def _expand_root_node_single_move(self, state, legal_moves): """ Expands the current root in the case if there's only a single move available. The neural network search can be omitted in this case. :param state: Request games state :param legal_moves: Available moves :return: """ # request the value prediction for the current position [value, _] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state.get_state_planes()) p_vec_small = np.array([1], np.float32) # we can create the move probability vector without the NN this time # create a new root node self.root_node = Node(state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, clip_low_visit=False) if self.root_node.child_nodes[0] is None: # check a child node if it doesn't exists already state_child = deepcopy(state) state_child.apply_move(legal_moves[0]) is_leaf = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false # we don't need to check for is_lost() because the game is already over if state.is_loss(): # check if the current player has won the game value = -1 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None elif state.board.uci_variant == "giveaway" and state.is_win(): # giveaway chess is a variant in which you win on your own turn value = +1 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None # check if you can claim a draw - its assumed that the draw is always claimed elif ( self.can_claim_threefold_repetition(state.get_transposition_key(), [0]) or state.get_pythonchess_board().can_claim_fifty_moves() ): value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None else: legal_moves_child = state_child.get_legal_moves() # start a brand new prediction for the child [value, policy_vec] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state_child.get_state_planes()) # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small_child = get_probs_of_move_list( policy_vec, legal_moves_child, state_child.is_white_to_move() ) # create a new child node child_node = Node(state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small_child, legal_moves_child, is_leaf) self.root_node.child_nodes[0] = child_node # connect the child to the root # assign the value of the root node as the q-value for the child # here we must invert the invert the value because it's the value prediction of the next state self.root_node.q_value[0] = -value
def _select_node_based_on_mcts_policy(self, parent_node: Node): """ Selects the next node based on the mcts policy which is used to predict the final best move. :param parent_node: Node from which to select the next child. :return: """ child_idx = parent_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight).argmax() nb_visits = parent_node.child_number_visits[child_idx] return parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx], parent_node.legal_moves[child_idx], nb_visits, child_idx
def _expand_root_node_multiple_moves(self, state, legal_moves): """ Checks if the current root node can be found in the look-up table. Otherwise run a single inference of the neural network for this board state :param state: Current game state :param legal_moves: Available moves :return: """ is_leaf = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false [value, policy_vec] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state.get_state_planes()) # start a brand new tree # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small = get_probs_of_move_list(policy_vec, legal_moves, state.is_white_to_move()) chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) # create a new root node self.root_node = Node(chess_board, value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, is_leaf, clip_low_visit=False)
class MCTSAgent(AbsAgent): # Too many instance attributes (31/7) """This class runs simulations in the tree and updates the node statistics smartly""" def __init__( self, nets: [NeuralNetAPI], threads=16, batch_size=8, playouts_empty_pockets=256, playouts_filled_pockets=512, cpuct=1, dirichlet_epsilon=0.25, dirichlet_alpha=0.2, max_search_depth=15, temperature=0.0, temperature_moves=4, q_value_weight=0.0, virtual_loss=3, verbose=True, min_movetime=100, enhance_checks=False, enhance_captures=False, use_future_q_values=False, use_pruning=True, use_time_management=True, use_transposition_table=True, opening_guard_moves=0, u_init_divisor=1, ): # Too many arguments (21/5) - Too many local variables (29/15) """ Constructor of the MCTSAgent. :param nets: NeuralNetAPI handle which is used to communicate with the neural network :param threads: Number of threads to evaluate the nodes in parallel :param batch_size: Fixed batch_size which is used in the network prediction service. The batch_size coordinates the prediction flow for the network-prediction service. Using a mxnet executor object which uses a fixed batch_size is faster than accepting arbitrary batch_sizes. :param playouts_empty_pockets: Number of playouts/simulations which will be done if the Crazyhouse-Pockets of both players are empty. :param playouts_filled_pockets: Number of playouts/simulations which will be done if at least one player has a piece in their pocket. The number of legal-moves is higher when drop moves are available. :param cpuct: CPUCT-value which weights the balance between the policy/action and value term. The play style depends strongly on this value. :param dirichlet_epsilon: Weigh value for the dirichlet noise. If 0. -> no noise. If 1. -> complete noise. The dirichlet noise ensures that unlikely nodes can be explored :param dirichlet_alpha: Alpha parameter of the dirichlet noise which is applied to the prior policy for the current root node: :param max_search_depth: Maximum search depth to reach in the current search tree. If the depth has been reached the evaluation stops. :param temperature: The temperature parameters is an exponential scaling factor which is applied to the posterior policy. Afterwards the chosen move to play is sampled from this policy. Range: [0.,1.]: If 0. -> Deterministic policy. The move is chosen with the highest probability If 1. -> Pure random sampling policy. The move is sampled from the posterior without any scaling being applied. :param temperature_moves: Number of full moves in which the temperature parameter will be applied. Otherwise the temperature will be set to 0 for deterministic play. :param: q_value_weight: Float indicating how the number of visits and the q-values should be mixed. Expected to be in range [0.,1.] :param virtual_loss: An artificial loss term which is applied to each node which is currently being visited. This term make it look like that the current visit of this node led to +X losses where X is the virtual loss. This prevents that every thread will evaluate the same node. :param verbose: Defines weather to print out info messages for the current calculated line :param min_movetime: Minimum time in milliseconds to search for the best move :param enhance_checks: Decide whether to increase the probability for checking moves below 10% by 10%. This lowers the chance of missing forced mates and possible direct mate threats. Currently it is only applied to the root node and its direct child node due to runtime costs. :param enhance_captures: Decide whether to increase the probability for capture moves below 10% by 5%. This lowers the chance of missing captures. Currently it is only applied to the root node and its direct child node due to runtime costs. :param use_time_management: If set to true the mcts will spent less time on "obvious" moves an allocate a time buffer for more critical moves. :param use_transposition_table: Stores a transposition table for all nodes to modify the tree structure for transpositions. Enables reaching higher depth with same number of nodes. :param opening_guard_moves: Number of moves for which the exploration is limited (only recommended for . Moves which have a prior probability < 5%) are clipped and not evaluated. If 0 no clipping will be done in the opening. :param use_future_q_values: If set True, the q-values of the most visited child nodes will be updated by taking the minimum of both the current and future q-values. :param u_init_divisor: Division factor for calculating the u-value in select_node(). Default value is 1.0 to avoid division by 0. Values smaller 1.0 increases the chance of exploring each node at least once. This value must be greater 0. """ super().__init__(temperature, temperature_moves, verbose) self.root_node = None # the root node contains all references to its child nodes self.max_depth = 10 # stores the links for all nodes self.node_lookup = {} # stores a lookup for all possible board states after the opposite player played its move self.nets = nets # get the network reference self.virtual_loss = virtual_loss if cpuct < 0.01 or cpuct > 10: raise Exception( "You might have confused centi-cpuct with cpuct." "The requested cpuct is beyond reasonable range: cpuct should be around > 0.01 and < 10." ) self.cpuct = cpuct self.max_search_depth = max_search_depth self.threads = threads # check for possible issues when giving an illegal batch_size and number of threads combination if batch_size > threads: raise Exception( "info string The given batch_size %d is higher than the number of threads %d. " "The maximum legal batch_size is the same as the number of threads (here: %d) " % (batch_size, threads, threads) ) if threads % batch_size != 0: raise Exception( "You requested an illegal combination of threads %d and batch_size %d." " The batch_size must be a divisor of the number of threads" % (threads, batch_size) ) self.batch_size = batch_size self.my_pipe_endings = [] # create pip endings for itself and the prediction service pip_endings_external = [] for i in range(threads): ending1, ending2 = Pipe() self.my_pipe_endings.append(ending1) pip_endings_external.append(ending2) self.nb_playouts_empty_pockets = playouts_empty_pockets self.nb_playouts_filled_pockets = playouts_filled_pockets self.dirichlet_alpha = dirichlet_alpha self.dirichlet_epsilon = dirichlet_epsilon self.movetime_ms = min_movetime self.q_value_weight = q_value_weight self.enhance_checks = enhance_checks self.enhance_captures = enhance_captures # temporary variables # time counter - n° of nodes stored to measure the nps - priority policy for the root node self.t_start_eval = self.total_nodes_pre_search = self.root_node_prior_policy = None # allocate shared memory for communicating with the network prediction service self.batch_state_planes = np.zeros((self.threads, NB_CHANNELS_TOTAL, BOARD_HEIGHT, BOARD_WIDTH), DTYPE) self.batch_value_results = np.zeros(self.threads, DTYPE) self.batch_policy_results = np.zeros((self.threads, NB_LABELS), DTYPE) # initialize the NetworkPredictionService and give the pointers to the shared memory self.net_pred_services = [] nb_pipes = self.threads // len(nets) for i, net in enumerate(nets): # create multiple gpu-access points net_pred_service = NetPredService( pip_endings_external[i * nb_pipes : (i + 1) * nb_pipes], net, batch_size, self.batch_state_planes, self.batch_value_results, self.batch_policy_results, ) self.net_pred_services.append(net_pred_service) self.transposition_table = collections.Counter() self.send_batches = False self.use_pruning = use_pruning self.time_buffer_ms = 0 self.use_time_management = use_time_management if self.use_pruning: # pruning is incompatible with transposition usage self.use_transposition_table = False else: self.use_transposition_table = use_transposition_table self.opening_guard_moves = opening_guard_moves self.use_future_q_values = use_future_q_values if u_init_divisor <= 0 or u_init_divisor > 1: raise Exception("The value for the u-value initial divisor must be in (0,1]") self.u_init_divisor = u_init_divisor def evaluate_board_state(self, state: GameState): # Probably is better to be refactored """ Analyzes the current board state. This is the main method which