Пример #1
    def parse_formula(fcn_string, pars_string):
        pars       = []
        formula    = fcn_string
        for par_num, match in enumerate(re.finditer("(?P<name>\w+)(?P<boundaries>\[[^\]]+\]),? ?", pars_string)):
            par        = struct()
            par.num    = par_num
            par.name   = match.group('name')
            par.bounds = eval( match.group('boundaries') )
            formula    = formula.replace(par.name, '[%i]' % par.num)

        ret = ROOT.TF1('ret', formula, 0, 200)
        for par in pars:
            ret.SetParName(par.num, par.name)
            if len(par.bounds) == 1:
                ret.FixParameter(par.num, par.bounds[0])
                ret.SetParameter(par.num, par.bounds[0])
                ret.SetParLimits(par.num, par.bounds[1], par.bounds[2])
        return ret
Пример #2
    def parse_formula(fcn_string, pars_string):
        pars       = []
        formula    = fcn_string
        for par_num, match in enumerate(re.finditer("(?P<name>\w+)(?P<boundaries>\[[^\]]+\]),? ?", pars_string)):
            par        = struct()
            par.num    = par_num
            par.name   = match.group('name')
            par.bounds = eval( match.group('boundaries') )
            formula    = formula.replace(par.name, '[%i]' % par.num)

        ret = ROOT.TF1('ret', formula, 0, 200)
        for par in pars:
            ret.SetParName(par.num, par.name)
            if len(par.bounds) == 1:
                ret.FixParameter(par.num, par.bounds[0])
                ret.SetParameter(par.num, par.bounds[0])
                ret.SetParLimits(par.num, par.bounds[1], par.bounds[2])
        return ret
Пример #3
    def process(self):
        logging.debug('Starting processing')
        systematics = self.systematics

        frw = []
        lock = ()
        ievt = 0
        logging.debug('Starting evt loop')

        #pre-compute static things
        sys_shifts = systematics['trig']  # + \
        #         systematics['pu'] + \
        #         systematics['eid'] + \
        #         systematics['eiso'] #+ \

        jes_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['jes']]
        #anyway the first is always ""
        tes_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['tes']][1:]
        ees_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['ees']][1:]

        for row in self.tree:
            if (ievt % 100) == 0:
                logging.debug('New event')
            ievt += 1
            #avoid double counting events!
            evt_id = (row.run, row.lumi, row.evt)
            if evt_id == lock: continue
            if lock != () and evt_id == lock:
                logging.info('Removing duplicate of event: %d %d %d' % evt_id)

            #preselection, common to everything and everyone
            if self.is_embedded:
                if not bool(row.doubleMuPass): continue
                if not bool(row.singleE27WP80Pass): continue
                if not bool(row.eMatchesSingleE27WP80): continue

            if not selections.eSelection(row, 'e'): continue
            #if row.ePt < 30 : continue
            if not selections.tauSelection(row, 't'): continue
            if not row.tAntiElectronMVA5Tight: continue
            if not row.tAntiMuon2Loose: continue
            if not row.tLooseIso3Hits: continue
            logging.debug('object selection passed')
            #e ID/ISO
            if not selections.lepton_id_iso(row, 'e', 'eid13Tight_idiso02'):
            logging.debug('Passed preselection')

            # Compute event weight
            #event weight
            #sys_shifts is precomputed

            weight_map = self.event_weight(row, sys_shifts)

            #Fill embedded sample normalization BEFORE the vetoes
            #        if not row.e_t_SS:
            #            self.fill_histos('os/gg/ept30', row, weight_map[''])

            # it is better vetoing on b-jets  after the histo for the DY embedded
            #bjet veto
            if row.bjetCSVVeto30 != 0: continue

            #tau ID, id Tau is tight then go in full selection, otherwise use for fakes
            isTauTight = bool(row.tTightIso3Hits)
            isETight = bool(
                selections.lepton_id_iso(row, 'e', 'eid13Tight_etauiso01'))
            #         etau_category = ['']
            #         if (not isETight) and (not isTauTight):
            #             etau_category = ['etLoose', 'etLoose/Up', 'etLoose/Down']
            #         elif (not isTauTight):
            #             etau_category = ['tLoose', 'tLoose/Up', 'tLoose/Down', 'tLooseUnweight']
            #         elif (not isETight):
            #             etau_category = ['eLoose', 'eLoose/Up', 'eLoose/Down']

