Пример #1
    def addAlbum(self, parent, albumName, title, description=''):
        Adds an album to the given parent album

        parent(Album)       : The parent Album object
        albumName(str)      : The name of the album
        title(str)          : The album title
        description(str)    : The album description

        returns(Album)      : The Album object that was created
        if not parent.can_edit:
            raise G3AuthError('You do not have permission to edit: %s' %
        data = {
            'type': 'album',
            'name': albumName,
            'title': title,
            'description': description,
        req = PostRequest(parent.url, self.apiKey, data)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        newObjUrl = self._getUrlFromResp(resp)
        item = getItemFromResp(self.getRespFromUrl(newObjUrl), self, parent)
        return item
Пример #2
    def getRandomImage(self , album , direct=True):
        Returns a random RemoteImage object for the album.  If "direct" is
        False, a random image can be pulled from nested albums.

        album(Album)        : The album object to pull the random image from
        direct(bool)        : If set to False, the image may be pulled from
                              a sub-album

        returns(RemoteImage)    : Returns a RemoteImage instance
        scope = ('all' , 'direct')[direct]
        data = {
            'type': 'photo' ,
            'random': 'true' ,
            'scope': scope ,
        url = '%s?%s' % (album.url , urlencode(data))
        resp = self.getRespFromUrl(url)
        # We get an album item back with a single member image
        images = getItemFromResp(resp , self).Images
        if not images:
            return None
        return images[0]
Пример #3
    def addAlbum(self , parent , albumName , title , description=''):
        Adds an album to the given parent album

        parent(Album)       : The parent Album object
        albumName(str)      : The name of the album
        title(str)          : The album title
        description(str)    : The album description

        returns(Album)      : The Album object that was created
        if not parent.can_edit:
            raise G3AuthError('You do not have permission to edit: %s' % 
        data = {
            'type': 'album' ,
            'name': albumName ,
            'title': title ,
            'description': description ,
        req = PostRequest(parent.url , self.apiKey , data)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        newObjUrl = self._getUrlFromResp(resp)
        item = getItemFromResp(self.getRespFromUrl(newObjUrl) , self , parent)
        # This appears to cause a race 
        return item
Пример #4
 def getRoot(self):
     Returns the root item (album)
     if self.root is None:
         resp = self.getRespFromUri(self._rootUri)
         self.root = getItemFromResp(resp, self)
     return self.root
Пример #5
 def getRoot(self):
     Returns the root item (album)
     if self.root is None:
         resp = self.getRespFromUri(self._rootUri)
         self.root = getItemFromResp(resp , self)
     return self.root
Пример #6
    def addImage(self, parent, image, title='', description='', name=''):
        Add a LocalImage to the parent album.

        parent(Album)           : The parent album to add the image to
        image(LocalImage)       : The local image to upload and add to the 
        title(str)              : The image title
        description(str)        : The image description
        name(str)               : The image file name

        returns(RemoteImage)    : The RemoteImage instance for the item
        if not parent.can_edit:
            raise G3AuthError('You do not have permission to edit: %s' %
        if name:
            image.Filename = name
        entity = {
            'name': image.filename,
            'type': image.type,
            'title': title,
            'description': description,
        boundary = str(uuid4())
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary
        # this is more complicated than adding an album.  We have to
        # construct the upload MIME headers, including build the string
        # data section
        data = '--%s\r\n' % boundary
        data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="entity"\r\n'
        data += 'Content-Type: text/plain; ' \
        data += 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n'
        data += '\r\n'
        data += '%s\r\n' % json.dumps(entity, separators=(',', ':'))
        data += '--%s\r\n' % boundary
        data += image.getUploadContent()
        data += '--%s--\r\n' % boundary
        req = PostRequest(parent.url, self.apiKey, data, headers)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        newObjUrl = self._getUrlFromResp(resp)
        item = getItemFromResp(self.getRespFromUrl(newObjUrl), self, parent)
        return item
Пример #7
    def addImage(self , parent , image , title='' , description='' , name=''):
        Add a LocalImage to the parent album.

        parent(Album)           : The parent album to add the image to
        image(LocalImage)       : The local image to upload and add to the 
        title(str)              : The image title
        description(str)        : The image description
        name(str)               : The image file name

        returns(RemoteImage)    : The RemoteImage instance for the item
        if not parent.can_edit:
            raise G3AuthError('You do not have permission to edit: %s' % 
        if name:
            image.Filename = name
        entity = {
            'name': image.filename ,
            'type': image.type ,
            'title': title ,
            'description': description ,
        boundary = str(uuid4())
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % 
        # this is more complicated than adding an album.  We have to
        # construct the upload MIME headers, including build the string
        # data section
        data = '--%s\r\n' % boundary
        data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="entity"\r\n'
        data += 'Content-Type: text/plain; ' \
        data += 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n'
        data += '\r\n'
        data += '%s\r\n' % json.dumps(entity , separators=(',' , ':'))
        data += '--%s\r\n' % boundary
        data += image.getUploadContent()
        data += '--%s--\r\n' % boundary
        req = PostRequest(parent.url , self.apiKey , data , headers)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        newObjUrl = self._getUrlFromResp(resp)
        item = getItemFromResp(self.getRespFromUrl(newObjUrl) , self , parent)
        return item
Пример #8
    def getRandomImage(self, album, direct=True):
        Returns a random RemoteImage object for the album.  If "direct" is
        False, a random image can be pulled from nested albums.

        album(Album)        : The album object to pull the random image from
        direct(bool)        : If set to False, the image may be pulled from
                              a sub-album

        returns(RemoteImage)    : Returns a RemoteImage instance
        scope = ('all', 'direct')[direct]
        data = {
            'type': 'photo',
            'random': 'true',
            'scope': scope,
        url = '%s?%s' % (album.url, urlencode(data))
        resp = self.getRespFromUrl(url)
        return getItemFromResp(resp, self)
Пример #9
    def addComment(self, image, comment):
        Comment on this item with the string "comment"

        comment(str)        : The comment

        returns(Comment)        : The comment that was created
        data = {
            'item': image.url,
            'text': comment,
        url = self._buildUrl('index.php/rest/comments')
        req = PostRequest(url, self.apiKey, data)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        commUrl = json.loads(resp.read())['url']
        resp = self.getRespFromUrl(commUrl)
        comm = getItemFromResp(resp, self, image)
        if hasattr(image, 'comments'):
        return comm
Пример #10
    def addComment(self , image , comment):
        Comment on this item with the string "comment"

        comment(str)        : The comment

        returns(Comment)        : The comment that was created
        data = {
            'item': image.url ,
            'text': comment ,
        url = self._buildUrl('index.php/rest/comments')
        req = PostRequest(url , self.apiKey , data)
        resp = self._openReq(req)
        commUrl = json.loads(resp.read())['url']
        resp = self.getRespFromUrl(commUrl)
        comm = getItemFromResp(resp , self , image)
        if hasattr(image , 'comments'):
        return comm