class XMLTruck(XMLVehicle): def __init__(self, xmlfile, datadir, spawnpos, world): super(XMLTruck, self).__init__(xmlfile, datadir, spawnpos, world) p = self.parser # For readability... self.hitchConstraint = None self.hitchedTrailer = None # ===== Sound ===== self.sound = SoundController(p.getEngineRpmIdle(), p.getEngineRpmMax() * 1./4., p.getEngineRpmMax() * 2./4., p.getEngineRpmMax() * 3./4.) # ===== Steering ===== self.physMaxAngle = p.getSteeringAngleMax() # The absolute maximum angle possible self.maxAngle = self.physMaxAngle # The maximum steering angle at the current speed (speed-sensitive) self.rate = p.getSteeringRate() self.curAngle = 0.0 self._steerDir = 0 # -1, 0, 1: Sets the direction of steering # ===== Select a drivetrain ===== if p.getDrivetrainType() == "automatic": #self.drivetrain = AutomaticDt(self.vehicle, self.parser) self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self.vehicle, self.parser) else: print "[WRN] The selected drivetrain type is unknown, choosing automatic!" self.drivetrain = AutomaticDt(self.vehicle, self.parser) def setGas(self, gas): if gas <= 1. and gas >= 0.: self.drivetrain.setGas(gas) else: print " out of range! (0 < x < 1)" def setBrake(self, brake): if brake <= 1. and brake >= 0.: self.drivetrain.setBrake(brake) else: print " out of range! (0 < x < 1)" def getGbState(self): return self.drivetrain.getGbState() def shiftDrive(self): self.drivetrain.shiftDrive() def shiftNeutral(self): self.drivetrain.shiftNeutral() def shiftReverse(self): self.drivetrain.shiftReverse() def shiftPark(self): self.drivetrain.shiftPark() def steer(self, direction): if direction >= -1 and direction <= 1: self._steerDir = direction else: print "[WRN] XMLTruck:steer(): Invalid direction parameter." def _steer(self): # We are speed sensitive speed = self.vehicle.getCurrentSpeedKmHour() if speed > 0 and speed < 90: self.maxAngle = (-.5) * speed + 45 # Graph this on WolframAlpha to make it obvious :) elif speed > 90: self.maxAngle = 1.0 if self._steerDir == 1 and self.curAngle < self.maxAngle: if self.curAngle < 0: self.curAngle += 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle += self.rate elif self._steerDir == -1 and self.curAngle > self.maxAngle * -1: if self.curAngle > 0: self.curAngle -= 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle -= self.rate else: # self._steerDir == 0 # steer straight if self.curAngle > self.rate: self.curAngle -= 2.0 * self.rate elif self.curAngle < self.rate * -1.0: self.curAngle += 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle = 0.0 def update(self, dt): super(XMLTruck, self).update(dt) self._steer() self.drivetrain.update(dt) self._applyAirDrag() self._makeSound() if not self.hitchedTrailer == None: self.hitchedTrailer.update(dt, self.curAngle) for axle in range(0, self.parser.getAxleCount()): if self.parser.isAxleSteerable(axle): self.vehicle.setSteeringValue(self.curAngle * self.parser.getAxleSteeringFactor(axle), 2 * axle) self.vehicle.setSteeringValue(self.curAngle * self.parser.getAxleSteeringFactor(axle), 2 * axle + 1) def _applyAirDrag(self): # air density 0.0012 g/cm3 (at sea level and 20 °C) # cw-Value: 0.8 for a "truck", 0.5 for a modern 40 ton "with aero-kit" (see wikipedia), choosing 0.4 for now. # force = (density * cw * A * vel) / 2 force = 0.0012 * 0.4 \ * (self.parser.getDimensions()[0] * self.parser.getDimensions()[1]) \ * (self.getSpeed() / 3.6) \ / 2 # Its a braking force, after all force *= -1. relFVector = self.components[0].getBodyNp().getRelativeVector(render, Point3(0, force, 0)) self.components[0].getBodyNp().node().applyCentralForce(relFVector); def _makeSound(self): self.sound.playEngineSound(self.getRpm(), self.drivetrain.getGasPedal()) def getRpm(self): return self.drivetrain.getRpm() def getGear(self): return self.drivetrain.getGear() def reset(self): for meshId in range(0, self.parser.getMeshCount()): self.components[meshId].setR(0) if meshId == 0: self.components[meshId].setPos(self.components[meshId].getPos() + Vec3(0, 