict['se'])

    # weird: if there are no switches (dictionary is empty), then the --limit is ignored!!
    # must FIX that in StorageManagementDB.py!
    # ugly fix:
    newer = '1903-08-02 06:24:38'  # select newer than
    if 'limit' in switchDict:
        gLogger.notice("Query limited to %s entries" % switchDict['limit'])
        res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict, None, newer, None, None,
        res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict)

    if not res['OK']:
    outStr = "\n"
    if res['Records']:
        replicas = res['Value']
        outStr += " %s" % ("Status".ljust(15))
        outStr += " %s" % ("LastUpdate".ljust(20))
        outStr += " %s" % ("LFN".ljust(80))
        outStr += " %s" % ("SE".ljust(10))
        outStr += " %s" % ("Reason".ljust(10))
        if 'showJobs' in switchDict:
            outStr += " %s" % ("Jobs".ljust(10))
        outStr += " %s" % ("PinExpiryTime".ljust(15))
        outStr += " %s" % ("PinLength(sec)".ljust(15))
        outStr += "\n"

        for crid, info in replicas.iteritems():
            outStr += " %s" % (info['Status'].ljust(15))
            outStr += " %s" % (str(info['LastUpdate']).ljust(20))
            outStr += " %s" % (info['LFN'].ljust(30))
            outStr += " %s" % (info['SE'].ljust(15))
            outStr += " %s" % (str(info['Reason']).ljust(10))

            # Task info
            if 'showJobs' in switchDict:
                resTasks = client.getTasks({'ReplicaID': crid})
                if resTasks['OK']:
                    if resTasks['Value']:
                        tasks = resTasks['Value']
                        jobs = []
                        for tid in tasks:
                        outStr += ' %s ' % (str(jobs).ljust(10))
                    outStr += ' %s ' % (" --- ".ljust(10))
            # Stage request info
            # what if there's no request to the site yet?
            resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({'ReplicaID': crid})
            if not resStageRequests['OK']:
            if resStageRequests['Records']:
                stageRequests = resStageRequests['Value']
                for info in stageRequests.itervalues():
                    outStr += " %s" % (str(info['PinExpiryTime']).ljust(20))
                    outStr += " %s" % (str(info['PinLength']).ljust(10))
            outStr += "\n"

        gLogger.notice("No entries")
Пример #6
class RequestPreparationAgent(AgentModule):
    def initialize(self):
        self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption("shifterProxy", "DataManager")

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """This is the first logical task to be executed and manages the New->Waiting transition of the Replicas"""
        res = self.__getNewReplicas()
        if not res["OK"]:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas from StagerDB.", res["Message"]
            return res
        if not res["Value"]:
            gLogger.info("There were no New replicas found")
            return res
        replicas = res["Value"]["Replicas"]
        replicaIDs = res["Value"]["ReplicaIDs"]
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas for preparation." % len(replicaIDs)

        # Check if the files exist in the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getExistingFiles(replicas)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        exist = res["Value"]["Exist"]
        terminal = res["Value"]["Missing"]
        failed = res["Value"]["Failed"]
        if not exist:
            gLogger.error("RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to determine the existence of any file")
            return S_OK()
        terminalReplicaIDs = {}
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for replicaID in replicas[lfn].values():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
        gLogger.info("RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files exist in the FileCatalog." % len(exist))
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files do not exist in the FileCatalog." % len(terminal)

        # Obtain the file sizes from the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getFileSize(exist)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        terminal = res["Value"]["ZeroSize"]
        fileSizes = res["Value"]["FileSizes"]
        if not fileSizes:
            gLogger.error("RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine sizes of any files")
            return S_OK()
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s file sizes from the FileCatalog." % len(fileSizes)
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero size in the FileCatalog."
                % len(terminal)

        # Obtain the replicas from the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getFileReplicas(list(fileSizes))
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        terminal = res["Value"]["ZeroReplicas"]
        fileReplicas = res["Value"]["Replicas"]
        if not fileReplicas:
            gLogger.error("RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine replicas for any files")
            return S_OK()
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained replica information for %s file from the FileCatalog."
            % len(fileReplicas)
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog."
                % len(terminal)

        # Check the replicas exist at the requested site
        replicaMetadata = []
        for lfn, requestedSEs in replicas.items():
            lfnReplicas = fileReplicas.get(lfn)

            # This should not happen in principle, but it was seen
            # after a corrupted staging request has entered the DB
            if not lfnReplicas:
                gLogger.error("Missing replicas information", "%s %s" % (lfn, requestedSEs))

            for requestedSE, replicaID in requestedSEs.items():
                if requestedSE not in lfnReplicas.keys():
                    terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = "LFN not registered at requested SE"
                    replicaMetadata.append((replicaID, lfnReplicas[requestedSE], fileSizes[lfn]))

