def __init__(self, label, type, mayFail=False, fallbackLabel=None): '''Note: label can be a tuple : (module_label, collection_label, process)''' self.label = label self.fallbackLabel = fallbackLabel self.type = type self.mayFail = mayFail Handle.__init__(self, self.type)
def processSample(self): self.nTot = 0 self.nFailPF = 0 self.nPFMatched = 0 print self.files events = Events(self.files) vertices = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>") leps = Handle("std::vector<{}>".format(self.__class__.lepTypeStr)) pfCands = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate>") for iEv, ev in enumerate(events): if iEv % 5000 == 0: print "{} processing event {}".format(, iEv) ev.getByLabel(self.__class__.vtxCollection, vertices) try: pv = vertices.product()[0] except: print "WARNING: No good vertices in event {}. Skipping.".format(iEv) continue ev.getByLabel(self.__class__.lepCollection, leps) ev.getByLabel(self.__class__.pfCandCollection, pfCands) candHolder = PFCandHolder(pfCands) for lep in leps.product(): self.bookLepton(lep, candHolder) print "{} done! {} events processed.".format(, iEv)
def ReallyLoad(self, event): '''Load self from a given event. Call this function, and then just call self.product() to get the collection''' try: event.getByLabel( self.label, self) if not self.isValid(): raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: Handle.__init__(self, self.type) # must re-init, since otherwise after a failure it becomes unusable errstr = ''' Cannot find collection with: type = {type} label = {label} '''.format(type = self.type, label = self.label) if not self.mayFail and self.fallbackLabel == None: raise Exception(errstr) if self.fallbackLabel != None: try: event.getByLabel( self.fallbackLabel, self) if not self.isValid(): raise RuntimeError ## if I succeeded, swap default and fallback assuming that the next event will be like this one self.fallbackLabel, self.label = self.label, self.fallbackLabel except RuntimeError: Handle.__init__(self, self.type) # must re-init, since otherwise after a failure it becomes unusable errstr = ''' Cannot find collection with: type = {type} label = {label} or {lab2} '''.format(type = self.type, label = self.label, lab2 = self.fallbackLabel) if not self.mayFail: raise Exception(errstr)
def __init__(self, outfile, useGenWeight=False, triggerWeight = "noWeight"): """Initialization""" self.outfileStr = outfile self.useGenWeight = useGenWeight self.triggerFile = ROOT.TFile("TRIGGER_EFFIC.root") self.triggerHist = self.triggerFile.Get("TYPE12_TRIGGER_EFFIC").Clone() self.triggerWeight = triggerWeight self.allTopTagHandle = Handle ( "vector<ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> > >" ) self.allTopTagLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagP4") self.allTopTagMinMassHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>" ) self.allTopTagMinMassLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagMinMass" ) self.allTopTagNSubsHandle = Handle("std::vector<double>" ) self.allTopTagNSubsLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagNSubjets" ) self.hemis0Handle = Handle ("vector<ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> > >") self.hemis0Label = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagP4Hemis0" ) self.hemis0MinMassHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>" ) self.hemis0MinMassLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagMinMassHemis0" ) self.hemis0NSubjetsHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>" ) self.hemis0NSubjetsLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagNSubjetsHemis0" ) self.hemis0TopMassHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>" ) self.hemis0TopMassLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagTopMassHemis0" ) self.hemis0PassHandle = Handle( "std::vector<int>") self.hemis0PassLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "topTagPassHemis0" ) self.hemis1Handle = Handle( "vector<ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> > >") self.hemis1Label = ( "ttbsmAna", "wTagP4Hemis1" ) self.hemis1BdiscHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>" ) self.hemis1BdiscLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "wTagBDiscHemis1" ) self.hemis1MuHandle = Handle( "std::vector<double>") self.hemis1MuLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "wTagMuHemis1" ) self.hemis1Jet3Handle = Handle("int") self.hemis1Jet3Label = ( "ttbsmAna", "jet3Hemis1" ) self.weightsHandle = Handle( "double" ) self.weightsLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "weight" ) self.__book__()
def getWeightsFromEDMFile(edm_file_name, cross_section=1): if "/store/" in edm_file_name: edm_file_name = "/".join(["root://", edm_file_name]) elif not os.path.isfile(edm_file_name): raise FileNotFoundException("File %s was not found." % edm_file_name) events = Events(edm_file_name) eventsHandle = Handle("LHEEventProduct") lheLabel = getLHEInfoTag(events, eventsHandle) lhe_weight_sums = [] weight_ids = [] for i, event in enumerate(events): event.getByLabel(lheLabel, eventsHandle) lheStuff = eventsHandle.product() weights = lheStuff.weights() #orig = lheStuff.originalXWGTUP() if i == 0: weight_ids = [ for w in weights] lhe_weight_sums = [w.wgt for w in weights] else: for j, weight in enumerate(weights): lhe_weight_sums[j] += weight.wgt if cross_section != 0: norm = cross_section/lhe_weight_sums[0] lhe_weight_sums = [w*norm for w in lhe_weight_sums] return getVariations(weight_ids, lhe_weight_sums)
def main(): from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing options = VarParsing ('analysis') options.inputFiles = "/afs/" options.parseArguments() events = Events(options.inputFiles) nevents = 0 for event in events: h_jets = Handle("std::vector<std::vector<flashgg::Jet> >") event.getByLabel("flashggFinalJets", h_jets) print( "N(jets) = %i" % len(h_jets.product()) ) jets = h_jets.product()[0] for jet in jets: print( "jet pt = %f DeepCSVBDisc = %f" % (, jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb")+jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb")) ) h_dipho = Handle("std::vector<flashgg::DiPhotonCandidate>") event.getByLabel("flashggDiPhotons", h_dipho) diphos = h_dipho.product() print( "N(diphotons) = %i" %len(diphos) ) for dipho in diphos: print( "Diphoton pt = %f" % )
def __init__(self, cutsConfig, data_files): """ TwoMuonAnalyzer initializer """ self.muonHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Muon>') self.vertexHandle = Handle('std::vector<reco::Vertex>') self.cutsConfig = cutsConfig = Events(data_files) self.zMass = [] self.badZMass = [] self.zPt = [] self.badZPt = [] self.zPt1 = [] self.badZPt1 = [] self.zPt2 = [] self.badZPt2 = [] self.eta = [] self.badEta = [] self.chi2 = [] self.badChi2 = [] self.numValidHits = [] self.badNumValidHits = [] self.dB = [] self.distance = [] self.charge=[] self.edB = []
def getWeightIDs(edm_file_name) : if "/store/" in edm_file_name : edm_file_name = "/".join(["root://", edm_file_name]) elif not os.path.isfile(edm_file_name) : raise FileNotFoundException("File %s was not found." % edm_file_name) runs = Runs(edm_file_name) runInfoHandle = Handle("LHERunInfoProduct") lheLabel = WeightTools.getLHEInfoTag(runs, runInfoHandle) run = runs.__iter__().next() run.getByLabel(lheLabel, runInfoHandle) lheStuff = runInfoHandle.product() lines = [] for i, h in enumerate(lheStuff.headers_begin()) : if i == lheStuff.headers_size() : break hlines = [] isWeights = False for line in h.lines() : hlines.append(line) if 'weightgroup' in line : isWeights = True if isWeights : lines.extend(hlines) break return ''.join(lines).rstrip("<")
def fetchBMTF(event,isData,etaMax=1.2): bmtfH = Handle ('BXVector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand>') if isData: event.getByLabel('BMTFStage2Digis:BMTF',bmtfH) else: event.getByLabel('simBmtfDigis:BMTF',bmtfH) bmtf=bmtfH.product() bmtfMuons=[] for bx in [0]: for j in range(0,bmtf.size(bx)): mu =,j) pt = mu.hwPt()*0.5 K=1.0/pt K=1.181*K/(1+0.4867*K) pt=1.0/K #### phi=globalBMTFPhi(mu,'BMTF') rawP = rawPhi(mu) eta = mu.hwEta()*0.010875 if abs(eta)<=etaMax: b = BMTFMuon(mu,pt,eta,phi) b.rawPhi=rawP bmtfMuons.append(b) return sorted(bmtfMuons,key=lambda x:,reverse=True)
def count(inputPath): files = [inputPath] events = Events(files) handlePFMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFMET>") for event in events: run = event.eventAuxiliary().run() lumi = event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock() eventId = event.eventAuxiliary().event() event.getByLabel(("pfMet", "", "RECO"), handlePFMETs) met = handlePFMETs.product().front() print '%6d' % run, print '%10d' % lumi, print '%9d' % eventId, print '%10.3f' %, print '%10.3f' % met.px(), print '%10.3f' %, print '%10.2f' % (met.phi()/math.pi*180.0), print
def main(): preFnal = 'dcache:/pnfs/cms/WAX/11' preCern = 'rfio:/castor/' pre = preCern files = [pre+'/store/express/Run2010A/ExpressPhysics/FEVT/v4/000/138/737/FEC10B07-5281-DF11-B3D2-0030487A3DE0.root'] events = Events (files) handleBSpot = Handle ("reco::BeamSpot") label = ("offlineBeamSpot") #f = ROOT.TFile("analyzerPython.root", "RECREATE") #muonPt = ROOT.TH1F("muonPt", "pt", 100, 0.,300.) # loop over events i = 0 for event in events: i = i + 1 if i%10 == 0: print i event.getByLabel (label, handleBSpot) # get the product spot = handleBSpot.product() print " x = "+str(spot.x0()) if i==10: break
