from GoogleMercatorProjection import LatLng from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor # LOCATION(S) # Further radar configuration (zoom, marker location) can be # completed under the RADAR section # primary_coordinates = -27.646381, 152.886692 # Home primary_coordinates = -27.395281, 153.119996 # Brisbane Airport wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(primary_coordinates[0], primary_coordinates[1]) primary_location = LatLng(primary_coordinates[0], primary_coordinates[1]) noaastream = '' background = 'images/grey.jpg' squares1 = '' squares2 = '' icons = 'icons-lightblue' textcolor = '#bef' clockface = 'images/clockface3.png' hourhand = 'images/hourhand.png' minhand = 'images/minhand.png' sechand = 'images/sechand.png' digital = 1 # 1 = Digtal Clock, 0 = Analog Clock # Goes with light blue config (like the default one) digitalcolor = "#50CBEB" digitalformat = "{0:%H:%M.%S}" # The format of the time digitalsize = 120
from GoogleMercatorProjection import LatLng from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(44.9764016,-93.2486732) noaastream = '' background = 'images/bb.jpg' squares1 = 'images/squares1-green.png' squares2 = 'images/squares2-green.png' icons = 'icons-darkgreen' textcolor = '#206225' clockface = 'images/clockface3-darkgreen.png' hourhand = 'images/hourhand-darkgreen.png' minhand = 'images/minhand-darkgreen.png' sechand = 'images/sechand-darkgreen.png' metric = 0 radar_refresh = 10 weather_refresh = 30 fontattr = 'font-weight: bold; ' dimcolor = QColor('#103125') dimcolor.setAlpha(192) radar1 = { 'center' : LatLng(44.9764016,-93.2486732), 'zoom' : 7, 'markers' : ( { 'location' : LatLng(44.9764016,-93.2486732), 'color' : 'red',
def __init__(self, parent, radar, rect, myname): global xscale, yscale self.myname = myname self.rect = rect self.anim = 5 self.zoom = radar["zoom"] self.point = radar["center"] self.radar = radar self.baseurl = self.mapurl(radar, rect) print "map base url: " + self.baseurl QtGui.QLabel.__init__(self, parent) self.interval = Config.radar_refresh * 60 self.lastwx = 0 self.retries = 0 self.corners = getCorners(self.point, self.zoom, rect.width(), rect.height()) self.baseTime = 0 self.cornerTiles = { "NW": getTileXY(LatLng(self.corners["N"], self.corners["W"]), self.zoom), "NE": getTileXY(LatLng(self.corners["N"], self.corners["E"]), self.zoom), "SE": getTileXY(LatLng(self.corners["S"], self.corners["E"]), self.zoom), "SW": getTileXY(LatLng(self.corners["S"], self.corners["W"]), self.zoom) } self.tiles = [] self.tiletails = [] self.totalWidth = 0 self.totalHeight = 0 self.tilesWidth = 0 self.tilesHeight = 0 self.setObjectName("radar") self.setGeometry(rect) self.setStyleSheet("#radar { background-color: grey; }") self.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.wwx = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.wwx.setObjectName("wx") self.wwx.setStyleSheet("#wx { background-color: transparent; }") self.wwx.setGeometry(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()) self.wmk = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.wmk.setObjectName("mk") self.wmk.setStyleSheet("#mk { background-color: transparent; }") self.wmk.setGeometry(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()) for y in range(int(self.cornerTiles["NW"]["Y"]), int(self.cornerTiles["SW"]["Y"]) + 1): self.totalHeight += 256 self.tilesHeight += 1 for x in range(int(self.cornerTiles["NW"]["X"]), int(self.cornerTiles["NE"]["X"]) + 1): tile = {"X": x, "Y": y} self.tiles.append(tile) tail = "/256/%d/%d/%d.png?color=3" % (self.zoom, x, y) self.tiletails.append(tail) for x in range(int(self.cornerTiles["NW"]["X"]), int(self.cornerTiles["NE"]["X"]) + 1): self.totalWidth += 256 self.tilesWidth += 1 self.frameImages = [] self.frameIndex = 0 self.displayedFrame = 0 self.ticker = 0 self.lastget = 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from GoogleMercatorProjection import LatLng from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(52.5074559, 13.144557) noaastream = '' background = 'images/berlin-at-night-mrwallpaper.jpg' squares1 = 'images/squares1-kevin.png' squares2 = 'images/squares2-kevin.png' icons = 'icons-lightblue' textcolor = '#bef' clockface = 'images/clockface3.png' hourhand = 'images/hourhand.png' minhand = 'images/minhand.png' sechand = 'images/sechand.png' metric = 1 #0 = English, 1 = Metric radar_refresh = 10 # minutes weather_refresh = 30 # minutes wind_degrees = 1 # Wind in degrees instead of cardinal satellite = 0 # show satellite image (clouds) instead of radar 0 = radar, 1 = satellite fontattr = '' # gives all text additional attributes using QT style notation # example: fontattr = 'font-weight: bold; ' dimcolor = QColor('#000000') # These are to dim the radar images, if needed. dimcolor.setAlpha(0) # see and try # Language Specific wording wuLanguage = "DL" # Weather Undeground Language code (
