def status(self): """ Get led status """ actual_levels = self.pcomm.call_device('get_fid_status') if len(actual_levels) != len(self.controller['devices']): raise_error('status: petal controller returns incorrect number of items', level='ERROR') state = [] level = [] for i in range(len(self.controller['devices'])): id = self.controller['devices'][i] if str(id) in actual_levels: value = actual_levels[str(id)] else: self.error('get_fid_status does not return can id %r' % id) continue if(-1==value): state.append('unknown') level.append(0.0) elif(0==value): state.append('off') level.append(0.0) else: state.append('on') try: v = float(value) except Exception as e: raise_error('status: Exception converting actual level: %s' % str(e)) level.append(float(int(v/float(self.Relative_Levels[i])))) self.controller['level'] = level self.controller['state'] = state return self.controller
def level(self, value, set_default = False): """ Set the LED value """ on_flag = False if isinstance(value,list): for value_i in value: if value_i > 0.00001: on_flag = True else: if value > 0.00001: on_flag = True if on_flag is False: self.controller['state'] = ['off' for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] self.controller['level'] = [0.0 for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] else: self.controller['state'] = ['on' for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == len(self.CanIDs): self.controller['level'] = value else: print(len(value),len(self.CanIDs)) raise_error('Incorrect list length', level='ERROR') else: self.controller['level'] = [value for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] if set_default == True: self.controller['default'] = self.controller['level']
def set_fid_off(self): if not self.fiducials: raise_error('no fiducials selected', level='ERROR', function='set_fiducials_off') self.fiducials.turn_off() return 'SUCCESS'
def set_fid_on(self): if not self.fiducials: raise_error('no fiducials selected', level='ERROR', function='set_fiducials_on') print(len(self.device_options['Default_Duty'])) self.fiducials.turn_on(level=self.device_options['Default_Duty']) return 'SUCCESS'
def duty_cycle(self, level, set_default=False): if not self.fiducials: raise_error('no fiducials selected', level='ERROR', function='duty_cycle') if not isinstance(level, list): level = [level for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] self.fiducials.level(level, set_default=set_default) return 'SUCCESS'
def get_fid_status(self): if not self.fiducials: raise_error('no fiducials selected', level='ERROR', function='get_fid_status') status = self.fiducials.status()"fiducials: device %s, state %s, level %s, default_duty %s" % (status['devices'], status['state'], status['level'], status['default'])) return 'SUCCESS'
def level(self, percent_duty, set_default = False): """ Set the LED value """ if not isinstance(percent_duty, list): percent_duty = [percent_duty for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))] if set_default == True: self.Default_Duty = percent_duty self.controller['default'] = percent_duty try: return self.pcomm.call_device('set_fiducials', self.CanBus, self.CanIDs, percent_duty) except Exception as e: raise_error('Exception setting level: %s'% str(e), level='ERROR', function= 'level')
def __init__(self, device, controller_type = 'simulator', service = 'PetalControl', device_options = {}): """ Initialize fiducials class device is the DOS device name of the BBB controller service is the name of the DOS advertiser service used device_options configure the fipos controller (CanBus, CanIDs, Relative_Levels, Default_Duty) """ # Defaults CanIDs = [784, 1475] CanBus = ['can0' for i in range(len(CanIDs))] RelLevel = [1.0 for i in range(len(CanIDs))] Duty = [5.0 for i in range(len(CanIDs))] # Log functions for level in ['msg', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error']: if hasattr(Log, level): setattr(self,level, getattr(Log, level)) # default settings self.hardware = 'fiposled' if str(controller_type).lower() in ['hardware', 'fiposled', 'bbb'] else str(controller_type).lower() self.petal_controller = device config = {'service' : service, 'CanBus' : device_options.get('CanBus', CanBus), 'CanIDs' : device_options.get('CanIDs', CanIDs), 'Relative_Levels' : device_options.get('Relative_Levels', RelLevel), 'Default_Duty' : device_options.get('Default_Duty', Duty), 'controller': device_options.get('controller','')}'fiducials: device %s, controller %s, Config: %r' % (self.petal_controller, self.hardware, config)) # Connect