Пример #1
def singular_email(get_email_message_content):
    Function takes in input from a user to specify the receiver and the email
    subject and then sends a message with a defined body of content
    sendInstance = send_mail.SendEmail(handler.service)
    receiver_input = input('Receiver Email: ')
        if get_email_message_content != None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            message = sendInstance.create_message(my_email, receiver_input,
            sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
            print(f'\nEmail sent to {receiver_input}!')
        if get_email_message_content == None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            content = input('Please type your message: ')
            message = sendInstance.create_message(my_email, receiver_input,
                                                  subject_input, content)
            sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
            print(f'\nEmail sent to {receiver_input}!')
        print('You must type a message body if one is not chosen '
              'from get_emessage_conetnt')
Пример #2
def multiple_emails(get_email_blast_list, get_email_message_content):
    Function takes in input from a user to specify the email
    subject and then sends a message with a defined body of content to several
    email addresses by looping through a list of emails [i].
    sendInstance = send_mail.SendEmail(handler.service)
        if get_email_message_content != None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            for email in get_email_blast_list:
                message = sendInstance.create_message(
                    my_email, email, subject_input, get_email_message_content)
                sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
                print(f'\nEmail sent to {email} in email list!')
        if get_email_message_content == None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            content = input('Please type your message: ')
            for email in get_email_blast_list:
                message = sendInstance.create_message(my_email, email,
                                                      subject_input, content)
                sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
                print(f'\nEmail sent to {email} in email list!')
        print('You must type a message body if one is not chosen '
              'from get_emessage_conetnt')
Пример #3
def banner_query_blast_email(get_email_message_content):
    Function takes takes a list of emails generated from the active_emails
    banner query, prompts the user for an email subject and then sends a message
    with a defined body of content to several
    email addresses by looping through a list of emails.
    sendInstance = send_mail.SendEmail(handler.service)
    get_email_banner_list = banner_ODSP_emails(banner_odsp_handler(),
        if get_email_message_content != None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            for email in get_email_banner_list:
                message = sendInstance.create_message(
                    my_email, email, subject_input, get_email_message_content)
                sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
                print(f'\nEmail sent to {email} in email list!')
        if get_email_message_content == None:
            subject_input = input('Email Subject: ')
            content = input('Please type your message: ')
            for email in get_email_banner_list:
                message = sendInstance.create_message(my_email, email,
                                                      subject_input, content)
                sendInstance.send_message('me', message)
                print(f'\nEmail sent to {email} in email list!')
        print('You must type a message body if one is not chosen '
              'from get_emessage_conetnt')