Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
            * shelfName (str): Name of shelf-file that contains obstacle and risk maps
            * sfcst_directory (str): Directory in which ROMS small-forecast files have been stored.
        self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.gsR = GliderSimulator_R(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.Dmax = dMax
        self.maxLengths = 50
        self.acceptR = 0.6
        #! Load the graph
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)

        self.possibleCollision = False
        self.Rwd = {}
        self.mdp = {}
        self.gamma = 1.0
        self.maxDepth = 80.
Пример #2
 def __init__(self,
     """ This function initializes the class.
             * shelfName (str): Name of shelf-file that contains obstacle and risk maps
             * sfcst_directory (str): Directory in which ROMS small-forecast files have been stored.
     self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
     self.Dmax = dMax
     self.maxLengths = 50
     self.numDays = 3
     self.acceptR = 0.6
     self.mdp = {}
     States = {}
     width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
     #for j in range(0, height):
     #       for i in range(0, width):
     import networkx as nx
     self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
     for a in self.g.nodes():
         i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
         state_str = 'S_%d%d' % (i, j)
         State = {}
         State['x'] = i
         State['y'] = j
         States[state_str] = State
     self.mdp['States'] = States
     self.mdp['Obs'] = np.where(self.gm.riskMap >= 1., 1, 0)
     self.mdp['Rwd'] = -self.gm.riskMap
     self.possibleCollision = False
Пример #3
 def __init__(self,shelfName='RiskMap.shelf',sfcst_directory='./',dMax = 1.5):
     self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName,sfcst_directory) # Initializes risk, obs maps.
     self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName,sfcst_directory)
     self.Dmax = dMax
     self.maxLengths = 50
     self.numDays = 3
     self.acceptR = 0.6
     self.maxDepth = 60.
     self.UseNetworkX = None
         if self.UseNetworkX == None:
             import networkx as nx
             self.UseNetworkX = True
     except ImportError:
         print 'Please install networkX'
Пример #4
 def __init__(self,
     self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName,
                           sfcst_directory)  # Initializes risk, obs maps.
     self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
     self.Dmax = dMax
     self.maxLengths = 50
     self.numDays = 3
     self.acceptR = 0.6
     self.UseNetworkX = None
     self.maxDepth = 60.
         from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
         from pygraph.algorithms.searching import depth_first_search
         from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path_bellman_ford
         from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
         from pygraph.readwrite.dot import write
         self.UseNetworkX = False
     except ImportError:
         print 'Please install or specify path to pygraph'
     # Import graphviz
         import pygraphviz as gv
     except ImportError:
         print 'Please install or specify path to pygraphviz'
         if self.UseNetworkX == None:
             import networkx as nx
             self.UseNetworkX = True
     except ImportError:
         print 'Please install networkX'
Пример #5
class MDP(object):
    ''' Main State MDP class
    def __init__(self,
            * shelfName (str): Name of shelf-file that contains obstacle and risk maps
            * sfcst_directory (str): Directory in which ROMS small-forecast files have been stored.
        self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.gsR = GliderSimulator_R(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.Dmax = dMax
        self.maxLengths = 50
        self.acceptR = 0.6
        #! Load the graph
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)

        self.possibleCollision = False
        self.Rwd = {}
        self.mdp = {}
        self.gamma = 1.0
        self.maxDepth = 80.

    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self, nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
            nodeStr (string): A string in the form of '(x,y)'.
            x,y if the string is in the form expected.
            None,None if a mal-formed string.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)', nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
            return None, None

    def GetNodesFromEdgeStr(self, edgeStr):
        ''' Convert from a transition model edge string to the
        respective edges on the graph
            * edgeStr (str): string in the format '(x1,y1),(x2,y2)'
            * x1, y1, x2, y2 values above, or None, None, None, None if string did not match.
        m = re.match('([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)', edgeStr)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = None, None, None, None
        if m:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(
                m.group(3)), int(m.group(4))
        return x1, y1, x2, y2

    def GetTransitionModelFromShelf(self,
        """ Loads up Transition models from the shelf for a given number of days, starting from a particular day, and a given amount of noise in position and/or a given amount of noise in the current predictions. We assume these models have been created earlier using ProduceTransitionModels.
                * yy (int): year
                * mm (int): month
                * dd (int): day
                * numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
                * posNoise (float): Amount of std-deviation of the random noise used in picking the start location
                * currentNoise (float): Amount of prediction noise in the ocean model
                * shelfDirectory (str): Directory in which the Transition models are located.
                * self.gm.FinalLocs: Stores the final locations 
        self.posNoise = posNoise
        self.currentNoise = currentNoise
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise == None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d.shelf' %
                                  (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays),
        if posNoise != None:
            if currentNoise != None:
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise,
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise),
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise != None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open(
                '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, currentNoise),
        self.gm.TransModel = gmShelf['TransModel']
        #if gmShelf.has_key('FinalLocs'):
        self.gm.FinalLocs = gmShelf['FinalLocs']
        #if gmShelf.has_key('TracksInModel'):
        self.gm.TracksInModel = gmShelf['TracksInModel']
        # Now that we have loaded the new transition model, we better update our graph.

    def BuildTransitionGraph(self):
        ''' Computes the transition graph from all the available edges in the transition model.
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            for b in self.g.nodes():
                if a != b:
                    i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
                    x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(b)
                    edge_str = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (i, j, x, y)
                    if self.gm.TransModel.has_key(edge_str):
                        rwd = self.GetRewardForState(i, j)
                        self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                        '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
        # Store a copy of g, so that we can re-run the MDP when needed
        # This is because, we will end up adding
        self.g_copy = self.g.copy()

    def GetRomsData(self, yy, mm, dd, numDays, UpdateSelf=True):
        ''' Loads up ROMs data from a particular day, for a certain number of days and supports self-update
            yy (int): year
            mm (int): month
            dd (int): day
            numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
            UpdateSelf (bool): Should the MDP update itself with the ROMS data being loaded? 
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gm.GetRomsData(yy, mm, dd, numDays)
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gs.gm.GetRomsData(
            yy, mm, dd, numDays)
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gsR.gm.GetRomsData(
            yy, mm, dd, numDays)
        if UpdateSelf:
            self.u, self.v, self.time1, self.depth, self.lat, self.lon = u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon
            self.yy, self.mm, self.dd = yy, mm, dd
        self.numDays = numDays
        self.gm.numDays = numDays
        return u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon

    def isOnMap(self, s):
        ''' Test whether the state being tested is within the map.
            s (dict {'x','y'}) : dictionary with 'x' and 'y' values
        x, y = s
        if x < 0 or x >= self.gm.Width:
            return False
        if y < 0 or y >= self.gm.Height:
            return False
        return True

    def GetRewardForState(self, x, y):
        ''' Get the reward for a state-action pair. We use a dictionary here
        to perform a lookup if we have already computed this earlier.
            state (node_str) : node we are currently evaluating
            action (edge_str): action (or edge) we are currently computing the reward for.
            self.Rwd[state-action-pair-str] with computed reward.
            self.Rwd[state-action-pair-str] if previously computed, else computes it and returns that result.
        OffMapNotObs = False  # Treat locations off the map as high-risk locations
        state_str = '%d,%d' % (x, y)
        if self.Rwd.has_key(state_str):
            return self.Rwd[state_str]
            lat, lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x, y)
            riskVal = self.gm.GetRisk(lat, lon, OffMapNotObs)
            self.Rwd[state_str] = -riskVal
            return self.Rwd[state_str]

    def GetUtilityForStateTransition(self, state, state_prime):
        ''' Compute the Utility for performing the state transition of going 
        from state to state_prime.
            state (tuple of (int,int)): state x,y in planning graph coods.
            state_prime (tuple of (int,int)): state_prime x,y in P.graph coods.
            Utility (float) : utility for this state transition.
        x, y = state
        xp, yp = state_prime
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        Util = 0.
        totalProb = 0
        transProb = 0

        if state_prime == self.goal:
            return self.mdp['U'][y][x]

        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, xp, yp)
        if self.gm.TransModel.has_key(stateTrans):
            transProbs = self.gm.TransModel[stateTrans][2]
            tPSize = self.gm.TransModel[stateTrans][1]
            zeroLoc = self.gm.TransModel[stateTrans][0]

            # Iterate over all possible actions
            for j in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                for i in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                    state_action = (x + i - zeroLoc, y + j - zeroLoc)
                    if i != j:
                        if self.isOnMap(state_prime) and self.isOnMap(
                            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[yp],self.gm.lon_pts[xp], \
                                transProb = transProbs[j][i]
                                totalProb += transProb
                                # This looks like a bug to me...
                                Util += transProb * self.mdp['U'][
                                    y + j - zeroLoc][x + i - zeroLoc]
                                #Util += transProb * self.mdp['U'][y+j-zeroLoc][x+i-zeroLoc]
        if totalProb != 1:
            transProb = 1 - totalProb
            Util += transProb * self.mdp['U'][y][x]
        #print Util
        return Util

    def CalculateTransUtilities(self, state):
        ''' Get all the transition utilities based upon all the actions we can take
        from this state.
            state (x,y) : tuple containing x and y locations in graph-coordinates
        x, y = state
        # Transition graph should have all the out-going edges from this place via
        # neighbors of this node.
        # (To see weights in graph, we can do self.g['(i,j)']['(k,l)']['weight'] ).
        UtilVec = {}
        for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges('(%d,%d)' % (x, y), data=True):
            #print u,v,d['weight']
            sa_rwd = d['weight']
            ''' Goals, are trapping terminal states.
            if d.has_key('goal_edge'):
                if self.goalReached:
                    sa_rwd = 0.
                    self.goalReached = True

            x1, y1 = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(u)
            x2, y2 = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(v)
            stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x1, y1, x2, y2)
                stateTrans] = sa_rwd + self.gamma * self.GetUtilityForStateTransition(
                    (x1, y1), (x2, y2))

        return UtilVec

    def ReInitializeMDP(self):
        self.mdp['U'] = np.zeros((self.gm.Height, self.gm.Width))
        self.mdp['Uprime'] = np.zeros((self.gm.Height, self.gm.Width))
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()

    def SetGoalAndInitTerminalStates(self, goal, rewardVal=10):
        ''' Set the goal location, and initialize everything including 
        terminal states.
            goal (x,y) : tuple with (x,y) given in graph coordinates.
            rewardVal (float): Reward value for getting to the goal. Defaults to 10.
        self.mdp['U'][goal[1], goal[0]] = rewardVal
        self.mdp['Uprime'] = self.mdp['U'].copy()
        self.goal = goal
        self.goalReached = False
        ''' The goal is a trapping state, so we 
        We remove all the out-going edges from the goal, and add a self-edge with weight zero.
        for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges('(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]),
            self.g.remove_edge(u, v)
        self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]),
                        '(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]),

    def doValueIteration(self, eps=0.00001, MaxRuns=50):
        ''' Perform Value Iteration.
            eps (float) : epsilon -> a small value which indicates the maximum change in utilities over an iteration we are interested in.
            MaxRuns (int) : maximum number of runs to do value iteration for. If negative, we will quit when the epsilon criterion is reached.
            set the value of gamma if you want discounted rewards. By default gamma is 1.
        for i in range(0, MaxRuns):
            self.mdp['U'] = self.mdp['Uprime'].copy()
            self.delta = 0.
            for nodeStr in self.g.nodes():
                x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(nodeStr)
                Utils = self.CalculateTransUtilities((x, y))
                ExpUtilVec = Utils.values()
                maxExpectedUtility = max(ExpUtilVec)
                #print x,y,maxExpectedUtility
                self.mdp['Uprime'][y, x] = maxExpectedUtility

                absDiff = abs(self.mdp['Uprime'][y, x] - self.mdp['U'][y, x])
                if (absDiff > self.delta):
                    self.delta = absDiff
            print 'delta=%f' % (self.delta)
            print 'U', self.mdp['U']
            if (self.delta <= eps * (1 - self.gamma) / self.gamma):
                print 'delta is smaller than eps %f. Terminating.' % (
        # Get Policy tree.

