Пример #1
def get_places_list(location, keywords, radius_mi):
    food_client = GoogleFood()
    success = food_client.create_list(location, keywords, radius_mi)
    if success:
        return food_client.get_result()
        assert False
        return None
Пример #2
 def get_places_list(self, location, keywords, radius_mi):
     if self.food_client == None:
         self.food_client = GoogleFood()
     success = self.food_client.create_list(location, keywords, radius_mi)
     if success:
         return self.food_client.get_result()
         assert False
Пример #3
class FoodGeospacial:
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = None
        self.db_client = None
        self.geocoder = None
        self.food_client = None

    def get_places_list(self, location, keywords, radius_mi):
        if self.food_client == None:
            self.food_client = GoogleFood()
        success = self.food_client.create_list(location, keywords, radius_mi)
        if success:
            return self.food_client.get_result()
            assert False

    def reset_db(self):
        assert self.db != None
        print "Dropped places collection from database."

    def query_db_lng_lat_keywords(self, lng, lat, radius_mi, keywords):
        assert type(lng) is int or type(lng) is float
        assert type(lat) is int or type(lat) is float
        assert type(radius_mi) is int or type(radius_mi) is float
        assert type(keywords) is str
        assert self.db != None
        query = SON(
                ("geoNear", "places"),
                ("near", {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [lng, lat]}),
                ("spherical", "true"),
                ("query", {"keywords": {"$regex": ".*%s.*" % keywords}}),
                ("maxDistance", radius_mi * constants.METERS_PER_MILE),
        i = 0
        for result in self.db.command(query)["results"]:
            print (
                "%s: %s - keywords '%s'"
                % (result["obj"]["name"], result["obj"]["formatted_address"], result["obj"]["keywords"])
            i += 1
        print ""
        print "Found %d documents." % i
        print ""

    def query_db_lng_lat(self, lng, lat, radius_mi):
        assert type(lng) is int or type(lng) is float
        assert type(lat) is int or type(lat) is float
        assert type(radius_mi) is int or type(radius_mi) is float
        assert self.db != None
        query = SON(
                ("geoNear", "places"),
                ("near", {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [lng, lat]}),
                ("spherical", "true"),
                ("maxDistance", radius_mi * constants.METERS_PER_MILE),
        i = 0
        for result in self.db.command(query)["results"]:
            print (
                "%s: %s - keywords '%s'"
                % (result["obj"]["name"], result["obj"]["formatted_address"], result["obj"]["keywords"])
            i += 1
        print ""
        print "Found %d documents." % i
        print ""

    def load_db(self, location, keywords, radius_mi):
        assert type(location) is str
        assert type(keywords) is str
        assert type(radius_mi) is int or type(radius_mi) is float
        i = 0
        dups = 0
        print "Searching Google Places in a %d mile radius around %s with keywords '%s'..." % (
        place_list = self.get_places_list(location, keywords, radius_mi)
        for k, v in place_list.items():
            # print "%s: %s\n" % (k,v)
            cursor = self.db.places.find({"place_id": v["place_id"]})
            if cursor.count() == 0:
                        "loc": {
                            "type": "Point",
                            "coordinates": [float(v["lat_lng"]["lng"]), float(v["lat_lng"]["lat"])],
                        "keywords": keywords,
                        "name": v["name"],
                        "place_id": v["place_id"],
                        "formatted_address": v["formatted_address"],
                        "local_phone_number": v["local_phone_number"],
                        "international_phone_number": v["international_phone_number"],
                        "website": v["website"],
                        "url": v["url"],
                i += 1
                dups += 1
        print "Added %d locations to database." % i
        if dups > 0:
            print "Found %d duplicate locations already in local database." % dups

    def connect_db(self):
        if self.db_client == None:
                self.db_client = MongoClient()
            except Exception:
                print "Could not connect to MongoDB"
                return False
            self.db = self.db_client.test_database
            # Create a Compound Index with 2dsphere index key.
            self.db.places.ensure_index([("loc", pymongo.GEOSPHERE)])
        return True

    def address_to_lat_long(self, address):
        if self.geocoder == None:
            self.geolocator = GoogleV3()
        location = self.geolocator.geocode(address)
        return location.longitude, location.latitude

    def query_db_addr(self, address, radius_mi):
        assert self.db != None
        lng, lat = self.address_to_lat_long(address)
        print "Searching DB for %.2f mile radius centered around %s" % (radius_mi, address)
        print ""
        self.query_db_lng_lat(lng, lat, radius_mi)
        print ""

    def query_db_addr_keywords(self, address, radius_mi, keywords):
        assert type(radius_mi) is int or type(radius_mi) is float
        assert self.db != None
        lng, lat = self.address_to_lat_long(address)
        print "Searching DB for %.2f mile radius centered around %s with keywords '%s'" % (radius_mi, address, keywords)
        print ""
        self.query_db_lng_lat_keywords(lng, lat, radius_mi, keywords)
        print ""