def main(): ## MASTER -> WORKER ### print_int_coll([1,2,3,[41,42,43]]) #agent_3 print_obj_coll([DummyObject(1),DummyObject(2),DummyObject(3),[DummyObject(41),DummyObject(42),DummyObject(43)]]) #agent_2 ## WORKER -> WORKER ### print_worker_int_coll(compss_wait_on(create_int_collection_worker())) #agent_2 --> #agent_3 print_worker_obj_coll(compss_wait_on(create_object_collection_worker())) #agent_3 --> #agent_2 ## WORKER -> MASTER ### objCollection = create_object_collection() #agent_3 intCollection = create_int_collection() #agent_2 objCollection = compss_wait_on(objCollection) intCollection = compss_wait_on(intCollection) print("createObjCollectionResult:" + str(objCollection)) print("createIntCollectionResult:" + str(intCollection)) ### COLLECTION DEPENDENCY ### modify_dummy_obj(objCollection) #agent_3 objCollection = compss_wait_on(objCollection) print(" modifiedObjColl:" + str(objCollection)) print_mod_obj_coll(objCollection) #agent_2 ### COLLECTION_OUT ### coll= [DummyObject(),DummyObject()] gen_coll_out(coll) coll = compss_wait_on(coll) #agent_2 print_coll_out(coll) #agent_3 coll = ["1","2","3","4","5","6"] for elem in coll: print_elem(elem) #agent_2
def create_object_collection(): print("executing create_object_collection") return [ DummyObject(1), DummyObject(2), DummyObject(3), [DummyObject(41), DummyObject(42), DummyObject(43)] ]
def main(): time.sleep(6) print("executing main") time.sleep(6) ### MASTER -> WORKER ### print("createObjCollectionResult:" + str(compss_wait_on(create_object_collection()))) print("createIntCollectionResult:" + str(compss_wait_on(create_int_collection()))) print_int_coll([1, 2, 3, [41, 42, 43]]) print_obj_coll([ DummyObject(1), DummyObject(2), DummyObject(3), [DummyObject(41), DummyObject(42), DummyObject(43)] ])
def readInput(file): """ +readInput() lees een inputfile en voert de commando's die daarin staan uit om: datatypes te creêren, .dot-files te creëren of om traverses te printen. :param file: Het bestand waarin de commando's zouden staan. Pre-condities: Het bestand moet commando's bevatten voor het maken van datatypes, het maken van .dot-files of het printen van traverses. Post-condities: De commando's in het bestand zullen uitgevoerd worden. """ currentType = "" ADT = None printCount = 0 index = None with open(file, 'r') as inputfile: lines = for line in lines: if line.startswith("type"): type_properties = line.split("=") currentType = type_properties[1] if currentType == "hlin" or currentType == "23" or currentType == "heap" or currentType == "rb" or currentType == "hsep" or currentType == "hquad": continue if type_properties[1].find(",") != -1: split_properties = type_properties[1].split(",") currentType = split_properties[0] size = int(split_properties[1]) if currentType == "queue": print(f"TYPE: {currentType}") ADT = QueueTableWrapper(size) printCount = 1 elif type_properties[1].find(",") == -1: currentType = type_properties[1] if currentType == "bst": print(f"TYPE: {currentType}") ADT = BSTTableWrapper() printCount = 1 elif currentType == "234": print(f"TYPE: {currentType}") ADT = TwoThreeFourTreeTableWrapper() printCount = 1 elif currentType == "stack": print(f"TYPE: {currentType}") ADT = StackTableWrapper() printCount = 1 elif currentType == "ll": print(f"TYPE: {currentType}") ADT = ChainTableWrapper() printCount = 1 index = 0 elif line.startswith("insert"): if currentType == "hlin" or currentType == "23" or currentType == "heap" or currentType == "rb" or currentType == "hsep" or currentType == "hquad": continue insert_properties = line.split(" ") key = int(insert_properties[1]) print(f"TYPE: {currentType} | Insert: {key}") if currentType == "bst" or currentType == "234" or currentType == "stack" or currentType == "queue": ADT.tableInsert(DummyObject(key)) elif currentType == "ll": ADT.tableInsert(index, DummyObject(key)) index += 1 elif line.startswith("delete"): if currentType == "hlin" or currentType == "23" or currentType == "heap" or currentType == "rb" or currentType == "hsep" or currentType == "hquad": continue delete_properties = line.split(" ") if len(delete_properties) > 1: key = int(delete_properties[1]) print(f"TYPE: {currentType} | delete: {key}") if currentType == "bst": ADT.tableDelete(DummyObject(key)) elif currentType == "234" or currentType == "ll": ADT.tableDelete(key) else: print(f"TYPE: {currentType} | delete") if currentType == "stack": print(ADT.tableDelete()) elif currentType == "queue": ADT.tableDelete() elif line.startswith( "print") and line.startswith("printsorted") is False: if currentType == "hlin" or currentType == "23" or currentType == "heap" or currentType == "rb" or currentType == "hsep" or currentType == "hquad": continue if currentType == "234" or currentType == "bst" or currentType == "ll" or currentType == "stack" or currentType == "queue": filename = currentType + "-" + str(printCount) + ".dot" print(f"TYPE: {currentType} | ToDot: {filename}") ADT.tablePrint(filename) os.system( f"dot -Tps {filename} -o {currentType}-{str(printCount)}.ps" ) printCount += 1 elif line.startswith("printsorted"): if currentType == "hlin" or currentType == "23" or currentType == "heap" or currentType == "rb" or currentType == "hsep" or currentType == "hquad": continue if currentType == "234" or currentType == "bst" or currentType == "ll": print(f"TYPE: {currentType} | print sorted") ADT.tableTraverse()
def gen_coll_out(c): c[0]=DummyObject(11) c[1]=DummyObject(12)
def create_object_collection_worker(): return [DummyObject(1),DummyObject(2),DummyObject(3),[DummyObject(41),DummyObject(42),DummyObject(43)]]