Пример #1
    def getCatalogVariablesFor(self, ob):
        Allows this workflow to make workflow-specific variables
        available to the catalog, making it possible to implement
        worklists in a simple way.
        Returns a mapping containing the catalog variables
        that apply to ob.
        res = {}
        status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
        for id, vdef in self.variables.items():
            if vdef.for_catalog:
                if status.has_key(id):
                    value = status[id]

                # Not set yet.  Use a default.
                elif vdef.default_expr is not None:
                    ec = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, self, status))
                    value = vdef.default_expr(ec)
                    value = vdef.default_value

                res[id] = value
        # Always provide the state variable.
        state_var = self.state_var
        res[state_var] = status.get(state_var, self.initial_state)
        return res
Пример #2
 def check(self, sm, wf_def, ob):
     Checks conditions in this guard.
     pp = self.permissions
     if pp:
         found = 0
         for p in pp:
             if _checkPermission(p, ob):
                 found = 1
         if not found:
             return 0
     roles = self.roles
     if roles:
         # Require at least one of the given roles.
         found = 0
         u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         for role in roles:
             if role in u_roles:
                 found = 1
         if not found:
             return 0
     expr = self.expr
     if expr is not None:
         econtext = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, wf_def))
         res = expr(econtext)
         if not res:
             return 0
     return 1
Пример #3
    def getCatalogVariablesFor(self, ob):
        Allows this workflow to make workflow-specific variables
        available to the catalog, making it possible to implement
        worklists in a simple way.
        Returns a mapping containing the catalog variables
        that apply to ob.
        res = {}
        status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
        for id, vdef in self.variables.items():
            if vdef.for_catalog:
                if status.has_key(id):
                    value = status[id]

                # Not set yet.  Use a default.
                elif vdef.default_expr is not None:
                    ec = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, self, status))
                    value = vdef.default_expr(ec)
                    value = vdef.default_value

                res[id] = value
        # Always provide the state variable.
        state_var = self.state_var
        res[state_var] = status.get(state_var, self.initial_state)
        return res
Пример #4
 def check(self, sm, wf_def, ob):
     Checks conditions in this guard.
     pp = self.permissions
     if pp:
         found = 0
         for p in pp:
             if sm.checkPermission(p, ob):
                 found = 1
         if not found:
             return 0
     roles = self.roles
     if roles:
         # Require at least one of the given roles.
         found = 0
         u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         for role in roles:
             if role in u_roles:
                 found = 1
         if not found:
             return 0
     expr = self.expr
     if expr is not None:
         econtext = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, wf_def))
         res = expr(econtext)
         if not res:
             return 0
     return 1
Пример #5
 def index_object(self, documentId, obj, threshold=None):
     index_object = self.getProxyAttribute('index_object')
         ctx = createExprContext(obj)
         value = self._expr(ctx)
         wrapper = prepareObject(obj, value)
     except Exception, e:
         # gulp... the expression could raise many different types of errors.
         if DEBUG_LOG_ERRORS:
             LOG('ProxyIndex',PROBLEM,'%s tales error while indexing'%self.id)
         return 0
Пример #6
 def check(self, sm, wf_def, ob, **kw):
     """Checks conditions in this guard.
     u_roles = None
     if wf_def.manager_bypass:
         # Possibly bypass.
         u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         if 'Manager' in u_roles:
             return 1
     if self.permissions:
         for p in self.permissions:
             if _checkPermission(p, ob):
             return 0
     if self.roles:
         # Require at least one of the given roles.
         if u_roles is None:
             u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         for role in self.roles:
             if role in u_roles:
             return 0
     if self.groups:
         # Require at least one of the specified groups.
         u = sm.getUser()
         b = aq_base( u )
         if hasattr( b, 'getGroupsInContext' ):
             u_groups = u.getGroupsInContext( ob )
         elif hasattr( b, 'getGroups' ):
             u_groups = u.getGroups()
             u_groups = ()
         for group in self.groups:
             if group in u_groups:
             return 0
     expr = self.expr
     if expr is not None:
         econtext = createExprContext(
             StateChangeInfo(ob, wf_def, kwargs=kw))
         res = expr(econtext)
         if not res:
             return 0
     return 1
Пример #7
 def check(self, sm, wf_def, ob, **kw):
     """Checks conditions in this guard.
     u_roles = None
     if wf_def.manager_bypass:
         # Possibly bypass.
         u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         if 'Manager' in u_roles:
             return 1
     if self.permissions:
         for p in self.permissions:
             if _checkPermission(p, ob):
             return 0
     if self.roles:
         # Require at least one of the given roles.
         if u_roles is None:
             u_roles = sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob)
         for role in self.roles:
             if role in u_roles:
             return 0
     if self.groups:
         # Require at least one of the specified groups.
         u = sm.getUser()
         b = aq_base( u )
         if hasattr( b, 'getGroupsInContext' ):
             u_groups = u.getGroupsInContext( ob )
         elif hasattr( b, 'getGroups' ):
             u_groups = u.getGroups()
             u_groups = ()
         for group in self.groups:
             if group in u_groups:
             return 0
     expr = self.expr
     if expr is not None:
         econtext = createExprContext(
             StateChangeInfo(ob, wf_def, kwargs=kw))
         res = expr(econtext)
         if not res:
             return 0
     return 1
Пример #8
    def getInfoFor(self, ob, name, default):
        Allows the user to request information provided by the
        workflow.  This method must perform its own security checks.
        if name == self.state_var:
            return self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob, 1)
        vdef = self.variables[name]
        if vdef.info_guard is not None and not vdef.info_guard.check(
            getSecurityManager(), self, ob):
            return default
        status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
        if status is not None and status.has_key(name):
            value = status[name]