def analyze_gen(): events = Events ('/nfs/dust/cms/user/usaiem/gen/genall.root') handle = Handle ('LHEEventProduct') label = ("source") ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') # white background zmassHist = ROOT.TH1F ("zmass", "Z Candidate Mass", 50, 20, 220) zevts=0 wevts=0 hevts=0 for event in events: event.getByLabel (label, handle) lhe = handle.product() hepeup=lhe.hepeup() pup= hepeup.PUP idup= hepeup.IDUP mothup= hepeup.MOTHUP for i in idup: if abs(i)==23: zevts+=1 break elif abs(i)==24: wevts+=1 break elif abs(i)==25: hevts+=1 break print 'zevts',zevts print 'wevts',wevts print 'hevts',hevts
class Histo: def __init__(self, src, fillfn, *args): self.handle = Handle(src[0]) self.label = src[1] self.hist = ROOT.TH1F(*args) self.hist.Sumw2() if not fillfn: self.fillfn = lambda x: x[0] if len(x)>0 else 0 else: self.fillfn = fillfn self.weight_handle = None self.weight_label = None def fill(self, event): try: event.getByLabel(self.label, self.handle) if self.weight_handle: event.getByLabel(self.weight_label, self.weight_handle) if self.handle.isValid(): prod = self.handle.product() if self.weight_handle and self.weight_handle.isValid(): w = self.weight_handle.product()[0] else: w = 1.0 self.hist.Fill(self.fillfn(prod), w) except ValueError as e: print "Error while filling histogram: ", self.label, " ", str(e) sys.exit(1)
def fetchStubsOLDTheta(event,isData=True): phiSeg = Handle ('L1MuDTChambThContainer') if not isData: event.getByLabel('dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis',phiSeg) else: event.getByLabel('BMTFStage2Digis',phiSeg) return phiSeg.product().getContainer()
def __init__(self, msg, type, inlabel, outlabel, tests): self.msg = msg self.inhandle = Handle(type) self.outhandle = Handle(type) self.inlabel = inlabel self.outlabel = outlabel, self.tests = tests or []
def __init__(self, data_files): self.muonHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Muon>') self.vertexHandle = Handle('std::vector<reco::Vertex>') self.electronHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Electron>') = Events(data_files) self.f = ROOT.TFile("mytree.root","RECREATE") self.tree=ROOT.TTree("muons","muons tree") self.Muon_pt = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_eta = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_px = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_py = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_pz = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_energy = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_vertex_z = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_isGlobalMuon = array.array("i", [-999]*50) self.Muon_isTrackerMuon = array.array("i", [-999]*50) self.Muon_dB = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_edB = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_isolation_sumPt = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_isolation_emEt = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_isolation_hadEt = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_numberOfValidHits = array.array("i", [0]*50) self.Muon_normChi2 = array.array("d", [-999.0]*50) self.Muon_charge = array.array("i", [-999]*50) self.Vertex_z = array.array("d", [-999.0]) self.npart = array.array("i", [-999])
def setEventTree(self, event, expand_key_func=None): self.clear() handle = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>") event.getByLabel(self.collection, handle) def fill_tree(gen_particle, parent_item): expanded = False for p in xrange(gen_particle.numberOfDaughters()): p = gen_particle.daughter(p) item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem( parent_item, [ "%d" % p.pdgId(), "%d" % p.status(), "%f" %, "%f" % p.px(), "%f" %, "%f" % p.pz(), ] ) if not parent_item: self.addTopLevelItem(item) if expand_key_func and expand_key_func(p): expanded = True expanded = fill_tree(p, item) or expanded if parent_item and expanded: parent_item.setExpanded(True) return expanded for gp in iter(handle.product()): if not gp.mother(): fill_tree(gp, None)
def fetchStubs(event,ontime=True): phiSeg2 = Handle ('std::vector<L1MuKBMTCombinedStub>') event.getByLabel('simKBmtfStubs',phiSeg2) if ontime: filtered=filter(lambda x: x.bxNum()==0, phiSeg2.product()) return filtered else: return phiSeg2.product()
def fetchSegmentsEta(event,ontime=True): thetaSeg = Handle ('L1MuDTChambThContainer') event.getByLabel('dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis',thetaSeg) if ontime: filtered=filter(lambda x: x.bxNum()==0, thetaSeg.product().getContainer()) return filtered else: return thetaSeg.product().getContainer()
def get_info(infile,particle, outfile, histo, variable): ##################################### ################# File #file = ROOT.TFile(particle+"_tmp.root", "recreate") # open new root file #tree = ROOT.TTree("plots", "plots") # Open a tree #t.Branch(particle, n, particle'/D') events = Events (infile) handleGen = Handle ("vector<reco::GenParticle>") #label = "prunedGenParticles" label = "genParticles" #print handleGen histo.UseCurrentStyle() if particle in PDG.keys(): for event in events: #print event #nparticles = 0 event.getByLabel (label, handleGen) gens = handleGen.product() #storeParticles = std.vector(float)() Ptvector=[] # for p in gens: infoParticle = TLorentzVector() #print 'id',p.pdgId(), p.status(), 'status' #print 'name', p.pdgId(), p.status(), p.p4() tmpValue=0 if abs( int(p.pdgId()) ) == int(PDG[particle]): if p.status() == 3: #nparticles += 1 infoParticle.SetPxPyPzE(p.px(),,p.pz(), Ptvector.append(infoParticle.Pt()) if int(Variables[variable])==1: histo.Fill(infoParticle.Pt()) if int(Variables[variable])==2: histo.Fill(infoParticle.M()) if int(Variables[variable])==3: histo.Fill(infoParticle.Eta()) #histo.Fill(infoParticle.E()) if int(Variables[variable])==4: histo.Fill(len(Ptvector)) if int(Variables[variable])==11: histo.Fill(max(Ptvector)) #storeParticles.push_back(infoParticle.Et()) can = TCanvas('can', '', 800,600) histo.Draw() #if histo.GetNbinsX() > 50: #histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02) #else: #histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) can.SetBorderMode(0) can.SetBorderSize(0) can.SetFillColor(kWhite) can.SetLeftMargin(0.10) #can.SaveAs(allnames.replace('_','')+'temp.png') can.SaveAs(particle+'_'+variable+'temp.pdf') del can
def __init__(self): self.vertexHandle = Handle ('std::vector<reco::Vertex>') self.muonHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Muon>') self.selections = {} self.signal=0 self.background=0 self.corrector = ROOT.MuScleFitCorrector(getFullPath("MuScleFit/Calibration/data/MuScleFit_2012D_DATA_53X.txt")) # self.corrector = ROOT.rochcor2012() # self.corrector = ROOT.MuScleFitCorrector(getFullPath("MuScleFit/Calibration/data/MuScleFit_2012ABC_DATA_53X.txt")) self.processFunc = None
def __init__(self): self.vertexHandle = Handle('std::vector<reco::Vertex>') self.muonHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Muon>') self.electronHandle = Handle('std::vector<pat::Electron>') self.histograms = {} self.samples = ['data'] self.plots = {} for sample in self.samples: self.histograms[sample] = {} = []
def __init__(self, inputTrigs): self.rhoHandle = Handle("double") self.rhoLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "rho" ) self.myTrigIndexHandle = Handle( "std::vector<int>") self.myTrigIndexLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "myTrigIndex" ) self.prescalesHandle = Handle( "std::vector<int>") self.prescalesLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "prescales" ) self.trigNamesHandle = Handle( "std::vector<string>") self.trigNamesLabel = ( "ttbsmAna", "trigNames" ) self.trigs = inputTrigs
def get_info(infile,particle, outfile): ##################################### events = Events (infile) handleGen = Handle ("vector<reco::GenParticle>") label = "genParticles" if particle in PDG.keys(): # For histos hmass = TH1F( particle+' mass', particle+' mass',100,480,520) # gh 500 MeV #hmass = TH1F( particle+' mass', particle+' mass',100,980,1020) # gh 1 TeV #hmass = TH1F( particle+' mass', particle+' mass',100,160,180) # 4Top hmass.SetXTitle(particle+' Mass [GeV]') hnparticles = TH1F('number of '+particle+' and '+particle+'bar','number of '+particle+' and '+particle+'bar',5,2,6) #hpt2 = TH1F(particle +' pt', 'hardest '+ particle + 'pt',100,0,500) #hpt = TH1F('pt','pt',100,0,500) hpt = TH1F(particle+' pt','pt',500,0,1000) hpt.SetXTitle(particle+' pt [GeV]') heta = TH1F(particle+' eta',particle+' eta',100,-5,5) heta.SetXTitle(particle+' eta') # entry = 0 for event in events: #entry += 1 nparticles = 0 # print "Event ", count event.getByLabel (label, handleGen) gens = handleGen.product() highpt = [] for p in gens: #print 'id',p.pdgId(), p.status(), 'status' if abs( int(p.pdgId()) ) == int(PDG[particle]): if p.status() == 22: # 22 for ttbar, W and gh, 23 for 'final' particles nparticles += 1 # highpt.append( # print 'nparticles', nparticles hpt.Fill(float( heta.Fill(float(p.eta())) hmass.Fill(float(p.mass())) hnparticles.Fill(nparticles) # hpt2.Fill(max(highpt)) hmass.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outfile+'_'+particle+'_mass.png') # hpt2.SetFillColor(kBlue) # hpt.SetFillColor(kWhite) # hpt2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.,400) # hpt2.Draw() # hpt.Draw("same") hpt.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outfile+'_'+particle+'_pt.png') heta.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outfile+'_'+particle+'_eta.png') hnparticles.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outfile+'_'+particle+'_nparticles.png')