    ''' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ---------------------------------- Code to create the policy tree -----------------------------   

    def DisplayPolicy(self, FigHandle=None):
        ''' Display MDP policy
            FigHandle -> Pyplot.Figure handle if we want to draw the policy on the
            previous figure. If this is not passed, a new figure will be created.
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        Xpolicy = np.zeros((width, height))
        Ypolicy = np.zeros((width, height))
        Xloc, Yloc = np.zeros((width, height)), np.zeros((width, height))
        Uprime = self.mdp['U']
        if FigHandle == None:

        for a in self.g.nodes():
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            Xloc[x][y], Yloc[x][y] = x, y
            UtilVec = np.zeros(10)
            maxUtil = -float('inf')
            k, maxU, maxV = 0, 0, 0
            for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges(a, data=True):
                i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(v)
                UtilVec[k] = Uprime[j][i]
                if maxUtil <= UtilVec[k]:
                    maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                    maxU, maxV = i - x, j - y
                    k = k + 1
                Xpolicy[x][y], Ypolicy[x][y] = 0.5 * maxU, 0.5 * maxV
        plt.quiver(Xloc, Yloc, Xpolicy, Ypolicy)
        plt.title('MDP Policy')
        return Xpolicy, Ypolicy

    def GetPolicyTreeForMDP(self):
        ''' Get the policy tree for the MDP. This is required in order for us to be able to
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height

        Uprime = self.mdp['Uprime']
        self.gm2 = nx.DiGraph()

        for a in self.g.nodes():
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            UtilVec = np.zeros(10)
            maxUtil = -float('inf')
            k, maxU, maxV = 0, 0, 0
            for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges(a, data=True):
                i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(v)
                UtilVec[k] = Uprime[j][i]
                if maxUtil <= UtilVec[k]:
                    maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                    maxU, maxV = i - x, j - y
                    bestNode = v
                    k = k + 1
            if not (maxU == 0 and maxV == 0):
                self.gm2.add_edge(a, bestNode, weight=maxUtil)
        if self.UseNetworkX == False:
            dot = write(self.gm2)
            G = gv.AGraph(dot)
            G.layout(prog = 'dot')
        return self.gm2

    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self, curNode, goal, forceGoal=False):
        if curNode == goal:
            return self.goal[0], self.goal[1]

            neighborNode = self.gm2.neighbors(
                '(%d,%d)' % (int(curNode[0]), int(curNode[1])))
            if len(neighborNode) > 0:
                nextNode = neighborNode[0]
                nextNode = None
        except nx.NetworkXError:
            nextNode = None

        if nextNode != None:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode)  # Changed this!!!
            #m2 =re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)',goal)
            if m:
                return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))

        return self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph(curNode)

    def FindNearestNodeOnGraph(self, curNode):
        nearest_dist = float('inf')
        best_utility = -float('inf')
        nearest_node = (None, None)
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = curNode
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            dist = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)
            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i], \
                if self.mdp['U'][y][x] > best_utility and dist < self.Dmax:
                    best_utility = self.mdp['U'][y][x]
                    nearest_node = (x, y)
        return nearest_node

    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self,curNode,goal,forceGoal=False):
        if curNode == goal:
            return self.goal[0],self.goal[1]
        self.UseNetworkX = True
        import networkx as nx
            if self.UseNetworkX:
                neighborNode = self.gm2.neighbors(curNode)
                if len(neighborNode)>0:
                    nextNode = neighborNode[0]
                    nextNode = None
                nextNode = self.pol_tree.node_neighbors[curNode]
        except KeyError:
        except nx.NetworkXError:
            nextNode = None
        if nextNode!=None:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode) # Changed this!!!
            m2 =re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)',goal)
            if m:
                return int(m.group(1)),int(m.group(2))
            if m2:
                return int(m2.group(1)),int(m2.group(2))
        if forceGoal==True:
            return self.goal[0],self.goal[1]
            return self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph()
    def FindNearestNodeOnGraph(self,curNode):
        nearest_dist = float('inf')
        best_utility = -float('inf')
        nearest_node = (None,None)
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i,j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(curNode)
            x,y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            dist = math.sqrt((i-x)**2+(j-y)**2)
            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i], \
                    if self.mdp['U'][y][x] > best_utility and dist<self.Dmax:
                        best_utility = self.mdp['U'][y][x]
                        nearest_node =  (x,y)
        return nearest_node
    ''' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ---------------------------------- Code for Performing Simulations ----------------------------   

    def GetRiskFromXY(self, x, y):
        '''  Looks up the risk value for x,y from the risk-map
            x,y (float,float) : x and y in graph coordinates.
        lat, lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x, y)
        return self.gm.GetRisk(lat, lon)

    def SimulateAndPlotMDP_PolicyExecution(self,
        ''' Simulate and Plot the MDP policy execution.
            start (x,y) : tuple containing the start vertex on the graph
            goal (x,y) : tuple containing the goal vertex on the graph
            k (int) :  time in hours for the simulation to start from
            newFig (bool) : default=True, creates a new figure if set to true. If multiple simulations need overlaying, this is set to false.
            lineType (string): matplotlib line type. defaults to 'r-'
            NoPlot (bool) : default = False. Indicates that we do not want this plotted. (FIXME: Needs implementation).
            totalRisk (float): total risk associated with the path
            collisionState (bool): True if collided with land. False if no collision detected. 
        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.totalTime = 0
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False

        return self.gs.SimulateAndPlot_PolicyExecution(
            start, goal, simStartTime, self.maxDepth,
            self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode, lineType, newFig)

        self.a = start
        done = False
        i = 0
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        if simStartTime >= (24 * self.gm.numDays):
            simStartTime = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
        x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
        self.finX, self.finY = start[0], start[1]
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        while (not done):
            self.numHops += 1
            #print self.a[0],self.a[1]
                self.plot(a[0], a[1], 'k.')
                bx, by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(
                    '(%d,%d)' % (int(self.a[0] + 0.5), int(self.a[1] + 0.5)),
                    '(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]))
            except TypeError:
                bx, by = None, None
            #if bx==None and by==None:
            #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if bx != None and by != None:
                b = (bx, by)
                #tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(bx,by)
                self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((self.a[0] - goal[0])**2 +
                                              (self.a[1] - goal[1])**2)
                if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                    self.isSuccess = True
                    done = True
                sLat, sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.a[0], self.a[1])
                gLat, gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(b[0], b[1])
                tStart = simStartTime + self.totalTime / 3600.
                if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                    tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
                xFin,yFin,latFin,lonFin,latArray,lonArray,depthArray,tArray,possibleCollision,CollisionReason,totalDist = \
                    self.gm.SimulateDive(sLat,sLon,gLat,gLon, self.gm.maxDepth, self.u, self.v, self.lat, self.lon, self.depth, tStart, False )
                #gm.SimulateDive(gm.lat_pts[a[1]], gm.lon_pts[a[0]], gm.lat_pts[b[1]], gm.lon_pts[b[0]], gm.maxDepth, u, v, lat, lon, depth, k)
                self.xFin,self.yFin,self.latFin,self.lonFin,self.latArray,self.lonArray,self.depthArray,self.tArray,self.possibleCollision = \
                self.totalPathLength += totalDist
                self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason

                if len(tArray > 0):
                    self.totalTime += tArray[-1]

                if possibleCollision == False:

                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    x_sims, y_sims = tempX[-1:][0], tempY[-1:][
                        0]  # TODO: This might be wrong!
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    if x_sims != [] and y_sims != []:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(x_sims, y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = x_sims, y_sims
                        self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)

                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                        if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                            self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(
                                tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                            self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1], tempY[-1]
                        plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach!
                    self.a = (x_sims[0], y_sims[0])
                    self.finX, self.finY = self.a
                except IndexError:
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach
                    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                i = i + 1
                if i > self.maxLengths:
                    done = True
            else:  # We did not get a policy here.
                self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
                done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False

    def InitMDP_Simulation(self,
        ''' Initialize Simulation of the MDP policy execution.
            start (x,y) : tuple containing the start vertex on the graph
            goal (x,y) : tuple containing the goal vertex on the graph
            startT (int) :  time in hours for the simulation to start from
            lineType (string): matplotlib line type. defaults to 'r-'
            newFig (bool) : default=True, creates a new figure if set to true. If multiple simulations need overlaying, this is set to false.
        self.DoFullSim = False
        self.HoldValsOffMap = True

        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.totalTime = 0
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False
        self.a = self.start
        self.done = False
        self.Indx = 0
        self.lineType = lineType
        self.possibleCollision = False
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        #if startT>=(24*self.gm.numDays):
        #   startT = 24*self.gm.numDays-1
        self.startT = startT
        self.x_sims, self.y_sims = 0, 0
        self.finX, self.finY = start[0], start[1]
        self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.start[0],
        self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.goal[0],
        self.latArray, self.lonArray = [], []
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.lastLegComplete = True
        self.bx, self.by = None, None
        self.lastTransition = None