to the controller print('89753 config') print(config) print('89754 config') try: if str(self.hardware).lower() == 'simulator': self.controller = SimulatorLED(self.petal_controller,config) elif str(self.hardware).lower() == 'fiposled': self.controller = FiposLED(self.petal_controller, config) else: raise_error('fiducials: Invalid controller_type', level='ERROR', function='init') except Exception as e: raise_error('fiducials: Exception connecting to LED controller: %s' % str(e), level='ERROR', function='init') # Turn fiducials off'fiducials: Turning fiducials off') self.controller.turn_off() # get status'fiducials: device status: %r' % self.controller.status())
def __init__(self, device, config): # Log functions for level in ['msg', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error']: if hasattr(Log, level): setattr(self,level, getattr(Log, level)) self.petal_controller = device self.pcomm = None self.CanBus = config['CanBus'] self.CanIDs = config['CanIDs'] self.Relative_Levels = config['Relative_Levels'] self.Default_Duty = config['Default_Duty'] try: self.pcomm=FiposComm(device,controller = config["controller"]) except Exception as e: raise_error('FiposComm: Cannot connect to device %s' % self.petal_controller) self.controller = {'devices' : self.CanIDs, 'state' : ['off' for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))], 'level' : [0.0 for i in range(len(self.CanIDs))], 'default' : self.Default_Duty}
def level(self, level, set_default = False): if not self.controller: raise_error('No LED controller connected', level='WARN', function='level')'level: setting level to %r (set_default = %r)' % (level, set_default)) self.controller.level(level, set_default = set_default)
def turn_off(self): if not self.controller: raise_error('No LED controller connected', level='WARN', function='turn_off')'turn_off: turning fiducials off') self.controller.turn_off()
def turn_on(self, level = None): if not self.controller: raise_error('No LED controller connected', level='WARN', function='turn_on')'turn_on: turning fiducials on') self.controller.turn_on(level = level)
def status(self): if not self.controller: raise_error('No LED controller connected', level='WARN', function = 'status') return self.controller.status()
def __init__(self, device, **options): """ Find the petal controller (device) and connect to it Options include the fipos settings for LED control """ # Log functions for level in ['msg', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error']: if hasattr(Log, level): setattr(self,level, getattr(Log, level)) self.petal_controller = device # Setup Seeker self.seeker_thread = None self.repeat = threading.Event() self.repeat.clear() self.found_controller = threading.Event() self.found_controller.clear() self.stype = '-dos-' self.service = options.get('service', 'PetalControl') self.device = {} delay = options.get('delay', 15.0) # Did we get controller information or should we seek? print('89755') print(options) print('89756') print(options['controller']) if 'controller' in options and isinstance(options['controller'], dict): print('89757') self.device = {'connected2instance': 'EXTERN', 'device_instance': '', 'last_updated': '', 'node': options['controller'].get('ip', ''), 'service': self.service, 'stype': self.stype, 'uid' : '81df0e9a-9409-11e8-b17c-b0d5cc1ef486', } print('89757a') print('897575'+str(options['controller'])) if 'port' in options['controller']: print('89758') self.device['pyro_uri'] = 'PYRO:%s@%s:%s' % (self.petal_controller, str(self.device['node']), str(options['controller']['port'])) print(self.device['pyro_uri']) else: # Setup DOS Seeker self.seeker = Seeker(self.stype, self.service, found_callback = self._found_dev) # Start Seeker thread self.repeat.set() self.delay = 0.5 self.seeker_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._repeat_seeker) self.seeker_thread.setDaemon(True) self.seeker_thread.start()'Seeker thread is now running. Delay %s' % str(self.delay)) # wait briefly for seeker to find all devices'Waiting for device %s' % self.petal_controller) self.found_controller.wait(timeout = delay + 1.0) self.delay = 10.0 # Make sure we have a device to connect to start = time.time() while self.device == {} and delay<(time.time() - start): self.device['proxy'] = Pyro4.Proxy(self.device['pyro_uri'])'Now connected to device %s' % self.device) break if self.device == {}: raise_error('fipos_comm: Timeout connecting to controller %s' % (self.petal_controller), level='ERROR', function='init')