Пример #1
    def tryGetAsxURL(self, stream):
        """ give this the stream you want to play and this 
         will give you the
         url for the asx, play that url
         if it failes with an AuthError try Sirius.auth() and try again
         or use getAsxUrl


        postdict = {
            "channelKey": stream["channelKey"],
            "genreKey": stream["genreKey"],
            "categoryKey": stream["categoryKey"],
            "selectedStream": stream["selectedStream"],
            "stopped": "no",
        data = self.sirius.getURL("http://www.sirius.com/player/listen/play.action", postdict).read()

        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
            firstURL = soup.find("param", {"name": "FileName"})["value"]
        except TypeError:
            logfile("getasuxurl-ERROR.html", data)  # DEBUG
            log("\nAuth Error:, see getasuxurl-ERROR.html\n")  # DEBUG
            raise AuthError
        if not firstURL.startswith("http://"):
            firstURL = "http://%s%s" % (self.host, firstURL)
        asxURL = self.sirius.getURL(firstURL).read()
        log("asxURL = %s" % asxURL)
        return asxURL
Пример #2
    def tryGetAsxURL(self):
        """ give this the stream you want to play and this 
         will give you the
         url for the asx, play that url
         if it failes with an AuthError try Sirius.auth() and try again
         or use getAsxUrl


        postdict = { 'channelKey': self.__stream['channelKey'],
                     'genreKey': self.__stream['genreKey'],
                     'categoryKey': self.__stream['categoryKey'],
                     'selectedStream': self.__stream['selectedStream'],
                     'stopped': 'no',
        data = self.__getURL(

        data = self.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
            firstURL = soup.find('param', {'name': 'FileName'})['value']
        except TypeError:
             logfile("getasuxurl-ERROR.html",data) #DEBUG
             log("\nAuth Error:, see getasuxurl-ERROR.html\n") #DEBUG
             raise AuthError
        if not firstURL.startswith('http://'):
            firstURL = 'http://%s%s' % (self.host, firstURL)
        asxURL = self.__getURL(firstURL).read()
        self.asxURL = asxURL
        log('asxURL = %s' % asxURL)
        return asxURL
Пример #3
    def tryGetAsxURL(self, stream):
        """ give this the stream you want to play and this 
         will give you the
         url for the asx, play that url
         if it failes with an AuthError try Sirius.auth() and try again
         or use getAsxUrl


        postdict = {
            'channelKey': stream['channelKey'],
            'genreKey': stream['genreKey'],
            'categoryKey': stream['categoryKey'],
            'selectedStream': stream['selectedStream'],
            'stopped': 'no',
        data = self.sirius.getURL(

        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
            firstURL = soup.find('param', {'name': 'FileName'})['value']
        except TypeError:
            logfile("getasuxurl-ERROR.html", data)  #DEBUG
            log("\nAuth Error:, see getasuxurl-ERROR.html\n")  #DEBUG
            raise AuthError
        if not firstURL.startswith('http://'):
            firstURL = 'http://%s%s' % (self.host, firstURL)
        asxURL = self.sirius.getURL(firstURL).read()
        log('asxURL = %s' % asxURL)
        return asxURL
Пример #4
    def sanitize(self, data):
        """ Sanitizes Data against specific errors in the Sirus HTML that
        Beautiful soup can not handle.
        for sub in htmlfixes.subs:
            data = re.sub(sub[0], sub[1], data)
        logfile('sanitize.html', data) #DEBUG

        return data
Пример #5
    def sanitize(self, data):
        """ Sanitizes Data against specific errors in the Sirus HTML that
        Beautiful soup can not handle.
        for sub in htmlfixes.subs:
            data = re.sub(sub[0], sub[1], data)

        logfile('sanitize.html', data)  #DEBUG

        return data
Пример #6
    def tryGetStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of streams avalible, if it 
         failes with AuthError, try
          Sipie.auth() first, then try again
          Or use getStreams()

        allstreams = []
        url = 'http://%s/sirius/ca/servlet/MediaPlayer' % self.host
        hd = self.sirius.getURL(url)
        data = hd.read()
        if data.find('name="selectedStream"') == -1:  #IF NOT FOUND
            post = {'activity': 'minimize', 'token': self.token}
            hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
            data = hd.read()
        if data.find('unable to log you in') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            print 'LoginError, expired account??, see login-error.html'  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            #DEBUG 0
            print '\nLoginError: to many logins today? see login-error.html'
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        #self.__dbfd("miniplayer.html",data) #DEBUG XXX