def make_handle(self, dtype): if dtype=="vfloat": self.handle = Handle("std::vector<float>") elif dtype=="float": self.handle = Handle("float") elif dtype=="double": self.handle = Handle("double") elif dtype=="int": self.handle = Handle("int") else: raise ValueError("Undefined type: %s" % dtype)
def test_dumb(): """Generator for events""" files = ["/Users/nic/cms/August11MC/Signal/BsmMassesSkim_Summer11_Sync.root"] fwlite_events = Events(files) handle = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>") for fwlite_event in fwlite_events: fwlite_event.getByLabel("patMETsPFlow", handle) met = handle.product()[0] print
def fetchStubsOLD(event,ontime=False,isData=True): phiSeg = Handle ('L1MuDTChambPhContainer') if not isData: event.getByLabel('simTwinMuxDigis',phiSeg) else: event.getByLabel('BMTFStage2Digis',phiSeg) if ontime: filtered=filter(lambda x: x.bxNum()==0, phiSeg.product().getContainer()) return filtered else: return phiSeg.product().getContainer()
def __init__(self, label, type, mayFail=False, fallbackLabel=None, lazy=True,disableAtFirstFail=True): '''Note: label can be a tuple : (module_label, collection_label, process)''' self.label = label self.fallbackLabel = fallbackLabel self.type = type self.mayFail = mayFail self.lazy = lazy self.isLoaded = False self.autoDisable = disableAtFirstFail; self.disabled= False Handle.__init__(self, self.type)
def fetchSegmentsPhi(event,ontime=True,twinMux=True): phiSeg = Handle ('L1MuDTChambPhContainer') if twinMux: event.getByLabel('simTwinMuxDigis',phiSeg) else: event.getByLabel('simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis',phiSeg) if ontime: filtered=filter(lambda x: x.bxNum()==0, phiSeg.product().getContainer()) return filtered else: return phiSeg.product().getContainer()
def fetchKMTF(event,etaMax=0.83,chi2=800000,dxyCut=100000): kmtfH = Handle('BXVector<L1MuKBMTrack>') event.getByLabel('simKBmtfDigis',kmtfH) kmtf=kmtfH.product() out=[] for bx in [0]: for j in range(0,kmtf.size(bx)): mu =,j) if abs(mu.eta())<etaMax and mu.approxChi2()<chi2 and abs(mu.dxy())<dxyCut: out.append(mu) return sorted(out,key=lambda x:,reverse=True)
import ROOT, sys from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle import numpy as np ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() #jobs=np.linspace(100, 1, 100) #jobs=[90] masses = [10, 30, 50] #masses=[50] #masses=[50] handleGenJet = Handle('vector<reco::GenJet>') labelGenJet = ('ak4GenJets') handleGenParticle = Handle('vector<reco::GenParticle>') labelGenParticle = ('genParticles') #prefix="root://" prefix = "/afs/" #for mass in masses: out = ROOT.TFile("h_plotSignalGen_2018.root", 'recreate') hJet1Pt = ROOT.TH1F("hJet1Pt", "leading jet Pt;P_{t};N_{events}", 150, 0, 1500) hDiTauM = ROOT.TH1F("hDiTauM ", "di-tau mass;M_{#tau#tau};N_{events}", 100, 0, 100) hDiMuM = ROOT.TH1F("hDiMuM ", "di-mu mass;M_{#mu#mu};N_{events}", 100, 0, 100) hDiMuDiTau = ROOT.TH1F("hDiMuDiTau ", "di-mu_di-tau mass;M_{#mu#mu#tau#tau};N_{events}", 200,
# Make VarParsing object # from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing options = VarParsing('python') options.parseArguments() # Events takes either # - single file name # - list of file names # - VarParsing options # use Varparsing object events = Events(options) # create handle outside of loop handle = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>") # for now, label is just a tuple of strings that is initialized just # like and edm::InputTag label = ("selectedLayer1Muons") # Create histograms, etc. ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() # don't pop up canvases ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') # white background zmassHist = ROOT.TH1F("zmass", "Z Candidate Mass", 50, 20, 220) # loop over events for event in events: # use getByLabel, just like in cmsRun event.getByLabel(label, handle) # get the product
events = Events(args.file) VERBOSE = args.verbose EVENTS = int(args.numEvents) SAVE = # vertexing information to store data = { "genParticles": {}, "sortedPrimaryVertices": {}, "offlinePrimaryVertices": {}, "offlinePrimaryVerticesWithBS": {} } sortedPV_handle = Handle('vector<reco::Vertex>') offlinePV_handle = Handle('vector<reco::Vertex>') offlinePVwithBS_handle = Handle('vector<reco::Vertex>') genParticles_handle = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>") print_indx = int(events.size()) / 10 if EVENTS > 0: print_indx = EVENTS / 10 for i, event in enumerate(events): # gen particles gen_pv_count = 0 event.getByLabel("genParticles", genParticles_handle) genParticles = genParticles_handle.product() data["genParticles"][i] = [] for P in genParticles:
def main(): from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing options = VarParsing('analysis') options.inputFiles = [ "/afs/" ] options.maxEvents = -1 options.outputFile = "fout.root" options.parseArguments() ###### save hisots in root file ###### fout = ROOT.TFile("output_3.root", 'RECREATE') ##### define Histograms ###### h_H_pt = ROOT.TH1F("gen_H_pT", ";Higgs p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_H_eta = ROOT.TH1F("gen_H_eta", ";Higgs #eta;Events;;", 50, -5., 5.) h_b_pt = ROOT.TH1F("gen_b_pT", ";p_{T}of b [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_b_eta = ROOT.TH1F("gen_b_eta", ";#eta of b;Events;;", 50, -5., 5.) h_y_pt = ROOT.TH1F("gen_y_pT", ";p_{T}of #gamma[GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500) h_y_eta = ROOT.TH1F("gen_y_eta", ";#eta of #gamma;Events;;", 50, -5., 5.) h_jet_pt = ROOT.TH1F("jet_pt", ";jet p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_jet_eta = ROOT.TH1F("jet_eta", ";jet #eta;Events;;", 50, -5., 5.) h_jet_deepcsv = ROOT.TH1F("jet_deepcsv", ";jet DeepCSV [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 1.) h_btaggedjet0_pt = ROOT.TH1F("btagged_jet0_pt", ";b-tagged leading jet p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_btaggedjet0_eta = ROOT.TH1F("btagged_jet0_eta", ";b-tagged leading jet #eta;Events;;", 50, -5., 5.) h_btaggedjet1_pt = ROOT.TH1F( "btagged_jet1_pt", ";b-tagged subleading jet p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0, 500) h_btaggedjet1_eta = ROOT.TH1F("btagged_jet1_eta", ";b-tagged subleading jet #eta;Events;;", 50, -5, 5) h_photon_pt = ROOT.TH1F("photon_pt", ";#gamma p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_photon_eta = ROOT.TH1F("photon_eta", ";#gamma #eta [GeV];Events;;", 50, -5, 5) h_photon0_pt = ROOT.TH1F("photon0_pt", ";leading #gamma p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500.) h_photon0_eta = ROOT.TH1F("photon0_eta", ";leading #gamma #eta [GeV];Events;;", 50, -5, 5) h_photon1_pt = ROOT.TH1F("photon1_pt", ";subleading #gamma p_{T} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 500) h_photon1_eta = ROOT.TH1F("photon1_eta", ";subleading #gamma #eta [GeV];Events;;", 50, -5, 5) h_njet = ROOT.TH1D("njet", ";Njet;Events;;", 15, 0, 15) h_nphoton = ROOT.TH1D("nphoton", ";Nphoton;Events;;", 5, 0, 5) h_dipho_mass = ROOT.TH1F("dipho_mass ", ";diphoton mass [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 200.) h_reconsM_photon = ROOT.TH1F("photon_recomass", ";M_{#gamma#gamma} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 200.) h_reconsM_bb = ROOT.TH1F("bb_recomass", ";M_{bb} [GeV];Events;;", 50, 0., 200) events = Events(options.inputFiles) nevents = 0 for event in events: if options.maxEvents > 0 and nevents > options.maxEvents: break ### Find gen particles h_prunedGenpar = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenParticle>") event.getByLabel("flashggPrunedGenParticles", h_prunedGenpar) particles = h_prunedGenpar.product() for p in particles: print('prunedgenparticles P pid = {} status = {}'.format( p.pdgId(), p.status())) if p.pdgId() == 25: h_H_pt.Fill( h_H_eta.Fill(p.eta()) if abs(p.pdgId()) == 5: h_b_pt.Fill( h_b_eta.Fill(p.eta()) if p.pdgId() == 22: h_y_pt.Fill( h_y_eta.Fill(p.eta()) h_photons = Handle("std::vector<flashgg::Photon>") event.getByLabel("flashggRandomizedPhotons", h_photons) print("N(photons) = {}".format(len(h_photons.product()))) photons = h_photons.product() h_nphoton.Fill(len(photons)) if (len(photons) >= 2): p4_g0 = ROOT.TLorentzVector() p4_g1 = ROOT.TLorentzVector() p4_g0.SetPtEtaPhiM(photons[0].pt(), photons[0].eta(), photons[0].phi(), photons[0].mass()) p4_g1.SetPtEtaPhiM(photons[1].pt(), photons[1].eta(), photons[1].phi(), photons[1].mass()) h_photon0_pt.Fill(photons[0].pt()) h_photon1_pt.Fill(photons[1].pt()) h_photon0_eta.Fill(photons[0].eta()) h_photon1_eta.Fill(photons[1].eta()) if photons[0].pt() > 20 and photons[1].pt() > 20: h_reconsM_photon.Fill((p4_g0 + p4_g1).M()) for gam in photons: print('photon pt = {}'.format( h_photon_eta.Fill(gam.eta()) h_photon_pt.Fill( h_packedGenpar = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedGenParticle>") event.getByLabel("flashggGenPhotons", h_packedGenpar) particles = h_packedGenpar.product() for p in particles: print('packedgenparticles P pid = {} status = {}'.format( p.pdgId(), p.status())) h_jets = Handle("std::vector<std::vector<flashgg::Jet> >") event.getByLabel("flashggFinalJets", h_jets) print("N(jets) = %i" % len(h_jets.product())) if len(h_jets.product()) <= 0: continue jets = h_jets.product()[0] h_njet.Fill(len(jets)) if (len(jets) >= 2): disc1 = jets[0].bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb") + jets[ 0].bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb") disc2 = jets[1].bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb") + jets[ 1].bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb") pt0 = jets[0].pt() pt1 = jets[1].pt() eta0 = jets[0].eta() eta1 = jets[1].eta() p4_b0 = ROOT.TLorentzVector() p4_b1 = ROOT.TLorentzVector() p4_b0.SetPtEtaPhiM(jets[0].pt(), jets[0].eta(), jets[0].phi(), jets[0].mass()) p4_b1.SetPtEtaPhiM(jets[1].pt(), jets[1].eta(), jets[1].phi(), jets[1].mass()) if disc1 > 0.4941 and disc2 > 0.4941: h_btaggedjet0_pt.Fill(pt0) h_btaggedjet1_pt.Fill(pt1) h_btaggedjet0_eta.Fill(eta0) h_btaggedjet1_eta.Fill(eta1) if pt0 > 25 and pt1 > 25 and abs(eta0) <= 2.5 and abs( eta1) <= 2.5: h_reconsM_bb.Fill((p4_b0 + p4_b1).M()) for jet in jets: print("jet pt = %f DeepCSVBDisc = %f" % (, jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb") + jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"))) deepCSV = jet.bDiscriminator( "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb") + jet.bDiscriminator( "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb") h_jet_pt.Fill( h_jet_eta.Fill(jet.eta()) h_jet_deepcsv.Fill(deepCSV) h_dipho = Handle("std::vector<flashgg::DiPhotonCandidate>") event.getByLabel("flashggDiPhotons", h_dipho) diphos = h_dipho.product() print("N(diphotons) = %i" % len(diphos)) for dipho in diphos: print("Diphoton pt = %f" % h_dipho_mass.Fill(dipho.mass()) nevents += 1 fout.Write() fout.Close()
