def update_handler(bot, update): try: infos = Infos.Infos(bot, update) if infos.error: return Log.d("Errore owo!") if infos.user.uid in json.loads(open("Files/jsons/blacklist.json").read()) or infos.skip: return if "message" in update: if "new_chat_members" not in update["message"]: return if update["message"]["new_chat_members"] or "left_chat_member" in update["message"]: if bot["id"] == Manager.get_main_bot_id(): return Foos.status(bot, update) return BotsFoos.status(bot, update) if infos.user.message.what != "command": return Elaborator.reader(infos) if infos.user.message.command == "report": return ok = Elaborator.command_reader(infos) if ok != "procedi": return if infos.user.message.pers_command: return Elaborator.pers_commands(infos) except Exception as err: Log.e("Ho trovato un errore: riga %s %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, type(err).__name__, err))
def command_reader(infos): try: command = infos.user.message.command if infos.is_kitsu: Log.d("I'm Kitsu.") for com in kitsu_commands: if command == com: return kitsu_commands[com](infos) if infos.user.is_master: Log.d("You're master.") for com in master_commands: if command == com: return master_commands[com](infos) if command == "start": return BotsFoos.startb(infos) if infos.user.is_owner: for com in bot_master_comm: if command == com: return bot_master_comm[com](infos) infos.admins.append(Manager.get_owner_id()) if infos.user.uid in infos.admins: for com in bot_commands: if command == com: return bot_commands[com](infos) for com in general_commands: if command == com: return general_commands[com](infos) return "procedi" except Exception as err: Log.e("Ho trovato un errore: riga %s %s %s (%s)" % (sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, type(err).__name__, err, infos.text)) infos.reply( "C-c'è stato un errore...\nInoltra a @Kaikyu il tuo ultimo messaggio!" )
def send(infos, sezione, antispam=True, to_id=None, special_name=None, special_group_name=None, special_user_name=None, no_log=False, special_token=None, special_bid=None, special_text=None, ignore_specials=False, recorsivity=None, add=None, parse="markdown"): text = "<vuoto>" try: quote = False inter_bot_id = None sezione_inter = None quitta = False no_prew = False if sezione: infos.trigger = sezione else: infos.trigger = "" if recorsivity: if recorsivity > 3: return else: recorsivity += 1 else: recorsivity = 1 if not to_id: to_id = infos.cid if special_group_name: = special_group_name if special_user_name: = special_user_name if special_token: infos.token = special_token if special_bid: = special_bid if not special_text: text = Dialogs.get_text(infos, sezione) if add: try: text += add except Exception: pass if not text: return False if text.lower() == "skip" or text.lower() == "+skip+": return True if antispam: if Unreloaded.antispam(infos): return True else: text = special_text text = Dialogs.section_replacer(infos, text) if infos.api: return text if "[warn]" in text: return BotsFoos.warn(infos) if "[unwarn]" in text: return BotsFoos.unwarn(infos) if "+exe+" in text: infos.master_message("Master, +exe+ is deprecated:\n`" + text + "`\nIn `" + sezione + "`", parse_mode="markdown") Log.a("[%s] U: %s %s" % (infos.bot_name, infos.user.username, sezione)) return if not ignore_specials: text = Utils.replacer(infos, text) text = Actions.action(infos, text, sezione) if not text: return if type(text) is bool: return if "[noprew]" in text: text = text.replace("[noprew]", "") no_prew = True if "[quote]" in text: text = text.replace("[quote]", "") quote = if "[quote2]" in text: text = text.replace("[quote2]", "") if infos.to_user: quote = if "[quit]" in text: text = text.replace("[quit]", "") quitta = True match ="\[(\d+)\]", text) if match: if int( not in Manager.get_bots_id(): return HTTPLL.sendMessage( infos.token, Manager.get_prop_id(infos.token), "%s non è un ID valido." % result = text.split("[" + + "]") trigs = json.loads( open("Files/bot_files/%s/%s" % (, "triggers.json")).read()) if "autorizzati" not in trigs: HTTPLL.sendMessage( infos.token, infos.prop_id, "%s non ti ha autorizzato." % elif not in trigs["autorizzati"]: HTTPLL.sendMessage( infos.token, infos.prop_id, "%s non ti ha autorizzato." % # infos.reply("Autorizzati: %s" % ) else: inter_bot_id = int( sezione_inter = result[1] text = result[0] if special_name: text = text.replace("+newuser+", special_name) if not text: return text, kb = Utils.get_keyboard(text) if text == "": return