    #data = open('small_playing_100.html').read() # DEBUG
        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
        for catstrm in soup.findAll('option'):
            if catstrm['value'].find('|') <> -1:  # IF FOUND
                chunks = catstrm['value'].split('|')
                stream = {
                    'channelKey': chunks[2],
                    'genreKey': chunks[1],
                    'categoryKey': chunks[0],
                    'selectedStream': catstrm['value'],
                    'longName': catstrm.contents[0].split(';')[-1].lower()

        if len(allstreams) < 5:
            print "ERROR getting streams, see streams-DEBUG.html"  # DEBUG
            #self.__dbfd('streams-DEBUG.html',data)  # DEBUG
            #return defaultstreams #TESTING
            raise AuthError
            return allstreams
Пример #7
    def tryGetStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of streams avalible, if it 
         failes with AuthError, try
          Sipie.auth() first, then try again
          Or use getStreams()

        allstreams = []
        url = 'http://%s/sirius/ca/servlet/MediaPlayer' % self.host
        hd = self.sirius.getURL(url)
        data = hd.read()
        if data.find('name="selectedStream"') == -1:  #IF NOT FOUND
            post = {'activity': 'minimize', 'token': self.token}
            hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
            data = hd.read()
        if data.find('unable to log you in') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            print 'LoginError, expired account??, see login-error.html' #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            #DEBUG 0
            print '\nLoginError: to many logins today? see login-error.html'
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        #self.__dbfd("miniplayer.html",data) #DEBUG XXX
      #data = open('small_playing_100.html').read() # DEBUG
        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
        for catstrm in soup.findAll('option'):
            if catstrm['value'].find('|') <> -1:  # IF FOUND
                chunks = catstrm['value'].split('|')
                stream = {
                    'channelKey': chunks[2],
                    'genreKey':  chunks[1],
                    'categoryKey': chunks[0],
                    'selectedStream': catstrm['value'],
                    'longName': catstrm.contents[0].split(';')[-1].lower()

        if len(allstreams) < 5:
            print "ERROR getting streams, see streams-DEBUG.html" # DEBUG
            #self.__dbfd('streams-DEBUG.html',data)  # DEBUG
            #return defaultstreams #TESTING
            raise AuthError
            return allstreams
Пример #8
    def tryGetAsxURL(self, stream):
        """ give this the stream you want to play and this 
         will give you the
         url for the asx, play that url
         if it failes with an AuthError try Sipie.auth() and try again
         or use getAsxUrl


        # Get hashkey , and the url for the asx
        post = {
            'activity': 'selectStream',
            'stream': stream['channelKey'],
            'token': self.token
        if self.settings.bitrate.lower() == 'high':
            post = {
                'activity': 'selectBitrate',
                'stream': stream['channelKey'],
                'bitrate': 'high',
                'token': self.token

        url = 'http://%s/sirius/ca/servlet/MediaPlayer' % self.host
        hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
        data = hd.read()
        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') > 0:  #IF FOUND
            print "Login Error: to many logins today?"
            print "     see getasxurl-DEBUG.html"
            logfile('getasxurl-DEBUG.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError

    #self.printcookies() #DEBUG
    #self.__dbfd ("streamselect.html",data) #DEBUG
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
            asxURL = soup.find('param', {'name': 'FileName'})['value']
            logfile("getasuxurl-ERROR.html", data)  #DEBUG
            print "\nAuth Error:, see getasuxurl-ERROR.html\n"  #DEBUG
            raise AuthError
        if not asxURL.startswith('http://'):
            asxURL = 'http://%s%s' % (self.host, asxURL)
        return asxURL
Пример #9
    def tryGetAsxURL(self, stream):
        """ give this the stream you want to play and this 
         will give you the
         url for the asx, play that url
         if it failes with an AuthError try Sipie.auth() and try again
         or use getAsxUrl


      # Get hashkey , and the url for the asx
        post = {'activity': 'selectStream', 'stream': stream['channelKey'], 'token': self.token}
        if self.settings.bitrate.lower() == 'high':
            post = {'activity': 'selectBitrate', 'stream': stream['channelKey'], 
                    'bitrate': 'high', 'token': self.token}

