Пример #1
def css_in_json(s, localize=True, dir='', prefix=''):
  Retrieve css package information from the DOM/src and download them.
  NOTE: if prefix is a dir, remember to replace '/' with '\/'!
    m_csses = re_json_css.finditer(s)
    csses = set()
    for m_css in m_csses:
        url = m_css.group('url')
        download_url = dejsonify(url)
        if localize:
            file = url_to_file(url)
            s = s.replace(url, prefix + file, 1)
            save_resource(download_url, dir, file)
            csses.add(prefix + file)
    return {'source': s, 'csses': csses}
Пример #2
def css_in_json(s, localize=True, dir='', prefix=''):
  Retrieve css package information from the DOM/src and download them.
  NOTE: if prefix is a dir, remember to replace '/' with '\/'!
  m_csses = re_json_css.finditer(s)
  csses = set()
  for m_css in m_csses:
    url = m_css.group('url')
    download_url = dejsonify(url)
    if localize:
      file = url_to_file(url)
      s = s.replace(url, prefix + file, 1)
      save_resource(download_url, dir, file)
      csses.add(prefix + file)
  return {'source': s, 'csses': csses}
Пример #3
def js_in_json(s, localize=True, dir='', prefix=''):
  Retrieve js information from json strings and download them by default.
  At the mean time replace all js url references by refs to local file.
  NOTE: if prefix is a dir, remember to replace '/' with '\/'!
    m_jssources = re_json_js.finditer(s)
    javascripts = set()
    for m_jssource in m_jssources:
        url = m_jssource.group('url')
        download_url = dejsonify(url)
        if localize:
            file = url_to_file(url)
            s = s.replace(url, prefix + file, 1)
            save_resource(download_url, dir, file)
            javascripts.add(prefix + file)
    return {'source': s, 'javascripts': javascripts}
Пример #4
def js_in_json(s, localize=True, dir='', prefix=''):
  Retrieve js information from json strings and download them by default.
  At the mean time replace all js url references by refs to local file.
  NOTE: if prefix is a dir, remember to replace '/' with '\/'!
  m_jssources = re_json_js.finditer(s)
  javascripts = set()
  for m_jssource in m_jssources:
    url = m_jssource.group('url')
    download_url = dejsonify(url)
    if localize:
      file = url_to_file(url)
      s = s.replace(url, prefix + file, 1)
      save_resource(download_url, dir, file)
      javascripts.add(prefix + file)
  return {'source': s, 'javascripts': javascripts}