            #jet category
            central = struct(njets=min(row.jetVeto30, 3),
            jets = [
                min(row.jetVeto30, 3),
                min(row.jetVeto30jes_plus, 3),
                min(row.jetVeto30jes_minus, 3)
            tpts = [row.tPt_tes_plus, row.tPt_tes_minus]
            epts = [row.ePt_ees_plus, row.ePt_ees_minus]
            sys_effects = [(name, central.clone(njets=jnum))
                           for name, jnum in zip(jes_dirs, jets)]
            #            sys_effects.extend(
            #                [(name, central.clone(tPt = pt)) for name, pt in zip(tes_dirs, tpts)]
            #                )
            #            sys_effects.extend(
            #                [(name, central.clone(ePt = pt)) for name, pt in zip(ees_dirs, epts)]
            #                )

            # Full tight selection
            passes_full_selection = False
            selection_categories = []
            #  for name, shifted in sys_effects:
            #preselection. flat pt values
            if row.ePt < 30 and row.tPt < 30:
                #        selection_categories.append((name, '%i' % shifted.njets, ''))
                #   else:

            #   if shifted.njets == 0 :
            #       if shifted.tPt < 35: continue
            #       if shifted.ePt < 40: continue
            #       if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < 2.7 : continue
            #       if row.tMtToPfMet > 50 : continue
            #       selection_categories.append((name, '0', 'selected'))
            #       passes_full_selection = True
            #   elif shifted.njets == 1 :
            #       if shifted.tPt < 40: continue
            #       if shifted.ePt < 35: continue
            #       if row.tMtToPfMet > 35 : continue
            #       selection_categories.append((name, '1', 'selected'))
            #       passes_full_selection = True
            #   elif shifted.njets == 2 :
            #       if shifted.tPt < 40: continue
            #       if shifted.ePt < 30: continue
            #       if row.tMtToPfMet > 35 : continue
            #       if row.vbfMass < 550 : continue
            #       if row.vbfDeta < 3.5 : continue
            #       selection_categories.append((name, '2', 'selected'))
            #       passes_full_selection = True
            #dir_name1 = os.path.join(sys, selection_sys, sign, processtype,
            #                        e_thr, jet_dir, selection_step)
    #       tvetoes = [row.tauVetoPt20EleTight3MuLoose, row.tauVetoPt20EleTight3MuLoose_tes_plus, row.tauVetoPt20EleTight3MuLoose_tes_minus]
    #       mvetoes = [row.muVetoPt5IsoIdVtx          , row.muVetoPt5IsoIdVtx_mes_plus          , row.muVetoPt5IsoIdVtx_mes_minus          ]
    #       evetoes = [row.eVetoCicLooseIso           , row.eVetoCicLooseIso_ees_plus           , row.eVetoCicLooseIso_ees_minus           ]

    #       tdirs = [ i for i, j in zip( systematics['tvetos'], tvetoes) if not j]
    #       mdirs = [ i for i, j in zip( systematics['mvetos'], mvetoes) if not j]
    #       edirs = [ i for i, j in zip( systematics['evetos'], evetoes) if not j]