        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')

    def SimulateAndPlotMDP_PolicyExecution_R(self,
        ''' Simulate and plot the MDP policy execution in a re-entrant manner. This simulation is very useful
        when we want to create a movie of how things are progressing. It can be called over and over again
        after a single call to InitMDP_Simulation_
            simulTime (float) : indicates the maximum amount of time we want to simulate for in hours. Defaults to -1, which means that it will only exit after completing the simulation.
            PostDeltaSimCallback: default=None. This is a user-defined callback function which will be executed upon completion of the simulation.
            PostSurfaceCallbackFn: default=None. This is a user-defined callback function which will be executed when the glider surfaces. This might happen
            in between a surfacing.
                totalRisk (float): total risk associated with the path
                collisionState (bool): True if collided with land. False if no collision detected.
        i = self.Indx
        tStart = self.startT
        #self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating;
        if self.lastLegComplete == True:
            self.numHops += 1
                self.lastTransition = [(int(self.a[0] + 0.5),
                                        int(self.a[1] + 0.5)),
                                       (self.bx, self.by)]
                self.bx, self.by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(
                    '(%d,%d)' % (int(self.a[0]), int(self.a[1])),
                    '(%d,%d)' % (self.goal[0], self.goal[1]))
                if PostSurfaceCallbackFn != None:
                    PostSurfaceCallbackFn(self.latArray, self.lonArray)
                self.b = (self.bx, self.by)
                self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(
                    self.a[0], self.a[1])
                self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(
                    self.b[0], self.b[1])
                self.gm.InitSim(self.sLat, self.sLon, self.gLat, self.gLon,
                                self.gm.MaxDepth, tStart, self.DoFullSim,
            except TypeError:
                self.bx, self.by = None, None
        if self.bx != None and self.by != None:
            xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision, CollisionReason, totalDist = \
                self.gm.SimulateDive_R(simulTime) # If this is <1 it will have the same behavior as before.
            self.xFin, self.yFin, self.latFin, self.lonFin, self.latArray, self.lonArray, self.depthArray, self.tArray, self.possibleCollision = \
                xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision
            self.totalPathLength += totalDist
            self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason
            self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating
            if PostDeltaSimCallback != None:
                PostDeltaSimCallback(latArray, lonArray)

            self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((self.a[0] - self.goal[0])**2 +
                                          (self.a[1] - self.goal[1])**2)
            if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                self.isSuccess = True
                self.done = True

            if len(tArray > 0):
                self.totalTime += tArray[-1]
            self.thisSimulTime = tArray[-1]
            tStart = self.startT + self.totalTime / 3600.
            if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1

            if possibleCollision == False:
                tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),
                self.x_sims, self.y_sims = tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:]
                plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                if self.x_sims != [] and self.y_sims != []:
                    if self.lastLegComplete:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(self.x_sims, self.y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = self.x_sims, self.y_sims
                        self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                    if self.lastLegComplete:
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)
                if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                    self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)

                tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),
                if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                        self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(
                            tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                        self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1], tempY[-1]
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                self.x_sims, self.y_sims = 0, 0
                self.done = True
                return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach!
                self.a = (self.x_sims[0], self.y_sims[0])
                self.finX, self.finY = self.a
            except IndexError:
                self.done = True
                return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if self.lastLegComplete == True:  # Finished simulating a leg.
                i = i + 1
                #if i > self.maxLengths:
                #    self.CollisionReason = 'MaxHopsExceeded'
                #    self.done = True
            else:  # Since this is a re-entrant simulator... Get done here...
                self.done = True
        else:  # We did not get a policy here.
            self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
            self.done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False
Пример #6
class Replanner(object):
    ''' Replanner - A class that executes one of two types of planners (Min-Risk or Min-Expected-Risk).
    The replanning stems from the fact that when the robot surfaces at the waypoint it thinks
    it hit, it replans and resumes execution (at-least during simulation of such a planner).
    def __init__(self,
        self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName,
                              sfcst_directory)  # Initializes risk, obs maps.
        self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.Dmax = dMax
        self.maxLengths = 50
        self.numDays = 3
        self.acceptR = 0.6
        self.UseNetworkX = None
        self.maxDepth = 60.
            from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
            from pygraph.algorithms.searching import depth_first_search
            from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path_bellman_ford
            from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
            from pygraph.readwrite.dot import write
            self.UseNetworkX = False
        except ImportError:
            print 'Please install or specify path to pygraph'
        # Import graphviz
            import pygraphviz as gv
        except ImportError:
            print 'Please install or specify path to pygraphviz'
            if self.UseNetworkX == None:
                import networkx as nx
                self.UseNetworkX = True
        except ImportError:
            print 'Please install networkX'

    def GetTransitionModelFromShelf(self,
        """ Loads up Transition models from the shelf for a given number of days, starting from a particular day, and a given amount of noise in position and/or a given amount of noise in the current predictions. We assume these models have been created earlier using ProduceTransitionModels.
                * yy (int): year
                * mm (int): month
                * dd (int): day
                * numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
                * posNoise (float): Amount of std-deviation of the random noise used in picking the start location
                * currentNoise (float): Amount of prediction noise in the ocean model
                * shelfDirectory (str): Directory in which the Transition models are located.
        self.posNoise = posNoise
        self.currentNoise = currentNoise
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise == None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d.shelf' %
                                  (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays),
        if posNoise != None:
            if currentNoise != None:
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise,
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise),
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise != None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open(
                '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, currentNoise),

        self.gm.TransModel = gmShelf['TransModel']
        self.gModel = {}
        self.gModel['TransModel'] = gmShelf['TransModel']

    def GetRomsData(self,
        ''' Loads up ROMs data from a particular day, for a certain number of days and supports self-update
            yy (int): year
            mm (int): month
            dd (int): day
            numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
            UpdateSelf (bool): Should the MDP update itself with the ROMS data being loaded? 
        useNewFormat = True
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gm.GetRomsData(
            yy, mm, dd, numDays, useNewFormat, usePredictionData)
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gs.gm.GetRomsData(
            yy, mm, dd, numDays, useNewFormat, usePredictionData)
        #u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon = self.gsR.gm.GetRomsData(yy,mm,dd,numDays,useNewFormat,usePredictionData)
        if UpdateSelf:
            self.u, self.v, self.time1, self.depth, self.lat, self.lon = u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon
            self.yy, self.mm, self.dd = yy, mm, dd
        self.numDays = numDays
        self.gm.numDays = numDays
        return u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon

    def GetRomsData(self,yy,mm,dd,numDays,UseNewFormat=True,usePredictionData=False):
        u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon = self.gs.gm.GetRomsData(yy,mm,dd,numDays,UseNewFormat,usePredictionData)
        u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon = self.gm.GetRomsData(yy,mm,dd,numDays,UseNewFormat,usePredictionData)
        self.u,self.v,self.time1,self.depth,self.lat,self.lon = u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon
        self.numDays = numDays
        return u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon

    def isOnMapRP(self, s):
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        if s[0] < 0 or s[0] >= width:
            return False
        if s[1] < 0 or s[1] >= height:
            return False
        return True

    def GetExpRiskOld(self, v1, v2):
        x, y = v1[0], v1[1]
        xp, yp = v2[0], v2[1]
        expRisk = 0
        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, xp, yp)
        if self.gModel['TransModel'].has_key(stateTrans):
            transProbs, tPSize, zeroLoc = self.gModel['TransModel'][stateTrans][2], \
                                          self.gModel['TransModel'][stateTrans][1], \
            totalProb = 0
            for j in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                for i in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                    xp2, yp2 = x + i - zeroLoc, y + j - zeroLoc
                    transProb = transProbs[i][j]
                    totalProb += transProb
                    if self.isOnMapRP((xp2, yp2)):
                        expRisk += transProb * self.gm.GetRisk(
                            self.gm.lat_pts[yp2], self.gm.lon_pts[xp2])
                        expRisk += transProb * 1.0  # Off map locations get high-risk!
            expRisk = None

        return expRisk

    def GetExpRisk(self, v1, v2):
        x, y = v1[0], v1[1]
        xp, yp = v2[0], v2[1]
        expRisk = 0
        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, xp, yp)
        if self.gModel['TransModel'].has_key(stateTrans):
            transProbs, tPSize, zeroLoc = self.gModel['TransModel'][stateTrans][2], \
                                          self.gModel['TransModel'][stateTrans][1], \
            totalProb = 0
            for j in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                for i in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                    xp2, yp2 = x + i - zeroLoc, y + j - zeroLoc
                    transProb = transProbs[i][j]
                    totalProb += transProb
                    if self.isOnMapRP((xp2, yp2)):
                        expRisk += transProb * self.gm.GetRisk(
                            self.gm.lat_pts[yp2], self.gm.lon_pts[xp2])
                        expRisk += transProb * 1.0  # Off map locations get high-risk!

            expRisk = None

        return expRisk

    def CreateExpRiskGraph(self):
        # Short-circuit this!
        return self.CreateGraphUsingProximityGraph('MinExpRisk')

        # This is what we used to do earlier. Won't be running
        # unless we actually want it to.
        self.g = nx.DiGraph()

        for j in range(0, self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                self.g.add_node('(%d,%d)' % (i, j))

        for j in range(0, self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                for y in range(0, self.gm.Height):
                    for x in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                        if math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2) <= self.Dmax:
                            if self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(
                                    self.gm.lat_pts[j], self.gm.lon_pts[i],
                                    self.gm.lon_pts[x]) == False:
                                expRisk = self.GetExpRisk((i, j), (x, y))
                                if expRisk != None:
                                    self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                                    '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
        ### If we want to write this graph out.
        #dot = write(g)
        #G = gv.AGraph(dot)
        #G.layout(prog ='dot')
        return self.g

    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self, nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)', nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
            return None, None

    def GetNodesFromEdgeStr(self, edgeStr):
        ''' Convert from a transition model edge string to the
        respective edges on the graph
        m = re.match('([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)', edgeStr)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = None, None, None, None
        if m:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(
                m.group(3)), int(m.group(4))
        return x1, y1, x2, y2

    def CreateGraphUsingProximityGraph(self, graphType='MinExpRisk'):
        import networkx as nx
        self.g = nx.DiGraph()

        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
        num_nodes_compared, num_nodes_added = 0, 0
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            for b in self.g.nodes():
                if a != b:
                    num_nodes_compared += 1
                    i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
                    x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(b)
                    if math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2) <= self.Dmax:
                        print 'Considering: (%d,%d) to (%d,%d):' % (i, j, x, y)
                        if self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],
                                                self.gm.lon_pts[x]) == False:
                            if graphType == 'MinExpRisk':
                                expRisk = self.GetExpRisk((i, j), (x, y))
                                if expRisk != None:
                                    self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                                    '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
                                    print 'Added edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=%.2f' % (
                                        i, j, x, y, expRisk)
                                    print 'Rejected edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=None' % (
                                        i, j, x, y)
                            elif graphType == 'MinRisk':
                                riskVal = self.gm.GetRisk(
                                    self.gm.lat_pts[y], self.gm.lon_pts[x])
                                if riskVal != None:
                                    self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                                    '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
                                    print 'Added edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=%.2f' % (
                                        i, j, x, y, riskVal)
                                    num_nodes_added += 1
                                    print 'Rejected edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=None' % (
                                        i, j, x, y)
                            elif graphType == 'ShortestPath':
                                self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                                '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
                                                weight=math.sqrt((x - i)**2. +
                                                                 (y - j)**2.))
                            print 'Rejected due to collision!'

