Пример #1
 def Add_Movie(self, movie):
     # add info to XML
     xml_movie_hash = 'mov_' + self.f_md5(movie['origin'] + movie['year'])
     #check if movie info exists
     xml_movie = self.movies.find(xml_movie_hash)
     if xml_movie is None:  #-- create new record
         # create serial record in XML
         xml_movie = SubElement(self.movies, xml_movie_hash)
         xml_movie.text = movie['name']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "origin").text = movie['origin']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "url").text = movie['url']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "genre").text = movie['genre']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "director").text = movie['director']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "actors").text = movie['actor']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "text").text = movie['descr']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "img").text = movie['image']
         # add year info
         SubElement(xml_movie, "year").text = movie['year']
         year_hash = self.Get_Movie_Year(movie['year'])
         # add movie category info
         SubElement(xml_movie, "categories")
         cat = xml_movie.find("categories")
         for cat_rec in movie['category']:
             cat_hash = self.Get_Movie_Type(cat_rec)
             if cat.find(cat_hash) is None:
                 SubElement(cat, cat_hash)
Пример #2
 def Add_Movie(self, movie):
     # add info to XML
     xml_movie_hash = 'mov_' + self.f_md5(movie['origin'] + movie['year'])
     #check if movie info exists
     xml_movie = self.movies.find(xml_movie_hash)
     if xml_movie is None:   #-- create new record
         # create serial record in XML
         xml_movie = SubElement(self.movies, xml_movie_hash)
         xml_movie.text = movie['name']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "origin").text   = movie['origin']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "url").text      = movie['url']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "genre").text    = movie['genre']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "director").text = movie['director']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "actors").text   = movie['actor']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "text").text     = movie['descr']
         SubElement(xml_movie, "img").text      = movie['image']
         # add year info
         SubElement(xml_movie, "year").text     = movie['year']
         year_hash = self.Get_Movie_Year(movie['year'])
         # add movie category info
         SubElement(xml_movie, "categories")
         cat = xml_movie.find("categories")
         for cat_rec in movie['category']:
             cat_hash = self.Get_Movie_Type(cat_rec)
             if cat.find(cat_hash) is None:
                 SubElement(cat, cat_hash)
Пример #3
def Get_Film_Info(url, xml_serials, xml_types, xml_genres, serial_found, dp):
    html = get_HTML(url)
    if html == '':
        return False

    html_container = re.compile(
        '<div class="container">(.+?)<div class="navigation">',
        re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(html)

    # -- parsing web page ----------------------------------------------------------

    soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(html_container[0].replace('<p>',
                                                           '  ').replace(
                                                               '</p>', '')))

    serials = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "entry"})
    for ser in serials:
        # check if process was cancelled
        if (dp.iscanceled()): return
        # --
        i_name = unescape(ser.find("h2").find("a").text.strip())
        i_url = ser.find("h2").find("a")["href"]
        xbmc.log(' ***    ' + i_name.encode('utf-8'))
        #-- detail info
        info = ser.find("div", {"class": "content"})
            i_image = info.find("img")["src"]
            ser_name = ser.find("h2").find("a").text.strip(
            )  #i_name.replace(u'”', u'"').replace(u'“',u'"').replace(u'«',u'"').replace(u'»',u'"')
            search_mask = '<p><img class="m_pic" alt="' + ser_name + '" align="left" src="(.+?)" /></p>'
            img_alt = re.compile(search_mask,
                                 re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(html)
                i_image = img_alt[0]
                search_mask = '<p><img class="m_pic" alt="' + ser_name + '"" align="left" src="(.+?)" /></p>'
                img_alt = re.compile(search_mask,
                                     re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(html)
                    i_image = img_alt[0]
                    i_image = '-'
                    xbmc.log(i_name.encode('utf-8') + ' - image not found')

        o_name = '-'
        i_year = '-'
        i_country = '-'
        i_genre = '-'
        i_director = '-'
        i_actors = '-'
        i_text = '-'

        for inf in info.findAll("strong"):
            if inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Оригинальное название:':
                o_name = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Год выхода на экран:':
                i_year = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Страна:':
                i_country = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Сериал относится к жанру:':
                i_genre = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Постановщик':
                i_director = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode(
                    'utf-8') == 'Актеры, принявшие участие в съемках:':
                i_actors = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling).strip())
            elif inf.text.encode('utf-8') == 'Краткое описание:':
                i_text = unescape(str(inf.nextSibling))

        full_text = i_text
        if o_name != '':
            full_text = full_text + (u'\nОригинальное название: ') + o_name
        if i_actors != '':
            full_text = full_text + (u'\nАктеры: ') + i_actors