0, 1.5)) else: parentComp = self.components[self.parser.getMeshParent(meshId)] self.components[meshId].getBodyNp().setPos(self.components[meshId].getBodyNp().getPos() + self.parser.getMeshOffset(meshId) + Vec3(0, 0, 1.5)) if not self.hitchedTrailer == None: self.hitchedTrailer.getChassis().setPos(self.hitchedTrailer.getChassis().getPos() + (0,0,1.5)) self.hitchedTrailer.getChassis().setR(0) def control(self, conIndex, direction): if not direction in [-1, 0, 1]: raise ValueError("direction is none of [-1, 0, 1]") if conIndex == 0: if direction in [-1, 1]: self.constraints[conIndex].getConstraint().enableAngularMotor(True, .4 * direction, 10000000.) elif direction == 0: self.constraints[conIndex].getConstraint().enableAngularMotor(True, .0, 1000000.) else: print "[WRN] XMLTruck:control0(direction): Direction is none of [1., 0., -1.]" def couple(self, vehicles): """ Checks if another vehicle is within 1 unit (meter) range of our hitch. If yes, it will be connected to us. """ if self.hitchConstraint == None: ourHitchAbsolute = Util.getAbsolutePos(self.getTrailerHitchPoint(), self.getChassis().getBodyNp()) for vehicle in vehicles: otherHitchAbsolute = Util.getAbsolutePos(vehicle.getTrailerHitchPoint(), vehicle.getChassis().getBodyNp()) if not self == vehicle and vehicle.getType() == "trailer" \ and Util.getDistance(ourHitchAbsolute, otherHitchAbsolute) <= 1: self.hitchConstraint = self.createCouplingJoint(self.getTrailerHitchPoint(), vehicle.getTrailerHitchPoint(), vehicle.getChassis().getBodyNp().node()) self.hitchedTrailer = vehicle else: self.hitchConstraint = None self.hitchedTrailer = None def createCouplingJoint(self, ourHitch, otherHitch, otherChassisNode): #BulletConeTwistConstraint (BulletRigidBodyNode const node_a, BulletRigidBodyNode const node_b, # TransformState const frame_a, TransformState const frame_b) ourFrame = TransformState.makePosHpr(ourHitch, Vec3(0,0,0)) otherFrame = TransformState.makePosHpr(otherHitch, Vec3(0,0,0)) hitchConstraint = BulletConeTwistConstraint(self.getChassis().getBodyNp().node(), otherChassisNode, ourFrame, otherFrame) hitchConstraint.setLimit(170, 40, 30) return hitchConstraint
class Truck: ''' The player truck. ''' # steering physMaxAngle = 45.0 # The absolute maximum angle curAngle = 0.0 maxAngle = physMaxAngle # The maximum steering angle at the current speed (speed-sensitive) rate = 1.1 _steerDir = 0 # -1, 0, 1: Sets the direction of steering def __init__(self, chassismesh, wheelmesh, pos, SCALE, maskTrucks, world): ''' Loads the chassismesh, sets the truck up and ignites the engine. ''' = world # eggmesh: center-side 1m, center-front 2.5m, center-top 1.7m, height exhaust: 0.1m # chassis box: .51m high, cabin box 1.18m high (without exhaust tips) # platform: 3.15m x 2m x 0.6m (l,w,h) # === Chassis === npBody = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode('truckBox')) # TransformState: compensate for the exhausts sticking out of the top npBody.node().addShape(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1, 2.5, .51/2.0)), TransformState.makePos(Vec3(0, 0, -.65))) npBody.node().addShape(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1, .75, 1.18/2.0)), TransformState.makePos(Vec3(0, 1.75, .2))) npBody.node().setMass(3362.0) npBody.node().setDeactivationEnabled(False) npBody.setPos(pos) npTruckMdl = npBody.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel(chassismesh).node()) self.chassis = VComponent(npTruckMdl, npBody) # === Platform / Dumper === npDump = npBody.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode("dumpBox")) npDump.node().addShape(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1., 3.15/2., 0.6/2.))) npDump.node().setMass(300.0) npDump.node().setDeactivationEnabled(False) npDump.setPos(pos + (0, -.925, -2.1)) npDumpMdl = npDump.