from GoogleMercatorProjection import LatLng from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor # LOCATION(S) # Further radar configuration (zoom, marker location) can be completed under the RADAR section primary_coordinates = 44.9764016,-93.2486732 # Change to your Lat/Lon wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(primary_coordinates[0],primary_coordinates[1]) # Location for weather report primary_location = LatLng(primary_coordinates[0],primary_coordinates[1]) # Default radar location noaastream = '' background = 'images/clockbackground-kevin.png' squares1 = 'images/squares1-kevin.png' squares2 = 'images/squares2-kevin.png' icons = 'icons-lightblue' textcolor = '#bef' clockface = 'images/clockface3.png' hourhand = 'images/hourhand.png' minhand = 'images/minhand.png' sechand = 'images/sechand.png' digital = 0 # 1 = Digtal Clock, 0 = Analog Clock digitalcolor = "#50CBEB" # Goes with light blue config (like the default one) digitalformat = "{0:%I:%M\n%S %p}" # The format of the time digitalsize = 200 # The above example shows in this way: # ( specifications of the time string are documented here: )
ynab_refresh = 15 # minutes #Drive Time Settings origin = "555 Main St., Someplace, CA 55555" # Address of the starting point for drive time calculation dest = {} dest[ "My Work"] = "555 Main St., Someplace, CA 55555" # Name and address of destination point. Can add multiple destinations to the dest dictionary dest["Another Work"] = "555 Main St., Someplace, CA 55555" traffic_refresh = 5 # minutes #Weather Settings wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(32.58240, 83.238592) #Example: LatLng(32.58240,83.238592) textcolor = '#bef' metric = 0 #0 = English, 1 = Metric radar_refresh = 10 # minutes weather_refresh = 30 # minutes wind_degrees = 0 # Wind in degrees instead of cardinal 0 = cardinal, 1 = degrees satellite = 0 # Depreciated: use 'satellite' key in radar section, on a per radar basis # if this is used, all radar blocks will get satellite images fontattr = '' # gives all text additional attributes using QT style notation # example: fontattr = 'font-weight: bold; ' dimcolor = QColor('#000000') # These are to dim the radar images, if needed. dimcolor.setAlpha(0) # see and try
from GoogleMercatorProjection import LatLng from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor wuprefix = '' wulocation = LatLng(44.9764016, -93.2486732) noaastream = '' background = 'images/clockbackground-kevin.png' squares1 = 'images/squares1-kevin.png' squares2 = 'images/squares2-kevin.png' icons = 'icons-lightblue' textcolor = '#bef' clockface = 'images/clockface3.png' hourhand = 'images/hourhand.png' minhand = 'images/minhand.png' sechand = 'images/sechand.png' metric = 0 #0 = English, 1 = Metric radar_refresh = 10 # minutes weather_refresh = 30 # minutes wind_degrees = 0 # Wind in degrees instead of cardinal 0 = cardinal, 1 = degrees satellite = 0 # Depreciated: use 'satellite' key in radar section, on a per radar basis # if this is used, all radar blocks will get satellite images fontattr = '' # gives all text additional attributes using QT style notation # example: fontattr = 'font-weight: bold; ' dimcolor = QColor('#000000') # These are to dim the radar images, if needed. dimcolor.setAlpha(0) # see and try # Language Specific wording wuLanguage = "EN" # Weather Undeground Language code (
def tick(): global hourpixmap, minpixmap, secpixmap global hourpixmap2, minpixmap2, secpixmap2 global lastmin, lastday, lasttimestr global clockrect global datex, datex2, datey2, pdy, callsign, latlon, gridsquare global gpsd #global Config global mapsloaded global radar1rect if Config.DateLocale != "": try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, Config.DateLocale) except: pass if Config.usegps == 1: Config.cur_lat = gpsd.fix.latitude Config.cur_lon = gpsd.fix.longitude Config.primary_coordinates = gpsd.fix.latitude, gpsd.fix.longitude Config.wulocation = LatLng(Config.primary_coordinates[0], Config.primary_coordinates[1]) Config.primary_location = LatLng(Config.primary_coordinates[0], Config.primary_coordinates[1]) Config.radar1['center'] = Config.primary_location # Config.wulocation = LatLng(gpsd.fix.latitude, gpsd.fix.longitude) now = timestr = Config.digitalformat.format(now) if Config.digitalformat.find("%I") > -1: if timestr[0] == '0': timestr = timestr[1:99] if lasttimestr != timestr: clockface.setText(timestr.lower()) callsign.setText(Config.callsign.upper()) latlon.setText(str(Config.cur_lat) + ' /\n' + str(Config.cur_lon)) gridsquare.setText(to_grid(Config.cur_lat, Config.cur_lon)) utmloc = utm.from_latlon(Config.cur_lat, Config.cur_lon) utmsquare.setText( str(utmloc[2]) + utmloc[3] + " " + str(format(utmloc[0], '.2f')) + "\n" + str(format(utmloc[1], '.2f'))) lasttimestr = timestr dy = "{0:%I}".format(now) if dy != pdy: pdy = dy datey2.setText(dy) if != lastday: lastday = # date sup = 'th' if ( == 1 or == 21 or == 31): sup = 'st' if ( == 2 or == 22): sup = 'nd' if ( == 3 or == 23): sup = 'rd' if Config.DateLocale != "": sup = "" ds = "{0:%A %B} {}<sup>{1}</sup> {0.year}".format(now, sup) datex.setText(ds) datex2.setText(ds) if Config.cur_lat != 0 and mapsloaded == False: objradar1.reseturls(Config.radar1, radar1rect) objradar1.start(Config.radar_refresh * 60) objradar1.wxstart() objradar2.reseturls(Config.radar2, radar2rect) objradar2.start(Config.radar_refresh * 60) objradar2.wxstart() getwx() mapsloaded = True