get called by the uci interface or analysis request. :param state: Actual game state to evaluate for the MCTS :return: """ # Too many local variables (28/15) - Too many branches (25/12) - Too many statements (75/50) self.t_start_eval = time() # store the time at which the search started if not self.net_pred_services[0].running: # check if the net prediction service has already been started for net_pred_service in self.net_pred_services: # start the prediction daemon thread net_pred_service.start() legal_moves = state.get_legal_moves() # list of all possible legal move in the current board position if not legal_moves: # consistency check raise Exception("The given board state has no legal move available") key = state.get_transposition_key() + ( state.get_fullmove_number(), ) # check first if the the current tree can be reused if not self.use_pruning and key in self.node_lookup: chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() self.root_node = self.node_lookup[key] # if key in self.node_lookup: if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, self.root_node.policy_prob) # enhance checks for all direct child nodes for child_node in self.root_node.child_nodes: if child_node: self._enhance_captures(child_node.board, child_node.legal_moves, child_node.policy_prob) if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, self.root_node.policy_prob) # enhance checks for all direct child nodes for child_node in self.root_node.child_nodes: if child_node: self._enhance_checks(child_node.board, child_node.legal_moves, child_node.policy_prob) logging.debug( "Reuse the search tree. Number of nodes in search tree: %d", self.root_node.nb_total_expanded_child_nodes, ) self.total_nodes_pre_search = deepcopy(self.root_node.n_sum) else: logging.debug("Starting a brand new search tree...") self.root_node = None self.total_nodes_pre_search = 0 if len(legal_moves) == 1: # check for fast way out max_depth_reached = 1 # if there's only a single legal move you only must go 1 depth if self.root_node is None: # conduct all necessary steps for fastest way out self._expand_root_node_single_move(state, legal_moves) # increase the move time buffer # subtract half a second as a constant for possible delay self.time_buffer_ms += max(self.movetime_ms - 500, 0) else: if self.root_node is None: self._expand_root_node_multiple_moves(state, legal_moves) # run a single expansion on the root node # opening guard if state.get_fullmove_number() <= self.opening_guard_moves: # 100: #7: #10: self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.policy_prob < 5e-2] = -9999 # elif len(legal_moves) > 50: # self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.policy_prob < 1e-3] = -9999 # conduct the mcts-search based on the given settings max_depth_reached = self._run_mcts_search(state) t_elapsed = time() - self.t_start_eval print("info string move overhead is %dms" % (t_elapsed * 1000 - self.movetime_ms)) # receive the policy vector based on the MCTS search p_vec_small = self.root_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight) # , xth_n_max=xth_n_max, is_root=True) if self.use_future_q_values: # use q-future value to update the q-values of direct child nodes q_future, indices = self.get_last_q_values(min_nb_visits=5, max_depth=5) #25) # self.root_node.q_value = 0.5 * self.root_node.q_value + 0.5 * q_future # TODO: make this matrix vector form if max_depth_reached >= 5: for idx in indices: self.root_node.q_value[idx] = min(self.root_node.q_value[idx], q_future[idx]) p_vec_small = self.root_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight) # if self.use_pruning is False: self.node_lookup[key] = self.root_node # store the current root in the lookup table best_child_idx = p_vec_small.argmax() # select the q-value according to the mcts best child value value = self.root_node.q_value[best_child_idx] # value = orig_q[best_child_idx] lst_best_moves, _ = self.get_calculated_line() str_moves = self._mv_list_to_str(lst_best_moves) node_searched = int(self.root_node.n_sum - self.total_nodes_pre_search) # show the best calculated line time_e = time() - self.t_start_eval # In uci the depth is given using half-moves notation also called plies if len(legal_moves) != len(p_vec_small): raise Exception( "Legal move list %s with length %s is incompatible to policy vector %s" " with shape %s for board state %s and nodes legal move list: %s" % (legal_moves, len(legal_moves), p_vec_small, p_vec_small.shape, state, self.root_node.legal_moves) ) # define the remaining return variables centipawns = value_to_centipawn(value) depth = max_depth_reached nodes = node_searched time_elapsed_s = time_e * 1000 # avoid division by 0 if time_e > 0.0: nps = node_searched / time_e else: # return a high constant in otherwise nps = 999999999 pv = str_moves if self.verbose: score = "score cp %d depth %d nodes %d time %d nps %d pv %s" % ( centipawns, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv, )"info string %s", score) return value, legal_moves, p_vec_small, centipawns, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv @staticmethod def _enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, policy_prob): """ Increases the probability by 10% for checking moves lower than 10% in policy_prob :param chess_board: Board state :param legal_moves: List of legal moves in the position :param policy_prob: Numpy probability vector for each move. Note this variable will be modified. :return: """ check_mask, nb_checks = get_check_move_mask(chess_board, legal_moves) if nb_checks > 0: # increase chances of checking policy_prob[np.logical_and(check_mask, policy_prob < 0.1)] += 0.1 # normalize back to 1.0 if policy_prob is not None: policy_prob /= policy_prob.sum() @staticmethod def _enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, policy_prob): """ Increases the probability by 5% for capturing moves lower than 10% in policy_prob :param chess_board: Board state :param