Пример #1
 def singleRunPostProcessing(self, PPoutpath, folder):
     """Generates a single yield histogram for the run_type
         PPoutpath (string) - output path to place data in
         folder (string) - full filepath to folder containing runs
     res = gen_summary(folder)
     self.res = res
Пример #2
 def multiRunPostProcessing(self, PPoutpath, folders):
     """Generates a yield histograms for the provided run_types
         PPoutpath (string) - output path to place data in
         folders (string) - full filepaths to folders containing runs of each run_type
     resList = list()
     for folder in folders:
     self.resList = resList
Пример #3
'Dean2May18RS09CXXfZ01OB01PP01SU01']#replace with more recent run
res1 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[0])
res2 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[1])
res3 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[2])
res4 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[3])
res5 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[4])
res6 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[5])
res7 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[6])
res8 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[7])
res9 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[8])
res10 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[9])
res11 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[10])
res12 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[11])
res13 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[12])
res14 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[13])
res15 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[14])
res16 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[15])
Пример #4
    for f in pklfiles:
        myStr = '/'.join(f.split('/')[0:-1])
        if not myStr in pklfiles2:  #Ensures no duplicates added

    #### Get Date
    date = unicode(datetime.datetime.now())
    date = ''.join(
        c + '_'
        for c in re.split('-|:| ', date)[0:-1])  #Removes seconds from date

    #### Search Through All Files
    for f in pklfiles2:
        out = gen_summary(f, includeUniversePlanetPop=False)

        Rps = list()
        detected = list()
        Mps = list()
        #tottime = list()
        starinds = list()
        smas = list()
        ps = list()
        es = list()
        WAs = list()
        SNRs = list()
        fZs = list()
        fEZs = list()
        dMags = list()
        rs = list()

from EXOSIMS.util.read_ipcluster_ensemble import gen_summary
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
from scipy.stats import anderson

PPoutpath1 = '/home/dean/Documents/SIOSlab/EXOSIMSres/WFIRSTCompSpecPriors_WFIRSTcycle6core_3momaxC/WFIRSTcycle6core_CKL2_PPKL2'
folder1 = '/home/dean/Documents/SIOSlab/EXOSIMSres/WFIRSTCompSpecPriors_WFIRSTcycle6core_3momaxC/WFIRSTcycle6core_CKL2_PPKL2'
PPoutpath2 = '/home/dean/Documents/SIOSlab/EXOSIMSres/WFIRSTCompSpecPriors_WFIRSTcycle6core_3momaxC/WFIRSTcycle6core_CSAG13_PPKL2'
folder2 = '/home/dean/Documents/SIOSlab/EXOSIMSres/WFIRSTCompSpecPriors_WFIRSTcycle6core_3momaxC/WFIRSTcycle6core_CSAG13_PPKL2'

#Generate Summaries
res1 = gen_summary(folder1)
res2 = gen_summary(folder2)

rcounts = []
res = [res1['detected'], res2['detected']]
for el in res:
    rcounts.append(np.array([np.unique(r).size for r in el]).astype(float))#unique detections

out = ks_2samp(rcounts[0], rcounts[1])
#out2 = anderson()

## Quick proof distributions are different
# X0 = np.random.normal(loc=1.,scale=1.,size=(1000))
# res1 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[0])
# res2 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[1])
# res3 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[2])
# res4 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[3])
# res5 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[4])
# res6 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[5])
# res7 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[6])
# res8 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[7])
# res9 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[8])
# res10 = gen_summary(pathRuns + t[9])

rcounts = list()
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[0])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[1])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[2])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[3])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[4])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[5])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[6])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[7])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[8])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[9])['detected']))
rcounts.append(calcStatistics(gen_summary(pathRuns + t[10])['detected']))

# 1mo, 0.08333yr=08
# 2mo, 0.1666yr=09
# 3mo, 0.25yr=10
# 4mo, 0.33333yr=11
Пример #7
#res2 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_starkAYO_JTWINJTWINnov10_2017')

#11/9/2017 c-JTWIN pp-KeplerLike
#res1 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_radDos0JTWINKeplernov6_2017')
#res2 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_SLSQPJTWINKeplernov4_2017')
#res3 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_SLSQPstaticJTWINKeplernov3_2017')
#res4 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_starkAYOJTWINKeplernov9_2017')