foundRecoMatchesForAllObjects = True objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(1) objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(recoLeptonMatchedToWrDau) objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(recoLeptonMatchedToNuDau) objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(recoJetMatchedToLeadNuDauQrk) objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(recoJetMatchedToSubleadNuDauQrk) if(foundRecoMatchesForAllObjects == False): objsAndFoundMatchesList.append(0) return objsAndFoundMatchesList #end foundMatchingRecoObjects() # define handles and labels for TriggerResults, TriggerObjectStandAlone, and GenParticle collections trigResultsHandl, trigResultsLabel = Handle("edm::TriggerResults"), ("TriggerResults","","HLT") trigObjsHandl, trigObjsLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone>"), "selectedPatTrigger" genParticleHandl, genParticleLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "prunedGenParticles" recoJetsHandl, recoJetsLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJets" recoLeptonHandl, recoLeptonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons" # open one or more miniAOD .root files, and create an iterator to loop over the Event objects in the file(s) doMuonChannel = False doRECOCuts = True #apply cuts on reco objects which are matched to gen particles from WR decay chain allEvents = Events("/eos/uscms/store/user/skalafut/WR/13TeV/RunIISpring15_MiniAODSignalSamples/WRToNuMuToMuMuJJ_MW-800_MNu-400_TuneCUETP8M1_pythia8_13TeV_1.root") #dR matching thresholds for leptons and jets dRforJets = 0.4 dRforLeptons = 0.2 if(doMuonChannel == False):
# Make VarParsing object # from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing options = VarParsing('python') options.parseArguments() # Events takes either # - single file name # - list of file names # - VarParsing options # use Varparsing object events = Events('output_v2.root') # create handle outside of loop handle_ele = Handle("std::vector<pat::Electron>") handle_map = Handle("vector<pair<edm::Ptr<pat::Electron>,reco::Track>>") # for now, label is just a tuple of strings that is initialized just # like and edm::InputTag label_ele = ("slimmedElectrons") label_map = ("ttk", "eleTtkMap", "TTK") # Create histograms, etc. ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() # don't pop up canvases ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') # white background # loop over events for ii, event in enumerate(events): if event.eventAuxiliary().run() != 316060: continue
sys.argv = ['-b-'] import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) sys.argv = oldargv # load FWLite C++ libraries ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.FWLiteEnabler.enable() print 'Hello!' # load FWlite python libraries from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events muons, muonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons" electrons, electronLabel = Handle( "std::vector<pat::Electron>"), "slimmedElectrons" photons, photonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Photon>"), "slimmedPhotons" taus, tauLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Tau>"), "slimmedTaus" tauLabelb = "slimmedTausBoosted" jets = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>") fatjets, fatjetLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJetsAK8" fatgenjets, fatgenjetLabel = Handle( "std::vector<reco::GenJet>"), "slimmedGenJetsAK8" mets, metLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETs" vertices, vertexLabel = Handle( "std::vector<reco::Vertex>"), "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices" verticesScore = Handle("edm::ValueMap<float>") seenIt = { } # list of things we've seen (so that we dump them in full only once)
def __init__(self, label, edmtype, eval_list): self.label = label self.edmtype = edmtype self.eval_list = eval_list self.handle = Handle(self.edmtype)
mid = m.pdgId() while mid != 0 and mid != 2212: mid = traceHistory(m) return mid from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing options = VarParsing('python') options.parseArguments() outF = options.outputFile #get the events branch events = Events(options) # create handles genParticlesHandle = Handle('std::vector<reco::GenParticle>') genJetsHandle = Handle('std::vector<reco::GenJet>') # Create histograms, etc. mon = {} mon['zpt'] = ROOT.TH1F('zpt', ";p_{T} [GeV]; Events", 100, 0, 1000) mon['njets'] = ROOT.TH1F('njets', ";Jet multiplicity; Events", 10, 0, 10) mon['mjj'] = ROOT.TH1F('mjj', ";M_{jj} [GeV]; Events", 100, 0, 3000) mon['spt'] = ROOT.TH1F('spt', ";S_{p_{T}} ; Events", 100, 0, 1) mon['detajj'] = ROOT.TH1F('detajj', ";|#Delta #eta_{jj}|; Events", 100, 0, 8) mon['leadetaj'] = ROOT.TH1F('leadetaj', ";max |#eta_{j}|; Events", 100, 0, 6) mon['traileretaj'] = ROOT.TH1F('traileretaj', ";min |#eta_{j}|; Events", 100, 0, 6) mon['mjj_mpi'] = mon['mjj'].Clone('mjj_mpi') mon['spt_mpi'] = mon['spt'].Clone('mjj_mpi') mon['detajj_mpi'] = mon['detajj'].Clone('detajj_mpi')
def createPlots(sample,prefix,xsec,massbins,year): files=[] if sample.endswith(".txt"): filelist=open(sample) for line in filelist.readlines(): if ".root" in line: files+=[line.strip()] elif "HT" in sample: files+=["dcap://"+year+"/"+sample+".root"] else: folders=os.listdir("/pnfs/") for folder in folders: if sample in folder: files+=["/pnfs/"+folder+"/GEN.root"] #break prunedgenjets_handle=Handle("std::vector<reco::GenJet>") prunedgenjets_label="ak4GenJets" plots=[] for massbin in massbins: plots += [TH1F(prefix+'#chi'+str(massbin).strip("()").replace(',',"_").replace(' ',""),';#chi;N',15,1,16)] plots += [TH1F(prefix+'mass',';dijet mass;N',260,0,13000)] for massbin in massbins: plots += [TH1F(prefix+'#chi'+str(massbin).strip("()").replace(',',"_").replace(' ',"")+"_PU_Up",';#chi;N',15,1,16)] plots += [TH1F(prefix+'mass'+"_PU_Up",';dijet mass;N',260,0,13000)] for massbin in massbins: plots += [TH1F(prefix+'#chi'+str(massbin).strip("()").replace(',',"_").replace(' ',"")+"_PU_Down",';#chi;N',15,1,16)] plots += [TH1F(prefix+'mass'+"_PU_Down",';dijet mass;N',260,0,13000)] for plot in plots: plot.Sumw2() print plot.GetName() event_count=0 tree='Events' if "HT" in sample: tree="tree" events=TChain(tree) for f in files[:]: events.Add(f) nevents=events.GetEntries() print sample,nevents,xsec scales=["Nominal","PU_Up","PU_Down"] for event in events: #if event_count>10000000:break #if event_count>1000000:break #if event_count>100000:break event_count+=1 if event_count%10000==1: print "event",event_count jet1=TLorentzVector() jet2=TLorentzVector() if "HT" in sample: if event.jetAK4_pt2<30: continue jet1.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.jetAK4_pt1,event.jetAK4_eta1,event.jetAK4_phi1,event.jetAK4_mass1) jet2.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.jetAK4_pt2,event.jetAK4_eta2,event.jetAK4_phi2,event.jetAK4_mass2) nPuVtxTrue=event.nPuVtxTrue else: if len(event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product())<2: continue jet1.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[0].pt(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[0].eta(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[0].phi(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[0].mass()) jet2.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[1].pt(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[1].eta(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[1].phi(),event.recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.product()[1].mass()) nPuVtxTrue=event.PileupSummaryInfo_genInfo__GEN.product().pileup_TrueNumInteractions() if jet1.Pt()<100 or jet2.Pt()<100 or abs(jet1.Eta())>3 or abs(jet2.Eta())>3: continue irec=0 mjj=(jet1+jet2).M() chi=exp(abs(jet1.Rapidity()-jet2.Rapidity())) yboost=abs(jet1.Rapidity()+jet2.Rapidity())/2. for scale in scales: if scale[-1]=="p": weight=pileup_hists[year+"data_up"].Interpolate(nPuVtxTrue)/pileup_hists[year+"data_nom"].Interpolate(nPuVtxTrue) elif scale[-1]=="n": weight=pileup_hists[year+"data_down"].Interpolate(nPuVtxTrue)/pileup_hists[year+"data_nom"].Interpolate(nPuVtxTrue) else: weight=1. print weight, scale, event.nPuVtxTrue for massbin in massbins: if yboost<1.11 and mjj>=massbin[0] and mjj<massbin[1]: plots[irec].Fill(chi, weight) irec+=1 plots[irec].Fill(mjj, weight) irec+=1 #jets="recoGenJets_ak4GenJets__GEN.obj" #yboost='abs('+jets+'[0].y()+'+jets+'[1].y())/2.' #chi='exp(abs('+jets+'[0].y()-'+jets+'[1].y()))' #mass='sqrt(pow('+jets+'[0].energy()+'+jets+'[1].energy(),2)-pow('+jets+'[0].px()+'+jets+'[1].px(),2)-pow('+jets+'[0].py()+'+jets+'[1].py(),2)-pow('+jets+'[0].pz()+'+jets+'[1].pz(),2))' #for massbin in massbins: # events.Project(prefix+'#chi'+str(massbin).strip("()").replace(',',"_").replace(' ',""),chi,'('+yboost+'<1.11)*('+mass+'>='+str(massbin[0])+')*('+mass+'<'+str(massbin[1])+')') # #events.Project(prefix+'y_{boost}'+str(massbin).strip("()").replace(',',"_").replace(' ',""),yboost,'('+chi+'<16)*('+mass+'>='+str(massbin[0])+')*('+mass+'<='+str(massbin[1])+')') if "HT" in sample: event_count/=nevents for plot in plots: if event_count>0: plot.Scale(xsec/event_count) return plots
