def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world)
def __init__(self, tank, world, position_getters, position_estimators, memory, debug_on=False): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.position_getters = position_getters self.position_estimators = position_estimators self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world)
class ScalarFieldMovingStrategy: def __init__(self, position_getters, position_estimators): self.position_getters = position_getters self.position_estimators = position_estimators def debug(self, message, end='\n',ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message,end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) self.est_time_cache = {} positions = [] for pg in self.position_getters: positions += pg.positions(tank, world) self.debug('Got %d positions' % len(positions)) if not positions: return for e in self.position_estimators: e.context = self pos_and_values = [(pos, sum([e.value(pos) for e in self.position_estimators])) for pos in positions] if self.debug_mode: top_pos = [item[0] for item in list(reversed(sorted(pos_and_values, key=operator.itemgetter(1))))[:6]] self.debug(' ' * 50, end='') for e in self.position_estimators: self.debug('%14s' % e.NAME, end='') self.debug('%14s' % 'RESULT', end='') self.debug('') def out_pos(pos): self.debug('%-50s' % (str(pos) + ' : '), end='') res = 0 for e in self.position_estimators: v = e.value(pos) self.debug('%14.2f' % v, end='') res += v self.debug('%14.2f' % res, end='') self.debug('') for pos in top_pos: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BONUS') != -1: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if == 'FORWARD' or == 'BACKWARD' or == 'CURRENT': out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BORDER') != -1: out_pos(pos) next_position = None position_iteration = 0 #average_F = sum([pos[0] for pos in pos_f])/len(pos_f) pos_queue = PriorityQueue() for p_v in pos_and_values: pos_queue.put( (-p_v[1] + random() * 1e-3, p_v[0]) ) while True: cur = pos_queue.get()[1] if not self.physics.position_is_blocked(cur.x, cur.y, tank, world) or position_iteration >= MAX_POSITION_ITERATIONS: next_position = cur break position_iteration += 1 self.debug('!!! Skipping best position, iteration %d' % position_iteration) if self.debug_mode: self.debug('(blocked by %s)' % str(self.physics.position_is_blocked(cur.x, cur.y, tank, world))) self.debug("GOING TO [%10s] (%8.2f, %8.2f); distance=%8.2f, ETA=%8.2f" % (, next_position.x, next_position.y, self.tank.get_distance_to(next_position.x, next_position.y), self.physics.estimate_time_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank)) ) self.memory.last_target_position[] = next_position self.physics.move_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank, move) self.debug('=' * 16) if self.debug_mode: for shell in world.shells: v0 = hypot(shell.speedX, shell.speedY) a = SHELL_ACCELERATION d = tank.get_distance_to_unit(shell) tank_v = Vector(tank.x, tank.y) shell_v = Vector(shell.x, shell.y) shell_speed = Vector(shell.speedX, shell.speedY) #d = shell.get_distance_to(x, y) t = solve_quadratic(a/2, v0, -d) self.debug('SHELL [%12s] (%8.2f, %8.2f) v=%s, will hit=%s, hit time=%8.2f' % (shell.player_name, shell.x, shell.y, shell_speed.length(), str(self.physics.shell_will_hit(shell, tank, factor=1.05)), t) ) self.debug('=' * 16)
class StrategyScalarField: def __init__(self, tank, world, position_getters, position_estimators, memory, debug_on=False): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.position_getters = position_getters self.position_estimators = position_estimators self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def debug(self, message, end='\n', ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message, end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) self.EA_cache = {} self.est_time_cache = {} def process_moving(): positions = [] for pg in self.position_getters: positions += pg.positions(tank, world) self.debug('Got %d positions' % len(positions)) if not positions: return for e in self.position_estimators: e.context = self pos_and_values = [ (pos, sum([e.value(pos) for e in self.position_estimators])) for pos in positions ] if self.debug_mode: top_pos = [ item[0] for item in list( reversed( sorted(pos_and_values, key=operator.itemgetter( 1))))[:6] ] self.debug(' ' * 50, end='') for e in self.position_estimators: self.debug('%14s' % e.NAME, end='') self.debug('%14s' % 'RESULT', end='') self.debug('') def out_pos(pos): self.debug('%-50s' % (str(pos) + ' : '), end='') res = 0 for e in