        # Not set yet.  Use a default.
        elif vdef.default_expr is not None:
            ec = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, self, status))
            value = vdef.default_expr(ec)
            value = vdef.default_value

        return value
Пример #9
    def getInfoFor(self, ob, name, default):
        Allows the user to request information provided by the
        workflow.  This method must perform its own security checks.
        if name == self.state_var:
            return self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob, 1)
        vdef = self.variables[name]
        if vdef.info_guard is not None and not vdef.info_guard.check(
            getSecurityManager(), self, ob):
            return default
        status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
        if status is not None and status.has_key(name):
            value = status[name]

        # Not set yet.  Use a default.
        elif vdef.default_expr is not None:
            ec = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, self, status))
            value = vdef.default_expr(ec)
            value = vdef.default_value

        return value
Пример #10
                # Preserve former value
                value = former_status[id]
                if vdef.default_expr is not None:
                    expr = vdef.default_expr
                    value = vdef.default_value
            if expr is not None:
                # Evaluate an expression.
                if econtext is None:
                    # Lazily create the expression context.
                    if sci is None:
                        sci = StateChangeInfo(
                            ob, self, former_status, tdef,
                            old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
                    econtext = createExprContext(sci)
                value = expr(econtext)
            status[id] = value

        # Update state.
        status[self.state_var] = new_state
        tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        tool.setStatusOf(self.id, ob, status)

        # Update role to permission assignments.

        # Execute the "after" script.
        if tdef is not None and tdef.after_script_name:
            script = self.scripts[tdef.after_script_name]
            # Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
Пример #11
                # Preserve former value
                value = former_status[id]
                if vdef.default_expr is not None:
                    expr = vdef.default_expr
                    value = vdef.default_value
            if expr is not None:
                # Evaluate an expression.
                if econtext is None:
                    # Lazily create the expression context.
                    if sci is None:
                        sci = StateChangeInfo(
                            ob, self, former_status, tdef,
                            old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
                    econtext = createExprContext(sci)
                value = expr(econtext)
            status[id] = value

        # Update state.
        status[self.state_var] = new_state
        tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        tool.setStatusOf(self.id, ob, status)

        # Update role to permission assignments.

        # Execute the "after" script.
        if tdef is not None and tdef.after_script_name:
            script = self.scripts[tdef.after_script_name]
            # Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
Пример #12
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        '''Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping
        containing user actions, object actions, and global actions.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        ai_objs = []
        actions = []
        info = oai(self, folder, object)
        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)
            a = provider.listActions(info)
            if a and type(a[0]) is not type({}):
                for i in a:

        if ai_objs:
            for ai in ai_objs:
                if ai.testCondition(ec):

