def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kw = '' try: kw = 'prefix' corr_prefix = np.fliplr([kwargs[kw]])[0].astype(float) corr_prefix_power = np.sum(corr_prefix**2) corr_prefix /= corr_prefix_power self.corr_prefix_power = corr_prefix_power kwargs['bcoef'] = corr_prefix FastFilter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) kw = 'cipher' self.cipher = kwargs[kw] self.queue = Queue(np.float64, 2**12) self.state = 'look_for_header' self.thresh = 0.5 if is not None: self.msg_prog ='msg prog: [0/0]') except KeyError as ke: self.print_kw_error(kw) raise (ke) self.whiten = Whitener(cipher=self.cipher, diable=False) self.inv = 1
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kw = '' try: kw = 'numtaps' self.numtaps = kwargs[kw] kw = 'L' self.L = int(kwargs[kw]) kwargs['bcoef'] = firwin(self.numtaps, 1.0/self.L) kwargs['flush'] = False FastFilter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) except KeyError: self.print_kw_error(kw)
def process(self, data): zero_pad = np.zeros(self.L*len(data)) zero_pad[np.arange(len(data))*self.L] = data zero_pad *= self.L interpolated = FastFilter.conv_chunk_chunk(self, zero_pad) if self.debug: self.plt.figure(self.fig) self.plt.subplot(311) self.plt.plot(data) self.plt.subplot(312) self.plt.plot(zero_pad) self.plt.subplot(313) self.plt.plot(interpolated) = False) return interpolated
def connect(modules): for i in range(0, len(modules) - 1): modules[i].output = modules[i + 1] modules[i].fig = i modules[-1].fig = len(modules) - 1 source = StdinS(main=True) ransrc = Random(100, main=True) prefix = Prefix(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, bits=8) pshape = Pulses(main=True, debug=False, M=18, beta=0.5) modula = Modula(main=True, debug=False, fs=fs, fc=14.7E3) distor = [0.5, 1.0, -0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1] noloss = [1.0, 0.0] channe = FastFi(main=True, debug=False, bcoef=distor) demodu = Demodu(main=True, debug=False, fs=fs, fc=15.0E3) train = (pshape.process(prefix.prepam))[:-4 * pshape.M] equali = Equali(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, prefix=train, channel=distor, passthrough=False) mfilte = FastFi(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, interp = Interp(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, numtaps=20, L=4) trecov = Timing(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, M=pshape.M * interp.L) frsync = FrameS(main=True, debug=False, plt=plt, cipher=prefix.cipher,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kw = '' try: kw = 'prefix' corr_prefix = np.fliplr([kwargs[kw]])[0] # M = Decimation factor self.M = 8 dec_corr_prefix = corr_prefix[np.arange(0, len(corr_prefix), self.M)] dec_corr_prefix_power = np.sum(dec_corr_prefix**2) dec_corr_prefix /= dec_corr_prefix_power # Samples to skip on the beginning of process when finding the header self.skip = 0 kwargs['bcoef'] = dec_corr_prefix FastFilter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.buffer = np.zeros(len(corr_prefix)) self.tail = 0 self.delay = 3 self.eqlen = 21 self.train = kwargs[kw][self.eqlen - 1 - self.delay:-self.delay] self.default_eq = np.zeros(self.eqlen) self.default_eq[0] = 1.0 self.equal = FastFilter(bcoef=self.default_eq, flush=False) self.chan_resp = None self.sign = 1 self.thresh = 0.75 except KeyError as ke: self.print_kw_error(kw) raise (ke) for kw in kwargs: if kw == 'channel': channel = kwargs[kw] pad = np.zeros(2**8 - len(channel)) channel = np.append(channel, pad) self.chan_resp = np.abs(fft(channel)) if self.debug: if self.plt != None: self.plt.figure(self.fig) self.plt.gcf().clf() self.plt.plot(self.train) self.plt.title('Initializiation: Equalizer Training Header') self.eq_plt = None self.xaxis = None N = 8 num = 2**N self.pad = np.zeros(num - self.eqlen) self.xaxis = np.arange(num) / float(num) if is not None: self.box_max_equal_time ='max equal [ms]: 0') self.box_max_solve_time ='max solve [ms]: 0') self.box_max_corre_time ='max corre [ms]: 0') self.max_equal_time = 0 self.max_solve_time = 0 self.max_corre_time = 0
