Пример #1
def test_acknowledge(requests_mock):
    """Tests darktrace-acknowledge command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alerts API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, acknowledge_breach_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to acknowledge a breach
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/ack_success.json')
    requests_mock.post('https://mock.darktrace.com/modelbreaches/111/acknowledge?acknowledge=true', json=mock_api_response)

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN the desired model breach has id 111
    args = {
        'pbid': '111',

    integration_response = acknowledge_breach_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_ack_success.json')

    # THEN the breach should be acknowledged, context updated, and message posted
    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.ModelBreach'
    assert integration_response.outputs_key_field == 'pbid'
Пример #2
def test_get_model(requests_mock):
    """Tests the get-model command function.
    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_model_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to find similar devices
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/model.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN the specified device id is 1 and there are 2 results max desired
    args = {
        'uuid': '80010119-6d7f-0000-0305-5e0000000325'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about similar devices will be fetched and pulled
    integration_response = get_model_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_model.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.Model'
Пример #3
def test_get_comments(requests_mock):
    """Tests darktrace-get-comments command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alerts API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_comments_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and comments are desired
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/get_comments.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN the desired model breach has id 46
    args = {
        'pbid': '46',

    integration_response = get_comments_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_get_comments.json')

    # THEN the comments should be returned and formatted
    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.ModelBreach'
    assert integration_response.outputs_key_field == 'pid'
Пример #4
def test_get_entity_details(requests_mock):
    """Tests the get-entity-details command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_entity_details_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to query for entity details
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/entity_details.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN a query about a device with id 1 is specified, and results 5 through 15 are desired
    args = {
        'query': 'did=1,count=10',
        'offset': '5'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about the entity is displayed
    integration_response = get_entity_details_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_entity_details.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.EntityDetails'
Пример #5
def test_get_modelbreach_details(mocker):
    """Tests the get-modelbreach-details command function.
    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_breach_details_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to find similar devices
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/breach_details.json')
    mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_modelbreach_details', return_value=mock_api_response)

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN the specified device id is 1 and there are 2 results max desired
    args = {
        'pbid': '123',
        'count': '2',
        'endtime': 1629803362

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about similar devices will be fetched and pulled
    integration_response = get_breach_details_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_breach_details.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.ModelBreach'
Пример #6
def test_get_device_identity_info(requests_mock):
    """Tests the get-device-identity-info command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_device_identity_info_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to get device identity info
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/id_info.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN connection information is desired about osSensor type devices
    args = {
        'query': 'osSensor'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about the device's connections will be presented
    integration_response = get_device_identity_info_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_id_info.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.DeviceIdentityInfo'
    assert integration_response.outputs_key_field == 'devices.did'
Пример #7
def test_get_device_connection_info(requests_mock):
    """Tests the get-device-connection-info command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_device_connection_info_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to get device connection info
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/conn_info.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN connection information is desired for device with id 1
    args = {
        'did': '1',
        'data_type': 'co'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information to graph the device's connections will be presented
    integration_response = get_device_connection_info_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_conn_info.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.DeviceConnectionInfo'
Пример #8
def test_get_external_endpoint_details(requests_mock):
    """Tests the get-external-endpoint-details command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, get_external_endpoint_details_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to get external endpoint details
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/endpoint_details.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN full information is desired about a specific hostname, cats.com
    args = {
        'endpoint_type': 'hostname',
        'endpoint_value': 'cats.com',
        'additional_info': 'true',
        'devices': 'true',
        'score': 'true'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about the external endpoint will be displayed
    integration_response = get_external_endpoint_details_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_endpoint_details.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.ExternalEndpointDetails'
Пример #9
def test_list_similar_devices(requests_mock):
    """Tests the list-similar-devices command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, list_similar_devices_command

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and you would like to find similar devices
    mock_api_response = util_load_json('test_data/similar_devices.json')

    client = Client(
        auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri')

    # WHEN the specified device id is 1 and there are 2 results max desired
    args = {
        'did': '1',
        'max_results': '2'

    # THEN the context will be updated and information about similar devices will be fetched and pulled
    integration_response = list_similar_devices_command(client, args)
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_similar_devices.json')

    assert integration_response.outputs == expected_response
    assert integration_response.outputs_prefix == 'Darktrace.SimilarDevices'
    assert integration_response.outputs_key_field == 'did'
    assert integration_response.outputs['did'] == 1
Пример #10
def test_fetch_incidents(requests_mock):
    """Tests the fetch-incidents command function.

    Configures requests_mock instance to generate the appropriate
    get_alert API response, loaded from a local JSON file. Checks
    the output of the command function with the expected output.
    from Darktrace import Client, fetch_incidents

    # GIVEN an integration is configured and fetch incidents
    mock_response = util_load_json('test_data/fetch_breach.json')

    client = Client(base_url='https://usw1-51965-01.cloud.darktrace.com/',
                    auth=('examplepub', 'examplepri'))

    # WHEN the most recent call was made on Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9 PM Pacific
    last_run = {
        'last_fetch': 1598932817000  # Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9 PM Pacific

    _, integration_response = fetch_incidents(client=client,
                                              first_fetch_time='1 day ago',

    # THEN the relevant information will be fetched and pulled
    expected_response = util_load_json('test_data/formatted_fetch_breach.json')

    assert integration_response == expected_response
    assert len(integration_response) == 2