def _getConfigStorageName( self, storageName, referenceType ): """ This gets the name of the storage the configuration service. If the storage is a reference to another SE the resolution is performed. 'storageName' is the storage section to check in the CS """ configPath = '%s/%s' % ( self.rootConfigPath, storageName ) res = gConfig.getOptions( configPath ) if not res['OK']: errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Failed to get storage options" gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) if not res['Value']: errStr = "StorageFactory._getConfigStorageName: Supplied storage doesn't exist." gLogger.error( errStr, configPath ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) if referenceType in res['Value']: configPath = cfgPath( self.rootConfigPath, storageName, referenceType ) referenceName = gConfig.getValue( configPath ) result = self._getConfigStorageName( referenceName, 'Alias' ) if not result['OK']: return result resolvedName = result['Value'] else: resolvedName = storageName return S_OK( resolvedName )
def export_requestDelegationUpload( self, requestedUploadTime, userGroup ): """ Request a delegation. Send a delegation request to client """ credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials() userDN = credDict[ 'DN' ] userName = credDict[ 'username' ] if not userGroup: userGroup = credDict[ 'group' ] retVal = Registry.getGroupsForUser( credDict[ 'username' ] ) if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: return retVal groupsAvailable = retVal[ 'Value' ] if userGroup not in groupsAvailable: return S_ERROR( "%s is not a valid group for user %s" % ( userGroup, userName ) ) clientChain = credDict[ 'x509Chain' ] clientSecs = clientChain.getIssuerCert()[ 'Value' ].getRemainingSecs()[ 'Value' ] requestedUploadTime = min( requestedUploadTime, clientSecs ) retVal = self.__proxyDB.getRemainingTime( userDN, userGroup ) if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: return retVal remainingSecs = retVal[ 'Value' ] # If we have a proxy longer than the one uploading it's not needed # ten minute margin to compensate just in case if remainingSecs >= requestedUploadTime - 600: "Upload request not necessary by %s:%s" % ( userName, userGroup ) ) return self.__addKnownUserProxiesInfo( S_OK() ) result = self.__proxyDB.generateDelegationRequest( credDict[ 'x509Chain' ], userDN ) if result[ 'OK' ]: "Upload request by %s:%s given id %s" % ( userName, userGroup, result['Value']['id'] ) ) else: gLogger.error( "Upload request failed", "by %s:%s : %s" % ( userName, userGroup, result['Message'] ) ) return result
def transfer_toClient( self, fileID, token, fileHelper ): """ Method to send files to clients. fileID is the local file name in the SE. token is used for access rights confirmation. """ conn , error = self.__irodsClient( "r" ) if not conn: return S_ERROR( error ) file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID ) file_path = IRODS_HOME + file_path gLogger.debug( "file_path to read: %s" % file_path ) fd = iRodsOpen( conn , file_path , "r" ) if not fd: rcDisconnect( conn ) gLogger.error( "Failed to get file object" ) return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file object" ) result = fileHelper.FileToNetwork( fd ) fd.close() rcDisconnect( conn ) if not result[ "OK" ]: gLogger.error( "Failed to get file " + fileID ) return S_ERROR( "Failed to get file " + fileID ) else: return result
def _getConfigStorageOptions( self, storageName ): """ Get the options associated to the StorageElement as defined in the CS """ storageConfigPath = cfgPath( self.rootConfigPath, storageName ) res = gConfig.getOptions( storageConfigPath ) if not res['OK']: errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage options." gLogger.error( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( storageName, res['Message'] ) ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) options = res['Value'] optionsDict = {} for option in options: if option in [ 'ReadAccess', 'WriteAccess', 'CheckAccess', 'RemoveAccess']: continue optionConfigPath = cfgPath( storageConfigPath, option ) if option in [ 'VO' ]: optionsDict[option] = gConfig.getValue( optionConfigPath, [] ) else: optionsDict[option] = gConfig.getValue( optionConfigPath, '' ) res = self.resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatus( storageName ) if not res[ 'OK' ]: errStr = "StorageFactory._getStorageOptions: Failed to get storage status" gLogger.error( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( storageName, res['Message'] ) ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) # For safety, we did not add the ${statusType}Access keys # this requires modifications in the StorageElement class # We add the dictionary with the statusTypes and values # { 'statusType1' : 'status1', 'statusType2' : 'status2' ... } optionsDict.update( res[ 'Value' ][ storageName ] ) return S_OK( optionsDict )
def initializeStorageElementProxyHandler( serviceInfo ): """ handler initialisation """ global BASE_PATH, HTTP_FLAG, HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH cfgPath = serviceInfo['serviceSectionPath'] BASE_PATH = gConfig.getValue( "%s/BasePath" % cfgPath, BASE_PATH ) if not BASE_PATH: gLogger.error( 'Failed to get the base path' ) return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the base path' )'The base path obtained is %s. Checking its existence...' % BASE_PATH) if not os.path.exists(BASE_PATH):'%s did not exist. Creating....' % BASE_PATH) os.makedirs(BASE_PATH) HTTP_FLAG = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpAccess" % cfgPath, False ) if HTTP_FLAG: HTTP_PATH = '%s/httpCache' % BASE_PATH HTTP_PATH = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpCache" % cfgPath, HTTP_PATH ) if not os.path.exists( HTTP_PATH ):'Creating HTTP cache directory %s' % (HTTP_PATH) ) os.makedirs( HTTP_PATH ) HTTP_PORT = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpPort" % cfgPath, 9180 )'Creating HTTP server thread, port:%d, path:%s' % ( HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH ) ) httpThread = HttpThread( HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH ) return S_OK()
def __unlinkOldLog(self, filePath): try:"Unlinking file %s" % filePath) os.unlink(filePath) except Exception, e: gLogger.error("Can't unlink old log file", "%s: %s" % (filePath, str(e))) return 1
def setProxyStrength( self, arg ): try: self.proxyStrength = int( arg ) except: gLogger.error( "Can't parse bits! Is it a number?", '%s' % arg ) return S_ERROR( "Can't parse strength argument" ) return S_OK()
def unassignEntities( self, entitiesDict, requesterName, requesterGroup ): """ Unassign jobs to sandboxes entitiesDict = { 'setup' : [ 'entityId', 'entityId' ] } """ updated = 0 for entitySetup in entitiesDict: entitiesIds = entitiesDict[ entitySetup ] if not entitiesIds: continue escapedSetup = self._escapeString( entitySetup )[ 'Value' ] result = self.__filterEntitiesByRequester( entitiesIds, escapedSetup, requesterName, requesterGroup ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Cannot filter entities: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] ) continue ids = result[ 'Value' ] if not ids: return S_OK( 0 ) sqlCond = [ "EntitySetup = %s" % escapedSetup ] sqlCond.append( "EntityId in ( %s )" % ", ".join ( [ "'%s'" % str( eid ) for eid in ids ] ) ) sqlCmd = "DELETE FROM `sb_EntityMapping` WHERE %s" % " AND ".join( sqlCond ) result = self._update( sqlCmd ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Cannot unassign entities: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] ) else: updated += 1 return S_OK( updated )
def getComputingElements(): """ Gets all computing elements from /Resources/Sites/<>/<>/CE """ _basePath = 'Resources/Sites' ces = [] domainNames = gConfig.getSections(_basePath) if not domainNames['OK']: return domainNames domainNames = domainNames['Value'] for domainName in domainNames: domainSites = gConfig.getSections('%s/%s' % (_basePath, domainName)) if not domainSites['OK']: return domainSites domainSites = domainSites['Value'] for site in domainSites: siteCEs = gConfig.getSections('%s/%s/%s/CEs' % (_basePath, domainName, site)) if not siteCEs['OK']: # return siteCEs gLogger.error(siteCEs['Message']) continue siteCEs = siteCEs['Value'] ces.extend(siteCEs) # Remove duplicated ( just in case ) ces = list(set(ces)) return S_OK(ces)
def addHost( self, hostname, properties ): """ Add a host to the cs - hostname - properties is a dict with keys: - DN - Properties - <extra params> Returns True/False """ if not self.__initialized[ 'OK' ]: return self.__initialized for prop in ( "DN", ): if prop not in properties: gLogger.error( "Missing %s property for host %s" % ( prop, hostname ) ) return S_OK( False ) if hostname in self.listHosts()['Value']: gLogger.error( "Host %s is already registered" % hostname ) return S_OK( False ) self.__csMod.createSection( "%s/Hosts/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, hostname ) ) for prop in properties: self.__csMod.setOptionValue( "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop ), properties[ prop ] ) "Registered host %s" % hostname ) self.__csModified = True return S_OK( True )