    #if any of the lists is empty
    #       if not tdirs or not mdirs or not edirs:
    #           continue
    #       logging.debug('Passed Vetoes')
            jet0panel = [('tPtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70), ('ePtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70),
                         ('deltaPhicut', 1, 1, 20, 35),
                         ('tMtToPFMETcut', 1, 1, 20, 80)]
            jet1panel = [('tPtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70), ('ePtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70),
                         ('tMtToPFMETcut', 1, 1, 20, 80)]
            jet2panel = [('tPtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70), ('ePtcut', 1, 1, 30, 70),
                         ('tMtToPFMETcut', 1, 1, 20, 80),
                         ('vbfMasscut', 1, 4, 300, 700),
                         ('vbfDetacut', 1, 1, 20, 60)]
            jet0refer = (30, 30, 2, 80)
            jet1refer = (30, 30, 80)
            jet2refer = (30, 30, 80, 300, 2)
            if (not isETight) or (not isTauTight):
            jn = row.jetVeto30
            if jn > 3: jn = 3
            jetlist = [(int(jn), str(int(jn)))]
            for jet in jetlist:
                foldertofill = 'os/gg/ept30/' + jet[1] + '/selected'
                if jets[0] == 0:
                    for nbjet0, jetwhole0 in enumerate(jet0panel):
                        if nbjet0 == 0 and jetwhole0[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole0[3], jetwhole0[4],
                                if row.tPt < j: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet0refer[1]: continue
                                if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < jet0refer[2]:
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet0refer[3]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole0[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet0 == 1 and jetwhole0[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole0[3], jetwhole0[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet0refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < j: continue
                                if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < jet0refer[2]:
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet0refer[3]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole0[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet0 == 2 and jetwhole0[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole0[3], jetwhole0[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet0refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet0refer[1]: continue
                                if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < j / 10.0:
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet0refer[3]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole0[0], j / 10.0,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet0 == 3 and jetwhole0[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole0[3], jetwhole0[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet0refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet0refer[1]: continue
                                if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < jet0refer[2]:
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > j: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole0[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                elif jets[0] == 1:
                    for nbjet1, jetwhole1 in enumerate(jet1panel):
                        if nbjet1 == 0 and jetwhole1[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole1[3], jetwhole1[4],
                                if row.tPt < j: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet1refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet1refer[2]: continue
                                #   selection_categories.append((name, '1', 'selected'))
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole1[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet1 == 1 and jetwhole1[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole1[3], jetwhole1[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet1refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < j: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet1refer[2]: continue
                                #   selection_categories.append((name, '1', 'selected'))
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole1[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet1 == 2 and jetwhole1[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole1[3], jetwhole1[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet1refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet1refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > j: continue
                                #   selection_categories.append((name, '1', 'selected'))
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole1[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                elif jets[0] == 2:
                    for nbjet2, jetwhole2 in enumerate(jet2panel):
                        if nbjet2 == 0 and jetwhole2[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole2[3], jetwhole2[4],
                                if row.tPt < j: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet2refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet2refer[2]: continue
                                if row.vbfMass < jet2refer[3]: continue
                                if row.vbfDeta < jet2refer[4]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole2[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet2 == 1 and jetwhole2[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole2[3], jetwhole2[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet2refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < j: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet2refer[2]: continue
                                if row.vbfMass < jet2refer[3]: continue
                                if row.vbfDeta < jet2refer[4]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole2[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet2 == 2 and jetwhole2[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole2[3], jetwhole2[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet2refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet2refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > j: continue
                                if row.vbfMass < jet2refer[3]: continue
                                if row.vbfDeta < jet2refer[4]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole2[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet2 == 3 and jetwhole2[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole2[3], jetwhole2[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet2refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet2refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet2refer[2]: continue
                                if row.vbfMass < j: continue
                                if row.vbfDeta < jet2refer[4]: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole2[0], j,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                        if nbjet2 == 4 and jetwhole2[1] == 1:
                            for j in range(jetwhole2[3], jetwhole2[4],
                                if row.tPt < jet2refer[0]: continue
                                if row.ePt < jet2refer[1]: continue
                                if row.tMtToPfMet > jet2refer[2]: continue
                                if row.vbfMass < jet2refer[3]: continue
                                if row.vbfDeta < j / 10.0: continue
                                passes_full_selection = True
                                self.fill_histos3(jetwhole2[0], j / 10.0,
                                                  foldertofill, row,
                #   selection_categories.append((name, '2', 'selected'))

            if passes_full_selection:
                logging.debug('Passed full selection')
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, tree, outfile, **kwargs):
        logging.debug('LFVHETauAnalyzerMVA3 constructor')
        self.channel = 'ET'
        super(LFVHETauAnalyzerMVA3, self).__init__(tree, outfile, **kwargs)
        self.tree = ETauTree(tree)
        self.out = outfile
        self.histograms = {}

        #understand what we are running
        target = os.path.basename(os.environ['megatarget'])
        self.is_data = target.startswith('data_')
        self.is_embedded = ('Embedded' in target)
        self.is_mc = not (self.is_data or self.is_embedded)
        self.efake = e_fake_rate(0.2)
        self.efakeup = e_fake_rate_up(0.2)
        self.efakedw = e_fake_rate_dw(0.2)

        #systematics used
        self.systematics = {
            'trig': (['', 'trp1s', 'trm1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'pu': (['', 'p1s', 'm1s'] if self.is_mc else []),
            'eid': (['', 'eidp1s', 'eidm1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'eiso': (['', 'eisop1s', 'eisom1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'jes': (['', '_jes_plus', '_jes_minus'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'mvetos': (['', 'mVetoUp', 'mVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'tvetos': (['', 'tVetoUp', 'tVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'evetos': (['', 'eVetoUp', 'eVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'met': (["_mes_plus", "_ues_plus", "_mes_minus", "_ues_minus"]
                    if self.is_mc else []),
            (["", "_tes_plus", "_tes_minus"] if not self.is_data else ['']),
            (["", "_ees_plus", '_ees_minus'] if not self.is_data else [''])

