#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from sys import platform
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import run_commands

# test for detection of backups
return_code_user_input_backups = [
    #(return_code, backup_command_list)
    (2, [Command('ls -l', 'Beginning backup command list if return code is 2.'),
         Command('sleep 2', 'End this back up list')]),
    (3, [Command('ps -a', 'Beginning backup command list if return code is 3.'),
         Command('echo "Howdy Partner"'),
         Command('sleep 2', 'End this back up list')]),

default_backup_list = [
    Command('echo "Yup, this one\'s the default backup list. try entering 2 or 3 for the return code."', 'Beginning of the default')

test_commands_linux = [
    Command('ls', "List files."),
    Command('sleep 1', 'Sleep for 1 second.'),
    Command('./examples/returncode.py', 'Run the program with user input.', critical=False, return_code_backup_command_lists=return_code_user_input_backups, backup_command_list=default_backup_list),
    Command('ps', "List processes.")

test_commands_windows = [
    Command('ls', "List files."),
    Command('sleep 1', 'Sleep for 1 second.'),
    Command('examples\\returncode.py', 'Run the program with user input.', critical=False, return_code_backup_command_lists=return_code_user_input_backups, backup_command_list=default_backup_list),
Пример #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import run_commands

# test for a single command
test_commands_1 = [Command('ls', "listing all the files in the current directory:")]

# test for multiple commands
test_commands_2 = [
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 5', visible=False),
    Command('touch dummyfile.txt', '~creating a new file'),
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 5', visible=False),
    Command('rm dummyfile.txt', '~removing the created file'),
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:')

# test to make sure aaaaa command fails and stops
test_commands_3 = [
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 5', visible=False),
    Command('aaaaa', '~bad input'),
    Command('ps -al', '~listing all the processes:')

# test to make sure jibberish command fails and continues
test_commands_4 = [
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 5', visible=False),
Пример #3
### Tutorial 3 ###
### Backup Command Lists ###

# When a command fails, you can supply a backup command list to execute afterwards.
# These backup command lists will execute in a recursively, resembling a tree-like
# logical structure with different branches.

# The main branch is given the name 'root', and the other branches will be named
# automatically based on their failed command(s) that caused their execution.

# Here's an example of a tree:
#      *Note that higher level backups must be declared first since other command lists
#       reference them.

DDD_backups = [
    Command('echo "We\'re in DDD\'s backup command list"',
            'Begin the backup command list:'),
    Command('ls', 'Listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('rm SUPER_COOL_FILE.txt', 'Removing the created file...'),
    Command('ls', 'Listing all the files in the current directory:'),

CCC_backups = [
    Command('echo "We\'re in CCC\'s backup command list"',
            '~Begin the backup command list:')

BBB_backups = [
    Command('echo "We\'re in BBB\'s backup command list"',
            'Begin the backup command list:'),
            'CCC has backups',
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command, run_commands

hello_commands = [
    Command('echo "Hello World! :)"'),
    Command('ls -l'),
    Command('sleep 2', visible=False),
    Command('ps -al'),

Пример #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import run_commands

# test for detection of backups
return_code_user_input_backups = [
    #(return_code, backup_command_list)
    (1, [Command('ls -l', 'Beginning backup command list if return code is 1.'), Command('sleep 2', 'End this back up list')]),
    (3, [Command('ps -a', 'Beginning backup command list if return code is 3.'), Command('sleep 2', 'End this back up list')])

test_commands_1 = [
    Command('ls', "List files."),
    Command('sleep 2', 'Sleep for two seconds.'),
    Command('./examples/user-input.py', 'Run the program with user input.', prompt_responses=['5', '3'], critical=False, return_code_backup_command_lists=return_code_user_input_backups),
    Command('ls', "List files."),
    Command('ps', "List processes."),
    Command('sleep 2', 'Sleep for two seconds.'),
    Command('sudo ./examples/user-input2.py', 'Run the program with user input.', prompt_responses=['4']),
    Command('sleep 2', 'Sleep for two seconds.')

print("\n\n\nRunning Test Commands 1:")
Пример #6
# Any other value for a return code means that something went wrong. There are
# countless internet resources that describe what each of these return codes signify.
# However, the specific return code values are not the focus of this exercise.
# For DeclarScript, all you need to know is this: given a return code, you can
# create a backup command list that will be triggered in the event of a specific
# return code. This "return_code_backup_command_lists" parameter is completely
# separate from the "backup_command_list" parameter for each Command, but they
# function nearly identially. Basically, just think of the backup_command_lists as
# a catch-all for most errors and return_code_backup_command_lists as situationally
# pertaining to specific errors.

