def Get_RPM(): # IO.RPI_Handler.ReadInfrared() calls this # Getting RPM global total_rpm if System.timer_flag: Max_Power_Wind.Avg_RPM(total_rpm) else: total_rpm = total_rpm + 1 print("total_rpm = {}".format(total_rpm)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + " total_rpm = {}\n".format(total_rpm)) Max_Power_Wind.Avg_RPM(total_rpm)
def Get_Solar_Power(): global total_solar_pwr solar_current = 0 solar_voltage = 0 total_solar_pwr = 0 while True: if System.timer_flag: break time.sleep(System.delay) solar_current = IO.Random_IO.SOLAR_CURR_listener() solar_voltage = IO.Random_IO.SOLAR_VOLT_listener() total_solar_pwr = (solar_current * solar_voltage) + total_solar_pwr Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "solar curr, solar volt, and total solar power calculated\n")
def Get_RPM(): # Getting RPM global total_rpm if System.timer_flag: Max_Power_Wind.Avg_RPM(total_rpm) # If the timer is up, calculate the avg rpm else: # if a key was pressed, increment total_rpm = total_rpm + 1 print("total_rpm = {}".format(total_rpm)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "total_rpm = {}\n".format(total_rpm)) Max_Power_Wind.Avg_RPM(total_rpm)
def do(i): ## Sub calculations for Wind Power print("\nAverage RPM: ", Average_RPM_Wind) print("\n") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\nAverage RPM: {} \n".format(Average_RPM_Wind)) print("\nAverage Torque: ", Average_TORQUE_Wind) print("\n") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\nAverage Torque: {} \n".format(Average_TORQUE_Wind)) # Getting Average Power per minute Max_Power_Wind.Avg_Pwr(Average_TORQUE_Wind, Average_RPM_Wind) # This needs to be called from the main print("\nAverage Power per minute for WIND: ", Average_POWER_WIND) print("\n") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\nAverage Power per minute for WIND: {} \n".format(Average_POWER_WIND) ) Max_Power_Solar.Avg_Pwr(total_solar_pwr) # Get's the total solar power and gets its average across a minute print("\nAverage Power per minute for SOLAR: ", Average_POWER_SOLAR) print("\n") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\nAverage Power per minute for SOLAR: \n".format(Average_POWER_SOLAR)) # Writes data into the file File_Handler.Inject_Data(Average_POWER_WIND, Average_POWER_SOLAR) # doesn't write an extra line print("\n Total lines in file: {} \n".format(i + 1)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n Total lines in file: {} \n".format(i + 1))
def Get_Solar_Power(): global total_solar_pwr solar_current = 0 solar_voltage = 0 total_solar_pwr = 0 while True: if System.timer_flag: break time.sleep(1) solar_voltage = RPI_Handler.ReadIO("SolarVoltagePort")) # Voltage solar_current = Max_Power_Solar.CalculateCurrent() print("\nSolar Voltage = {}\n".format(solar_voltage)) print("\nSolar Current = {}\n".format(solar_current)) total_solar_pwr = (solar_current * solar_voltage) + total_solar_pwr Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + " solar curr, solar volt, and total solar power calculated\n")
def Get_Torque(): total_torque = 0 # Getting Torque while True: if System.timer_flag: break time.sleep(System.delay) # Will execute equation after one second passes force_of_the_blades = IO.Random_IO.BLADE_FORCE_listener() # simulating a analog read of the torque # Random is temporary, we will read real values num = radius_of_the_blades * force_of_the_blades * math.sin( angle_of_the_blades) total_torque = total_torque + num print("total_torque = {} ".format(total_torque)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "total_torque = {} \n".format(total_torque)) Max_Power_Wind.Avg_Torque(total_torque)
def Avg_Pwr(solar_power): global Average_POWER_SOLAR Average_POWER_SOLAR = solar_power / System.Seconds Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "Avg Pwr Solar calculated\n")
def Avg_RPM(Total_RPM): global Average_RPM_Wind Average_RPM_Wind = Total_RPM / System.Seconds Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "Avg RPM Wind calculated\n")
def Avg_Torque(Total_Torque): global Average_TORQUE_Wind Average_TORQUE_Wind = Total_Torque / System.Seconds Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "Avg Torque Wind calculated\n")
def Avg_Pwr(Torque, RPM): # This gets called from global Average_POWER_WIND Average_POWER_WIND = (Torque * RPM * math.pi) / 30 Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "Avg Pwr Wind calculated\n")
Sender = FTP() # Init System.init() MaxPower_Classes.init() IO.RPI_Handler.init(IO.RPI_Handler) # Main loop while True: try: # .csv if File_Handler.Init_File(): print("Error making file \n") else: print("Success created file \n") # .log if Log_Handler.Init_File(): print("Error making log \n") else: print("Success making log \n") print("Entering loop\n") i = 0 while i < System.MaxLines: # Threads # Functions for max power i = i + 1 # Closes and saves file
def send(): # POWERSHELL if type == 'powershell': try: file = file_basename + '.ps1' p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe", "{}".format(file)], stdout=sys.stdout) p.communicate() Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n Sent file\n") except Exception as ex: print(ex) print("File not sent through ftp") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n\n" + ex + "\n\n File not sent through powershell\n") # BATCH elif type == 'batch': file = file_basename + '.bat' try: os.system('cmd /c {}'.format(file)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n Sent file\n") except Exception as ex: print(ex) print("File not sent through ftp") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n\n" + ex + "\n\n File not sent through batch\n") # COMMAND PROMPT elif type == 'commandline': file = file_basename + '.cmd' try: os.system('cmd /c {}'.format(file)) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n Sent file\n") except Exception as ex: print(ex) print("File not sent through ftp") Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n\n" + ex + "\n\n File not sent through cmd\n") # PYTHON elif type == 'python': try: cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None # Establish connection with pysftp.Connection( host=Hostname, username=Username, password=Password, cnopts=cnopts, private_key=PrivateKey ) as sftp: # temporarily chdir to allcode dest = DestinationDir + Files.filename.replace("\\", "/") sftp.put(Files.fullpath, dest) # upload file to allcode/pycode on remote Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n Sent file\n") except Exception as ex: print(ex) print( "File not sent through ftp. Check if folder exists on remote server." ) print( "\nThe error can be traced back with the following stack trace" ) track = traceback.format_exc() print(track) Log_Handler.Write_Log( os.path.basename(__file__) + "\n\n" + str(ex) + "\n\n File not sent through cmd\n\n" + str(track)) elif type == 'redirect': # The issue is that I do not think I can send ftp files directly to cpanel from rpi # Figuring this out but making this just in case # Made ps1 script but not pushing since it has sensitive data print("Configured to use redirect.") time.sleep(NoFTPSleep) else: print( "FTP procedure not defined. (Please check configuration on MaxPower.xml)" )