        # add info to XML
        xml_serial_hash = 'ser_' + f_md5(
            (i_name + i_year).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        #check if serial info exists
        xml_serial = xml_serials.find(xml_serial_hash)
        if xml_serial is None:  #-- create new record
            # create serial record in XML
            xml_serial = SubElement(xml_serials, xml_serial_hash)
            xml_serial.text = i_name
            SubElement(xml_serial, "name").text = i_name
            SubElement(xml_serial, "url").text = i_url
            SubElement(xml_serial, "year").text = i_year
            SubElement(xml_serial, "genre").text = i_genre
            SubElement(xml_serial, "director").text = i_director
            SubElement(xml_serial, "text").text = full_text
            SubElement(xml_serial, "img").text = i_image
            SubElement(xml_serial, "categories")
            SubElement(xml_serial, "genres")

        isCategory_found = 'n'
        # add serial category info
        categories = xml_serial.find("categories")
        for cat in ser.find("div", {"class": "cat"}).findAll("a"):
            if cat.text.encode('utf-8') <> 'Сериалы':
                cur_type_hash = 'sc_' + f_md5(
                # check if category exists
                if xml_types.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                    type = SubElement(xml_types, cur_type_hash)
                    SubElement(type, "name").text = unescape(
                if categories.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                    SubElement(categories, cur_type_hash)
                isCategory_found = 'y'

        isMultserial = 'n'
        # add serial genre info
        genres = xml_serial.find("genres")
        for gen in i_genre.split(','):
            cur_genre_hash = 'sg_' + f_md5(
            # check if category exists
            if xml_genres.find(cur_genre_hash) is None:
                genre = SubElement(xml_genres, cur_genre_hash)
                           "name").text = unescape(gen.strip()).capitalize()
            if genres.find(cur_genre_hash) is None:
                SubElement(genres, cur_genre_hash)
            # check if it's multserial
            if gen.encode(
                    'utf-8') == 'Мультсериал' and isCategory_found == 'n':
                isMultserial = 'y'

        # add multserial or foreighn serial types
        if isCategory_found == 'n':
            if isMultserial == 'y':
                # add serial category info
                categories = xml_serial.find("categories")
                cur_type_hash = 'sc_' + f_md5(
                # check if category exists
                if xml_types.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                    type = SubElement(xml_types, cur_type_hash)
                    SubElement(type, "name").text = u'Мультсериалы'
                if categories.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                    SubElement(categories, cur_type_hash)
                if i_country.encode('utf-8') == 'Россия':
                    # add serial category info
                    categories = xml_serial.find("categories")
                    cur_type_hash = 'sc_' + f_md5(
                        (u'Русские сериалы'
                    # check if category exists
                    if xml_types.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                        type = SubElement(xml_types, cur_type_hash)
                        SubElement(type, "name").text = u'Русские сериалы'
                    if categories.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                        SubElement(categories, cur_type_hash)
                    # add serial category info
                    categories = xml_serial.find("categories")
                    cur_type_hash = 'sc_' + f_md5(
                        (u'Зарубежные сериалы'
                    # check if category exists
                    if xml_types.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                        type = SubElement(xml_types, cur_type_hash)
                        SubElement(type, "name").text = u'Зарубежные сериалы'
                    if categories.find(cur_type_hash) is None:
                        SubElement(categories, cur_type_hash)

        # update info in progress dialog
        serial_found = serial_found + 1

    return serial_found
Пример #4
import urllib2, urllib, re, cookielib, sys, time

# load XML library
from ElementTree import Element, SubElement, ElementTree

window = Element("window")

title = SubElement(window, "title", font="large")
title.text = ("Проверка АБВГД..").decode('utf-8')

text = SubElement(window, "text", wrap="word")

box = SubElement(text, "buttonbox1")
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("OK").decode('utf-8')
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Проба записи").decode('utf-8')

box = SubElement(text, "buttonbox2")
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Error").decode('utf-8')
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Але! Гараж").decode('utf-8')

ElementTree(window).write(r'g:\xbmc\resources\data\test.xml', encoding='utf-8')
Пример #5
import urllib2, urllib, re, cookielib, sys, time

# load XML library
from ElementTree  import Element, SubElement, ElementTree

window = Element("window")

title = SubElement(window, "title", font="large")
title.text = ("Проверка АБВГД..").decode('utf-8')

text = SubElement(window, "text", wrap="word")

box = SubElement(text, "buttonbox1")
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("OK").decode('utf-8')
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Проба записи").decode('utf-8')

box = SubElement(text, "buttonbox2")
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Error").decode('utf-8')
SubElement(box, "button").text = ("Але! Гараж").decode('utf-8')

ElementTree(window).write(r'g:\xbmc\resources\data\test.xml', encoding='utf-8')