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            types_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')
            ti = types_tool.getTypeInfo(object)
            if ti is not None:
                defs = ti.getActions()
                if defs:
                    c_url = object.absolute_url()
                    for d in defs:
                        a = d['action']
                        if a:
                            url = c_url + '/' + a
                            url = c_url
                            'id': d.get('id', None),
                            'name': d['name'],
                            'url': url,
                            'permissions': d['permissions'],
                            'category': d.get('category', 'object'),
                            'visible': d.get('visible', 1),
            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):
                a = object.listActions(info)
                if a:

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        filtered_actions = {
            'user': [],
            'folder': [],
            'object': [],
            'global': [],
            'workflow': [],
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                if category in ('object', 'workflow') and object is not None:
                    context = object
                elif category == 'folder' and folder is not None:
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # If a bug occurs where actions appear more than once,
                # a little code right here can fix it.
        return filtered_actions
Пример #13
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        '''Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping
        containing user actions, object actions, and global actions.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        actions = []
        append = actions.append
        info = oai(self, folder, object)
        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)
            self._listActions(append, provider, info, ec)

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            types_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')
            # we might get None back from getTypeInfo.  We construct
            # a dummy TypeInformation object here in that case (the 'or'
            # case).  This prevents us from needing to check the condition.
            ti = types_tool.getTypeInfo(object) or TypeInformation('Dummy')
            defs = ti.getActions()
            url = object_url = object.absolute_url()
            for d in defs:
                # we can't modify or expose the original actionsd... this
                # stems from the fact that getActions returns a ref to the
                # actual dictionary used to store actions instead of a
                # copy.  We copy it here to prevent it from being modified.
                d = d.copy()
                d['id'] = d.get('id', None)
                if d['action']:
                    url = '%s/%s' % (object_url, d['action'])
                d['url'] = url
                d['category'] = d.get('category', 'object')
                d['visible'] = d.get('visible', 1)

            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):
                self._listActions(append, object, info, ec)

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        filtered_actions = {
            'user': [],
            'folder': [],
            'object': [],
            'global': [],
            'workflow': [],
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                if (object is not None
                        and (category.startswith('object')
                             or category.startswith('workflow'))):
                    context = object
                elif (folder is not None and category.startswith('folder')):
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # Filter out duplicate actions by identity...
                if not action in catlist:
                # ...should you need it, here's some code that filters
                # by equality (use instead of the two lines above)
                #if not [a for a in catlist if a==action]:
                #    catlist.append(action)
        return filtered_actions
Пример #14
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        '''Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping
        containing user actions, object actions, and global actions.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        actions = []
        append = actions.append
        info = oai(self, folder, object)
        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            types_tool = getToolByName( self, 'portal_types' )
            # we might get None back from getTypeInfo.  We construct
            # a dummy TypeInformation object here in that case (the 'or'
            # case).  This prevents us from needing to check the condition.
            ti = types_tool.getTypeInfo( object ) or TypeInformation('Dummy')
            defs = ti.getActions()
            url = object_url = object.absolute_url()
            for d in defs:
                # we can't modify or expose the original actionsd... this
                # stems from the fact that getActions returns a ref to the
                # actual dictionary used to store actions instead of a
                # copy.  We copy it here to prevent it from being modified.
                d = d.copy()
                d['id'] = d.get('id', None)
                if d['action']:
                    url = '%s/%s' % (object_url, d['action'])
                d['url'] = url
                d['category'] = d.get('category', 'object')
                d['visible'] = d.get('visible', 1)

            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                if (object is not None and
                    (category.startswith('object') or
                    context = object
                elif (folder is not None and
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # Filter out duplicate actions by identity...
                if not action in catlist:
                # ...should you need it, here's some code that filters
                # by equality (use instead of the two lines above)
                #if not [a for a in catlist if a==action]:
                #    catlist.append(action)
        return filtered_actions
Пример #15
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        Return a mapping containing of all actions available to the
        user against object, bucketing into categories.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        actions = []
        append = actions.append
        info = oai(self, folder, object)