        # Update the states of the files in the database
        if terminalReplicaIDs:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replicas are terminally failed." % len(terminalReplicaIDs)
            # res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs )
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure(terminalReplicaIDs)
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica failures.", res["Message"]
        if replicaMetadata:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replica metadata to be updated." % len(replicaMetadata)
            # Sets the Status='Waiting' of CacheReplicas records that are OK with catalogue checks
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaInformation(replicaMetadata)
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica metadata.", res["Message"]
        return S_OK()

    def __getNewReplicas(self):
        """This obtains the New replicas from the Replicas table and for each LFN the requested storage element"""
        # First obtain the New replicas from the CacheReplicas table
        res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas({"Status": "New"})
        if not res["OK"]:
                "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas with New status.", res["Message"]
            return res
        if not res["Value"]:
            gLogger.debug("RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: No New replicas found to process.")
            return S_OK()
                "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas(s) to process." % len(res["Value"])
        replicas = {}
        replicaIDs = {}
        for replicaID, info in res["Value"].items():
            lfn = info["LFN"]
            storageElement = info["SE"]
            replicas.setdefault(lfn, {})[storageElement] = replicaID
            replicaIDs[replicaID] = (lfn, storageElement)
        return S_OK({"Replicas": replicas, "ReplicaIDs": replicaIDs})

    def __getExistingFiles(self, lfns):
        """This checks that the files exist in the FileCatalog."""
        res = self.fileCatalog.exists(list(set(lfns)))
        if not res["OK"]:
                "RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: Failed to determine whether files exist.", res["Message"]
            return res
        failed = res["Value"]["Failed"]
        success = res["Value"]["Successful"]
        exist = [lfn for lfn, exists in success.items() if exists]
        missing = list(set(success) - set(exist))
        if missing:
            reason = "LFN not registered in the FC"
            gLogger.warn("RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: %s" % reason, "\n".join([""] + missing))
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(missing, "LFN-LFC-DoesntExist")
            missing = dict.fromkeys(missing, reason)
            missing = {}
        return S_OK({"Exist": exist, "Missing": missing, "Failed": failed})

    def __getFileSize(self, lfns):
        """This obtains the file size from the FileCatalog."""
        fileSizes = {}
        zeroSize = {}
        res = self.fileCatalog.getFileSize(lfns)
        if not res["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: Failed to get sizes for files.", res["Message"])
            return res
        failed = res["Value"]["Failed"]
        for lfn, size in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
            if size == 0:
                zeroSize[lfn] = "LFN registered with zero size in the FileCatalog"
                fileSizes[lfn] = size
        if zeroSize:
            for lfn, reason in zeroSize.items():
                gLogger.warn("RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: %s" % reason, lfn)
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroSize.keys(), "LFN-LFC-ZeroSize")
        return S_OK({"FileSizes": fileSizes, "ZeroSize": zeroSize, "Failed": failed})

    def __getFileReplicas(self, lfns):
        """This obtains the replicas from the FileCatalog."""
        replicas = {}
        noReplicas = {}
        res = self.dm.getActiveReplicas(lfns)
        if not res["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: Failed to obtain file replicas.", res["Message"])
            return res
        failed = res["Value"]["Failed"]
        for lfn, lfnReplicas in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
            if len(lfnReplicas) == 0:
                noReplicas[lfn] = "LFN registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog"
                replicas[lfn] = lfnReplicas
        if noReplicas:
            for lfn, reason in noReplicas.items():
                gLogger.warn("RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: %s" % reason, lfn)
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(list(noReplicas), "LFN-LFC-NoReplicas")
        return S_OK({"Replicas": replicas, "ZeroReplicas": noReplicas, "Failed": failed})

    def __reportProblematicFiles(self, lfns, reason):
        return S_OK()
        res = self.dataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic(lfns, reason, sourceComponent="RequestPreparationAgent")
        if not res["OK"]:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report missing files.", res["Message"]
            return res
        if res["Value"]["Successful"]:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Successfully reported %s missing files."
                % len(res["Value"]["Successful"])
        if res["Value"]["Failed"]:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report %s problematic files."
                % len(res["Value"]["Failed"])
        return res
                                     '  %s  LFN SE ...' % Script.scriptName,
                                     '  LFN: LFN of the staging file \n',
                                     '  SE: Storage Element for the staging file \n'
                                       ] ) )
Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True )
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
if len( args ) < 2:

lfn = args[0]
se = args[1]

from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient
client = StorageManagerClient()
res = client.getCacheReplicas( {'LFN':lfn,'SE':se} )
if not res['OK']:
  print res['Message']
cacheReplicaInfo = res['Value']
if cacheReplicaInfo:
  replicaID = cacheReplicaInfo.keys()[0]
  outStr = "\n--------------------"
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'LFN'.ljust( 8 ), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['LFN'].ljust( 100 ) )
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'SE'.ljust( 8 ), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['SE'].ljust( 100 ) )
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'PFN'.ljust( 8 ), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['PFN'].ljust( 100 ) )
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'Status'.ljust( 8 ), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['Status'].ljust( 100 ) )
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'LastUpdate'.ljust( 8 ), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['LastUpdate']).ljust( 100 ) )
  outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % ( outStr, 'Reason'.ljust( 8 ), str( cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]['Reason']).ljust( 100 ) )
  resTasks = client.getTasks({'ReplicaID':replicaID})
Пример #8
            "  SE: Storage Element for the staging file \n",
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
if len(args) < 2:

lfn = args[0]
se = args[1]

from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient

client = StorageManagerClient()
res = client.getCacheReplicas({"LFN": lfn, "SE": se})
if not res["OK"]:
    print res["Message"]
cacheReplicaInfo = res["Value"]
if cacheReplicaInfo:
    replicaID = cacheReplicaInfo.keys()[0]
    outStr = "\n--------------------"
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "LFN".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["LFN"].ljust(100))
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "SE".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["SE"].ljust(100))
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "PFN".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["PFN"].ljust(100))
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "Status".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["Status"].ljust(100))
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "LastUpdate".ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["LastUpdate"]).ljust(100))
    outStr = "%s\n%s: %s" % (outStr, "Reason".ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["Reason"]).ljust(100))

    resTasks = client.getTasks({"ReplicaID": replicaID})
def run():
  from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient
  client = StorageManagerClient()
  queryDict = {}

  dictKeys = switchDict.keys()
  if 'status' in dictKeys:
    queryDict['Status'] = str(switchDict['status']) 
  if 'se' in dictKeys:
    queryDict['SE'] = str(switchDict['se']);
  # weird: if there are no switches (dictionary is empty), then the --limit is ignored!!
  # must FIX that in StorageManagementDB.py!
  # ugly fix:
  newer = '1903-08-02 06:24:38' # select newer than 
  if 'limit' in dictKeys:
    print "Query limited to %s entries" %switchDict['limit']   
    res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict, None, newer, None, None, int(switchDict['limit']))
    res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict)
  if not res['OK']:
    print res['Message']
  outStr ="\n"
  if res['Records']:
    replicas = res['Value']
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "Status".ljust(15)) 
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "LastUpdate".ljust(20))  
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "LFN".ljust(80))   
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "SE".ljust(10))  
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "Reason".ljust(10))
    if 'showJobs' in dictKeys:  
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "Jobs".ljust(10))  
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "PinExpiryTime".ljust(15))  
    outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, "PinLength(sec)".ljust(15))  
    outStr = "%s\n" % outStr  
    for crid in replicas.keys():
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, replicas[crid]['Status'].ljust( 15 ))
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, str(replicas[crid]['LastUpdate']).ljust( 20 ))
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, replicas[crid]['LFN'].ljust( 30 ))
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, replicas[crid]['SE'].ljust( 15 ))              
      outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, str(replicas[crid]['Reason']).ljust( 10 ))
      # Task info
      if 'showJobs' in dictKeys:
        resTasks = client.getTasks({'ReplicaID':crid})
        if resTasks['OK']:
          if resTasks['Value']:
            tasks = resTasks['Value']
            jobs = []
            for tid in tasks.keys():
            outStr = '%s %s ' % (outStr, str(jobs).ljust(10))
          outStr = '%s %s ' % (outStr, " --- ".ljust(10))     
      # Stage request info
      # what if there's no request to the site yet?
      resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({'ReplicaID':crid})
      if not resStageRequests['OK']:
        print resStageRequests['Message']
      if resStageRequests['Records']:
        stageRequests = resStageRequests['Value']        
        for srid in stageRequests.keys():
          outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, str(stageRequests[srid]['PinExpiryTime']).ljust( 20 ))
          outStr = "%s %s" %(outStr, str(stageRequests[srid]['PinLength']).ljust( 10 ))
      outStr = "%s\n" % outStr  
    print outStr
    print "No entries"    
    def run():
        global subLogger

        from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient

        client = StorageManagerClient()
        queryDict = {}

        if "status" in switchDict:
            queryDict["Status"] = str(switchDict["status"])

        if "se" in switchDict:
            queryDict["SE"] = str(switchDict["se"])