legal_moves: List of legal moves in the position :param policy_prob: Numpy probability vector for each move. Note this variable will be modified. :return: """ for capture_move in chess_board.generate_legal_captures(): index = legal_moves.index(capture_move) if policy_prob[index] < 0.04: policy_prob[index] += 0.04 if policy_prob is not None: policy_prob /= policy_prob.sum() def _expand_root_node_multiple_moves(self, state, legal_moves): """ Checks if the current root node can be found in the look-up table. Otherwise run a single inference of the neural network for this board state :param state: Current game state :param legal_moves: Available moves :return: """ is_leaf = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false [value, policy_vec] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state.get_state_planes()) # start a brand new tree # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small = get_probs_of_move_list(policy_vec, legal_moves, state.is_white_to_move()) chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) # create a new root node self.root_node = Node(chess_board, value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, is_leaf, clip_low_visit=False) def _expand_root_node_single_move(self, state, legal_moves): """ Expands the current root in the case if there's only a single move available. The neural network search can be omitted in this case. :param state: Request games state :param legal_moves: Available moves :return: """ # request the value prediction for the current position [value, _] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state.get_state_planes()) p_vec_small = np.array([1], np.float32) # we can create the move probability vector without the NN this time # create a new root node self.root_node = Node(state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, clip_low_visit=False) if self.root_node.child_nodes[0] is None: # check a child node if it doesn't exists already state_child = deepcopy(state) state_child.apply_move(legal_moves[0]) is_leaf = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false # we don't need to check for is_lost() because the game is already over if state.is_loss(): # check if the current player has won the game value = -1 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None elif state.board.uci_variant == "giveaway" and state.is_win(): # giveaway chess is a variant in which you win on your own turn value = +1 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None # check if you can claim a draw - its assumed that the draw is always claimed elif ( self.can_claim_threefold_repetition(state.get_transposition_key(), [0]) or state.get_pythonchess_board().can_claim_fifty_moves() ): value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves_child = [] p_vec_small_child = None else: legal_moves_child = state_child.get_legal_moves() # start a brand new prediction for the child [value, policy_vec] = self.nets[0].predict_single(state_child.get_state_planes()) # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small_child = get_probs_of_move_list( policy_vec, legal_moves_child, state_child.is_white_to_move() ) # create a new child node child_node = Node(state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small_child, legal_moves_child, is_leaf) self.root_node.child_nodes[0] = child_node # connect the child to the root # assign the value of the root node as the q-value for the child # here we must invert the invert the value because it's the value prediction of the next state self.root_node.q_value[0] = -value def _run_mcts_search(self, state): """ Runs a new or continues the mcts on the current search tree. :param state: Input state given by the user :return: max_depth_reached (int) - The longest search path length after the whole search """ self.node_lookup = {} # clear the look up table self.root_node_prior_policy = deepcopy(self.root_node.policy_prob) # safe the prior policy of the root node # apply dirichlet noise to the prior probabilities in order to ensure # that every move can possibly be visited self.root_node.apply_dirichlet_noise_to_prior_policy(epsilon=self.dirichlet_epsilon, alpha=self.dirichlet_alpha) # store what depth has been reached at maximum in the current search tree max_depth_reached = 1 # default is 1, in case only 1 move is available futures = [] if state.are_pocket_empty(): # set the number of playouts accordingly nb_playouts = self.nb_playouts_empty_pockets else: nb_playouts = self.nb_playouts_filled_pockets t_elapsed_ms = cur_playouts = 0 old_time = time() cpuct_init = self.cpuct if self.use_time_management: time_checked = time_checked_early = False else: time_checked = time_checked_early = True while ( max_depth_reached < self.max_search_depth and cur_playouts < nb_playouts and t_elapsed_ms < self.movetime_ms ): # and np.abs(self.root_node.q_value.mean()) < 0.99: # start searching with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.threads) as executor: for i in range(self.threads): # calculate the thread id based on the current playout futures.append( executor.submit( self._run_single_playout, parent_node=self.root_node, pipe_id=i, depth=1, chosen_nodes=[] ) ) cur_playouts += self.threads time_show_info = time() - old_time for i, future in enumerate(futures): cur_value, cur_depth, chosen_nodes = future.result() if cur_depth > max_depth_reached: max_depth_reached = cur_depth # Print the explored line of the last line for every x seconds if verbose is true if self.verbose and time_show_info > 0.5 and i == len(futures) - 1: mv_list = self._create_mv_list(chosen_nodes) str_moves = self._mv_list_to_str(mv_list) print( "info score cp %d depth %d nodes %d pv %s" % (value_to_centipawn(cur_value), cur_depth, self.root_node.n_sum, str_moves) ) logging.debug("Update info") old_time = time() t_elapsed = time() - self.t_start_eval # update the current search time t_elapsed_ms = t_elapsed * 1000 if time_show_info > 1: node_searched = int(self.root_node.n_sum - self.total_nodes_pre_search) print("info nps %d time %d" % (int((node_searched / t_elapsed)), t_elapsed_ms)) if not time_checked_early and t_elapsed_ms > self.movetime_ms / 2: if ( self.root_node.policy_prob.max() > 0.9 and self.root_node.policy_prob.argmax() == self.root_node.q_value.argmax() ): self.time_buffer_ms += (self.movetime_ms - t_elapsed_ms) * 0.9 print("info early break up") break else: time_checked_early = True if ( self.time_buffer_ms > 2500 and not time_checked and t_elapsed_ms > self.movetime_ms * 0.9 and self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.child_number_visits.argmax()] < self.root_node.initial_value + 0.01 ): print("info increase time") time_checked = True time_bonus = self.time_buffer_ms / 4 self.time_buffer_ms -= time_bonus # increase the movetime self.movetime_ms += time_bonus * 0.75 self.root_node.initial_value = self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.child_number_visits.argmax()] if self.time_buffer_ms < 0: self.movetime_ms += self.time_buffer_ms self.time_buffer_ms = 0 self.cpuct = cpuct_init return max_depth_reached def perform_action(self, state_in: GameState): """ Return a value, best move with according to the mcts search. This method is used when using the mcts agent as a player. :param state_in: Requested games state :return: value - Board value prediction selected_move - Python chess move object according to mcts confidence - Confidence for selecting this move selected_child_idx - Child index which correspond to the selected child """ # create a deepcopy of the state in order not to change the given input parameter return super().perform_action(deepcopy(state_in)) def _run_single_playout(self, parent_node: Node, pipe_id=0, depth=1, chosen_nodes=None): """ This function works recursively until a leaf or terminal node is reached. It ends by back-propagating the value of the new expanded node or by propagating the value of a terminal state. :param state: Current game-state for the evaluation. This state differs between the treads :param parent_node: Current parent-node of the selected node. In the first expansion this is the root node. :param depth: Current depth for the evaluation. Depth is increased by 1 for every recursive call :param chosen_nodes: List of moves which have been taken in the current path. For each selected child node this list is expanded by one move recursively. :param chosen_nodes: List of all nodes that this thread has explored with respect to the root node :return: -value: The inverse value prediction of the current board state. The flipping by -1 each turn is needed because the point of view changes each half-move depth: Current depth reach by this evaluation mv_list: List of moves which have been selected """ # Probably is better to be refactored # Too many arguments (6/5) - Too many local variables (27/15) - Too many branches (28/12) - # Too many statements (86/50) if chosen_nodes is None: # select a legal move on the chess board chosen_nodes = [] node, move, child_idx = self._select_node(parent_node) if move is None: raise Exception("Illegal tree setup. A 'None' move was selected which shouldn't be possible") # update the visit counts to this node # temporarily reduce the attraction of this node by applying a virtual loss / # the effect of virtual loss will be undone if the playout is over parent_node.apply_virtual_loss_to_child(child_idx, self.virtual_loss) # append the selected move to the move list chosen_nodes.append(child_idx) # append the chosen child idx to the chosen_nodes list if node is None: state = GameState(deepcopy(parent_node.board)) # get the board from the parent node state.apply_move(move) # apply the selected move on the board # get the transposition-key which is used as an identifier for the board positions in the look-up table transposition_key = state.get_transposition_key() # check if the addressed fen exist in the look-up table # note: It's important to use also the halfmove-counter here, otherwise the system can create an infinite # feed-back-loop key = transposition_key + (state.get_fullmove_number(),) if self.use_transposition_table and key in self.node_lookup: node = self.node_lookup[key] # get the node from the look-up list # get the prior value from the leaf node which has already been expanded value = node.initial_value # clip the visit nodes for all nodes in the search tree except the director opp. move clip_low_visit = self.use_pruning new_node = Node( node.board, value, node.policy_prob, node.legal_moves, node.is_leaf, key, clip_low_visit, ) # create a new node with parent_node.lock: parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = new_node # add the new node to its parent else: # expand and evaluate the new board state (the node wasn't found in the look-up table) # its value will be back-propagated through the tree and flipped after every layer my_pipe = self.my_pipe_endings[pipe_id] # receive a free available pipe if self.send_batches: my_pipe.send(state.get_state_planes()) # this pipe waits for the predictions of the network inference service [value, policy_vec] = my_pipe.recv() else: state_planes = state.get_state_planes() self.batch_state_planes[pipe_id] = state_planes my_pipe.send(pipe_id) result_channel = my_pipe.recv() value = np.array(self.batch_value_results[result_channel]) policy_vec = np.array(self.batch_policy_results[result_channel]) is_leaf = is_won = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false and check if the game is won # check if the current player has won the game # (we don't need to check for is_lost() because the game is already over # if the current player checkmated his opponent) if state.is_check(): if state.is_loss(): is_won = True # needed for e.g. atomic because the king explodes and is not in check mate anymore if state.is_variant_loss(): is_won = True if is_won: value = -1 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # establish