Пример #1
    def remove_template(template_id, token):
        Deletes a single template.

        :param template_id: The template to be removed.
        :param token: The authorization token (JWT).
        :return The removed template.
        :rtype JSON
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If this template could not be found in
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If the template is being currently used by
        a device.
        init_tenant_context(token, db)
        tpl = assert_template_exists(template_id)

        json_template = template_schema.dump(tpl)
        except IntegrityError:
            raise HTTPRequestError(400, "Templates cannot be removed as they are being used by devices")

        results = {
            'result': 'ok',
            'removed': json_template

        return results
Пример #2
    def delete_all_templates(token):
        Deletes all templates.

        :param token: The authorization token (JWT).
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If this template could not be found in
        init_tenant_context(token, db)
        json_templates = []

            templates = db.session.query(DeviceTemplate)
            for template in templates:

        except IntegrityError:
            raise HTTPRequestError(400, "Templates cannot be removed as they are being used by devices")

        results = {
            'result': 'ok',
            'removed': json_templates

        return results
    def create_template(req):
        Creates a new template.

        :param req: The received HTTP request, as created by Flask.
        :return The created template.
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If template attribute constraints were
        violated. This might happen if two attributes have the same name, for
        init_tenant_context(req, db)
        tpl, json_payload = parse_payload(req, template_schema)
        loaded_template = DeviceTemplate(**tpl)
        load_attrs(json_payload['attrs'], loaded_template, DeviceAttr, db)

            LOGGER.debug(f" Created template in database")
        except IntegrityError as e:
            LOGGER.error(f' {e}')
            raise HTTPRequestError(
                'Template attribute constraints are violated by the request')

        results = {
            'template': template_schema.dump(loaded_template),
            'result': 'ok'
        return results
Пример #4
    def get_templates(req):
        Fetches known templates, potentially limited by a given value. Ordering
        might be user-configurable too.

        :param req: The received HTTP request, as created by Flask.
        :return A JSON containing pagination information and the template list
        :rtype JSON
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        init_tenant_context(req, db)

        page_number, per_page = get_pagination(req)
        pagination = {'page': page_number, 'per_page': per_page, 'error_out': False}

        parsed_query = []
        query = req.args.getlist('attr')
        for attr in query:
            parsed = re.search('^(.+){1}=(.+){1}$', attr)
            parsed_query.append(text("attrs.label = '{}'".format(parsed.group(1))))
            parsed_query.append(text("attrs.static_value = '{}'".format(parsed.group(2))))

        target_label = req.args.get('label', None)
        if target_label:
            parsed_query.append(text("templates.label like '%{}%'".format(target_label)))

        SORT_CRITERION = {
            'label': DeviceTemplate.label,
            None: DeviceTemplate.id
        sortBy = SORT_CRITERION.get(req.args.get('sortBy', None), DeviceTemplate.id)

        if parsed_query:
            LOGGER.debug(f" Filtering template by {parsed_query}")
            page = db.session.query(DeviceTemplate) \
                             .join(DeviceAttr, isouter=True) \
                             .filter(*parsed_query) \
                             .order_by(sortBy) \
            LOGGER.debug(f" Querying templates sorted by {sortBy}")
            page = db.session.query(DeviceTemplate).order_by(sortBy).paginate(**pagination)

        templates = []
        for template in page.items:
            templates.append(attr_format(req, template_schema.dump(template)))

        result = {
            'pagination': {
                'page': page.page,
                'total': page.pages,
                'has_next': page.has_next,
                'next_page': page.next_num
            'templates': templates

        return result
 def get_template(req, template_id):
     Fetches a single template.
     :param req: The received HTTP request, as created by Flask.
     :param template_id: The requested template ID.
     :return A Template
     :rtype Template, as described in DatabaseModels package
     :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
     tenant was informed)
     :raises HTTPRequestError: If this template could not be found in
     init_tenant_context(req, db)
     tpl = assert_template_exists(template_id)
     json_template = template_schema.dump(tpl)
     attr_format(req, json_template)
     return json_template
Пример #6
    def get_templates(params, token):
        Fetches known templates, potentially limited by a given value. Ordering
        might be user-configurable too.