        # weird: if there are no switches (dictionary is empty), then the --limit is ignored!!
        # must FIX that in StorageManagementDB.py!
        # ugly fix:
        newer = "1903-08-02 06:24:38"  # select newer than
        if "limit" in switchDict:
            gLogger.notice("Query limited to %s entries" % switchDict["limit"])
            res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict, None, newer, None, None,
            res = client.getCacheReplicas(queryDict)

        if not res["OK"]:
        outStr = "\n"
        if res["Records"]:
            replicas = res["Value"]
            outStr += " %s" % ("Status".ljust(15))
            outStr += " %s" % ("LastUpdate".ljust(20))
            outStr += " %s" % ("LFN".ljust(80))
            outStr += " %s" % ("SE".ljust(10))
            outStr += " %s" % ("Reason".ljust(10))
            if "showJobs" in switchDict:
                outStr += " %s" % ("Jobs".ljust(10))
            outStr += " %s" % ("PinExpiryTime".ljust(15))
            outStr += " %s" % ("PinLength(sec)".ljust(15))
            outStr += "\n"

            for crid, info in replicas.items():
                outStr += " %s" % (info["Status"].ljust(15))
                outStr += " %s" % (str(info["LastUpdate"]).ljust(20))
                outStr += " %s" % (info["LFN"].ljust(30))
                outStr += " %s" % (info["SE"].ljust(15))
                outStr += " %s" % (str(info["Reason"]).ljust(10))

                # Task info
                if "showJobs" in switchDict:
                    resTasks = client.getTasks({"ReplicaID": crid})
                    if resTasks["OK"]:
                        if resTasks["Value"]:
                            tasks = resTasks["Value"]
                            jobs = []
                            for tid in tasks:
                            outStr += " %s " % (str(jobs).ljust(10))
                        outStr += " %s " % (" --- ".ljust(10))
                # Stage request info
                # what if there's no request to the site yet?
                resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({"ReplicaID": crid})
                if not resStageRequests["OK"]:
                if resStageRequests["Records"]:
                    stageRequests = resStageRequests["Value"]
                    for info in stageRequests.values():
                        outStr += " %s" % (str(
                        outStr += " %s" % (str(info["PinLength"]).ljust(10))
                outStr += "\n"

            gLogger.notice("No entries")
Пример #11
class StageMonitorAgent(AgentModule):
    def initialize(self):
        self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption("shifterProxy", "DataManager")
        self.storagePlugins = self.am_getOption("StoragePlugins", [])
        self.dataOpSender = DataOperationSender()

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):

        res = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        self.proxyInfoDict = res["Value"]

        return self.monitorStageRequests()

    def monitorStageRequests(self):
        """This is the third logical task manages the StageSubmitted->Staged transition of the Replicas"""
        res = self.__getStageSubmittedReplicas()
        if not res["OK"]:
                "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Failed to get replicas from StorageManagementDB.",
            return res
        if not res["Value"]:
                "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: There were no StageSubmitted replicas found"
            return res
        seReplicas = res["Value"]["SEReplicas"]
        replicaIDs = res["Value"]["ReplicaIDs"]
            "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas for monitoring."
            % len(replicaIDs))
        for storageElement, seReplicaIDs in seReplicas.items():
                                                      seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs)

        return self.dataOpSender.concludeSending()

    def __monitorStorageElementStageRequests(self, storageElement,
                                             seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs):
        terminalReplicaIDs = {}
        oldRequests = []
        stagedReplicas = []

        # Since we are in a given SE, the LFN is a unique key
        lfnRepIDs = {}
        for replicaID in seReplicaIDs:
            lfn = replicaIDs[replicaID]["LFN"]
            lfnRepIDs[lfn] = replicaID

        if lfnRepIDs:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Monitoring %s stage requests for %s."
                % (len(lfnRepIDs), storageElement))
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: No requests to monitor for %s."
                % storageElement)
        startTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        res = StorageElement(
        if not res["OK"]:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Completely failed to monitor stage requests for replicas",
        prestageStatus = res["Value"]

        accountingDict = self.__newAccountingDict(storageElement)

        for lfn, reason in prestageStatus["Failed"].items():
            accountingDict["TransferTotal"] += 1
            if re.search("File does not exist", reason):
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: LFN did not exist in the StorageElement",
                    lfnRepIDs[lfn]] = "LFN did not exist in the StorageElement"
        for lfn, metadata in prestageStatus["Successful"].items():
            if not metadata:
            staged = metadata.get("Cached", metadata["Accessible"])
            if staged:
                accountingDict["TransferTotal"] += 1
                accountingDict["TransferOK"] += 1
                accountingDict["TransferSize"] += metadata["Size"]
            elif staged is not None:
                oldRequests.append(lfnRepIDs[lfn])  # only ReplicaIDs