try: caption = None if "+stk+" in text: stk = text.split("()")[1] HTTPLL.sendSticker(infos.token, chat_id=to_id, sticker=stk) return True if "+pht+" in text: elems = text.split("()") pht = elems[1] if len(elems) == 3: caption = elems[2] HTTPLL.sendChatAction(infos.token, to_id, 'upload_photo') time.sleep(0.3) HTTPLL.sendPhoto(infos.token, chat_id=to_id, photo=pht, caption=caption, reply_to_message_id=quote) return True if "+doc+" in text: elems = text.split("()") doc = elems[1] if len(elems) == 3: caption = elems[2] HTTPLL.sendDocument(infos.token, to_id, doc, caption=caption, reply_to_message_id=quote) return True if "+aud+" in text or "+voi+" in text: aud = text.split("()")[1] HTTPLL.sendVoice(infos.token, to_id, aud, reply_to_message_id=quote) return True if "+vid+" in text: elems = text.split("()") vid = elems[1] if len(elems) == 3: caption = elems[2] HTTPLL.sendVideo(infos.token, to_id, vid, caption=caption, reply_to_message_id=quote) return True except Exception as err: Log.w("Errore nell'invio del media: %s" % err) return False text = Utils.escape_markdown(text) text = text.replace("<b>", "*").replace("</b>", "*") text = text.replace("<c>", "`").replace("</c>", "`") text = text.replace("<i>", "_").replace("</i>", "_") text = Utils.link_elab(text, infos) text = re.sub("\/\w+\\_\w+", "$&", text).replace("\\\\_", "\\_") match ="\B<q>.+</q>\B", text) if match: iquote = "[%s](tg://user?id=%s)" % (str( "<q>", "").replace("</q>", ""), infos.user.uid) text = re.sub("\B<q>.+</q>\B", iquote, text) result = re.finditer(re.compile(r"\*.+?\*"), text) if result: for res in result: text = text.replace(,"\_", "_")) HTTPLL.sendChatAction(infos.token, to_id, 'typing') HTTPLL.sendMessage(infos.token, chat_id=to_id, text=text, parse_mode=parse, disable_web_page_preview=no_prew, reply_to_message_id=quote, reply_markup=kb) if not no_log: Log.a("%s <- %s -> [%s]" % (, infos.user.uid, sezione)) if infos.chat_private: return if quitta: HTTPLL.leaveChat(infos.token, infos.cid) if inter_bot_id and sezione_inter: try: send(infos, sezione_inter, special_token=Manager.get_token_from_bot_id(inter_bot_id), antispam=False, special_bid=inter_bot_id, recorsivity=recorsivity) except Exception: pass return True except Error.Unauthorized: if not to_id: Log.e("Qualcosa non va, l'ID era None...") return "ERR" DBs.remove_id(infos.entity, to_id) return "ERR" except Error.BadRequest as err: if "chat not found" in str(err): return if "group chat was migrated" in str(err): DBs.remove_id(infos.entity, to_id) return "ERR" Log.e("Bot %s -> BadRequest (%s)" % (infos.bot_name, err)) if infos.user.is_owner: infos.reply( "Master non sono riuscita ad inviare questo messaggio:\n" "`%s`\nSegnalalo a @Kaikyu o controlla la formattazione." % text, markdown=True) return "ERR" except Error.NotEnoughtRights: DBs.remove_id(infos.entity, to_id) return "ERR" except Exception as err: msg = "Ho trovato un errore: riga {} {} {}".format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, type(err).__name__, err) HTTPLL.sendMessage(infos.token, infos.prop_id, msg) Log.e(msg) if "can't parse" in str(err).lower(): # noinspection PyTypeChecker send(infos, "", to_id=Manager.get_prop_id(infos.token), special_text= "C'è un problema con la formattazione del messaggio:\n\n%s" % text, parse=None, antispam=False) return "ERR"
def reader(i): try: kl = i.text.lower() inter = False if i.chat_private: if i.user.message.what != "text": return BotsFoos.extractor(i) wait_list = json.loads(open("Files/jsons/wait_for.json").read()) if str(i.user.uid) in wait_list: try: if i.text.lower() == "annulla": del wait_list[str(i.user.uid)] with open("Files/jsons/wait_for.json", "w") as fl: fl.write(json.dumps(wait_list)) Dialoger.send(i, None, special_text="Annullato!") return x = wait_list[str(i.user.uid)] obj = x["thing"] cosa = "???" prefix = None if obj == "photo": cosa = "la foto" prefix = "+pht+" if obj == "sticker": cosa = "lo sticker" prefix = "+stk+" if obj == "document": cosa = "il documento" prefix = "+doc+" if obj == "voice": cosa = "la registrazione" prefix = "+voi+" if obj == "audio": cosa = "l'audio" prefix = "+aud+" if obj == "video": cosa = "il video" prefix = "+vid+" if not prefix: return obj_id = x["id"] trigger = i.text.lower() Dialoger.send(i, None, special_text="Aggiungo %s alla sezione %s" % (cosa, trigger)) reply = "%s()%s" % (prefix, obj_id) if x["text"]: reply += "()%s" % x["text"] if LowLevel.add_risposta(, reply, trigger, i.user.lang_n): risp = "Aggiunto!" del wait_list[str(i.user.uid)] with open("Files/jsons/wait_for.json", "w") as fl: fl.write(json.dumps(wait_list)) else: risp = "C'è qualche problema..." Dialoger.send(i, None, special_text=risp) return except Exception as err: Log.e(err) else: pass DBs.add_group(i) DBs.add_user(i) if"^" + i.regex + "\W*$", kl): return Dialoger.send(i, "chiamata") if ( + "$", kl) or"^" + i.regex, kl)) or i.chat_private: sezione = interaction(i) inter = True if sezione: return Dialoger.send(i, sezione) if i.is_reply: if i.to_user.uid != sezione = risposta(i) if sezione: return Dialoger.send(i, sezione) else: sezione = interaction(i) inter = True if sezione: return Dialoger.send(i, sezione) sezione = checking(i) if sezione: return Dialoger.send(i, sezione) if inter: Dialoger.send(i, "gen_answ") t = "a" if not os.path.isfile("Files/bot_files/%s/gen_answ.txt" % t = "w" with open("Files/bot_files/%s/gen_answ.txt" %, t) as fl: fl.write("@%s: %s \n\n" % (i.user.username, i.text)) if random.randint(0, 750) == 500: return Dialoger.send(i, ("autom_" + timemoment()[0]).lower()) except Exception as err: Log.e(err)
def action(infos, text, sezione): try: acts = [] if "[reg_fm]" in text: acts.append("[reg_fm]") if not infos.args: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "no_args") return None try: LastFM(infos.args) except UnvalidUsername: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "fmnick_unexistent") return None DBs.set_data(infos.entity, infos.user.uid, "ext0", infos.args) if "[ban_usr]" in text or "ban_usr]" in text: acts.append("[ban_usr]") acts.append("ban_usr]") if not infos.admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "bot_non_admin") if infos.user.is_admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ban_self_admin") HTTPLL.kickChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.user.uid, until="h0") if "[ban]" in text or "ban]" in text: acts.append("[ban]") acts.append("ban]") if infos.is_reply: if not infos.admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "bot_non_admin") if not infos.user.is_admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if infos.to_user.is_admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_admin") if infos.user.is_admin: HTTPLL.kickChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid) if "[meteo]" in text: if not sezione: HTTPLL.sendMessage( infos.token, infos.prop_id, "Errore: meteo_text non può contenere [meteo]!") Log.w("Utente avvisato per errore [meteo]") return if not infos.args: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "no_args") return None res, sugg = Meteo.exists(infos.args) if not res: if sugg: text = Dialogs.get_text(infos, "meteo_sugg") if not text: return None text = text.replace("+sugg+", sugg.capitalize()) Dialogs.base_send(infos, None, special_text=text) return None else: text = Dialogs.get_text(infos, "citta_inesist") if not text: return None Dialogs.base_send(infos, None, special_text=text) return None text = Dialogs.get_text(infos, "meteo_text") if not text: return None datas = Meteo.get_datas(infos.args) for data_name in sorted(datas.keys()): text = text.replace("+" + data_name + "+", datas[data_name]) # Dialogs.base_send(infos, None, special_text=text) # return None if "[pin]" in text: if infos.user.is_admin: HTTPLL.pinMessage(infos) acts.append("[pin]") else: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") return None if "[unpin]" in text: if infos.user.is_admin: HTTPLL.unpinMessage(infos) acts.append("[unpin]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[settitle]" in text: if infos.user.is_admin: HTTPLL.setChatTitle(infos) acts.append("[settitle]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[setdesc]" in text: if infos.user.is_admin: HTTPLL.setChatDescription(infos) acts.append("[setdesc]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[setphoto]" in text: if infos.user.is_admin: if infos.to_user.message.what != "photo": return None HTTPLL.setChatPhoto(infos) acts.append("[setphoto]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[disable welcome]" in text: if infos.chat_private: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "disable welcome privato") if infos.user.is_admin: state = DBs.read_obj(infos.cid, infos.entity, "groups")["ext"] if state == "1": return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "benvenuto gia disabilitato") DBs.set_obj(infos.cid, "1", "ext", infos.entity) acts.append("[disable