Пример #1
    def _init_bucketing(self):
        ''' Initializes the tensor that translates hand ranges to bucket ranges.
        self.bucketer = Bucketer()
        self.bucket_count = self.bucketer.get_bucket_count()
        boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()
        self.board_count = boards.shape[0]
        CC, BC, bC = game_settings.card_count, self.board_count, self.bucket_count
        self._range_matrix = np.zeros([CC, BC * bC], dtype=arguments.dtype)
        self._range_matrix_board_view = self._range_matrix.reshape(
            [CC, BC, bC])
        for idx in range(BC):
            board = boards[idx]
            buckets = self.bucketer.compute_buckets(board)
            class_ids = np.arange(bC)
            class_ids = class_ids.reshape([1, bC]) * np.ones(
                [CC, bC], dtype=class_ids.dtype)
            card_buckets = buckets.reshape([CC, 1]) * np.ones(
                [CC, bC], dtype=class_ids.dtype)
            # finding all strength classes
            # matrix for transformation from card ranges to strength class ranges
            self._range_matrix_board_view[:, idx, :][class_ids ==
                                                     card_buckets] = 1
        # matrix for transformation from class values to card values
        self._reverse_value_matrix = self._range_matrix.T.copy()
        # we need to div the matrix by the sum of possible boards
        # (from point of view of each hand)
        weight_constant = 1 / (BC - 2)  # count
        self._reverse_value_matrix *= weight_constant
Пример #2
    def _get_children_nodes_chance_node(self, parent_node):
        ''' Creates the children nodes after a chance node.
		@param: parent_node the chance node
		@return a list of children nodes
        assert (parent_node.current_player == constants.players.chance)
        if self.limit_to_street:
            return []
        next_boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()  # (N,K), K = 1
        subtree_height = -1  # ?
        children = []
        # 1.0 iterate over the next possible boards to build the corresponding subtrees
        for i in range(next_boards.shape[0]):
            next_board = next_boards[i]  # ex: [4]
            next_board_string = card_to_string.cards_to_string(next_board)
            child = Node()
            child.node_type = constants.node_types.inner_node
            child.parent = parent_node
            child.current_player = constants.players.P1
            child.street = parent_node.street + 1
            child.board = next_board
            child.board_string = next_board_string
            child.bets = parent_node.bets.copy()
        return children
Пример #3
    def _set_call_matrix(self, board):
        street = card_tools.board_to_street(board)
        self.equity_matrix = arguments.Tensor(
            game_settings.card_count, game_settings.card_count).zero_()

        if street == 0:
            #iterate through all possible next round streetss
            next_round_boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()
            boards_count = next_round_boards.size(0)
            next_round_equity_matrix = arguments.Tensor(
                game_settings.card_count, game_settings.card_count)
            for board in range(boards_count):
            #averaging the values in the call matrix
            weight_constant = game_settings.board_card_count == 1 and 1 / (
                game_settings.card_count - 2) or 2 / (
                    (game_settings.card_count - 2) *
                    (game_settings.card_count - 3))
        elif street == 1:
            #for last round we just return the matrix
            self.get_last_round_call_matrix(board, self.equity_matrix)
            #impossible street
            assert (False)  #, 'impossible street');
Пример #4
    def _set_call_matrix(self, board):
        ''' Sets the evaluator's call matrix, which gives the equity for terminal
			nodes where no player has folded.
			For nodes in the last betting round, creates the matrix `A` such that
			for player ranges `x` and `y`, `x'Ay` is the equity for the first
			player when no player folds. For nodes in the first betting round,
			gives the weighted average of all such possible matrices.
		@param: board a possibly empty vector of board cards
        CC = game_settings.card_count
        BCC = game_settings.board_card_count
        street = card_tools.board_to_street(board)
        self.equity_matrix = np.zeros([CC, CC], dtype=arguments.dtype)
        if street == 1:
            # iterate through all possible next round streets
            next_round_boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()
            next_round_equity_matrix = np.zeros(self.equity_matrix.shape,
            for board in range(next_round_boards.shape[0]):
                next_board = next_round_boards[board]
                self.equity_matrix += next_round_equity_matrix
            # averaging the values in the call matrix
            weight_constant = 1 / (CC - 2) if BCC == 1 else 2 / (
                (CC - 2) * (CC - 3))  # ?
            # tas pats: weight_constant = BCC == 1 and 1/(CC-2) or 2/((CC-2)*(CC-3))
            self.equity_matrix *= weight_constant
        elif street == 2:  # for last round we just return the matrix
            self.get_last_round_call_matrix(board, self.equity_matrix)
            assert (False, 'impossible street')
Пример #5
    def _get_children_nodes_chance_node(self, parent_node):
        assert (parent_node.current_player == constants.players.chance)

        if self.limit_to_street:
            return []

        next_boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()
        next_boards_count = next_boards.size(0)

        subtree_height = -1
        children = []
        #mjb the chance node's child differ with the different board card
        #1.0 iterate over the next possible boards to build the corresponding subtrees
        for i in range(next_boards_count):
            next_board = next_boards[i]
            next_board_string = card_to_string.cards_to_string(next_board)

            child = Node()
            self.node_id_acc = self.node_id_acc + 1

            child.node_id = self.node_id_acc
            child.node_type = constants.node_types.inner_node
            child.parent = parent_node
            child.current_player = constants.players.P1
            child.street = parent_node.street + 1
            child.board = next_board
            child.board_string = next_board_string
            child.bets = parent_node.bets.clone()


        return children
Пример #6
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Creates an equity matrix with entries for every possible pair of buckets.
        self.bucketer = Bucketer()
        self.bucket_count = self.bucketer.get_bucket_count()
        bC, CC = self.bucket_count, game_settings.card_count
        self.equity_matrix = np.zeros([bC, bC], dtype=arguments.dtype)
        # filling equity matrix
        boards = card_tools.get_second_round_boards()
        self.board_count = boards.shape[0]
        self.terminal_equity = TerminalEquity()
        for i in range(self.board_count):
            board = boards[i]
            call_matrix = self.terminal_equity.get_call_matrix()
            buckets = self.bucketer.compute_buckets(board)
            for c1 in range(CC):
                for c2 in range(CC):
                    b1 = buckets[c1]
                    b2 = buckets[c2]
                    if b1 > 0 and b2 > 0:
                        matrix_entry = call_matrix[c1][c2]
                        self.equity_matrix[b1, b2] = matrix_entry