#2/14/2018 c-KeplerLike New implementation
#res1 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_starkAYO_fZnoDecnoCompnov14_2017')
#res2 = gen_summary('/home/dean/Feb13_2018starkAYOstaticFunctionalTest')

#2/15/2018 c-KeplerLike New implementation compared to Last master commit
res1 = gen_summary('/home/dean/Feb15_2018starkAYOstaticmasterFunctionalTest')
res2 = gen_summary('/home/dean/Feb13_2018starkAYOstaticFunctionalTest')
res3 = gen_summary('/home/dean/Feb16_2018SLSQPmasterFunctionalTest')

#res1 = gen_summary('/home/dean/wfirst_radDos0_SLSQP')
#res2 = gen_summary('/home/dean/drk94_SLSQP_CbyTnov7_2017')

#dir1 = "/home/dean/drk94_starkAYOoct20_2017"
#out = gen_summary(dir1)
#print('Done starkAYO')
#dir2 = "/home/dean/wfirst_radDos0"
#out2 = gen_summary(dir2)

Пример #8
    def singleRunPostProcessing(self, PPoutpath, folder):
        """Generates a single yield histogram for the run_type
            PPoutpath (string) - output path to place data in
            folder (string) - full filepath to folder containing runs
        if not os.path.exists(folder):#Folder must exist
            raise ValueError('%s not found'%folder)
        if not os.path.exists(PPoutpath):#PPoutpath must exist
            raise ValueError('%s not found'%PPoutpath) 
        outspecfile = os.path.join(folder,'outspec.json')
        if not os.path.exists(outspecfile):#outspec file not found
            raise ValueError('%s not found'%outspecfile) 

        #Extract Data from folder containing pkl files
        out = gen_summary(folder)#out contains information on the detected planets
        allres = read_all(folder)# contains all drm from all missions in folder

        #Convert Extracted Data to x,y
        x, y = self.extractXY(out, allres)
        # Define the x and y data for detected planets
        det_Rps = np.concatenate(out['Rps']).ravel() # Planet Radius in Earth Radius of detected planets
        det_smas = np.concatenate(out['smas']).ravel()

        #Create Mission Object To Extract Some Plotting Limits
        sim = EXOSIMS.MissionSim.MissionSim(outspecfile, nopar=True)
        ymax = np.nanmax(sim.PlanetPhysicalModel.ggdat['radii']).to('earthRad').value

        #Create Figure and define gridspec
        fig2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(8.5,4.5))
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,5, width_ratios=[6,1,0.3,6,1.25], height_ratios=[0.2,1,4])
        gs.update(wspace=0.06, hspace=0.06) # set the spacing between axes. 

        #What the plot layout looks like
        # | gs[0]  gs[1]  gs[2]  gs[3]  gs[4] |
        # | gs[5]  gs[6]  gs[7]  gs[8]  gs[9] |
        # | gs[10] gs[11] gs[12] gs[13] gs[14]|
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[5+5])#2D histogram of planet pop
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0+5])#1D histogram of a
        ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[6+5])#1D histogram of Rp
        ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[8+5])#2D histogram of detected Planet Population
        ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[3+5])#1D histogram of detected planet a
        ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[9+5])#1D histogram of detected planet Rp
        TXT1 = plt.subplot(gs[1+5])
        TXT4 = plt.subplot(gs[4+5])
        axCBAR = plt.subplot(gs[0:5])

        # Set up default x and y limits
        xlims = [min(x),max(x)]# of aPOP
        ylims = [min(y),ymax]#max(y)]# of RpPOp
        xmin = xlims[0]
        xmax = xlims[1]
        ymin = ylims[0]
        ymax = ylims[1]

        # Make the 'main' temperature plot
        # Define the number of bins
        nxbins = 50# a bins
        nybins = 50# Rp bins
        nbins = 100
        xbins = np.logspace(start = np.log10(xmin), stop = np.log10(xmax), num = nxbins)
        ybins = np.logspace(start = np.log10(ymin), stop = np.log10(ymax), num = nybins)
        xcenter = (xbins[0:-1]+xbins[1:])/2.0
        ycenter = (ybins[0:-1]+ybins[1:])/2.0
        aspectratio = 1.0*(xmax - 0)/(1.0*ymax - 0)
        H, xedges,yedges = np.histogram2d(x,y,bins=(xbins,ybins),normed=True)
        X = xcenter
        Y = ycenter
        Z = H

