Пример #1
class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule):
The specific agents must provide the following methods:
- initialize() for initial settings
- beginExecution()
- execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle
- endExecution()
- finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used
for the agent restart
    jobDB = None
    logDB = None
    matchedTime = 7200
    rescheduledTime = 600
    completedTime = 86400

    def initialize(self):
        """Sets default parameters
        self.jobDB = JobDB()
        self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()
        self.am_setOption('PollingTime', 60 * 60)
        if not self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
            self.log.info('Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode')
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ The main agent execution method
        self.log.verbose('Waking up Stalled Job Agent')

        wms_instance = getSystemInstance('WorkloadManagement')
        if not wms_instance:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance')
        wrapperSection = cfgPath('Systems', 'WorkloadManagement', wms_instance,

        stalledTime = self.am_getOption('StalledTimeHours', 2)
        failedTime = self.am_getOption('FailedTimeHours', 6)

        self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption('MatchedTime', self.matchedTime)
        self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption('RescheduledTime',
        self.completedTime = self.am_getOption('CompletedTime',

        self.log.verbose('StalledTime = %s cycles' % (stalledTime))
        self.log.verbose('FailedTime = %s cycles' % (failedTime))

        watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(
            cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'CheckingTime'), 30 * 60)
        watchdogCycle = max(
            gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'MinCheckingTime'),
                             20 * 60))

        # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
        stalledTime = watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5)
        failedTime = watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5)

        result = self.__markStalledJobs(stalledTime)
        if not result['OK']:

        #Note, jobs will be revived automatically during the heartbeat signal phase and
        #subsequent status changes will result in jobs not being selected by the
        #stalled job agent.

        result = self.__failStalledJobs(failedTime)
        if not result['OK']:

        result = self.__failCompletedJobs()

        if not result['OK']:

        result = self.__kickStuckJobs()
        if not result['OK']:

        return S_OK('Stalled Job Agent cycle complete')

    def __markStalledJobs(self, stalledTime):
        """ Identifies stalled jobs running without update longer than stalledTime.
        stalledCounter = 0
        runningCounter = 0
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Running'})
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not result['Value']:
            return S_OK()
        jobs = result['Value']
        self.log.info('%s Running jobs will be checked for being stalled' %
        # jobs = jobs[:10] #for debugging
        for job in jobs:
            result = self.__getStalledJob(job, stalledTime)
            if result['OK']:
                self.log.verbose('Updating status to Stalled for job %s' %
                self.__updateJobStatus(job, 'Stalled')
                stalledCounter += 1
                runningCounter += 1

            'Total jobs: %s, Stalled job count: %s, Running job count: %s' %
            (len(jobs), stalledCounter, runningCounter))
        return S_OK()

    def __failStalledJobs(self, failedTime):
        """ Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status

        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Stalled'})
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        failedCounter = 0

        if result['Value']:
            jobs = result['Value']
            self.log.info('%s Stalled jobs will be checked for failure' %

            for job in jobs:

                # Check if the job pilot is lost
                result = self.__getJobPilotStatus(job)
                if result['OK']:
                    pilotStatus = result['Value']
                    if pilotStatus != "Running":
                        result = self.__updateJobStatus(
                            job, 'Failed', "Job stalled: pilot not running")
                        failedCounter += 1
                        result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                        if not result['OK']:

                result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                currentTime = toEpoch()
                lastUpdate = result['Value']
                elapsedTime = currentTime - lastUpdate
                if elapsedTime > failedTime:
                        job, 'Failed',
                        'Stalling for more than %d sec' % failedTime)
                    failedCounter += 1
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result['OK']:

        recoverCounter = 0

        for minor in [
                "Job stalled: pilot not running",
                'Stalling for more than %d sec' % failedTime
            result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({
                'Status': 'Failed',
                'MinorStatus': minor,
                'AccountedFlag': 'False'
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            if result['Value']:
                jobs = result['Value']
                self.log.info('%s Stalled jobs will be Accounted' %
                for job in jobs:
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result['OK']:

                    recoverCounter += 1
            if not result['OK']:

        if failedCounter:
            self.log.info('%d jobs set to Failed' % failedCounter)
        if recoverCounter:
            self.log.info('%d jobs properly Accounted' % recoverCounter)
        return S_OK(failedCounter)

    def __getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID):
        """ Get the job pilot status
        result = self.jobDB.getJobParameter(jobID, 'Pilot_Reference')
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get the pilot reference')

        pilotReference = result['Value']
        wmsAdminClient = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator')
        result = wmsAdminClient.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get the pilot status')
        pilotStatus = result['Value'][pilotReference]['Status']

        return S_OK(pilotStatus)

    def __getStalledJob(self, job, stalledTime):
        """ Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
the stalledTime limit.
        result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        currentTime = toEpoch()
        lastUpdate = result['Value']

        elapsedTime = currentTime - lastUpdate
        self.log.verbose('(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs' % (elapsedTime))
        if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
                'Job %s is identified as stalled with last update > %s secs ago'
                % (job, elapsedTime))
            return S_OK('Stalled')

        return S_ERROR('Job %s is running and will be ignored' % job)

    def __getLatestUpdateTime(self, job):
        """ Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime
        result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(
            job, ['HeartBeatTime', 'LastUpdateTime'])
        if not result['OK']:
        if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get attributes for job %s' % job)

        latestUpdate = 0
        if not result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] or result['Value'][
                'HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
            self.log.verbose('HeartBeatTime is null for job %s' % job)
            latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(

        if not result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] or result['Value'][
                'LastUpdateTime'] == 'None':
            self.log.verbose('LastUpdateTime is null for job %s' % job)
            lastUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(result['Value']['LastUpdateTime']))
            if latestUpdate < lastUpdate:
                latestUpdate = lastUpdate

        if not latestUpdate:
            return S_ERROR(
                'LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s' % job)
            self.log.verbose('Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s' %
                             (job, latestUpdate))
            return S_OK(latestUpdate)

    def __updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorstatus=None):
        """ This method updates the job status in the JobDB, this should only be
used to fail jobs due to the optimizer chain.
            "self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" %
            (job, status))

        if self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
            result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,
            result = S_OK('DisabledMode')

        if result['OK']:
            if minorstatus:
                    % (job, minorstatus))
                result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,

        if not minorstatus:  #Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ['MinorStatus'])
            if result['OK']:
                minorstatus = result['Value']['MinorStatus']

        logStatus = status
        result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job,
        if not result['OK']:

        return result

    def __getProcessingType(self, jobID):
        """ Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute
        processingType = 'unknown'
        result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            return processingType
        classAdJob = ClassAd(result['Value'])
        if classAdJob.lookupAttribute('ProcessingType'):
            processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString('ProcessingType')
        return processingType

    def __sendAccounting(self, jobID):
        """ Send WMS accounting data for the given job
            accountingReport = Job()
            endTime = 'Unknown'
            lastHeartBeatTime = 'Unknown'

            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            jobDict = result['Value']

            startTime, endTime = self.__checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict)
            lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self.__checkHeartBeat(
                jobID, jobDict)
            lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime)
            if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
                endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

            cpuNormalization = self.jobDB.getJobParameter(
                jobID, 'CPUNormalizationFactor')
            if not cpuNormalization['OK'] or not cpuNormalization['Value']:
                cpuNormalization = 0.0
                cpuNormalization = float(cpuNormalization['Value'])
        except Exception:
                "Exception in __sendAccounting for job %s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime %s"
                % (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)), '',
            return S_ERROR("Exception")
        processingType = self.__getProcessingType(jobID)

        # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
        #Fill the accounting data
        acData = {
            'Site': jobDict['Site'],
            'User': jobDict['Owner'],
            'UserGroup': jobDict['OwnerGroup'],
            'JobGroup': jobDict['JobGroup'],
            'JobType': jobDict['JobType'],
            'JobClass': jobDict['JobSplitType'],
            'ProcessingType': processingType,
            'FinalMajorStatus': 'Failed',
            'FinalMinorStatus': 'Stalled',
            'CPUTime': lastCPUTime,
            'NormCPUTime': lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
            'ExecTime': lastWallTime,
            'InputDataSize': 0.0,
            'OutputDataSize': 0.0,
            'InputDataFiles': 0,
            'OutputDataFiles': 0,
            'DiskSpace': 0.0,
            'InputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
            'OutputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
            'ProcessedEvents': 0
        self.log.verbose('Accounting Report is:')

        result = accountingReport.commit()
        if result['OK']:
            self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'AccountedFlag', 'True')
                'Failed to send accounting report',
                'Job: %d, Error: %s' % (int(jobID), result['Message']))
        return result

    def __checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from HeartBeat
        result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)
        lastCPUTime = 0
        lastWallTime = 0
        lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
        if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
            lastHeartBeatTime = 0

        if result['OK']:
            for name, value, heartBeatTime in result['Value']:
                if 'CPUConsumed' == name:
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastCPUTime:
                            lastCPUTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if 'WallClockTime' == name:
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastWallTime:
                            lastWallTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
                    lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

        return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

    def __checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from JobLogging
        logList = []
        result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)
        if result['OK']:
            logList = result['Value']

        startTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
        if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
            # status, minor, app, stime, source
            for items in logList:
                if items[0] == 'Running':
                    startTime = items[3]
            if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
                startTime = jobDict['SubmissionTime']

        if type(startTime) in types.StringTypes:
            startTime = fromString(startTime)
            if startTime == None:
                self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
                startTime = dateTime()

        endTime = dateTime()
        # status, minor, app, stime, source
        for items in logList:
            if items[0] == 'Stalled':
                endTime = fromString(items[3])
        if endTime == None:
            self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
            endTime = dateTime()

        return startTime, endTime

    def __kickStuckJobs(self):
        """ Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched

        message = ''

        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Matched'}, older=checkTime)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        jobIDs = result['Value']
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status' %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if 'FailedJobs' in result:
                message = 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len(

        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Rescheduled'},
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        jobIDs = result['Value']
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if 'FailedJobs' in result:
                if message:
                    message += '\n'
                message += 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len(

        if message:
            return S_ERROR(message)
            return S_OK()

    def __failCompletedJobs(self):
        """ Failed Jobs stuck in Completed Status for a long time.
      They are due to pilots being killed during the 
      finalization of the job execution.

