Пример #1
    def test_tool_primadorac(self):

        Protein = mock.Mock()

        Protein.return_value = Protein

        Protein.get_ligand_list.return_value = ["test_ligand"]

        with mock.patch("HPC_Drug.PDB.organic_ligand.primadorac.Primadorac"
                        ) as mocked_primadorac:

            with mock.patch(
                    return_value="test_path") as mocked_abs_programpath:


                    Protein=Protein, primadorac_path="test_path", ph=7.0)


Пример #2
    def test_raise_NotImplementedError(self):

        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

            with mock.patch(

                Protein = mock.Mock()

                Protein.get_ligand_list.return_value = ["dummy_ligand"]

Пример #3
    def test_None_ligand(self):

        Protein = mock.Mock()

        Protein.return_value = Protein

        Protein.get_ligand_list.return_value = None

        with mock.patch("HPC_Drug.PDB.organic_ligand.primadorac.Primadorac"
                        ) as mocked_primadorac:

            with mock.patch(
            ) as mocked_abs_programpath:

                output = get_ligand_topology.get_topology(



                self.assertEqual(output.get_ligand_list(), None)
Пример #4
    def execute(self):
        """The execution of the pipeline"""

        #download the protein file if needed
        #repair the file
        #parse for disulf bonds, metal binding residues
        #creates a file for the protein and ions
        #and a file for any non trash organic ligand
        get_protein_pipeline = GetProteinLigandFilesPipeline(
            protein = self.protein_id,
            protein_filetype = self.protein_filetype,
            local = self.local,
            filepath = self.protein_filename,
            Protein_model = self.model,
            Protein_chain = self.chain,
            ph = self.ph,
            repairing_method = self.repairing_method,
            ligand = self.ligand_filename,
            protein_prm_file = self.protein_prm_file,
            protein_tpg_file = self.protein_tpg_file

        Protein = get_protein_pipeline.execute()
        #get .itp .tpg .prm ... files for any organic ligand
        Protein = get_ligand_topology.get_topology(
            Protein = Protein,
            program_path = self.ligand_elaboration_program_path,
            tool = self.ligand_elaboration_program,
            ph = self.ph

        if self.MD_program == None or self.MD_program_path == None:
            raise Exception('Need a MD program and a path')

        from HPC_Drug.MD import residue_renaming

        if self.repairing_method != False:
            #makes the necessary resname substitutions for the ForceField
            residue_renamer = residue_renaming.ResidueRenamer(Protein = Protein,
                                                            MD_program = self.MD_program,
                                                            substitution = self.residue_substitution,
                                                            ph = self.ph)

            Protein = residue_renamer.execute()

        if self.MD_program == 'gromacs':

            from HPC_Drug.MD.gromacs import make_top, first_opt, solv_box, hrem

            #a patch to add possible missing TER lines in pdb files
            #adressing issues #2733 and #2736 on biopython github
            #Will be removed when the issues will be solved
            with open(Protein.pdb_file, 'r') as f:
                lines = f.readlines()

            with open(Protein.pdb_file, 'w') as f:
                for i in range(len(lines)-1):
                    if lines[i][0:4] == 'ATOM' and lines[i + 1][0:6] == 'HETATM':
                        #writes a TER line on the last ATOM of each chain (not robust for not natural AA)
                        lines[i] = lines[i].strip() + '\n' + "{0:<6}{1}{2}{3}".format("TER", lines[i][6:11], ' '*6, lines[i][17:26])

            #END OF PATCH


            #Make the protein's gro and top file
            gro_top_maker = make_top.GromacsMakeProteinGroTop(Protein = Protein,
                                                    solvent_model = self.solvent_pdb,
                                                    MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)
            Protein = gro_top_maker.execute()

            #merges the protein and the ligand in a single gro and top file
            gro_top_merger = make_top.GromacsMakeJoinedProteinLigandTopGro(Protein = Protein,
                                                                        MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            Protein = gro_top_merger.execute()

            #makes a gro and top for the ligands
            Protein = update_ligands.update_ligands(Protein = Protein, chain_model_selection = False)

            only_ligand_top_gro_maker = make_top.GromacsMakeOnlyLigandTopGro(Protein = Protein,
                                                        MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                        solvent_model = self.solvent_pdb)

            Protein = only_ligand_top_gro_maker.execute()

            #makes a fast geometry optimization of the protein ligand system
            first_opt_obj = first_opt.GromacsFirstOptimization(Protein = Protein,
                                                        MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            Protein = first_opt_obj.execute()

            #make fast optimization for the only ligands files
            first_opt_only_ligand = first_opt.GromacsFirstOptimizationOnlyLigand(Protein = Protein,
                                                                    MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            Protein = first_opt_only_ligand.execute()

            if Protein.get_ligand_list() == []:
                raise RuntimeError('I could not find organic ligands in the structure\n\
                Maybe the ones you where looking for are in the important_lists.trash list\n\
                In any case I did some optimizations on your protein, hoping it will come in handy')

            elif len(Protein.get_ligand_list()) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Found more than one Ligand {Protein.get_ligand_list()}")