        #To calculate area under H
        # tmpx = np.diff(xedges)
        # tmpy = np.diff(yedges)
        # tmpmat = np.transpose(np.asarray(tmpx,ndmin))*tmpy
        # #test to be sure it is correct
        # tmpmat[1,2] == tmpx[1]*tmpy[2] #this should be true
        # np.sum(tmpmat*H) #this should equal1

        # Plot the temperature data
        xcents = np.diff(xbins)/2.+xbins[:-1]
        ycents = np.diff(ybins)/2.+ybins[:-1]

        #Plots the contour lines for ax1
        cax = ax1.contourf(xcents, ycents, H.T, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap='jet', locator=ticker.LogLocator())
        CS4 = ax1.contour(cax, colors=('k',), linewidths=(1,), origin='lower', locator=ticker.LogLocator())

        #Add Colorbar
        cbar = fig2.colorbar(cax, cax=axCBAR, orientation='horizontal')#pad=0.05,
        axCBAR.set_xlabel('Joint Probability Density: Universe (Left) Detected Planets (Right)', weight='bold', labelpad=-35)

        HDET, xedgesDET, yedgesDET = np.histogram2d(det_smas,det_Rps,bins=(xbins,ybins),normed=True)
        caxDET = ax4.contourf(xcents,ycents,HDET.T, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap='jet', locator=ticker.LogLocator())
        CS42 = ax4.contour(caxDET, colors=('k',), linewidths=(1,), origin='lower', locator=ticker.LogLocator())

        #Set axes scales to log

        #Plot the axes labels
        ax1.set_xlabel('Universe Pop.\nSemi-Major Axis, $a$, in ($AU$)',weight='bold', multialignment='center')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Planet Radius $R_{p}$, in ($R_{\oplus}$)',weight='bold', multialignment='center')
        ax4.set_xlabel('Detected Planet Pop.\nSemi-Major Axis, $a$, in ($AU$)',weight='bold', multialignment='center')

        #Set up the histogram bins
        xbins = np.logspace(start = np.log10(xmin), stop = np.log10(xmax), num = nxbins)
        ybins = np.logspace(start = np.log10(ymin), stop = np.log10(ymax), num = nybins)
        #Plot the universe planet pop histograms
        #*note len(out) should equal len(all_res)
        #Universe SMA Hist
        n2, bins2, patches2 = plt.subplot(gs[4+5]).hist(x, bins=xbins, color = 'black', alpha=0., histtype='step',normed=True)#,density=True)#1D histogram of universe a
        center2 = (bins2[:-1] + bins2[1:]) / 2
        ax2.bar(center2, n2*(len(x)/float(len(out['smas']))), align='center', width=width2, color='black', fill='black')
        #Detected SMA Hist
        n5, bins5, patches5 = plt.subplot(gs[4+5]).hist(det_smas, bins=xbins, color = 'black', alpha=0., histtype='step',normed=True)#,density=True)#1D histogram of detected planet a
        center5 = (bins5[:-1] + bins5[1:]) / 2
        ax5.bar(center5, n5*(len(det_smas)/float(len(out['smas']))), align='center', width=width5, color='black', fill='black')
        #Universe Rp Hist
        n3, bins3, patches3 = plt.subplot(gs[4+5]).hist(y, bins=ybins, color = 'black', alpha=0., histtype='step',normed=True)#,density=True)#1D histogram of detected planet a
        center3 = (bins3[:-1] + bins3[1:]) / 2
        ax3.barh(center3, n3*(len(y)/float(len(out['Rps']))), width3, align='center', color='black')
        #aDetected Rp Hist
        n6, bins6, patches6 = plt.subplot(gs[4+5]).hist(det_Rps, bins=ybins, color = 'black', alpha=0., histtype='step',normed=True)#,density=True)#1D histogram of detected planet a
        center6 = (bins6[:-1] + bins6[1:]) / 2
        ax6.barh(center6, n6*(len(det_Rps)/float(len(out['Rps']))), width6, align='center', color='black')
        #Label Histograms
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{{a\ Freq.}}{{{}\ sims}}$'.format(len(out['Rps'])),weight='bold', multialignment='center')
        ax3.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{{R_P\ Freq.}}{{{}\ sims}}$'.format(len(out['Rps'])),weight='bold', multialignment='center')
        ax6.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{{R_P\ Freq.}}{{{}\ sims}}$'.format(len(out['Rps'])),weight='bold', multialignment='center')

