Пример #1
def thetaTwothetaToQxQz(data, output_grid, wavelength=5.0, qxmin=-0.003, qxmax=0.003, qxbins=101, qzmin=0.0001, qzmax=0.1, qzbins=101):
    """ Figures out the Qx, Qz values of each datapoint
    and throws them in the correct bin.  If no grid is specified,
    one is created that covers the whole range of Q in the dataset
    If autofill_gaps is True, does reverse lookup to plug holes
    in the output (but pixel count is still zero for these bins)
    data (ospec2d): input data
    output_grid (ospec2d): empty data object with axes defined (optional)
    wavelength (float): override wavelength in data file
    qxmin (float): lower bound of Qx range in rebinning
    qxmax (float): upper bound of Qx range in rebinning
    qxbins (int): number of bins to subdivide the range between qxmin and qxmax
    qzmin (float): lower bound of Qz range in rebinning
    qzmax (float): upper bound of Qz range in rebinning
    qzbins (int): number of bins to subdivide the range between qzmin and qzmax
    output (ospec2d): output data rebinned into Qx, Qz
    2016-04-01 Brian Maranville
    print "output grid: ", output_grid
    if output_grid == None:
        info = [{"name": "qx", "units": "inv. Angstroms", "values": linspace(qxmin, qxmax, qxbins) },
            {"name": "qz", "units": "inv. Angstroms", "values": linspace(qzmin, qzmax, qzbins) },]
        old_info = data.infoCopy()
        info.append(old_info[2]) # column information!
        info.append(old_info[3]) # creation story!
        output_grid = MetaArray(zeros((qxbins, qzbins, data.shape[-1])), info=info)
        outgrid_info = deepcopy(output_grid._info) # take axes and creation story from emptyqxqz...
        outgrid_info[2] = deepcopy(data._info[2]) # take column number and names from dataset
        output_grid = MetaArray(zeros((output_grid.shape[0], output_grid.shape[1], data.shape[2])), info=outgrid_info)
    theta_axis = data._getAxis('theta')
    twotheta_axis = data._getAxis('twotheta')
    qLength = 2.0 * pi / wavelength
    th_array = data.axisValues('theta').copy()
    twotheta_array = data.axisValues('twotheta').copy()
    if theta_axis < twotheta_axis: # then theta is first: add a dimension at the end
        th_array.shape = th_array.shape + (1,)
        twotheta_array.shape = (1,) + twotheta_array.shape
        twotheta_array.shape = twotheta_array.shape + (1,)
        th_array.shape = (1,) + th_array.shape
    tilt_array = th_array - (twotheta_array / 2.0)
    qxOut = 2.0 * qLength * sin((pi / 180.0) * (twotheta_array / 2.0)) * sin(pi * tilt_array / 180.0)
    qzOut = 2.0 * qLength * sin((pi / 180.0) * (twotheta_array / 2.0)) * cos(pi * tilt_array / 180.0)
    # getting values from output grid:
    outgrid_info = output_grid.infoCopy()
    numcols = len(outgrid_info[2]['cols'])
    qx_array = output_grid.axisValues('qx')
    dqx = qx_array[1] - qx_array[0]
    qz_array = output_grid.axisValues('qz')
    dqz = qz_array[1] - qz_array[0]
    #framed_array = zeros((qz_array.shape[0] + 2, qx_array.shape[0] + 2, numcols))
    target_qx = ((qxOut - qx_array[0]) / dqx).astype(int)
    #return target_qx, qxOut
    target_qz = ((qzOut - qz_array[0]) / dqz).astype(int)
    target_mask = (target_qx >= 0) * (target_qx < qx_array.shape[0])
    target_mask *= (target_qz >= 0) * (target_qz < qz_array.shape[0])
    target_qx_list = target_qx[target_mask]
    target_qz_list = target_qz[target_mask]
    for i, col in enumerate(outgrid_info[2]['cols']):
        values_to_bin = data[:,:,col['name']].view(ndarray)[target_mask]
        outshape = (output_grid.shape[0], output_grid.shape[1])
        hist2d, xedges, yedges = histogram2d(target_qx_list,target_qz_list, \
            bins = (outshape[0],outshape[1]), range=((0,outshape[0]),(0,outshape[1])), weights=values_to_bin)
        output_grid[:,:,col['name']] += hist2d
        #framed_array[target_qz_list, target_qx_list, i] = data[:,:,col['name']][target_mask]
    cols = outgrid_info[2]['cols']
    data_cols = [col['name'] for col in cols if col['name'].startswith('counts')]
    monitor_cols = [col['name'] for col in cols if col['name'].startswith('monitor')]