        # Get old Completed Jobs
        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.completedTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Completed'},
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        jobIDs = result['Value']
        if not jobIDs:
            return S_OK()

        # Remove those with Minor Status "Pending Requests"
        for jobID in jobIDs:
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'MinorStatus')
            if not result['OK']:
            if result['Value'] == "Pending Requests":

            result = self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, 'Failed',
                                            "Job died during finalization")
            result = self.__sendAccounting(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:

        return S_OK()
Пример #2
class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule):
The specific agents must provide the following methods:
- initialize() for initial settings
- beginExecution()
- execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle
- endExecution()
- finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used
for the agent restart
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ c'tor
        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.jobDB = None
        self.logDB = None
        self.matchedTime = 7200
        self.rescheduledTime = 600
        self.submittingTime = 300
        self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = []

    def initialize(self):
        """Sets default parameters
        self.jobDB = JobDB()
        self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()
        self.am_setOption('PollingTime', 60 * 60)
        if not self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
            self.log.info('Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode')
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ The main agent execution method

        self.log.verbose('Waking up Stalled Job Agent')

        wms_instance = getSystemInstance('WorkloadManagement')
        if not wms_instance:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance')
        wrapperSection = cfgPath('Systems', 'WorkloadManagement', wms_instance,

        stalledTime = self.am_getOption('StalledTimeHours', 2)
        failedTime = self.am_getOption('FailedTimeHours', 6)
        self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = self.am_getOption(
            'StalledJobsTolerantSites', [])
        self.stalledJobsToleranceTime = self.am_getOption(
            'StalledJobsToleranceTime', 0)

        self.submittingTime = self.am_getOption('SubmittingTime',
        self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption('MatchedTime', self.matchedTime)
        self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption('RescheduledTime',

        self.log.verbose('StalledTime = %s cycles' % (stalledTime))
        self.log.verbose('FailedTime = %s cycles' % (failedTime))

        watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(
            cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'CheckingTime'), 30 * 60)
        watchdogCycle = max(
            gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'MinCheckingTime'),
                             20 * 60))

        # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
        stalledTime = int(watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5))
        failedTime = int(watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5))

        result = self._markStalledJobs(stalledTime)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to detect stalled jobs', result['Message'])

        # Note, jobs will be revived automatically during the heartbeat signal phase and
        # subsequent status changes will result in jobs not being selected by the
        # stalled job agent.

        result = self._failStalledJobs(failedTime)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to process stalled jobs', result['Message'])

        result = self._failSubmittingJobs()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to process jobs being submitted',

        result = self._kickStuckJobs()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to kick stuck jobs', result['Message'])

        return S_OK('Stalled Job Agent cycle complete')

    def _markStalledJobs(self, stalledTime):
        """ Identifies stalled jobs running or completing without update longer than stalledTime.
        stalledCounter = 0
        aliveCounter = 0
        # This is the minimum time we wait for declaring a job Stalled, therefore it is safe
        checkTime = dateTime() - stalledTime * second
        checkedStatuses = [JobStatus.RUNNING, JobStatus.COMPLETING]
        # Only get jobs whose HeartBeat is older than the stalledTime
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': checkedStatuses},
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not result['Value']:
            return S_OK()
        jobs = sorted(result['Value'])
            '%d %s jobs will be checked for being stalled, heartbeat before %s'
            % (len(jobs), ' & '.join(checkedStatuses), str(checkTime)))

        for job in jobs:
            delayTime = stalledTime
            # Add a tolerance time for some sites if required
            site = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, 'site')['Value']
            if site in self.stalledJobsTolerantSites:
                delayTime += self.stalledJobsToleranceTime
            # Check if the job is really stalled
            result = self.__checkJobStalled(job, delayTime)
            if result['OK']:
                self.log.verbose('Updating status to Stalled for job %s' %
                self.__updateJobStatus(job, 'Stalled')
                stalledCounter += 1
                aliveCounter += 1

        self.log.info('Total jobs: %d, Stalled jobs: %d, %s jobs: %d' %
                      (len(jobs), stalledCounter, '+'.join(checkedStatuses),
        return S_OK()

    def _failStalledJobs(self, failedTime):
        """ Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status
        # Only get jobs that have been Stalled for long enough
        checkTime = dateTime() - failedTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.STALLED},
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        jobs = result['Value']

        failedCounter = 0
        minorStalledStatuses = ("Job stalled: pilot not running",
                                'Stalling for more than %d sec' % failedTime)

        if jobs:
                '%d jobs Stalled before %s will be checked for failure' %
                (len(jobs), str(checkTime)))

            for job in jobs:
                setFailed = False
                # Check if the job pilot is lost
                result = self.__getJobPilotStatus(job)
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.error('Failed to get pilot status',
                pilotStatus = result['Value']
                if pilotStatus != "Running":
                    setFailed = minorStalledStatuses[0]
                    # Verify that there was no sign of life for long enough
                    result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
                    if not result['OK']:
                        self.log.error('Failed to get job update time',
                    elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result['Value']
                    if elapsedTime > failedTime:
                        setFailed = minorStalledStatuses[1]

                # Set the jobs Failed, send them a kill signal in case they are not really dead and send accounting info
                if setFailed:
                    self.__updateJobStatus(job, JobStatus.FAILED, setFailed)
                    failedCounter += 1
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result['OK']:
                        self.log.error('Failed to send accounting',

        recoverCounter = 0

        for minor in minorStalledStatuses:
            result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({
                'Status': JobStatus.FAILED,
                'MinorStatus': minor,
                'AccountedFlag': 'False'
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            if result['Value']:
                jobs = result['Value']
                self.log.info('%s Stalled jobs will be Accounted' %
                for job in jobs:
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result['OK']:
                        self.log.error('Failed to send accounting',

                    recoverCounter += 1
            if not result['OK']:

        if failedCounter:
            self.log.info('%d jobs set to Failed' % failedCounter)
        if recoverCounter:
            self.log.info('%d jobs properly Accounted' % recoverCounter)
        return S_OK(failedCounter)

    def __getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID):
        """ Get the job pilot status
        result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        pilotReference = result['Value'].get('Pilot_Reference')
        if not pilotReference:
            # There is no pilot reference, hence its status is unknown
            return S_OK('NoPilot')

        result = PilotManagerClient().getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result['OK']:
            if "No pilots found" in result['Message']:
                return S_OK('NoPilot')
            self.log.error('Failed to get pilot information',
                           'for job %d: ' % jobID + result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get the pilot status')
        pilotStatus = result['Value'][pilotReference]['Status']

        return S_OK(pilotStatus)

    def __checkJobStalled(self, job, stalledTime):
        """ Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
    the stalledTime limit.
        result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result['Value']
        self.log.verbose('(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs' % (elapsedTime))
        if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
                'Job %s is identified as stalled with last update > %s secs ago'
                % (job, elapsedTime))
            return S_OK('Stalled')

        return S_ERROR('Job %s is running and will be ignored' % job)

    def __getLatestUpdateTime(self, job):
        """ Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime
        result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(
            job, ['HeartBeatTime', 'LastUpdateTime'])
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to get job attributes', result['Message'])
        if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            self.log.error('Could not get attributes for job', '%s' % job)
            return S_ERROR('Could not get attributes for job')

        latestUpdate = 0
        if not result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] or result['Value'][
                'HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
            self.log.verbose('HeartBeatTime is null for job %s' % job)
            latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(

        if not result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] or result['Value'][
                'LastUpdateTime'] == 'None':
            self.log.verbose('LastUpdateTime is null for job %s' % job)
            latestUpdate = max(

        if not latestUpdate:
            return S_ERROR(
                'LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s' % job)
            self.log.verbose('Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s' %
                             (job, latestUpdate))
            return S_OK(latestUpdate)

    def __updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorstatus=None):
        """ This method updates the job status in the JobDB, this should only be
        used to fail jobs due to the optimizer chain.
            "self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" %
            (job, status))

        if self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
            result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,
            result = S_OK('DisabledMode')

        if result['OK']:
            if minorstatus:
                    % (job, minorstatus))
                result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,

        if not minorstatus:  # Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ['MinorStatus'])
            if result['OK']:
                minorstatus = result['Value']['MinorStatus']

        logStatus = status
        result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job,
        if not result['OK']:

        return result

    def __getProcessingType(self, jobID):
        """ Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute
        processingType = 'unknown'
        result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            return processingType
        classAdJob = ClassAd(result['Value'])
        if classAdJob.lookupAttribute('ProcessingType'):
            processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString('ProcessingType')
        return processingType

    def __sendAccounting(self, jobID):
        """ Send WMS accounting data for the given job
            accountingReport = Job()
            endTime = 'Unknown'
            lastHeartBeatTime = 'Unknown'

            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            jobDict = result['Value']

            startTime, endTime = self.__checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict)
            lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self.__checkHeartBeat(
                jobID, jobDict)
            lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime)
            if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
                endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

            result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(
                jobID, 'CPUNormalizationFactor')
            if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
                    'Error getting Job Parameter CPUNormalizationFactor, setting 0',
                    result.get('Message', 'No such value'))
                cpuNormalization = 0.0
                cpuNormalization = float(

        except Exception as e:
                "Exception in __sendAccounting",
                "for job=%s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime=%s" %
                (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)),
            return S_ERROR("Exception")
        processingType = self.__getProcessingType(jobID)

        # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
        # Fill the accounting data
        acData = {
            'Site': jobDict['Site'],
            'User': jobDict['Owner'],
            'UserGroup': jobDict['OwnerGroup'],
            'JobGroup': jobDict['JobGroup'],
            'JobType': jobDict['JobType'],
            'JobClass': jobDict['JobSplitType'],
            'ProcessingType': processingType,
            'FinalMajorStatus': 'Failed',
            'FinalMinorStatus': 'Stalled',
            'CPUTime': lastCPUTime,
            'NormCPUTime': lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
            'ExecTime': lastWallTime,
            'InputDataSize': 0.0,
            'OutputDataSize': 0.0,
            'InputDataFiles': 0,
            'OutputDataFiles': 0,
            'DiskSpace': 0.0,
            'InputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
            'OutputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
            'ProcessedEvents': 0

        # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set
        if not acData['ExecTime']:
            acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']
        elif acData['ExecTime'] < acData['CPUTime']:
            acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']

        self.log.verbose('Accounting Report is:')

        result = accountingReport.commit()
        if result['OK']:
            self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'AccountedFlag', 'True')
                'Failed to send accounting report',
                'Job: %d, Error: %s' % (int(jobID), result['Message']))
        return result

    def __checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from HeartBeat
        result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)
        lastCPUTime = 0
        lastWallTime = 0
        lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
        if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
            lastHeartBeatTime = 0

        if result['OK']:
            for name, value, heartBeatTime in result['Value']:
                if name == 'CPUConsumed':
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastCPUTime:
                            lastCPUTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if name == 'WallClockTime':
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastWallTime:
                            lastWallTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
                    lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

        return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

    def __checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from JobLogging
        logList = []
        result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)
        if result['OK']:
            logList = result['Value']

        startTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
        if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
            # status, minor, app, stime, source
            for items in logList:
                if items[0] == 'Running':
                    startTime = items[3]
            if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
                startTime = jobDict['SubmissionTime']

        if isinstance(startTime, six.string_types):
            startTime = fromString(startTime)
            if startTime is None:
                self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
                startTime = dateTime()

        endTime = dateTime()
        # status, minor, app, stime, source
        for items in logList:
            if items[0] == 'Stalled':
                endTime = fromString(items[3])
        if endTime is None:
            self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
            endTime = dateTime()

        return startTime, endTime

    def _kickStuckJobs(self):
        """ Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched

        message = ''

        checkTime = dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.MATCHED},
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
            return result

        jobIDs = result['Value']
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status' %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if 'FailedJobs' in result:
                message = 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len(

        checkTime = dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Rescheduled'},
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
            return result

        jobIDs = result['Value']
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if 'FailedJobs' in result:
                if message:
                    message += '\n'
                message += 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len(

        if message:
            return S_ERROR(message)
        return S_OK()

    def _failSubmittingJobs(self):
        """ Failed Jobs stuck in Submitting Status for a long time.
        They are due to a failed bulk submission transaction.

        # Get old Submitting Jobs
        checkTime = dateTime() - self.submittingTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.SUBMITTING},
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
            return result

        for jobID in result['Value']:
            result = self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Failed to update job status',

        return S_OK()

    def __sendKillCommand(self, job):
        """Send a kill signal to the job such that it cannot continue running.

    :param int job: ID of job to send kill command
        ownerDN = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, 'OwnerDN')
        ownerGroup = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, 'OwnerGroup')
        if ownerDN['OK'] and ownerGroup['OK']:
            wmsClient = WMSClient(useCertificates=True,
            resKill = wmsClient.killJob(job)
            if not resKill['OK']:
                self.log.error("Failed to send kill command to job",
                               "%s: %s" % (job, resKill['Message']))
                "Failed to get ownerDN or Group for job:",
                "%s: %s, %s" % (job, ownerDN.get(
                    'Message', ''), ownerGroup.get('Message', '')))
Пример #3
class StalledJobAgent( AgentModule ):
The specific agents must provide the following methods:
- initialize() for initial settings
- beginExecution()
- execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle
- endExecution()
- finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used
for the agent restart
  jobDB = None
  logDB = None
  matchedTime = 7200
  rescheduledTime = 600
  completedTime = 86400

  def initialize( self ):
    """Sets default parameters
    self.jobDB = JobDB()
    self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()
    self.am_setOption( 'PollingTime', 60 * 60 )
    if not self.am_getOption( 'Enable', True ):
      self.log.info( 'Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode' )
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    """ The main agent execution method
    self.log.verbose( 'Waking up Stalled Job Agent' )

    wms_instance = getSystemInstance( 'WorkloadManagement' )
    if not wms_instance:
      return S_ERROR( 'Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance' )
    wrapperSection = cfgPath( 'Systems', 'WorkloadManagement', wms_instance, 'JobWrapper' )

    stalledTime = self.am_getOption( 'StalledTimeHours', 2 )
    failedTime = self.am_getOption( 'FailedTimeHours', 6 )

    self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption( 'MatchedTime', self.matchedTime )
    self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption( 'RescheduledTime', self.rescheduledTime )
    self.completedTime = self.am_getOption( 'CompletedTime', self.completedTime )

    self.log.verbose( 'StalledTime = %s cycles' % ( stalledTime ) )
    self.log.verbose( 'FailedTime = %s cycles' % ( failedTime ) )

    watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue( cfgPath( wrapperSection , 'CheckingTime' ), 30 * 60 )
    watchdogCycle = max( watchdogCycle, gConfig.getValue( cfgPath( wrapperSection , 'MinCheckingTime' ), 20 * 60 ) )

    # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
    stalledTime = watchdogCycle * ( stalledTime + 0.5 )
    failedTime = watchdogCycle * ( failedTime + 0.5 )

    result = self.__markStalledJobs( stalledTime )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to detect stalled jobs', result['Message'] )

    #Note, jobs will be revived automatically during the heartbeat signal phase and
    #subsequent status changes will result in jobs not being selected by the
    #stalled job agent.

    result = self.__failStalledJobs( failedTime )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to process stalled jobs', result['Message'] )

    result = self.__failCompletedJobs()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to process completed jobs', result['Message'] )

    result = self.__kickStuckJobs()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to kick stuck jobs', result['Message'] )

    return S_OK( 'Stalled Job Agent cycle complete' )

  def __markStalledJobs( self, stalledTime ):
    """ Identifies stalled jobs running without update longer than stalledTime.
    stalledCounter = 0
    runningCounter = 0
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Running'} )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    if not result['Value']:
      return S_OK()
    jobs = result['Value']
    self.log.info( '%s Running jobs will be checked for being stalled' % ( len( jobs ) ) )
# jobs = jobs[:10] #for debugging
    for job in jobs:
      result = self.__getStalledJob( job, stalledTime )
      if result['OK']:
        self.log.verbose( 'Updating status to Stalled for job %s' % ( job ) )
        self.__updateJobStatus( job, 'Stalled' )
        stalledCounter += 1
        self.log.verbose( result['Message'] )
        runningCounter += 1

    self.log.info( 'Total jobs: %s, Stalled job count: %s, Running job count: %s' %
                   ( len( jobs ), stalledCounter, runningCounter ) )
    return S_OK()

  def __failStalledJobs( self, failedTime ):
    """ Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status

    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Stalled'} )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    failedCounter = 0

    if result['Value']:
      jobs = result['Value']
      self.log.info( '%s Stalled jobs will be checked for failure' % ( len( jobs ) ) )

      for job in jobs:

        # Check if the job pilot is lost
        result = self.__getJobPilotStatus( job )
        if result['OK']:
          pilotStatus = result['Value']
          if pilotStatus != "Running":
            result = self.__updateJobStatus( job, 'Failed',
                                             "Job stalled: pilot not running" )
            failedCounter += 1
            result = self.__sendAccounting( job )
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.error( 'Failed to send accounting', result['Message'] )

        result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime( job )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        currentTime = toEpoch()
        lastUpdate = result['Value']
        elapsedTime = currentTime - lastUpdate
        if elapsedTime > failedTime:
          self.__updateJobStatus( job, 'Failed', 'Stalling for more than %d sec' % failedTime )
          failedCounter += 1
          result = self.__sendAccounting( job )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error( 'Failed to send accounting', result['Message'] )

    recoverCounter = 0

    for minor in ["Job stalled: pilot not running", 'Stalling for more than %d sec' % failedTime]:
      result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Failed', 'MinorStatus': minor, 'AccountedFlag': 'False' } )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      if result['Value']:
        jobs = result['Value']
        self.log.info( '%s Stalled jobs will be Accounted' % ( len( jobs ) ) )
        for job in jobs:
          result = self.__sendAccounting( job )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error( 'Failed to send accounting', result['Message'] )

          recoverCounter += 1
      if not result['OK']:

    if failedCounter:
      self.log.info( '%d jobs set to Failed' % failedCounter )
    if recoverCounter:
      self.log.info( '%d jobs properly Accounted' % recoverCounter )
    return S_OK( failedCounter )

  def __getJobPilotStatus( self, jobID ):
    """ Get the job pilot status
    result = self.jobDB.getJobParameter( jobID, 'Pilot_Reference' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    if not result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the pilot reference' )

    pilotReference = result['Value']
    wmsAdminClient = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )
    result = wmsAdminClient.getPilotInfo( pilotReference )
    if not result['OK']:
      if "No pilots found" in result['Message']:
        self.log.warn( result['Message'] )
        return S_OK( 'NoPilot' )
      self.log.error( 'Failed to get pilot information', result['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the pilot status' )
    pilotStatus = result['Value'][pilotReference]['Status']

    return S_OK( pilotStatus )

  def __getStalledJob( self, job, stalledTime ):
    """ Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
the stalledTime limit.
    result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime( job )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    currentTime = toEpoch()
    lastUpdate = result['Value']

    elapsedTime = currentTime - lastUpdate
    self.log.verbose( '(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs' % ( elapsedTime ) )
    if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
      self.log.info( 'Job %s is identified as stalled with last update > %s secs ago' % ( job, elapsedTime ) )
      return S_OK( 'Stalled' )