class Equalizer(FastFilter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kw = '' try: kw = 'prefix' corr_prefix = np.fliplr([kwargs[kw]])[0] # M = Decimation factor self.M = 8 dec_corr_prefix = corr_prefix[np.arange(0, len(corr_prefix), self.M)] dec_corr_prefix_power = np.sum(dec_corr_prefix**2) dec_corr_prefix /= dec_corr_prefix_power # Samples to skip on the beginning of process when finding the header self.skip = 0 kwargs['bcoef'] = dec_corr_prefix FastFilter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.buffer = np.zeros(len(corr_prefix)) self.tail = 0 self.delay = 3 self.eqlen = 21 self.train = kwargs[kw][self.eqlen - 1 - self.delay:-self.delay] self.default_eq = np.zeros(self.eqlen) self.default_eq[0] = 1.0 self.equal = FastFilter(bcoef=self.default_eq, flush=False) self.chan_resp = None self.sign = 1 self.thresh = 0.75 except KeyError as ke: self.print_kw_error(kw) raise (ke) for kw in kwargs: if kw == 'channel': channel = kwargs[kw] pad = np.zeros(2**8 - len(channel)) channel = np.append(channel, pad) self.chan_resp = np.abs(fft(channel)) if self.debug: if self.plt != None: self.plt.figure(self.fig) self.plt.gcf().clf() self.plt.plot(self.train) self.plt.title('Initializiation: Equalizer Training Header') self.eq_plt = None self.xaxis = None N = 8 num = 2**N self.pad = np.zeros(num - self.eqlen) self.xaxis = np.arange(num) / float(num) if is not None: self.box_max_equal_time ='max equal [ms]: 0') self.box_max_solve_time ='max solve [ms]: 0') self.box_max_corre_time ='max corre [ms]: 0') self.max_equal_time = 0 self.max_solve_time = 0 self.max_corre_time = 0 def put(self, data): indexes = (self.tail + np.arange(len(data))) % len(self.buffer) self.tail = (self.tail + len(data)) % len(self.buffer) self.buffer[indexes] = data def read_all(self): indexes = np.arange(self.tail - len(self.buffer), self.tail) % len( self.buffer) return self.buffer[indexes] def process(self, data): start = time() decimate_indecies = np.arange(self.skip, len(data), self.M) index, s = self.conv_chunk_chunk(data[decimate_indecies], fsync_hack=True, flush=False, scope=None) self.skip = (self.M - ((len(data) - self.skip) % self.M)) % self.M stop = time() corre_time = stop - start if index == -1: self.put(data) # TODO: CONTROLLER RESETS EQUALIZER COEFFICIENTS AFTER: # 1. Successful reception # 2. Timeout # 3. Error of some sort start = time() ret = self.equal.conv_chunk_chunk(data, fsync_hack=False, flush=False) stop = time() equal_time = stop - start if is not None: if corre_time > self.max_corre_time: self.max_corre_time = corre_time if equal_time > self.max_equal_time: self.max_equal_time = equal_time self.box_max_corre_time, 'max corre [ms]: %.3f' % (1000.0 * self.max_corre_time)) self.box_max_equal_time, 'max equal [ms]: %.3f' % (1000.0 * self.max_equal_time)) return ret # so, if the sign is found to be -1, it means all of the data we have been previously filtering # is inversed # the equalizer will thus try to invert the data, which we get back # if we multiply the fir coefficients by the -1, we retain the previous state of the filter index = self.skip + index * self.M self.put(data[:index]) self.log('FOUND TRAINING HEADER!') if self.debug: self.log('index: %d' % index) start = time() fir = np.transpose( s * np.array(self.equalizer(self.read_all()).tolist()))[0] self.equal.set_bcoef(fir) stop = time() solve_time = stop - start if self.scope is not None: self.scope.set_size(len(fir)) self.scope.set_fft(True) self.scope.set_fft_fs(44.1E3) self.scope.put(fir) start = time() equalized_header = self.equal.conv_chunk_chunk(data, fsync_hack=False, flush=False) stop = time() equal_time = stop - start if solve_time > self.max_solve_time: self.max_solve_time = solve_time if is not None: self.max_corre_time = corre_time self.max_equal_time = equal_time self.box_max_corre_time, 'max corre [ms]: %.3f' % (1000.0 * self.max_corre_time)) self.box_max_solve_time, 'max solve [ms]: %.3f' % (1000.0 * self.max_solve_time)) self.box_max_equal_time, 'max equal [ms]: %.3f' % (1000.0 * self.max_equal_time)) self.reset() return equalized_header def equalizer(self, r): toe_row = r[-len(self.train):] toe_col = r[-len(self.train) - self.eqlen:-len(self.train)] R = np.matrix(toeplitz(toe_row, toe_col)) S = np.matrix(self.train).getT() fir = inv(R.getT() * R) * R.getT() * S Jmin = (S.getT() * S - S.getT() * R * fir)[0, 0] if self.debug: self.log('Delay: %d, Jmin: %f' % (self.delay, Jmin)) if self.debug: freq_resp = np.abs(fft(np.append(fir.tolist(), self.pad))) if self.eq_plt == None: self.plt.figure(self.fig) self.plt.gcf().clf() #self.eq_plt, = self.plt.plot(self.xaxis, freq_resp) self.plt.plot(self.xaxis, freq_resp) if self.chan_resp is None: self.plt.plot(self.xaxis, self.chan_resp, 'r-') self.plt.title('Equalizer Response') else: self.eq_plt.set_ydata(freq_resp) self.plt.figure(self.fig) self.plt.gcf().canvas.draw() return fir def dim(self, m): self.log('rows: %d\ncols: %d' % (len(m[:, 0]), len(m[0, :])))