        print 'Total # of edges compared=%d, # of edges added=%d' % (
            num_nodes_compared, num_nodes_added)
        ### If we want to write this graph out.
        #dot = write(g)
        #G = gv.AGraph(dot)
        #G.layout(prog ='dot')
        return self.g

    def CreateMinRiskGraph(self):
        A ROMS unaware planner. This planner totally avoids locations 
        # Short-circuit this!
        return self.CreateGraphUsingProximityGraph('MinRisk')

        # This is what we used to do earlier. Won't be running
        # unless we actually want it to.

        import networkx as nx
        self.g = nx.DiGraph()

        for j in range(0, self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                if self.UseNetworkX:
                    self.g.add_node('(%d,%d)' % (i, j))
                    self.g.add_nodes(['(%d,%d)' % (i, j)])
                    self.g.add_node_attribute('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                              ('position', (i, j)))

        for j in range(0, self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                for y in range(0, self.gm.Height):
                    for x in range(0, self.gm.Width):
                        if math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2) <= self.Dmax:
                            if self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(
                                    self.gm.lat_pts[j], self.gm.lon_pts[i],
                                    self.gm.lon_pts[x]) == False:
                                riskVal = self.gm.GetRisk(
                                    self.gm.lat_pts[y], self.gm.lon_pts[x])
                                if riskVal != None:
                                    if self.UseNetworkX == True:
                                        self.g.add_edge('(%d,%d)' % (i, j),
                                                        '(%d,%d)' % (x, y),
                                            ('(%d,%d)' % (i, j), '(%d,%d)' %
                                             (x, y)),
        return self.g

    def GetShortestPathMST(self, goal):
        ''' Find the shortest path Minimum-Spanning Tree
        if self.g != None:
            if self.UseNetworkX:
                import networkx as nx
                self.sp_mst = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.g)
                self.dist = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(self.g)
                from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
                self.sp_mst, self.dist = shortest_path(
                    self.g, '(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]))
            return self.sp_mst, self.dist
            print 'CreateExpRiskGraph first before calling GetShortestPathMST(goal)'
            return None, None

    def GetPathXYfromPathList(self, path2goal):
        ''' Find the path in two lists (pathX,pathY) from the string values of path-list
        pathX, pathY = [], []
        for pathEl in path2goal:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', pathEl)
            if (m):
        return pathX, pathY

    def BackTrackNxPath(self, source, goal):
        source_str = '(%d,%d)' % (source[0], source[1])
        goal_str = '(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1])
            path2goal = self.sp_mst[source_str][goal_str]
        except KeyError:
            return None, None, None
            return None, None, None
        pathX, pathY = self.GetPathXYfromPathList(path2goal)
        return path2goal, pathX, pathY

    def BackTrackPath(self, mst, source):
        # source and goal are specified as tuples
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        source_str = '(%d,%d)' % (source[0], source[1])
        path2goal = []
        pathX, pathY = [], []
        path_str = source_str
            while (mst[path_str] != None):
                path_str = mst[path_str]
            print path2goal
            pathX, pathY = self.GetPathXYfromPathList(path2goal)
        except KeyError:
            return None, None, None
        return path2goal, pathX, pathY

    def PlotMRpaths(self, goal):
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.title('Plot of Min-Exp Risk MST (Goal at:(%d,%d))' %
                  (goal[0], goal[1]))
        sp_mst, dist = self.GetShortestPathMST(goal)
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            path2goal, pathX, pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath((i, j), goal)
            plt.plot(pathX, pathY, 'k*-')

        #for j in range(0,self.gm.Height):
        #    for i in range(0,self.gm.Width):
        #        if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i]):
        #           path2goal,pathX,pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath((i,j), goal)
        #           plt.plot(pathX,pathY,'k*-') # TODO: Check why this is so!!!
        return fig

    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self, curNode, goal, forceGoal=False):
        #print 'curNode',curNode
        x, y = curNode
        return self.GetPolicyNxMR((x, y))

    def GetPolicyNxMR(self, curNode):
        if curNode == self.goal:
            return self.goal[0], self.goal[1]

        path2goal, pathX, pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath(curNode, self.goal)
        if pathX == None and pathY == None:
            return self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph(curNode, self.goal)
        if len(path2goal) > 1:
            return pathX[1], pathY[1]
            return pathX[0], pathY[0]

    def FindNearestNodeOnGraph(self, curNode, goal):
        nearest_dist = float('inf')
        nearest_node = (None, None)
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = curNode
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            dist = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)
            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[int(j)],self.gm.lon_pts[int(i)], \
                if (dist < self.Dmax):
                    if self.dist['(%d,%d)' %
                                 (x, y)]['(%d,%d)' %
                                         (goal[0], goal[1])] < nearest_dist:
                        nearest_dist = self.dist['(%d,%d)' %
                                                 (x, y)]['(%d,%d)' %
                                                         (goal[0], goal[1])]
                        nearest_node = (x, y)
        return nearest_node

    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self, nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
            nodeStr (string): A string in the form of '(x,y)'.
            x,y if the string is in the form expected.
            None,None if a mal-formed string.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)', nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
            return None, None

    def GetPolicyMR(self, mst, curNode):
        m1 = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', curNode)
        if m1:
            if mst.has_key(curNode):
                nextNode = mst[curNode]
                if nextNode != None:
                    m2 = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode)
                    if m2:
                        return int(m2.group(1)), int(m2.group(2))
            return int(m1.group(1)), int(m1.group(2))
        return None, None

    def GetRiskFromXY(self, x, y):
        lat, lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x, y)
        return self.gm.GetRisk(lat, lon)

    def SimulateAndPlotMR_PolicyExecution(self,
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalTime = 0.
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False

        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')

        return self.gs.SimulateAndPlot_PolicyExecution(
            start, goal, simStartTime, self.maxDepth,
            self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode, lineType, newFig)

        a = start
        done = False
        i = 0
        k = simStartTime
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        if k >= (24 * self.gm.numDays):
            k = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
        x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
        self.finX, self.finY = start[0], start[1]
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        while (not done):
            self.numHops += 1
                bx, by = self.GetPolicyNxMR((int(a[0] + 0.5), int(a[1] + 0.5)))
                print 'At :(%.1f,%.1f). Going to: (%d,%d)' % (a[0], a[1], bx,
            except TypeError:
                bx, by = None, None
            if bx != None and by != None:
                b = (bx, by)

                self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((a[0] - goal[0])**2 +
                                              (a[1] - goal[1])**2)
                if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                    self.isSuccess = True
                    done = True
                sLat, sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(a[0], a[1])
                gLat, gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(b[0], b[1])
                tStart = k + self.totalTime / 3600.
                if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                    tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
                xFin,yFin,latFin,lonFin,latArray,lonArray,depthArray,tArray,possibleCollision,CollisionReason,totalDist = \
                    self.gm.SimulateDive(sLat,sLon,gLat,gLon, self.gm.maxDepth, self.u, self.v, self.lat, self.lon, self.depth, tStart, False )
                self.totalPathLength += totalDist
                self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason
                #gm.SimulateDive(gm.lat_pts[a[1]], gm.lon_pts[a[0]], gm.lat_pts[b[1]], gm.lon_pts[b[0]], gm.maxDepth, u, v, lat, lon, depth, k)

                # This will allow us to compute how far from the goal we are...
                self.xFin,self.yFin,self.latFin,self.lonFin,self.latArray,self.lonArray,self.depthArray,self.tArray,self.possibleCollision = \

                if len(tArray > 0):
                    self.totalTime += tArray[-1]

                if possibleCollision == False:
                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    x_sims, y_sims = tempX[-1:][0], tempY[-1:][0]
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    if x_sims != [] and y_sims != []:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(x_sims, y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = x_sims, y_sims
                        self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)

                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                        if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                            self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(
                                tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                            self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:]
                        plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True  # landed = true

                    a = (x_sims[0], y_sims[0])
                    self.finX, self.finY = a
                except IndexError:
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True
                    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                i = i + 1
                if i > self.maxLengths:
                    done = True
                self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
                done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False
Пример #7
class MDP(object):
    """ Main MDP Class. Implementation of an MDP class that does minimum-risk planning.
    def __init__(self,
        """ This function initializes the class.
                * shelfName (str): Name of shelf-file that contains obstacle and risk maps
                * sfcst_directory (str): Directory in which ROMS small-forecast files have been stored.
        self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName, sfcst_directory)
        self.Dmax = dMax
        self.maxLengths = 50
        self.numDays = 3
        self.acceptR = 0.6
        self.mdp = {}
        States = {}
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        #for j in range(0, height):
        #       for i in range(0, width):
        import networkx as nx
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            state_str = 'S_%d%d' % (i, j)
            State = {}
            State['x'] = i
            State['y'] = j
            States[state_str] = State
        self.mdp['States'] = States
        self.mdp['Obs'] = np.where(self.gm.riskMap >= 1., 1, 0)
        self.mdp['Rwd'] = -self.gm.riskMap
        self.possibleCollision = False

