Пример #1
    def get_precision_recall_by_Hamming_Radius(database, query, radius=2):
        query_output = sign(query.output)
        database_output = sign(database.output)

        bit_n = query_output.shape[1]

        ips = np.dot(query_output, database_output.T)
        ips = (bit_n - ips) / 2
        ids = np.argsort(ips, 1)

        precX = []
        recX = []
        mAPX = []
        query_labels = query.label
        database_labels = database.label

        for i in range(ips.shape[0]):
            label = query_labels[i, :]
            label[label == 0] = -1
            idx = np.reshape(np.argwhere(ips[i, :] <= radius), (-1))
            all_num = len(idx)

            if all_num != 0:
                imatch = np.sum(database_labels[idx[:], :] == label, 1) > 0
                match_num = np.sum(imatch)
                precX.append(np.float(match_num) / all_num)

                all_sim_num = np.sum(
                    np.sum(database_labels[:, :] == label, 1) > 0)
                recX.append(np.float(match_num) / all_sim_num)

                if radius < 10:
                    ips_trad = np.dot(
                        query.output[i, :], database.output[ids[i, 0:all_num], :].T)
                    ids_trad = np.argsort(-ips_trad, axis=0)
                    db_labels = database_labels[ids[i, 0:all_num], :]

                    rel = match_num
                    imatch = np.sum(db_labels[ids_trad, :] == label, 1) > 0
                    Lx = np.cumsum(imatch)
                    Px = Lx.astype(float) / np.arange(1, all_num + 1, 1)
                    if rel != 0:
                        mAPX.append(np.sum(Px * imatch) / rel)
                    mAPX.append(np.float(match_num) / all_num)


        return np.mean(np.array(precX)), np.mean(np.array(recX)), np.mean(np.array(mAPX))
Пример #2
    def get_precision_recall_by_Hamming_Radius_All(database, query):
        query_output = sign(query.output)
        database_output = sign(database.output)

        bit_n = query_output.shape[1]

        ips = np.dot(query_output, database_output.T)
        ips = (bit_n - ips) / 2
        precX = np.zeros((ips.shape[0], bit_n + 1))
        recX = np.zeros((ips.shape[0], bit_n + 1))
        mAPX = np.zeros((ips.shape[0], bit_n + 1))

        query_labels = query.label
        database_labels = database.label

        ids = np.argsort(ips, 1)
        for i in range(ips.shape[0]):
            label = query_labels[i, :]
            label[label == 0] = -1

            idx = ids[i, :]
            imatch = np.sum(database_labels[idx[:], :] == label, 1) > 0
            all_sim_num = np.sum(imatch)

            counts = np.bincount(ips[i, :].astype(np.int64))

            for r in range(bit_n + 1):
                if r >= len(counts):
                    precX[i, r] = precX[i, r - 1]
                    recX[i, r] = recX[i, r - 1]
                    mAPX[i, r] = mAPX[i, r - 1]

                all_num = np.sum(counts[0:r + 1])

                if all_num != 0:
                    match_num = np.sum(imatch[0:all_num])
                    precX[i, r] = np.float(match_num) / all_num
                    recX[i, r] = np.float(match_num) / all_sim_num

                    rel = match_num
                    Lx = np.cumsum(imatch[0:all_num])
                    Px = Lx.astype(float) / np.arange(1, all_num + 1, 1)
                    if rel != 0:
                        mAPX[i, r] = np.sum(Px * imatch[0:all_num]) / rel

        return np.mean(np.array(precX), 0), np.mean(np.array(recX), 0), np.mean(np.array(mAPX), 0)
Пример #3
def distance(x1, x2=None, pair=True, dist_type="euclidean2", ifsign=False):
        x2: if x2 is None, distance between x1 and x1 will be returned.
        pair: if True, for i, j, x1_i, x2_j will be calculated
              if False, for i, x1_i, x2_i will be calculated, and it requires the dimension of x1 and x2 is same.
        dist_type: distance type, can be euclidean2, normed_euclidean2, inner_product, cosine
    if x2 is None:
        x2 = x1
    if ifsign:
        x1 = util.sign(x1)
        x2 = util.sign(x2)
    if dist_type == 'inner_product':
        return inner_product(x1, x2, pair)
    if pair:
        x1 = np.expand_dims(x1, 1)
        x2 = np.expand_dims(x2, 0)
    return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], dist_type)(x1, x2)
Пример #4
def get_mAPs_rerank(q_output, q_labels, db_output, db_labels, Rs, dist_type, verbose=True):
    query_output = sign(q_output)
    database_output = sign(db_output)

    bit_n = query_output.shape[1]

    ips = np.dot(query_output, database_output.T)
    ips = (bit_n - ips) / 2

    mAPX = []
    query_labels = q_labels
    database_labels = db_labels
    t_range = trange(ips.shape[0], desc="get_mAPS_rerank", leave=True)
    for i in t_range:
        label = query_labels[i, :]
        label[label == 0] = -1

        imatch = np.array([])
        for j in range(bit_n):
            idx = np.reshape(np.argwhere(np.equal(ips[i, :], j)), (-1))
            all_num = len(idx)

            if all_num != 0:
                ips_trad = np.dot(q_output[i, :], db_output[idx[:], :].T)
                ids_trad = np.argsort(-ips_trad, axis=0)
                db_labels_1 = database_labels[idx[:], :]

                imatch = np.append(imatch, np.sum(
                    np.equal(db_labels_1[ids_trad, :], label), 1) > 0)
                if imatch.shape[0] > Rs:

        imatch = imatch[0:Rs]
        rel = np.sum(imatch)
        Lx = np.cumsum(imatch)
        Px = Lx.astype(float) / np.arange(1, Rs + 1, 1)
        if rel != 0:
            mAPX.append(np.sum(Px * imatch) / rel)

    return np.mean(np.array(mAPX))
Пример #5
 def get_mAPs_after_sign(self, database, query, Rs=None, dist_type='inner_product', verbose=True):
     if Rs is None:
         Rs = self.R
     q_output = sign(query.output)
     db_output = sign(database.output)
     return get_mAPs(q_output, query.label, db_output, database.label, Rs, dist_type, verbose=verbose)