    return S_ERROR( 'Job %s is running and will be ignored' % job )

  def __getLatestUpdateTime( self, job ):
    """ Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime
    result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( job, ['HeartBeatTime', 'LastUpdateTime'] )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to get job attributes', result['Message'] )
    if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not get attributes for job', '%s' % job )
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get attributes for job' )

    self.log.verbose( result )
    latestUpdate = 0
    if not result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] or result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
      self.log.verbose( 'HeartBeatTime is null for job %s' % job )
      latestUpdate = toEpoch( fromString( result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] ) )

    if not result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] or result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] == 'None':
      self.log.verbose( 'LastUpdateTime is null for job %s' % job )
      lastUpdate = toEpoch( fromString( result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] ) )
      if latestUpdate < lastUpdate:
        latestUpdate = lastUpdate

    if not latestUpdate:
      return S_ERROR( 'LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s' % job )
      self.log.verbose( 'Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s' % ( job, latestUpdate ) )
      return S_OK( latestUpdate )

  def __updateJobStatus( self, job, status, minorstatus = None ):
    """ This method updates the job status in the JobDB, this should only be
used to fail jobs due to the optimizer chain.
    self.log.verbose( "self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" % ( job, status ) )

    if self.am_getOption( 'Enable', True ):
      result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute( job, 'Status', status, update = True )
      result = S_OK( 'DisabledMode' )

    if result['OK']:
      if minorstatus:
        self.log.verbose( "self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'MinorStatus','%s',update=True)" % ( job, minorstatus ) )
        result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute( job, 'MinorStatus', minorstatus, update = True )

    if not minorstatus: #Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
      result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( job, ['MinorStatus'] )
      if result['OK']:
        minorstatus = result['Value']['MinorStatus']

    logStatus = status
    result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord( job, status = logStatus, minor = minorstatus, source = 'StalledJobAgent' )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn( result )

    return result

  def __getProcessingType( self, jobID ):
    """ Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute
    processingType = 'unknown'
    result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL( jobID, original = True )
    if not result['OK']:
      return processingType
    classAdJob = ClassAd( result['Value'] )
    if classAdJob.lookupAttribute( 'ProcessingType' ):
      processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString( 'ProcessingType' )
    return processingType

  def __sendAccounting( self, jobID ):
    """ Send WMS accounting data for the given job
      accountingReport = Job()
      endTime = 'Unknown'
      lastHeartBeatTime = 'Unknown'

      result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDict = result['Value']

      startTime, endTime = self.__checkLoggingInfo( jobID, jobDict )
      lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self.__checkHeartBeat( jobID, jobDict )
      lastHeartBeatTime = fromString( lastHeartBeatTime )
      if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
        endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

      cpuNormalization = self.jobDB.getJobParameter( jobID, 'CPUNormalizationFactor' )
      if not cpuNormalization['OK'] or not cpuNormalization['Value']:
        cpuNormalization = 0.0
        cpuNormalization = float( cpuNormalization['Value'] )
    except Exception:
      self.log.exception( "Exception in __sendAccounting for job %s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime %s" % ( str( jobID ), str( endTime ), str( lastHeartBeatTime ) ), '' , False )
      return S_ERROR( "Exception" )
    processingType = self.__getProcessingType( jobID )

    accountingReport.setStartTime( startTime )
    accountingReport.setEndTime( endTime )
    # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
    #Fill the accounting data
    acData = { 'Site' : jobDict['Site'],
               'User' : jobDict['Owner'],
               'UserGroup' : jobDict['OwnerGroup'],
               'JobGroup' : jobDict['JobGroup'],
               'JobType' : jobDict['JobType'],
               'JobClass' : jobDict['JobSplitType'],
               'ProcessingType' : processingType,
               'FinalMajorStatus' : 'Failed',
               'FinalMinorStatus' : 'Stalled',
               'CPUTime' : lastCPUTime,
               'NormCPUTime' : lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
               'ExecTime' : lastWallTime,
               'InputDataSize' : 0.0,
               'OutputDataSize' : 0.0,
               'InputDataFiles' : 0,
               'OutputDataFiles' : 0,
               'DiskSpace' : 0.0,
               'InputSandBoxSize' : 0.0,
               'OutputSandBoxSize' : 0.0,
               'ProcessedEvents' : 0
    # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set
    if not acData['ExecTime']:
      acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']
    elif acData['ExecTime'] < acData['CPUTime']:
      acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']
    self.log.verbose( 'Accounting Report is:' )
    self.log.verbose( acData )
    accountingReport.setValuesFromDict( acData )

    result = accountingReport.commit()
    if result['OK']:
      self.jobDB.setJobAttribute( jobID, 'AccountedFlag', 'True' )
      self.log.error( 'Failed to send accounting report', 'Job: %d, Error: %s' % ( int( jobID ), result['Message'] ) )
    return result

  def __checkHeartBeat( self, jobID, jobDict ):
    """ Get info from HeartBeat
    result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData( jobID )
    lastCPUTime = 0
    lastWallTime = 0
    lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
    if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
      lastHeartBeatTime = 0

    if result['OK']:
      for name, value, heartBeatTime in result['Value']:
        if 'CPUConsumed' == name:
            value = int( float( value ) )
            if value > lastCPUTime:
              lastCPUTime = value
          except ValueError:
        if 'WallClockTime' == name:
            value = int( float( value ) )
            if value > lastWallTime:
              lastWallTime = value
          except ValueError:
        if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
          lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

    return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

  def __checkLoggingInfo( self, jobID, jobDict ):
    """ Get info from JobLogging
    logList = []
    result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo( jobID )
    if result['OK']:
      logList = result['Value']

    startTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
    if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
      # status, minor, app, stime, source
      for items in logList:
        if items[0] == 'Running':
          startTime = items[3]
      if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
        startTime = jobDict['SubmissionTime']

    if type( startTime ) in types.StringTypes:
      startTime = fromString( startTime )
      if startTime == None:
        self.log.error( 'Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3] )
        startTime = dateTime()

    endTime = dateTime()
    # status, minor, app, stime, source
    for items in logList:
      if items[0] == 'Stalled':
        endTime = fromString( items[3] )
    if endTime == None:
      self.log.error( 'Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3] )
      endTime = dateTime()

    return startTime, endTime

  def __kickStuckJobs( self ):
    """ Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched

    message = ''

    checkTime = str( dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second )
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Matched'}, older = checkTime )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to select jobs', result['Message'] )
      return result

    jobIDs = result['Value']
    if jobIDs:
      self.log.info( 'Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len( jobIDs ) )
      result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs( jobIDs )
      if 'FailedJobs' in result:
        message = 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len( result['FailedJobs'] )

    checkTime = str( dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second )
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Rescheduled'}, older = checkTime )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to select jobs', result['Message'] )
      return result

    jobIDs = result['Value']
    if jobIDs:
      self.log.info( 'Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len( jobIDs ) )
      result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs( jobIDs )
      if 'FailedJobs' in result:
        if message:
          message += '\n'
        message += 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len( result['FailedJobs'] )

    if message:
      return S_ERROR( message )
      return S_OK()

  def __failCompletedJobs( self ):
    """ Failed Jobs stuck in Completed Status for a long time.
      They are due to pilots being killed during the
      finalization of the job execution.

    # Get old Completed Jobs
    checkTime = str( dateTime() - self.completedTime * second )
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs( {'Status':'Completed'}, older = checkTime )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Failed to select jobs', result['Message'] )
      return result

    jobIDs = result['Value']
    if not jobIDs:
      return S_OK()

    # Remove those with Minor Status "Pending Requests"
    for jobID in jobIDs:
      result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['Status','MinorStatus'] )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get job attributes', result['Message'] )
      if result['Value']['Status'] != "Completed":
      if result['Value']['MinorStatus'] == "Pending Requests":

      result = self.__updateJobStatus( jobID, 'Failed',
                                       "Job died during finalization" )
      result = self.__sendAccounting( jobID )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to send accounting', result['Message'] )

    return S_OK()
Пример #4
class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule):
    """Agent for setting Running jobs Stalled, and Stalled jobs Failed. And a few more."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(StalledJobAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.jobDB = None
        self.logDB = None
        self.matchedTime = 7200
        self.rescheduledTime = 600
        self.submittingTime = 300
        self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = []
        self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites = []

    def initialize(self):
        """Sets default parameters"""
        self.jobDB = JobDB()
        self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()

        # getting parameters

        if not self.am_getOption("Enable", True):
            self.log.info("Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode")

        wms_instance = getSystemInstance("WorkloadManagement")
        if not wms_instance:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance")
        self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = self.am_getOption(
            "StalledJobsTolerantSites", [])
        self.stalledJobsToleranceTime = self.am_getOption(
            "StalledJobsToleranceTime", 0)

        self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites = self.am_getOption(
            "StalledJobsToRescheduleSites", [])

        self.submittingTime = self.am_getOption("SubmittingTime",
        self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption("MatchedTime", self.matchedTime)
        self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption("RescheduledTime",

        wrapperSection = cfgPath("Systems", "WorkloadManagement", wms_instance,

        failedTime = self.am_getOption("FailedTimeHours", 6)
        watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(
            cfgPath(wrapperSection, "CheckingTime"), 30 * 60)
        watchdogCycle = max(
            gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, "MinCheckingTime"),
                             20 * 60))
        stalledTime = self.am_getOption("StalledTimeHours", 2)
        self.log.verbose("", "StalledTime = %s cycles" % (stalledTime))
        self.stalledTime = int(watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5))
        self.log.verbose("", "FailedTime = %s cycles" % (failedTime))

        # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
        self.failedTime = int(watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5))

        self.minorStalledStatuses = (
            "Stalling for more than %d sec" % self.failedTime,

        # setting up the threading
        maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption("MaxNumberOfThreads", 15)
        self.log.verbose("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads)
        self.threadPoolExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """The main agent execution method"""
        # Now we are getting what's going to be checked
        futures = []

