Пример #1
j.comment = (
    '{1} {2} MC {0} ntuple creation for k3pi mixing measurement.'
    .format(event_type, year, polarity)
j.application = DaVinci(version='v41r3')
j.application.optsfile = [s.format(path=base, year=year) for s in OPTIONS]

if args.test:
    # If testing, run over a couple of files locally,
    # saving the results to the sandbox
    j.inputdata = dataset[0:1]
    j.backend = Local()
    # Prepend test string to job name
    j.name = 'TEST_{0}'.format(j.name)
    j.outputfiles = [LocalFile(tfn)]
    # If not testing, run over everything on the grid, splitting jobs
    # into groups of 10 files, notifying me on job completion/subjob failure,
    # and save the results on the grid storage
    j.inputdata = dataset
    j.backend = Dirac()
    j.backend.settings['CPUTime'] = 60*60*24*7
    j.do_auto_resubmit = True
    j.splitter = SplitByFiles(filesPerJob=5, ignoremissing=True)
    j.postprocessors = [Notifier(address=email)]
    j.outputfiles = [DiracFile(tfn)]

if not args.inspect_job:
    queues.add(j.submit)  # noqa