def handle_notification(self, notification): handler = getattr(self, '_NH_%s' %, Null) handler(notification) if in ('SIPEngineSIPTrace', 'SIPEngineLog', 'MSRPLibraryLog', 'MSRPTransportTrace'): return # notifications text view if self.notificationsCheckBox.state() == NSOnState: attribs = # remove some data that would be too big to log if == "MSRPTransportTrace": if len(attribs["data"]) > 30: attribs["data"] = "<%i bytes>"%len(attribs["data"]) elif in ("FileTransferStreamGotChunk", "ScreenSharingStreamGotData"): attribs["content"] = "..." if attribs.has_key("data"): attribs["data"] = "..." attribs = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in attribs.iteritems()) ts = notification.datetime ts = ts.replace(microsecond=0) if type(ts) == datetime else "" self.notificationsBytes += len( + len(str(notification.sender)) + len(attribs) + len(str(ts)) self.notifications_unfiltered.append((NSString.stringWithString_(, NSString.stringWithString_(str(notification.sender)), NSString.stringWithString_(attribs), NSString.stringWithString_(str(ts)))) self.renderNotifications()
def pre_appdata_use_startup(appdata_path): preload_dlls(unhandled_exc_handler) try: DOMAIN = NSString.alloc().initWithString_('') KEYS = (NSString.alloc().initWithString_('LSArchitecturesForX86_64'), NSString.alloc().initWithString_('LSArchitecturesForX86_64v2')) APP = NSString.alloc().initWithString_('com.getdropbox.dropbox') UserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() launchServices = UserDefaults.persistentDomainForName_(DOMAIN) if launchServices: for key in KEYS: apps = launchServices.objectForKey_(key) if apps and apps.get(APP): apps.removeObjectForKey_(APP) UserDefaults.setObject_forKey_(apps, key) UserDefaults.setPersistentDomain_forName_(launchServices, DOMAIN) UserDefaults.synchronize() report_bad_assumption("User had 'Open using Rosetta' set.") except Exception: unhandled_exc_handler() if MAC_VERSION <= LEOPARD: try: psn = ProcessSerialNumber() Carbon.GetCurrentProcess(psn) TRACE('On Leopard or lower: PSN is %r', (psn.lowLongOfPSN, psn.highLongOfPSN)) except Exception: unhandled_exc_handler() return arch.fixperms.check_and_fix_permissions(appdata_path)
def text(textString, pt): # Draw a text on position "x", "y". NSString.stringWithString_(textString).drawAtPoint_withAttributes_( NSMakePoint(pt[0], pt[1]), { NSFontAttributeName: currentFont, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: currentFillColor })
def input_box(title): box = NSAlert.alloc().init() box.addButtonWithTitle_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_("OK")) box.setMessageText_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_(title)) textbox = NSTextField.alloc().initWithFrame_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 24)); box.setAccessoryView_(textbox) box.runModal() return textbox.stringValue()
def volume_list(folders, delegate): volumes = NSMutableArray.alloc().init() volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_(os.path.expanduser('~/Ubuntu One'))) volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_(os.path.expanduser('/Users/jose/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone'))) for folder in folders: if (bool(folder['subscribed'])): volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_(folder['path'])) delegate.returnedVolumeList_(volumes)
def create_favitem(url=None, name=None): if name is None: # Make the display name the same as the URL by default name = url props = { NSString.stringWithString_(''): NSString.stringWithString_(u'srvr') } props = NSDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(props) return SFLListItem.alloc().initWithName_URL_properties_( name, NSURL.alloc().initWithString_(url), props)
def volume_list(folders, delegate): volumes = NSMutableArray.alloc().init() volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_( os.path.expanduser('~/Ubuntu One'))) volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_( os.path.expanduser( '/Users/jose/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone'))) for folder in folders: if (bool(folder['subscribed'])): volumes.addObject_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_( folder['path'])) delegate.returnedVolumeList_(volumes)
def add(self, label, uri, index=-1): if label in self.labels: return if index == -1 or index > len(self.items): index = len(self.items) elif index < -1: index = 0 new_item = NSDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_( dict( Name=NSString.alloc().initWithString_(label), URL=NSString.alloc().initWithString_(uri) ) ) self.items.insert(index, new_item) self.labels.append(label)