        # 1) Queueing the jobs that might be marked Stalled
        # This is the minimum time we wait for declaring a job Stalled, therefore it is safe
        checkTime = dateTime() - self.stalledTime * second
        checkedStatuses = [JobStatus.RUNNING, JobStatus.COMPLETING]
        # Only get jobs whose HeartBeat is older than the stalledTime
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": checkedStatuses},
        if not result["OK"]:
                "Issue selecting %s jobs" % " & ".join(checkedStatuses),
        if result["Value"]:
            jobs = sorted(result["Value"])
                "%s jobs will be checked for being stalled" %
                " & ".join(checkedStatuses),
                "(n=%d, heartbeat before %s)" % (len(jobs), str(checkTime)),
            for job in jobs:
                future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(
                    self._execute, "%s:_markStalledJobs" % job)

        # 2) fail Stalled Jobs
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.STALLED})
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Issue selecting Stalled jobs", result["Message"])
        if result["Value"]:
            jobs = sorted(result["Value"])
            self.log.info("Jobs Stalled will be checked for failure",
                          "(n=%d)" % len(jobs))
            for job in jobs:
                future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(
                    self._execute, "%s:_failStalledJobs" % job)

        # 3) Send accounting
        for minor in self.minorStalledStatuses:
            result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({
                "Status": JobStatus.FAILED,
                "MinorStatus": minor,
                "AccountedFlag": "False"
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Issue selecting jobs for accounting",
            if result["Value"]:
                jobs = result["Value"]
                self.log.info("Stalled jobs will be Accounted",
                              "(n=%d)" % (len(jobs)))
                for job in jobs:
                    future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(
                        self._execute, "%s:_sendAccounting" % job)

        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            except Exception as exc:
                self.log.error("_execute generated an exception: %s" % exc)

        # From here on we don't use the threads

        # 4) Fail submitting jobs
        result = self._failSubmittingJobs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to process jobs being submitted",

        # 5) Kick stuck jobs
        result = self._kickStuckJobs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to kick stuck jobs", result["Message"])

        return S_OK()

    def finalize(self):
        """graceful finalization"""

            "Wait for threads to get empty before terminating the agent")
        self.log.info("Threads are empty, terminating the agent...")
        return S_OK()

    def _execute(self, job_Op):
        Doing the actual job. This is run inside the threads
        jobID, jobOp = job_Op.split(":")
        jobID = int(jobID)
        res = getattr(self, "%s" % jobOp)(jobID)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failure executing %s" % jobOp,
                           "on %d: %s" % (jobID, res["Message"]))

    def _markStalledJobs(self, jobID):
        Identifies if JobID is stalled:
        running or completing without update longer than stalledTime.

        Run inside thread.
        delayTime = self.stalledTime
        # Add a tolerance time for some sites if required
        if self.stalledJobsTolerantSites:
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, "site")
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            site = result["Value"]
            if site in self.stalledJobsTolerantSites:
                delayTime += self.stalledJobsToleranceTime
        # Check if the job is really stalled
        result = self._checkJobStalled(jobID, delayTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        self.log.verbose("Updating status to Stalled", "for job %s" % (jobID))
        return self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.STALLED)

    def _failStalledJobs(self, jobID):
        Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status.

        Run inside thread.

        setFailed = False
        # Check if the job pilot is lost
        result = self._getJobPilotStatus(jobID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to get pilot status",
                           "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"]))
            return result
        pilotStatus = result["Value"]
        if pilotStatus != "Running":
            setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[0]
            # Verify that there was no sign of life for long enough
            result = self._getLatestUpdateTime(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to get job update time",
                               "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"]))
                return result
            elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result["Value"]
            if elapsedTime > self.failedTime:
                setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[1]

        # Set the jobs Failed, send them a kill signal in case they are not really dead
        # and send accounting info
        if setFailed:
            self._sendKillCommand(jobID)  # always returns None

            # For some sites we might want to reschedule rather than fail the jobs
            if self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites:
                result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, "site")
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
                site = result["Value"]
                if site in self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites:
                    return self._updateJobStatus(jobID,

            return self._updateJobStatus(jobID,

        return S_OK()

    def _getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID):
        """Get the job pilot status"""
        result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID,
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        pilotReference = result["Value"].get("Pilot_Reference", "Unknown")
        if pilotReference == "Unknown":
            # There is no pilot reference, hence its status is unknown
            return S_OK("NoPilot")

        result = PilotManagerClient().getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result["OK"]:
            if DErrno.cmpError(result, DErrno.EWMSNOPILOT):
                self.log.warn("No pilot found",
                              "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"]))
                return S_OK("NoPilot")
            self.log.error("Failed to get pilot information",
                           "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"]))
            return result
        pilotStatus = result["Value"][pilotReference]["Status"]

        return S_OK(pilotStatus)

    def _checkJobStalled(self, job, stalledTime):
        """Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
        the stalledTime limit.
        result = self._getLatestUpdateTime(job)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result["Value"]
        self.log.debug("(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs" % (elapsedTime))
        if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
                "Job is identified as stalled",
                ": jobID %d with last update > %s secs ago" %
                (job, elapsedTime))
            return S_OK()

        return S_ERROR("Job %s is running and will be ignored" % job)

    def _getLatestUpdateTime(self, job):
        """Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime"""
        result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(
            job, ["HeartBeatTime", "LastUpdateTime"])
        if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
                "Failed to get job attributes",
                "for job %d: %s" %
                (job, result["Message"] if "Message" in result else "empty"),
            return S_ERROR("Could not get attributes for job")

        latestUpdate = 0
        if not result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"] or result["Value"][
                "HeartBeatTime"] == "None":
            self.log.verbose("HeartBeatTime is null", "for job %s" % job)
            latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(

        if not result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] or result["Value"][
                "LastUpdateTime"] == "None":
            self.log.verbose("LastUpdateTime is null", "for job %s" % job)
            latestUpdate = max(

        if not latestUpdate:
            return S_ERROR(
                "LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s" % job)
                "", "Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s" %
                (job, latestUpdate))
            return S_OK(latestUpdate)

    def _updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorStatus=None, force=False):
        """This method updates the job status in the JobDB"""

        if not self.am_getOption("Enable", True):
            return S_OK("Disabled")

        toRet = S_OK()

            "self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" %
            (job, status))
        result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,
        if not result["OK"]:
                "Failed setting Status",
                "%s for job %d: %s" % (status, job, result["Message"]))
            toRet = result
        if minorStatus:
                % (job, minorStatus))
            result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job,
            if not result["OK"]:
                    "Failed setting MinorStatus", "%s for job %d: %s" %
                    (minorStatus, job, result["Message"]))
                toRet = result

        if not minorStatus:  # Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ["MinorStatus"])
            if result["OK"]:
                minorStatus = result["Value"]["MinorStatus"]
                self.log.error("Failed getting MinorStatus",
                               "for job %d: %s" % (job, result["Message"]))
                minorStatus = "idem"
                toRet = result

        result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job,
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.warn("Failed adding logging record", result["Message"])
            toRet = result

        return toRet

    def _getProcessingType(self, jobID):
        """Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute"""
        processingType = "unknown"
        result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return processingType
        classAdJob = ClassAd(result["Value"])
        if classAdJob.lookupAttribute("ProcessingType"):
            processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString("ProcessingType")
        return processingType

    def _sendAccounting(self, jobID):
        Send WMS accounting data for the given job.

        Run inside thread.
            accountingReport = Job()
            endTime = "Unknown"
            lastHeartBeatTime = "Unknown"

            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            jobDict = result["Value"]

            startTime, endTime = self._checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict)
            lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self._checkHeartBeat(
                jobID, jobDict)
            lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime)
            if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
                endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

            result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(
                jobID, "CPUNormalizationFactor")
            if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
                    "Error getting Job Parameter CPUNormalizationFactor, setting 0",
                    result.get("Message", "No such value"),
                cpuNormalization = 0.0
                cpuNormalization = float(

        except Exception as e:
                "Exception in _sendAccounting",
                "for job=%s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime=%s" %
                (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)),
            return S_ERROR("Exception")
        processingType = self._getProcessingType(jobID)

        # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
        # Fill the accounting data
        acData = {
            "Site": jobDict["Site"],
            "User": jobDict["Owner"],
            "UserGroup": jobDict["OwnerGroup"],
            "JobGroup": jobDict["JobGroup"],
            "JobType": jobDict["JobType"],
            "JobClass": jobDict["JobSplitType"],
            "ProcessingType": processingType,
            "FinalMajorStatus": JobStatus.FAILED,
            "FinalMinorStatus": JobMinorStatus.STALLED_PILOT_NOT_RUNNING,
            "CPUTime": lastCPUTime,
            "NormCPUTime": lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
            "ExecTime": lastWallTime,
            "InputDataSize": 0.0,
            "OutputDataSize": 0.0,
            "InputDataFiles": 0,
            "OutputDataFiles": 0,
            "DiskSpace": 0.0,
            "InputSandBoxSize": 0.0,
            "OutputSandBoxSize": 0.0,
            "ProcessedEvents": 0,

        # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set
        if not acData["ExecTime"]:
            acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"]
        elif acData["ExecTime"] < acData["CPUTime"]:
            acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"]

        self.log.verbose("Accounting Report is:")

        result = accountingReport.commit()
        if result["OK"]:
            self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, "AccountedFlag", "True")
                "Failed to send accounting report",
                "Job: %d, Error: %s" % (int(jobID), result["Message"]))
        return result

    def _checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """Get info from HeartBeat"""
        result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)
        lastCPUTime = 0
        lastWallTime = 0
        lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"]
        if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
            lastHeartBeatTime = 0

        if result["OK"]:
            for name, value, heartBeatTime in result["Value"]:
                if name == "CPUConsumed":
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastCPUTime:
                            lastCPUTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if name == "WallClockTime":
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastWallTime:
                            lastWallTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
                    lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

        return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

    def _checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """Get info from JobLogging"""
        logList = []
        result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)
        if result["OK"]:
            logList = result["Value"]

        startTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"]
        if not startTime or startTime == "None":
            # status, minor, app, stime, source
            for items in logList:
                if items[0] == "Running":
                    startTime = items[3]
            if not startTime or startTime == "None":
                startTime = jobDict["SubmissionTime"]

        if isinstance(startTime, six.string_types):
            startTime = fromString(startTime)
            if startTime is None:
                self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3])
                startTime = dateTime()

        endTime = dateTime()
        # status, minor, app, stime, source
        for items in logList:
            if items[0] == "Stalled":
                endTime = fromString(items[3])
        if endTime is None:
            self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3])
            endTime = dateTime()

        return startTime, endTime

    def _kickStuckJobs(self):
        """Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched"""

        message = ""

        checkTime = dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.MATCHED},
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        jobIDs = result["Value"]
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status" %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if "FailedJobs" in result:
                message = "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status" % len(

        checkTime = dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.RESCHEDULED},
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        jobIDs = result["Value"]
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" %
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if "FailedJobs" in result:
                if message:
                    message += "\n"
                message += "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" % len(

        if message:
            return S_ERROR(message)
        return S_OK()

    def _failSubmittingJobs(self):
        """Failed Jobs stuck in Submitting Status for a long time.
        They are due to a failed bulk submission transaction.

        # Get old Submitting Jobs
        checkTime = dateTime() - self.submittingTime * second
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.SUBMITTING},
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        for jobID in result["Value"]:
            result = self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED, force=True)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to update job status",

        return S_OK()

    def _sendKillCommand(self, job):
        """Send a kill signal to the job such that it cannot continue running.

        :param int job: ID of job to send kill command
        ownerDN = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, "OwnerDN")
        ownerGroup = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, "OwnerGroup")
        if ownerDN["OK"] and ownerGroup["OK"]:
            wmsClient = WMSClient(useCertificates=True,
            resKill = wmsClient.killJob(job)
            if not resKill["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to send kill command to job",
                               "%s: %s" % (job, resKill["Message"]))
                "Failed to get ownerDN or Group for job:",
                "%s: %s, %s" % (job, ownerDN.get(
                    "Message", ""), ownerGroup.get("Message", "")),
Пример #5
class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule):
  """ Agent for setting Running jobs Stalled, and Stalled jobs Failed. And a few more.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ c'tor
    super(StalledJobAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.jobDB = None
    self.logDB = None
    self.matchedTime = 7200
    self.rescheduledTime = 600
    self.submittingTime = 300
    self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = []
    self.jobsQueue = Queue()

  def initialize(self):
    """Sets default parameters
    self.jobDB = JobDB()
    self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()
    self.am_setOption('PollingTime', 60 * 60)
    if not self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
      self.log.info('Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode')

    # setting up the threading
    maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption('MaxNumberOfThreads', 15)
    threadPool = ThreadPool(maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads)
    self.log.verbose("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads)

    for _ in range(maxNumberOfThreads):

    return S_OK()

  def execute(self):
    """ The main agent execution method
    self.log.debug('Waking up Stalled Job Agent')

    # getting parameters
    wms_instance = getSystemInstance('WorkloadManagement')
    if not wms_instance:
      return S_ERROR('Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance')
    wrapperSection = cfgPath('Systems', 'WorkloadManagement', wms_instance, 'JobWrapper')

    stalledTime = self.am_getOption('StalledTimeHours', 2)
    failedTime = self.am_getOption('FailedTimeHours', 6)
    self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = self.am_getOption('StalledJobsTolerantSites', [])
    self.stalledJobsToleranceTime = self.am_getOption('StalledJobsToleranceTime', 0)

    self.submittingTime = self.am_getOption('SubmittingTime', self.submittingTime)
    self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption('MatchedTime', self.matchedTime)
    self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption('RescheduledTime', self.rescheduledTime)

    self.log.verbose('', 'StalledTime = %s cycles' % (stalledTime))
    self.log.verbose('', 'FailedTime = %s cycles' % (failedTime))

    watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'CheckingTime'), 30 * 60)
    watchdogCycle = max(watchdogCycle, gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, 'MinCheckingTime'), 20 * 60))

    # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
    self.stalledTime = int(watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5))
    self.failedTime = int(watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5))

    self.minorStalledStatuses = (
        'Stalling for more than %d sec' % self.failedTime)

    # Now we are getting what's going to be checked

    # 1) Queueing the jobs that might be marked Stalled
    # This is the minimum time we wait for declaring a job Stalled, therefore it is safe
    checkTime = dateTime() - self.stalledTime * second
    checkedStatuses = [JobStatus.RUNNING, JobStatus.COMPLETING]
    # Only get jobs whose HeartBeat is older than the stalledTime
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': checkedStatuses},
                                   older=checkTime, timeStamp='HeartBeatTime')
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Issue selecting %s jobs" % ' & '.join(checkedStatuses), result['Message'])
    if result['Value']:
      jobs = sorted(result['Value'])
      self.log.info('%s jobs will be checked for being stalled' % ' & '.join(checkedStatuses),
                    '(n=%d, heartbeat before %s)' % (len(jobs), str(checkTime)))
      for job in jobs:
        self.jobsQueue.put('%s:_markStalledJobs' % job)

    # 2) Queueing the Stalled jobs that might be marked Failed
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.STALLED})
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Issue selecting Stalled jobs", result['Message'])
    if result['Value']:
      jobs = sorted(result['Value'])
      self.log.info('Jobs Stalled will be checked for failure', '(n=%d)' % len(jobs))
      for job in jobs:
        self.jobsQueue.put('%s:_failStalledJobs' % job)

    # 3) Send accounting
    for minor in self.minorStalledStatuses:
      result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.FAILED, 'MinorStatus': minor, 'AccountedFlag': 'False'})
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error("Issue selecting jobs for accounting", result['Message'])
      if result['Value']:
        jobs = result['Value']
        self.log.info('Stalled jobs will be Accounted', '(n=%d)' % (len(jobs)))
        for job in jobs:
          self.jobsQueue.put('%s:__sendAccounting' % job)

    # From here on we don't use the threads

    # 4) Fail submitting jobs
    result = self._failSubmittingJobs()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to process jobs being submitted', result['Message'])

    # 5) Kick stuck jobs
    result = self._kickStuckJobs()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to kick stuck jobs', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def _execute(self):
    Doing the actual job. This is run inside the threads
    while True:
      job_Op = self.jobsQueue.get()
      jobID, jobOp = job_Op.split(':')
      jobID = int(jobID)
      res = getattr(self, '%s' % jobOp)(jobID)
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failure executing %s" % jobOp,
                       "on %d: %s" % (jobID, res['Message']))

  def _markStalledJobs(self, jobID):
    Identifies if JobID is stalled:
    running or completing without update longer than stalledTime.

    Run inside thread.
    delayTime = self.stalledTime
    # Add a tolerance time for some sites if required
    result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, 'site')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    site = result['Value']
    if site in self.stalledJobsTolerantSites:
      delayTime += self.stalledJobsToleranceTime
    # Check if the job is really stalled
    result = self.__checkJobStalled(jobID, delayTime)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self.log.verbose('Updating status to Stalled', 'for job %s' % (jobID))
    return self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.STALLED)

  def _failStalledJobs(self, jobID):
    Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status.

    Run inside thread.

    setFailed = False
    # Check if the job pilot is lost
    result = self.__getJobPilotStatus(jobID)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to get pilot status',
                     "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result['Message']))
      return result
    pilotStatus = result['Value']
    if pilotStatus != "Running":
      setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[0]
      # Verify that there was no sign of life for long enough
      result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failed to get job update time',
                       "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result['Message']))
        return result
      elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result['Value']
      if elapsedTime > self.failedTime:
        setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[1]

    # Set the jobs Failed, send them a kill signal in case they are not really dead
    # and send accounting info
    if setFailed:
      self.__sendKillCommand(jobID)  # always returns None
      return self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=setFailed)

    return S_OK()

  def __getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID):
    """ Get the job pilot status
    result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID, 'Pilot_Reference')
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    pilotReference = result['Value'].get('Pilot_Reference', 'Unknown')
    if pilotReference == 'Unknown':
      # There is no pilot reference, hence its status is unknown
      return S_OK('NoPilot')

    result = PilotManagerClient().getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
    if not result['OK']:
      if DErrno.cmpError(result, DErrno.EWMSNOPILOT):
        self.log.warn("No pilot found", "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result['Message']))
        return S_OK('NoPilot')
      self.log.error('Failed to get pilot information',
                     'for job %d: %s' % (jobID, result['Message']))
      return result
    pilotStatus = result['Value'][pilotReference]['Status']

    return S_OK(pilotStatus)

  def __checkJobStalled(self, job, stalledTime):
    """ Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
    the stalledTime limit.
    result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result['Value']
    self.log.debug('(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs' % (elapsedTime))
    if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
      self.log.info('Job is identified as stalled',
                    ": jobID %d with last update > %s secs ago" % (job, elapsedTime))
      return S_OK('Stalled')

    return S_ERROR('Job %s is running and will be ignored' % job)

  def __getLatestUpdateTime(self, job):
    """ Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime
    result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ['HeartBeatTime', 'LastUpdateTime'])
    if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
      self.log.error('Failed to get job attributes',
                     'for job %d: %s' % (job, result['Message'] if 'Message' in result else 'empty'))
      return S_ERROR('Could not get attributes for job')

    latestUpdate = 0
    if not result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] or result['Value']['HeartBeatTime'] == 'None':
      self.log.verbose('HeartBeatTime is null', 'for job %s' % job)
      latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(result['Value']['HeartBeatTime']))

