def __init__(self, file_name, group, discipline, session): file = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) self.file = file.sheet_by_index(0) assert set([ for g in group]) == set(self.group_name()) assert == self.discipline_name().lower() lessons = lessons_of(group, discipline) year = sorted(lessons, key=lambda x:[0].date.year student_of_group = Student.of(group) for col in range(3, self.file.ncols): if self.file.cell(1, col).value in ['', None]: print((1, col), 'is None') break date = self.get_date(col, year) lesson = list(filter(lambda x: == date, lessons)) if len(lesson) == 0: continue lesson = lesson[0] for row in range(self.file.nrows): student = self.get_student(row, student_of_group) if student is None: break print('new_visit', student, lesson) Visitation.get_or_create(session,,
def prepare_data(root, semester, group_by: Type[_DBObject]): data = [] year = None for user in root: user_name = user.short_name() lessons = Lesson.of(user) groups = set(group_by.of(user)) for lesson in lessons: if (lesson.semester == semester or (isinstance(semester, (set, list)) and lesson.semester in semester)) \ and lesson.completed: year = lesson_visitation = set(Visitation.of(lesson)) & set(Visitation.of(user)) lesson_students = set(Student.of(lesson)) & set(Student.of(user)) for item in list(set(group_by.of(lesson)) & groups): data.append({ 'user': user_name, 'visit': len(set(Visitation.of(item)) & lesson_visitation), 'total': len(set(Student.of(item)) & lesson_students), 'date':, 'group_by': item.short_name(), 'day':, 'week': lesson.week }) return data, year
def count_visits(self, row: int) -> int: """ Возвращает количество посещений для указанной строки :param row: индекс строки :return: колчиество посещений """ return len([ item for item in Visitation.of(self.lessons) if item.student_id == self.students[row].id ])
def __show_student_summary(self, student, professor, discipline): lessons = list( filter(lambda x: x.completed, Lesson.intersect(professor, discipline, student))) visitation = Visitation.journal(student, lessons) QMessageBox().information( self, "Информация", f'Студент {student.full_name()} {agree_to_gender("посетил", student.full_name())} ' f'{len(visitation)} из {len(lessons)} {agree_to_number("занятий", len(lessons))} ' f'({round(len(visitation) / len(lessons) * 100 if len(visitation) else 0)})' + (' превысив допустимое количество пропусков.' if len(visitation) < len(lessons) - 3 else '.'))
def debug(user): """ Исправляет все отрицаительные идентификаторы обратно на положительные :param user: :return: """ count = 0 for visit in Visitation.of(user): if < 0: count += 1 *= -1 user.session().commit() logging.getLogger("synch").info(f"debug wrong id count={count}")
def show_stats(): visits = Visitation.of(lesson) students = Student.of(lesson) if lesson.completed: msg = f"Посетило {len(visits)} из {len(students)} ({round(len(visits) * 100 / (len(students)))}%)." else: msg = "Занятие не проведено." QMessageBox().information( self, "Статистика", msg )
def headerData(self, p_int, orientation, role=None): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Vertical: return self.students[p_int].short_name() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return rept(self.lessons[p_int]) if role == self.CardIdRole: if orientation == Qt.Vertical: return self.students[p_int].card_id if role == Qt.SizeHintRole: if orientation == Qt.Vertical: return QVariant() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return QVariant(QSize(COLUMN_WIDTH, HEADER_HEIGHT)) if role == Qt.BackgroundColorRole: if orientation == Qt.Vertical: s = Settings.inst().colors if not Validate.card_id(self.students[p_int].card_id): return QColor(s.missing_card) total = len([l for l in self.lessons if l.completed]) visit = len([ item for item in Visitation.of(self.lessons) if item.student_id == self.students[p_int].id ]) # если количество пропусков меньше 3х - студент хороший if total <= visit + 3: return QColor(s.good_student) # если пропусков больше половины - студент плохой elif visit / total < 0.5 if total > 0 else False: return QColor(s.bad_student) return [Color.primary_light, Color.secondary_light ][Validate.card_id(self.students[p_int].card_id)] if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if self.current_lesson == self.lessons[p_int]: return Color.primary else: return QVariant() if role == self.ValueRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return self.lessons[p_int] if orientation == Qt.Vertical: return self.students[p_int] if role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return self.lessons[p_int].repr()
def test_visitation(self): self.assertEqual( { '_created': None, '_deleted': None, '_is_deleted': None, '_updated': None, 'id': 1, 'lesson': None, 'lesson_id': 3, 'student': None, 'student_id': 6 }, JsonParser.dump(Visitation(id=1, lesson_id=3, student_id=6))))
def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role=None): lesson = self.lessons[index.column()] if index.isValid(): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: visitations = Visitation.of(lesson) if index.row() == 0: return round(100 / len(self.students) * len([ item for item in visitations if item.student in self.students ])) if len(self.students) else 0 if index.row() == 1: return len([ item for item in visitations if item.student in self.students ])
def request_type_of_uncompliting_lessons(lesson): def delete_all(): visitations: List[Visitation] = lesson.visitations for visit in visitations: visit.delete() lesson.completed = False lesson.session().commit() def save_all(): lesson.completed = False lesson.session().commit() if len(Visitation.of(lesson, with_deleted=False)) == 0: save_all() else: self.request = QRequestUncompleteLesson(lesson) self.request.save_all.connect(save_all) self.request.delete_all.connect(delete_all)
def __init__(self, professor=None, groups=None, disciplines=None): lessons = Lesson.of(professor) if groups is not None: lessons &= Lesson.of(groups) if disciplines is not None: lessons &= Lesson.of(disciplines) self.rows: List[row] = [] for lesson in lessons: students = self._get_students(lesson.groups, groups) for student in students: visitation = Visitation.get(professor.session(),, status = 0 if not visitation else 1 self.rows.append( row(Vector(status, int(lesson.completed)), lesson, student)) Dict[Any, List[row]] = {} self.ignored = []
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=None): if role == Qt.EditRole: item = self.itemData(index) if value == True: if item is None: student = self.students[index.row()] lesson = self.lessons[index.column()] session = inspect(student).session visit =, session.add(visit) session.commit() session.expire(lesson) session.expire(student) else: item._is_deleted = False else: item.delete() item.session().commit() self.item_changed.emit(index.row(), index.column())
def test_visitation_simple(self): visit = Visitation(id=6, lesson_id=4, student_id=12) self.assertEqual(visit._dict(),
def mark_visit(student): visit = Visitation.get_or_create(self.session,, self.session.commit() self.session.expire(student) self.session.expire(self.lesson) self.new_visit.emit(visit, student, self.lesson)