    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self, nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)', nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
            return None, None

    def GetNodesFromEdgeStr(self, edgeStr):
        ''' Convert from a transition model edge string to the
        respective edges on the graph
            * edgeStr (str): string in the format '(x1,y1),(x2,y2)'
            * x1, y1, x2, y2 values above, or None, None, None, None if string did not match.
        m = re.match('([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)', edgeStr)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = None, None, None, None
        if m:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(
                m.group(3)), int(m.group(4))
        return x1, y1, x2, y2

    def GetTransitionModelFromShelf(self,
        """ Loads up Transition models from the shelf for a given number of days, starting from a particular day, and a given amount of noise in position and/or a given amount of noise in the current predictions. We assume these models have been created earlier using ProduceTransitionModels.
                * yy (int): year
                * mm (int): month
                * dd (int): day
                * numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
                * posNoise (float): Amount of std-deviation of the random noise used in picking the start location
                * currentNoise (float): Amount of prediction noise in the ocean model
                * shelfDirectory (str): Directory in which the Transition models are located.
        self.posNoise = posNoise
        self.currentNoise = currentNoise
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise == None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d.shelf' %
                                  (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays),
        if posNoise != None:
            if currentNoise != None:
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise,
                gmShelf = shelve.open(
                    '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f.shelf' %
                    (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, posNoise),
        if posNoise == None and currentNoise != None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open(
                '%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_RN_%.3f.shelf' %
                (shelfDirectory, yy, mm, dd, numDays, currentNoise),
        self.gm.TransModel = gmShelf['TransModel']
        if gmShelf.has_key('FinalLocs'):
            self.gm.FinalLocs = gmShelf['FinalLocs']
        if gmShelf.has_key('TracksInModel'):
            self.gm.TracksInModel = gmShelf['TracksInModel']
        self.gModel = {}
        self.gModel['TransModel'] = gmShelf['TransModel']
        self.mdp['transProbs'] = self.gModel['TransModel']
        self.mdp['width'], self.mdp['height'] = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height

    def GetRomsData(self, yy, mm, dd, numDays, UpdateSelf=True):
        ''' Loads up ROMs data from a particular day, for a certain number of days and supports self-update
            :param self:
            :param yy: year
            :param mm: month
            :param dd: day
            :param numDays: number of days the model is being built over
            :param UpdateSelf: Should the MDP update itself with the ROMS data being loaded?
            :type UpdateSelf: 
        u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon = self.gm.GetRomsData(yy, mm, dd, numDays)
        if UpdateSelf:
            self.u, self.v, self.time1, self.depth, self.lat, self.lon = u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon
            self.yy, self.mm, self.dd = yy, mm, dd
        self.numDays = numDays
        self.gm.numDays = numDays
        return u, v, time1, depth, lat, lon

    def isOnMap(self, s):
        ''' Test whether the state being tested is within the map.
            s (dict {'x','y'}) : dictionary with 'x' and 'y' values
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        if s['x'] < 0 or s['x'] >= width:
            return False
        if s['y'] < 0 or s['y'] >= height:
            return False
        return True

    def GetTrapStateForObs(self, x, y):
        ''' Get TrapStateForObstacles 
        State = {}
        State['x'], State['y'], State['trapped'] = x, y, False
        return State

    def SetGoalAndInitTerminalStates(self, goal, rewardVal=10):
        ''' Set the Goal location and initialize terminal states.
        TermStates = []
        GState = {}
        GState['x'], GState['y'], GState['trapped'] = goal[0], goal[1], False
        self.mdp['Rwd'] = -self.gm.riskMap
        self.mdp['Rwd'][goal[0], goal[1]] = rewardVal

        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        # Also add obstacles as terminal states.
        for y in range(0, height):
            for x in range(0, width):
                if self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[x], self.gm.lon_pts[y]):
                    state = self.GetTrapStateForObs(x, y)
        self.mdp['TermStates'] = TermStates

    def identifyTerminalState(self, State):
        TermStates = self.mdp['TermStates']
        for i in range(0, len(TermStates)):
            if TermStates[i]['x'] == State['x'] and TermStates[i][
                    'y'] == State['y']:
                if not TermStates[i]['trapped']:
                    TermStates[i]['trapped'] = True
                    return True, False, TermStates
                    return True, True, TermStates
        return False, False, TermStates  # Returns: isGoalState,isTrapped,TermStates

    def GetUtilityForStateTransition(self, State, sPrime):
        x, y = State['x'], State['y']
        xp, yp = sPrime['x'], sPrime['y']
        width, height = self.mdp['width'], self.mdp['height']
        Util = 0.
        totalProb = 0
        transProb = 0

        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, xp, yp)
        if self.mdp['transProbs'].has_key(stateTrans):
            transProbs = self.mdp['transProbs'][stateTrans][2]
            tPSize = self.mdp['transProbs'][stateTrans][1]
            zeroLoc = self.mdp['transProbs'][stateTrans][0]

            stateAction = {}
            Obs = self.mdp['Obs']
            # Iterate over all possible actions
            for j in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                for i in range(0, int(tPSize)):
                    stateAction['x'], stateAction[
                        'y'] = x + i - zeroLoc, y + j - zeroLoc
                    if i != j:
                        if self.isOnMap(sPrime) and self.isOnMap(stateAction):
                            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[sPrime['y']],self.gm.lon_pts[sPrime['x']], \
                                transProb = transProbs[j][i]
                                totalProb += transProb
                                Util += transProb * self.mdp['U'][
                                    x + i - zeroLoc][y + j - zeroLoc]

        if totalProb != 1:
            transProb = 1 - totalProb
            Util += transProb * self.mdp['U'][x][y]
        #print Util
        return Util

    def CalculateTransUtilities(self, State):
        x, y = State['x'], State['y']
        width, height = self.mdp['width'], self.mdp['height']
        # We have 4 possible actions we can try. Up, Down, Left and Right.
        UtilVec = {}
        sPrime = {}
        for j in range(-1, 2):
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                if i != j:
                    sPrime['x'], sPrime['y'] = x + i, y + j
                    if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[y],
                        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, x + i, y + j)
                            stateTrans] = self.GetUtilityForStateTransition(
                                State, sPrime)
        return UtilVec

    def CalculateTransUtilitiesOld(self, State):
        x, y = State['x'], State['y']
        width, height = self.mdp['width'], self.mdp['height']
        # We have 4 possible actions we can try. Up, Down, Left and Right.
        UtilVec = {}
        sPrime = {}
        for i in range(-1, 2):
            for j in range(-1, 2):
                if i != j:
                    sPrime['x'], sPrime['y'] = x + i, y + j
                    if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[y],
                        stateTrans = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x, y, x + i, y + j)
                            stateTrans] = self.GetUtilityForStateTransition(
                                State, sPrime)
        return UtilVec

    def doValueIteration(self, eps, MaxRuns=25):
        delta = 0
        gamma = 1
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        U = np.zeros((width, height))
        Uprime = np.zeros((width, height))
        R = self.mdp['Rwd']
        print R
        self.mdp['U'] = U
        self.mdp['Uprime'] = Uprime

        for i in range(0, MaxRuns):
            print '------------------------------- Running Iteration: %d, Delta=%.3f.' % (
                i, delta)
            U = Uprime.copy()
            self.mdp['U'] = U
            self.mdp['Uprime'] = Uprime
            delta = 0
            for State in self.mdp['States'].values():
                Rwd = R[State['x']][State['y']]
                #print Rwd
                if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[State['y']],
                    Utils = self.CalculateTransUtilities(State)
                    ExpUtilVec = Utils.values(
                    )  #[item for sublist in Utils.values() for item in sublist]
                    maxExpectedUtility = max(ExpUtilVec)
                    isTermState, isTrapped, TermStateUpdate = self.identifyTerminalState(
                    if isTermState:  # Don't give it a reward the second time around
                        if isTrapped:
                            Rwd = 0
                            Rwd = R[State['x']][State['y']]
                            self.mdp['TermStates'] = TermStateUpdate
                            'y']] = Rwd + gamma * U[State['x']][State['y']]
                            State['y']] = Rwd + gamma * maxExpectedUtility

                    absDiff = abs(Uprime[State['x']][State['y']] -
                    if (absDiff > delta):
                        delta = absDiff

            print 'delta=%f' % (delta)
            print 'U', U
            print 'Uprime', Uprime
            if (delta <= eps * (1 - gamma) / gamma):
                print 'delta is smaller than eps %f. Terminating.' % (delta)
        self.pol_tree = self.GetPolicyTreeForMDP()

    def DisplayPolicy(self,FigHandle = None): # TODO: Check this up again... Most of the indices are reversed!!!
        width,height = self.gm.Width,self.gm.Height
        Xpolicy = np.zeros((width,height))
        Ypolicy = np.zeros((width,height))
        Xloc,Yloc = np.zeros((width,height)), np.zeros((width,height))
        Uprime = self.mdp['U']
        if self.mdp.has_key('TermStates'):
            TermStates= self.mdp['TermStates'][0]
            TermStates={}; TermStates['x']='None'; TermStates['y']=None
        if FigHandle==None:
        #for y in range(0,height):
        #    for x in range(0,width):
        for a in self.g.nodes():
                x,y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a) 
                Xloc[x][y],Yloc[x][y] = x,y
                UtilVec = np.zeros(10)
                maxUtil = -float('inf')
                k,maxU,maxV= 0,0,0
                if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x]) and not(TermStates['x']==x and TermStates['y']==y):
                    for j in range(-1,2):
                        for i in range(-1,2):
                            if (not(i==0 and j==0) and (x+i)>=0 and (x+i)<width and (y+j)>=0 and (y+j)<height \
                                and not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x],self.gm.lat_pts[y+j],self.gm.lon_pts[x+i])):
                                UtilVec[k] = Uprime[x+i][y+j]
                                if maxUtil<=UtilVec[k]:
                                    maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                                    maxU,maxV = i,j
                    Xpolicy[x][y],Ypolicy[x][y] = 0.5*maxU, 0.5*maxV
        plt.title('MDP Policy')
        return Xpolicy,Ypolicy

    def DisplayPolicy(self, FigHandle=None):
        ''' Display MDP policy
            FigHandle -> Pyplot.Figure handle if we want to draw the policy on the
            previous figure. If this is not passed, a new figure will be created.
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        Xpolicy = np.zeros((width, height))
        Ypolicy = np.zeros((width, height))
        Xloc, Yloc = np.zeros((width, height)), np.zeros((width, height))
        Uprime = self.mdp['U']
        if FigHandle == None:

        for a in self.g.nodes():
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            Xloc[x][y], Yloc[x][y] = x, y
            UtilVec = np.zeros(10)
            maxUtil = -float('inf')
            k, maxU, maxV = 0, 0, 0
            for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges(a, data=True):
                i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(v)
                UtilVec[k] = Uprime[j][i]
                if maxUtil <= UtilVec[k]:
                    maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                    maxU, maxV = i - x, j - y
                    k = k + 1
                Xpolicy[x][y], Ypolicy[x][y] = 0.5 * maxU, 0.5 * maxV
        plt.quiver(Xloc, Yloc, Xpolicy, Ypolicy)
        plt.title('MDP Policy')
        return Xpolicy, Ypolicy

    def GetPolicyTreeForMDP(self):
        ''' Get the policy tree for the MDP. This is required in order for us to be able to
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height

        Uprime = self.mdp['Uprime']
        self.gm2 = nx.DiGraph()

        for a in self.g.nodes():
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            UtilVec = np.zeros(10)
            maxUtil = -float('inf')
            k, maxU, maxV = 0, 0, 0
            for u, v, d in self.g.out_edges(a, data=True):
                i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(v)
                UtilVec[k] = Uprime[j][i]
                if maxUtil <= UtilVec[k]:
                    maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                    maxU, maxV = i - x, j - y
                    bestNode = v
                    k = k + 1
            if not (maxU == 0 and maxV == 0):
                self.gm2.add_edge(a, bestNode, weight=maxUtil)
        if self.UseNetworkX == False:
            dot = write(self.gm2)
            G = gv.AGraph(dot)
            G.layout(prog = 'dot')
        return self.gm2