# Let's look at an example:

# The following bunch command lists are referenced by the main return_code_backup_command_list
return_code_1_backup = [
    Command('sleep 1', visible=False),
    Command('echo "A partridge in a pear tree"')

return_code_2_backup = [
    Command('sleep 1', visible=False),
    Command('echo "Two turtle doves and"')

return_code_3_backup = [
    Command('sleep 1', visible=False),
    Command('echo "Three French hens"')

return_code_4_backup = [
    Command('sleep 1', visible=False),
Пример #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import run_commands

dddd_backups = [
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('touch dummyfile.txt', '~creating a new file'),
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('rm dummyfile.txt', '~removing the created file'),
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 2', '~sleep for 2 seconds:')

cccc_backups = [
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('sleep 2', '~sleep for 2 seconds:')

bbbb_backups = [
    Command('sleep 2', '~sleep for 2 seconds:'),
            '~cccc has backups',
    Command('should not execute anything past this since cccc is critical.',
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
    Command('ls -l', '~listing all the files in the current directory:'),
Пример #8
#   linux & osx: './tutorial_5.py --auto-respond'
#   windows:     'tutorial_5.py --auto-respond'

# This checks to see if "--auto-respond" second command line argument
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--auto-respond':
    userinput0_responses = [17, 16, 18, 288, 289,
                            17]  # numbers can be strings, ints, or floats
    userinput1_responses = [3]
    userinput2_responses = [
        'Y', 'Y', '100', 'N', 'N', '6', 'Y', 'N', 'purple', '17'

# linux and osx version
the_root_command_list_linux_osx = [
    Command('echo "DeclarScript is running, everything is going dandy."'),
    Command('sleep 2', visible=False),
    Command('echo "Oh, gee whiz. User Input. Just my luck. :("'),

    # you can also insert the user input in directly:
    Command('./tutorial_resources/returncode.py', prompt_responses=['0'])

# windows version
the_root_command_list_windows = [
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports

### Tutorial 1 ###
### Command Lists ###

# In all your python DeclarScript files, you must include the following import
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command, run_commands

# DeclarScript makes it easy to run multiple commands
# This is how you declare a list:
hello_commands = [
    Command('echo "Hello World! :)"'),
    Command('ls -l'),
    Command('sleep 2'),
    Command('ps -al'),

# This is how you run a list:

# Now try executing tut_1.
# Open up a terminal and navigate to the :
# >>> cd <some_file_path>/<your_DeclarScript_root_directory>/DeclarScript/getting_started"
# Run each of these files like so:
#     Windows:          $ tutorial_1.py
#     Linux & OSX:      $ ./tutorial_1.py

# After Running the tut_1 python script:
# You witnessed each of the commands executed in succession, followed
Пример #10
print("sys.path set to: " + str(root))

# Additionally remove the current file's directory from sys.path
except ValueError:  # Already removed

# run the program normally
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command, run_commands
from sys import platform

print('\n\n\n     #####     Test 1     #####')
tut_1 = [
    Command('echo "Hello World! :)"'),
    Command('ls -l'),
    Command('sleep 2'),
    Command('ps -al'),


print('\n\n\n     #####     Test 2     #####')
tut_2 = [
    Command('echo "Hello World! :)"'),
    Command('ls', message='List all the files in the current directory'),
    Command('ps', 'List the current processes', critical=False),
            'Bad command, it should fail...',
Пример #11
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import fiximports
from DeclarScript.DeclarScript import Command, run_commands

### Tutorial 2 ###
### Options & Defaults ###

# You have several options when declaring a single command.
# Here's some examples:

tutorial_2_commands = [
    # Just a single command with no options
    Command('echo "Hello World! :)"'),

    # providing a descriptive message for your command:
    Command('ls', message='List all the files in the current directory'),
    # since 'message' is the 2nd parameter you can omit 'message=' if you prefer.
    # ex: Command('ls', 'List all the files in the current directory'),

    # labeling a command critical. By default, all commands are critical.
    # 'critical' commands will stop the current command list if they fail
    Command('ps', 'List the current processes', critical=False),

    # retrying a command if it fails
            'Bad command, it should fail...',

    # making the setup around a command invisible
    Command('echo "I\'m invisible! \\(\'o\')/"', visible=False),