def modifyHost( self, hostname, properties, createIfNonExistant = False ): """ Modify a user - hostname - properties is a dict with keys: - DN - Properties - <extra params> Returns True/False """ if not self.__initialized[ 'OK' ]: return self.__initialized modifiedHost = False hostData = self.describeHosts( [ hostname ] )['Value'] if hostname not in hostData: if createIfNonExistant: "Registering host %s" % hostname ) return self.addHost( hostname, properties ) gLogger.error( "Host %s is not registered" % hostname ) return S_OK( False ) for prop in properties: prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue( "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop ) ) if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[ prop ]: "Setting %s property for host %s to %s" % ( prop, hostname, properties[ prop ] ) ) self.__csMod.setOptionValue( "%s/Hosts/%s/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, hostname, prop ), properties[ prop ] ) modifiedHost = True if modifiedHost: "Modified host %s" % hostname ) self.__csModified = True else: "Nothing to modify for host %s" % hostname ) return S_OK( True )
def export_enforcePolicies(self, granularity, name, useNewRes = True): """ Enforce all the policies. If `useNewRes` is False, use cached results only (where available). """ try:"ResourceManagementHandler.enforcePolicies: Attempting to enforce policies for %s %s" % (granularity, name)) try: reason = serviceType = resourceType = None res = rsDB.getStuffToCheck(granularity, name = name)[0] status = res[1] formerStatus = res[2] siteType = res[3] tokenOwner = res[len(res)-1] if granularity == 'Resource': resourceType = res[4] elif granularity == 'Service': serviceType = res[4] from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.PEP import PEP pep = PEP(VOExtension, granularity, name, status, formerStatus, reason, siteType, serviceType, resourceType, tokenOwner, useNewRes) pep.enforce(rsDBIn = rsDB, rmDBIn = rmDB) except RSSDBException, x: gLogger.error(whoRaised(x)) except RSSException, x: gLogger.error(whoRaised(x))
def modifyGroup( self, groupname, properties, createIfNonExistant = False ): """ Modify a user - groupname - properties is a dict with keys: - Users - Properties - <extra params> Returns True/False """ if not self.__initialized[ 'OK' ]: return self.__initialized modifiedGroup = False groupData = self.describeGroups( [ groupname ] )['Value'] if groupname not in groupData: if createIfNonExistant: "Registering group %s" % groupname ) return self.addGroup( groupname, properties ) gLogger.error( "Group %s is not registered" % groupname ) return S_OK( False ) for prop in properties: prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue( "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, groupname, prop ) ) if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[ prop ]: "Setting %s property for group %s to %s" % ( prop, groupname, properties[ prop ] ) ) self.__csMod.setOptionValue( "%s/Groups/%s/%s" % ( self.__baseSecurity, groupname, prop ), properties[ prop ] ) modifiedGroup = True if modifiedGroup: "Modified group %s" % groupname ) self.__csModified = True else: "Nothing to modify for group %s" % groupname ) return S_OK( True )
def __checkIfProxyUploadIsRequired( self ): result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, validSeconds = 18000 ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Can't check if the user has proxy uploaded:", result[ 'Message' ] ) return True #Check if an upload is required return result[ 'Value' ] == False
def run(self): """ The main watchdog execution method """ result = self.initialize() if not result['OK']: gLogger.always('Can not start wtchdog for the following reason') gLogger.always(result['Message']) return result try: while True: gLogger.debug('Starting agent loop # %d' % self.count) start_cycle_time = time.time() result = self.execute() exec_cycle_time = time.time() - start_cycle_time if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Watchdog error during execution", result['Message']) break elif result['Value'] == "Ended": break self.count += 1 if exec_cycle_time < self.pollingTime: time.sleep(self.pollingTime - exec_cycle_time) return S_OK() except Exception, x: gLogger.exception() return S_ERROR('Exception')
def export_getTransformationProblematics( transID ): """ Get the problematics for a given transformation """ "DataIntegrityHandler.getTransformationProblematics: Getting problematics for transformation." ) res = gDataIntegrityDB.getTransformationProblematics( transID ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityHandler.getTransformationProblematics: Failed.", res['Message'] ) return res
def getMailDict(self , names=None): """ Convert list of usernames to dict like { e-mail : full name } Argument is a list. Return value is a dict """ resultDict = dict() if not names: return resultDict for user in names: email = gConfig.getValue("/Registry/Users/%s/Email" % user , "") gLogger.debug("/Registry/Users/%s/Email - '%s'" % (user , email)) emil = email.strip() if not email: gLogger.error("Can't find value for option /Registry/Users/%s/Email" % user) continue fname = gConfig.getValue("/Registry/Users/%s/FullName" % user , "") gLogger.debug("/Registry/Users/%s/FullName - '%s'" % (user , fname)) fname = fname.strip() if not fname: fname = user gLogger.debug("FullName is absent, name to be used: %s" % fname) resultDict[ email ] = fname return resultDict
def execute(self): """ This is called by the Agent Reactor """ res = self.ovc.getSites() if not res['OK']: return res sitedict = {} sites = res['Value']"Will update info for sites %s" % sites) for site in sites: attribdict = {"Site" : site, "ApplicationStatus": 'Getting overlay files'} res = self.jobmon.getCurrentJobCounters(attribdict) if not res['OK']: continue if res['Value'].has_key('Running'): sitedict[site] = res['Value']['Running'] else: sitedict[site] = 0"Setting new values %s" % sitedict) res = self.ovc.setJobsAtSites(sitedict) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error(res['Message']) return res return S_OK()
def export_changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, newPrognosis ): """ Change the prognosis for the supplied file """ "DataIntegrityHandler.changeProblematicPrognosis: Changing problematic prognosis." ) res = gDataIntegrityDB.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, newPrognosis ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "DataIntegrityHandler.changeProblematicPrognosis: Failed to update.", res['Message'] ) return res
def getDirectoryMetadata( self, path ): """ Get the metadata for the directory """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.getDirectoryMetadata: Attempting to get metadata for %s directories." % len( urls ) ) res = self.isDirectory( urls ) if not res['OK']: return res successful = {} failed = res['Value']['Failed'] directories = [] for url, isDirectory in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): if isDirectory: directories.append( url ) else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.getDirectoryMetadata: Directory does not exist." gLogger.error( errStr, url ) failed[url] = errStr res = self.__getPathMetadata( directories ) if not res['OK']: return res else: failed.update( res['Value']['Failed'] ) successful = res['Value']['Successful'] resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def do_deleteType( self, args ): """ Delete a registered accounting type. Usage : deleteType <typeName> WARN! It will delete all data associated to that type! VERY DANGEROUS! If you screw it, you'll discover a new dimension of pain and doom! :) """ try: argList = args.split() if argList: typeName = argList[0].strip() else: gLogger.error( "No type name specified" ) return while True: choice = raw_input( "Are you completely sure you want to delete type %s and all it's data? yes/no [no]: " % typeName) choice = choice.lower() if choice in ( "yes", "y" ): break else: print "Delete aborted" return acClient = RPCClient( "Accounting/DataStore" ) retVal = acClient.deleteType( typeName ) if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Error: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] ) return print "Hope you meant it, because it's done" except: self.showTraceback()
def isFile( self, path ): """Check if the given path exists and it is a file """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.isFile: Determining whether %s paths are files." % len( urls ) ) successful = {} failed = {} comm = "nsls -ld" for url in urls: comm = " %s %s" % ( comm, url ) res = shellCall( self.timeout, comm ) if not res['OK']: return res returncode, stdout, stderr = res['Value'] if returncode in [0, 1]: for line in stdout.splitlines(): permissions, _subdirs, _owner, _group, _size, _month, _date, _timeYear, pfn = line.split() if permissions[0] != 'd': successful[pfn] = True else: successful[pfn] = False for line in stderr.splitlines(): pfn, error = line.split( ': ' ) url = pfn.strip() failed[url] = error else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.isFile: Completely failed to determine whether path is file." gLogger.error( errStr, "%s %s" % (, stderr ) ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def getDirectory( self, path, localPath = False ): """ Get locally a directory from the physical storage together with all its files and subdirectories. """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] successful = {} failed = {} gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.getDirectory: Attempting to get local copies of %s directories." % len( urls ) ) for src_directory in urls: dirName = os.path.basename( src_directory ) if localPath: dest_dir = "%s/%s" % ( localPath, dirName ) else: dest_dir = "%s/%s" % ( os.getcwd(), dirName ) res = self.