self.position_estimators: v = e.value(pos) self.debug('%14.2f' % v, end='') res += v self.debug('%14.2f' % res, end='') self.debug('') for pos in top_pos: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BONUS') != -1: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if == 'FORWARD' or == 'BACKWARD' or == 'CURRENT': out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BORDER') != -1: out_pos(pos) next_position = None position_iteration = 0 #average_F = sum([pos[0] for pos in pos_f])/len(pos_f) pos_queue = PriorityQueue() for p_v in pos_and_values: pos_queue.put((-p_v[1] + random() * 1e-3, p_v[0])) while True: cur = pos_queue.get()[1] if not self.physics.position_is_blocked( cur.x, cur.y, tank, world ) or position_iteration >= MAX_POSITION_ITERATIONS: next_position = cur break position_iteration += 1 self.debug('!!! Skipping best position, iteration %d' % position_iteration) if self.debug_mode: self.debug('(blocked by %s)' % str( self.physics.position_is_blocked( cur.x, cur.y, tank, world))) self.debug( "GOING TO [%10s] (%8.2f, %8.2f); distance=%8.2f, ETA=%8.2f" % (, next_position.x, next_position.y, self.tank.get_distance_to(next_position.x, next_position.y), self.physics.estimate_time_to_position( next_position.x, next_position.y, tank))) self.memory.last_target_position[] = next_position self.physics.move_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank, move) def process_shooting(): targets = filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks) if not targets: return def get_target_priority(tank, target): health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health # ================ # DISTANCE # ================ angle_penalty_factor = ( 1 + (1 - health_fraction) * 1.5 - (1 - max(0, 150 - tank.remaining_reloading_time) / 150) * 1) angle_degrees = fabs( tank.get_turret_angle_to_unit(target)) / PI * 180 distance_penalty = tank.get_distance_to_unit(target) / 10 angle_penalty = angle_penalty_factor * (angle_degrees**1.2) / 2 # ================ # FINISH # ================ if ((target.crew_health <= 20 or target.hull_durability <= 20) or (tank.premium_shell_count > 0 and (target.crew_health <= 35 or target.hull_durability <= 35))): finish_bonus = 30 else: finish_bonus = 0 # ================ # RESPONSE # ================ if self.physics.attacked_area( tank.x, tank.y, target, cache=self.EA_cache) > 0.5: attacking_me_bonus = 20 else: attacking_me_bonus = 0 # ================ # LAST TARGET # ================ last_target_bonus = 0 if self.memory.last_turret_target_id: if self.memory.last_turret_target_id == last_target_bonus = 5 result = 180 + finish_bonus + attacking_me_bonus + last_target_bonus - distance_penalty - angle_penalty self.debug( 'TARGET [%20s] (x=%8.2f, y=%8.2f, |v|=%8.2f) finish_B=%8.2f, AM_B=%8.2f, LT_B=%8.2f, D_P=%8.2f, A_P=%8.2f, APF=%8.2f, result=%8.2f' % (target.player_name, target.x, target.y, hypot(target.speedX, target.speedY), finish_bonus, attacking_me_bonus, last_target_bonus, distance_penalty, angle_penalty, angle_penalty_factor, result)) return result if self.debug_mode: targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.player_name) targets_f = [(t, get_target_priority(tank, t)) for t in targets] cur_target = max(targets_f, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] self.memory.last_turret_target_id = est_pos = self.physics.estimate_target_position(cur_target, tank) def bonus_is_attacked(): for bonus in world.bonuses: if (self.physics.will_hit(tank, bonus, BONUS_FACTOR) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(bonus) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)): return bonus return False def obstacle_is_attacked(): obstacles = chain(filter(DEAD_TANK, world.tanks), filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks), world.obstacles) for obstacle in obstacles: next_position = self.physics.estimate_target_position( obstacle, tank) next_unit = fictive_unit(obstacle, next_position[0], next_position[1]) blocked = ((self.physics.will_hit( tank, next_unit, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR) or self.physics.will_hit( tank, obstacle, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR)) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(obstacle) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)) if blocked: return obstacle return False cur_angle = tank.get_turret_angle_to(*est_pos) good_to_shoot = self.physics.will_hit( tank, fictive_unit(cur_target, est_pos[0], est_pos[1]), TARGETING_FACTOR) if good_to_shoot: if self.health_fraction > 0.8 and self.hull_fraction > 0.5 and tank.get_distance_to_unit( cur_target) > 400 and tank.premium_shell_count <= 3: move.fire_type = FireType.REGULAR else: move.fire_type = FireType.PREMIUM_PREFERRED else: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if bonus_is_attacked() or obstacle_is_attacked(): self.debug('!!! Obstacle is attacked, don\'t shoot') move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if world.tick < 10 + tank.teammate_index * 10: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if fabs(cur_angle) > PI / 180 * 0.5: move.turret_turn = sign(cur_angle) process_moving() self.debug('=' * 16) process_shooting()