def DSSearch(path, key, value, node='.'): cmd = [_DSCL, node, '-search', path, key, value] (stdout, stderr, returncode) = gmacpyutil.RunProcess(cmd) if returncode: raise DSException('Cannot search %s for %s:%s. %s' % (path, key, value, stderr)) return NSString.stringWithString_(stdout)
def _update_view_with_string(self, str_data): ns_str = NSString.stringWithString_(str_data.decode('latin-1')) data = ns_str.dataUsingEncoding_(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) url = NSURL.URLWithString_('about:blank') frame = self.web_view.mainFrame() frame.loadData_MIMEType_textEncodingName_baseURL_(data, 'text/plain', 'latin-1', url)
def drawHashMarksAndLabelsInRect_(self, rect): bounds = self.bounds() view = self.clientView() rulerBackgroundColor = self.rulerBackgroundColor() if rulerBackgroundColor is not None: rulerBackgroundColor.set() NSRectFill(bounds) if not isinstance(view, NSTextView): return layoutManager = view.layoutManager() container = view.textContainer() text = view.string() nullRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0) yinset = view.textContainerInset().height visibleRect = self.scrollView().contentView().bounds() textAttributes = self.textAttributes() lines = self.lineIndices() glyphRange = layoutManager.glyphRangeForBoundingRect_inTextContainer_(visibleRect, container) _range = layoutManager.characterRangeForGlyphRange_actualGlyphRange_(glyphRange, None)[0] _range.length += 1 count = len(lines) index = 0 lineNumber = self.lineNumberForCharacterIndex_inText_(_range.location, text) for line in range(lineNumber, count): index = lines[line] if NSLocationInRange(index, _range): rects, rectCount = layoutManager.rectArrayForCharacterRange_withinSelectedCharacterRange_inTextContainer_rectCount_( NSMakeRange(index, 0), nullRange, container, None ) if rectCount > 0: ypos = yinset + NSMinY(rects[0]) - NSMinY(visibleRect) labelText = NSString.stringWithString_("%s" % (line + 1)) stringSize = labelText.sizeWithAttributes_(textAttributes) x = NSWidth(bounds) - stringSize.width - self.RULER_MARGIN y = ypos + (NSHeight(rects[0]) - stringSize.height) / 2.0 w = NSWidth(bounds) - self.RULER_MARGIN * 2.0 h = NSHeight(rects[0]) labelText.drawInRect_withAttributes_(NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h), textAttributes) if index > NSMaxRange(_range): break path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath() path.moveToPoint_((bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y)) path.lineToPoint_((bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height)) NSColor.grayColor().set() path.stroke()
def _GetSystemProfile(self, sp_type): # pylint: disable=global-statement if sp_type not in self._cache: logging.debug('%s not cached', sp_type) sp_xml = self._GetSystemProfilerOutput(sp_type) self._cache[sp_type] = NSString.stringWithString_(sp_xml).propertyList() return self._cache[sp_type]
def show_text(self, text): x, y = self._ns_path.currentPoint() font = self._font ns_font = font._ns_font ns_color = self._textcolor._ns_color ns_string = NSString.stringWithString_(text) ns_attrs = { NSFontAttributeName: ns_font, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: ns_color, } # print "Canvas.show_text:", repr(text) ### # print "family:", ns_font.familyName() ### # print "size:", ns_font.pointSize() ### # print "ascender:", ns_font.ascender() ### # print "descender:", ns_font.descender() ### # print "capHeight:", ns_font.capHeight() ### # print "leading:", ns_font.leading() ### # print "matrix:", ns_font.matrix() ### # print "defaultLineHeightForFont:", ns_font.defaultLineHeightForFont() ### h = ns_font.defaultLineHeightForFont() d = -ns_font.descender() dy = h - d if ns_font.familyName() == "Courier New": dy += ns_font.pointSize() * 0.229167 ns_point = NSPoint(x, y - dy) #print "drawing at:", ns_point ### ns_string.drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(ns_point, ns_attrs) dx = ns_font.widthOfString_(ns_string) #self._ns_path.relativeMoveToPoint_(NSPoint(x + dx, y)) self._ns_path.relativeMoveToPoint_((dx, 0))
def executeFileAtPath_encoding_(self, path, encoding): """Execute file at path in an empty namespace. Update the engine user_ns with the resulting locals.""" lines, err = NSString.stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_( path, encoding, None) self.engine.execute(lines)
