Пример #1
    def test_SetUnion(self):
        numElements = 5
        test = DisjointSets(numElements)

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(0, 2), True)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, -1, -2, -1, -1])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(0, 2), False)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, -1, -2, -1, -1])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(1, 2), True)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -3, -1, -1])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(4, 4), False)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -3, -1, -1])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(5, 5), False)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -3, -1, -1])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(3, 4), True)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -3, 4, -2])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(0, 3), True)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -5, 4, 2])

        self.assertEqual(test.SetUnion(-1, -2), False)
        self.assertEqual(test.uptrees, [2, 2, -5, 4, 2])
Пример #2
class Maze(object):


    def __init__(self, width=0, height=0):
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        self.canvasWidth = 0
        self.canvasHeight = 0
        self.mazeCells = []

        self.MakeMaze(width, height)

    def MakeMaze(self, width, height):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.canvasWidth = width * self.SCALE_FACTOR
        self.canvasHeight = height * self.SCALE_FACTOR
        self.disjointSets = DisjointSets(width * height)
        self.mazeCells = [[MazeCell(x, y) for y in range(height)]
                          for x in range(width)]

        Xs = list(range(self.width))
        Ys = list(range(self.height))
        # cartesian product X x Y
        randomCoords = list(itertools.product(Xs, Ys))

        for (row, column) in randomCoords:
            mazeCell = self.mazeCells[row][column]
            wallRemoveDirection = random.sample(
                [Direction.RIGHT, Direction.DOWN], 1)[0]

            if (mazeCell.visitedCount == 1):
                wallRemoveDirection = Direction.RIGHT if mazeCell.rightWallExists else Direction.DOWN

            a = self._findSetIndex(row, column)
            b = self._findSetIndex(row, column, wallRemoveDirection)

            if (self._checkBoundary(row, column, wallRemoveDirection)
                    and self.disjointSets.SetUnion(a, b)):
                self._setWall(mazeCell, wallRemoveDirection, False)

            mazeCell.visitedCount += 1

    def _resetMazeCells(self):
        for row in range(self.height):
            for col in range(self.width):
                self.mazeCells[row][col].marked = False

    def _findSetIndex(self, row, column, direction=Direction.NONE):
        if direction is Direction.NONE:
            return (row * self.width) + column

        return (row *
                self.width) + column + 1 if direction is Direction.RIGHT else (
                    (row + 1) * self.width) + column

    def _setWall(self, mazeCell, direction, exists):
        if (direction is Direction.RIGHT):
            mazeCell.rightWallExists = exists
        elif (direction is Direction.DOWN):
            mazeCell.downWallExists = exists

    def DrawSolution(self, pixels, solution):
        currentRow = self.SCALE_FACTOR // 2
        currentCol = self.SCALE_FACTOR // 2

        for step in solution.path:
            cv2.imshow('image', pixels)
            if (step is Direction.DOWN):
                self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.VERTICAL, currentRow,
                                currentRow + self.SCALE_FACTOR, currentCol,
                currentRow += self.SCALE_FACTOR

            elif (step is Direction.RIGHT):
                self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.HORIZONTAL, currentCol,
                                currentCol + self.SCALE_FACTOR, currentRow,
                currentCol += self.SCALE_FACTOR

            elif (step is Direction.LEFT):
                self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
                                currentCol - self.SCALE_FACTOR, currentCol,
                                currentRow, Color.RED)
                currentCol -= self.SCALE_FACTOR

            elif (step is Direction.UP):
                self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.VERTICAL,
                                currentRow - self.SCALE_FACTOR, currentRow,
                                currentCol, Color.RED)
                currentRow -= self.SCALE_FACTOR


        currentRow += self.SCALE_FACTOR // 2
        currentCol -= self.SCALE_FACTOR // 2

        # Drawing exit
        self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.HORIZONTAL, currentCol,
                        currentCol + self.SCALE_FACTOR, currentRow,

    def _blackenCells(self, pixels):
        for row in range(self.height):
            for column in range(self.width):
                mazeCell = self.mazeCells[row][column]

                if (mazeCell.rightWallExists):
                    rowStart = (row * self.SCALE_FACTOR)
                    columnFixed = (column * self.SCALE_FACTOR
                                   ) + MazeCell.RIGHT_WALL_OFFSET_PX
                    self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.VERTICAL, rowStart,
                                    rowStart + self.SCALE_FACTOR, columnFixed,

                if (mazeCell.downWallExists):
                    rowFixed = (
                        row * self.SCALE_FACTOR) + MazeCell.DOWN_WALL_OFFSET_PX
                    columnStart = (column * self.SCALE_FACTOR)
                    self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
                                    columnStart + self.SCALE_FACTOR, rowFixed,

    def _blackenTop(self, pixels):
        DOOR_OFFSET = 10
        self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.HORIZONTAL, DOOR_OFFSET,
                        self.canvasWidth, 0, Color.BLACK)

    def _blackenLeft(self, pixels):
        self._colorWall(pixels, Orientation.VERTICAL, 0, self.canvasHeight, 0,

    def _colorWall(self, pixels, orientation, start, end, fixedDimension,
        if (orientation is Orientation.VERTICAL):
            for i in range(start, end):
                pixels[fixedDimension, i] = tuple(color)

        elif (orientation is Orientation.HORIZONTAL):
            for i in range(start, end):
                pixels[i, fixedDimension] = tuple(color)

    def _canTravel(self, row, column, direction):
        return self._checkBoundary(row, column, direction) and \
            not self._hasWall(row, column, direction) and \
            not self._isVisited(row, column, direction)

    def _isVisited(self, row, column, direction):
        if (direction is Direction.DOWN):
            return (self.mazeCells[row + 1][column].marked)
        elif (direction is Direction.RIGHT):
            return (self.mazeCells[row][column + 1].marked)
        elif (direction is Direction.LEFT):
            return (self.mazeCells[row][column - 1].marked)
        elif (direction is Direction.UP):
            return (self.mazeCells[row - 1][column].marked)

    def _checkBoundary(self, row, column, direction):
        MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_WIDTH = 0, 0
        MAX_HEIGHT = self.height - 1
        MAX_WIDTH = self.width - 1

        if (direction is Direction.DOWN):
            return (row + 1 <= MAX_HEIGHT)
        elif (direction is Direction.RIGHT):
            return (column + 1 <= MAX_WIDTH)
        elif (direction is Direction.LEFT):
            return (column - 1 >= MIN_WIDTH)
        elif (direction is Direction.UP):
            return (row - 1 >= MIN_HEIGHT)

    def _hasWall(self, row, column, direction):
        if (direction is Direction.RIGHT):
            return self.mazeCells[row][column].rightWallExists
        elif (direction is Direction.DOWN):
            return self.mazeCells[row][column].downWallExists
        elif (direction is Direction.LEFT):
            return self.mazeCells[row][column - 1].rightWallExists
        elif (direction is Direction.UP):
            return self.mazeCells[row - 1][column].downWallExists

    def DrawMaze_CV(self, mazeSolution):
        imageWidth = (self.canvasWidth) + 1
        imageHeight = (self.canvasHeight) + 1
        RGB_DIMENSION = 3
        # 2D array of 1D arays of length 3 for pixel representation
        pixels = np.repeat(255,imageWidth*imageHeight*RGB_DIMENSION).astype('u1') \

        self.DrawSolution(pixels, mazeSolution)