__getDir( src_directory, dest_dir ) if res['OK']: if res['Value']['AllGot']: gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.getDirectory: Successfully got local copy of %s" % src_directory ) successful[src_directory] = {'Files':res['Value']['Files'], 'Size':res['Value']['Size']} else: gLogger.error( "RFIOStorage.getDirectory: Failed to get entire directory.", src_directory ) failed[src_directory] = {'Files':res['Value']['Files'], 'Size':res['Value']['Size']} else: gLogger.error( "RFIOStorage.getDirectory: Completely failed to get local copy of directory.", src_directory ) failed[src_directory] = {'Files':0, 'Size':0} resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def prestageFile( self, path ): """ Issue prestage request for file """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] userTag = '%s-%s' % ( self.spaceToken, time.time() ) comm = "stager_get -S %s -U %s " % ( self.spaceToken, userTag ) for url in urls: comm = "%s -M %s" % ( comm, url ) res = shellCall( 100, comm ) successful = {} failed = {} if res['OK']: returncode, stdout, stderr = res['Value'] if returncode in [0, 1]: for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'SUBREQUEST_READY', line ): pfn, _status = line.split() successful[pfn] = userTag elif 'SUBREQUEST_FAILED', line ): pfn, _status, err = line.split( ' ', 2 ) failed[pfn] = err else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.prestageFile: Got unexpected return code from stager_get." gLogger.error( errStr, stderr ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.prestageFile: Completely failed to issue stage requests." gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def exists( self, path ): """ Check if the given path exists. The 'path' variable can be a string or a list of strings. """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.exists: Determining the existance of %s files." % len( urls ) ) comm = "nsls -d" for url in urls: comm = " %s %s" % ( comm, url ) res = shellCall( self.timeout, comm ) successful = {} failed = {} if res['OK']: returncode, stdout, stderr = res['Value'] if returncode in [0, 1]: for line in stdout.splitlines(): url = line.strip() successful[url] = True for line in stderr.splitlines(): pfn, _ = line.split( ': ' ) url = pfn.strip() successful[url] = False else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.exists: Completely failed to determine the existance files." gLogger.error( errStr, "%s %s" % (, stderr ) ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.exists: Completely failed to determine the existance files." gLogger.error( errStr, "%s %s" % (, res['Message'] ) ) return S_ERROR( errStr ) resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def __logResult( methodName, result ): ''' Method that writes to log error messages ''' if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( '%s%s' % ( methodName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
def _getDirectoryContent(directory): """ Inner function: recursively scan a directory, returns list of LFNs """ filesInDirectory = {} gLogger.debug("Examining %s" % directory) res = self.fileCatalog.listDirectory(directory) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error('Failed to get directory contents', res['Message']) return res if directory in res['Value']['Failed']: gLogger.error('Failed to get directory content', '%s %s' % (directory, res['Value']['Failed'][directory])) return S_ERROR('Failed to get directory content') if directory not in res['Value']['Successful']: return S_ERROR('Directory not existing?') # first, adding the files found in the current directory gLogger.debug("Files in %s: %d" % (directory, len( res['Value']['Successful'][directory]['Files']))) filesInDirectory.update(res['Value']['Successful'][directory]['Files']) # then, looking for subDirectories content if res['Value']['Successful'][directory]['SubDirs']: for l_dir in res['Value']['Successful'][directory]['SubDirs']: # recursion here subDirContent = _getDirectoryContent(l_dir) if not subDirContent['OK']: return subDirContent else: filesInDirectory.update(subDirContent['Value']) return S_OK(filesInDirectory)
def putDirectory( self, path ): """ Put a local directory to the physical storage together with all its files and subdirectories. """ res = checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] successful = {} failed = {} gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.putDirectory: Attemping to put %s directories to remote storage." % len( urls ) ) for destDir, sourceDir in urls.items(): res = self.__putDir( sourceDir, destDir ) if res['OK']: if res['Value']['AllPut']: gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.putDirectory: Successfully put directory to remote storage: %s" % destDir ) successful[destDir] = {'Files':res['Value']['Files'], 'Size':res['Value']['Size']} else: gLogger.error( "RFIOStorage.putDirectory: Failed to put entire directory to remote storage.", destDir ) failed[destDir] = {'Files':res['Value']['Files'], 'Size':res['Value']['Size']} else: gLogger.error( "RFIOStorage.putDirectory: Completely failed to put directory to remote storage.", destDir ) failed[destDir] = {'Files':0, 'Size':0} resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def __generateReleaseNotes( self ): result = self.__loadReleaseNotesFile() if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result releaseData = result[ 'Value' ] if not releaseData: "release.notes not found. Trying to find releasenotes.rst" ) for rstFileName in ( "releasenotes.rst", "releasehistory.rst" ): result = self.__compileReleaseNotes( rstFileName ) if result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.notice( "Compiled %s file!" % rstFileName ) else: gLogger.warn( result[ 'Message' ] ) return S_OK() "Loaded release.notes" ) for rstFileName, singleVersion in ( ( "releasenotes.rst", True ), ( "releasehistory.rst", False ) ): result = self.__generateRSTFile( releaseData, rstFileName, self.params.version, singleVersion ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Could not generate %s: %s" % ( rstFileName, result[ 'Message' ] ) ) continue result = self.__compileReleaseNotes( rstFileName ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: gLogger.error( "Could not compile %s: %s" % ( rstFileName, result[ 'Message' ] ) ) continue gLogger.notice( "Compiled %s file!" % rstFileName ) return S_OK()
def removeDirectory( self, path, recursive = False ): """Remove a directory on the physical storage together with all its files and subdirectories. """ res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( path ) if not res['OK']: return res urls = res['Value'] gLogger.debug( "RFIOStorage.removeDirectory: Attempting to remove %s directories." % len( urls ) ) successful = {} failed = {} for url in urls: comm = "nsrm -r %s" % url res = shellCall( 100, comm ) if res['OK']: returncode, _stdout, stderr = res['Value'] if returncode == 0: successful[url] = {'FilesRemoved':0, 'SizeRemoved':0} elif returncode == 1: successful[url] = {'FilesRemoved':0, 'SizeRemoved':0} else: failed[url] = stderr else: errStr = "RFIOStorage.removeDirectory: Completely failed to remove directory." gLogger.error( errStr, "%s %s" % ( url, res['Message'] ) ) failed[url] = res['Message'] resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} return S_OK( resDict )
def _processInThread(self, clientTransport): """ This method handles a RPC, FileTransfer or Connection. Connection may be opened via ServiceReactor.__acceptIncomingConnection - Do the SSL/TLS Handshake (if dips is used) and extract credentials - Get the action called by the client - Check if the client is authorized to perform ation - If not, connection is closed - Instanciate the RequestHandler (RequestHandler contain all methods callable) (Following is not directly in this method but it describe what happen at #Execute the action) - Notify the client we're ready to execute the action (via _processProposal) and call RequestHandler._rh_executeAction() - Receive arguments/file/something else (depending on action) in the RequestHandler - Executing the action asked by the client :param clientTransport: Object who describe the opened connection (SSLTransport or PlainTransport) :return: S_OK with "closeTransport" a boolean to indicate if th connection have to be closed e.g. after RPC, closeTransport=True """ self.__maxFD = max(self.__maxFD, clientTransport.oSocket.fileno()) self._lockManager.lockGlobal() try: monReport = self.__startReportToMonitoring() except Exception: monReport = False try: #Handshake try: result = clientTransport.handshake() if not result['OK']: clientTransport.close() return except: return #Add to the transport pool trid = self._transportPool.add(clientTransport) if not trid: return #Receive and check proposal result = self._receiveAndCheckProposal(trid) if not result['OK']: self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result) return proposalTuple = result['Value'] #Instantiate handler result = self._instantiateHandler(trid, proposalTuple) if not result['OK']: self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result) return handlerObj = result['Value'] #Execute the action result = self._processProposal(trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj) #Close the connection if required if result['closeTransport'] or not result['OK']: if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Error processing proposal", result['Message']) self._transportPool.close(trid) return result finally: self._lockManager.unlockGlobal() if monReport: self.__endReportToMonitoring(*monReport)
requests += [ reqID.strip() for line in lines for reqID in line.split(',') ] gLogger.notice("Found %d requests in file" % len(requests)) else: requests.append(arg) allR = True else: res = reqClient.getRequestIDsForJobs(jobs) if not res['OK']: gLogger.fatal("Error getting request for jobs", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(2) if res['Value']['Failed']: gLogger.error( "No request found for jobs %s" % ','.join(sorted(str(job) for job in res['Value']['Failed']))) requests = sorted(res['Value']['Successful'].values()) if requests: allR = True else: DIRAC.exit(0) if status and not requests: allR = allR or status != 'Failed' res = reqClient.getRequestIDsList([status], limit=maxRequests, since=since, until=until) if not res['OK']:
def main(): catalog = None Script.registerSwitch("C:", "Catalog=", "Catalog to use") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(" requestName: a request name") Script.registerArgument(" LFNs: single LFN or file with LFNs") Script.registerArgument(["targetSE: target SE"]) Script.parseCommandLine() for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0] == "C" or switch[0].lower() == "catalog": catalog = switch[1] args = Script.getPositionalArgs() requestName = None targetSEs = None if len(args) < 3: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) requestName = args[0] lfnList = getLFNList(args[1]) targetSEs = list( set([se for targetSE in args[2:] for se in targetSE.split(",")]))"Will create request '%s' with 'ReplicateAndRegister' " "operation using %s lfns and %s target SEs" % (requestName, len(lfnList), len(targetSEs))) from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Request import Request from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Operation import Operation from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.File import File from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.ReqClient import ReqClient from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import breakListIntoChunks lfnChunks = breakListIntoChunks(lfnList, 100) multiRequests = len(lfnChunks) > 1 error = 0 count = 0 reqClient = ReqClient() fc = FileCatalog() requestIDs = [] for lfnChunk in lfnChunks: metaDatas = fc.getFileMetadata(lfnChunk) if not metaDatas["OK"]: gLogger.error("unable to read metadata for lfns: %s" % metaDatas["Message"]) error = -1 continue metaDatas = metaDatas["Value"] for failedLFN, reason in metaDatas["Failed"].items(): gLogger.error("skipping %s: %s" % (failedLFN, reason)) lfnChunk = set(metaDatas["Successful"]) if not lfnChunk: gLogger.error("LFN list is empty!!!") error = -1 continue if len(lfnChunk) > Operation.MAX_FILES: gLogger.error( "too many LFNs, max number of files per operation is %s" % Operation.MAX_FILES) error = -1 continue count += 1 request = Request() request.RequestName = requestName if not multiRequests else "%s_%d" % ( requestName, count) replicateAndRegister = Operation() replicateAndRegister.Type = "ReplicateAndRegister" replicateAndRegister.TargetSE = ",".join(targetSEs) if catalog is not None: replicateAndRegister.Catalog = catalog for lfn in lfnChunk: metaDict = metaDatas["Successful"][lfn] opFile = File() opFile.LFN = lfn opFile.Size = metaDict["Size"] if "Checksum" in metaDict: # # should check checksum type, now assuming Adler32 (metaDict["ChecksumType"] = 'AD' opFile.Checksum = metaDict["Checksum"] opFile.ChecksumType = "ADLER32" replicateAndRegister.addFile(opFile) request.addOperation(replicateAndRegister) putRequest = reqClient.putRequest(request) if not putRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error("unable to put request '%s': %s" % (request.RequestName, putRequest["Message"])) error = -1 continue requestIDs.append(str(putRequest["Value"])) if not multiRequests: gLogger.always( "Request '%s' has been put to ReqDB for execution." % request.RequestName) if multiRequests: gLogger.always( "%d requests have been put to ReqDB for execution, with name %s_<num>" % (count, requestName)) if requestIDs: gLogger.always("RequestID(s): %s" % " ".join(requestIDs)) gLogger.always( "You can monitor requests' status using command: 'dirac-rms-request <requestName/ID>'" ) DIRAC.exit(error)
def addShifter(self, shifters=None): """ Adds or modify one or more shifters. Also, adds the shifter section in case this is not present. Shifter identities are used in several places, mostly for running agents shifters should be in the form {'ShifterRole':{'User':'******', 'Group':'aDIRACGroup'}} :return: S_OK/S_ERROR """ def getOpsSection(): """ Where is the shifters section? """ vo = CSGlobals.getVO() setup = CSGlobals.getSetup() if vo: res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup)) if res['OK']: return S_OK('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup)) res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo) if res['OK']: return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo) else: res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup) if res['OK']: return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup) res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter') if res['OK']: return S_OK('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter') return S_ERROR("No shifter section") if shifters is None: shifters = {} if not self.__initialized['OK']: return self.__initialized # get current shifters opsH = Operations() currentShifterRoles = opsH.getSections('Shifter') if not currentShifterRoles['OK']: # we assume the shifter section is not present currentShifterRoles = [] else: currentShifterRoles = currentShifterRoles['Value'] currentShiftersDict = {} for currentShifterRole in currentShifterRoles: currentShifter = opsH.getOptionsDict('Shifter/%s' % currentShifterRole) if not currentShifter['OK']: return currentShifter currentShifter = currentShifter['Value'] currentShiftersDict[currentShifterRole] = currentShifter # Removing from shifters what does not need to be changed for sRole in shifters: if sRole in currentShiftersDict: if currentShiftersDict[sRole] == shifters[sRole]: shifters.pop(sRole) # get shifters section to modify section = getOpsSection() # Is this section present? if not section['OK']: if section['Message'] == "No shifter section": gLogger.warn(section['Message'])"Adding shifter section") vo = CSGlobals.getVO() if vo: section = '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo else: section = '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter' res = self.__csMod.createSection(section) if not res: gLogger.error("Section %s not created" % section) return S_ERROR("Section %s not created" % section) else: gLogger.error(section['Message']) return section else: section = section['Value'] #add or modify shifters for shifter in shifters: self.__csMod.removeSection(section + '/' + shifter) self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter) self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User') self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group') self.__csMod.setOptionValue(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User', shifters[shifter]['User']) self.__csMod.setOptionValue( section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group', shifters[shifter]['Group']) self.__csModified = True return S_OK(True)
def modifyUser(self, username, properties, createIfNonExistant=False): """ Modify a user :param str username: group name :param dict properties: dictionary describing user properties: - DN - Groups - <extra params> :return True/False """ if not self.__initialized['OK']: return self.__initialized modifiedUser = False userData = self.describeUsers([username])['Value'] if username not in userData: if createIfNonExistant:"Registering user %s" % username) return self.addUser(username, properties) gLogger.error("User is not registered", username) return S_OK(False) for prop in properties: if prop == "Groups": continue prevVal = self.__csMod.getValue( "%s/Users/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, username, prop)) if not prevVal or prevVal != properties[prop]:"Setting %s property for user %s to %s" % (prop, username, properties[prop])) self.__csMod.setOptionValue( "%s/Users/%s/%s" % (self.__baseSecurity, username, prop), properties[prop]) modifiedUser = True if 'Groups' in properties: groups = self.listGroups()['Value'] for userGroup in properties['Groups']: if not userGroup in groups: gLogger.error("User group is not a valid group", "%s %s" % (username, userGroup)) return S_OK(False) groupsToBeDeletedFrom = [] groupsToBeAddedTo = [] for prevGroup in userData[username]['Groups']: if prevGroup not in properties['Groups']: groupsToBeDeletedFrom.append(prevGroup) modifiedUser = True for newGroup in properties['Groups']: if newGroup not in userData[username]['Groups']: groupsToBeAddedTo.append(newGroup) modifiedUser = True for group in groupsToBeDeletedFrom: self.__removeUserFromGroup(group, username)"Removed user %s from group %s" % (username, group)) for group in groupsToBeAddedTo: self.__addUserToGroup(group, username)"Added user %s to group %s" % (username, group)) if modifiedUser:"Modified user %s" % username) self.__csModified = True else:"Nothing to modify for user %s" % username) return S_OK(True)