gSystem.Load("") AutoLibraryLoader.enable() #import EcalDetId #from DataFormats.EcalDetId import * # import sys, os file = 'EcalRecalElectron.root' file = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/data/Run2015D/DoubleEG/MINIAOD/PromptReco-v4/000/259/862/00000/389D079E-EA7B-E511-9506-02163E0141D8.root' file = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms//store/mc/RunIISpring15DR74/DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/Asympt25ns_MCRUN2_74_V9-v3/10000/72F7A0B6-8E14-E511-8EBA-6C3BE5B58198.root' print file events = Events(file) #handleElectrons = Handle('std::vector<reco::GsfElectron>') handleElectrons = Handle('std::vector<pat::Electron>') handleRecHitsEB = Handle( 'edm::SortedCollection<EcalRecHit,edm::StrictWeakOrdering<EcalRecHit> >') handleRecHitsEE = Handle( 'edm::SortedCollection<EcalRecHit,edm::StrictWeakOrdering<EcalRecHit> >') handleRecHitsES = Handle( 'edm::SortedCollection<EcalRecHit,edm::StrictWeakOrdering<EcalRecHit> >') handleRhoFastJet = Handle('double') handleVertices = Handle('vector<reco::Vertex>') electronTAG = 'gedGsfElectrons' #electronTAG = 'electronRecalibSCAssociator' electronTAG = 'slimmedElectrons' print "run lumi event isEB energy eSC rawESC e5x5 E_ES, etaEle, phiEle, etaSC, phiSC, clustersSize, nRecHits" for event in events: event.getByLabel('offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices', handleVertices)
def fetchCSCGEANT(event): geantH = Handle('vector<PSimHit>') event.getByLabel('g4SimHits:MuonCSCHits', geantH) geant = filter(lambda x: x.pabs() > 0.5 and abs(x.particleType()) == 13, geantH.product()) return geant
from __future__ import print_function import ROOT from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events events_c = Events('output_test_DDX.root') handleJ = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>") labelJ = ("selectedUpdatedPatJets", "", "PATtest") h_probQ_ddb = ROOT.TH1F('h_probQ_ddb', ';prob Q;', 40, 0., 1.) h_probH_ddb = ROOT.TH1F('h_probH_ddb', ';prob H;', 40, 0., 1.) h_probQ_ddc = ROOT.TH1F('h_probQ_ddc', ';prob Q;', 40, 0., 1.) h_probH_ddc = ROOT.TH1F('h_probH_ddc', ';prob H;', 40, 0., 1.) for iev, event in enumerate(events_c): event.getByLabel(labelJ, handleJ) jets = handleJ.product() for jet in jets: if < 300 or > 2000: continue if jet.mass() < 40 or jet.mass() > 200: continue print(, jet.mass()) print("DDB", jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepDoubleBvLJetTags:probQCD"), jet.bDiscriminator("pfDeepDoubleBvLJetTags:probHbb")) print( "DDB", jet.bDiscriminator( "pfMassIndependentDeepDoubleBvLJetTags:probQCD"), jet.bDiscriminator( "pfMassIndependentDeepDoubleBvLJetTags:probHbb"))
def cscSegmentsPhi(event, ontime=True, twinMux=True): phiSeg = Handle('std::vector<std::pair<CSCDetId,CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> >') event.getByLabel('cscTriggerHits', phiSeg) digis = phiSeg.product() return digis
ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) argv.remove('-b-') ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.AutoLibraryLoader.enable() from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events if len(argv) == 1: print "Usage: %s file.root" exit() events = Events(argv[1]) triggerBits, triggerBitLabel = Handle("edm::TriggerResults"), ( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT") triggerObjects, triggerObjectLabel = Handle( "std::vector<pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone>"), "selectedPatTrigger" triggerPrescales, triggerPrescaleLabel = Handle( "pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), "patTrigger" for iev, event in enumerate(events): event.getByLabel(triggerBitLabel, triggerBits) event.getByLabel(triggerObjectLabel, triggerObjects) event.getByLabel(triggerPrescaleLabel, triggerPrescales) print "\nEvent %d: run %6d, lumi %4d, event %12d" % ( iev, event.eventAuxiliary().run(), event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock(), event.eventAuxiliary().event())
ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) sys.argv = oldargv c = ROOT.TChain("Events") c.Add(sys.argv[1]) entries = c.GetEntries() # load FWLite C++ libraries ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.gSystem.Load("") ROOT.FWLiteEnabler.enable() # load FWlite python libraries from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events triggerBits, triggerBitLabel = Handle("edm::TriggerResults"), ( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT") triggerObjects, triggerObjectLabel = Handle( "std::vector<pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone>"), "selectedPatTrigger" triggerPrescales, triggerPrescaleLabel = Handle( "pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), "patTrigger" events = Events(sys.argv[1]) result = {} for iev, event in enumerate(events): event.getByLabel(triggerBitLabel, triggerBits) event.getByLabel(triggerObjectLabel, triggerObjects) event.getByLabel(triggerPrescaleLabel, triggerPrescales) result['run'] = event.eventAuxiliary().run()
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import ROOT from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() events = Events(sys.argv[1]) for event in events: lh = (("gedPhotons", "", "RECO"), Handle("vector<reco::Photon>")) event.getByLabel(*lh) photons = lh[1].product() for i, g in enumerate(photons): print(i,, g.hasPixelSeed(), g.hadronicOverEm()) print('-'*80)
ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() # don't pop up canvases creator = ComponentCreator() DYJetsToLL_M10to50 = creator.makeMCComponent( name='DYJetsToLL_M10to50', dataset= '/DYJetsToLL_M-10to50_TuneCP5_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/RunIIFall17MiniAODv2-PU2017_12Apr2018_94X_mc2017_realistic_v14-v1/MINIAODSIM', user='******', pattern='.*root', xSec=(1.581e+04) * 1.23, # +- 2.890e+01 pb useAAA=True) # fill with true interactions handle = Handle('std::vector<PileupSummaryInfo>') label = ("slimmedAddPileupInfo") nfiles = len(DYJetsToLL_M10to50.files) batch = 10 maxend = (nfiles - nfiles % batch) / batch + 1 print('\nnumber of batches: %d' % maxend) def makehistos(batch, i, maxend): totevents = 0 h_ti = ROOT.TH1F('pileup', 'pileup', 200, 0, 200) outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open('pileup_DYJetsToLL_M10to50_batch_%i.root' % i, 'recreate') begin = batch * (i)
#['/eos/cms/store/user/lecriste/muonSelectors/AODSIM/store+mc+RunIIAutumn18DR+JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8+AODSIM+PUAvg50ForMUOVal_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v2+90001+FD1B7E39-EBD0-AB4F-A8F1-B0FF2C232CCB.root', #'/eos/cms/store/user/lecriste/muonSelectors/AODSIM/store+mc+RunIIAutumn18DR+JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8+AODSIM+PUAvg50ForMUOVal_102X_] # MiniAODSIM #open(inputDatasets+"JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_13TeV-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD_102X_upgrade2018-MINIAODSIM.txt").readlines() #['/eos/cms/store/user/lecriste/muonSelectors/MiniAODSIM/store+mc+RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD+JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8+MINIAODSIM+102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1+270000+FE27B4EF-BB0C-F94F-8FFA-34ACC0934406.root', #'/eos/cms/store/user/lecriste/muonSelectors/MiniAODSIM/store+mc+RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD+JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8+MINIAODSIM+102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1+270000+FE663B04-41AE-7F42-892C-22891454BB2C.root'] # ForMUOVal #open(inputDatasets+"JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_13TeV-RunIIAutumn18DR_PUAvg50ForMUOVal_102X_upgrade2018-MINIAODSIM-eos.txt").readlines() ['/eos/cms/store/user/lecriste/muonSelectors/MiniAODSIM/ForMUOVal/JpsiToMuMu/store+mc+RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD+JpsiToMuMu_JpsiPt8_TuneCP5_13TeV-pythia8+MINIAODSIM+PUAvg50+102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1+90000+FF849E84-E9A2-544B-86A9-DA963C26EF9D.root'] }, 'maxBkgEff':0.15, 'name':'JPsiToMuMu' } } muonHandle, muonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons" ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ## ## Main part ## def LeptonMVA(muon, mva_threshold): dB2D = abs(muon.dB(ROOT.pat.Muon.BS2D)) dB3D = abs(muon.dB(ROOT.pat.Muon.PV3D)) edB3D = abs(muon.edB(ROOT.pat.Muon.PV3D)) sip3D = 0.0 if edB3D > 0: sip3D = dB3D / edB3D # dz = abs(muon.muonBestTrack().dz(primaryVertex.position()));