class StrategyScalarField: def __init__(self, tank, world, position_getters, position_estimators, memory, debug_on=False): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.position_getters = position_getters self.position_estimators = position_estimators self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def debug(self, message, end='\n',ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message,end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) self.EA_cache = {} self.est_time_cache = {} def process_moving(): positions = [] for pg in self.position_getters: positions += pg.positions(tank, world) self.debug('Got %d positions' % len(positions)) if not positions: return for e in self.position_estimators: e.context = self pos_and_values = [(pos, sum([e.value(pos) for e in self.position_estimators])) for pos in positions] if self.debug_mode: top_pos = [item[0] for item in list(reversed(sorted(pos_and_values, key=operator.itemgetter(1))))[:6]] self.debug(' ' * 50, end='') for e in self.position_estimators: self.debug('%14s' % e.NAME, end='') self.debug('%14s' % 'RESULT', end='') self.debug('') def out_pos(pos): self.debug('%-50s' % (str(pos) + ' : '), end='') res = 0 for e in self.position_estimators: v = e.value(pos) self.debug('%14.2f' % v, end='') res += v self.debug('%14.2f' % res, end='') self.debug('') for pos in top_pos: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BONUS') != -1: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if == 'FORWARD' or == 'BACKWARD' or == 'CURRENT': out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BORDER') != -1: out_pos(pos) next_position = None position_iteration = 0 #average_F = sum([pos[0] for pos in pos_f])/len(pos_f) pos_queue = PriorityQueue() for p_v in pos_and_values: pos_queue.put( (-p_v[1] + random() * 1e-3, p_v[0]) ) while True: cur = pos_queue.get()[1] if not self.physics.position_is_blocked(cur.x, cur.y, tank, world) or position_iteration >= MAX_POSITION_ITERATIONS: next_position = cur break position_iteration += 1 self.debug('!!! Skipping best position, iteration %d' % position_iteration) if self.debug_mode: self.debug('(blocked by %s)' % str(self.physics.position_is_blocked(cur.x, cur.y, tank, world))) self.debug("GOING TO [%10s] (%8.2f, %8.2f); distance=%8.2f, ETA=%8.2f" % (, next_position.x, next_position.y, self.tank.get_distance_to(next_position.x, next_position.y), self.physics.estimate_time_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank)) ) self.memory.last_target_position[] = next_position self.physics.move_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank, move) def process_shooting(): targets = filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks) if not targets: return def get_target_priority(tank, target): health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health # ================ # DISTANCE # ================ angle_penalty_factor = (1 + (1 - health_fraction) * 1.5 - (1 - max(0, 150 - tank.remaining_reloading_time)/150) * 1) angle_degrees = fabs(tank.get_turret_angle_to_unit(target)) / PI * 180 distance_penalty = tank.get_distance_to_unit(target) / 10 angle_penalty = angle_penalty_factor * (angle_degrees**1.2)/2 # ================ # FINISH # ================ if ((target.crew_health <= 20 or target.hull_durability <= 20) or (tank.premium_shell_count > 0 and (target.crew_health <= 35 or target.hull_durability <= 35))): finish_bonus = 30 else: finish_bonus = 0 # ================ # RESPONSE # ================ if self.physics.attacked_area(tank.x, tank.y, target, cache=self.EA_cache) > 0.5: attacking_me_bonus = 20 else: attacking_me_bonus = 0 # ================ # LAST TARGET # ================ last_target_bonus = 0 if self.memory.last_turret_target_id: if self.memory.last_turret_target_id == last_target_bonus = 5 result = 180 + finish_bonus + attacking_me_bonus + last_target_bonus - distance_penalty - angle_penalty self.debug('TARGET [%20s] (x=%8.2f, y=%8.2f, |v|=%8.2f) finish_B=%8.2f, AM_B=%8.2f, LT_B=%8.2f, D_P=%8.2f, A_P=%8.2f, APF=%8.2f, result=%8.2f' % (target.player_name, target.x, target.y, hypot(target.speedX, target.speedY), finish_bonus, attacking_me_bonus, last_target_bonus, distance_penalty, angle_penalty, angle_penalty_factor, result)) return result if self.debug_mode: targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t : t.player_name) targets_f = [(t, get_target_priority(tank, t)) for t in targets] cur_target = max(targets_f, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] self.memory.last_turret_target_id = est_pos = self.physics.estimate_target_position(cur_target, tank) def bonus_is_attacked(): for bonus in world.bonuses: if (self.physics.will_hit(tank, bonus, BONUS_FACTOR) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(bonus) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)): return bonus return False def obstacle_is_attacked(): obstacles = chain( filter(DEAD_TANK, world.tanks), filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks), world.obstacles ) for obstacle in obstacles: next_position = self.physics.estimate_target_position(obstacle, tank) next_unit = fictive_unit(obstacle, next_position[0], next_position[1]) blocked = ((self.physics.will_hit(tank, next_unit, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR) or self.physics.will_hit(tank, obstacle, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR)) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(obstacle) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)) if blocked: return obstacle return False cur_angle = tank.get_turret_angle_to(*est_pos) good_to_shoot = self.physics.will_hit( tank, fictive_unit(cur_target, est_pos[0], est_pos[1]), TARGETING_FACTOR ) if good_to_shoot: if self.health_fraction > 0.8 and self.hull_fraction > 0.5 and tank.get_distance_to_unit(cur_target) > 400 and tank.premium_shell_count <= 3: move.fire_type = FireType.REGULAR else: move.fire_type = FireType.PREMIUM_PREFERRED else: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if bonus_is_attacked() or obstacle_is_attacked(): self.debug('!!! Obstacle is attacked, don\'t shoot') move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if world.tick < 10 + tank.teammate_index * 10: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if fabs(cur_angle) > PI/180 * 0.5: move.turret_turn = sign(cur_angle) process_moving() self.debug('=' * 16) process_shooting()
class OldTargetingStrategy: def __init__(self): pass def debug(self, message, end='\n',ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message,end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) def process_shooting(): targets = filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks) if not targets: return def get_target_priority(tank, target): health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health # ================ # DISTANCE # ================ angle_penalty_factor = (1 + (1 - health_fraction) * 1.5 - (1 - max(0, 150 - tank.remaining_reloading_time)/150) * 1) angle_degrees = fabs(tank.get_turret_angle_to_unit(target)) / PI * 180 distance_penalty = tank.get_distance_to_unit(target) / 10 angle_penalty = angle_penalty_factor * (angle_degrees**1.2)/2 # ================ # FINISH # ================ if ((target.crew_health <= 20 or target.hull_durability <= 20) or (tank.premium_shell_count > 0 and (target.crew_health <= 35 or target.hull_durability <= 35))): finish_bonus = 30 else: finish_bonus = 0 # ================ # RESPONSE # ================ if self.physics.attacked_area(tank.x, tank.y, target, cache=self.EA_cache) > 0.5: attacking_me_bonus = 20 else: attacking_me_bonus = 0 # ================ # LAST TARGET # ================ last_target_bonus = 0 if self.memory.last_turret_target_id: if self.memory.last_turret_target_id == last_target_bonus = 5 result = 180 + finish_bonus + attacking_me_bonus + last_target_bonus - distance_penalty - angle_penalty self.debug('TARGET [%20s] (x=%8.2f, y=%8.2f, |v|=%8.2f) finish_B=%8.2f, AM_B=%8.2f, LT_B=%8.2f, D_P=%8.2f, A_P=%8.2f, APF=%8.2f, result=%8.2f' % (target.player_name, target.x, target.y, hypot(target.speedX, target.speedY), finish_bonus, attacking_me_bonus, last_target_bonus, distance_penalty, angle_penalty, angle_penalty_factor, result)) return result if self.debug_mode: targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t : t.player_name) targets_f = [(t, get_target_priority(tank, t)) for t in targets] cur_target = max(targets_f, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] self.memory.last_turret_target_id = est_pos = self.physics.estimate_target_position(cur_target, tank) def