# Initialize the random number sequences. # This just changes the seed for the global CLHEP random engine. process.RandomNumberService = mu2e.Service("RandomNumberService", globalSeed=mu2e.untracked.int32(9877), ) # Define the geometry. process.GeometryService = mu2e.Service("GeometryService", inputfile=cms.untracked.string("Mu2eG4/test/geom_03.txt") ) # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event. # Modules are just defined for now, the are scheduled later. # Start each new event with an empty event. process.source = mu2e.Source("EmptySource") # Make some generated tracks and add them to the event. process.generate = mu2e.EDProducer( "EventGenerator", inputfile = mu2e.untracked.string("Mu2eG4/test/genconfig_02.txt") ) # Run G4 and add its hits to the event. process.g4run = mu2e.EDProducer( "G4" ) process.outfile = mu2e.OutputModule( "PoolOutputModule", fileName = cms.untracked.string('file:data_03.root'),
# Define the default configuratio for the framework. import FWCore.ParameterSet.python.Config as mu2e # Give this job a name. process = mu2e.Process("Ex03") # Maximum number of events to do. process.maxEvents = mu2e.untracked.PSet(input=mu2e.untracked.int32(1)) # Load the standard message logger configuration. # Threshold=Info. Limit of 5 per category; then exponential backoff. process.load("Config/MessageLogger_cfi") # Read events from a file (made by example 2) process.source = mu2e.Source( "PoolSource", fileNames=mu2e.untracked.vstring("ExampleData/ex01Input_1.root")) # Look at provenance information. process.provinspect = mu2e.EDAnalyzer("Ex03InspectProvenance") # Adjust configuration of message logger. # Print unlimited messages with category ToyHitInfo. process.MessageLogger.categories.append("ProvenanceInfo") process.MessageLogger.cerr.Provenance = mu2e.untracked.PSet( limit=mu2e.untracked.int32(-1)) # Tell the system in which order to execute the modules. # It is implict that the source module is first. process.p = mu2e.EndPath(process.provinspect)
# This just changes the seed for the global CLHEP random engine. process.RandomNumberService = mu2e.Service("RandomNumberService", globalSeed=mu2e.untracked.int32(9877), ) # Define the geometry. process.GeometryService = mu2e.Service("GeometryService", inputfile=cms.untracked.string("Mu2eG4/test/geom_03.txt") ) # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event. # Modules are just defined for now, the are scheduled later. # Read events from a file (made by example 3) process.source = mu2e.Source("PoolSource", fileNames = mu2e.untracked.vstring("data_03.root") ) # Look at the hits from G4. process.checkhits = mu2e.EDAnalyzer( "ReadBack", maxFullPrint = mu2e.untracked.int32(10) ) # End of the section that defines and configures modules. # Adjust configuration of message logger. # Enable debug printout from the module instance "hitinspect". # Print unlimited messages with category ToyHitInfo. process.MessageLogger.cerr.threshold = mu2e.untracked.string('DEBUG')