            #makes and optimizes a solvent box
            solv_box_obj = solv_box.GromacsSolvBoxInput(Protein = Protein,
                                                MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                box_borders = self.box_borders,
                                                box_shape = self.box_shape)

            Protein = solv_box_obj.execute()

            #create the REM input for Plumed patched gromacs
            hrem_input = hrem.GromacsHREMInput(Protein = Protein,
                                            MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                            kind_of_processor = self.kind_of_processor,
                                            number_of_cores_per_node = self.number_of_cores_per_node,
                                            use_gpu = self.use_gpu,
                                            gpus_per_node = self.gpu_per_node,
                                            number_of_replicas = self.number_of_hrem_replicas_per_battery_bound,
                                            batteries = self.bound_batteries,

            Protein = hrem_input.execute()

            #optimize a box of water
            opt_water = solv_box.OptimizeOnlyWaterBox(force_fileld = Protein.tpg_file,
                                                    solvent_model = self.solvent_pdb,
                                                    MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            only_solvent_box_gro, only_solvent_box_top = opt_water.execute()

            #create a HREM dir for the ligand
            ligand_hrem_input = hrem.GromacsHREMOnlyLigand(Protein,
                                                only_solvent_box_gro = only_solvent_box_gro,
                                                only_solvent_box_top = only_solvent_box_top,
                                                MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                kind_of_processor = self.kind_of_processor,
                                                number_of_cores_per_node = self.number_of_cores_per_node,
                                                use_gpu = self.use_gpu,
                                                gpus_per_node = self.gpu_per_node,
                                                number_of_replicas = self.number_of_hrem_replicas_per_battery_unbound,
                                                batteries = self.unbound_batteries,

            Protein = ligand_hrem_input.execute()

        elif self.MD_program == 'orac':

            from HPC_Drug.MD.orac import first_opt, solv_box, hrem, orac_seqres

            from HPC_Drug.PDB import merge_pdb

            #update the seqres with the names needed for Orac
            Protein = orac_seqres.custom_orac_seqres_from_PDB(Protein)

            #Creating a joined pdb of protein + ligand
            Protein = merge_pdb.merge_pdb(Protein = Protein)

            #makes a gro and top for the ligands
            Protein = update_ligands.update_ligands(Protein = Protein, chain_model_selection = False)

            #first structure optimization, with standard tpg and prm (inside lib module)
            first_opt_obj = first_opt.OracFirstOptimization(Protein = Protein,
                                                        MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            Protein = first_opt_obj.execute()

            #make fast optimization for the only ligands files
            first_opt_only_ligand = first_opt.OracFirstOptimizationOnlyLigand(Protein = Protein,
                                                                    MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path)

            Protein = first_opt_only_ligand.execute()

            if Protein.get_ligand_list() == []:
                raise RuntimeError('I could not find organic ligands in the structure\n\
                Maybe the ones you where looking for are in the important_lists.trash list\n\
                In any case I did some optimizations on your protein, hoping it will come in handy')

            elif len(Protein.get_ligand_list()) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Found more than one Ligand {Protein.get_ligand_list()}")
            solv_box_obj = solv_box.OracSolvBoxInput(Protein = Protein,
                                                MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                solvent_pdb = self.solvent_pdb)
            Protein = solv_box_obj.execute()

            #Create the REM input
            hrem_input_obj = hrem.HREMOracInput(Protein = Protein,
                                                MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                solvent_pdb = self.solvent_pdb,
                                                kind_of_processor = self.kind_of_processor,
                                                number_of_cores_per_node = self.number_of_cores_per_node,
                                                number_of_replicas = self.number_of_hrem_replicas_per_battery_bound)

            Protein = hrem_input_obj.execute()

            #optimize a box of only water
            solv_box_only_water = solv_box.OptimizeOnlyWaterBox(solvent_box = None,
                                                                tpg_file = Protein.tpg_file,
                                                                prm_file = Protein.prm_file,
                                                                MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                                chain = Protein.chain)

            only_water_pdb = solv_box_only_water.execute()

            #make the hrem input for the ligand
            hrem_only_ligand = hrem.HREMOracInputOnlyLigand(Protein = Protein,
                                                            solvent_box = only_water_pdb,
                                                            MD_program_path = self.MD_program_path,
                                                            number_of_cores_per_node = self.number_of_cores_per_node,
                                                            number_of_replicas = self.number_of_hrem_replicas_per_battery_unbound)

            Protein = hrem_only_ligand.execute()

            raise NotImplementedError(self.MD_program)

        return Protein