def cal_chisq(mg, mnu, bin_num, gh): """ calculate \chi^2 of PDF_SYM """ fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 124) bin_num2 = int(bin_num/2) inverse = range(int(bin_num / 2 - 1), -1, -1) mg_bin = fq.set_bin(mg, bin_num, 100) chisq_num = gh.shape[0] chisq = numpy.zeros((chisq_num,)) for i in range(chisq_num): chisq[i] = fq.get_chisq(mg, mnu, gh[i], mg_bin, bin_num2, inverse, 0) return chisq
mu_lb = int(para_items[9]) mv_lb = int(para_items[10]) z_lb = -3 mag_lb = -2 block_scale = 60 margin = 0.5 flux_alt_thresh = 8.77 nstar_thresh = 12 total_area_thresh = 7 field_g1_bound = 0.005 field_g2_bound = 0.0075 c2_correction = 0.000498 fq = Fourier_Quad(64, 123) h5f = h5py.File(data_path + "cata_result_ext.hdf5", "r") cat_data = h5f["/w_%d" % area_id].value h5f.close() # cut off flux_alt_idx = cat_data[:, flux_alt_lb] >= flux_alt_thresh nstar_idx = cat_data[:, nstar_lb] >= nstar_thresh total_area_idx = cat_data[:, total_area_lb] >= total_area_thresh fg1 = numpy.abs(cat_data[:, field_g1_lb]) fg2 = numpy.abs(cat_data[:, field_g2_lb]) fg1_idx = fg1 <= field_g1_bound fg2_idx = fg2 <= field_g2_bound
tool_box.mag_to_flux(24) ]) else: flux = numpy.array([ tool_box.mag_to_flux(22.7), tool_box.mag_to_flux(23.83), tool_box.mag_to_flux(24.02), tool_box.mag_to_flux(24.12) ]) flux_num = len(flux) noise_sig = 60 detect_thresh = 2 fq = Fourier_Quad(size, seed) fq_p = Fourier_Quad(size, 2814) # all the images are added by the same noise noise = fq.draw_noise(0, noise_sig) shear_beta = numpy.linspace(0, numpy.pi, num) input_g = numpy.linspace(-0.06, 0.06, num) total_path = "./imgs/" img_path = total_path + "fits/%d/" % file_tag os.mkdir(img_path) if source_label == "galsim": psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.5, fwhm=psf_r, flux=1.0, trunc=psf_r * 3) psf_img = galsim.ImageD(size, size) psf.drawImage(image=psf_img, scale=pixel_scale)
mport galsim import xlwt import math import numpy import random import pywt from ellipse import * from mytools import * import galsim.hsm as hsm from mydns import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad f = open("./20170823/20170823","w") FQ = Fourier_Quad() random_seed=553728 sky_level=1.e4 pixel_scale=0.28 nx=64 ny=64 gal_flux_min=1.e4 gal_flux_max=1.e5 gal_hlr_min=0.3 gal_hlr_max=1.3 gal_e_min=0. gal_e_max=0.8 psf_fwhm=[1.5,0.7,0.6,0.5] psf_beta=[2.4,2.5,2.3,1.5] n = 10000 m = 20
from plot_tool import Image_Plot import numpy import h5py import tool_box from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() cpus = comm.Get_size() data_path = argv[1] shear_point = rank data_type = argv[2] fq = Fourier_Quad(12,124) pic_path = data_path + "/diff_%d_%s.png"%(shear_point,data_type) chi_pic_path = data_path + "/chi_%d_%s.png"%(shear_point,data_type) h5f = h5py.File(data_path+"/shear.hdf5","r") g1 = h5f["/g1"][()] g2 = h5f["/g2"][()] h5f.close() print("g1: %.4f g2: %.4f"%(g1[shear_point],g2[shear_point])) if data_type == "epsf": h5f = h5py.File(data_path+"/data_%d_noise_free_epsf.hdf5"%shear_point,"r") print("epsf") else:
import tool_box import GGLensing_tool import numpy import h5py import galsim from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() numprocs = comm.Get_size() fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 123) # cosmology omega_m0 = 0.31 omega_lam0 = 1 - omega_m0 h = 0.6735 C_0_hat = 2.99792458 H_0 = 100 * h coeff = 1000 * C_0_hat / h coeff_crit = C_0_hat**2 / 4 / numpy.pi / 6.674 cosmos = FlatLambdaCDM(H_0, Om0=omega_m0) # Halo parameters Mass = 10**14 # M_sun/h
logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logfile = log_path + '%d_log.dat' % rank lf = logging.FileHandler(logfile, 'w') form = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s') lf.setFormatter(form) logger.addHandler(lf) stamp_size = 96 pixel_scale = 0.2 chips_num = 5 seed = rank * 3424 + 53412 chip_s_id, shear_id = divmod(rank, 14) fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed) shear_cata = para_path + "shear.npz" shear = numpy.load(shear_cata) g1 = shear["arr_0"][shear_id] g2 = shear["arr_1"][shear_id] paras = para_path + "para_%d.hdf5" % shear_id f = h5py.File(paras, 'r') e1s = f["/e1"].value e2s = f["/e2"].value radius = f["/radius"].value flux = f["/flux"].value fbt = f['/btr'].value f.close()
numprocs = comm.Get_size() psf_tag = argv[1] gal_num = int(argv[2]) ellip = float(argv[3]) shear_num = 17 g = numpy.linspace(-0.04,0.04,shear_num) theta = numpy.random.uniform(0,numpy.pi*2,shear_num) g1 = g*numpy.cos(2*theta) g2 = g*numpy.sin(2*theta) stamp_size = 128 fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size,432) # parameters si_num = 11 sr_num = 11 sersic_index = numpy.linspace(0.4, 2, si_num) scale_radius = numpy.linspace(0.2, 1, sr_num) pixel_scale = 0.187 psf_e = 0.1 psf_scale = 0.7 if ellip > 0.8: gal_e = numpy.random.uniform(0.1, 0.7, gal_num) else:
import h5py from mpi4py import MPI from sys import path, argv path.append("/home/hklee/work/mylib") import tool_box from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad import numpy from plot_tool import Image_Plot comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() numprocs = comm.Get_size() fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 124) shear_num = 20 n, m = divmod(shear_num, numprocs) tasks = [i for i in range(shear_num)] my_task = tool_box.allot(tasks, numprocs)[rank] print(rank, my_task) total_path = argv[1] # # columns: [col_st, col_ed] # col_st, col_ed = int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]) # # name of the sub-data file # sep_data_nm = argv[4] dst_nms = [
from sys import path, argv path.append('%s/work/fourier_quad/' % my_home) path.append("E:/Github/astrophy-research/my_lib") from import fits import numpy from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad import tool_box import matplotlib.pyplot as plt size1 = 32 size2 = 128 pts_n = 50 flux = tool_box.mag_to_flux(22) fq_noise = Fourier_Quad(256, 1110) noise = fq_noise.draw_noise(0, 60) nsp = noise.shape fq_pts1 = Fourier_Quad(size1, 1231) fq_pts2 = Fourier_Quad(size2, 1231) pts = fq_pts1.ran_pos(pts_n, 6) gal1 = fq_pts1.convolve_psf(pts, 4, flux/pts_n)+noise[int(nsp[0]/2-size1/2):int(nsp[0]/2+size1/2),int(nsp[1]/2-size1/2):int(nsp[1]/2+size1/2)] gal2 = fq_pts2.convolve_psf(pts, 4, flux/pts_n)+noise[int(nsp[0]/2-size2/2):int(nsp[0]/2+size2/2),int(nsp[1]/2-size2/2):int(nsp[1]/2+size2/2)] print(gal1.shape, gal2.shape) gal1_p = fq_pts1.pow_spec(gal1) snr1 = fq_pts1.snr_f(gal1) gal2_p = fq_pts2.pow_spec(gal2) snr2 = fq_pts2.snr_f(gal2)