    if not result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] or result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] == 'None':
      self.log.verbose('LastUpdateTime is null', 'for job %s' % job)
      latestUpdate = max(latestUpdate, toEpoch(fromString(result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'])))

    if not latestUpdate:
      return S_ERROR('LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s' % job)
      self.log.verbose('', 'Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s' % (job, latestUpdate))
      return S_OK(latestUpdate)

  def __updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorStatus=None):
    """ This method updates the job status in the JobDB

    if not self.am_getOption('Enable', True):
      return S_OK('Disabled')

    toRet = S_OK()

    self.log.debug("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" % (job, status))
    result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, 'Status', status, update=True)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed setting Status",
                     "%s for job %d: %s" % (status, job, result['Message']))
      toRet = result
    if minorStatus:
      self.log.debug("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'MinorStatus','%s',update=True)" % (job, minorStatus))
      result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, 'MinorStatus', minorStatus, update=True)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed setting MinorStatus",
                       "%s for job %d: %s" % (minorStatus, job, result['Message']))
        toRet = result

    if not minorStatus:  # Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
      result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ['MinorStatus'])
      if result['OK']:
        minorStatus = result['Value']['MinorStatus']
        self.log.error("Failed getting MinorStatus",
                       "for job %d: %s" % (job, result['Message']))
        minorStatus = 'idem'
        toRet = result

    result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job, status=status, minorStatus=minorStatus, source='StalledJobAgent')
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn("Failed adding logging record", result['Message'])
      toRet = result

    return toRet

  def __getProcessingType(self, jobID):
    """ Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute
    processingType = 'unknown'
    result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True)
    if not result['OK']:
      return processingType
    classAdJob = ClassAd(result['Value'])
    if classAdJob.lookupAttribute('ProcessingType'):
      processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString('ProcessingType')
    return processingType

  def __sendAccounting(self, jobID):
    Send WMS accounting data for the given job.

    Run inside thread.
      accountingReport = Job()
      endTime = 'Unknown'
      lastHeartBeatTime = 'Unknown'

      result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      jobDict = result['Value']

      startTime, endTime = self.__checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict)
      lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self.__checkHeartBeat(jobID, jobDict)
      lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime)
      if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
        endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

      result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID, 'CPUNormalizationFactor')
      if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            'Error getting Job Parameter CPUNormalizationFactor, setting 0',
                'No such value'))
        cpuNormalization = 0.0
        cpuNormalization = float(result['Value'].get('CPUNormalizationFactor'))

    except Exception as e:
      self.log.exception("Exception in __sendAccounting",
                         "for job=%s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime=%s" % (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)),
      return S_ERROR("Exception")
    processingType = self.__getProcessingType(jobID)

    # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
    # Fill the accounting data
    acData = {'Site': jobDict['Site'],
              'User': jobDict['Owner'],
              'UserGroup': jobDict['OwnerGroup'],
              'JobGroup': jobDict['JobGroup'],
              'JobType': jobDict['JobType'],
              'JobClass': jobDict['JobSplitType'],
              'ProcessingType': processingType,
              'FinalMajorStatus': 'Failed',
              'FinalMinorStatus': 'Stalled',
              'CPUTime': lastCPUTime,
              'NormCPUTime': lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
              'ExecTime': lastWallTime,
              'InputDataSize': 0.0,
              'OutputDataSize': 0.0,
              'InputDataFiles': 0,
              'OutputDataFiles': 0,
              'DiskSpace': 0.0,
              'InputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
              'OutputSandBoxSize': 0.0,
              'ProcessedEvents': 0

    # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set
    if not acData['ExecTime']:
      acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']
    elif acData['ExecTime'] < acData['CPUTime']:
      acData['ExecTime'] = acData['CPUTime']

    self.log.verbose('Accounting Report is:')

    result = accountingReport.commit()
    if result['OK']:
      self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, 'AccountedFlag', 'True')
      self.log.error('Failed to send accounting report', 'Job: %d, Error: %s' % (int(jobID), result['Message']))
    return result

  def __checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict):
    """ Get info from HeartBeat
    result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)
    lastCPUTime = 0
    lastWallTime = 0
    lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
    if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
      lastHeartBeatTime = 0

    if result['OK']:
      for name, value, heartBeatTime in result['Value']:
        if name == 'CPUConsumed':
            value = int(float(value))
            if value > lastCPUTime:
              lastCPUTime = value
          except ValueError:
        if name == 'WallClockTime':
            value = int(float(value))
            if value > lastWallTime:
              lastWallTime = value
          except ValueError:
        if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
          lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

    return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

  def __checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict):
    """ Get info from JobLogging
    logList = []
    result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)
    if result['OK']:
      logList = result['Value']

    startTime = jobDict['StartExecTime']
    if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
      # status, minor, app, stime, source
      for items in logList:
        if items[0] == 'Running':
          startTime = items[3]
      if not startTime or startTime == 'None':
        startTime = jobDict['SubmissionTime']

    if isinstance(startTime, six.string_types):
      startTime = fromString(startTime)
      if startTime is None:
        self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
        startTime = dateTime()

    endTime = dateTime()
    # status, minor, app, stime, source
    for items in logList:
      if items[0] == 'Stalled':
        endTime = fromString(items[3])
    if endTime is None:
      self.log.error('Wrong timestamp in DB', items[3])
      endTime = dateTime()

    return startTime, endTime

  def _kickStuckJobs(self):
    """ Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched

    message = ''

    checkTime = dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.MATCHED}, older=checkTime)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
      return result

    jobIDs = result['Value']
    if jobIDs:
      self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len(jobIDs))
      result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
      if 'FailedJobs' in result:
        message = 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status' % len(result['FailedJobs'])

    checkTime = dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': 'Rescheduled'}, older=checkTime)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
      return result

    jobIDs = result['Value']
    if jobIDs:
      self.log.info('Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len(jobIDs))
      result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
      if 'FailedJobs' in result:
        if message:
          message += '\n'
        message += 'Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status' % len(result['FailedJobs'])

    if message:
      return S_ERROR(message)
    return S_OK()

  def _failSubmittingJobs(self):
    """ Failed Jobs stuck in Submitting Status for a long time.
        They are due to a failed bulk submission transaction.

    # Get old Submitting Jobs
    checkTime = dateTime() - self.submittingTime * second
    result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({'Status': JobStatus.SUBMITTING}, older=checkTime)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed to select jobs', result['Message'])
      return result

    for jobID in result['Value']:
      result = self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failed to update job status', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __sendKillCommand(self, job):
    """Send a kill signal to the job such that it cannot continue running.

    :param int job: ID of job to send kill command
    ownerDN = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, 'OwnerDN')
    ownerGroup = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, 'OwnerGroup')
    if ownerDN['OK'] and ownerGroup['OK']:
      wmsClient = WMSClient(useCertificates=True, delegatedDN=ownerDN['Value'], delegatedGroup=ownerGroup['Value'])
      resKill = wmsClient.killJob(job)
      if not resKill['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed to send kill command to job", "%s: %s" % (job, resKill['Message']))
      self.log.error("Failed to get ownerDN or Group for job:", "%s: %s, %s" %
                     (job, ownerDN.get('Message', ''), ownerGroup.get('Message', '')))
Пример #6
class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule):
The specific agents must provide the following methods:
- initialize() for initial settings
- beginExecution()
- execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle
- endExecution()
- finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used
for the agent restart

    jobDB = None
    logDB = None
    matchedTime = 7200
    rescheduledTime = 600
    completedTime = 86400

    def initialize(self):
        """Sets default parameters
        self.jobDB = JobDB()
        self.logDB = JobLoggingDB()
        self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 60 * 60)
        if not self.am_getOption("Enable", True):
            self.log.info("Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode")
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ The main agent execution method
        self.log.verbose("Waking up Stalled Job Agent")

        wms_instance = getSystemInstance("WorkloadManagement")
        if not wms_instance:
            return S_ERROR("Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance")
        wrapperSection = cfgPath("Systems", "WorkloadManagement", wms_instance, "JobWrapper")

        stalledTime = self.am_getOption("StalledTimeHours", 2)
        failedTime = self.am_getOption("FailedTimeHours", 6)

        self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption("MatchedTime", self.matchedTime)
        self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption("RescheduledTime", self.rescheduledTime)
        self.completedTime = self.am_getOption("CompletedTime", self.completedTime)

        self.log.verbose("StalledTime = %s cycles" % (stalledTime))
        self.log.verbose("FailedTime = %s cycles" % (failedTime))

        watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, "CheckingTime"), 30 * 60)
        watchdogCycle = max(watchdogCycle, gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, "MinCheckingTime"), 20 * 60))

        # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions
        stalledTime = watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5)
        failedTime = watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5)

        result = self.__markStalledJobs(stalledTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to detect stalled jobs", result["Message"])

        # Note, jobs will be revived automatically during the heartbeat signal phase and
        # subsequent status changes will result in jobs not being selected by the
        # stalled job agent.

        result = self.__failStalledJobs(failedTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to process stalled jobs", result["Message"])

        result = self.__failCompletedJobs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to process completed jobs", result["Message"])

        result = self.__kickStuckJobs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to kick stuck jobs", result["Message"])

        return S_OK("Stalled Job Agent cycle complete")

    def __markStalledJobs(self, stalledTime):
        """ Identifies stalled jobs running without update longer than stalledTime.
        stalledCounter = 0
        runningCounter = 0
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Running"})
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not result["Value"]:
            return S_OK()
        jobs = result["Value"]
        self.log.info("%s Running jobs will be checked for being stalled" % (len(jobs)))
        # jobs = jobs[:10] #for debugging
        for job in jobs:
            result = self.__getStalledJob(job, stalledTime)
            if result["OK"]:
                self.log.verbose("Updating status to Stalled for job %s" % (job))
                self.__updateJobStatus(job, "Stalled")
                stalledCounter += 1
                runningCounter += 1