bonus_is_attacked(): for bonus in world.bonuses: if (self.physics.will_hit(tank, bonus, BONUS_FACTOR) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(bonus) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)): return bonus return False def obstacle_is_attacked(): obstacles = chain( filter(DEAD_TANK, world.tanks), filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks), world.obstacles ) for obstacle in obstacles: next_position = self.physics.estimate_target_position(obstacle, tank) next_unit = fictive_unit(obstacle, next_position[0], next_position[1]) blocked = ((self.physics.will_hit(tank, next_unit, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR) or self.physics.will_hit(tank, obstacle, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR)) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(obstacle) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)) if blocked: return obstacle return False cur_angle = tank.get_turret_angle_to(*est_pos) good_to_shoot = self.physics.will_hit( tank, fictive_unit(cur_target, est_pos[0], est_pos[1]), TARGETING_FACTOR ) if good_to_shoot: if self.health_fraction > 0.8 and self.hull_fraction > 0.5 and tank.get_distance_to_unit(cur_target) > 400 and tank.premium_shell_count <= 3: move.fire_type = FireType.REGULAR else: move.fire_type = FireType.PREMIUM_PREFERRED else: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if bonus_is_attacked() or obstacle_is_attacked(): self.debug('!!! Obstacle is attacked, don\'t shoot') move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if world.tick < 10 + tank.teammate_index * 10: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if fabs(cur_angle) > PI/180 * 0.5: move.turret_turn = sign(cur_angle) process_shooting()
class ScalarFieldMovingStrategy: def __init__(self, position_getters, position_estimators): self.position_getters = position_getters self.position_estimators = position_estimators def debug(self, message, end='\n', ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message, end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) self.est_time_cache = {} positions = [] for pg in self.position_getters: positions += pg.positions(tank, world) self.debug('Got %d positions' % len(positions)) if not positions: return for e in self.position_estimators: e.context = self pos_and_values = [ (pos, sum([e.value(pos) for e in self.position_estimators])) for pos in positions ] if self.debug_mode: top_pos = [ item[0] for item in list( reversed(sorted(pos_and_values, key=operator.itemgetter( 1))))[:6] ] self.debug(' ' * 50, end='') for e in self.position_estimators: self.debug('%14s' % e.NAME, end='') self.debug('%14s' % 'RESULT', end='') self.debug('') def out_pos(pos): self.debug('%-50s' % (str(pos) + ' : '), end='') res = 0 for e in self.position_estimators: v = e.value(pos) self.debug('%14.2f' % v, end='') res += v self.debug('%14.2f' % res, end='') self.debug('') for pos in top_pos: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BONUS') != -1: out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if == 'FORWARD' or == 'BACKWARD' or == 'CURRENT': out_pos(pos) self.debug('=' * 16) for pos in positions: if'BORDER') != -1: out_pos(pos) next_position = None position_iteration = 0 #average_F = sum([pos[0] for pos in pos_f])/len(pos_f) pos_queue = PriorityQueue() for p_v in pos_and_values: pos_queue.put((-p_v[1] + random() * 1e-3, p_v[0])) while True: cur = pos_queue.get()[1] if not self.physics.position_is_blocked( cur.x, cur.y, tank, world) or position_iteration >= MAX_POSITION_ITERATIONS: next_position = cur break position_iteration += 1 self.debug('!!! Skipping best position, iteration %d' % position_iteration) if self.debug_mode: self.debug('(blocked by %s)' % str( self.physics.position_is_blocked(cur.x, cur.y, tank, world))) self.debug( "GOING TO [%10s] (%8.2f, %8.2f); distance=%8.2f, ETA=%8.2f" % (, next_position.x, next_position.y, self.tank.get_distance_to(next_position.x, next_position.y), self.physics.estimate_time_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank))) self.memory.last_target_position[] = next_position self.physics.move_to_position(next_position.x, next_position.y, tank, move) self.debug('=' * 16) if self.debug_mode: for shell in world.shells: v0 = hypot(shell.speedX, shell.speedY) a = SHELL_ACCELERATION d = tank.get_distance_to_unit(shell) tank_v = Vector(tank.x, tank.y) shell_v = Vector(shell.x, shell.y) shell_speed = Vector(shell.speedX, shell.speedY) #d = shell.get_distance_to(x, y) t = solve_quadratic(a / 2, v0, -d) self.debug( 'SHELL [%12s] (%8.2f, %8.2f) v=%s, will hit=%s, hit time=%8.2f' % (shell.player_name, shell.x, shell.y, shell_speed.length(), str(self.physics.shell_will_hit(shell, tank, factor=1.05)), t)) self.debug('=' * 16)