def get_public_files(public_files, path, delegate): for public_file in public_files: if public_file['path'] == path: delegate.returnedPublicLink_(NSString.alloc().initWithString_( public_file['public_url'])) return None delegate.returnedPublicLink_(None)
def requiredThickness(self): lineCount = len(self.lineIndices()) digits = int(math.log10(lineCount) + 1) sampleString = NSString.stringWithString_("8" * digits) stringSize = sampleString.sizeWithAttributes_(self.textAttributes()) return math.ceil(max([self.DEFAULT_THICKNESS, stringSize.width + self.RULER_MARGIN * 2]))
def DSQuery(dstype, objectname, attribute): """DirectoryServices query. Args: dstype: The type of objects to query. user, group. objectname: the object to query. attribute: the attribute to query. Returns: the value of the attribute. If single-valued array, return single value. Raises: DSException: Cannot query DirectoryServices. """ ds_path = '/%ss/%s' % (dstype.capitalize(), objectname) cmd = [_DSCL, '-plist', '.', '-read', ds_path, attribute] task = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = task.communicate() if task.returncode: raise DSException('Cannot query %s for %s: %s' % (ds_path, attribute, stderr)) plist = NSString.stringWithString_(stdout).propertyList() if 'dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute in plist: value = plist['dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute] if len(value) == 1: return value[0] else: return value else: return None
def load_dictionaries(context_ref, language_list): # The function is a bit picky about making sure we pass a clean NSArray with NSStrings langs = NSMutableArray.array() for x in language_list: langs.addObject_(NSString.stringWithString_(x)) # The True argument is for whether the language string objects are already retained SFPWAContextLoadDictionaries(context_ref, langs, True)
def show_text(self, text): x, y = self._ns_path.currentPoint() font = self._font ns_font = font._ns_font ns_color = self._textcolor._ns_color ns_string = NSString.stringWithString_(text) ns_attrs = { NSFontAttributeName: ns_font, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: ns_color, } # print "Canvas.show_text:", repr(text) ### # print "family:", ns_font.familyName() ### # print "size:", ns_font.pointSize() ### # print "ascender:", ns_font.ascender() ### # print "descender:", ns_font.descender() ### # print "capHeight:", ns_font.capHeight() ### # print "leading:", ns_font.leading() ### # print "matrix:", ns_font.matrix() ### # print "defaultLineHeightForFont:", ns_font.defaultLineHeightForFont() ### h = ns_font.defaultLineHeightForFont() d = -ns_font.descender() dy = h - d if ns_font.familyName() == "Courier New": dy += ns_font.pointSize() * 0.229167 ns_point = NSPoint(x, y - h) #print "drawing at:", ns_point ### ns_string.drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(ns_point, ns_attrs) dx = ns_font.widthOfString_(ns_string) #self._ns_path.relativeMoveToPoint_(NSPoint(x + dx, y)) self._ns_path.relativeMoveToPoint_((dx, 0))
def DSQuery(dstype, objectname, attribute=None): """DirectoryServices query. Args: dstype: The type of objects to query. user, group. objectname: the object to query. attribute: the optional attribute to query. Returns: If an attribute is specified, the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the entire plist. Raises: DSException: Cannot query DirectoryServices. """ ds_path = "/%ss/%s" % (dstype.capitalize(), objectname) cmd = [_DSCL, "-plist", ".", "-read", ds_path] if attribute: cmd.append(attribute) (stdout, stderr, returncode) = RunProcess(cmd) if returncode: raise DSException("Cannot query %s for %s: %s" % (ds_path, attribute, stderr)) plist = NSString.stringWithString_(stdout).propertyList() if attribute: value = None if "dsAttrTypeStandard:%s" % attribute in plist: value = plist["dsAttrTypeStandard:%s" % attribute] elif attribute in plist: value = plist[attribute] try: # We're copying to a new list to convert from NSCFArray return value[:] except TypeError: # ... unless we can't return value else: return plist
def tableView_writeRows_toPasteboard_(self, table, rows, pboard): index = rows[0] pboard.declareTypes_owner_(NSArray.arrayWithObject_("dragged-row"), self) pboard.setString_forType_(NSString.stringWithString_(str(index)), "dragged-row") return True
def setLabel_(self, label): if type(label) == NSString: self.label = label else: self.label = NSString.stringWithString_(label) frame = self.frame() frame.size.width = self.idealWidth() self.setFrame_(frame)