        # Check if sending data operation to Monitoring
        # Update the states of the replicas in the database
        if terminalReplicaIDs:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s replicas are terminally failed."
                % len(terminalReplicaIDs))
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure(terminalReplicaIDs)
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to update replica failures.",
        if stagedReplicas:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s staged replicas to be updated."
                % len(stagedReplicas))
            res = self.stagerClient.setStageComplete(stagedReplicas)
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to updated staged replicas.",
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaStatus(
                stagedReplicas, "Staged")
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to insert replica status.",
        if oldRequests:
                "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s old requests will be retried."
                % len(oldRequests))
            res = self.__wakeupOldRequests(oldRequests)
            if not res["OK"]:
                    "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to wakeup old requests.",

    def __newAccountingDict(self, storageElement):
        """Generate a new accounting Dict"""

        accountingDict = {}
        accountingDict["OperationType"] = "Stage"
        accountingDict["User"] = self.proxyInfoDict["username"]
        accountingDict["Protocol"] = "Stager"
        accountingDict["RegistrationTime"] = 0.0
        accountingDict["RegistrationOK"] = 0
        accountingDict["RegistrationTotal"] = 0
        accountingDict["FinalStatus"] = "Successful"
        accountingDict["Source"] = storageElement
        accountingDict["Destination"] = storageElement
        accountingDict["ExecutionSite"] = siteName()
        accountingDict["TransferTotal"] = 0
        accountingDict["TransferOK"] = 0
        accountingDict["TransferSize"] = 0
        accountingDict["TransferTime"] = self.am_getPollingTime()

        return accountingDict

    def __getStageSubmittedReplicas(self):
        """This obtains the StageSubmitted replicas from the Replicas table and the RequestID
        from the StageRequests table
        res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas({"Status": "StageSubmitted"})
        if not res["OK"]:
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Failed to get replicas with StageSubmitted status.",
            return res
        if not res["Value"]:
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: No StageSubmitted replicas found to process."
            return S_OK()
                "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas(s) to process."
                % len(res["Value"]))

        seReplicas = {}
        replicaIDs = res["Value"]
        for replicaID, info in replicaIDs.items():
            storageElement = info["SE"]
            seReplicas.setdefault(storageElement, []).append(replicaID)

        # RequestID was missing from replicaIDs dictionary BUGGY?
        res = self.stagerClient.getStageRequests(
            {"ReplicaID": list(replicaIDs)})
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        if not res["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Could not obtain request IDs for replicas %s from StageRequests table"
                % list(replicaIDs))

        for replicaID, info in res["Value"].items():
            replicaIDs[replicaID]["RequestID"] = info["RequestID"]

        return S_OK({"SEReplicas": seReplicas, "ReplicaIDs": replicaIDs})

    def __wakeupOldRequests(self, oldRequests):
        gLogger.info("StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Attempting...")
        retryInterval = self.am_getOption("RetryIntervalHour", 2)
        res = self.stagerClient.wakeupOldRequests(oldRequests, retryInterval)
        if not res["OK"]:
                "StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Failed to resubmit old requests.",
            return res
        return S_OK()
Пример #12
class RequestPreparationAgent(AgentModule):
    def initialize(self):
        self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataManager')

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        res = self.prepareNewReplicas()
        return res

    def prepareNewReplicas(self):
        """ This is the first logical task to be executed and manages the New->Waiting transition of the Replicas
        res = self.__getNewReplicas()
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas from StagerDB.",
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
            gLogger.info("There were no New replicas found")
            return res
        replicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
        replicaIDs = res['Value']['ReplicaIDs']
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas for preparation."
            % len(replicaIDs))

        # Check that the files exist in the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getExistingFiles(replicas.keys())
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        exist = res['Value']['Exist']
        terminal = res['Value']['Missing']
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        if not exist:
                'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine existance of any files'
            return S_OK()
        terminalReplicaIDs = {}
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files exist in the FileCatalog."
            % len(exist))
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files do not exist in the FileCatalog."
                % len(terminal))