    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self, curNode, goal, forceGoal=False):
        if curNode == goal:
            return self.goal[0], self.goal[1]

        self.UseNetworkX = True
        import networkx as nx
            if self.UseNetworkX:
                neighborNode = self.gm2.neighbors(curNode)
                if len(neighborNode) > 0:
                    nextNode = neighborNode[0]
                    nextNode = None
                nextNode = self.pol_tree.node_neighbors[curNode]
        except KeyError:
            nextNode = None
        except nx.NetworkXError:
            nextNode = None

        if nextNode != None:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode)  # Changed this!!!
            m2 = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', goal)
            if m:
                return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
            if m2:
                return int(m2.group(1)), int(m2.group(2))

        if forceGoal == True:
            return self.goal[0], self.goal[1]
            return self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph()

    def GetPolicyTreeForMDP(self):
            import pygraphviz as gv
        except ImportError:
            print 'pygraphviz not installed'
            import networkx as nx
            self.UseNetworkX = True
        except ImportError:
            print 'networkX not installed. Please install it!'
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        Uprime = self.mdp['Uprime']
        TermStates= self.mdp['TermStates'][0]
        if self.UseNetworkX == True:
            self.gm2 = nx.DiGraph()
            self.gm2 = digraph()
        for y in range(0,height):
            for x in range(0,width):
                #if mdp['Obs'][x][y]!=1:
                if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x]): #mdp['Obs'][y][x]!=1:
                    if self.UseNetworkX == True:
        for y in range(0,height):
            for x in range(0,width):
                if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x]):
                    #if mdp['Obs'][x][y]!=1:
                    maxUtil = -float('inf')
                    UtilVec = np.zeros(20)
                    k,maxU,maxV = 0,0,0
                    if not (TermStates['x']==x and TermStates['y']==y):
                        for j in range(-1,2):
                            for i in range(-1,2):
                                #if (not(i==0 and j==0) and (x+i)>=0 and (x+i)<width and (y+j)>=0 and (y+j)<height and mdp['Obs'][x+i][y+j]!=1):
                                if (not(i==0 and j==0) and (x+i)>=0 and (x+i)<width and (y+j)>=0 and (y+j)<height \
                                    and not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x],self.gm.lat_pts[y+j],self.gm.lon_pts[x+i])):
                                    #UtilVec[k] = Uprime[x+i][y+j]
                                    UtilVec[k] = Uprime[x+i][y+j]
                                    if maxUtil<=UtilVec[k]:
                                        maxUtil = UtilVec[k]
                                        maxU,maxV = i,j
                        if not(maxU==0 and maxV==0):
                            if self.UseNetworkX == False:
                                self.gm2.add_edge(('(%d,%d)'%(x,y),'(%d,%d)'%(x+maxU,y+maxV)),wt = maxUtil)
        if self.UseNetworkX == False:
            dot = write(self.gm2)
            G = gv.AGraph(dot)
            G.layout(prog = 'dot')
        return self.gm2
    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self,curNode,goal,forceGoal=False):
        if curNode == goal:
            return self.goal[0],self.goal[1]
        self.UseNetworkX = True
        import networkx as nx
            if self.UseNetworkX:
                neighborNode = self.gm2.neighbors(curNode)
                if len(neighborNode)>0:
                    nextNode = neighborNode[0]
                    nextNode = None
                nextNode = self.pol_tree.node_neighbors[curNode]
        except KeyError:
        except nx.NetworkXError:
            nextNode = None
        if nextNode!=None:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode) # Changed this!!!
            m2 =re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)',goal)
            if m:
                return int(m.group(1)),int(m.group(2))
            if m2:
                return int(m2.group(1)),int(m2.group(2))
        if forceGoal==True:
            return self.goal[0],self.goal[1]
            return self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph(curNode)

    def FindNearestNodeOnGraph(self, curNode):
        nearest_dist = float('inf')
        nearest_node = (None, None)
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i, j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(curNode)
            x, y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            dist = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)
            if (dist < nearest_dist):
                if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i], \
                    nearest_dist = dist
                    nearest_node = (x, y)
        return nearest_node

    def GetRiskFromXY(self, x, y):
        lat, lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x, y)
        return self.gm.GetRisk(lat, lon)

    def SimulateAndPlotMDP_PolicyExecution(self,
        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.totalTime = 0
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False

        a = start
        done = False
        i = 0
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        if k >= (24 * self.gm.numDays):
            k = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
        x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
        self.finX, self.finY = start[0], start[1]
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        while (not done):
            self.numHops += 1
                bx, by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(
                    '(%d,%d)' % (int(a[0] + 0.5), int(a[1] + 0.5)),
                    '(%d,%d)' % (goal[0], goal[1]))
            except TypeError:
                bx, by = None, None
            if bx != None and by != None:
                b = (bx, by)
                #tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(bx,by)
                self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((a[0] - goal[0])**2 +
                                              (a[1] - goal[1])**2)
                if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                    self.isSuccess = True
                    done = True
                sLat, sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(a[0], a[1])
                gLat, gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(b[0], b[1])
                tStart = k + self.totalTime / 3600.
                if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                    tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
                xFin,yFin,latFin,lonFin,latArray,lonArray,depthArray,tArray,possibleCollision,CollisionReason,totalDist = \
                    self.gm.SimulateDive(sLat,sLon,gLat,gLon, self.gm.maxDepth, self.u, self.v, self.lat, self.lon, self.depth, tStart, False )
                #gm.SimulateDive(gm.lat_pts[a[1]], gm.lon_pts[a[0]], gm.lat_pts[b[1]], gm.lon_pts[b[0]], gm.maxDepth, u, v, lat, lon, depth, k)
                self.xFin,self.yFin,self.latFin,self.lonFin,self.latArray,self.lonArray,self.depthArray,self.tArray,self.possibleCollision = \
                self.totalPathLength += totalDist
                self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason

                if len(tArray > 0):
                    self.totalTime += tArray[-1]

                if possibleCollision == False:
                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    x_sims, y_sims = tempX[-1:][0], tempY[-1:][
                        0]  # TODO: This might be wrong!
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    if x_sims != [] and y_sims != []:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(x_sims, y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = x_sims, y_sims
                        self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)

                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(
                        np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                        if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                            self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(
                                tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                            self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1], tempY[-1]
                        plt.plot(tempX, tempY, lineType)
                    x_sims, y_sims = 0, 0
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach!
                    a = (x_sims[0], y_sims[0])
                    self.finX, self.finY = a
                except IndexError:
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach
                    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                i = i + 1
                if i > self.maxLengths:
                    done = True
            else:  # We did not get a policy here.
                self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
                done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False

    def InitMDP_Simulation(self,
        self.DoFullSim = False
        self.HoldValsOffMap = True
        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.totalTime = 0
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False
        self.a = self.start
        self.done = False
        self.Indx = 0
        self.lineType = lineType
        self.possibleCollision = False
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        #if startT>=(24*self.gm.numDays):
        #   startT = 24*self.gm.numDays-1
        self.startT = startT
        self.x_sims, self.y_sims = 0, 0
        self.finX, self.finY = start[0], start[1]
        self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.start[0],
        self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.goal[0],
        self.latArray, self.lonArray = [], []
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.lastLegComplete = True
        self.bx, self.by = None, None
        self.lastTransition = None

        The Re-Entrant version of the MDP - Policy Execution. 

    def SimulateAndPlotMDP_PolicyExecution_R(self,
        i = self.Indx
        tStart = self.startT
        #self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating;
        if self.lastLegComplete == True:
            self.numHops += 1
                self.lastTransition = [(int(self.a[0] + 0.5),
                                        int(self.a[1] + 0.5)),
                                       (self.bx, self.by)]
                self.bx, self.by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(
                    '(%d,%d)' % (int(self.a[0]), int(self.a[1])),
                    '(%d,%d)' % (self.goal[0], self.goal[1]))
                if PostSurfaceCallbackFn != None:
                    PostSurfaceCallbackFn(self.latArray, self.lonArray)
                self.b = (self.bx, self.by)
                self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(
                    self.a[0], self.a[1])
                self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(
                    self.b[0], self.b[1])
                self.gm.InitSim(self.sLat, self.sLon, self.gLat, self.gLon,
                                self.gm.MaxDepth, tStart, self.DoFullSim,
            except TypeError:
                self.bx, self.by = None, None
        if self.bx != None and self.by != None:
            #self.b = (self.bx, self.by)
            #self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.a[0], self.a[1])
            #self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.b[0], self.b[1])

            xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision, CollisionReason, totalDist = \
                self.gm.SimulateDive_R(simulTime) # If this is <1 it will have the same behavior as before.
            self.xFin, self.yFin, self.latFin, self.lonFin, self.latArray, self.lonArray, self.depthArray, self.tArray, self.possibleCollision = \
                xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision
            self.totalPathLength += totalDist
            self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason
            self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating
            if PostDeltaSimCallback != None:
                PostDeltaSimCallback(latArray, lonArray)

            self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((self.a[0] - self.goal[0])**2 +
                                          (self.a[1] - self.goal[1])**2)
            if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                self.isSuccess = True
                self.done = True

            if len(tArray > 0):
                self.totalTime += tArray[-1]
            self.thisSimulTime = tArray[-1]
            tStart = self.startT + self.totalTime / 3600.
            if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1

            if possibleCollision == False:
                tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),
                self.x_sims, self.y_sims = tempX[-1:][0], tempY[-1:][0]
                plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                if self.x_sims != [] and self.y_sims != []:
                    if self.lastLegComplete:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(self.x_sims, self.y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = self.x_sims, self.y_sims
                        self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                    if self.lastLegComplete:
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)
                if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                    self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)

                tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),
                if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                        self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(
                            tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                        self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1], tempY[-1]
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                self.x_sims, self.y_sims = 0, 0
                self.done = True
                return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach!
                self.a = (self.x_sims[0], self.y_sims[0])
                self.finX, self.finY = self.a
            except IndexError:
                self.done = True
                return self.totalRisk, True  # Landed on beach
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if self.lastLegComplete == True:  # Finished simulating a leg.
                i = i + 1
                #if i > self.maxLengths:
                #    self.CollisionReason = 'MaxHopsExceeded'
                #    self.done = True
            else:  # Since this is a re-entrant simulator... Get done here...
                self.done = True
        else:  # We did not get a policy here.
            self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
            self.done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False
Пример #8
class SA_Replanner(object):
    ''' Replanner - A class that executes one of two types of planners (Min-Risk or Min-Expected-Risk).
    The replanning stems from the fact that when the robot surfaces at the waypoint it thinks
    it hit, it replans and resumes execution (at-least during simulation of such a planner).
    def __init__(self,shelfName='RiskMap.shelf',sfcst_directory='./',dMax = 1.5):
        self.gm = GliderModel(shelfName,sfcst_directory) # Initializes risk, obs maps.
        self.gs = GliderSimulator(shelfName,sfcst_directory)
        self.Dmax = dMax
        self.maxLengths = 50
        self.numDays = 3
        self.acceptR = 0.6
        self.maxDepth = 60.
        self.UseNetworkX = None
            if self.UseNetworkX == None:
                import networkx as nx
                self.UseNetworkX = True
        except ImportError:
            print 'Please install networkX'
    def GetTransitionModelFromShelf(self,yy,mm,dd,numDays,posNoise=None,currentNoise=None,shelfDirectory='.'):
        """ Loads up Transition models from the shelf for a given number of days, starting from a particular day, and a given amount of noise in position and/or a given amount of noise in the current predictions. We assume these models have been created earlier using ProduceTransitionModels.
                * yy (int): year
                * mm (int): month
                * dd (int): day
                * numDays (int): number of days the model is being built over
                * posNoise (float): Amount of std-deviation of the random noise used in picking the start location
                * currentNoise (float): Amount of prediction noise in the ocean model
                * shelfDirectory (str): Directory in which the Transition models are located.
        self.posNoise = posNoise; self.currentNoise = currentNoise
        if posNoise==None and currentNoise==None:
            gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d.shelf'%(shelfDirectory,yy,mm,dd,numDays), writeback=False )
        if posNoise!=None:
            if currentNoise!=None:
                gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f_RN_%.3f.shelf'%(shelfDirectory,yy,mm,dd,numDays,posNoise,currentNoise),writeback=False)
                gmShelf = shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_%.3f.shelf'%(shelfDirectory,yy,mm,dd,numDays,posNoise), writeback=False)
        if posNoise==None and currentNoise!=None:
            gmShelf=shelve.open('%s/gliderModel_%04d%02d%02d_%d_RN_%.3f.shelf'%(shelfDirectory,yy,mm,dd,numDays,currentNoise), writeback=False) 
        self.gm.TransModel = gmShelf['TransModel']
        self.gm.FinalLocs = gmShelf['FinalLocs']
        self.gm.TracksInModel = gmShelf['TracksInModel']
        self.gModel = {}
        self.gModel['TransModel'] = gmShelf['TransModel']
    def GetRomsData(self,yy,mm,dd,numDays,UpdateSelf=True,usePredictionData=False):
        useNewFormat = True
        u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon = self.gs.gm.GetRomsData(yy,mm,dd,numDays,useNewFormat,usePredictionData)
        u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon = self.gm.GetRomsData(yy,mm,dd,numDays,useNewFormat,usePredictionData)
        self.u,self.v,self.time1,self.depth,self.lat,self.lon = u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon
        self.numDays = numDays
        return u,v,time1,depth,lat,lon
    def isOnMapRP(self,s):
        width, height = self.gm.Width, self.gm.Height
        if s[0]<0 or s[0]>=width:
            return False
        if s[1]<0 or s[1]>=height:
            return False
        return True
    def GetExpRiskForStateAction(self,state_str,action_str):
        ''' Get the expected risk for a state-action pair.We use a dictionary here to 
        perform a lookup if we have already computed this earlier.
            state (node_str) :
        OffMapNotObs = False
        state_action_str = '%s_%s'%(state_str,action_str)
        if self.SARisks.has_key(state_action_str):
            return self.SARisks[state_action_str]
            if m:
                x,y = float(m.group(1)),float(m.group(2))
            X = self.gm.FinalLocs[action_str][0]; Y = self.gm.FinalLocs[action_str][1]
            tot_cost = 0
            for i in range(0,len(X)):
                lat,lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x+X[i],y+Y[i])
                #print X[i],Y[i],lat,lon
                tot_cost += self.gm.GetRisk(lat,lon,OffMapNotObs)
            self.SARisks[state_action_str] = tot_cost
            return self.SARisks[state_action_str]
    def CreateExpRiskGraph(self):
        import networkx as nx
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()

        OffMapNotObs = False
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            for b in self.g.nodes():
                x,y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
                i,j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(b)
                if a!=b:
                    if self.gm.FinalLocs.has_key('%d,%d,%d,%d'%(x,y,i,j)):
                        expRisk = self.GetExpRiskForStateAction('%d,%d'%(x,y),'%d,%d,%d,%d'%(x,y,i,j))
                        if expRisk !=None:
                            print 'Added edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=%.2f'%(i,j,x,y,expRisk)
        return self.g
    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self,nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)',nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)),int(m.group(2))
            return None, None
    def GetNodesFromEdgeStr(self,edgeStr):
        ''' Convert from a transition model edge string to the
        respective edges on the graph
        m = re.match('([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)',edgeStr)
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = None,None,None,None
        if m:
            x1,y1,x2,y2 = int(m.group(1)),int(m.group(2)),int(m.group(3)),int(m.group(4))
        return x1,y1,x2,y2
    def CreateGraphUsingProximityGraph(self,graphType='MinExpRisk'):
        import networkx as nx
        self.g = nx.DiGraph()
        self.g = self.gm.lpGraph.copy()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            for b in self.g.nodes():
                if a!=b:
                    i,j = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a); x,y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(b)
                    if math.sqrt((i-x)**2+(j-y)**2)<=self.Dmax:
                        #print 'Considering: (%d,%d) to (%d,%d):'%(i,j,x,y)
                        if self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i],self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x])==False:
                            if graphType == 'MinExpRisk':
                                expRisk = self.GetExpRisk((i,j),(x,y))
                                if expRisk !=None:
                                    #print 'Added edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=%.2f'%(i,j,x,y,expRisk)
                                    print 'Rejected edge (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with weight=None'%(i,j,x,y)
                            elif graphType == 'MinRisk':
                                riskVal = self.gm.GetRisk(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x])
                                if riskVal!=None:
        ### If we want to write this graph out.
        #dot = write(g)
        #G = gv.AGraph(dot)
        #G.layout(prog ='dot')
        return self.g
    def CreateMinRiskGraph(self):
        A ROMS unaware planner. This planner totally avoids locations 
         # Short-circuit this!
        return self.CreateGraphUsingProximityGraph('MinRisk')
        # This is what we used to do earlier. Won't be running
        # unless we actually want it to.
        import networkx as nx
        self.g = nx.DiGraph()
        for j in range(0,self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0,self.gm.Width):
                if self.UseNetworkX:
        for j in range(0,self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0,self.gm.Width):
                for y in range(0,self.gm.Height):
                    for x in range(0,self.gm.Width):
                        if math.sqrt((i-x)**2+(j-y)**2)<=self.Dmax:
                            if self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i],self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x])==False:
                                riskVal = self.gm.GetRisk(self.gm.lat_pts[y],self.gm.lon_pts[x])
                                if riskVal!=None:
                                    if self.UseNetworkX==True:
        return self.g
    def GetShortestPathMST(self,goal):
        ''' Find the shortest path Minimum-Spanning Tree
        if self.g!= None:
            if self.UseNetworkX:
                import networkx as nx
                self.sp_mst = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.g)
                self.dist = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(self.g)
                from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
                self.sp_mst, self.dist = shortest_path(self.g,'(%d,%d)'%(goal[0],goal[1]))
            return self.sp_mst, self.dist
            print 'CreateExpRiskGraph first before calling GetShortestPathMST(goal)'
            return None, None
    def GetPathXYfromPathList(self,path2goal):
        ''' Find the path in two lists (pathX,pathY) from the string values of path-list
        pathX,pathY = [],[]
        for pathEl in path2goal:
            m = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', pathEl)
        return pathX,pathY
    def BackTrackNxPath(self,source,goal):
        source_str = '(%d,%d)'%(source[0],source[1])
        goal_str = '(%d,%d)'%(goal[0],goal[1])
            path2goal = self.sp_mst[source_str][goal_str]
        except KeyError:
            return None, None, None
        pathX,pathY = self.GetPathXYfromPathList(path2goal)
        return path2goal, pathX, pathY
    def BackTrackPath(self,mst,source):
        # source and goal are specified as tuples
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        source_str = '(%d,%d)'%(source[0],source[1])
        path2goal = []
        pathX,pathY = [],[]
        path_str = source_str  
                    path_str = mst[path_str]
            print path2goal
            pathX,pathY = self.GetPathXYfromPathList(path2goal)
        except KeyError:
                return None, None, None
        return path2goal, pathX, pathY
    def PlotMRpaths(self,goal,figHandle=None):
        if figHandle==None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            fig = figHandle
        plt.title('Plot of SA - Min-Exp Risk MST (Goal at:(%d,%d))'%(goal[0],goal[1]))
        sp_mst,dist = self.GetShortestPathMST(goal)
        for j in range(0,self.gm.Height):
            for i in range(0,self.gm.Width):
                if not self.gm.GetObs(self.gm.lat_pts[j],self.gm.lon_pts[i]):
                    if self.UseNetworkX:
                        path2goal,pathX,pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath((i,j), goal)
                        path2goal,pathX,pathY = self.BackTrackPath(sp_mst,(i,j))
                    plt.plot(pathX,pathY,'k*-') # TODO: Check why this is so!!!
        return fig
    def GetPolicyAtCurrentNode(self,curNode,goal,forceGoal=False):
        #print 'curNode',curNode
        x,y = curNode #self.GetXYfromNodeStr(curNode)
        return self.GetPolicyNxMR((x,y))
    def GetPolicyNxMR(self,curNode):
        #newcurNode = self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph(curNode,self.goal)
        if curNode == self.goal:
            return self.goal[0],self.goal[1]
        path2goal,pathX,pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath(curNode, self.goal)
        if pathX==None and pathY==None:
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            newcurNode = self.FindNearestNodeOnGraph(curNode,self.goal)
            return newcurNode
            #path2goal, pathX, pathY = self.BackTrackNxPath(newcurNode, self.goal)
            #print 'debug: ',curNode, newcurNode, pathX, pathY
        if len(path2goal)>1:
            return pathX[1],pathY[1]
            return pathX[0],pathY[0]

    def FindNearestNodeOnGraph(self,curNode,goal):
        nearest_dist = float('inf')
        nearest_node = (None,None)
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        for a in self.g.nodes():
            i,j = curNode
            x,y = self.GetXYfromNodeStr(a)
            dist = math.sqrt((i-x)**2+(j-y)**2)
            lat1,lon1 = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(i,j)
            lat2,lon2 = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x,y)
            if not self.gm.ObsDetLatLon(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2):
                    if self.dist['(%d,%d)'%(x,y)]['(%d,%d)'%(goal[0],goal[1])] < nearest_dist and dist<self.Dmax:
                        nearest_dist = self.dist['(%d,%d)'%(x,y)]['(%d,%d)'%(goal[0],goal[1])]
                        nearest_node =  (x,y)
        return nearest_node