def export_getTabbedSummaryWeb(self, table, requestedTables, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems): tableDestinations = { 'Transformations': { 'TransformationFiles': ['TransformationID'], 'TransformationTasks': ['TransformationID'] }, 'TransformationFiles': { 'Transformations': ['TransformationID'], 'TransformationTasks': ['TransformationID', 'TaskID'] }, 'TransformationTasks': { 'Transformations': ['TransformationID'], 'TransformationFiles': ['TransformationID', 'TaskID'] } } tableSelections = { 'Transformations': [ 'TransformationID', 'AgentType', 'Type', 'TransformationGroup', 'Plugin' ], 'TransformationFiles': ['TransformationID', 'TaskID', 'Status', 'UsedSE', 'TargetSE'], 'TransformationTasks': ['TransformationID', 'TaskID', 'ExternalStatus', 'TargetSE'] } tableTimeStamps = { 'Transformations': 'CreationDate', 'TransformationFiles': 'LastUpdate', 'TransformationTasks': 'CreationTime' } tableStatusColumn = { 'Transformations': 'Status', 'TransformationFiles': 'Status', 'TransformationTasks': 'ExternalStatus' } resDict = {} res = self.__getTableSummaryWeb(table, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectColumns=tableSelections[table], timeStamp=tableTimeStamps[table], statusColumn=tableStatusColumn[table]) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to get Summary for table", "%s %s" % (table, res['Message'])) return self._parseRes(res) resDict[table] = res['Value'] selections = res['Value']['Selections'] tableSelection = {} for destination in tableDestinations[table].keys(): tableSelection[destination] = {} for parameter in tableDestinations[table][destination]: tableSelection[destination][parameter] = selections.get( parameter, []) for table, paramDict in requestedTables.items(): sortList = paramDict.get('SortList', []) startItem = paramDict.get('StartItem', 0) maxItems = paramDict.get('MaxItems', 50) res = self.__getTableSummaryWeb( table, tableSelection[table], sortList, startItem, maxItems, selectColumns=tableSelections[table], timeStamp=tableTimeStamps[table], statusColumn=tableStatusColumn[table]) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to get Summary for table", "%s %s" % (table, res['Message'])) return self._parseRes(res) resDict[table] = res['Value'] return S_OK(resDict)
def _parseRes(self, res): if not res['OK']: gLogger.error('TransformationManager failure', res['Message']) return res
def getStorages(self, storageName, pluginList=None, hideExceptions=False): """ Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS :params storageName: is the DIRAC SE name i.e. 'CERN-RAW' :params pluginList: is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e ['SRM2','SRM1'] :return: dictionary containing storage elements and information about them """ self.remotePlugins = [] self.localPlugins = [] = '' self.options = {} self.protocols = {} self.storages = [] if pluginList is None: pluginList = [] elif isinstance(pluginList, basestring): pluginList = [pluginList] if not self.vo: gLogger.warn('No VO information available') # Get the name of the storage provided res = self._getConfigStorageName(storageName, 'Alias') if not res['OK']: return res storageName = res['Value'] = storageName # In case the storage is made from a base SE, get this information res = self._getConfigStorageName(storageName, 'BaseSE') if not res['OK']: return res # If the storage is derived frmo another one, keep the information # We initialize the seConfigPath to SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH if there is a derivedSE, SE_CONFIG_PATH if not if res['Value'] != storageName: derivedStorageName = storageName storageName = res['Value'] seConfigPath = SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH else: derivedStorageName = None seConfigPath = SE_CONFIG_PATH # Get the options defined in the CS for this storage res = self._getConfigStorageOptions( storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName, seConfigPath=seConfigPath) if not res['OK']: # This is for the backward compatibility and to invite developer to move their BaseSE in the correct section gLogger.warn("Deprecated configuration, you can ignore the error message above."\ " Please move the baseSE in the correct section: ", SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH) # We change the value of seConfigPath to avoid other errors due to the bad SE_BASE_CONFIG_PATH seConfigPath = SE_CONFIG_PATH res = self._getConfigStorageOptions( storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName, seConfigPath=seConfigPath) if not res['OK']: return res self.options = res['Value'] # Get the protocol specific details res = self._getConfigStorageProtocols( storageName, derivedStorageName=derivedStorageName, seConfigPath=seConfigPath) if not res['OK']: return res self.protocols = res['Value'] requestedLocalPlugins = [] requestedRemotePlugins = [] requestedProtocolDetails = [] turlProtocols = [] # Generate the protocol specific plug-ins for protocolSection, protocolDetails in self.protocols.iteritems(): pluginName = protocolDetails.get('PluginName', protocolSection) if pluginList and pluginName not in pluginList: continue protocol = protocolDetails['Protocol'] result = self.__generateStorageObject( storageName, pluginName, protocolDetails, hideExceptions=hideExceptions) if result['OK']: self.storages.append(result['Value']) if pluginName in self.localPlugins: turlProtocols.append(protocol) requestedLocalPlugins.append(pluginName) if pluginName in self.remotePlugins: requestedRemotePlugins.append(pluginName) requestedProtocolDetails.append(protocolDetails) else:['Message']) if self.storages: resDict = {} resDict['StorageName'] = resDict['StorageOptions'] = self.options resDict['StorageObjects'] = self.storages resDict['LocalPlugins'] = requestedLocalPlugins resDict['RemotePlugins'] = requestedRemotePlugins resDict['ProtocolOptions'] = requestedProtocolDetails resDict['TurlProtocols'] = turlProtocols return S_OK(resDict) else: errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorages: Failed to instantiate any storage protocols." gLogger.error(errStr, return S_ERROR(errStr)
def getStorages( self, storageName, pluginList = None, hideExceptions = False ): """ Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS 'storageName' is the DIRAC SE name i.e. 'CERN-RAW' 'pluginList' is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e ['SRM2','SRM1'] """ self.remotePlugins = [] self.localPlugins = [] = '' self.options = {} self.protocolDetails = [] self.storages = [] if pluginList is None: pluginList = [] elif isinstance( pluginList, basestring ): pluginList = [pluginList] if not self.vo: gLogger.warn( 'No VO information available' ) # Get the name of the storage provided res = self._getConfigStorageName( storageName, 'Alias' ) if not res['OK']: return res storageName = res['Value'] = storageName # In case the storage is made from a base SE, get this information res = self._getConfigStorageName( storageName, 'BaseSE' ) if not res['OK']: return res # If the storage is derived frmo another one, keep the information if res['Value'] != storageName: derivedStorageName = storageName storageName = res['Value'] else: derivedStorageName = None # Get the options defined in the CS for this storage res = self._getConfigStorageOptions( storageName, derivedStorageName = derivedStorageName ) if not res['OK']: return res self.options = res['Value'] # Get the protocol specific details res = self._getConfigStorageProtocols( storageName, derivedStorageName = derivedStorageName ) if not res['OK']: return res self.protocolDetails = res['Value'] requestedLocalPlugins = [] requestedRemotePlugins = [] requestedProtocolDetails = [] turlProtocols = [] # Generate the protocol specific plug-ins for protocolDict in self.protocolDetails: pluginName = protocolDict.get( 'PluginName' ) if pluginList and pluginName not in pluginList: continue protocol = protocolDict['Protocol'] result = self.__generateStorageObject( storageName, pluginName, protocolDict, hideExceptions = hideExceptions ) if result['OK']: self.storages.append( result['Value'] ) if pluginName in self.localPlugins: turlProtocols.append( protocol ) requestedLocalPlugins.append( pluginName ) if pluginName in self.remotePlugins: requestedRemotePlugins.append( pluginName ) requestedProtocolDetails.append( protocolDict ) else: result['Message'] ) if len( self.storages ) > 0: resDict = {} resDict['StorageName'] = resDict['StorageOptions'] = self.options resDict['StorageObjects'] = self.storages resDict['LocalPlugins'] = requestedLocalPlugins resDict['RemotePlugins'] = requestedRemotePlugins resDict['ProtocolOptions'] = requestedProtocolDetails resDict['TurlProtocols'] = turlProtocols return S_OK( resDict ) else: errStr = "StorageFactory.getStorages: Failed to instantiate any storage protocols." gLogger.error( errStr, ) return S_ERROR( errStr )
def _ByJobType(self): """ By default, all sites are allowed to do every job. The actual rules are freely specified in the Operation JobTypeMapping section. The content of the section may look like this: User { Exclude = PAK Exclude += Ferrara Exclude += Bologna Exclude += Paris Exclude += CERN Exclude += IN2P3 Allow { Paris = IN2P3 CERN = CERN IN2P3 = IN2P3 } } DataReconstruction { Exclude = PAK Exclude += Ferrara Exclude += CERN Exclude += IN2P3 Allow { Ferrara = CERN CERN = CERN IN2P3 = IN2P3 IN2P3 += CERN } } Merge { Exclude = ALL Allow { CERN = CERN IN2P3 = IN2P3 } } The sites in the exclusion list will be removed. The allow section says where each site may help another site """ # 1. get sites list res = getSites() if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not get the list of sites", res['Message']) return res destSites = set(res['Value']) # 2. get JobTypeMapping "Exclude" value (and add autoAddedSites) gLogger.debug("Getting JobTypeMapping 'Exclude' value (and add autoAddedSites)") jobType = self.params['JobType'] if not jobType: raise RuntimeError("No jobType specified") excludedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/Exclude' % jobType, [])) gLogger.debug("Explicitly excluded sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(excludedSites))) autoAddedSites = self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/AutoAddedSites', []) if 'WithStorage' in autoAddedSites: # Add all sites with storage, such that jobs can run wherever data is autoAddedSites.remove('WithStorage') autoAddedSites += DMSHelpers().getTiers(withStorage=True, tier=(0, 1, 2)) # 3. removing sites in Exclude if not excludedSites: pass elif 'ALL' in excludedSites: destSites = set() else: destSites -= excludedSites # 4. get JobTypeMapping "Allow" section res = self.opsH.getOptionsDict('JobTypeMapping/%s/Allow' % jobType) if not res['OK']: gLogger.verbose(res['Message']) allowed = {} else: allowed = dict((site, set(fromChar(fromSites))) for site, fromSites in res['Value'].iteritems()) autoAddedSites = set(self.opsH.getValue('JobTypeMapping/%s/AutoAddedSites' % jobType, autoAddedSites)) gLogger.debug("Auto-added sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(autoAddedSites))) # 5. add autoAddedSites, if requested for autoAddedSite in autoAddedSites: allowed.setdefault(autoAddedSite, set()).add(autoAddedSite) gLogger.debug("Allowed sites for %s task: %s" % (jobType, ','.join(allowed))) # 6. Allowing sites that should be allowed taskSiteDestination = self._BySE() for destSite, fromSites in allowed.iteritems(): for fromSite in fromSites: if not taskSiteDestination or fromSite in taskSiteDestination: destSites.add(destSite) gLogger.verbose("Computed list of destination sites for %s task with TargetSE %s: %s" % (jobType, self.params['TargetSE'], ','.join(destSites))) return destSites