welcome]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[enable welcome]" in text: if infos.chat_private: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "enable welcome privato") if infos.user.is_admin: state = DBs.read_obj(infos.cid, infos.entity, "groups")["ext"] if not state or state == "0": return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "benvenuto gia abilitato") DBs.set_obj(infos.cid, "0", "ext", infos.entity) acts.append("[enable welcome]") else: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if "[warn_usr]" in text: if infos.chat_private: return BotsFoos.warn(infos, self=True) acts.append("[warn_usr]") if "[mute2]" in text: if infos.chat_private: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "mute privato") if not infos.user.is_admin: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "ut_non_admin") if infos.to_user.is_admin: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "ut_admin") if not infos.user.perms.can_restrict_members: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "no_permessi") usr = HTTPLL.getChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid)["result"] if "can_send_messages" in usr: if not usr["can_send_messages"]: return Dialogs.section_replacer(infos, "{already muted}") HTTPLL.restrictChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid, can_send_messages=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_send_media_messages=False) acts.append("[mute2]") if infos.is_reply: pattern = re.compile(r"\[mute:(\d+)]") res =, text) if res: if not Utils.check_admin_action(infos): return minutes = int( text = re.sub(pattern, "", text) if minutes > 60: Dialogs.base_send( infos, None, special_text= "Il massimo del tempo di mute temporaneo è 60 minuti!", to_id=infos.prop_id) return if minutes < 1: Dialogs.base_send( infos, None, special_text= "Il minimo del tempo di mute temporaneo è 1 minuto!", to_id=infos.prop_id) return HTTPLL.restrictChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid, can_send_messages=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_send_media_messages=False) threading.Thread(target=BotsFoos.temp_mute, args=(infos, minutes)).start() if "[unmute2]" in text: if infos.chat_private: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "unmute privato") if not infos.user.is_admin: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "ut_non_admin") if not infos.user.perms.can_restrict_members: return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "no_permessi") HTTPLL.restrictChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid) acts.append("[unmute2]") if "[to_en]" in text: if not infos.chat_private: if not infos.user.is_admin: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") return None if infos.chat_private: to_read = "users" else: to_read = "groups" lang = DBs.read_obj(infos.cid, infos.entity, to_read)["ext2"] if lang == "1": return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "already english") DBs.set_obj(infos.cid, 1, "ext2", infos.entity, where=to_read) acts.append("[to_en]") if "[to_it]" in text: if not infos.chat_private: if not infos.user.is_admin: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") return None if infos.chat_private: to_read = "users" else: to_read = "groups" lang = DBs.read_obj(infos.cid, infos.entity, to_read)["ext2"] if lang == "0": return Dialogs.get_text(infos, "già italiano") DBs.set_obj(infos.cid, 0, "ext2", infos.entity, where=to_read) acts.append("[to_it]") if text.startswith("kick:") and "]" in text: if not infos.is_reply: return if not infos.admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "bot_non_admin") if not infos.user.is_admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_non_admin") if infos.to_user.is_admin: return Dialogs.base_send(infos, "ut_admin") t = text.split(":")[1].split("]")[0] acts.append("kick:%s]" % t) try: HTTPLL.kickChatMember(infos.token, infos.cid, infos.to_user.uid, until="h" + t) except Error.InvalidKickTime: HTTPLL.sendMessage(infos.token, infos.prop_id, "%s non è un valido kicktime!" % t) return None except Error.NotEnoughtRights: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "bot_non_admin") return None except Error.GeneralError: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "general_error") return None except Error.UnkownError: Dialogs.base_send(infos, "general_error") return None except Exception as err: Log.e(err) return None for act in acts: text = text.replace(act, "") return text