        #self filling histograms
        coll_mass = make_collmass_systematics('')  #no sys shift
        self.histo_locations = {
        }  #just a mapping of the histograms we have to avoid changing self.histograms indexing an screw other files
        self.hfunc = {  #maps the name of non-trivial histograms to a function to get the proper value, the function MUST have two args (evt and weight). Used in fill_histos later
            lambda row, weight: (row.nTruePU, None),
            lambda row, weight: (weight, None)
            if weight is not None else (1., None),
            lambda row, weight: (array.array("f", [
                row.run, row.lumi,
                int(row.evt) / 10**5,
                int(row.evt) % 10**5
            ]), None),
            merge_functions(attr_getter('tToMETDPhi'), coll_mass),
                lambda row, weight:
                (deltaPhi(row.tPhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight:
            (deltaPhi(row.ePhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight:
            (deltaPhi(row.tPhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight: (struct(
                run=row.run, lumi=row.lumi, evt=row.evt, weight=weight), None)
        for shift in self.systematics['met']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['tes']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['jes']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['ees']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)

        #PU correctors
        self.pucorrector = mcCorrections.make_shifted_weights(
            mcCorrections.make_puCorrector('singlee'), ['p1s', 'm1s'], [
        self.trig_weight = mcCorrections.trig_efficiency if self.is_embedded else mcCorrections.trig_correction
Пример #5
    def process(self):
        logging.debug('Starting processing')
        systematics = self.systematics

        frw = []
        lock = ()
        ievt = 0
        logging.debug('Starting evt loop')

        #pre-compute static things
        sys_shifts = systematics['trig'] + \
            systematics['pu'] + \
            systematics['eid'] + \
            systematics['eiso'] #+ \

        jes_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['jes']]
        #anyway the first is always ""
        tes_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['tes']][1:]
        ees_dirs = [i.strip('_') for i in systematics['ees']][1:]

        for row in self.tree:
            if (ievt % 100) == 0:
                logging.debug('New event')
            ievt += 1
            #avoid double counting events!
            evt_id = (row.run, row.lumi, row.evt)
            if evt_id == lock: continue
            if lock != () and evt_id == lock:
                logging.info('Removing duplicate of event: %d %d %d' % evt_id)

            #preselection, common to everything and everyone
            if self.is_embedded:
                if not bool(row.doubleMuPass): continue
                if not bool(row.singleE27WP80Pass): continue
                if not bool(row.eMatchesSingleE27WP80): continue

            if not selections.eSelection(row, 'e'): continue
            #if row.ePt < 30 : continue
            if not selections.tauSelection(row, 't'): continue
            if not row.tAntiElectronMVA5Tight: continue
            if not row.tAntiMuon2Loose: continue
            if not row.tLooseIso3Hits: continue
            logging.debug('object selection passed')
            #e ID/ISO
            if not selections.lepton_id_iso(row, 'e', 'eid13Tight_idiso02'):
            logging.debug('Passed preselection')

            # Compute event weight
            #event weight
            #sys_shifts is precomputed

            weight_map = self.event_weight(row, sys_shifts)

            #Fill embedded sample normalization BEFORE the vetoes
            if not row.e_t_SS:
                self.fill_histos('os/gg/ept30', row, weight_map[''])

            # it is better vetoing on b-jets  after the histo for the DY embedded
            #bjet veto
            if row.bjetCSVVeto30 == 0: continue

            #tau ID, id Tau is tight then go in full selection, otherwise use for fakes
            isTauTight = bool(row.tTightIso3Hits)
            isETight = bool(
                selections.lepton_id_iso(row, 'e', 'eid13Tight_etauiso01'))
            etau_category = ['']
            if (not isETight) and (not isTauTight):
                etau_category = ['etLoose', 'etLoose/Up', 'etLoose/Down']
            elif (not isTauTight):
                etau_category = [
                    'tLoose', 'tLoose/Up', 'tLoose/Down', 'tLooseUnweight'
            elif (not isETight):
                etau_category = ['eLoose', 'eLoose/Up', 'eLoose/Down']