def executeFileAtPath_encoding_(self, path, encoding): """Execute file at path in an empty namespace. Update the engine user_ns with the resulting locals.""" lines,err = NSString.stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_( path, encoding, None) self.engine.execute(lines)
def _value_to_nsobject(value, nstype): '''Convert a string with a type specifier to a native Objective-C NSObject (serializable).''' return { 'string': lambda v: NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(v), 'int': lambda v: NSNumber.numberWithInt_(v), 'float': lambda v: NSNumber.numberWithFloat_(v), 'bool': lambda v: True if v == 'true' else False, 'data': lambda v: NSMutableData.dataWithLength_(len(value)).initWithBase64EncodedString_options_(value) }[nstype](value)
def init_with_url(url): contents = urlopen(url).read() start = contents.find("<?xml ") plist = NSString.stringWithString_(contents[start:]).propertyList() if not isinstance(plist, NSDictionary): raise Exception("Invalid URL contents.", url, contents) return plist["meta"], plist["data"]
def _valueToNSObject(value, nstype): '''Convert a string with a type specifier to a native Objective-C NSObject (serializable).''' return { 'string': lambda v: NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(v), 'int': lambda v: NSNumber.numberWithInt_(v), 'float': lambda v: NSNumber.numberWithFloat_(v), 'bool': lambda v: True if v == 'true' else False, 'data': lambda v: NSData.initWithBytes_length_(v, len(v)) }[nstype](value)
def _fetchLists(self): """A private convenience function that uses BeautifulSoup (for parsing) and NSString (for authentication) to make combing the HTML code from the main page of lists a bit easier.""" page = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_("" % (self.username))) soup = BeautifulSoup(page) rawLists = soup.findAll('li') lists = [] for rawList in rawLists: lists.append( TadaList(rawList.a['href'], rawList.a.contents[0], self) ) return lists
def drawTextAtSize(self, text, s): if s != 16: docerator.TextRenderer.drawTextAtSize(self, text, s) return text = NSString.stringWithString_(text.lower()[0:3]) # at most 3 chars attribs = self.attribsAtSize(s) if len(text) <= 2: attribs[NSKernAttributeName] = 0 # we have some space else: attribs[NSKernAttributeName] = -1 # we need all the room we can get text.drawInRect_withAttributes_( ((1, 2), (15, 11)), attribs)
def requiredThickness(self): lineCount = len(self.lineIndices()) digits = int(math.log10(lineCount) + 1) sampleString = NSString.stringWithString_("8" * digits) stringSize = sampleString.sizeWithAttributes_(self.textAttributes()) return math.ceil( max([ self.DEFAULT_THICKNESS, stringSize.width + self.RULER_MARGIN * 2 ]))
def _fetchItems(self, force=True): """Private method that fetches attributes off of the list's page, parses the HTML (with BeautifulSoup), and then creates TadaItems. This is called automatically when a user requests the 'items' of a TadaList.""" page = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(self._url())) soup = BeautifulSoup(page) lis = soup.findAll('li') items = [] for li in lis: items.append(TadaItem(li.form.contents[-1].strip(), li['id'][5:], self)) self.items = items return self.items
def _normalize_darwin_path(filename, canonicalise=False): if canonicalise: filename = os.path.realpath(filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) decoded = filename.decode("utf-8", "quodlibet-osx-path-decode") try: return NSString.fileSystemRepresentation(decoded) except ValueError: return filename
def __normalize_path_batch(self, paths): pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() try: results = [] for path in paths: assert isinstance(path, unicode) s = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(path).autorelease() ret = s.fileSystemRepresentation() results.append(ret.decode('UTF-8')) return results finally: del pool
def getOutline(page, label): # Create Destination myPage = myPDF.pageAtIndex_(page) pageSize = myPage.boundsForBox_(Quartz.kCGPDFMediaBox) x = 0 y = Quartz.CGRectGetMaxY(pageSize) pagePoint = Quartz.CGPointMake(x,y) myDestination = Quartz.PDFDestination.alloc().initWithPage_atPoint_(myPage, pagePoint) myLabel = NSString.stringWithString_(label) myOutline = Quartz.PDFOutline.alloc().init() myOutline.setLabel_(myLabel) myOutline.setDestination_(myDestination) return myOutline
def _decodeData(self, url, data, error): if error: logger.error("Cannot read url '%s'" % url) logger.error("Error '%s'" % error) return data = NSString.alloc().initWithData_encoding_(data, NSUTF8StringEncoding) try: extensionData = json.loads(data) return extensionData.get('extensions', []) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.error("Cannot decode extension data at '%s'" % url) logger.error("Error '%s'" % e)
