Пример #1
def read_output_spreadsheet(filename):
    '''Read a fit result spreadsheet as starting point for a new fit

    This can be used to tweak parameters in the fit result in cases where
    the fit got stuck in a local minimum.

    filename : string

    regions : list of :class:`Region` instances

    Abgrall93 = read_Abgrall93()
    regions = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        header = f.readline()
        filecontent = f.readlines()

    filecontent = [line.strip().split(',') for line in filecontent]

    for name, region in groupby(filecontent, lambda x: x[0]):
        r = list(region)
        regions.append(Region(r, Abgrall93=Abgrall93))

    return regions
Пример #2
def read_spreadsheet(filename):
    '''Read Gabriel's spreadsheet

    This spreadsheet lists which regions and which lines should be fitted
    together and where the lines are spaced far enough apart to be treated
    regions = []
    Abgrall93 = read_Abgrall93()
    with open(filename) as f:
        header = f.readline()
        filecontent = f.readlines()
    for line in filecontent:
        newline = line.strip().split(',')
        regions.append(Region(newline, Abgrall93=Abgrall93, oldformat=True))

    return regions
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, region, plotpath='.', printfiletype='.png'):
        '''Read Gabriel's spreadsheet

        This spreadsheet lists which regions and which lines should be fitted
        together and where the lines are spaced far enough apart to be treated
        self.plotpath = plotpath
        self.printfiletype = printfiletype

        name  = region[0][0]
        FN = region[0][1]
        if FN[0] == '"':
             FN = FN[1:-1]

        self.name = name
        self.FN = FN[0]
        self.detector = int(FN[2])
        self.start = float(region[0][2])
        self.stop = float(region[0][3])
        self.const = region[0][5]

        self.H2lines = []
        self.nonH2lines = []
        for line in region:
            print line
            if len(line) > 0:
                name, wave, absorption = interpret_line_code(line[8],
                if name[0:2] == 'H2':
                    # ignore the pos value for H2 lines.
                    # will be set from Abgrall line list
                    self.H2lines.append({'name': name, 'wave': wave, 'abs': absorption, 'fwhm': line[11], 'ampl': line[12]})
                    self.nonH2lines.append({'name': name, 'wave': wave, 'abs': absorption, 'pos': line[10], 'fwhm': line[11], 'ampl': line[12]})