#eventsRef = Events('SinglePiPt1_ori.root') #eventsNew = Events('SinglePi1_vinpotmatch.root') #dir = "pi1" #eventsRef = Events("TTBAR_relval_ori.root") #eventsNew = Events("TTBAR_relval_vinpoptmatch.root") #dir = 'ttbar' eventsNew = Events("jetHT_reco_new2.root") # eventsNew = Events('jetHT_reco_newTkGeom.root') eventsRef = Events("jetHT_reco_710_ori.root") # eventsNew = Events('jetHT_vinoptmatch_3.root') dir = 'run2012C' tracksRef = Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>") tracksNew = Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>") label = "generalTracks" #quality = "tight" quality = "highPurity" #tracksRef = Handle("std::vector<reco::GsfTrack>") #tracksNew = Handle("std::vector<reco::GsfTrack>") #label = "electronGsfTracks" # quality = "loose" c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'vi', 200, 10, 1000, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(111111) gStyle.SetHistLineWidth(2) hh = TH1F("pt diff", "pt diff", 100, -0.001, 0.001)
def Match(inFiles, sample): h_npv = Handle("std::int") h_genparticles = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>") h_ak8_pt = Handle("std::vector<float>") h_ak8_eta = Handle("std::vector<float>") h_ak8_phi = Handle("std::vector<float>") h_ak8_e = Handle("std::vector<float>") l_npv = ("vertexInfo", "npv") l_genparticles = ("filteredPrunedGenParticles") l_ak8_pt = ("jetsAK8CHS", "jetAK8CHSPt") l_ak8_eta = ("jetsAK8CHS", "jetAK8CHSEta") l_ak8_phi = ("jetsAK8CHS", "jetAK8CHSPhi") l_ak8_e = ("jetsAK8CHS", "jetAK8CHSE") fileOut = rt.TFile.Open("jetMatchingTree_Hbb_t_" + sample + "_.root", "RECREATE") tree = Tree("jetMatchingTree", "Tree for matching AK8 jets to gen H and t", model=Event) evts_processed = 0 nOverallTop = 0 nOverallHiggs = 0 nPair = 0 for f in inFiles: events = Events(f) nevents = 0 for event in events: if evts_processed % 1000 == 0: print 'Events processed: ', evts_processed #if int(evts_processed) == 10000: break evts_processed += 1 event.getByLabel(l_npv, h_npv) event.getByLabel(l_genparticles, h_genparticles) event.getByLabel(l_ak8_pt, h_ak8_pt) event.getByLabel(l_ak8_eta, h_ak8_eta) event.getByLabel(l_ak8_phi, h_ak8_phi) event.getByLabel(l_ak8_e, h_ak8_e) if len(h_npv.product()) < 1: continue #if len(h_ak8_pt.product()) < 1: continue tree.npv = h_npv.product()[0] n_AK8 = 0 n_Higgs = 0 n_Top = 0 n_MatchedToHiggs = 0 n_MatchedToTop = 0 n_AK8MatchedToHiggs = 0 n_AK8MatchedToTop = 0 m_tH = 0 p4_Higgs = [] p4_Hdau0 = [] p4_Hdau1 = [] p4_Top = [] p4_W = [] p4_Tdau0 = [] p4_Tdau1 = [] p4_AK8 = [] if h_genparticles.product().size() > 0: for igen in xrange(h_genparticles.product().size()): pdgid = h_genparticles.product()[igen].pdgId() nDaughters = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].numberOfDaughters() if abs(pdgid) == 25: if nDaughters != 2: continue firstDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).pdgId() secondDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).pdgId() if abs(firstDaughter) != 5 or abs(secondDaughter) != 5: continue genPt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].pt() genEta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].eta() genPhi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].phi() genE = h_genparticles.product()[igen].energy() dau0Pt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).pt() dau0Eta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).eta() dau0Phi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).phi() dau0E = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).energy() dau1Pt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).pt() dau1Eta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).eta() dau1Phi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).phi() dau1E = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).energy() p4GenHiggs = rt.TLorentzVector() p4GenHiggs.SetPtEtaPhiE(genPt, genEta, genPhi, genE) p4Hdau0 = rt.TLorentzVector() p4Hdau0.SetPtEtaPhiE(dau0Pt, dau0Eta, dau0Phi, dau0E) p4Hdau1 = rt.TLorentzVector() p4Hdau1.SetPtEtaPhiE(dau1Pt, dau1Eta, dau1Phi, dau1E) p4_Higgs.append(p4GenHiggs) p4_Hdau0.append(p4Hdau0) p4_Hdau1.append(p4Hdau1) tree.pt_Higgs[n_Higgs] = p4GenHiggs.Pt() tree.eta_Higgs[n_Higgs] = p4GenHiggs.Eta() tree.phi_Higgs[n_Higgs] = p4GenHiggs.Phi() tree.e_Higgs[n_Higgs] = p4GenHiggs.Energy() tree.m_Higgs[n_Higgs] = p4GenHiggs.Mag() n_Higgs += 1 elif abs(pdgid) == 6: if nDaughters != 2: continue firstDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).pdgId() secondDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).pdgId() hadronic = False if abs(firstDaughter) == 24 and abs( secondDaughter) == 5 or abs( firstDaughter) == 5 and abs( secondDaughter) == 24: for idaughter in xrange(nDaughters): if abs(h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( idaughter).pdgId()) != 24: continue nGDaughters = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter( idaughter).numberOfDaughters() for igDaughter in xrange(nGDaughters): gDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(idaughter).daughter( igDaughter).pdgId() if abs(gDaughter) == 24: nggDaughters = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(idaughter).daughter( igDaughter).numberOfDaughters() for iggDaughter in xrange( nggDaughters): ggDaughter = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter( idaughter).daughter( igDaughter).daughter( iggDaughter).pdgId() if abs(ggDaughter) in xrange(1, 7): hadronic = True else: hadronic = False else: if abs(gDaughter) in xrange(1, 7): hadronic = True else: hadronic = False if not hadronic: continue genPt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].pt() genEta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].eta() genPhi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].phi() genE = h_genparticles.product()[igen].energy() dau0Pt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).pt() dau0Eta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).eta() dau0Phi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).phi() dau0E = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 0).energy() dau1Pt = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).pt() dau1Eta = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).eta() dau1Phi = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).phi() dau1E = h_genparticles.product()[igen].daughter( 1).energy() p4GenTop = rt.TLorentzVector() p4GenTop.SetPtEtaPhiE(genPt, genEta, genPhi, genE) p4Tdau0 = rt.TLorentzVector() p4Tdau0.SetPtEtaPhiE(dau0Pt, dau0Eta, dau0Phi, dau0E) p4Tdau1 = rt.TLorentzVector() p4Tdau1.SetPtEtaPhiE(dau1Pt, dau1Eta, dau1Phi, dau1E) p4_Top.append(p4GenTop) p4_Tdau0.append(p4Tdau0) p4_Tdau1.append(p4Tdau1) tree.pt_Top[n_Top] = p4GenTop.Pt() tree.eta_Top[n_Top] = p4GenTop.Eta() tree.phi_Top[n_Top] = p4GenTop.Phi() tree.e_Top[n_Top] = p4GenTop.Energy() tree.m_Top[n_Top] = p4GenTop.Mag() if firstDaughter == 24: tree.pt_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).pt() tree.eta_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).eta() tree.phi_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).phi() tree.e_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(0).energy() tree.m_W[n_Top] = p4Tdau0.Mag() elif secondDaughter == 24: p4_W.append(p4Tdau1) tree.pt_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).pt() tree.eta_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).eta() tree.phi_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).phi() tree.e_W[n_Top] = h_genparticles.product( )[igen].daughter(1).energy() tree.m_W[n_Top] = p4Tdau1.Mag() n_Top += 1 for ijet in xrange(len(h_ak8_pt.product())): jetPt = h_ak8_pt.product()[ijet] jetEta = h_ak8_eta.product()[ijet] jetPhi = h_ak8_phi.product()[ijet] jetE = h_ak8_e.product()[ijet] if abs(jetPt) < 300: continue if abs(jetEta) > 2.4: continue p4AK8 = rt.TLorentzVector() p4AK8.SetPtEtaPhiE(jetPt, jetEta, jetPhi, jetE) p4_AK8.append(p4AK8) tree.pt_AK8[n_AK8] = p4AK8.Pt() tree.eta_AK8[n_AK8] = p4AK8.Eta() tree.phi_AK8[n_AK8] = p4AK8.Phi() tree.e_AK8[n_AK8] = p4AK8.Energy() n_AK8 += 1 if p4_Higgs: for iHiggs in xrange(n_Higgs): if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Higgs[iHiggs]) > 0.3: continue if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Hdau0[iHiggs]) > 0.8: continue if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Hdau1[iHiggs]) > 0.8: continue tree.pt_MatchedHiggs[n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4_Higgs[ iHiggs].Pt() tree.eta_MatchedHiggs[n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4_Higgs[ iHiggs].Eta() tree.phi_MatchedHiggs[n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4_Higgs[ iHiggs].Phi() tree.e_MatchedHiggs[n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4_Higgs[ iHiggs].Energy() tree.m_MatchedHiggs[n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4_Higgs[ iHiggs].Mag() tree.pt_AK8MatchedToHiggs[ n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4AK8.Pt() tree.eta_AK8MatchedToHiggs[ n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4AK8.Eta() tree.phi_AK8MatchedToHiggs[ n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4AK8.Phi() tree.e_AK8MatchedToHiggs[ n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4AK8.Energy() tree.m_AK8MatchedToHiggs[ n_AK8MatchedToHiggs] = p4AK8.Mag() n_AK8MatchedToHiggs = n_AK8MatchedToHiggs + 1 if p4_Top: for iTop in xrange(n_Top): if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Top[iTop]) > 0.3: continue if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Tdau0[iTop]) > 0.8: continue if p4AK8.DeltaR(p4_Tdau1[iTop]) > 0.8: continue tree.pt_MatchedTop[n_MatchedToTop] = p4_Top[iTop].Pt() tree.eta_MatchedTop[n_MatchedToTop] = p4_Top[iTop].Eta( ) tree.phi_MatchedTop[n_MatchedToTop] = p4_Top[iTop].Phi( ) tree.e_MatchedTop[n_MatchedToTop] = p4_Top[ iTop].Energy() tree.m_MatchedTop[n_MatchedToTop] = p4_Top[iTop].Mag() tree.pt_AK8MatchedToTop[n_AK8MatchedToTop] = p4AK8.Pt() tree.eta_AK8MatchedToTop[ n_AK8MatchedToTop] = p4AK8.Eta() tree.phi_AK8MatchedToTop[ n_AK8MatchedToTop] = p4AK8.Phi() tree.e_AK8MatchedToTop[ n_AK8MatchedToTop] = p4AK8.Energy() tree.m_AK8MatchedToTop[n_AK8MatchedToTop] = p4AK8.Mag() n_AK8MatchedToTop = n_AK8MatchedToTop + 1 if p4_Higgs and p4_Top: m_tH = (p4_Higgs[0] + p4_Top[0]).Mag() tree.m_tH = m_tH if n_AK8MatchedToTop > 0: nOverallTop += 1 if n_AK8MatchedToHiggs > 0: nOverallHiggs += 1 if n_AK8MatchedToTop > 0 and n_AK8MatchedToHiggs > 0: nPair += 1 tree.n_AK8 = n_AK8 tree.n_Higgs = n_Higgs tree.n_Top = n_Top tree.n_AK8MatchedToHiggs = n_AK8MatchedToHiggs tree.n_AK8MatchedToTop = n_AK8MatchedToTop tree.nevents = nevents tree.fill() nevents += 1 print nOverallTop print nOverallHiggs print nPair tree.Write() fileOut.Close()