def set_user_interface_language(code): if platform == 'mac': from Foundation import NSAutoreleasePool, NSString, NSUserDefaults arp = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() s = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(APPLE_LANGUAGES) defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() if code == '': TRACE('Setting language defaults to system language.') defaults.removeObjectForKey_(s) else: TRACE('Updating language defaults to %r.', code) defaults.setObject_forKey_([code], s) defaults.synchronize()
def drawTextAtSize(self, text, s): if s != 16: docerator.TextRenderer.drawTextAtSize(self, text, s) return text = NSString.stringWithString_( text.lower()[0:3]) # at most 3 chars attribs = self.attribsAtSize(s) if len(text) <= 2: attribs[NSKernAttributeName] = 0 # we have some space else: attribs[ NSKernAttributeName] = -1 # we need all the room we can get text.drawInRect_withAttributes_(((1, 2), (15, 11)), attribs)
def _fetchLists(self): """A private convenience function that uses BeautifulSoup (for parsing) and NSString (for authentication) to make combing the HTML code from the main page of lists a bit easier.""" page = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL_( NSURL.URLWithString_("" % (self.username))) soup = BeautifulSoup(page) rawLists = soup.findAll('li') lists = [] for rawList in rawLists: lists.append( TadaList(rawList.a['href'], rawList.a.contents[0], self)) return lists
def _fetchItems(self, force=True): """Private method that fetches attributes off of the list's page, parses the HTML (with BeautifulSoup), and then creates TadaItems. This is called automatically when a user requests the 'items' of a TadaList.""" page = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL_( NSURL.URLWithString_(self._url())) soup = BeautifulSoup(page) lis = soup.findAll('li') items = [] for li in lis: items.append( TadaItem(li.form.contents[-1].strip(), li['id'][5:], self)) self.items = items return self.items
def _send_message(self, event_type, *arguments): if not self._port: self._connect_port() message_type = bytearray([event_type]) message_args = [ NSString.stringWithString_(arg).dataUsingEncoding_(NSUTF16StringEncoding) for arg in arguments ] components = [message_type] + message_args try: message = NSPortMessage.alloc().initWithSendPort_receivePort_components_(self._port, None, components) if not message.sendBeforeDate_(NSDate.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow_(self.EVENT_TIMEOUT)): raise Exception('Failed to send the port message.') except Exception: TRACE('Mach port became invalid.') self._port = None raise
def purify(obj): # This code ensures that certain data types are very definitely the ObjC versions d = dir(obj) if '__reversed__' in d: # list / NSArray return NSArray.alloc().initWithArray_(obj) elif 'items' in d: # dictionary / NSDictionary return NSDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(obj) elif 'strip' in d: # string / NSString return NSString.alloc().initWithString_(obj) # Unhandled return obj
def _normalize_darwin_path(filename, canonicalise=False): filename = path2fsn(filename) if canonicalise: filename = os.path.realpath(filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) data = fsn2bytes(filename, "utf-8") decoded = data.decode("utf-8", "quodlibet-osx-path-decode") try: return bytes2fsn(NSString.fileSystemRepresentation(decoded), "utf-8") except ValueError: return filename
def _mac_get_system_languages(): assert platform == 'mac' from Foundation import NSAutoreleasePool, NSString, NSUserDefaults arp = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() s = NSString.alloc().initWithString_(APPLE_LANGUAGES) try: from pymac.helpers.core import get_preference langs = list(get_preference('', APPLE_LANGUAGES)) TRACE('_mac_get_system_languages real: %r', langs) return langs except Exception: unhandled_exc_handler() langs = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().get(s) TRACE('_mac_get_system_languages from user: %r', langs) return langs
def _normalize_darwin_path(filename, canonicalise=False): filename = path2fsn(filename) if canonicalise: filename = os.path.realpath(filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) data = fsn2bytes(filename, "utf-8") decoded = data.decode("utf-8", "quodlibet-osx-path-decode") try: return bytes2fsn( NSString.fileSystemRepresentation(decoded), "utf-8") except ValueError: return filename