    def GetXYfromNodeStr(self,nodeStr):
        ''' Convert from the name of the node string to the locations.
            nodeStr (string): A string in the form of '(x,y)'.
            x,y if the string is in the form expected.
            None,None if a mal-formed string.
        m = re.match('\(([0-9\.]+),([0-9\.]+)\)',nodeStr)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)),int(m.group(2))
            return None, None
    def GetPolicyMR(self,mst,curNode):
        m1 = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', curNode)
        if m1:
            if mst.has_key(curNode):
                nextNode = mst[curNode]
                if nextNode!=None:
                    m2 = re.match('\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', nextNode )
                    if m2:
                        return int(m2.group(1)),int(m2.group(2))
            return int(m1.group(1)),int(m1.group(2))
        return None,None
    def GetRiskFromXY(self,x,y):
        lat,lon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(x,y)
        return self.gm.GetRisk(lat,lon)
    def SimulateAndPlotMR_PolicyExecution(self,start,goal,mst,simStartTime,newFig=True,lineType='y-'):
        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalTime = 0.
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False

        return self.gs.SimulateAndPlot_PolicyExecution(start,goal,simStartTime,self.maxDepth,self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode)
        #---------- Moving away from running our own version of the simulation -----
        a= start
        done = False
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        if k>=(24*self.gm.numDays):
           k = 24*self.gm.numDays-1
        x_sims,y_sims = 0,0
        self.finX,self.finY = start[0],start[1]
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        while (not done):
            self.numHops += 1
                if self.UseNetworkX==True:
                    bx,by = self.GetPolicyNxMR((int(a[0]+0.5),int(a[1]+0.5)))
                    bx,by = self.GetPolicyMR(mst,'(%d,%d)'%(int(a[0]+0.5),int(a[1]+0.5)))
            except TypeError:
                bx,by = None, None
            if bx!=None and by!=None:
                b = (bx,by)
                self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((a[0]-goal[0])**2+(a[1]-goal[1])**2)
                if self.distFromGoal <=self.acceptR:
                    self.isSuccess = True
                    done = True
                sLat,sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(a[0],a[1])
                gLat,gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(b[0],b[1])
                tStart = k + self.totalTime/3600.
                if tStart>=24*self.gm.numDays:
                    tStart = 24*self.gm.numDays-1
                xFin,yFin,latFin,lonFin,latArray,lonArray,depthArray,tArray,possibleCollision,CollisionReason,totalDist = \
                    self.gm.SimulateDive(sLat,sLon,gLat,gLon, self.gm.maxDepth, self.u, self.v, self.lat, self.lon, self.depth, tStart, False )
                self.totalPathLength += totalDist
                self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason
                    #gm.SimulateDive(gm.lat_pts[a[1]], gm.lon_pts[a[0]], gm.lat_pts[b[1]], gm.lon_pts[b[0]], gm.maxDepth, u, v, lat, lon, depth, k)    
                # This will allow us to compute how far from the goal we are...
                self.xFin,self.yFin,self.latFin,self.lonFin,self.latArray,self.lonArray,self.depthArray,self.tArray,self.possibleCollision = \
                if len(tArray>0):
                if possibleCollision == False:
                    tempX,tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),np.array(lonArray))
                    x_sims,y_sims = tempX[-1:][0],tempY[-1:][0]
                    if x_sims!=[] and y_sims!=[]:
                        tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(x_sims,y_sims)
                        self.finX, self.finY = x_sims, y_sims
                        self.totalRisk+= self.gm.GetRisk(sLat,sLon)
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                        self.totalRisk+= self.gm.GetRisk(sLat, sLon)
                    tempX,tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray),np.array(lonArray))
                    if len(tempX)>0 and len(tempY)>0:
                        if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                            self.totalRisk+= self.GetRiskFromXY(tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                            self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:]
                    x_sims,y_sims = 0,0
                    return self.totalRisk,True # landed = true
                    a = (x_sims[0],y_sims[0])
                except IndexError:
                    done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True
                    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                if i>self.maxLengths:
                    done = True
                self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
                done = True
        return self.totalRisk,False
    def InitSARP_Simulation(self,start,goal,startT,lineType='r',newFig = False):
        ''' Initialize Simulation of the SARP policy execution.
            start (x,y) : tuple containing the start vertex on the graph
            goal (x,y) : tuple containing the goal vertex on the graph
            startT (int) :  time in hours for the simulation to start from
            lineType (string): matplotlib line type. defaults to 'r-'
            newFig (bool) : default=True, creates a new figure if set to true. If multiple simulations need overlaying, this is set to false.
        self.DoFullSim = False
        self.HoldValsOffMap = True
        if newFig:
            plt.title('Plotting Min-Exp Risk Ensemble')
        self.totalRisk = 0
        self.distFromGoal = float('inf')
        self.totalPathLength = 0.
        self.totalTime = 0
        self.goal = goal
        self.start = start
        self.numHops = 0
        self.isSuccess = False
        self.a= self.start
        self.done = False
        self.Indx = 0
        self.lineType = lineType
        self.possibleCollision = False
        #x_sims,y_sims = np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1)),np.zeros((24*gm.numDays,1))
        #if startT>=(24*self.gm.numDays):
        #   startT = 24*self.gm.numDays-1
        self.startT = startT
        self.x_sims,self.y_sims = 0,0
        self.finX,self.finY = start[0],start[1]
        self.sLat,self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.start[0],self.start[1])
        self.gLat,self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.goal[0],self.goal[1])
        self.latArray, self.lonArray = [], []
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.lastLegComplete = True
        self.bx,self.by = None, None
        self.lastTransition = None
        self.PolicyToGoal = [] # A new addition which uses the simulated policy to goal
                                # to have a policy look-ahead so that in case
                                # the glider does not communicate back, there is a 
                                # fall-back plan for it toward the goal.
        self.lastGoal = (None,None)

    def SimulateAndPlotSARP_PolicyExecution_R(self,simulTime=-1,PostDeltaSimCallback=None,PostSurfaceCallbackFn=None):
        ''' Simulate and plot the SARP policy execution in a re-entrant manner. This simulation is very useful
        when we want to create a movie of how things are progressing. It can be called over and over again
        after a single call to InitMDP_Simulation_
            simulTime (float) : indicates the maximum amount of time we want to simulate for in hours. Defaults to -1, which means that it will only exit after completing the simulation.
            PostDeltaSimCallback: default=None. This is a user-defined callback function which will be executed upon completion of the simulation.
            PostSurfaceCallbackFn: default=None. This is a user-defined callback function which will be executed when the glider surfaces. This might happen
            in between a surfacing.
                totalRisk (float): total risk associated with the path
                collisionState (bool): True if collided with land. False if no collision detected.
        i = self.Indx
        tStart = self.startT
        #self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating;
        if self.lastLegComplete == True:
                self.numHops += 1
                    self.lastTransition = [(int(self.a[0]+0.5),int(self.a[1]+0.5)),(self.bx,self.by)]
                    #self.bx, self.by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode('(%d,%d)' % (int(self.a[0]), int(self.a[1])), '(%d,%d)' % (self.goal[0], self.goal[1]))
                    self.bx,self.by = self.GetPolicyAtCurrentNode((self.a[0],self.a[1]),(self.bx,self.by))
                    if PostSurfaceCallbackFn != None:
                    self.b = (self.bx, self.by)
                    self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.a[0], self.a[1])
                    self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.b[0], self.b[1])
                    if (self.gLat,self.gLon)!=self.lastGoal:
                        self.lastGoal = (self.gLat,self.gLon)
                    self.gm.InitSim(self.sLat, self.sLon, self.gLat, self.gLon, self.gm.MaxDepth, tStart, self.DoFullSim, self.HoldValsOffMap)
                except TypeError: 
                    self.bx, self.by = None, None
        if self.bx != None and self.by != None:
                #self.b = (self.bx, self.by)
                #self.sLat, self.sLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.a[0], self.a[1])
                #self.gLat, self.gLon = self.gm.GetLatLonfromXY(self.b[0], self.b[1])
                xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision, CollisionReason, totalDist = \
                    self.gm.SimulateDive_R(simulTime) # If this is <1 it will have the same behavior as before.
                self.xFin, self.yFin, self.latFin, self.lonFin, self.latArray, self.lonArray, self.depthArray, self.tArray, self.possibleCollision = \
                    xFin, yFin, latFin, lonFin, latArray, lonArray, depthArray, tArray, possibleCollision
                self.totalPathLength += totalDist
                self.CollisionReason = CollisionReason
                self.lastLegComplete = self.gm.doneSimulating;
                if PostDeltaSimCallback!=None:
                self.distFromGoal = math.sqrt((self.a[0] - self.goal[0]) ** 2 + (self.a[1] - self.goal[1]) ** 2)
                if self.distFromGoal <= self.acceptR:
                    self.isSuccess = True
                    self.done = True
                if len(tArray > 0):
                    self.totalTime += tArray[-1]
                    self.thisSimulTime = tArray[-1]
                tStart = self.startT + self.totalTime / 3600.
                if tStart >= 24 * self.gm.numDays:
                    tStart = 24 * self.gm.numDays - 1
                if possibleCollision == False:
                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    self.x_sims, self.y_sims = tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:] 
                    plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                    if self.x_sims != [] and self.y_sims != []:
                        if self.lastLegComplete:
                            tempRisk = self.GetRiskFromXY(self.x_sims, self.y_sims)
                            self.finX, self.finY = self.x_sims, self.y_sims
                            self.totalRisk += tempRisk
                        if self.lastLegComplete:
                            self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)
                    if self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanAtStart':
                        self.totalRisk += self.gm.GetRisk(self.sLat, self.sLon)
                    tempX, tempY = self.gm.GetXYfromLatLon(np.array(latArray), np.array(lonArray))
                    if len(tempX) > 0 and len(tempY) > 0:
                        if self.CollisionReason == 'Obstacle' or self.CollisionReason == 'RomsNanLater':
                            self.totalRisk += self.GetRiskFromXY(tempX[-1:], tempY[-1:])
                            self.finX, self.finY = tempX[-1], tempY[-1]
                        plt.plot(tempX, tempY, self.lineType)
                    self.x_sims, self.y_sims = 0, 0
                    self.done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True # Landed on beach!
                    self.a = (self.x_sims[0], self.y_sims[0])
                    self.finX,self.finY = self.a
                except IndexError:
                    self.done = True
                    return self.totalRisk, True # Landed on beach
                    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                if self.lastLegComplete == True: # Finished simulating a leg.
                    i = i + 1
                    #if i > self.maxLengths:
                    #    self.CollisionReason = 'MaxHopsExceeded'
                    #    self.done = True
                else: # Since this is a re-entrant simulator... Get done here...
                    self.done = True
        else: # We did not get a policy here.
                self.CollisionReason = 'DidNotFindPolicy'
                self.done = True
        return self.totalRisk, False