        # Obtain the file sizes from the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getFileSize(exist)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        terminal = res['Value']['ZeroSize']
        fileSizes = res['Value']['FileSizes']
        if not fileSizes:
                'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine sizes of any files'
            return S_OK()
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s file sizes from the FileCatalog."
            % len(fileSizes))
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero size in the FileCatalog."
                % len(terminal))

        # Obtain the replicas from the FileCatalog
        res = self.__getFileReplicas(fileSizes.keys())
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        terminal = res['Value']['ZeroReplicas']
        fileReplicas = res['Value']['Replicas']
        if not fileReplicas:
                'RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine replicas for any files'
            return S_OK()
        for lfn, reason in terminal.items():
            for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items():
                terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason
            "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained replica information for %s file from the FileCatalog."
            % len(fileReplicas))
        if terminal:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog."
                % len(terminal))

        # Check the replicas exist at the requested site
        replicaMetadata = []
        for lfn, requestedSEs in replicas.items():
            lfnReplicas = fileReplicas[lfn]
            for requestedSE, replicaID in requestedSEs.items():
                if not requestedSE in lfnReplicas.keys():
                        replicaID] = "LFN not registered at requested SE"
                        (replicaID, lfnReplicas[requestedSE], fileSizes[lfn]))

        # Update the states of the files in the database
        if terminalReplicaIDs:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replicas are terminally failed."
                % len(terminalReplicaIDs))
            # res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs )
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure(terminalReplicaIDs)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica failures.",
        if replicaMetadata:
                "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replica metadata to be updated."
                % len(replicaMetadata))
            # Sets the Status='Waiting' of CacheReplicas records that are OK with catalogue checks
            res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaInformation(replicaMetadata)
            if not res['OK']:
                    "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica metadata.",
        return S_OK()

    def __getNewReplicas(self):
        """ This obtains the New replicas from the Replicas table and for each LFN the requested storage element """
        # First obtain the New replicas from the CacheReplicas table
        res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas({'Status': 'New'})
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas with New status.",
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
                "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: No New replicas found to process."
            return S_OK()
                "RequestPreparation.__getNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas(s) to process."
                % len(res['Value']))
        replicas = {}
        replicaIDs = {}
        for replicaID, info in res['Value'].items():
            lfn = info['LFN']
            storageElement = info['SE']
            if not replicas.has_key(lfn):
                replicas[lfn] = {}
            replicas[lfn][storageElement] = replicaID
            replicaIDs[replicaID] = (lfn, storageElement)
        return S_OK({'Replicas': replicas, 'ReplicaIDs': replicaIDs})

    def __getExistingFiles(self, lfns):
        """ This checks that the files exist in the FileCatalog. """
        filesExist = []
        missing = {}
        res = self.fileCatalog.exists(lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: Failed to determine whether files exist.",
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        for lfn, exists in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
            if exists:
                missing[lfn] = 'LFN not registered in the FileCatalog'
        if missing:
            for lfn, reason in missing.items():
                    "RequestPreparation.__getExistingFiles: %s" % reason, lfn)
        return S_OK({
            'Exist': filesExist,
            'Missing': missing,
            'Failed': failed

    def __getFileSize(self, lfns):
        """ This obtains the file size from the FileCatalog. """
        fileSizes = {}
        zeroSize = {}
        res = self.fileCatalog.getFileSize(lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: Failed to get sizes for files.",
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        for lfn, size in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
            if size == 0:
                    lfn] = "LFN registered with zero size in the FileCatalog"
                fileSizes[lfn] = size
        if zeroSize:
            for lfn, reason in zeroSize.items():
                gLogger.warn("RequestPreparation.__getFileSize: %s" % reason,
            self.__reportProblematicFiles(zeroSize.keys(), 'LFN-LFC-ZeroSize')
        return S_OK({
            'FileSizes': fileSizes,
            'ZeroSize': zeroSize,
            'Failed': failed

    def __getFileReplicas(self, lfns):
        """ This obtains the replicas from the FileCatalog. """
        replicas = {}
        noReplicas = {}
        res = self.dm.getActiveReplicas(lfns)
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: Failed to obtain file replicas.",
            return res
        failed = res['Value']['Failed']
        for lfn, lfnReplicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
            if len(lfnReplicas.keys()) == 0:
                    lfn] = "LFN registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog"
                replicas[lfn] = lfnReplicas
        if noReplicas:
            for lfn, reason in noReplicas.items():
                    "RequestPreparation.__getFileReplicas: %s" % reason, lfn)
        return S_OK({
            'Replicas': replicas,
            'ZeroReplicas': noReplicas,
            'Failed': failed