logger.addHandler(lf) stamp_size = 52 pixel_scale = 0.2 psf_r = 4 psf_model = "Moffat" p_num = 45 chip_num = 20 total_num = 200000 num_in_chip = int(total_num / chip_num) #seeds = numpy.loadtxt("/home/hklee/seed.txt") #(seeds.shape) seed1 = int(rank * 10 + 41230) seed2 = int(rank * 15 + 8986920) fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed1) fqn = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed2)"%ds process: seed1: %d, seed2: %d" % (rank, seed1, seed2)) # distribute jobs chip_paths_list = [ total_path + '%d/gal_chip_%s.fits' % (rank, str(j).zfill(3)) for j in range(chip_num) ] # LSST prop = lsstetc.ETC(band='r', pixel_scale=pixel_scale, stamp_size=stamp_size, nvisits=180)
fgs = [(fg1+dfg1)[:g1_num], (fg2+dfg2)[:g2_num]] gnums = [g1_num, g2_num] cut_num = 20 if rank == 0: print(fgs[0]) print(fgs[1]) # nstar total_area flux2 flux_alt gf1 gf2 g1(G1) g2(G2) de(N) h1(U) h2(V) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 select_idx = {"flux2": 2, "flux_alt": 3} # the column in original catalog ori_data_labels = {"flux2": flux2_lb, "flux_alt": flux_alt_lb} fq = Fourier_Quad(48, 123) itemsize = MPI.DOUBLE.Get_size() if rank == 0: nb1 = int(itemsize*g1_num*3*cut_num) nb2 = int(itemsize*g2_num*3*cut_num) nb3 = int(itemsize*cut_num) else: nb1 = 0 nb2 = 0 nb3 = 0 win1 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nb1, itemsize, comm=comm) win2 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nb2, itemsize, comm=comm) win3 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nb3, itemsize, comm=comm)
stamp_num = 10000 finish_path = "%s/work/test/job/%s/finish_%d.dat" % (my_home, source, rank) if rank == 0: indicator = "%s/work/test/job/%s" % (my_home, source) if os.path.exists(indicator): shutil.rmtree(indicator) os.makedirs(indicator) comm.Barrier() total_gal_num = total_chips_num * stamp_num seed = rank * 344 + 121 rad_n = numpy.random.randint(0, 10000, 1)[0] ny, nx = stamp_col * stamp_size, stamp_col * stamp_size fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed) # PSF psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.5, fwhm=0.7, flux=1.0, trunc=2) if rank == 0: psf_img = galsim.ImageD(stamp_size, stamp_size) psf.drawImage(image=psf_img, scale=pixel_scale) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(psf_img.array) psf_path = total_path + 'psf.fits' hdu.writeto(psf_path, overwrite=True) "desti: %s, size: %d, pixel_scale: %.3f, noise_sig: %.2f, total galaxy number: %d" % (source, stamp_size, pixel_scale, noise_sig, total_chips_num))"seed: %d" % seed) # task allocation
parent_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/multi_shear/cluster_field/" envs_path = parent_path + "param_slope.dat" contents = [['param', "RA", "1"], ['param', "DEC", "1"], ['param', "a1", "1"], ['param', "a2", "1"], ['param', "a3", "1"]] var_items = tool_box.config(envs_path, ['get' for i in range(len(contents))], contents) # the field size in unit of arcmin delta_ra = float(var_items[0]) delta_dec = float(var_items[1]) parameters = [float(var_items[2]), float(var_items[3]), float(var_items[4])] # read the data fq = Fourier_Quad(10, 123) read_expo = 1 for i in range(read_expo): h5f = h5py.File(parent_path + "result/expo_%d_slope.hdf5" % i, "r") temp = h5f["/data"].value h5f.close() if i == 0: data = temp else: data = numpy.row_stack((data, temp)) mg1 = data[:, 0] mg2 = data[:, 1] mnu1 = data[:, 2] + data[:, 3] mnu2 = data[:, 2] - data[:, 3] shear_true = data[:, 5]