def submitTasks(self): """ Submit the tasks to an external system, using the taskManager provided """"submitTasks: Submitting tasks for transformations") res = getProxyInfo(False, False) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to determine credentials for submission", res['Message']) return res proxyInfo = res['Value'] owner = proxyInfo['username'] ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group'] ownerDN = proxyInfo['identity'] "submitTasks: Tasks will be submitted with the credentials %s:%s" % (owner, ownerGroup)) # Get the transformations which should be submitted tasksPerLoop = self.am_getOption('TasksPerLoop', 50) status = self.am_getOption('SubmitStatus', ['Active', 'Completing']) res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType, status=status) if not res['OK']: return res for transformation in res['Value']: transID = transformation['TransformationID'] transBody = transformation['Body'] res = self.transClient.getTasksToSubmit(transID, tasksPerLoop) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to obtain tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue tasks = res['Value']['JobDictionary'] if not tasks: gLogger.verbose( "submitTasks: No tasks found for submission for transformation %s" % transID) continue "submitTasks: Obtained %d tasks for submission for transformation %s" % (len(tasks), transID)) res = self.taskManager.prepareTransformationTasks( transBody, tasks, owner, ownerGroup, ownerDN) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to prepare tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue res = self.taskManager.submitTransformationTasks(res['Value']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to submit prepared tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue res = self.taskManager.updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(res['Value']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to update DB after task submission for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue "submitTasks: Submission of transformation tasks complete") return S_OK()
def _getConfigStorageProtocolDetails(self, storageName, protocolSection, seConfigPath=SE_CONFIG_PATH): """ Parse the contents of the protocol block :params storageName: is the storage section to check in the CS :params protocolSection: name of the protocol section to find information :params seConfigPath: the path of the storage section. It can be /Resources/StorageElements or StorageElementBases :return: dictionary of the protocol options """ # First obtain the options that are available protocolConfigPath = cfgPath(seConfigPath, storageName, protocolSection) res = gConfig.getOptions(protocolConfigPath) if not res['OK']: errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: Failed to get protocol options." gLogger.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (storageName, protocolSection)) return S_ERROR(errStr) options = res['Value'] # We must have certain values internally even if not supplied in CS protocolDict = { 'Access': '', 'Host': '', 'Path': '', 'Port': '', 'Protocol': '', 'SpaceToken': '', 'WSUrl': '' } for option in options: configPath = cfgPath(protocolConfigPath, option) optionValue = gConfig.getValue(configPath, '') protocolDict[option] = optionValue # Evaluate the base path taking into account possible VO specific setting if self.vo: result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( cfgPath(protocolConfigPath, 'VOPath')) voPath = '' if result['OK']: voPath = result['Value'].get(self.vo, '') if voPath: protocolDict['Path'] = voPath # Now update the local and remote protocol lists. # A warning will be given if the Access option is not set and the plugin is not already in remote or local. plugin = protocolDict.get('PluginName', protocolSection) if protocolDict['Access'].lower() == 'remote': self.remotePlugins.append(plugin) elif protocolDict['Access'].lower() == 'local': self.localPlugins.append(plugin) elif protocolSection not in self.protocols: errStr = "StorageFactory.__getProtocolDetails: The 'Access' option \ for %s:%s is neither 'local' or 'remote'." % (storageName, protocolSection) gLogger.warn(errStr) return S_OK(protocolDict)
def updateTaskStatus(self): """ Updates the task status """"updateTaskStatus: Updating the Status of tasks") # Get the transformations to be updated status = self.am_getOption('UpdateTasksStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Stopped']) res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType, status=status, agentType=[]) if not res['OK']: return res for transformation in res['Value']: transID = transformation['TransformationID'] # Get the tasks which are in a UPDATE state updateStatus = self.am_getOption('TaskUpdateStatus', [ 'Checking', 'Deleted', 'Killed', 'Staging', 'Stalled', 'Matched', 'Rescheduled', 'Completed', 'Submitted', 'Assigned', 'Received', 'Waiting', 'Running' ]) condDict = { "TransformationID": transID, "ExternalStatus": updateStatus } timeStamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)) res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( condDict=condDict, older=timeStamp, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime') if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to get tasks to update for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue if not res['Value']: gLogger.verbose( "updateTaskStatus: No tasks found to update for transformation %s" % transID) continue gLogger.verbose( "updateTaskStatus: getting %d tasks status of transformation %s" % (len(res['Value']), transID)) res = self.taskManager.getSubmittedTaskStatus(res['Value']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to get updated task statuses for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue statusDict = res['Value'] if not statusDict: "updateTaskStatus: No tasks to update for transformation %d" % transID) else: for status in sorted(statusDict): taskIDs = statusDict[status] "updateTaskStatus: Updating %d task(s) from transformation %d to %s" % (len(taskIDs), transID, status)) res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus( transID, taskIDs, status) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "updateTaskStatus: Failed to update task status for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) "updateTaskStatus: Transformation task status update complete") return S_OK()
def __returnProblematicError( self, fileID, res ): self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID ) gLogger.error( 'DataIntegrityClient failure', res['Message'] ) return res
def setSite(args): global Site Site = args def setQueue(args): global Queue Queue = args Script.registerSwitch("N:", "Name=", "Computing Element Name (Mandatory)", setCEName) Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Site=", "Site Name (Mandatory)", setSite) Script.registerSwitch("Q:", "Queue=", "Queue Name (Mandatory)", setQueue) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles() if len(args) > 1: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) result = Resources.getQueue(Site, ceName, Queue) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not retrieve resource parameters", ": " + result['Message']) DIRACExit(1) gLogger.notice(json.dumps(result['Value']))
def checkReservedTasks(self):"checkReservedTasks: Checking Reserved tasks") # Get the transformations which should be checked status = self.am_getOption('CheckReservedStatus', ['Active', 'Completing', 'Stopped']) res = self._selectTransformations(transType=self.transType, status=status, agentType=[]) if not res['OK']: return res for transformation in res['Value']: transID = transformation['TransformationID'] # Select the tasks which have been in Reserved status for more than 1 hour for selected transformations condDict = { "TransformationID": transID, "ExternalStatus": 'Reserved' } time_stamp_older = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) time_stamp_newer = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) res = self.transClient.getTransformationTasks( condDict=condDict, older=time_stamp_older, newer=time_stamp_newer) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to get Reserved tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % (transID, res['Message'])) continue if not res['Value']: gLogger.verbose( "checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID) continue res = self.taskManager.updateTransformationReservedTasks( res['Value']) if not res['OK']: "checkReservedTasks: No Reserved tasks found for transformation %s" % transID) continue noTasks = res['Value']['NoTasks'] taskNameIDs = res['Value']['TaskNameIDs'] # For the tasks with no associated request found re-set the status of the task in the transformationDB for taskName in noTasks: transID, taskID = taskName.split('_') "checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created as no associated task found" % (taskName)) res = self.transClient.setTaskStatus(int(transID), int(taskID), 'Created') if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % (taskName, res['Message'])) # For the tasks for which an associated request was found update the task details in the transformationDB for taskName, extTaskID in taskNameIDs.items(): transID, taskID = taskName.split('_') "checkReservedTasks: Resetting status of %s to Created with ID %s" % (taskName, extTaskID)) res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( int(transID), int(taskID), 'Submitted', str(extTaskID)) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "checkReservedTasks: Failed to update task status and ID after recovery", "%s %s" % (taskName, res['Message']))"checkReservedTasks: Updating of reserved tasks complete") return S_OK()