        url = 'http://%s/sirius/ca/servlet/MediaPlayer' % self.host
        hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
        data = hd.read()
        data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
        if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') > 0:  #IF FOUND
            print "Login Error: to many logins today?"
            print "     see getasxurl-DEBUG.html"
            logfile('getasxurl-DEBUG.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
      #self.printcookies() #DEBUG
      #self.__dbfd ("streamselect.html",data) #DEBUG
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
            asxURL = soup.find('param', {'name': 'FileName'})['value']
            logfile("getasuxurl-ERROR.html",data) #DEBUG
            print "\nAuth Error:, see getasuxurl-ERROR.html\n" #DEBUG
            raise AuthError
        if not asxURL.startswith('http://'):
            asxURL = 'http://%s%s' % (self.host, asxURL)
        return asxURL
Пример #10
 def tryGetStreams(self):
     """ Returns a list of streams avalible, if it 
      failes with AuthError, try
       Sirius.auth() first, then try again
       Or use getStreams()
     log("Getting streams ...")
     allstreams = []
     url = "http://www.sirius.com/player/listen/play.action?resizeActivity=minimize"
     hd = self.sirius.getURL(url)
     data = hd.read()
     if data.find('name="selectedStream"') == -1:  # IF NOT FOUND
         post = {"activity": "minimize", "token": self.token}
         hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
         data = hd.read()
     if data.find("unable to log you in") <> -1:  # IF FOUND
         logfile("login-error.html", data)  # DEBUG 0
         print "LoginError, expired account?"  # DEBUG 0
         raise LoginError
     if data.find("Sorry_Pg3.gif") <> -1:  # IF FOUND
         print "\nLoginError: to many logins today?"
         logfile("login-error.html", data)  # DEBUG 0
         raise LoginError
     data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
     soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
     for catstrm in soup.findAll("option"):
         if catstrm["value"].find("|") <> -1:  # IF FOUND
             chunks = catstrm["value"].split("|")
             stream = {
                 "channelKey": chunks[2],
                 "genreKey": chunks[1],
                 "categoryKey": chunks[0],
                 "selectedStream": catstrm["value"],
                 "longName": catstrm.contents[0].split(";")[-1].lower(),
     if len(allstreams) < 5:
         log("ERROR getting streams, see streams-DEBUG.html")  # DEBUG
         logfile("streams-DEBUG.html", data)  # DEBUG
         raise AuthError
         logfile("streams.log", repr(allstreams))
         log("Streams retrieved, see streams.log")
         return allstreams
Пример #11
 def tryGetStreams(self):
     """ Returns a list of streams avalible, if it 
      failes with AuthError, try
       Sirius.auth() first, then try again
       Or use getStreams()
     log('Getting streams ...')
     allstreams = []
     url = 'http://www.sirius.com/player/listen/play.action?resizeActivity=minimize'
     hd = self.sirius.getURL(url)
     data = hd.read()
     if data.find('name="selectedStream"') == -1:  #IF NOT FOUND
         post = {'activity': 'minimize', 'token': self.token}
         hd = self.sirius.getURL(url, post)
         data = hd.read()
     if data.find('unable to log you in') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
         logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
         print 'LoginError, expired account?'  #DEBUG 0
         raise LoginError
     if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
         print '\nLoginError: to many logins today?'
         logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
         raise LoginError
     data = self.sirius.sanitize(data)
     soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
     for catstrm in soup.findAll('option'):
         if catstrm['value'].find('|') <> -1:  # IF FOUND
             chunks = catstrm['value'].split('|')
             stream = {
                 'channelKey': chunks[2],
                 'genreKey': chunks[1],
                 'categoryKey': chunks[0],
                 'selectedStream': catstrm['value'],
                 'longName': catstrm.contents[0].split(';')[-1].lower()
     if len(allstreams) < 5:
         log("ERROR getting streams, see streams-DEBUG.html")  # DEBUG
         logfile('streams-DEBUG.html', data)  # DEBUG
         raise AuthError
         logfile('streams.log', repr(allstreams))
         log('Streams retrieved, see streams.log')
         return allstreams
Пример #12
    def tryGetStreams(self):
        """ Returns a list of streams avalible, if it 
         failes with AuthError, try
          Sirius.auth() first, then try again
          Or use getStreams()

        allstreams = []
        url = 'http://www.sirius.com/player/listen/play.action?resizeActivity=minimize'
        hd = self.__getURL(url)
        data = hd.read()
        if data.find('name="selectedStream"') == -1:  #IF NOT FOUND
            post = {'activity': 'minimize', 'token': self.token}
            hd = self.__getURL(url, post)
            data = hd.read()
        if data.find('unable to log you in') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            print 'LoginError, expired account?' #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        if data.find('Sorry_Pg3.gif') <> -1:  #IF FOUND
            print '\nLoginError: to many logins today?'
            logfile('login-error.html', data)  #DEBUG 0
            raise LoginError
        data = self.sanitize(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
        for catstrm in soup.findAll('option'):
            if catstrm['value'].find('|') <> -1:  # IF FOUND
                chunks = catstrm['value'].split('|')
                stream = {
                    'channelKey': chunks[2],
                    'genreKey':  chunks[1],
                    'categoryKey': chunks[0],
                    'selectedStream': catstrm['value'],
                    'longName': catstrm.contents[0].split(';')[-1].lower()
        if len(allstreams) < 5:
            log("ERROR getting streams, see streams-DEBUG.html") # DEBUG
            logfile('streams-DEBUG.html',data)  # DEBUG
            raise AuthError
            self.allstreams = allstreams
            return allstreams