    # just take the first one...
    if len(monitor_cols) > 0:
        monitor_col = monitor_cols[0]
        data_missing_mask = (output_grid[:,:,monitor_col] == 0)
        for dc in data_cols:
            output_grid[:,:,dc].view(ndarray)[data_missing_mask] = NaN;
    output_grid._info[-1] = data._info[-1].copy()
    print "output shape:", output_grid.shape
    return output_grid
Пример #2
def thetaTwothetaToAlphaIAlphaF(data):
    """ Figures out the angle in, angle out values of each datapoint
    and throws them in the correct bin.  If no grid is specified,
    one is created that covers the whole range of the dataset
    data (ospec2d): input data
    output (ospec2d): output data rebinned into alpha_i, alpha_f
    2016-04-01 Brian Maranville
    theta_axis = data._getAxis('theta')
    twotheta_axis = data._getAxis('twotheta')
    th_array = data.axisValues('theta').copy()
    twotheta_array = data.axisValues('twotheta').copy()
    two_theta_step = twotheta_array[1] - twotheta_array[0]
    theta_step = th_array[1] - th_array[0]
    af_max = (twotheta_array.max() - th_array.min())
    af_min = (twotheta_array.min() - th_array.max())
    alpha_i = th_array.copy()
    alpha_f = arange(af_min, af_max, two_theta_step)
    info = [{"name": "alpha_i", "units": "degrees", "values": th_array.copy() },
            {"name": "alpha_f", "units": "degrees", "values": alpha_f.copy() },]
    old_info = data.infoCopy()
    info.append(old_info[2]) # column information!
    info.append(old_info[3]) # creation story!
    output_grid = MetaArray(zeros((th_array.shape[0], alpha_f.shape[0], data.shape[-1])), info=info)
    if theta_axis < twotheta_axis: # then theta is first: add a dimension at the end
        alpha_i.shape = alpha_i.shape + (1,)
        ai_out = indices((th_array.shape[0], twotheta_array.shape[0]))[0]
        twotheta_array.shape = (1,) + twotheta_array.shape
        alpha_i.shape = (1,) + alpha_i.shape
        ai_out = indices((twotheta_array.shape[0], th_array.shape[0]))[1]
        twotheta_array.shape = twotheta_array.shape + (1,)
    af_out = twotheta_array - alpha_i
    # getting values from output grid:
    outgrid_info = output_grid.infoCopy()
    numcols = len(outgrid_info[2]['cols'])
    #target_ai = ((ai_out - th_array[0]) / theta_step).flatten().astype(int).tolist()
    target_ai = ai_out.flatten().astype(int).tolist()
    #return target_qx, qxOut
    target_af = ((af_out - af_min) / two_theta_step).flatten().astype(int).tolist()
    for i, col in enumerate(outgrid_info[2]['cols']):
        values_to_bin = data[:,:,col['name']].view(ndarray).flatten().tolist()
        print len(target_ai), len(target_af), len(values_to_bin)
        outshape = (output_grid.shape[0], output_grid.shape[1])
        hist2d, xedges, yedges = histogram2d(target_ai, target_af, bins = (outshape[0],outshape[1]), range=((0,outshape[0]),(0,outshape[1])), weights=values_to_bin)
        output_grid[:,:,col['name']] += hist2d
    cols = outgrid_info[2]['cols']
    data_cols = [col['name'] for col in cols if col['name'].startswith('counts')]
    monitor_cols = [col['name'] for col in cols if col['name'].startswith('monitor')]