            #jet category
            central = struct(
                #njets = min(row.jetVeto30, 3),
            #jets = [min(row.jetVeto30, 3), min(row.jetVeto30jes_plus, 3),  min(row.jetVeto30jes_minus, 3)]
            jets = [2, 2, 2]
            tpts = [row.tPt_tes_plus, row.tPt_tes_minus]
            epts = [row.ePt_ees_plus, row.ePt_ees_minus]
            sys_effects = [(name, central.clone(njets=jnum))
                           for name, jnum in zip(jes_dirs, jets)]
            sys_effects.extend([(name, central.clone(tPt=pt))
                                for name, pt in zip(tes_dirs, tpts)])
            sys_effects.extend([(name, central.clone(ePt=pt))
                                for name, pt in zip(ees_dirs, epts)])

            # Full tight selection
            passes_full_selection = False
            selection_categories = []
            for name, shifted in sys_effects:
                #preselection. flat pt values
                if shifted.ePt > 30 and shifted.tPt > 30:
                        (name, '%i' % shifted.njets, ''))

                ##if shifted.njets == 0 :
                ##    if shifted.tPt < 35: continue
                ##    if shifted.ePt < 40: continue
                ##    if deltaPhi(row.ePhi, row.tPhi) < 2.7 : continue
                ##    if row.tMtToPfMet > 50 : continue
                ##    selection_categories.append((name, '0', 'selected'))
                ##    passes_full_selection = True
                ##elif shifted.njets == 1 :
                ##    if shifted.tPt < 40: continue
                ##    if shifted.ePt < 35: continue
                ##    if row.tMtToPfMet > 35 : continue
                ##    selection_categories.append((name, '1', 'selected'))
                ##    passes_full_selection = True
                if shifted.njets == 2:
                    if shifted.tPt < 40: continue
                    if shifted.ePt < 30: continue
                    if row.tMtToPfMet > 35: continue
                    if row.vbfMass < 550: continue
                    if row.vbfDeta < 3.5: continue
                    selection_categories.append((name, '2', 'selected'))
                    passes_full_selection = True

            if passes_full_selection:
                logging.debug('Passed full selection')

            #different selections
            sign = 'ss' if row.e_t_SS else 'os'
            processtype = 'gg'
            ptthreshold = ['ept30']

            # Lepton vetoes
            tvetoes = [
            mvetoes = [
                row.muVetoPt5IsoIdVtx, row.muVetoPt5IsoIdVtx_mes_plus,
            evetoes = [
                row.eVetoCicLooseIso, row.eVetoCicLooseIso_ees_plus,

            tdirs = [
                i for i, j in zip(systematics['tvetos'], tvetoes) if not j
            mdirs = [
                i for i, j in zip(systematics['mvetos'], mvetoes) if not j
            edirs = [
                i for i, j in zip(systematics['evetos'], evetoes) if not j

            #if any of the lists is empty
            if not tdirs or not mdirs or not edirs:
            logging.debug('Passed Vetoes')

            #make all possible veto combos...
            all_dirs = [
                ''.join(i) for i in itertools.product(tdirs, mdirs, edirs)
            #...and choose only the meaningful ones
            veto_sys = set(systematics['tvetos'] + systematics['mvetos'] +
            all_dirs = [i for i in all_dirs if i in veto_sys]

            sys_directories = all_dirs + sys_shifts
            #remove duplicates
            sys_directories = list(set(sys_directories))

            #at least one loose object
            if (not isETight) or (not isTauTight):
                #if is a loose tau just compute the fakes!
                sys_directories = etau_category

                #gather the one and only weight we do care about
                mc_weight = weight_map['']

                #weights are the fr ones...
                weight_map = self.fakerate_weights(row.tEta)
                for i in weight_map:
                    #...times the mc weight (if any)
                    weight_map[i] *= mc_weight

            #Fill histograms in appropriate direcotries
            #if passes_full_selection:
            #dirs = [os.path.join(sys, sign, processtype, e_thr, jet_dir) for sys, e_thr, jet_dir in itertools.product(sys_directories, ptthreshold, jet_directories)]
            #if len(dirs) <> len(set(dirs)):
            #    set_trace()
            for sys, e_thr, selection in itertools.product(
                    sys_directories, ptthreshold, selection_categories):
                selection_sys, jet_dir, selection_step = selection
                #if we have multiple systematic shifts applied
                #reject the combination
                if selection_sys and sys:

                #if we fill a histogram, lock the event
                lock = evt_id
                dir_name = os.path.join(sys, selection_sys, sign, processtype,
                                        e_thr, jet_dir, selection_step)
                if dir_name[-1] == '/':
                    dir_name = dir_name[:-1]
                if passes_full_selection:
                    logging.debug('Filling %s' % dir_name)
                #fill them!
                weight_to_use = weight_map[
                    sys] if sys in weight_map else weight_map['']
                self.fill_histos(dir_name, row, weight_to_use)