def processSubsample(file): events = Events (file) # create handle outside of loop genhandle = Handle ('std::vector<reco::GenParticle>') elehandle = Handle ('std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Electron,cmg::Electron> >') muhandle = Handle ('std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Muon,cmg::Muon> >') jethandle = Handle ('std::vector<cmg::VJet>') # like and edm::InputTag nevent = 0 for event in events: nevent += 1 if nevent % 10000 ==0: print "event: " + str(nevent) #print str(event.eventAuxiliary().run()) #print str(event.object().triggerResultsByName("CMG").accept("preselEleMergedPath")) # determine generated flavor and get generated kinematics haveleptons=0 havejet=0 havez=0 flavor="" genZlep = root.TLorentzVector() genlepton1p4 = root.TLorentzVector() genlepton1C = 0 genlepton2p4 = root.TLorentzVector() genlepton2C = 0 genjetp4 = root.TLorentzVector() event.getByLabel ("genParticles", genhandle) genparticles = genhandle.product() for genp in genparticles: if (abs(genp.pdgId())==11 or abs(genp.pdgId())==13) and genp.mother().pdgId()==23: #print "found lepton "+str(genp.pdgId()) if(abs(genp.pdgId())==11): flavor = "ele" if(abs(genp.pdgId())==13): flavor = "mu" if haveleptons==0: genlepton1p4 = genp.p4() genlepton1C = genp.charge() haveleptons=1 elif haveleptons==1: genlepton2p4 = genp.p4() genlepton2C = genp.charge() haveleptons=2 if abs(genp.pdgId())==23 and genp.numberOfDaughters()>0 and abs(genp.daughter(1).pdgId())<7: genjetp4=genp.p4() havejet=1 if abs(genp.pdgId())==23 and genp.numberOfDaughters()>0 and abs(genp.daughter(1).pdgId())>7: genZlep=genp.p4() havez=1 if haveleptons==2 and havejet==1 and havez==1: break #print str(nevent)+ " " + flavor # gen-level acceptance cuts: if<80: # hadronic Z acceptance cut continue if genjetp4.mass()<70 or genjetp4.mass()>110: # hadronic Z acceptance cut continue if (genlepton1p4 + genlepton2p4).pt() < 80: # leptonic Z acceptance cut continue if (genlepton1p4 + genlepton2p4).mass() < 70 or(genlepton1p4 + genlepton2p4).mass() >110 : continue if flavor == "ele": # electron acceptance if abs(genlepton1p4.eta())>2.5: continue if abs(genlepton2p4.eta())>2.5: continue if<40 or<40: continue if flavor == "mu": # muon acceptance if abs(genlepton1p4.eta())>2.4: continue if abs(genlepton2p4.eta())>2.4: continue if<20 or<20: continue if<40 and<40: contine if <30: # jet acceptance continue if abs(genjetp4.eta())>2.4: continue #fill pure gen info if flavor == "ele": histo_ele_gen.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) if flavor == "mu": histo_mu_gen.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) histo_jet_gen.Fill(,abs(genjetp4.eta())) if(event.eventAuxiliary().event() == 2434343111):# strange fualty event continue if(event.eventAuxiliary().event() == 43111):# strange fualty event continue #print str(event.eventAuxiliary().event()) # fill matched jets objects event.getByLabel ("jetIDMerged", jethandle) recojets = jethandle.product() closest = -1 closestDr = 99999. index = -1 for jet in recojets: index += 1 #acceptance cuts if jet.prunedMass() < 70 or jet.prunedMass() > 110: continue if < 80: continue if abs(jet.eta())>2.4: continue if not jet.getSelection("cuts_looseJetId"): continue if not jet.getSelection("cuts_TOBTECjetsId"): continue if jet.sourcePtr().get().userFloat("tau2")/jet.sourcePtr().get().userFloat("tau1") > 0.5: continue histo_jet_reco.Fill(,abs(jet.eta())) dr = deltaR(jet.eta(),jet.phi(),genjetp4.eta(),genjetp4.phi()) if dr < closestDr: closestDr = dr closest = index if index != -1 and closestDr < 0.8: # found a matching VJet histo_jet_genMatch.Fill(,abs(genjetp4.eta())) histo_jet_recoMatch.Fill(recojets[index].pt(),abs(recojets[index].eta())) if histo_jet_genMatch.FindBin(,abs(genjetp4.eta())) == histo_jet_genMatch.FindBin(recojets[index].pt(),abs(recojets[index].eta())): histo_jet_stab.Fill(,abs(genjetp4.eta())) histo_jet_pur.Fill(recojets[index].pt(),abs(recojets[index].eta())) #only proceed to leptons if event filters pass #this ensures trigger eff is taken into account #other event fitlers could go anywhere but need to be restricted to #either leptons or jets to avoid double counting if not event.object().triggerResultsByName("CMG").accept("eventFilterPath"): #print "failed trigger" continue #print "startele" # fill matched electrons objects if flavor == "ele": event.getByLabel ("ZeeCand", elehandle) recoeles = elehandle.product() closest1 = -1 closestDr1 = 99999. index1 = -1 for ele in recoeles: index1 += 1 #acceptance cuts if < 80: continue histo_ele_reco.Fill(,abs(ele.eta())) dr1 = deltaR(ele.eta(),ele.phi(),genZlep.eta(),genZlep.phi()) if dr1 < closestDr1 : closestDr1 = dr1 closest1 = index1 if index1 != -1 and closestDr1 < 0.5: # found a matching electron for genlepon1 histo_ele_genMatch.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) if histo_ele_genMatch.FindBin(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) == histo_ele_genMatch.FindBin(recoeles[index1].pt(),abs(recoeles[index1].eta())): histo_ele_stab.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) histo_ele_pur.Fill(recoeles[index1].pt(),abs(recoeles[index1].eta())) # fill matched muon objects if flavor == "mu": event.getByLabel ("ZmmCand", muhandle) recomus = muhandle.product() closest1 = -1 closestDr1 = 99999. index1 = -1 for mu in recomus: index1 += 1 #acceptance cuts if < 80: continue histo_mu_reco.Fill(,abs(mu.eta())) dr1 = deltaR(mu.eta(),mu.phi(),genZlep.eta(),genZlep.phi()) if dr1 < closestDr1 : closestDr1 = dr1 closest1 = index1 if index1 != -1 and closestDr1 < 0.1: # found a matching muctron for genlepon1 histo_mu_genMatch.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) histo_mu_recoMatch.Fill(recomus[index1].pt(),abs(recomus[index1].eta())) if histo_mu_genMatch.FindBin(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) == histo_mu_genMatch.FindBin(recomus[index1].pt(),abs(recomus[index1].eta())): histo_mu_stab.Fill(,abs(genZlep.Eta())) histo_mu_pur.Fill(recomus[index1].pt(),abs(recomus[index1].eta()))
import ROOT from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events events = Events( "root://" ) clusterSummary = Handle("ClusterSummary") h = ROOT.TH2F("h", "h", 100, 0, 20000, 100, 0, 100000) events.toBegin() for event in events: event.getByLabel("clusterSummaryProducer", clusterSummary) cs = clusterSummary.product() try: h.Fill( cs.GetGenericVariable(cs.NMODULESPIXELS, cs.BPIX) + cs.GetGenericVariable(cs.NMODULESPIXELS, cs.FPIX), cs.GetGenericVariable(cs.NMODULES, cs.TRACKER)) except TypeError: pass h.Draw() h.Fit("pol1")
#events_wgjets_3 = Events(['/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/','/afs/']) #events_wgjets_3 = Events(['/afs/']) xs_wgjets_1 = 60670 #xs_wgjets_1 = 10980 #xs_wgjets_1 = 495.8 #xs_wgjets_1 = 196.4 #xs_wgjets_1 = 179.1 xs_wgjets_2 = 178.6 xs_wgjets_3 = 10908 #xs_wgjets = xs_wjets lheinfo, lheinfoLabel = Handle("LHEEventProduct"), "externalLHEProducer" geninfo, geninfoLabel = Handle("GenEventInfoProduct"), "generator" genparticles, genParticlesLabel = Handle( "vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "genParticles" # loop over events count = 0 countweighted = 0 th1f_wgjets_1_njets = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 1 njets", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5) th1f_wgjets_2_njets = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 2 njets", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5) th1f_wgjets_3_njets = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 3 njets", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5) th1f_wgjets_1_nphotons = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 1 nphotons", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5) th1f_wgjets_2_nphotons = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 2 nphotons", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5) th1f_wgjets_3_nphotons = ROOT.TH1F("wgjets 3 nphotons", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5)