import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from multiprocessing import Pool import h5py from scipy.optimize import least_squares import MCMC_program expo_num = int(argv[1]) ncpus = int(argv[2]) shear_cmd = argv[3] nwalkers = 200 ndim = 4 step = 1000 print("Walker: %d. Step: %d." % (nwalkers, step)) fq = Fourier_Quad(10, 112) bin_num = 8 bin_num2 = int(bin_num / 2) fit_radius = 6 # number of grid nx = 50 ny = nx # the field size in unit of arcmin delta_ra = 20 delta_dec = delta_ra half_side = nx / 2 # arcmin/pix pixel_scale = delta_ra / nx # parameters sigma = 2 # arcmin
mu_all = data[:, 19][idx_] print(src_num, "Gal") gf1 = data[:, col_shift + 14][idx_] gf2 = data[:, col_shift + 15][idx_] # set up gf bins bin_num1 = 32 bin_num2 = 32 gf1_bin = numpy.linspace(-0.005, 0.005, bin_num1 + 1, dtype=numpy.float32) gf2_bin = numpy.linspace(-0.005, 0.005, bin_num2 + 1, dtype=numpy.float32) gf1_pts = (gf1_bin[1:] + gf1_bin[:-1]) / 2 gf2_pts = (gf2_bin[1:] + gf2_bin[:-1]) / 2 fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 124) for i in range(bin_num1): idx_11 = gf1 >= gf1_bin[i] idx_12 = gf1 < gf1_bin[i + 1] idx = idx_11 & idx_12 num1 = idx.sum() gh1, gh1_sig = fq.find_shear(mg2_all[idx], mn_all[idx] - mu_all[idx], 8)[:2] print("%.5f, %.5f(%.5f) %d" % (gf1_pts[i], gh1, gh1_sig, num1)) idx_11 = gf2 >= gf2_bin[i] idx_12 = gf2 < gf2_bin[i + 1] idx = idx_11 & idx_12
# rfactor_path = result_path + "data/resolution_factor_%d.npz"%rank if rank == 0: log = "START -- %s, %7s, %9s, , %5.2f, %12s" % ( total_path.split("/")[-2], filter_name, cut, r_thresh, argv[0]) logger = tool_box.get_logger( "%s/work/selection_bias/sym_mc_plot/cutoff.dat" % my_home) shear_esti_h5path = result_path + "data/data_%d.hdf5" % rank shear_esti_file = h5py.File(shear_esti_h5path, "r") shear_esti_data = shear_esti_file["/data"].value shear_esti_file.close() fq = Fourier_Quad(60, 152356) noise_sig = 60 MG1 = shear_esti_data[:, 2] MG2 = shear_esti_data[:, 3] MN = shear_esti_data[:, 4] MU = shear_esti_data[:, 5] MV = shear_esti_data[:, 6] # be careful that the "MU" defined in FRESH is different from that in ours # MN + (-) MU for our definition (g1(2)) of MU and MV which is the same as # those in the paper Zhang et al. 2017 ApJ, 834:8 DE1 = MN + MU DE2 = MN - MU cuts_num = 10
import numpy from sys import path path.append("D:/Github/astrophy-research/mylib") path.append("D:/Github/astrophy-research/multi_shear_detect") from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad import h5py from plot_tool import Image_Plot import tool_box from import fits import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt h5f = h5py.File("E:/data_cross_term_espf_0.hdf5", "r") data_ct = h5f["/data"][()] h5f.close() h5f = h5py.File("E:/data_noise_residual_espf_0.hdf5", "r") data_nr = h5f["/data"][()] h5f.close() fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 124) gh, chisq = fq.get_chisq_range(data_ct[:, 0], data_ct[:, 2])
import numpy from sys import path path.append("D:/Github/astrophy-research/mylib") path.append("D:/Github/astrophy-research/multi_shear_detect") from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad from plot_tool import Image_Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm psf_type = "Moffat" psf_flux = 1 psf_scale = 4 stamp_size = 48 seed = 56525 fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed) img = Image_Plot() img.subplots(1, 1) fig = img.axs[0][0].imshow(fq.kx2 + fq.ky2) img.figure.colorbar(fig, ax=img.axs[0][0]) img.axs[0][0].set_title("$k^2$") img.del_ticks(0, 0, [0, 1]) img.save_img("E:/kxy.png") img.show_img() pst_num = 50 gal_fluxs = [4000, 16000, 32000, 100000] steps = [0.6, 1, 2, 4] fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed)