        :param params: Parameters received from request (page_number, per_page,
        sort_by, attr, attr_type, label, attrs_format)
        as created by Flask
        :param token: The authorization token (JWT).
        :return A JSON containing pagination information and the template list
        :rtype JSON
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        LOGGER.debug(f"Retrieving templates.")
        LOGGER.debug(f"Initializing tenant context...")
        init_tenant_context(token, db)
        LOGGER.debug(f"... tenant context initialized.")

        pagination = {'page': params.get('page_number'), 'per_page': params.get('per_page'), 'error_out': False}

        LOGGER.debug(f"Pagination configuration is {pagination}")

        parsed_query = []
        query = params.get('attr')

        for attr in query:
            LOGGER.debug(f"Analyzing query parameter: {attr}...")
            parsed = re.search('^(.+){1}=(.+){1}$', attr)
            parsed_query.append(DeviceAttr.label == parsed.group(1))
            parsed_query.append(DeviceAttr.static_value == parsed.group(2))
            LOGGER.debug("... query parameter was added to filter list.")

        query = params.get('attr_type')

        for attr_type_item in query:
            parsed_query.append(DeviceAttr.value_type == attr_type_item)

        target_label = params.get('label')

        if target_label:
            LOGGER.debug(f"Adding label filter to query...")
            LOGGER.debug(f"... filter was added to query.")

        SORT_CRITERION = {
            'label': DeviceTemplate.label,
            None: None
        sortBy = SORT_CRITERION.get(params.get('sortBy'), None)

        LOGGER.debug(f"Sortby filter is {sortBy}")
        if parsed_query:
            LOGGER.debug(f" Filtering template by {parsed_query}")

            # Always sort by DeviceTemplate.id
            page = db.session.query(DeviceTemplate) \
                             .join(DeviceAttr, isouter=True) \
                             .filter(*parsed_query) \
            if sortBy:
                page = page.order_by(sortBy)

            page = page.distinct(DeviceTemplate.id)

            LOGGER.debug(f"Current query: {type(page)}")
            page = paginate(page, **pagination)
            LOGGER.debug(f" Querying templates sorted by {sortBy}")
            page = db.session.query(DeviceTemplate).order_by(sortBy).paginate(**pagination)

        templates = []
        for template in page.items:
            formatted_template = attr_format(params.get('attrs_format'), template_schema.dump(template))
            LOGGER.debug(f"Adding resulting template to response...")
            LOGGER.debug(f"Template is: {formatted_template['label']}")
            LOGGER.debug(f"... template was added to response.")

        result = {
            'pagination': {
                'page': page.page,
                'total': page.pages,
                'has_next': page.has_next,
                'next_page': page.next_num
            'templates': templates

        LOGGER.debug(f"Full response is {result}")

        return result
Пример #7
    def update_template(cls, params, template_id, token):
        Updates a single template.

        :param params: Parameters received from request (content_type, data)
        as created by Flask
        :param template_id: The template to be updated.
        :param token: The authorization token (JWT).
        :return The old version of this template (previous to the update).
        :rtype JSON
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If this template could not be found in
        service = init_tenant_context(token, db)

        content_type = params.get('content_type')
        data_request = params.get('data')

        # find old version of the template, if any
        old = assert_template_exists(template_id)
        # parse updated version from payload
        updated, json_payload = parse_payload(content_type, data_request, template_schema)
        LOGGER.debug(f" Current json payload: {json_payload}")

        old.label = updated['label']

        new = json_payload['attrs']
        LOGGER.debug(f" Checking old template attributes")
        def attrs_match(attr_from_db, attr_from_request):
            return ((attr_from_db.label == attr_from_request["label"]) and
              (attr_from_db.type == attr_from_request["type"]))

        def update_attr(attrs_from_db, attrs_from_request):
            attrs_from_db.value_type = attrs_from_request.get('value_type', None)
            attrs_from_db.static_value = attrs_from_request.get('static_value', None)

        def validate_attr(attr_from_request, is_meta):
            if is_meta is False:

        def analyze_attrs(attrs_from_db, attrs_from_request, parentAttr=None):
            for attr_from_db in attrs_from_db:
                found = False
                for idx, attr_from_request in enumerate(attrs_from_request):
                    validate_attr(attr_from_request, parentAttr is not None)
                    if attrs_match(attr_from_db, attr_from_request):
                        update_attr(attr_from_db, attr_from_request)
                        if "metadata" in attr_from_request:
                            analyze_attrs(attr_from_db.children, attr_from_request["metadata"], attr_from_db)
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    LOGGER.debug(f" Removing attribute {attr_from_db.label}")
            if parentAttr and attrs_from_request is not None:
                for attr_from_request in attrs_from_request:
                    orm_child = DeviceAttr(parent=parentAttr, **attr_from_request)
            return attrs_from_request

        to_be_added = analyze_attrs(old.attrs, new)
        for attr in to_be_added:
            LOGGER.debug(f" Adding new attribute {attr}")
            if "id" in attr:
                del attr["id"]
            child = DeviceAttr(template=old, **attr)
            if "metadata" in attr and attr["metadata"] is not None:
                for metadata in attr["metadata"]:
                    LOGGER.debug(f" Adding new metadata {metadata}")
                    orm_child = DeviceAttr(parent=child, **metadata)
            LOGGER.debug(f" Commiting new data...")
            refresh_template_update_column(db, old)
            LOGGER.debug("... data committed.")
        except IntegrityError as error:
            LOGGER.debug(f"  ConsistencyException was thrown.")

        # notify interested parties that a set of devices might have been implicitly updated
        affected = db.session.query(DeviceTemplateMap) \
                             .filter(DeviceTemplateMap.template_id==template_id) \

        affected_devices = []
        kafka_handler_instance = cls.kafka.getInstance(cls.kafka.kafkaNotifier)
        for device in affected:
            orm_device = assert_device_exists(device.device_id)
            kafka_handler_instance.update(serialize_full_device(orm_device, service), meta={"service": service})

        event = {
            "event": DeviceEvent.TEMPLATE,
            "data": {
                "affected": affected_devices,
                "template": template_schema.dump(old)
            "meta": {"service": service}
        kafka_handler_instance.kafkaNotifier.send_raw(event, service)

        results = {
            'updated': template_schema.dump(old),
            'result': 'ok'
        return results
Пример #8
    def update_template(req, template_id):
        Updates a single template.

        :param req: The received HTTP request, as created by Flask.
        :param template_id: The template to be updated.
        :return The old version of this template (previous to the update).
        :rtype JSON
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If no authorization token was provided (no
        tenant was informed)
        :raises HTTPRequestError: If this template could not be found in
        service = init_tenant_context(req, db)

        # find old version of the template, if any
        old = assert_template_exists(template_id)
        # parse updated version from payload
        updated, json_payload = parse_payload(req, template_schema)

        LOGGER.debug(f" Current json payload: {json_payload}")

        old.label = updated['label']

        new = json_payload['attrs']
        LOGGER.debug(f" Checking old template attributes")
        for a in old.attrs:
            LOGGER.debug(f" Checking attribute {a}...")
            found = False
            for idx, b in enumerate(new):
                LOGGER.debug(f" Comparing against new attribute {b}")
                if (a.label == b['label']) and (a.type == b['type']):
                    found = True
                    a.value_type = b.get('value_type', None)
                    a.static_value = b.get('static_value', None)
                    LOGGER.debug(f" They match. Attribute data will be updated.")
            if not found:
                LOGGER.debug(f" No match for this attribute. It will be removed.")

        for a in new:
            LOGGER.debug(f" Adding new attribute {a}")
            if "id" in a:
                del a["id"]
            db.session.add(DeviceAttr(template=old, **a))

            LOGGER.debug(f" Commiting new data...")
            LOGGER.debug("... data committed.")
        except IntegrityError as error:
            LOGGER.debug(f"  ConsistencyException was thrown.")

        # notify interested parties that a set of devices might have been implicitly updated
        affected = db.session.query(DeviceTemplateMap) \
                             .filter(DeviceTemplateMap.template_id==template_id) \

        affected_devices = []
        for device in affected:

        event = {
            "event": DeviceEvent.TEMPLATE,
            "data": {
                "affected": affected_devices,
                "template": template_schema.dump(old)
            "meta": {"service": service}
        send_raw(event, service)

        results = {
            'updated': template_schema.dump(old),
            'result': 'ok'
        return results