Пример #1
    def process_image(self, image):
        file_converter = FileConverter()
        #convert the image to byte string
        image_bytes = file_converter.png_to_jpeg(image)

        scanner = Scanner()
        #scan the image and give it a birds eye view, returns a np of pixels that makes up the image
        scan_np = scanner.scan(image_bytes)

        #extract the individual answers from the scanned test
        extractor = Extract()
        answers = extractor.get_all_answers(scan_np, 5)

        color = Color()
        bw_answers = color.all_ans_to_bw(answers)

        size = Size()
        DIM = (28, 28)
        shrunk_images = size.shrink_images(bw_answers, DIM)

        #convert the answer images to a single array, which we used in training our model
        answers_flat = file_converter.convert_images(
            shrunk_images)  #returns image as (1, 28, 28, 1) and as type float

        #now that we have a list of images of the answers as bw 1D numpy arrays,
        # we can run them through our model and grade them
        # first we need to load our model
        model_loader = ModelLoader()
        MODEL_JSON = 'models/modified_model_98.json'
        MODEL_WEIGHTS = 'models/modified_model_98.h5'
        model = model_loader.load_model_2(MODEL_JSON, MODEL_WEIGHTS)
        #compile model

        grader = Grader()
        answers = grader.get_answers(answers_flat, model)

        #get the images as a 784 (28x28) length string so we can store the data in a database
        ans_strings = file_converter.get_string_images(answers_flat)
        compressed_images = file_converter.compress_images(ans_strings)

        #add the images to database so we can create a large dataset of handwritten letters
        # storage = Storage()
        # storage.insert(answers, compressed_images)

        return answers