    def __reportProblematicFiles(self, lfns, reason):
        return S_OK()
        res = self.dataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic(
            lfns, reason, sourceComponent='RequestPreparationAgent')
        if not res['OK']:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report missing files.",
            return res
        if res['Value']['Successful']:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Successfully reported %s missing files."
                % len(res['Value']['Successful']))
        if res['Value']['Failed']:
                "RequestPreparation.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report %s problematic files."
                % len(res['Value']['Failed']))
        return res
Пример #13
class StageMonitorAgent( AgentModule ):

  def initialize( self ):
    self.replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
    #self.storageDB = StorageManagementDB()
    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):

    res = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.proxyInfoDict = res['Value']

    res = self.monitorStageRequests()

    return res

  def monitorStageRequests( self ):
    """ This is the third logical task manages the StageSubmitted->Staged transition of the Replicas
    res = self.__getStageSubmittedReplicas()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.fatal( "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Failed to get replicas from StorageManagementDB.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: There were no StageSubmitted replicas found" )
      return res
    seReplicas = res['Value']['SEReplicas']
    replicaIDs = res['Value']['ReplicaIDs']
    gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.monitorStageRequests: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas for monitoring." % len( replicaIDs ) )
    for storageElement, seReplicaIDs in seReplicas.items():
      self.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests( storageElement, seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs )


    return S_OK()

  def __monitorStorageElementStageRequests( self, storageElement, seReplicaIDs, replicaIDs ):
    terminalReplicaIDs = {}
    oldRequests = []
    stagedReplicas = []
    pfnRepIDs = {}
    pfnReqIDs = {}
    for replicaID in seReplicaIDs:
      pfn = replicaIDs[replicaID]['PFN']
      pfnRepIDs[pfn] = replicaID
      requestID = replicaIDs[replicaID].get( 'RequestID', None )
      if requestID:
        pfnReqIDs[pfn] = replicaIDs[replicaID]['RequestID']

    gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Monitoring %s stage requests for %s." % ( len( pfnRepIDs ), storageElement ) )
    oAccounting = DataOperation()

    res = self.replicaManager.getStorageFileMetadata( pfnReqIDs.keys(), storageElement )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Completely failed to monitor stage requests for replicas.", res['Message'] )
    prestageStatus = res['Value']

    accountingDict = self.__newAccountingDict( storageElement )

    for pfn, reason in prestageStatus['Failed'].items():
      accountingDict['TransferTotal'] += 1
      if re.search( 'File does not exist', reason ):
        gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: PFN did not exist in the StorageElement", pfn )
        terminalReplicaIDs[pfnRepIDs[pfn]] = 'PFN did not exist in the StorageElement'
    for pfn, staged in prestageStatus['Successful'].items():
      if staged and 'Cached' in staged and staged['Cached']:
        accountingDict['TransferTotal'] += 1
        accountingDict['TransferOK'] += 1
        accountingDict['TransferSize'] += staged['Size']
        stagedReplicas.append( pfnRepIDs[pfn] )
      if staged and 'Cached' in staged and not staged['Cached']:
        oldRequests.append( pfnRepIDs[pfn] ); #only ReplicaIDs

    oAccounting.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict )
    gDataStoreClient.addRegister( oAccounting )

    # Update the states of the replicas in the database
    if terminalReplicaIDs:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s replicas are terminally failed." % len( terminalReplicaIDs ) )
      res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to update replica failures.", res['Message'] )
    if stagedReplicas:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s staged replicas to be updated." % len( stagedReplicas ) )
      res = self.stagerClient.setStageComplete( stagedReplicas )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to updated staged replicas.", res['Message'] )
      res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaStatus( stagedReplicas, 'Staged' )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to insert replica status.", res['Message'] )
    if oldRequests:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: %s old requests will be retried." % len( oldRequests ) )
      res = self.__wakeupOldRequests( oldRequests )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__monitorStorageElementStageRequests: Failed to wakeup old requests.", res['Message'] )

  def __newAccountingDict( self, storageElement ):
    """ Generate a new accounting Dict """

    accountingDict = {}
    accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'Stage'
    accountingDict['User'] = self.proxyInfoDict['username']
    accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'Stager'
    accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = 0.0
    accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = 0
    accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = 0
    accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = 'Successful'
    accountingDict['Source'] = storageElement
    accountingDict['Destination'] = storageElement
    accountingDict['ExecutionSite'] = siteName()
    accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = 0
    accountingDict['TransferOK'] = 0
    accountingDict['TransferSize'] = 0
    accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.am_getPollingTime()

