def test_parse_reports_relationships(mocker): """ Given - STIX Report indicators. - Relationship objects. - Malware and Attack-Pattern objects. When - Parsing STIX Report indicators. Then - Update a STIX Report indicator with relationships' data. """ def mock_get_stix_objects(test, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.get('type') client.objects_data[type_] = TYPE_TO_RESPONSE[type_] client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'fetch_stix_objects_from_api', side_effect=mock_get_stix_objects) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) for indicator in indicators: indicator_fields = indicator.get('fields') if indicator_fields.get('stixid') == 'report--a': assert set([i.get('value') for i in indicator_fields.get('feedrelatedindicators')]) == \ {'T1047', 'XBash', 'c1ec28bc82500bd70f95edcbdf9306746198bbc04a09793ca69bb87f2abdb839'} break
def test_feed_tags_param(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the feed tags param. - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate The value of the tags field. """ def mock_get_stix_objects(test, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.get('type') client.objects_data[type_] = TYPE_TO_RESPONSE[type_] client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'fetch_stix_objects_from_api', side_effect=mock_get_stix_objects) indicators = fetch_indicators(client, ['test_tag']) assert set(indicators[0].get('fields').get('tags')) == { 'malicious-activity', 'test_tag' }
def test_fetch_indicators_with_mitre_external_reference(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the connections in between the indicators """ client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'get_stix_objects', return_value=RESPONSE_DATA) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) for indicator in indicators: indicator_fields = indicator.get('fields') if indicator_fields.get('indicatoridentification') == 'indicator--010bb9ad-5686-485d-97e5-93c2187e56ce': assert indicator_fields.get('feedrelatedindicators') == { 'type': 'MITRE ATT&CK', 'value': ['T1047'], 'description': [ '', '', '', '', '' ] } break
def test_fetch_indicators_with_malware_reference(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the connections in between the indicators """ def mock_get_stix_objects(test, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.get('type') client.objects_data[type_] = TYPE_TO_RESPONSE[type_] client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'fetch_stix_objects_from_api', side_effect=mock_get_stix_objects) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) for indicator in indicators: indicator_fields = indicator.get('fields') if indicator_fields.get( 'indicatoridentification' ) == 'indicator--0025039e-f0b5-4ad2-aaab-5374fe3734be': assert set(indicator_fields.get('malwarefamily')) == { 'Muirim', 'XBash', 'Muirim2' } break
def test_fetch_indicators_with_feedrelatedindicators(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the connections in between the indicators """ def mock_get_stix_objects(test, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.get('type') client.objects_data[type_] = TYPE_TO_RESPONSE[type_] client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'fetch_stix_objects_from_api', side_effect=mock_get_stix_objects) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) for indicator in indicators: indicator_fields = indicator.get('fields') if indicator_fields.get('indicatoridentification') == 'indicator--010bb9ad-5686-485d-97e5-93c2187e56ce': assert indicator_fields.get('feedrelatedindicators') == [ { 'description': ',,' '/en-us/library/aa394582.aspx,' '.aspx,', 'type': 'MITRE ATT&CK', 'value': 'T1047'} ] break
def test_fetch_indicators_command(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the amount of indicators fetched """ client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'get_stix_objects', return_value=RESPONSE_DATA) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) assert len(indicators) == 10
def test_feed_tags_param(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the feed tags param. - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate The value of the tags field. """ client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'get_stix_objects', return_value=RESPONSE_DATA) indicators = fetch_indicators(client, ['test_tag']) assert set(indicators[0].get('fields').get('tags')) == set({'malicious-activity', 'test_tag'})
def test_fetch_indicators_with_malware_reference(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the connections in between the indicators """ client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'get_stix_objects', return_value=RESPONSE_DATA) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) for indicator in indicators: indicator_fields = indicator.get('fields') if indicator_fields.get('indicatoridentification') == 'indicator--0025039e-f0b5-4ad2-aaab-5374fe3734be': assert set(indicator_fields.get('malwarefamily')) == set({'Muirim', 'Muirim2'}) break
def test_fetch_indicators_command(mocker): """Unit test Given - fetch incidents command - command args - command raw response When - mock the Client's get_stix_objects. Then - run the fetch incidents command using the Client Validate the amount of indicators fetched """ def mock_get_stix_objects(test, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.get('type') client.objects_data[type_] = TYPE_TO_RESPONSE[type_] client = Client(api_key='1234', verify=False) mocker.patch.object(client, 'fetch_stix_objects_from_api', side_effect=mock_get_stix_objects) indicators = fetch_indicators(client) assert len(indicators) == 13