a mate in one connection in order to stop exploring different alternatives parent_node.set_check_mate_node_idx(child_idx) # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) # check if you can claim a draw - its assumed that the draw is always claimed elif ( self.can_claim_threefold_repetition(transposition_key, chosen_nodes) or state.get_pythonchess_board().can_claim_fifty_moves() is True ): value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None else: legal_moves = state.get_legal_moves() # get the current legal move of its board state if not legal_moves: # stalemate occurred which is very rare for crazyhouse if state.uci_variant == "giveaway": value = 1 else: value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # raise Exception("No legal move is available for state: %s" % state) else: try: # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small = get_probs_of_move_list( policy_vec, legal_moves, is_white_to_move=state.is_white_to_move(), normalize=True ) except KeyError: raise Exception("Key Error for state: %s" % state) # clip the visit nodes for all nodes in the search tree except the director opp. move clip_low_visit = self.use_pruning and depth != 1 # and depth > 4 new_node = Node( state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, is_leaf, transposition_key, clip_low_visit, ) # create a new node if depth == 1: # disable uncertain moves from being visited by giving them a very bad score if not is_leaf and self.use_pruning: if self.root_node_prior_policy[child_idx] < 1e-3 and value * -1 < self.root_node.initial_value: with parent_node.lock: value = 99 # for performance reasons only apply check enhancement on depth 1 for now chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if not self.use_pruning: self.node_lookup[key] = new_node # include a reference to the new node in the look-up table with parent_node.lock: parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = new_node # add the new node to its parent elif node.is_leaf: # check if we have reached a leaf node value = node.initial_value else: # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) value, depth, chosen_nodes = self._run_single_playout(node, pipe_id, depth + 1, chosen_nodes) # revert the virtual loss and apply the predicted value by the network to the node parent_node.revert_virtual_loss_and_update(child_idx, self.virtual_loss, -value) # invert the value prediction for the parent of the above node layer because the player's changes every turn return -value, depth, chosen_nodes def check_for_duplicate(self, transposition_key, chosen_nodes): """ :param transposition_key: Transposition key which defines the board state by all it's pieces and pocket state. The move counter is disregarded. :param chosen_nodes: List of moves which have been taken in the current path. :return: """ node = self.root_node.child_nodes[chosen_nodes[0]] # iterate over all accessed nodes during the current search of the thread and check for same transposition key for node_idx in chosen_nodes[1:-1]: if node.transposition_key == transposition_key: return True node = node.child_nodes[node_idx] if node is None: break return False def can_claim_threefold_repetition(self, transposition_key, chosen_nodes): """ Checks if a three fold repetition event can be claimed in the current search path. This method makes use of the class transposition table and checks for board occurrences in the local search path of the current thread as well. :param transposition_key: Transposition key which defines the board state by all it's pieces and pocket state. The move counter is disregarded. :param chosen_nodes: List of integer indices which correspond to the child node indices chosen from the root node downwards. :return: True, if threefold repetition can be claimed, else False """ search_occurrence_counter = 0 # set the number of occurrences by default to 0 node = self.root_node.child_nodes[chosen_nodes[0]] # iterate over all accessed nodes during the current search of the thread and check for same transposition key for node_idx in chosen_nodes[1:-1]: if node.transposition_key == transposition_key: search_occurrence_counter += 1 node = node.child_nodes[node_idx] if node is None: break # use all occurrences in the class transposition table as well as the locally found equalities return (self.transposition_table[transposition_key] + search_occurrence_counter) >= 2 def _select_node(self, parent_node: Node): """ Selects the best child node from a given parent node based on the q and u value :param parent_node: :return: node - Reference to the node object which has been selected If this node hasn't been expanded yet, None will be returned move - The move which leads to the selected child node from the given parent node on forward node_idx - Integer idx value indicating the index for the selected child of the parent node """ if parent_node.check_mate_node: child_idx = parent_node.check_mate_node else: # find the move according to the q- and u-values for each move # pb_c_base = 19652 # pb_c_init = self.cpuct cpuct = math.log((parent_node.n_sum + 19652 + 1) / 19652) + self.cpuct # pb_u_base = 19652 / 10 # pb_u_init = 1 # pb_u_low = self.u_init_divisor # u_init = np.exp((-parent_node.n_sum + 1965 + 1) / 1965) / np.exp(1) * (1 - self.u_init_divisor) + self.u_init_divisor # calculate the current u values # it's not worth to save the u values as a node attribute because u is updated every time n_sum changes u_value = ( cpuct * parent_node.policy_prob * (np.sqrt(parent_node.n_sum) / (self.u_init_divisor + parent_node.child_number_visits)) ) # if parent_node.n_sum % 10 == 0: # prob = parent_node.q_value + u_value # child_idx = prob.argmax() # prob[child_idx] = 0 # child_idx = prob.argmax() # # child_idx = np.random.randint(parent_node.nb_direct_child_nodes) # else: child_idx = (parent_node.q_value + u_value).argmax() return parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx], parent_node.legal_moves[child_idx], child_idx