def makeDragImage(self): if self.delegate is None: return image = NSImage.alloc().initWithSize_(self.frame().size) image.lockFocus() frame = self.frame() frame.origin = NSZeroPoint rect = NSInsetRect(frame, 1.5, 1.5) if self.conferencing and not self.draggedOut: NSColor.selectedControlColor().colorWithAlphaComponent_(0.7).set() else: NSColor.whiteColor().colorWithAlphaComponent_(0.7).set() path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRoundedRect_xRadius_yRadius_(rect, 5.0, 5.0) path.fill() if self.selected: path.setLineWidth_(3) NSColor.grayColor().set() else: path.setLineWidth_(1) NSColor.grayColor().set() path.stroke() NSColor.blackColor().set() point = NSMakePoint(8, NSMaxY(frame)-20) uri = format_identity_to_string(self.delegate.sessionController.remotePartyObject, check_contact=False, format='compact') NSString.stringWithString_(uri).drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(point, NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(NSFont.boldSystemFontOfSize_(12), NSFontAttributeName)) point = NSMakePoint(8, 6) if self.conferencing: NSString.stringWithString_(NSLocalizedString("Drop outside to remove from conference", "Audio session label")).drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(point, NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(10), NSFontAttributeName)) else: audio_sessions = [sess.hasStreamOfType("audio") for sess in NSApp.delegate().contactsWindowController.sessionControllersManager.sessionControllers] if self.delegate.transferEnabled: text = NSLocalizedString("Drop this over a session or contact", "Audio session label") if len(audio_sessions) > 1 else NSLocalizedString("Drop this over a contact to transfer", "Audio session label") else: text = NSLocalizedString("Drop this over a session to conference", "Audio session label") NSString.stringWithString_(text).drawAtPoint_withAttributes_(point, NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(10), NSFontAttributeName)) icon = NSImage.imageNamed_("NSEveryone") rect = frame s = icon.size() p = NSMakePoint(NSWidth(rect) - s.width - 8, rect.size.height - s.height - 8) r = NSMakeRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height) icon.drawAtPoint_fromRect_operation_fraction_(p, r, NSCompositeSourceOver, 0.5) image.unlockFocus() return image
def start(self): '''Start the connection''' if not self.destination_path: self.log('No output file specified.') self.done = True return url = NSURL.URLWithString_(self.url) request = ( NSMutableURLRequest.requestWithURL_cachePolicy_timeoutInterval_( url, NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, self.connection_timeout)) if self.post_data: request.setHTTPMethod_('POST') data_unicode = unicode(self.post_data) data = NSData.dataWithBytes_length_( NSString.stringWithString_(data_unicode).UTF8String(), len(data_unicode.encode('utf-8'))) request.setHTTPBody_(data) if self.additional_headers: for header, value in self.additional_headers.items(): request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(value, header) # does the file already exist? See if we can resume a partial download if os.path.isfile(self.destination_path): stored_data = self.get_stored_headers() if (self.can_resume and 'expected-length' in stored_data and ('last-modified' in stored_data or 'etag' in stored_data)): # we have a partial file and we're allowed to resume self.resume = True local_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.destination_path) byte_range = 'bytes=%s-' % local_filesize request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(byte_range, 'Range') if self.download_only_if_changed and not self.resume: stored_data = self.cache_data or self.get_stored_headers() if 'last-modified' in stored_data: request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_( stored_data['last-modified'], 'if-modified-since') if 'etag' in stored_data: request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(stored_data['etag'], 'if-none-match') self.connection = NSURLConnection.alloc().initWithRequest_delegate_( request, self)
def get_serial(): '''Get system serial number''' # Credit to Michael Lynn IOKit_bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithIdentifier_('') functions = [ ("IOServiceGetMatchingService", b"II@"), ("IOServiceMatching", b"@*"), ("IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty", b"@I@@I"), ] objc.loadBundleFunctions(IOKit_bundle, globals(), functions) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable serial = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( IOServiceGetMatchingService( 0, IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice".encode("utf-8"))), NSString.stringWithString_("IOPlatformSerialNumber"), None, 0) # pylint: enable=undefined-variable return serial
