class Environment: def __init__(self): self.env = Game({ "game": { "width": 15, "height": 11, "tile_width": 32, "tile_height": 32 }, "mechanics": { "complexity": { "build_anywhere": False }, "start_health": 50, "start_gold": 100, "start_lumber": 0, "start_income": 20, "income_frequency": 10, "ticks_per_second": 20, "fps": 10, "ups": 10, "income_ratio": 0.20, "kill_gold_ratio": 0.10 }, "gui": { "enabled": True, "draw_friendly": True, "minimal": True } }) self.updates = 10 # Updates per actions def step(self, a): data = self.env.step(a, representation="image") for i in range(self.updates): self.env.update() return data def reset(self): return self.env.reset()
"ticks_per_second": 20, "fps": 10, "ups": 10, "income_ratio": 0.20, "kill_gold_ratio": 0.10 }, "gui": { "enabled": True, "draw_friendly": True, "minimal": True } }) while True: for p in game.players: p.do_action(random.randint(0, 3), random.uniform(0, 1)) game.update() game.render() game.gui.draw_screen() if game.is_terminal(): game.reset() time.sleep(.001)
"start_income": 20, "income_frequency": 10, "ticks_per_second": 5, "fps": 1, "ups": 1, "income_ratio": 0.20, "kill_gold_ratio": 0.10 }, "gui": { "enabled": True, "draw_friendly": True, "minimal": True } }) s = env.reset() while True: # Which action # [0-4] # X velocity, Y velocity, Unit velocity, Building Velocity # [0-1, 0-1, 0-4, 0-4] a = random.randint(0, 3) a_intensities = [ random.uniform(0, 1), random.uniform(0, 1), random.uniform(0, 4), random.uniform(0, 4) ]
class RLModel: def __init__(self): self.frames = 3 self.action_space_a = 13 # Linear self.action_space_m = 2 # Softmax self.DUMMY_ACTION, self.DUMMY_VALUE = np.zeros( (1, self.action_space_a)), np.zeros((1, 1)) self.NUM_STATE = 84 * 84 * 3 self.GAMMA = 0.99 self.BATCH_SIZE = 32 self.episode = 0 self.EPISODES = 10000 self.reward = [] self.reward_over_time = [] self.LOSS_CLIPPING = 0.2 # Only implemented clipping for the surrogate loss, paper said it was best self.EPOCHS = 10 self.env = Game({ "game": { "width": 15, "height": 11, "tile_width": 32, "tile_height": 32 }, "mechanics": { "complexity": { "build_anywhere": False }, "start_health": 50, "start_gold": 100, "start_lumber": 0, "start_income": 20, "income_frequency": 10, "ticks_per_second": 20, "fps": 10, "ups": 10, "income_ratio": 0.20, "kill_gold_ratio": 0.10 }, "gui": { "enabled": True, "draw_friendly": True, "minimal": True } }) self.env.reset() self.env.render() self.observation = self.env.get_state("image") self.actor_discrete = self.build_actor( discrete=True, action_space=self.action_space_a, activation=linear) #self.actor_continous = self.build_actor(discrete=False, action_space=self.action_space_m, activation=softmax) self.critic = self.build_critic() # Actor 1 # ------- # Send Unit 0 # Send Unit 1 # Send unit 2 # Build 0 # Build 1 # Build 2 # Mouse_on_off # Actor 2 # ------- # Mouse_vel_x # Mouse_vel_y def build_actor(self, discrete=True, action_space=None, activation=None): print(action_space) input_image = Input(shape=(84, 84, self.frames)) actual_value = Input(shape=(1, )) predicted_value = Input(shape=(1, )) old_prediction = Input(shape=(action_space, )) x = Conv2D(32, (8, 8), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(input_image) x = Conv2D(64, (4, 4), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Conv2D(128, (2, 2), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Conv2D(256, (1, 1), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Flatten()(x) x = Dense(512, activation=relu)(x) out_actions = Dense(action_space, activation=softmax, name='output')(x) #out_actions = NoisyDense(action_space, activation=softmax, sigma_init=0.02, name='output')(x) model = Model(inputs=[ input_image, actual_value, predicted_value, old_prediction ], outputs=[out_actions]) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=10e-4), loss=[ proximal_policy_optimization_loss( actual_value=actual_value, old_prediction=old_prediction, predicted_value=predicted_value) ]) model.summary() return model def build_critic(self): input_image = Input(shape=(84, 84, self.frames)) x = Conv2D(32, (8, 8), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(input_image) x = Conv2D(64, (4, 4), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Conv2D(128, (2, 2), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Conv2D(256, (1, 1), (2, 2), 'same', activation=relu)(x) x = Flatten()(x) x = Dense(512, activation=relu)(x) out_value = Dense(1, activation=linear)(x) model = Model(inputs=[input_image], outputs=[out_value]) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=10e-4), loss='mse') model.summary() return model def get_action(self): p = self.actor_discrete.predict([ np.reshape(self.observation, (1, ) + self.observation.shape), self.DUMMY_VALUE, self.DUMMY_VALUE, self.DUMMY_ACTION ]) action = np.random.choice(self.action_space_a, p=np.nan_to_num(p[0])) action_matrix = np.zeros(p[0].shape) action_matrix[action] = 1 return action, action_matrix, p def get_batch(self): batch = [ [], # Observations [], # Actions [], # Predicted [] # Reward ] tmp_batch = [[], [], []] while len(batch[0]) < self.BATCH_SIZE: action, action_matrix, predicted_action = self.get_action() self.env.primary_player.opponent.do_action(random.randint(0, 12)) observation, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) self.reward.append(reward) tmp_batch[0].append(self.observation) tmp_batch[1].append(action_matrix) tmp_batch[2].append(predicted_action) self.observation = observation if done: self.env.render_window() self.transform_reward() for i in range(len(tmp_batch[0])): obs, action, pred = tmp_batch[0][i], tmp_batch[1][ i], tmp_batch[2][i] r = self.reward[i] batch[0].append(obs) batch[1].append(action) batch[2].append(pred) batch[3].append(r) tmp_batch = [[], [], []] self.reset_env() obs, action, pred, reward = np.array(batch[0]), np.array( batch[1]), np.array(batch[2]), np.reshape(np.array(batch[3]), (len(batch[3]), 1)) pred = np.reshape(pred, (pred.shape[0], pred.shape[2])) return obs, action, pred, reward def reset_env(self): self.episode += 1 self.observation = self.env.reset() self.reward = [] def run(self): while self.episode < self.EPISODES: obs, action, pred, reward = self.get_batch() old_prediction = pred pred_values = self.critic.predict(obs) # Train Actor for e in range(self.EPOCHS): self.actor_discrete.train_on_batch( [obs, reward, pred_values, old_prediction], [action]) # Train Critic for e in range(self.EPOCHS): self.critic.train_on_batch([obs], [reward]) def transform_reward(self): print( 'Episode #', self.episode, '\tfinished with reward', np.array(self.reward).sum(), '\tAverage Noisy Weights', np.mean(self.actor_discrete.get_layer('output').get_weights()[1])) self.reward_over_time.append(np.array(self.reward).sum()) for j in range(len(self.reward)): reward = self.reward[j] for k in range(j + 1, len(self.reward)): reward += self.reward[k] * self.GAMMA**k self.reward[j] = reward
class GameInstance: @staticmethod def start(data_queue): g = GameInstance(data_queue) g.loop() return True def get_stacked_state(self, swapaxes=False): if len(self.states) > self.stack: if swapaxes: return np.swapaxes(np.array(self.states[-1 * self.stack:]), 0, 2) else: return np.array(self.states[-1 * self.stack:]) return None def __init__(self, data_queue): = uuid.uuid4() print("Game %s - Start" % self.data_queue = data_queue = Game({ "game": { "width": 11, "height": 11, "tile_width": 32, "tile_height": 32 }, "mechanics": { "complexity": { "build_anywhere": False }, "start_health": 50, "start_gold": 100, "start_lumber": 0, "start_income": 20, "income_frequency": 10, "ticks_per_second": 20, "fps": 10, "ups": 10008000, "income_ratio": 0.20, "kill_gold_ratio": 0.10 }, "gui": { "enabled": True, "draw_friendly": True, "minimal": True } }) self.states = list() self.experience_replay = list() self.s0 = None self.player_1 =[0] self.player_2 =[1] self.episode = 1 self.representation = "image_grayscaled" self.running = False self.stack = 4 self.num_ticks = 10 self.tick_limit = 30000 def loop(self): self.running = True t = 0 while self.running: # Do action self.player_1.do_action(random.randint(0, 12)) self.player_2.do_action(random.randint(0, 12)) # Process game for i in range(self.num_ticks): t += 1 # Update image state # Retrieve state, add to list of states, s1 = self.states.append(s1) self.s0 = s1 # Terminal State, Reset Game if or t >= self.tick_limit: print("Game %s - %s#%s" % (, self.episode, t)) self.episode += 1 if t < self.tick_limit: self.data_queue.put(self.states) self.states.clear() t = 0