        #Set plot limits

        #Remove xticks on x-histogram and remove yticks on y-histogram

        # Remove the inner axes numbers of the histograms
        nullfmt = NullFormatter()

        fig2.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.75)
        TXT1.text(0.0, 0.15, 'Num.\nUniverse\nPlanets:\n%s'%("{:,}".format(len(x))), weight='bold', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=6)
        TXT4.text(0.0, 0.15, 'Num.\nDetected\nPlanets:\n%s'%("{:,}".format(len(det_Rps))), weight='bold', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=6)

        # Save to a File
        date = unicode(datetime.datetime.now())
        date = ''.join(c + '_' for c in re.split('-|:| ',date)[0:-1])#Removes seconds from date
        fname = 'RpvsSMAdetections_' + folder.split('/')[-1] + '_' + date
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.png'), format='png', dpi=500)
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.svg'))
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.eps'), format='eps', dpi=500)
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.pdf'), format='pdf', dpi=500)

        #### Apply Grid to Detected Planet Pop
        #create coarse grid and calculate total numbers in each bin
        acoarse1 = np.logspace(np.log10(xlims[0]),np.log10(xlims[1]),6)
        Rcoarse1 = np.logspace(np.log10(ylims[0]),np.log10(ylims[1]),6)

        #Calculate 2d Histogram for input bins
        hcoarse1 = np.histogram2d(np.hstack(det_smas), np.hstack(det_Rps),bins=[acoarse1,Rcoarse1],normed=False)[0]

        #Plot Vertical and Horizontal Lines
        for R in Rcoarse1:
        for a in acoarse1:

        accents1 = np.sqrt(acoarse1[:-1]*acoarse1[1:])#SMA centers for text
        Rccents1 = np.sqrt(Rcoarse1[:-1]*Rcoarse1[1:])#Rp centers for text

        #Plot Text
        for i in np.arange(len(Rccents1)):
            for j in range(len(accents1)):
                tmp1 = ax4.text(accents1[j],Rccents1[i],u'%2.2f'%(hcoarse1[j,i]/len(out['smas'])),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',weight='bold', color='white', fontsize=8)
                tmp1.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')])

        #### Apply Grid to Universe Planet Population
        acoarse2 = np.logspace(np.log10(xlims[0]),np.log10(xlims[1]),6)
        Rcoarse2 = np.logspace(np.log10(ylims[0]),np.log10(ylims[1]),6)

        #Calculate 2d Histogram for input bins
        hcoarse2 = np.histogram2d(np.hstack(x), np.hstack(y),bins=[acoarse2,Rcoarse2],normed=False)[0]

        #Plot Vertical and Horizontal Lines
        for R in Rcoarse2:
        for a in acoarse2:

        accents2 = np.sqrt(acoarse2[:-1]*acoarse2[1:])#SMA centers for text
        Rccents2 = np.sqrt(Rcoarse2[:-1]*Rcoarse2[1:])#Rp centers for text

        #Plot Text
        for i in np.arange(len(Rccents2)):
            for j in np.arange(len(accents2)):
                tmp2 = ax1.text(accents2[j],Rccents2[i],u'%2.2f'%(hcoarse2[j,i]/len(out['smas'])),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',weight='bold', color='white', fontsize=8)
                tmp2.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')])

        # Save to a File
        date = unicode(datetime.datetime.now())
        date = ''.join(c + '_' for c in re.split('-|:| ',date)[0:-1])#Removes seconds from date
        fname = 'RpvsSMAdetectionsGridOverlay_' + folder.split('/')[-1] + '_' + date
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.png'), format='png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.svg'), bbox_inches='tight')
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.eps'), format='eps', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.pdf'), format='pdf', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')