ts = time.clock() with open("%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home, "r") as f: contents = f.readlines() for path in contents: if "cfht_data_path" in path: data_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_res_path" in path: result_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_pic_path" in path: pic_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_field_path" in path: field_path = path.split("=")[1] size = 48 fq = Fourier_Quad(size, 123) nname_path = data_path + "nname.dat" field_dict, fields = tool_box.field_dict(nname_path) r_fields = tool_box.allot(fields, cpus)[rank] # for the stacking process count = 0 # the location of each galaxy is labeled by the field_label and exposure_label # counting from the left, the first, third and fifth figure denotes "w_m(p)_(m)p_" # the second and the fourth denotes "m" or "p" (1=m,0=p) # the last two figure denote the chip NO. for field in r_fields: expos = list(field_dict[field].keys()) field_label = tool_box.cfht_label(field)
idxs = numpy.linspace(0.31, 1.2, grid_num) radii = numpy.linspace(0.2, 0.8, grid_num) gal_flux = 6000 noise_sig = 60 shear_num = 40 pixel_scale = 0.187 stamp_size = 64 g1_result = numpy.zeros((2, shear_num)) g2_result = numpy.zeros((2, shear_num)) temp = numpy.zeros((4, 3)) fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, 123) psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.5, fwhm=0.7, flux=1.0, trunc=1.4).shear(e1=0.15, e2=0.) psf_img = galsim.ImageD(stamp_size, stamp_size) psf.drawImage(image=psf_img, scale=pixel_scale) psf_arr = psf_img.array # hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(psf_arr) # psf_path = './psf.fits' # hdu.writeto(psf_path, overwrite=True) psf_pow = fq.pow_spec(psf_arr) fq.get_radius_new(psf_pow, 2) shear_path = "./shear.hdf5"
pixel_scale = float(para_items[5]) stamp_num = 10000 finish_path = "%s/work/test/job/%s/finish_%d.dat" % (my_home, source, rank) if rank == 0: indicator = "%s/work/test/job/%s" % (my_home, source) if os.path.exists(indicator): shutil.rmtree(indicator) os.makedirs(indicator) comm.Barrier() total_gal_num = total_chips_num * stamp_num seed = rank * 344 + 11121 ny, nx = stamp_col * stamp_size, stamp_col * stamp_size fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, seed) # PSF psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.5, fwhm=0.7, flux=1.0, trunc=2) if rank == 0: psf_img = galsim.ImageD(stamp_size, stamp_size) psf.drawImage(image=psf_img, scale=pixel_scale) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(psf_img.array) psf_path = total_path + 'psf.fits' hdu.writeto(psf_path, overwrite=True) "desti: %s, size: %d, pixel_scale: %.3f, noise_sig: %.2f, total galaxy number: %d" % (source, stamp_size, pixel_scale, noise_sig, total_chips_num))"seed: %d" % seed) # task allocation
from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm seed = 12114 total_num = 25000 uni_num = 15000 a1, a2 = 0, -0.01 fq = Fourier_Quad(6,12) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) bin_num = 8 bin_num2 = int(bin_num/2) inverse = range(int(bin_num2 - 1), -1, -1) bin_num_test = 8 bin_num2_test = int(bin_num_test/2) inverse_test = range(int(bin_num2_test - 1), -1, -1) hist_bin = 20 # x = numpy.random.uniform(-8, 8, gal_num) x_asy = rng.uniform(0, 8, int(total_num - uni_num)) x_uni = rng.uniform(-8, 8, uni_num)