from ROOT import * from math import sqrt from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events events = Events("output.root") secondaryVertices = Handle("std::vector<reco::VertexCompositeCandidate>") mass_histogram = TH1F("mass", "mass", 100, 0.4, 0.6) dxy_histogram = TH1F("dxy", "dxy", 100, 0, 50) i = 0 events.toBegin() for event in events: print "Event:", i event.getByLabel("SecondaryVerticesFromLooseTracks", "Kshort", secondaryVertices) j = 0 sv = secondaryVertices.product() for vertex in sv: print " Vertex:", j, vertex.vx(), vertex.vy(), vertex.vz() mass_histogram.Fill(vertex.mass()) dxy_histogram.Fill(sqrt(vertex.vx()**2 + vertex.vy()**2)) j += 1 i += 1 c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) mass_histogram.Draw() c.SaveAs("sec_vert_mass.png") c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 800, 800) dxy_histogram.Draw() c2.SaveAs("sec_vert_dxy.png")
def main(): vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file( "../data/ugmt_constants.vhd") opts = parse_options() nSkip = opts.skip fname_dict = discover_emu_files(opts.emudirectory) # rankLUT = l1t.MicroGMTRankPtQualLUT() ALGODELAY = opts.delay + 27 #first frame with valid = 1 max_events = int((1024 - ALGODELAY) / 6) for pattern, fnames in fname_dict.iteritems(): print "+" * 30, pattern, "+" * 30 events = Events(fnames['root']) start = time.time() out_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') imd_bmtf_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') imd_emtf_p_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') imd_emtf_n_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') imd_omtf_p_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') imd_omtf_n_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::Muon>') bar_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand>') fwd_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand>') ovl_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand>') calo_handle = Handle('BXVector<l1t::MuonCaloSum>') basedir_mp7 = "../data/patterns/compressed/" path = '{path}/{pattern}/'.format(path=basedir_mp7, pattern=pattern) input_buffer = PatternDumper(path + pattern + ".txt", vhdl_dict, BufferWriter) output_buffer = PatternDumper(path + pattern + "_out.txt", vhdl_dict, BufferWriter) if opts.delay > 0: input_buffer.writeEmptyFrames(opts.delay) setup_time = time.time() - start avg_get_label_time = 0 avg_conversion_time = 0 avg_write_time = 0 output_buffer.writeEmptyFrames(ALGODELAY) cntr = 0 for i, event in enumerate(events): if i < nSkip: continue #print 'event: {evt} {evNr}'.format(evt=i, evNr=event.eventAuxiliary().event()) evt_start = time.time() event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", out_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", "imdMuonsBMTF", imd_bmtf_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", "imdMuonsEMTFPos", imd_emtf_p_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", "imdMuonsEMTFNeg", imd_emtf_n_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", "imdMuonsOMTFPos", imd_omtf_p_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtStage2Digis", "imdMuonsOMTFNeg", imd_omtf_n_handle) event.getByLabel("simBmtfDigis", "BMTF", bar_handle) event.getByLabel("simEmtfDigis", "EMTF", fwd_handle) event.getByLabel("simOmtfDigis", "OMTF", ovl_handle) #event.getByLabel("gmtStage2Digis", "BMTF", bar_handle) #event.getByLabel("gmtStage2Digis", "EMTF", fwd_handle) #event.getByLabel("gmtStage2Digis", "OMTF", ovl_handle) event.getByLabel("simGmtCaloSumDigis", "TriggerTowerSums", calo_handle) #event.getByLabel("emptyCaloCollsProducer", "EmptyTriggerTowerSums", calo_handle) #event.getByLabel("simGmtCaloSumDigis", "TriggerTower2x2s", calo_handle) get_label_time = time.time() - evt_start calo_sums_raw = calo_handle.product() calo_sums = get_calo_list(calo_sums_raw) emu_out_muons = out_handle.product() outmuons = get_muon_list_out(emu_out_muons, "OUT", vhdl_dict) imd_emtf_p_prod = imd_emtf_p_handle.product() imdmuons = get_muon_list_out(imd_emtf_p_prod, "IMD", vhdl_dict, 4) imd_omtf_p_prod = imd_omtf_p_handle.product() imdmuons += get_muon_list_out(imd_omtf_p_prod, "IMD", vhdl_dict, 4) imd_bmtf_prod = imd_bmtf_handle.product() imdmuons += get_muon_list_out(imd_bmtf_prod, "IMD", vhdl_dict, 8) imd_omtf_n_prod = imd_omtf_n_handle.product() imdmuons += get_muon_list_out(imd_omtf_n_prod, "IMD", vhdl_dict, 4) imd_emtf_n_prod = imd_emtf_n_handle.product() imdmuons += get_muon_list_out(imd_emtf_n_prod, "IMD", vhdl_dict, 4) emu_bar_muons = bar_handle.product() bar_muons = get_muon_list(emu_bar_muons, "BMTF", vhdl_dict, i) emu_ovl_muons = ovl_handle.product() ovlp_muons = get_muon_list(emu_ovl_muons, "OMTF_POS", vhdl_dict, i) ovln_muons = get_muon_list(emu_ovl_muons, "OMTF_NEG", vhdl_dict, i) emu_fwd_muons = fwd_handle.product() fwdp_muons = get_muon_list(emu_fwd_muons, "EMTF_POS", vhdl_dict, i) fwdn_muons = get_muon_list(emu_fwd_muons, "EMTF_NEG", vhdl_dict, i) conversion_time = time.time() - evt_start - get_label_time for mu in outmuons: if mu.bitword != 0: cntr += 1 input_buffer.writeFrameBasedInputBX(bar_muons, fwdp_muons, fwdn_muons, ovlp_muons, ovln_muons, calo_sums) output_buffer.writeFrameBasedOutputBX(outmuons, imdmuons) if i % (max_events - 1) == 0 and i != 0: # dump every max_events ifile = i / max_events print "Writing file {pattern}_{ifile}.zip for event {i}".format( pattern=pattern, ifile=ifile, i=i) dump_files(path, pattern, ifile, input_buffer, output_buffer, opts.delay, ALGODELAY) if (i + 1) % 1000 == 0: print " processing the {i}th event".format(i=i + 1) write_time = time.time() - evt_start - conversion_time avg_get_label_time += get_label_time avg_conversion_time += conversion_time avg_write_time += write_time print "total: ", time.time() - start print "setup: ", setup_time print "get_label:", "avg", avg_get_label_time / float( i + 1), "last", get_label_time print "conversion: avg", avg_conversion_time / float( i + 1), "last", conversion_time print "write: avg", avg_write_time / float(i + 1), "last", write_time print 'n final muons: ', cntr if i % (max_events - 1) != 0: ifile = i / max_events dump_files(path, pattern, ifile, input_buffer, output_buffer, opts.delay, ALGODELAY) print(i + 1) / max_events
## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ import ROOT import sys import copy from array import array from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") jethandle0 = Handle ("std::vector<pat::Jet>") jetlabel0 = ("slimmedJets") jethandle1 = Handle ("std::vector<pat::Jet>") jetlabel1 = ("slimmedJetsAK8") rhoHandle = Handle ("double") rhoLabel = ("fixedGridRhoAll") pvHandle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>") pvLabel = ("offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices") if options.smearJets and options.isData : print 'Misconfiguration. I cannot access generator-level jets on data. Not smearing jets.'
0.0003, 0.0005, 0.0012, ] # ctau weights, each coupling gets its own weight weights = OrderedDict(zip(new_v2s, np.ones(len(new_v2s)))) # add weight branches for vv in new_v2s: branches.append('weight_%s' %(str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))) branches.append('ctau_%s' %(str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))) branches.append('xs_scale_to_%s' %(str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))) handles = OrderedDict() handles['genP'] = ('genParticles' , Handle('std::vector<reco::GenParticle>')) #handles['genp_packed'] = ('packedGenParticles' , Handle('std::vector<pat::PackedGenParticle>')) #handles['lhe'] = ('externalLHEProducer', Handle('LHEEventProduct')) # output file and tree gymnastics #outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open('genNTuples_ctau100mm_fullEvtGen_10k.root', 'recreate') outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open('myGen_V31.root', 'recreate') #outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open('outputfiles/genNTuples_V04_semileptonic_higherDisplacement.root', 'recreate') ntuple = ROOT.TNtuple('tree', 'tree', ':'.join(branches)) tofill = OrderedDict(zip(branches, [-99.]*len(branches))) # initialise all branches to unphysical -99 # get to the real thing print 'loading the file ...' #events = Events('/pnfs/')
import ROOT import itertools import math from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle from Display import * hfH = Handle('std::vector<reco::PFRecHit>') ecalH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFRecHit>') ekH = Handle('std::vector<reco::PFRecHit>') hcalH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFRecHit>') genParticlesH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::GenParticle>') tracksH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFRecTrack>') ecalClustersH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFCluster>') hcalClustersH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFCluster>') #arborH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFCluster>') hcalSeedsH = Handle ('std::vector<reco::PFRecHit>') simH = Handle('std::vector<reco::PFSimParticle>') simHitsH = Handle('std::vector<PCaloHit>') simTrackH = Handle('std::vector<SimTrack>') simVertexH = Handle('std::vector<SimVertex>') events = Events('reco.root') for event in events: event.getByLabel('particleFlowRecHitHF',hfH) #event.getByLabel('particleFlowRecHitECALWithTime',ecalH) #event.getByLabel('particleFlowRecHitEK',ekH) event.getByLabel('particleFlowRecHitHBHEHO',hcalH) event.getByLabel('genParticles',genParticlesH) event.getByLabel('pfTrack',tracksH) #event.getByLabel('particleFlowClusterECAL',ecalClustersH)
def __init__(self, dtype, label): self.handle = Handle(dtype) if isinstance(label, tuple) or isinstance(label, list): self.label = tuple(label) else: self.label = (label, )