    # just take the first one...
    if len(monitor_cols) > 0:
        monitor_col = monitor_cols[0]
        data_missing_mask = (output_grid[:,:,monitor_col] == 0)
        for dc in data_cols:
            output_grid[:,:,dc].view(ndarray)[data_missing_mask] = NaN;            
    #extra info changed
    output_grid._info[-1] = data._info[-1].copy()
    return output_grid
Пример #3
 def apply(self, data, theta=None, qxmin=None, qxmax=None, qxbins=None, qzmin=None, qzmax=None, qzbins=None):
     info = [{"name": "qx", "units": "inv. Angstroms", "values": linspace(qxmin, qxmax, qxbins) },
             {"name": "qz", "units": "inv. Angstroms", "values": linspace(qzmin, qzmax, qzbins) },]
     old_info = data.infoCopy()
     info.append(old_info[2]) # column information!
     info.append(old_info[3]) # creation story!
     output_grid = MetaArray(zeros((qxbins, qzbins, data.shape[-1])), info=info)
     #if output_grid == None:
     #    output_grid = EmptyQxQzGrid(*self.default_qxqz_gridvals)
     #    output_grid = deepcopy(output_grid)
     if (theta == "") or (theta == None):
         if 'state' in data._info[-1]:
             theta = float(data._info[-1]['state']['A[1]'])
             print 'theta:', theta
             print "can't run without theta!"
     wl_array = data.axisValues('wavelength').copy()
     wl_array.shape = wl_array.shape + (1,)
     twotheta_array = data.axisValues('twotheta').copy()
     twotheta_array.shape = (1,) + twotheta_array.shape
     qxOut, qzOut = self.getQxQz(theta, twotheta_array, wl_array)
     # getting values from output grid:
     outgrid_info = output_grid.infoCopy()
     numcols = len(outgrid_info[2]['cols'])
     qx_array = output_grid.axisValues('qx')
     dqx = qx_array[1] - qx_array[0]
     qz_array = output_grid.axisValues('qz')
     dqz = qz_array[1] - qz_array[0]
     framed_array = zeros((qz_array.shape[0]+2, qx_array.shape[0]+2, numcols))
     target_qx = ((qxOut - qx_array[0])/dqx + 1).astype(int)
     #return target_qx, qxOut
     target_qz = ((qzOut - qz_array[0])/dqz + 1).astype(int)
     target_mask = (target_qx >= 0) * (target_qx < qx_array.shape[0])
     target_mask *= (target_qz >= 0) * (target_qz < qz_array.shape[0])
     target_qx_list = target_qx[target_mask]
     target_qz_list = target_qz[target_mask]
     #target_qx = target_qx.clip(0, qx_array.shape[0]+1)
     #target_qz = target_qz.clip(0, qz_array.shape[0]+1)
     for i, col in enumerate(outgrid_info[2]['cols']):
         values_to_bin = data[:,:,col['name']][target_mask]
         outshape = (output_grid.shape[0], output_grid.shape[1])
         hist2d, xedges, yedges = histogram2d(target_qx_list,target_qz_list, bins = (outshape[0],outshape[1]), range=((0,outshape[0]),(0,outshape[1])), weights=values_to_bin)
         output_grid[:,:,col['name']] += hist2d
         #framed_array[target_qz_list, target_qx_list, i] = data[:,:,col['name']][target_mask]
     #trimmed_array = framed_array[1:-1, 1:-1]
     #output_grid[:,:] = trimmed_array
     creation_story = data._info[-1]['CreationStory']
     new_creation_story = creation_story + ".filter('{0}', {1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, output_grid._info[-1]['CreationStory'])
     #print new_creation_story
     output_grid._info[-1] = data._info[-1].copy()
     output_grid._info[-1]['CreationStory'] = new_creation_story
     return output_grid