dg2 = g2[1] - g2[0] t1 = time.clock() with open("%s/work/envs/envs.dat" % my_home, "r") as f: contents = f.readlines() for path in contents: if "cfht_data_path" in path: data_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_res_path" in path: result_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_pic_path" in path: pic_path = path.split("=")[1] elif "cfht_cut_path" in path: cut_path = path.split("=")[1] fq = Fourier_Quad(48, 123) g1_data_path = result_path + "g1_%d.npz" % rank g2_data_path = result_path + "g2_%d.npz" % rank g1num = cpus - 6 g2num = cpus g1 = numpy.linspace(-0.004, 0.004, g1num) g2 = numpy.linspace(-0.0055, 0.0055, g2num) cuts_num = 20 star_thre = 16 cut_off_scale = numpy.load(result_path + cut + '.npz')["arr_0"] if rank < g1num:
import galsim import xlwt import math import numpy import random import pywt from ellipse import * from mytools import * import galsim.hsm as hsm from mydns import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad FQ = Fourier_Quad() random_seed = 553728 sky_level = 1.e1 pixel_scale = 0.28 nx = 64 ny = 64 gal_flux_min = 1.e4 gal_flux_max = 1.e5 gal_hlr_min = 0.3 gal_hlr_max = 1.3 gal_e_min = 0. gal_e_max = 0.8 psf_fwhm = [1.5, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5] psf_beta = [2.4, 2.5, 2.3, 1.5] n = 2500 m = 4 xiuzheng = 1.82 xz = [1, -1]
if not os.path.isdir(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) shear = numpy.load( '/home/hklee/work/selection_bias/parameters/shear.npz')['arr_0'] out_shear1 = shear[0] out_shear2 = shear[1] chip_paths_pool = [ '/lmc/selection_bias/%d/gal_chip_%s.fits' % (i, str(j).zfill(3)) for i in range(10) for j in range(chip_num) ] chip_paths_list = tool_box.task_distri(chip_paths_pool, CPU_num) # psf ='/lmc/selection_bias/psf.fits')[0].data psf = Fourier_Quad().cre_psf(4, stamp_size, 'Moffat') prop = lsstetc.ETC(band='r', pixel_scale=pixel_scale, stamp_size=stamp_size, nvisits=180) noise_sigma = prop.sigma_sky / 15 p = Pool() t1 = time.time() for m in range(CPU_num): p.apply_async(shear_est, args=(chip_paths_list[m], psf, noise_sigma, stamp_size, m)) p.close() p.join() t2 = time.time()
z_max = cata_data[:, z_max_lb_f][cut_idx] odds = cata_data[:, odds_lb_f][cut_idx] mag = cata_data[:, mag_lb_f][cut_idx] names = [ "Z", "RA", "DEC", "G1", "G2", "N", "U", "V", "MAG", "COS_DEC", "Z_MIN", "Z_MAX", "ODDS" ] datas = [ redshift, ra, dec, mg1, mg2, mn, mu, mv, mag, cos_dec, z_min, z_max, odds ] fq = Fourier_Quad(12, 123) mg1_bin = fq.set_bin(mg1, mg_bin_num, 10000) mg2_bin = fq.set_bin(mg2, mg_bin_num, 10000) data_num = len(redshift) total_num = ra.shape[0] gal_label = numpy.arange(0, data_num) # set up RA & DEC bin ra_min, ra_max = ra.min() - margin, ra.max() + margin dec_min, dec_max = dec.min() - margin, dec.max() + margin nx = int((ra_max - ra_min) / block_scale) + 2 ny = int((dec_max - dec_min) / block_scale) + 2 grid_num = nx * ny
