Пример #1
def DataProcessor(data, Threshold, Target, Corr_Thresh):
    Extracts Features Sets for Technical , Commodities, Currencies and World Markets.
    Imported from different python sources codes from Root Directory.
    FE = FeatureExtractor(data)

    print("Commencing Feature Extraction ...\n")
    tech_feat = FE.TechnicalFeatureExtractor(Target, Corr_Thresh, -Corr_Thresh)
    world_feat = FE.WorldMarketExtractor(Target, Corr_Thresh, -Corr_Thresh)
    comm_feat = FE.CommodityDataExtractor(Target, Corr_Thresh, -Corr_Thresh)
    curr_feat = FE.CurrencyDataExtractor(Target, Corr_Thresh, -Corr_Thresh)

    tech_class = Tech_IndicatorEvaluator(data)
    world_class = WorldMarketAnalyzer(data)
    commodity_class = CommodityAnalyzer(data)
    currency_class = CurrencyAnalyzer(data)

    print("Appending Feature List into the Target data set .... \n")

    data_copy = data.copy()
    excludelist = [
        'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj Close', 'Last',
        'Total Trade Quantity', 'Turnover (Lacs)'

    for command in tech_feat:
        a, b, c = tech_class.getIndicator(command)
        cols = [col for col in b.columns if col not in excludelist]
        b = b[cols]
        data_new = data_copy.join(b, how='inner')
        data_new = data_new.dropna(axis=0)
        if (data_new.shape[0] < Threshold):
            print(command, "is running short on common Data Points with",
                  data_new.shape[0], "rows in common, omitting....\n")
            data_copy = data_copy
            print(data_new.shape[0], "common with", command)
            data_copy = data_new

    for command in curr_feat:
        a, b, c = currency_class.getCurrencyIndicators(command)
        b = pd.DataFrame(b.iloc[:, 3])
        #b= pd.DataFrame(b.iloc[:,3])
        data_new = pd.concat([data_copy, b], axis=1)
        data_new = data_new.dropna(axis=0)
        if (data_new.shape[0] < Threshold):
            print(command, "is running short on common Data Points with",
                  data_new.shape[0], "rows in common, omitting....\n")
            data_copy = data_copy
            print(data_new.shape[0], "common with", command)
            data_copy = data_new

    for command in comm_feat:
        a, b, c = commodity_class.getCommodityIndicators(command)
        b = pd.DataFrame(b.iloc[:, 3])
        data_new = pd.concat([data_copy, b], axis=1)
        data_new = data_new.dropna(axis=0)
        if (data_new.shape[0] < Threshold):
            print(command, "is running short on common Data Points with",
                  data_new.shape[0], "rows in common, omitting....\n")
            data_copy = data_copy
            print(data_new.shape[0], "common with", command)
            data_copy = data_new

    for command in world_feat:
        a, b, c = world_class.getWorldMarketIndicators(command)
        b = pd.DataFrame(b.iloc[:, 3])
        data_new = pd.concat([data_copy, b], axis=1)
        data_new = data_new.dropna(axis=0)
        if (data_new.shape[0] < Threshold):
            print(command, "is running short on common Data Points with",
                  data_new.shape[0], "rows in common, omitting....\n")
            data_copy = data_copy
            print(data_new.shape[0], "common with", command)
            data_copy = data_new

    data_copy = data_copy.dropna(axis=0)

    print("Final Data Set contains", data_copy.shape[0], "rows and",
          data_copy.shape[1], "columns\n")
    print("The Column List is : \n")
    return data_copy