    return accountingDict

  def __getStageSubmittedReplicas( self ):
    """ This obtains the StageSubmitted replicas from the Replicas table and the RequestID from the StageRequests table """
    res = self.stagerClient.getCacheReplicas( {'Status':'StageSubmitted'} )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Failed to get replicas with StageSubmitted status.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      gLogger.debug( "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: No StageSubmitted replicas found to process." )
      return S_OK()
      gLogger.debug( "StageMonitor.__getStageSubmittedReplicas: Obtained %s StageSubmitted replicas(s) to process." % len( res['Value'] ) )

    seReplicas = {}
    replicaIDs = res['Value']
    for replicaID, info in replicaIDs.items():
      storageElement = info['SE']
      if not seReplicas.has_key( storageElement ):
        seReplicas[storageElement] = []
      seReplicas[storageElement].append( replicaID )

    # RequestID was missing from replicaIDs dictionary BUGGY?
    res = self.stagerClient.getStageRequests( {'ReplicaID':replicaIDs.keys()} )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not obtain request IDs for replicas %s from StageRequests table' % ( replicaIDs.keys() ) )

    for replicaID, info in res['Value'].items():
      reqID = info['RequestID']
      replicaIDs[replicaID]['RequestID'] = reqID

    return S_OK( {'SEReplicas':seReplicas, 'ReplicaIDs':replicaIDs} )

  def __reportProblematicFiles( self, lfns, reason ):
    return S_OK()
    res = self.dataIntegrityClient.setFileProblematic( lfns, reason,  sourceComponent = 'StageMonitorAgent'  )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report missing files.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    if res['Value']['Successful']:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__reportProblematicFiles: Successfully reported %s missing files." % len( res['Value']['Successful'] ) )
    if res['Value']['Failed']:
      gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__reportProblematicFiles: Failed to report %s problematic files." % len( res['Value']['Failed'] ) )
    return res

  def __wakeupOldRequests( self, oldRequests ):
    gLogger.info( "StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Attempting..." )
    retryInterval = self.am_getOption( 'RetryIntervalHour', 2 )
    res = self.stagerClient.wakeupOldRequests( oldRequests, retryInterval )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "StageMonitor.__wakeupOldRequests: Failed to resubmit old requests.", res['Message'] )
      return res
    return S_OK()
Пример #14
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument("LFN: LFN of the staging file")
    Script.registerArgument("SE: Storage Element for the staging file")

    from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit, gLogger

    lfn, se = Script.getPositionalArgs(group=True)

    from DIRAC.StorageManagementSystem.Client.StorageManagerClient import StorageManagerClient

    client = StorageManagerClient()
    res = client.getCacheReplicas({"LFN": lfn, "SE": se})
    if not res["OK"]:
    cacheReplicaInfo = res["Value"]
    if cacheReplicaInfo:
        replicaID = list(cacheReplicaInfo)[0]
        outStr = "\n--------------------"
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("LFN".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["LFN"].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("SE".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["SE"].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("PFN".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["PFN"].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("Status".ljust(8), cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["Status"].ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("LastUpdate".ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["LastUpdate"]).ljust(100))
        outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("Reason".ljust(8), str(cacheReplicaInfo[replicaID]["Reason"]).ljust(100))

        resTasks = client.getTasks({"ReplicaID": replicaID})

        if resTasks["OK"]:
            # print resTasks['Message']
            outStr += "\nJob IDs requesting this file to be staged:".ljust(8)
            tasks = resTasks["Value"]
            for tid in tasks.keys():
                outStr += " %s " % (tasks[tid]["SourceTaskID"])

        resStageRequests = client.getStageRequests({"ReplicaID": replicaID})

        if not resStageRequests["OK"]:

        if resStageRequests["Records"]:
            stageRequests = resStageRequests["Value"]
            outStr += "\n------SRM staging request info--------------"
            for info in stageRequests.values():
                outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("SRM RequestID".ljust(8), info["RequestID"].ljust(100))
                outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("SRM StageStatus".ljust(8), info["StageStatus"].ljust(100))
                outStr += "\n%s: %s" % (
                    "SRM StageRequestSubmitTime".ljust(8),
                outStr += "\n%s: %s" % (
                    "SRM StageRequestCompletedTime".ljust(8),
                outStr += "\n%s: %s" % ("SRM PinExpiryTime".ljust(8), str(info["PinExpiryTime"]).ljust(100))
                outStr += "\n%s: %s sec" % ("SRM PinLength".ljust(8), str(info["PinLength"]).ljust(100))
            outStr += "\nThere are no staging requests submitted to the site yet.".ljust(8)
        outStr = "\nThere is no such file requested for staging. Check for typo's!"
        # Script.showHelp()