def _select_node_based_on_mcts_policy(self, parent_node: Node): """ Selects the next node based on the mcts policy which is used to predict the final best move. :param parent_node: Node from which to select the next child. :return: """ child_idx = parent_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight).argmax() nb_visits = parent_node.child_number_visits[child_idx] return parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx], parent_node.legal_moves[child_idx], nb_visits, child_idx def show_next_pred_line(self): """ It returns the predicted best moves for both players""" best_moves = [] node = self.root_node # start at the root node while node: # go deep through the tree by always selecting the best move for both players node, move, _ = self._select_node(node) best_moves.append(move) return best_moves def get_2nd_max(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of visits of the 2nd most visited direct child node :return: Integer value of number of visits """ n_child = self.root_node.child_number_visits.argmax() n_max = self.root_node.child_number_visits[n_child] self.root_node.child_number_visits[n_child] = 0 second_max = self.root_node.child_number_visits.max() self.root_node.child_number_visits[n_child] = n_max return second_max def get_xth_max(self, xth_node): """ Returns the number of visits of the X most visited direct child node ;:param xth_node: Index number for the number of visits. 1 ist the most visited child :return: Integer value of number of visits """ if len(self.root_node.child_number_visits) < xth_node: return self.root_node.child_number_visits.min() return np.sort(self.root_node.child_number_visits)[-xth_node] def get_last_q_values(self, min_nb_visits=5, max_depth=25): """ Returns the values of the last node in the calculated lines according to the mcts search for the most visited nodes :param max_depth : maximum depth to reach for evaluating the q-values. This avoids that very deep q-values are assigned to the original q-value which might have very low actual correspondence :param min_nb_visits: Integer defining how deep the tree will be traversed to return the final q-value :return: q_future - q-values for the most visited nodes when going deeper in the tree indices - indices of the evaluated child nodes """ q_future = np.zeros(self.root_node.nb_direct_child_nodes) indices = [] for idx in range(self.root_node.nb_direct_child_nodes): depth = 1 if self.root_node.child_number_visits[idx] >= self.root_node.child_number_visits.max() * 0.33: node = self.root_node.child_nodes[idx] final_node = self.root_node move = self.root_node.legal_moves[idx] child_idx = idx while node and not node.is_leaf and node.n_sum >= min_nb_visits and depth <= max_depth: final_node = node print(move.uci() + " ", end="") print(str(node.initial_value) + " ", end="") node, move, _, child_idx = self._select_node_based_on_mcts_policy(node) depth += 1 if final_node: q_future[idx] = final_node.q_value[child_idx] indices.append(idx) # invert the value prediction for an odd depth number if depth % 2 == 0: q_future[idx] *= -1 print(q_future[idx]) return q_future, indices def get_calculated_line(self): """ Prints out the best search line estimated for both players on the given board state. :return: """ if self.root_node is None: logging.warning("You must run an evaluation first in order to get the calculated line") lst_best_moves = [] lst_nb_visits = [] node = self.root_node # start at the root node while node and not node.is_leaf: # go deep through the tree by always selecting the best move for both players node, move, nb_visits, _ = self._select_node_based_on_mcts_policy(node) lst_best_moves.append(move) lst_nb_visits.append(nb_visits) return lst_best_moves, lst_nb_visits @staticmethod def _mv_list_to_str(lst_moves): """ Converts a given list of chess moves to a single string separated by spaces. :param lst_moves: List chess.Moves objects :return: String representing each move in the list """ str_moves = lst_moves[0].uci() for move in lst_moves[1:]: str_moves += " " + move.uci() return str_moves def _create_mv_list(self, lst_chosen_nodes: [int]): """ Creates a movement list given the child node indices from the root node onwards. :param lst_chosen_nodes: List of chosen nodes :return: mv_list - List of python chess moves """ mv_list = [] node = self.root_node for child_idx in lst_chosen_nodes: mv_list.append(node.legal_moves[child_idx]) node = node.child_nodes[child_idx] return mv_list def update_movetime(self, time_ms_per_move): """ Update move time allocation. :param time_ms_per_move: Sets self.movetime_ms to this value :return: """ self.movetime_ms = time_ms_per_move def set_max_search_depth(self, max_search_depth: int): """ Assigns a new maximum search depth for the next search :param max_search_depth: Specifier of the search depth :return: """ self.max_search_depth = max_search_depth def update_transposition_table(self, transposition_key): """ :param transposition_key: (gamestate.get_transposition_key(),) :return: """ self.transposition_table.update(transposition_key)