def export_getRequestName(cls, requestID): """ get request name for a given requestID """ requestName = cls.__requestDB.getRequestName(requestID) if not requestName["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestName: %s" % requestName["Message"]) return requestName
def execute(self): """This is the first logical task to be executed and manages the New->Waiting transition of the Replicas""" res = self.__getNewReplicas() if not res["OK"]: gLogger.fatal( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to get replicas from StagerDB.", res["Message"]) return res if not res["Value"]:"There were no New replicas found") return res replicas = res["Value"]["Replicas"] replicaIDs = res["Value"]["ReplicaIDs"] "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s New replicas for preparation." % len(replicaIDs)) # Check if the files exist in the FileCatalog res = self.__getExistingFiles(replicas) if not res["OK"]: return res exist = res["Value"]["Exist"] terminal = res["Value"]["Missing"] failed = res["Value"]["Failed"] if not exist: gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to determine the existence of any file" ) return S_OK() terminalReplicaIDs = {} for lfn, reason in terminal.items(): for replicaID in replicas[lfn].values(): terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason replicas.pop(lfn) "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files exist in the FileCatalog." % len(exist)) if terminal: "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files do not exist in the FileCatalog." % len(terminal)) # Obtain the file sizes from the FileCatalog res = self.__getFileSize(exist) if not res["OK"]: return res failed.update(res["Value"]["Failed"]) terminal = res["Value"]["ZeroSize"] fileSizes = res["Value"]["FileSizes"] if not fileSizes: gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine sizes of any files" ) return S_OK() for lfn, reason in terminal.items(): for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items(): terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason replicas.pop(lfn) "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained %s file sizes from the FileCatalog." % len(fileSizes)) if terminal: "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero size in the FileCatalog." % len(terminal)) # Obtain the replicas from the FileCatalog res = self.__getFileReplicas(list(fileSizes)) if not res["OK"]: return res failed.update(res["Value"]["Failed"]) terminal = res["Value"]["ZeroReplicas"] fileReplicas = res["Value"]["Replicas"] if not fileReplicas: gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed determine replicas for any files" ) return S_OK() for lfn, reason in terminal.items(): for _se, replicaID in replicas[lfn].items(): terminalReplicaIDs[replicaID] = reason replicas.pop(lfn) "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Obtained replica information for %s file from the FileCatalog." % len(fileReplicas)) if terminal: "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s files registered with zero replicas in the FileCatalog." % len(terminal)) # Check the replicas exist at the requested site replicaMetadata = [] for lfn, requestedSEs in replicas.items(): lfnReplicas = fileReplicas.get(lfn) # This should not happen in principle, but it was seen # after a corrupted staging request has entered the DB if not lfnReplicas: gLogger.error("Missing replicas information", "%s %s" % (lfn, requestedSEs)) continue for requestedSE, replicaID in requestedSEs.items(): if requestedSE not in lfnReplicas.keys(): terminalReplicaIDs[ replicaID] = "LFN not registered at requested SE" replicas[lfn].pop(requestedSE) else: replicaMetadata.append( (replicaID, lfnReplicas[requestedSE], fileSizes[lfn])) # Update the states of the files in the database if terminalReplicaIDs: "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replicas are terminally failed." % len(terminalReplicaIDs)) # res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure( terminalReplicaIDs ) res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaFailure(terminalReplicaIDs) if not res["OK"]: gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica failures.", res["Message"]) if replicaMetadata: "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: %s replica metadata to be updated." % len(replicaMetadata)) # Sets the Status='Waiting' of CacheReplicas records that are OK with catalogue checks res = self.stagerClient.updateReplicaInformation(replicaMetadata) if not res["OK"]: gLogger.error( "RequestPreparation.prepareNewReplicas: Failed to update replica metadata.", res["Message"]) return S_OK()
def export_putRequest(cls, requestJSON): """ put a new request into RequestDB :param cls: class ref :param str requestJSON: request serialized to JSON format """ requestDict = json.loads(requestJSON) requestName = requestDict.get( "RequestID", requestDict.get('RequestName', "***UNKNOWN***")) request = Request(requestDict) optimized = request.optimize() if optimized.get("Value", False): gLogger.debug("putRequest: request was optimized") else: gLogger.debug( "putRequest: request unchanged", optimized.get("Message", "Nothing could be optimized")) valid = cls.validate(request) if not valid["OK"]: gLogger.error("putRequest: request %s not valid: %s" % (requestName, valid["Message"])) return valid # If NotBefore is not set or user defined, we calculate its value now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) extraDelay = datetime.timedelta(0) if request.Status not in Request.FINAL_STATES and ( not request.NotBefore or request.NotBefore < now): # We don't delay if it is the first insertion if getattr(request, 'RequestID', 0): # If it is a constant delay, just set it if cls.constantRequestDelay: extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes=cls.constantRequestDelay) else: # If there is a waiting Operation with Files op = request.getWaiting().get('Value') if op and len(op): attemptList = [ opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ] if attemptList: maxWaitingAttempt = max([ opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ]) # In case it is the first attempt, extraDelay is 0 # maxWaitingAttempt can be None if the operation has no File, like the ForwardDiset extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes=2 * math.log(maxWaitingAttempt) if maxWaitingAttempt else 0) request.NotBefore = now + extraDelay"putRequest: request %s not before %s (extra delay %s)" % (request.RequestName, request.NotBefore, extraDelay)) requestName = request.RequestName"putRequest: Attempting to set request '%s'" % requestName) return cls.__requestDB.putRequest(request)
def export_getRequestInfo(cls, requestName): """ get request info for a given requestID/Name """ requestInfo = cls.__requestDB.getRequestInfo(requestName) if not requestInfo["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestInfo: %s" % requestInfo["Message"]) return requestInfo
def main(): global hostName global hostDN global hostProperties Script.registerSwitch("H:", "HostName:", "Name of the Host (Mandatory)", setHostName) Script.registerSwitch("D:", "HostDN:", "DN of the Host Certificate (Mandatory)", setHostDN) Script.registerSwitch( "P:", "Property:", "Property to be added to the Host (Allow Multiple instances or None)", addProperty) # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument([ "Property=<Value>: Other properties to be added to the Host like (Responsible=XXX)" ], mandatory=False) _, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) if hostName is None or hostDN is None: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] hostProps = {"DN": hostDN} if hostProperties: hostProps["Properties"] = ", ".join(hostProperties) for prop in args: pl = prop.split("=") if len(pl) < 2: errorList.append( ("in arguments", "Property %s has to include a '=' to separate name from value" % prop)) exitCode = 255 else: pName = pl[0] pValue = "=".join(pl[1:])"Setting property %s to %s" % (pName, pValue)) hostProps[pName] = pValue if not diracAdmin.csModifyHost( hostName, hostProps, createIfNonExistant=True)["OK"]: errorList.append(("add host", "Cannot register host %s" % hostName)) exitCode = 255 else: result = diracAdmin.csCommitChanges() if not result["OK"]: errorList.append(("commit", result["Message"])) exitCode = 255 if exitCode == 0: from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ComponentMonitoringClient import ComponentMonitoringClient cmc = ComponentMonitoringClient() ret = cmc.hostExists(dict(HostName=hostName)) if not ret["OK"]: gLogger.error( "Cannot check if host is registered in ComponentMonitoring", ret["Message"]) elif ret["Value"]:"Host already registered in ComponentMonitoring") else: ret = cmc.addHost(dict(HostName=hostName, CPU="TO_COME")) if not ret["OK"]: gLogger.error("Failed to add Host to ComponentMonitoring", ret["Message"]) for error in errorList: gLogger.error("%s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def export_getRequestStatus(cls, requestName): """ get request status given its name """ status = cls.__requestDB.getRequestStatus(requestName) if not status["OK"]: gLogger.error("getRequestStatus: %s" % status["Message"]) return status
inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r') string = inputFile.close() lfns.extend([lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]) else: lfns.append(inputFileName) from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import breakListIntoChunks from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager dm = DataManager() errorReasons = {} successfullyRemoved = 0 for lfnList in breakListIntoChunks(lfns, 100): res = dm.removeFile(lfnList) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to remove data", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(-2) for lfn, r in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): reason = str(r) if reason not in errorReasons.keys(): errorReasons[reason] = [] errorReasons[reason].append(lfn) successfullyRemoved += len(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()) for reason, lfns in errorReasons.items(): gLogger.notice("Failed to remove %d files with error: %s" % (len(lfns), reason)) if successfullyRemoved > 0: gLogger.notice("Successfully removed %d files" % successfullyRemoved) DIRAC.exit(0)
def export_checkComponentLog(self, component): """Check component log for errors""" componentList = [] if "*" in component: if component == "*": result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents() if result["OK"]: for ctype in ["Services", "Agents", "Executors"]: if ctype in result["Value"]: for sname in result["Value"][ctype]: for cname in result["Value"][ctype][sname]: componentList.append("/".join( [sname, cname])) elif isinstance(component, str): componentList = [component] else: componentList = component resultDict = {} for comp in componentList: if "/" not in comp: continue system, cname = comp.split("/") startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir currentLog = startDir + "/" + system + "_" + cname + "/log/current" try: with open(currentLog, "r") as logFile: logLines = logFile.readlines() except IOError as err: gLogger.error("File does not exists:", currentLog) resultDict[comp] = { "ErrorsHour": -1, "ErrorsDay": -1, "LastError": currentLog + "::" + repr(err) } continue errors_1 = 0 errors_24 = 0 now = datetime.utcnow() lastError = "" for line in logLines: if "ERROR:" in line: fields = line.split() recent = False if len(fields) < 2: # if the line contains only one word lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip() continue timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + " " + fields[1]) if not timeStamp: # if the timestamp is missing in the log lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip() continue if (now - timeStamp) < hour: errors_1 += 1 recent = True if (now - timeStamp) < day: errors_24 += 1 recent = True if recent: lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip() resultDict[comp] = { "ErrorsHour": errors_1, "ErrorsDay": errors_24, "LastError": lastError } return S_OK(resultDict)
if not result['OK']: self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result) return proposalTuple = result['Value'] #Instantiate handler result = self._instantiateHandler(trid, proposalTuple) if not result['OK']: self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result) return handlerObj = result['Value'] #Execute the action result = self._processProposal(trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj) #Close the connection if required if result['closeTransport'] or not result['OK']: if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Error processing proposal", result['Message']) self._transportPool.close(trid) return result finally: self._lockManager.unlockGlobal() if monReport: self.__endReportToMonitoring(*monReport) def _createIdentityString(self, credDict, clientTransport=None): if 'username' in credDict: if 'group' in credDict: identity = "[%s:%s]" % (credDict['username'], credDict['group']) else: identity = "[%s:unknown]" % credDict['username'] else:
sys.exit() else: transIDs = [int(arg) for arg in sys.argv[1:]] from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.ValidateOutputDataAgent import ValidateOutputDataAgent from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC import gLogger import DIRAC agent = ValidateOutputDataAgent('Transformation/ValidateOutputDataAgent', 'Transformation/ValidateOutputDataAgent', 'dirac-transformation-verify-outputdata') agent.initialize() client = TransformationClient() for transID in transIDs: res = client.getTransformationParameters(transID, ['Status']) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to determine transformation status") gLogger.error(res['Message']) continue status = res['Value'] if not status in [ 'ValidatingOutput', 'WaitingIntegrity', 'Active', 'Completed' ]: gLogger.error( "The transformation is in %s status and can not be validated" % status) continue agent.checkTransformationIntegrity(transID)
if len(args) < 2: Script.showHelp() DIRACexit(1) system = args[0] component = args[1] monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient() result = monitoringClient.getInstallations( { 'Instance': component, 'UnInstallationTime': None }, {'System': system}, {'HostName': socket.getfqdn()}, True) if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) DIRACexit(1) if len(result['Value']) < 1: gLogger.error('Given component does not exist') DIRACexit(1) if len(result['Value']) > 1: gLogger.error('Too many components match') DIRACexit(1) removeLogs = False if force: removeLogs = True else: if result['Value'][0]['Component']['Type'] in InstallTools.COMPONENT_TYPES: result = promptUser('Remove logs?', ['y', 'n'], 'n') if result['OK']:
def _getBKKQuery(self, mode='full', fileType=None, previousProdID=0): """ simply creates the bkk query dictionary """ if fileType is None: fileType = [] if mode.lower() == 'full': bkQuery = { 'FileType': ';;;'.join(self.bkFileType), 'EventType': str(self.eventType), 'ConfigName': self.configName, 'ConfigVersion': self.configVersion } if self.dataTakingConditions: bkQuery['DataTakingConditions'] = self.dataTakingConditions if self.processingPass: bkQuery['ProcessingPass'] = self.processingPass if self.dqFlag: bkQuery['DataQualityFlag'] = self.dqFlag.replace( ',', ';;;').replace(' ', '') if self.startRun and self.runsList or self.endRun and self.runsList: raise ValueError( "Please don't mix runs list with start/end run") if self.endRun and self.startRun: if self.endRun < self.startRun: gLogger.error( "Your end run '%d' should be more than your start run '%d'!" % (self.endRun, self.startRun)) raise ValueError("Error setting start or end run") if self.startRun: bkQuery['StartRun'] = self.startRun if self.endRun: bkQuery['EndRun'] = self.endRun if self.runsList: bkQuery['RunNumbers'] = self.runsList.replace(',', ';;;').replace( ' ', '') if self.visibility: bkQuery['Visible'] = self.visibility elif mode.lower() == 'frompreviousprod': bkQuery = { 'FileType': ';;;'.join(fileType).replace(' ', ''), 'ProductionID': int(previousProdID) } if self.eventType: bkQuery['EventType'] = str(self.eventType) if self.dqFlag: bkQuery['DataQualityFlag'] = self.dqFlag.replace( ',', ';;;').replace(' ', '') return bkQuery
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script Script.setUsageMessage(""" Get the currently defined user data volume quotas Usage: %s [options] """ % Script.scriptName) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) import DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo res = getProxyInfo(False, False) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.", res['Message']) DIRAC.exit(2) proxyInfo = res['Value'] username = proxyInfo['username'] try: quota = gConfig.getValue('/Registry/DefaultStorageQuota', 0.) quota = gConfig.getValue('/Registry/Users/%s/Quota' % username, quota) gLogger.notice('Current quota found to be %.1f GB' % quota) DIRAC.exit(0) except Exception as x: gLogger.exception("Failed to convert retrieved quota", '', x) DIRAC.exit(-1)
"we can provide the base module version " "(if it is needed): for example: v3r0", cliParams.setExtensionVersion) Script.registerSwitch("E:", "extensionSource=", "if we have an extension " "we must provide code repository url", cliParams.setExtensionSource) Script.registerSwitch("P:", "extjspath=", "directory of the extjs library", cliParams.setExtJsPath) Script.setUsageMessage('\n'.join([__doc__.split('\n')[1], '\nUsage:', ' %s <option> ...\n' % Script.scriptName, ' A source, name and version are required to build the tarball', ' For instance:', ' %s -n DIRAC -v v1r0 -z ' 'svn -u' 'dirac/DIRAC/tags/DIRAC/v1r0' % Script.scriptName])) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) result = cliParams.isOK() if not result['OK']: gLogger.error(result['Message']) Script.showHelp() sys.exit(1) tmc = TarModuleCreator(cliParams) result = tmc.create() if not result['OK']: gLogger.error("Could not create the tarball: %s" % result['Message']) sys.exit(1) gLogger.always("Tarball successfully created at %s" % result['Value']) sys.exit(0)