        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                # startswith() is used so that we can have several
                # different categories that are checked in the object or
                # folder context.
                if (object is not None and
                    (category.startswith('object') or
                    context = object
                elif (folder is not None and
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # Filter out duplicate actions by identity...
                if not action in catlist:
                # ...should you need it, here's some code that filters
                # by equality (use instead of the two lines above)
                #if not [a for a in catlist if a==action]:
                #    catlist.append(action)
        return filtered_actions
Пример #16
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        Return a mapping containing of all actions available to the
        user against object, bucketing into categories.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        actions = []
        append = actions.append
        info = oai(self, folder, object)

        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                # startswith() is used so that we can have several
                # different categories that are checked in the object or
                # folder context.
                if (object is not None and
                    (category.startswith('object') or
                    context = object
                elif (folder is not None and
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # Filter out duplicate actions by identity...
                if not action in catlist:
                # ...should you need it, here's some code that filters
                # by equality (use instead of the two lines above)
                #if not [a for a in catlist if a==action]:
                #    catlist.append(action)
        return filtered_actions
Пример #17
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        '''Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping
        containing user actions, object actions, and global actions.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        actions = []
        append = actions.append
        info = oai(self, folder, object)
        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            types_tool = getToolByName( self, 'portal_types' )
            ti = types_tool.getTypeInfo( object )
            if ti is not None:
                defs = ti.getActions()
                if defs:
                    c_url = object.absolute_url()
                    for d in defs:
                        a = d['action']
                        if a:
                            url = c_url + '/' + a
                            url = c_url
                            'id': d.get('id', None),
                            'name': d['name'],
                            'action': d['action'],
                            'url': url,
                            'permissions': d['permissions'],
                            'category': d.get('category', 'object'),
                            'visible': d.get('visible', 1),
            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                if category in ('object', 'workflow') and object is not None:
                    context = object
                elif category == 'folder' and folder is not None:
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # Filter out duplicate actions by identity...
                if not action in catlist:
                # ...should you need it, here's some code that filters
                # by equality (use instead of the two lines above)
                #if not [a for a in catlist if a==action]:
                #    catlist.append(action)
        return filtered_actions
Пример #18
    def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
        '''Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping
        containing user actions, object actions, and global actions.
        portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        if object is None or not hasattr(object, 'aq_base'):
            folder = portal
            folder = object
            # Search up the containment hierarchy until we find an
            # object that claims it's a folder.
            while folder is not None:
                if getattr(aq_base(folder), 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0):
                    # found it.
                    folder = aq_parent(aq_inner(folder))
        ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
        ai_objs = []
        actions = []
        info = oai(self, folder, object)
        # Include actions from specific tools.
        for provider_name in self.listActionProviders():
            provider = getattr(self, provider_name)
            a = provider.listActions(info)
            if a and type(a[0]) is not type({}):
                for i in a: 

        if ai_objs:
            for ai in ai_objs:
                if ai.testCondition(ec):

        # Include actions from object.
        if object is not None:
            base = aq_base(object)
            types_tool = getToolByName( self, 'portal_types' )
            ti = types_tool.getTypeInfo( object )
            if ti is not None:
                defs = ti.getActions()
                if defs:
                    c_url = object.absolute_url()
                    for d in defs:
                        a = d['action']
                        if a:
                            url = c_url + '/' + a
                            url = c_url
                            'id': d.get('id', None),
                            'name': d['name'],
                            'url': url,
                            'permissions': d['permissions'],
                            'category': d.get('category', 'object'),
                            'visible': d.get('visible', 1),
            if hasattr(base, 'listActions'):
                a = object.listActions(info)
                if a:

        # Reorganize the actions by category,
        # filtering out disallowed actions.
        for action in actions:
            category = action['category']
            permissions = action.get('permissions', None)
            visible = action.get('visible', 1)
            if not visible:
            verified = 0
            if not permissions:
                # This action requires no extra permissions.
                verified = 1
                if category in ('object', 'workflow') and object is not None:
                    context = object
                elif category == 'folder' and folder is not None:
                    context = folder
                    context = portal
                for permission in permissions:
                    # The user must be able to match at least one of
                    # the listed permissions.
                    if _checkPermission(permission, context):
                        verified = 1
            if verified:
                catlist = filtered_actions.get(category, None)
                if catlist is None:
                    filtered_actions[category] = catlist = []
                # If a bug occurs where actions appear more than once,
                # a little code right here can fix it.
        return filtered_actions