def shear_est(chip_list, psf_in, noise_sig, size, proc_id): print('Proc_%d: begin>>>') % proc_id # col = ["KSB_g1", "BJ_e1", "RG_e1", "FQ_G1", "fg1", "KSB_g2", "BJ_e2", "RG_e2", "FQ_G2", "fg2", # "FG_N", "FQ_U", "FQ_V", 'KSB_R', 'BJ_R', 'RG_R', "SNR_ORI"] psf_pow = Fourier_Quad().pow_spec(psf_in) # psf_g = galsim.Image(psf_in) total_chips = len(chip_list) for i in range(total_chips): chip_path = chip_list[i] shear_tag, chip_name = chip_path.split('/')[3:5] gals =[0].data gal_pool = Fourier_Quad().divide_stamps(gals, size) # data_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(gal_pool), len(col))) data_path = '/lmc/selection_bias/result/data/' + shear_tag + '_' + chip_name.split( '.')[0] + '.xlsx' ts = time.time() data1 = numpy.zeros((len(gal_pool), 1)) data2 = numpy.zeros((len(gal_pool), 1)) data3 = numpy.zeros((len(gal_pool), 1)) for k in range(len(gal_pool)): gal = gal_pool[k] # gal_g = galsim.Image(gal) # # res_k = galsim.hsm.EstimateShear(gal_g, psf_g, shear_est='KSB', strict=False) # ksb_g1 = res_k.corrected_g1 # ksb_g2 = res_k.corrected_g2 # ksb_r = res_k.resolution_factor # # res_b = galsim.hsm.EstimateShear(gal_g, psf_g, shear_est='BJ', strict=False) # bj_e1 = res_b.corrected_e1 # bj_e2 = res_b.corrected_e2 # bj_r = res_b.resolution_factor # # res_r = galsim.hsm.EstimateShear(gal_g, psf_g, shear_est='REGAUSS', strict=False) # re_e1 = res_r.corrected_e1 # re_e2 = res_r.corrected_e2 # re_r = res_r.resolution_factor noise = numpy.random.normal(loc=0., scale=noise_sig, size=size**2).reshape(size, size) mg1, mg2, mn, mu, mv = Fourier_Quad().shear_est(gal, psf_pow, size, noise, F=True) # data_matrix[k, :] = ksb_g1, bj_e1, re_e1, mg1, g1_input, ksb_g2, bj_e2, re_e2, mg2, g2_input, mn, mu, mv, ksb_r, bj_r, re_r, snr[k] data1[k] = mg1 data2[k] = mg2 data3[k] = mn df = pandas.read_excel(data_path) df["FQ_G1"] = data1 df["FQ_G2"] = data2 df["FQ_N"] = data3 df.to_excel(data_path) te = time.time() print('Proc_%d: (%d/%d) complete within time %.2f s') % ( proc_id, i + 1, total_chips, te - ts)
para_items = tool_box.config(para_path + "para.ini", ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get'], para_contents) total_chip_num = int(para_items[0]) stamp_size = int(para_items[1]) columns = int(para_items[2]) shear_num = int(para_items[3]) stamp_num = 10000 psf_path = total_path + "psf.fits" chip_labels = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(total_chip_num)], cpus)[rank] chip_num = len(chip_labels) fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, 123) psf_img = galsim.Image([0].data) log_informs = "RANK: %d, SOURCE: %s, TOTAL CHIPS: %d, MY CHIPS: %d (%d ~ %d)" % ( rank, source, total_chip_num, chip_num, chip_labels[0], chip_labels[-1]) ts = time.time() for i in range(shear_num): R_factor = numpy.zeros((chip_num * stamp_num, 1)) for tag, j in enumerate(chip_labels): log_informs = "%02d/gal_chip_%04d.fits start" % (i, j) t1 = time.time() chip_path = total_path + "%d/gal_chip_%04d.fits" % (i, j) chip_img =[0].data gals = fq.segment(chip_img) for k in range(len(gals)):
from sys import path, argv path.append('%s/work/mylib/' % my_home) import numpy from mpi4py import MPI import h5py from plot_tool import Image_Plot from Fourier_Quad import Fourier_Quad import component_fit comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() cpus = comm.Get_size() fq = Fourier_Quad(12,1234) data_path = argv[1] xy_bin_num, radius_bin_num = int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]) shear_scale = float(argv[4]) pic_path = data_path + "/multipole_pic_%.1f"%shear_scale if rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(pic_path): os.makedirs(pic_path) scale = 1000