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel("../../data/mesh/mulde.egg").node()) self.dump = VComponent(npDumpMdl, npDump) # === Connect Chassis and Dumper === #BulletHingeConstraint (BulletRigidBodyNode const node_a, BulletRigidBodyNode const node_b, # Point3 const pivot_a, Point3 const pivot_b, # Vec3 const axis_a, Vec3 const axis_b, # bool use_frame_a) con = BulletHingeConstraint(npBody.node(), npDump.node(), Point3(0, -2.5, -.4), Point3(0, -3.15/2., -.4), Vec3(1,0,0), Vec3(1,0,0), True) con.setAxis(Vec3(1,0,0)) con.setLimit(0, 50) con.setDebugDrawSize(2.0) self.dumperCon = con # Keep the dumper down self.dumperCon.enableAngularMotor(True, -5., 300.) # === BulletVehicle setup === self.vehicle = BulletVehicle(, npBody.node()) self.vehicle.setCoordinateSystem(ZUp) self.tuningGui = TuningGui(self.vehicle.getTuning()) tuning = self.vehicle.getTuning() self.drivetrain = AutomaticDt(self.vehicle) # === We need rolling devices! === self.wheels = [] for i in range(0, 4): rideHeight = -0.3 pos = Point3(0, 0, rideHeight) if i == 0: pos += (-.85, 1.8, rideHeight) if i == 1: pos += (.85, 1.8, rideHeight) if i == 2: pos += (-.85, -1.5, rideHeight) if i == 3: pos += (.85, -1.5, rideHeight) # Prepare bullet nodes npBody = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode('wheelBox')) npBody.node().setMass(25.0) npBody.setPos(pos) npWheelMdl = npBody.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel(wheelmesh).node()) if i % 2 == 0: npWheelMdl.setH(180.0) # We need to turn around the meshes of wheel 0 and 2, the left ones wheel = self.vehicle.createWheel() wheel.setNode(npBody.node()) wheel.setChassisConnectionPointCs(pos) wheel.setWheelDirectionCs(Vec3(0, 0, -1)) wheel.setWheelAxleCs(Vec3(1, 0, 0)) wheel.setWheelRadius(.45) isPowered = False # suspension setup if i in range(0, 2): # [0, 1] # front axle wheel.setFrontWheel(True) wheel.setMaxSuspensionTravelCm(35.0) wheel.setMaxSuspensionForce(60000.0) # 3362 kg * 10 N/kg + some extra wheel.setSuspensionStiffness(20.0) wheel.setWheelsDampingRelaxation(2.) wheel.setWheelsDampingCompression(5.) wheel.setFrictionSlip(1.5) wheel.setRollInfluence(0.3) if i in range(2, 4): # [2, 3] # rear axle wheel.setMaxSuspensionTravelCm(40.0) wheel.setMaxSuspensionForce(60000.0) wheel.setSuspensionStiffness(35.0) wheel.setWheelsDampingRelaxation(2.) wheel.setWheelsDampingCompression(5.) wheel.setFrictionSlip(1.5) wheel.setRollInfluence(0.3) isPowered = True self.wheels.append(VWheel(npWheelMdl, npBody, wheel, isPowered)) # ========================= # === Setup the trailer === npTrailer = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode('trailerBox')) npTrailer.node().addShape(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1, 3.15/2., .27/2.0)), TransformState.makePos(Vec3(0,-.5, .15/2.))) npTrailer.node().setMass(800.0) npTrailer.node().setDeactivationEnabled(False) npTrailer.setPos(self.chassis.getPos() + (0,-5,0)) npTrailerMdl = npTrailer.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel("../../data/mesh/trailer.egg").node()) self.tChassis = VComponent(npTrailerMdl, npTrailer) self.trailer = BulletVehicle(, npTrailer.node()) self.trailer.setCoordinateSystem(ZUp) tuning = self.trailer.getTuning() tuning.setMaxSuspensionTravelCm(40.0) tuning.setMaxSuspensionForce(40000.0) # 1500 kg * 10 N/kg + a little extra tuning.setSuspensionStiffness(20.0) tuning.setSuspensionDamping(3.0) tuning.setSuspensionCompression(5.0) tuning.setFrictionSlip(1.5) # === We need rolling devices! === self.tWheels = [] for i in range(0, 4): pos = Point3(0,0,0) rideHeight = 0 if i == 0: pos += (-.85, 0, rideHeight) if i == 1: pos += (.85, 0, rideHeight) if i == 2: pos += (-.85, -1, rideHeight) if i == 3: pos += (.85, -1, rideHeight) # Prepare bullet nodes npBody = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode('tWheelBox')) npBody.node().setMass(25.0) npBody.setPos(pos) npWheelMdl = npBody.