def _run_single_playout(self, parent_node: Node, pipe_id=0, depth=1, chosen_nodes=None): """ This function works recursively until a leaf or terminal node is reached. It ends by back-propagating the value of the new expanded node or by propagating the value of a terminal state. :param state: Current game-state for the evaluation. This state differs between the treads :param parent_node: Current parent-node of the selected node. In the first expansion this is the root node. :param depth: Current depth for the evaluation. Depth is increased by 1 for every recursive call :param chosen_nodes: List of moves which have been taken in the current path. For each selected child node this list is expanded by one move recursively. :param chosen_nodes: List of all nodes that this thread has explored with respect to the root node :return: -value: The inverse value prediction of the current board state. The flipping by -1 each turn is needed because the point of view changes each half-move depth: Current depth reach by this evaluation mv_list: List of moves which have been selected """ # Probably is better to be refactored # Too many arguments (6/5) - Too many local variables (27/15) - Too many branches (28/12) - # Too many statements (86/50) if chosen_nodes is None: # select a legal move on the chess board chosen_nodes = [] node, move, child_idx = self._select_node(parent_node) if move is None: raise Exception("Illegal tree setup. A 'None' move was selected which shouldn't be possible") # update the visit counts to this node # temporarily reduce the attraction of this node by applying a virtual loss / # the effect of virtual loss will be undone if the playout is over parent_node.apply_virtual_loss_to_child(child_idx, self.virtual_loss) # append the selected move to the move list chosen_nodes.append(child_idx) # append the chosen child idx to the chosen_nodes list if node is None: state = GameState(deepcopy(parent_node.board)) # get the board from the parent node state.apply_move(move) # apply the selected move on the board # get the transposition-key which is used as an identifier for the board positions in the look-up table transposition_key = state.get_transposition_key() # check if the addressed fen exist in the look-up table # note: It's important to use also the halfmove-counter here, otherwise the system can create an infinite # feed-back-loop key = transposition_key + (state.get_fullmove_number(),) if self.use_transposition_table and key in self.node_lookup: node = self.node_lookup[key] # get the node from the look-up list # get the prior value from the leaf node which has already been expanded value = node.initial_value # clip the visit nodes for all nodes in the search tree except the director opp. move clip_low_visit = self.use_pruning new_node = Node( node.board, value, node.policy_prob, node.legal_moves, node.is_leaf, key, clip_low_visit, ) # create a new node with parent_node.lock: parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = new_node # add the new node to its parent else: # expand and evaluate the new board state (the node wasn't found in the look-up table) # its value will be back-propagated through the tree and flipped after every layer my_pipe = self.my_pipe_endings[pipe_id] # receive a free available pipe if self.send_batches: my_pipe.send(state.get_state_planes()) # this pipe waits for the predictions of the network inference service [value, policy_vec] = my_pipe.recv() else: state_planes = state.get_state_planes() self.batch_state_planes[pipe_id] = state_planes my_pipe.send(pipe_id) result_channel = my_pipe.recv() value = np.array(self.batch_value_results[result_channel]) policy_vec = np.array(self.batch_policy_results[result_channel]) is_leaf = is_won = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false and check if the game is won # check if the current player has won the game # (we don't need to check for is_lost() because the game is already over # if the current player checkmated his opponent) if state.is_check(): if state.is_loss(): is_won = True # needed for e.g. atomic because the king explodes and is not in check mate anymore if state.is_variant_loss(): is_won = True if is_won: value = -1 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # establish a mate in one connection in order to stop exploring different alternatives parent_node.set_check_mate_node_idx(child_idx) # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) # check if you can claim a draw - its assumed that the draw is always claimed elif ( self.can_claim_threefold_repetition(transposition_key, chosen_nodes) or state.get_pythonchess_board().can_claim_fifty_moves() is True ): value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None else: legal_moves = state.get_legal_moves() # get the current legal move of its board state if not legal_moves: # stalemate occurred which is very rare for crazyhouse if state.uci_variant == "giveaway": value = 1 else: value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # raise Exception("No legal move is available for state: %s" % state) else: try: # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small = get_probs_of_move_list( policy_vec, legal_moves, is_white_to_move=state.is_white_to_move(), normalize=True ) except KeyError: raise Exception("Key Error for state: %s" % state) # clip the visit nodes for all nodes in the search tree except the director opp. move clip_low_visit = self.use_pruning and depth != 1 # and depth > 4 new_node = Node( state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, is_leaf, transposition_key, clip_low_visit, ) # create a new node if depth == 1: # disable uncertain moves from being visited by giving them a very bad score if not is_leaf and self.use_pruning: if self.root_node_prior_policy[child_idx] < 1e-3 and value * -1 < self.root_node.initial_value: with parent_node.lock: value = 99 # for performance reasons only apply check enhancement on depth 1 for now chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if not self.use_pruning: self.node_lookup[key] = new_node # include a reference to the new node in the look-up table with parent_node.lock: parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = new_node # add the new node to its parent elif node.is_leaf: # check if we have reached a leaf node value = node.initial_value else: # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) value, depth, chosen_nodes = self._run_single_playout(node, pipe_id, depth + 1, chosen_nodes) # revert the virtual loss and apply the predicted value by the network to the node parent_node.revert_virtual_loss_and_update(child_idx, self.virtual_loss, -value) # invert the value prediction for the parent of the above node layer because the player's changes every turn return -value, depth, chosen_nodes