        ###### Write Data File On This Plot
        lines = []
        lines.append("Number of Simulations (Count): " + str(len(out['Rps'])))
        # Universe Plot Limits
        lines.append('Universe plot xmin (AU): ' + str(xlims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot xmax (AU): ' + str(xlims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot ymin (Re): ' + str(ylims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot ymax (Re): ' + str(ylims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot xmin (AU): ' + str(xlims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot xmax (AU): ' + str(xlims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot ymin (Re): ' + str(ylims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot ymax (Re): ' + str(ylims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot max text grid val (Count/Sim): ' + str(np.amax(hcoarse1)) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot Total Detections (Count): ' + str(len(x)) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe plot Total Detections per Sim (Count/Sim): ' + str(len(x)/len(out['Rps'])) + '\n')
        lines.append('Universe Grid Data: xmin_grid (AU), xmax_grid (AU), ymin_grid (Re), ymax_grid (Re), grid_value (Count/Sim)\n')
        maxBinij = [0,0]
        maxBinVal = 0.
        for i in np.arange(len(Rccents2)):
            for j in np.arange(len(accents2)):
                lines.append(", ".join([str(acoarse2[i]),str(acoarse2[i+1]),str(Rcoarse2[j]),str(Rcoarse2[j+1]),str(hcoarse2[j,i]/len(out['smas']))]) + '\n')
                if hcoarse2[j,i]/len(out['smas']) > maxBinVal:
                    maxBinVal = hcoarse2[j,i]/len(out['smas'])
                    maxBinij = [i,j]
        lines.append('Universe plot Maximum Grid Value (Count/Sim): ' + str(maxBinVal))
        lines.append('Universe plot Maximum Grid i,j (index, index): ' + str(maxBinij[0]) + ', ' + str(maxBinij[1]))

        # Detected Planet Population Limits
        lines.append('Detected plot xmin (AU): ' + str(xlims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot xmax (AU): ' + str(xlims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot ymin (Re): ' + str(ylims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot ymax (Re): ' + str(ylims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot xmin (AU): ' + str(xlims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot xmax (AU): ' + str(xlims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot ymin (Re): ' + str(ylims[0]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot ymax (Re): ' + str(ylims[1]) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot max text grid val (Count/Sim): ' + str(np.amax(hcoarse2)) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot Total Detections (Count): ' + str(len(det_Rps)) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected plot Total Detections per Sim (Count/Sim): ' + str(len(x)/len(out['Rps'])) + '\n')
        lines.append('Detected Grid Data: xmin_grid (AU), xmax_grid (AU), ymin_grid (Re), ymax_grid (Re), grid_value (Count/Sim)\n')
        maxBinij = [0,0]
        maxBinVal = 0.
        for i in np.arange(len(Rccents1)):
            for j in np.arange(len(accents1)):
                lines.append(", ".join([str(acoarse1[i]),str(acoarse1[i+1]),str(Rcoarse1[j]),str(Rcoarse1[j+1]),str(hcoarse1[j,i]/len(out['smas']))]) + '\n')
                if hcoarse2[j,i]/len(out['smas']) > maxBinVal:
                    maxBinVal = hcoarse1[j,i]/len(out['smas'])
                    maxBinij = [i,j]
        lines.append('Detected plot Maximum Grid Value (Count/Sim): ' + str(maxBinVal))
        lines.append('Detected plot Maximum Grid i,j (index, index): ' + str(maxBinij[0]) + ', ' + str(maxBinij[1]))

        #### Save Data File
        fname = 'RpvsSMAdetectionsDATA_' + folder.split('/')[-1] + '_' + date
        with open(os.path.join(PPoutpath, fname + '.txt'), 'w') as g:

        del out
        del allres
if not os.path.exists(folder):  #Folder must exist
    raise ValueError('%s not found' % folder)
if not os.path.exists(PPoutpath):  #PPoutpath must exist
    raise ValueError('%s not found' % PPoutpath)
outspecfile = os.path.join(folder, 'outspec.json')
if not os.path.exists(outspecfile):  #outspec file not found
    raise ValueError('%s not found' % outspecfile)
    with open(outspecfile, 'rb') as g:
        outspec = json.load(g, encoding='latin1')
    vprint('Failed to open outspecfile %s' % outspecfile)

#Extract Data from folder containing pkl files
out = gen_summary(folder)  #out contains information on the detected planets
#allres = read_all(folder)# contains all drm from all missions in folder

outspec['cachedir'] = '/home/dean/.EXOSIMS/cache'

#Create Mission Object To Extract Some Plotting Limits
sim = EXOSIMS.MissionSim.MissionSim(scriptfile=None, nopar=True, **outspec)
#DELETE? ymax = np.nanmax(sim.PlanetPhysicalModel.ggdat['radii']).to('earthRad').value

SU = sim.SimulatedUniverse
TL = sim.TargetList
#I care about