            "Total jobs: %s, Stalled job count: %s, Running job count: %s" % (len(jobs), stalledCounter, runningCounter)
        return S_OK()

    def __failStalledJobs(self, failedTime):
        """ Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status

        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Stalled"})
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        jobs = result["Value"]

        failedCounter = 0
        minorStalledStatuses = ("Job stalled: pilot not running", "Stalling for more than %d sec" % failedTime)

        if jobs:
            self.log.info("%s Stalled jobs will be checked for failure" % (len(jobs)))

            for job in jobs:
                setFailed = False
                # Check if the job pilot is lost
                result = self.__getJobPilotStatus(job)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    self.log.error("Failed to get pilot status", result["Message"])
                pilotStatus = result["Value"]
                if pilotStatus != "Running":
                    setFailed = minorStalledStatuses[0]

                    result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        self.log.error("Failed to get job update time", result["Message"])
                    elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result["Value"]
                    if elapsedTime > failedTime:
                        setFailed = minorStalledStatuses[1]

                # Set the jobs Failed, send them a kill signal in case they are not really dead and send accounting info
                if setFailed:
                    # Send a kill signal to the job such that it cannot continue running
                    self.__updateJobStatus(job, "Failed", setFailed)
                    failedCounter += 1
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        self.log.error("Failed to send accounting", result["Message"])

        recoverCounter = 0

        for minor in minorStalledStatuses:
            result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Failed", "MinorStatus": minor, "AccountedFlag": "False"})
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            if result["Value"]:
                jobs = result["Value"]
                self.log.info("%s Stalled jobs will be Accounted" % (len(jobs)))
                for job in jobs:
                    result = self.__sendAccounting(job)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        self.log.error("Failed to send accounting", result["Message"])

                    recoverCounter += 1
            if not result["OK"]:

        if failedCounter:
            self.log.info("%d jobs set to Failed" % failedCounter)
        if recoverCounter:
            self.log.info("%d jobs properly Accounted" % recoverCounter)
        return S_OK(failedCounter)

    def __getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID):
        """ Get the job pilot status
        result = self.jobDB.getJobParameter(jobID, "Pilot_Reference")
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot reference")

        pilotReference = result["Value"]
        wmsAdminClient = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")
        result = wmsAdminClient.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result["OK"]:
            if "No pilots found" in result["Message"]:
                return S_OK("NoPilot")
            self.log.error("Failed to get pilot information", result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot status")
        pilotStatus = result["Value"][pilotReference]["Status"]

        return S_OK(pilotStatus)

    def __getStalledJob(self, job, stalledTime):
        """ Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against
the stalledTime limit.
        result = self.__getLatestUpdateTime(job)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        currentTime = toEpoch()
        lastUpdate = result["Value"]

        elapsedTime = currentTime - lastUpdate
        self.log.verbose("(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs" % (elapsedTime))
        if elapsedTime > stalledTime:
            self.log.info("Job %s is identified as stalled with last update > %s secs ago" % (job, elapsedTime))
            return S_OK("Stalled")

        return S_ERROR("Job %s is running and will be ignored" % job)

    def __getLatestUpdateTime(self, job):
        """ Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime
        result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ["HeartBeatTime", "LastUpdateTime"])
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to get job attributes", result["Message"])
        if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
            self.log.error("Could not get attributes for job", "%s" % job)
            return S_ERROR("Could not get attributes for job")

        latestUpdate = 0
        if not result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"] or result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"] == "None":
            self.log.verbose("HeartBeatTime is null for job %s" % job)
            latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"]))

        if not result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] or result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] == "None":
            self.log.verbose("LastUpdateTime is null for job %s" % job)
            lastUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"]))
            if latestUpdate < lastUpdate:
                latestUpdate = lastUpdate

        if not latestUpdate:
            return S_ERROR("LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s" % job)
            self.log.verbose("Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s" % (job, latestUpdate))
            return S_OK(latestUpdate)

    def __updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorstatus=None):
        """ This method updates the job status in the JobDB, this should only be
used to fail jobs due to the optimizer chain.
        self.log.verbose("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" % (job, status))

        if self.am_getOption("Enable", True):
            result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, "Status", status, update=True)
            result = S_OK("DisabledMode")

        if result["OK"]:
            if minorstatus:
                self.log.verbose("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'MinorStatus','%s',update=True)" % (job, minorstatus))
                result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, "MinorStatus", minorstatus, update=True)

        if not minorstatus:  # Retain last minor status for stalled jobs
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ["MinorStatus"])
            if result["OK"]:
                minorstatus = result["Value"]["MinorStatus"]

        logStatus = status
        result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job, status=logStatus, minor=minorstatus, source="StalledJobAgent")
        if not result["OK"]:

        return result

    def __getProcessingType(self, jobID):
        """ Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute
        processingType = "unknown"
        result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return processingType
        classAdJob = ClassAd(result["Value"])
        if classAdJob.lookupAttribute("ProcessingType"):
            processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString("ProcessingType")
        return processingType

    def __sendAccounting(self, jobID):
        """ Send WMS accounting data for the given job
            accountingReport = Job()
            endTime = "Unknown"
            lastHeartBeatTime = "Unknown"

            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            jobDict = result["Value"]

            startTime, endTime = self.__checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict)
            lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self.__checkHeartBeat(jobID, jobDict)
            lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime)
            if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime:
                endTime = lastHeartBeatTime

            cpuNormalization = self.jobDB.getJobParameter(jobID, "CPUNormalizationFactor")
            if not cpuNormalization["OK"] or not cpuNormalization["Value"]:
                cpuNormalization = 0.0
                cpuNormalization = float(cpuNormalization["Value"])
        except Exception:
                "Exception in __sendAccounting for job %s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime %s"
                % (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)),
            return S_ERROR("Exception")
        processingType = self.__getProcessingType(jobID)

        # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime )
        # Fill the accounting data
        acData = {
            "Site": jobDict["Site"],
            "User": jobDict["Owner"],
            "UserGroup": jobDict["OwnerGroup"],
            "JobGroup": jobDict["JobGroup"],
            "JobType": jobDict["JobType"],
            "JobClass": jobDict["JobSplitType"],
            "ProcessingType": processingType,
            "FinalMajorStatus": "Failed",
            "FinalMinorStatus": "Stalled",
            "CPUTime": lastCPUTime,
            "NormCPUTime": lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization,
            "ExecTime": lastWallTime,
            "InputDataSize": 0.0,
            "OutputDataSize": 0.0,
            "InputDataFiles": 0,
            "OutputDataFiles": 0,
            "DiskSpace": 0.0,
            "InputSandBoxSize": 0.0,
            "OutputSandBoxSize": 0.0,
            "ProcessedEvents": 0,

        # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set
        if not acData["ExecTime"]:
            acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"]
        elif acData["ExecTime"] < acData["CPUTime"]:
            acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"]

        self.log.verbose("Accounting Report is:")

        result = accountingReport.commit()
        if result["OK"]:
            self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, "AccountedFlag", "True")
            self.log.error("Failed to send accounting report", "Job: %d, Error: %s" % (int(jobID), result["Message"]))
        return result

    def __checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from HeartBeat
        result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID)
        lastCPUTime = 0
        lastWallTime = 0
        lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"]
        if lastHeartBeatTime == "None":
            lastHeartBeatTime = 0

        if result["OK"]:
            for name, value, heartBeatTime in result["Value"]:
                if "CPUConsumed" == name:
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastCPUTime:
                            lastCPUTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if "WallClockTime" == name:
                        value = int(float(value))
                        if value > lastWallTime:
                            lastWallTime = value
                    except ValueError:
                if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime:
                    lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime

        return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime

    def __checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict):
        """ Get info from JobLogging
        logList = []
        result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID)
        if result["OK"]:
            logList = result["Value"]

        startTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"]
        if not startTime or startTime == "None":
            # status, minor, app, stime, source
            for items in logList:
                if items[0] == "Running":
                    startTime = items[3]
            if not startTime or startTime == "None":
                startTime = jobDict["SubmissionTime"]

        if type(startTime) in types.StringTypes:
            startTime = fromString(startTime)
            if startTime == None:
                self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3])
                startTime = dateTime()

        endTime = dateTime()
        # status, minor, app, stime, source
        for items in logList:
            if items[0] == "Stalled":
                endTime = fromString(items[3])
        if endTime == None:
            self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3])
            endTime = dateTime()

        return startTime, endTime

    def __kickStuckJobs(self):
        """ Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched

        message = ""

        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Matched"}, older=checkTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        jobIDs = result["Value"]
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status" % len(jobIDs))
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if "FailedJobs" in result:
                message = "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status" % len(result["FailedJobs"])

        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Rescheduled"}, older=checkTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        jobIDs = result["Value"]
        if jobIDs:
            self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" % len(jobIDs))
            result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs)
            if "FailedJobs" in result:
                if message:
                    message += "\n"
                message += "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" % len(result["FailedJobs"])

        if message:
            return S_ERROR(message)
            return S_OK()

    def __failCompletedJobs(self):
        """ Failed Jobs stuck in Completed Status for a long time.
      They are due to pilots being killed during the
      finalization of the job execution.

        # Get old Completed Jobs
        checkTime = str(dateTime() - self.completedTime * second)
        result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": "Completed"}, older=checkTime)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"])
            return result

        jobIDs = result["Value"]
        if not jobIDs:
            return S_OK()

        # Remove those with Minor Status "Pending Requests"
        for jobID in jobIDs:
            result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, ["Status", "MinorStatus"])
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to get job attributes", result["Message"])
            if result["Value"]["Status"] != "Completed":
            if result["Value"]["MinorStatus"] == "Pending Requests":

            result = self.__updateJobStatus(jobID, "Failed", "Job died during finalization")
            result = self.__sendAccounting(jobID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to send accounting", result["Message"])

        return S_OK()