def start(self): """Start the connection.""" url = NSURL.URLWithString_(self.url) request = NSMutableURLRequest.requestWithURL_cachePolicy_timeoutInterval_( url, NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, self.connection_timeout) if self.additional_headers: for header, value in self.additional_headers.items(): request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(value, header) request.setHTTPMethod_(self.method) if self.method == "POST": body_unicode = unicode(self.body) body_data = NSData.dataWithBytes_length_( NSString.stringWithString_(body_unicode).UTF8String(), len(body_unicode.encode("utf-8")), ) request.setHTTPBody_(body_data) self.connection = NSURLConnection.alloc().initWithRequest_delegate_( request, self)
def copy_text(self, text, clear_first=True): if not text: raise ValueError('no input') # end if if isinstance(text, str): text = {'text/plain': text} # end if if not isinstance(text, dict): raise ValueError('wrong') # end if pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() if clear_first: pb.clearContents() # end def pb.declareTypes_owner_([self._f(fmt) for fmt in text.keys()], None) for fmt, value in text.items(): new_str = NSString.stringWithString_(value).nsstring() new_data = new_str.dataUsingEncoding_(NSUTF8StringEncoding) pb.setData_forType_(new_data, self._f(fmt))
def _checkURLCallback(self, url, data, error): self._valid = True self._validation_report = "" if error: self._valid = False self._validation_report = "Cannot load url '%s'" % url logger.error(self._validation_report) self.showMessage("Invalid URL", self._validation_report) return data = NSString.alloc().initWithData_encoding_(data, NSUTF8StringEncoding) try: _data = json.loads(data) extensionData = _data['extensions'] except Exception as e: self._valid = False self._validation_report = "Cannot validate url '%s'" % url logger.error(self._validation_report) logger.error(e) self.showMessage("Invalid URL", self._validation_report) return if url in self._existingURLs: self._valid = False self._validation_report = "URL already existing" self.showMessage("Invalid URL", self._validation_report) return if not self._valid: self.showMessage( "Not a valid extension json URL.", "The url '%s' is not a valid. \n\n%s" % (self.w.url.get(), self._validation_report)) # everything’s valid, proceed with the add if self._callback: self._callback(self)
def imshow_image(title, image): from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from pyto import QuickLookHelper import base64 import threading image = Image.fromarray(image) buffered = BytesIO() try:, format="JPEG") except OSError: return img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()) img_str = NSString.alloc().initWithUTF8String(img_str) try: QuickLookHelper.previewFile(img_str, script=threading.current_thread().script_path, removePrevious=True) except AttributeError: QuickLookHelper.previewFile(img_str, script=None, removePrevious=True)
def DSQueryLDAPv3(dstype, node, objectname, attribute=None): """LDAPv3 DirectoryServices query. Args: dstype: The type of objects to query. user, group. node: The node to query. objectname: the object to query. attribute: the optional attribute to query. Returns: If an attribute is specified, the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the entire plist. Raises: DSException: Cannot query DirectoryServices. """ ds_path = '/%ss/%s' % (dstype.capitalize(), objectname) cmd = [_DSCL, '-plist', node, '-read', ds_path] if attribute: cmd.append(attribute) (stdout, stderr, returncode) = RunProcess(cmd) if returncode: raise DSException('Cannot query %s for %s: %s' % (ds_path, attribute, stderr)) plist = NSString.stringWithString_(stdout).propertyList() if attribute: value = None if 'dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute in plist: value = plist['dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute] elif attribute in plist: value = plist[attribute] try: # We're copying to a new list to convert from NSCFArray return value[:] except TypeError: # ... unless we can't return value else: return plist
def io_key_string_value(keyname): """Converts NSData/CFData return value to an NSString""" raw_value = io_key(keyname) return NSString.alloc().initWithData_encoding_( raw_value, NSUTF8StringEncoding).rstrip('\0')