class OldTargetingStrategy: def __init__(self): pass def debug(self, message, end='\n', ticks_period=10): if % ticks_period == 0: if self.debug_mode: print(message, end=end) def change_state(self, tank, world, memory, debug_on): self.tank = tank = world self.debug_mode = debug_on self.memory = memory self.physics = WorldPhysics(world) def make_turn(self, move): return self._make_turn(self.tank,, move) def _make_turn(self, tank, world, move): # Precalc for estimation self.enemies = list(filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks)) self.allies = list(filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks)) self.health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health self.hull_fraction = tank.hull_durability / tank.hull_max_durability self.enemies_count = len(self.enemies) def process_shooting(): targets = filter(ALIVE_ENEMY_TANK, world.tanks) if not targets: return def get_target_priority(tank, target): health_fraction = tank.crew_health / tank.crew_max_health # ================ # DISTANCE # ================ angle_penalty_factor = ( 1 + (1 - health_fraction) * 1.5 - (1 - max(0, 150 - tank.remaining_reloading_time) / 150) * 1) angle_degrees = fabs( tank.get_turret_angle_to_unit(target)) / PI * 180 distance_penalty = tank.get_distance_to_unit(target) / 10 angle_penalty = angle_penalty_factor * (angle_degrees**1.2) / 2 # ================ # FINISH # ================ if ((target.crew_health <= 20 or target.hull_durability <= 20) or (tank.premium_shell_count > 0 and (target.crew_health <= 35 or target.hull_durability <= 35))): finish_bonus = 30 else: finish_bonus = 0 # ================ # RESPONSE # ================ if self.physics.attacked_area( tank.x, tank.y, target, cache=self.EA_cache) > 0.5: attacking_me_bonus = 20 else: attacking_me_bonus = 0 # ================ # LAST TARGET # ================ last_target_bonus = 0 if self.memory.last_turret_target_id: if self.memory.last_turret_target_id == last_target_bonus = 5 result = 180 + finish_bonus + attacking_me_bonus + last_target_bonus - distance_penalty - angle_penalty self.debug( 'TARGET [%20s] (x=%8.2f, y=%8.2f, |v|=%8.2f) finish_B=%8.2f, AM_B=%8.2f, LT_B=%8.2f, D_P=%8.2f, A_P=%8.2f, APF=%8.2f, result=%8.2f' % (target.player_name, target.x, target.y, hypot(target.speedX, target.speedY), finish_bonus, attacking_me_bonus, last_target_bonus, distance_penalty, angle_penalty, angle_penalty_factor, result)) return result if self.debug_mode: targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.player_name) targets_f = [(t, get_target_priority(tank, t)) for t in targets] cur_target = max(targets_f, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] self.memory.last_turret_target_id = est_pos = self.physics.estimate_target_position(cur_target, tank) def bonus_is_attacked(): for bonus in world.bonuses: if (self.physics.will_hit(tank, bonus, BONUS_FACTOR) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(bonus) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)): return bonus return False def obstacle_is_attacked(): obstacles = chain(filter(DEAD_TANK, world.tanks), filter(ALLY_TANK(, world.tanks), world.obstacles) for obstacle in obstacles: next_position = self.physics.estimate_target_position( obstacle, tank) next_unit = fictive_unit(obstacle, next_position[0], next_position[1]) blocked = ((self.physics.will_hit( tank, next_unit, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR) or self.physics.will_hit( tank, obstacle, DEAD_TANK_OBSTACLE_FACTOR)) and tank.get_distance_to_unit(obstacle) < tank.get_distance_to(*est_pos)) if blocked: return obstacle return False cur_angle = tank.get_turret_angle_to(*est_pos) good_to_shoot = self.physics.will_hit( tank, fictive_unit(cur_target, est_pos[0], est_pos[1]), TARGETING_FACTOR) if good_to_shoot: if self.health_fraction > 0.8 and self.hull_fraction > 0.5 and tank.get_distance_to_unit( cur_target) > 400 and tank.premium_shell_count <= 3: move.fire_type = FireType.REGULAR else: move.fire_type = FireType.PREMIUM_PREFERRED else: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if bonus_is_attacked() or obstacle_is_attacked(): self.debug('!!! Obstacle is attacked, don\'t shoot') move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if world.tick < 10 + tank.teammate_index * 10: move.fire_type = FireType.NONE if fabs(cur_angle) > PI / 180 * 0.5: move.turret_turn = sign(cur_angle) process_shooting()