def sign_up_photo_upload(class_name, name): f1 = open("/var/www/demoapp/test_result.txt", 'w') name = request.form.get('name', 'little apple') class_name = request.form.get('class_name', 'little apple') file_stream = request.form.get("image01") f1.write(str(class_name) + " " + str(name) + " " + str(file_stream)) f1.close() new_path = "/var/www/demoapp/Accounts/" + class_name + "/" + name if os.path.exists(new_path) == False: os.makedirs(new_path) # Create the document storing CSV File, which used to recored customs' Travel coordinations new_csv_path = new_path + "/" + "coordinations" os.makedirs(new_csv_path) new_orijpg_path = new_path + "/" + "OriJPG" os.makedirs(new_orijpg_path) dirpath = '/var/www/demoapp' upload_file = request.files['image01'] if upload_file and allowed_file(upload_file.filename): filename = secure_filename(upload_file.filename) os.path.join(app.root_path, app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) sign_up_photo_path = dirpath + "/student_photo/" + str( upload_file.filename) move_to_path = dirpath + "/Accounts/" + class_name + '/' + name + '/' + "OriJPG" shutil.move(sign_up_photo_path, move_to_path) """Description: the orders following are used to check if the scripts have been correctly executed >>>log_file = open('/var/www/demoapp/log.txt', mode='a') >>>log_file.write("---shutil.move Ok !---") """ IP = request.remote_addr dir = '/var/www/demoapp/Accounts' pic_file_type = 'jpeg' extractProcess(upload_file.filename, dir, class_name, name, detector, pic_file_type) return "Success" else: return "Fail"
def sign_up_photo_upload_base64(class_name, name): f1 = open("/var/www/demoapp/test_result.txt", 'w') file_stream = request.form.get("image01") f1.write(str(class_name) + " " + str(name) + " " + str(file_stream)) f1.close() new_path = "/var/www/demoapp/Accounts/" + class_name + "/" + name base64_data_bytes = file_stream.encode("utf-8") base64_decode = base64.b64decode(base64_data_bytes) if os.path.exists(new_path) == False: os.makedirs(new_path) # Create the document storing CSV File, which used to recored customs' Travel coordinations new_csv_path = new_path + "/" + "coordinations" os.makedirs(new_csv_path) new_ori_jpg_path = new_path + "/" + "OriJPG" os.makedirs(new_ori_jpg_path) dirpath = '/var/www/demoapp' pic_file_type = 'jpeg' filename = name + '.' + pic_file_type move_to_path = dirpath + "/Accounts/" + class_name + '/' + name + '/' + "OriJPG" + '/' + filename image = io.BytesIO(base64_decode) img = IP = request.remote_addr dir = '/var/www/demoapp/Accounts' extractProcess(filename, dir, class_name, name, detector, pic_file_type) return "Success"