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel(wheelmesh).node()) if i % 2 == 0: npWheelMdl.setH(180.0) # We need to turn around the meshes of wheel 0 and 2, the left ones wheel = self.trailer.createWheel() wheel.setNode(npBody.node()) wheel.setChassisConnectionPointCs(pos) wheel.setWheelDirectionCs(Vec3(0, 0, -1)) wheel.setWheelAxleCs(Vec3(1, 0, 0)) wheel.setWheelRadius(.45) wheel.setRollInfluence(0.3) self.tWheels.append(VWheel(npWheelMdl, npBody, wheel, False)) # === Connect truck and trailer === # Truck hook point: (0, -2.511, -.515) # Trailer hook poi: (0, 2.086, .075) #BulletConeTwistConstraint (BulletRigidBodyNode const node_a, BulletRigidBodyNode const node_b, TransformState const frame_a, TransformState const frame_b) t1 = TransformState.makePosHpr(Point3(0, -2.511, -.515), Vec3(0,0,0)) t2 = TransformState.makePosHpr(Point3(0, 2.086, .075), Vec3(0, 0, 0)) hitch = BulletConeTwistConstraint(self.chassis.getBody().node(), self.tChassis.getBody().node(), t1, t2) hitch.setLimit(170, 40, 30) # === Put a dumper onto the trailer === nptDump = npTrailer.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode("tdumpBox")) nptDump.node().addShape(BulletBoxShape(Vec3(1., 3.15/2., 0.6/2.))) nptDump.node().setMass(300.0) nptDump.node().setDeactivationEnabled(False) nptDump.setPos(Point3(0, -.5, .5)) nptDumpMdl = nptDump.attachNewNode(loader.loadModel("../../data/mesh/mulde.egg").node()) self.tdump = VComponent(nptDumpMdl, npTrailer) # === Connect trailer and dumper === #BulletHingeConstraint (BulletRigidBodyNode const node_a, BulletRigidBodyNode const node_b, # Point3 const pivot_a, Point3 const pivot_b, # Vec3 const axis_a, Vec3 const axis_b, # bool use_frame_a) tcon = BulletHingeConstraint(npTrailer.node(), nptDump.node(), Point3(0, -3.15/2, .1), Point3(0, -3.15/2., .1), Vec3(1,0,0), Vec3(1,0,0), True) tcon.setAxis(Vec3(1,0,0)) tcon.setLimit(0, 50) tcon.setDebugDrawSize(2.0) # Keep the dumper down tcon.enableAngularMotor(True, -5., 300.) def update(self, dt): self._steer() self.drivetrain.update(dt) def setGas(self, gas): if gas <= 1. and gas >= 0.: self.drivetrain.setGas(gas) else: print " out of range! (0 < x < 1)" def setBrake(self, brake): if brake <= 1. and brake >= 0.: self.drivetrain.setBrake(brake) else: print " out of range! (0 < x < 1)" def getGbState(self): return self.drivetrain.getGbState() def shiftDrive(self): self.drivetrain.shiftDrive() def shiftNeutral(self): self.drivetrain.shiftNeutral() def shiftReverse(self): self.drivetrain.shiftReverse() def shiftPark(self): self.drivetrain.shiftPark() def steer(self, direction): if direction in [-1, 0, 1]: self._steerDir = direction else: print "[WRN] Invalid direction parameter." def _steer(self): # We are speed sensitive speed = self.vehicle.getCurrentSpeedKmHour() if speed > 0 and speed < 90: self.maxAngle = (-.5) * speed + 45 # Graph this on WolframAlpha to make it obvious :) elif speed > 90: self.maxAngle = 1.0 if self._steerDir == 1 and self.curAngle < self.maxAngle: if self.curAngle < 0: self.curAngle += 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle += self.rate elif self._steerDir == -1 and self.curAngle > self.maxAngle * -1: if self.curAngle > 0: self.curAngle -= 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle -= self.rate else: # self._steerDir == 0 # steer straight if self.curAngle > self.rate: self.curAngle -= 2.0 * self.rate elif self.curAngle < self.rate * -1.0: self.curAngle += 2.0 * self.rate else: self.curAngle = 0.0 self.vehicle.setSteeringValue(self.curAngle, 0) self.vehicle.setSteeringValue(self.curAngle, 1) def getRpm(self): return self.drivetrain.getRpm() def getGear(self): return self.drivetrain.getGear() def reset(self): self.chassis.setPos(self.chassis.getPos() + (0,0,1.5)) self.chassis.setR(0) def tiltDumper(self, direction): if direction in [-1., 1.]: self.dumperCon.enableAngularMotor(True, .4 * direction, 10000000.) elif direction == 0.: self.dumperCon.enableAngularMotor(True, .0, 1000000.) else: print "[WRN] Direction is none of [1., 0., -1.]" def getChassisNp(self): return self.chassis.getNp() def getChassis(self): return self.chassis def getSpeed(self): return self.vehicle.getCurrentSpeedKmHour()